Abstract: Now-a-days, computer is not only a luxury It has been ready for public consumption since 2012
but also a necessity for every person in todays world. with the idea of making a low-cost educational
Raspberry pi is a credit-card sized computer aimed at microcomputer for students and children. The main
providing a computer to every person in the world. purpose of designing the raspberry pi board is to
Raspberry Pi is intended to provide a base on which encourage learning, experimentation and innovation for
kids can learn programming while enthusiasts can do school level students. The raspberry pi board is a
different types of commercial programming. It serves portable and low cost. Maximum of the raspberry pi
as an efficient base due to its low cost and the number computers is used in mobile phones. It enables people
of interfaces available. The Raspberry Pi can be used of all ages to explore computing, learn programming
instead of a personal computer, but with some languages like Python and can be used for many tasks
limitations due to its limited processing power. In this that a computer does, like games, browsing internet,
paper we will learn about the basics, hardware and its word processing, spreadsheets and also playing video.
implementation of RC4 algorithm using two raspberry The Raspberry Pi is manufactured in three board
pi boards to enable UART communication. configurations through licensed manufacturing deals
with Newark element14 (Premier Farnell), RS
Index Terms: Raspberry pi, credit-card sized, RC4 Components and Egoman. These companies sell the
algorithm, UART communication Raspberry Pi online. [1, 2, 3, 4]
Fig. 1:- Overview of Raspberry Pi Processor In 2006, early concepts of the Raspberry Pi were based
on the Atmel ATmega644 microcontroller. Its
The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized single schematics and PCB layout are publicly
board developed at United Kingdom. It was designed available. Foundation trustee Eben Upton assembled a
and manufactured by Raspberry Pi Foundation from UK group of teachers, academics and computer enthusiasts
with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic to devise a computer to inspire children. The computer
computer science in schools students and every other is inspired by Acorn's BBC Micro of 1981. Model A,
person interested in computer hardware, programming Model B and Model B+ are references to the original
and DIY (Do-it Yourself) projects. It acts like a models of the British educational BBC Micro computer,
computer when plugs into a computer monitor or TV, developed by Acorn Computers. The first ARM
and uses a standard keyboard and mouse.
VII. ADVANTAGES [3] Pete Sopar, Alan Dipert, Clinton Dreisbach and
It is credit-card sized single board computer. Peter Reintjes, An Introduction to Raspberry Pi
January 10, 2013.
Due to its low cost, it is affordable.
[4] Raspberry Pi Education Manual Version 1.0
Due to its size, it can be hidden anywhere,
December 2012 United Kingdom: Computing at
behind television sets, within walls etc.
School Organization
It provides high performance.
It provides basic computer functions like It will not be useful for bigger businesses that
word processing, web browsing etc. [12] already have big servers. [12]
[2] Eben Upton, Gareth Halfacree: Raspberry Pi User [10] Advantages-Disadvantages [Online]. Available:
Guide 1st edition 2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., http://sites.google.com/site/mis237groupprojectrasp
Publication, United Kingdom. berry/home/what-is-raspberry-pi/pros-and-cons-of-the-
[3] Raspberry Pi Technology [Online]. Available: