D.iffusion Processes Influenced Coniugate-Point Wave Phenomena
D.iffusion Processes Influenced Coniugate-Point Wave Phenomena
D.iffusion Processes Influenced Coniugate-Point Wave Phenomena
7, July 1968
John M. Cornwall
Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif. 90245, U.S.A.
Department of Physics, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024, U.S.A.
(Received December 1, 1967)
Radial diffusion coefficients for low-energy protons in the magnetosphere are estimated for proc
esses involving Pc 1, 2, and 3 hydromagnetic waves. These diffusion coefficients are compared to
rough estimates of diffusion due to magnetic impulses and bays, to arrive at an overall diffusion rate.
An effective loss rate for ptich-angle diffusion (caused by Pc 1) is developed, and combined with radial
diffusion to yield a nonlinear differential equation. Some estimates of expected proton flux levels are
made on the basis of this equation.
very large and limits the proton flux. When this loss steep radial dependence, as Fiilthammar has shown,
rate is combined with radial diffusion, a nonlinear comes from the very long decay time of the magnetic
differential equation results. impulses. This has the consequence that, at L = 6,
In this paper, we estimate the strength of various this type of diffusion is much too small to explain the
radial diffusion processes, and combine this informa- Davis-Williamson protons.
tion with nonlinear pitch-angle diffusion to estimate the A potentially much more important mechanism is
proton flux at various positions in the magnetosphere. related to magnetic bays, and their associated elec-
As a result, the proton flux level at saturation depends trostatic potential fields (Dungey, 1965; Fiilthammar,
only logarithmically on the radial diffusion constant, 1966a, b). Magnetic bays last from 10 to 30 min, and
which is fortunate since this diffusion coefficient is are caused by ionospheric currents that are driven
very poorly known. by electrostatic fields. Because magnetic field lines
are very nearly equipotential lines, these same elec-
trostatic fields persist to large radial distances, where
2. Radial Diffusion Processes they energize charged particles. The time scale
Table 1 depicts a quick survey of the results of this (10 to 30 min) is short compared to proton drift periods,
section, and is partly a review of other authors' work. hence (as Fiilthammar has shown) the radial diffusion
Certain diffusion processes are associated with electro- coefficient goes roughly like L 6 , at large (L?: 5) dis-
magnetic fields which are virtually pure magnetic, tances. For smaller distances, this kind of diffusion
and thus energy-conserving; table 1 carries a column is negligible because the electrostatic potential van-
for this information. ishes rapidly below subaurorallatitudes.
Fiilthammar's expression for the diffusion coef-
ficient is
2.1. Long-Time Scale Radial Diffusion Processes
These processes are reviewed by Dungey (1965), and
important work has been done by Falthammar (1965, (I)
1966a, b). We define long time as a time long com-
pared to the bounce period and cyclotron period of
the Davis-Williamson protons; thus, the primary where
effect of these processes is to violate the third adiabatic
invariant, while the first two are conserved. If these
processes were the only ones acting, then the energy E
Pn=4 L',. dr(En(L, t)En(L, t+r)) cos ruoT (2)
of an equatorial particle should be proportional to
the earth's field strength B - L- 3 by in variance of the is the power spectrum at the frequency TUDT of the
magnetic moment. azimuthal electric field E(L, t):
Many people have discussed diffusion by magnetic
impulses and sudden commencements, which have a E(L, t) = L En(L, t) cos (nwot+</>n). (3)
short rise time and long decay time (e.g., Fiilthammar, n=O
1965, 1966a, b; Nakada and Mead, 1965). The dif-
fusion coefficient as given by Nakada and Mead is In these expressions, B is the earth's magnetic field,
D- 3(L/l0) 10R~/day (Re is the earth's radius). The wo is the drift frequency, </>n a phase angle presumably
Pc 2-3 (violations of 2nd 5-45 s ................................. Yes ...................... Probably not as steep -0.5
invariant). as L.
Pc 1 (splitting of drift shells in 0.2-5 s ................................ Yes ...................... Ineffective below <1
axially asymmetric L=5.
.742 John M. Cornwall
(This expression does not include the relative varia- D= l. (Llr)2 (9)
tion of E(L)2 with L, and eq (6) should not be used 2 TD
below L = 4 or 5.) This kind of diffusion can easily
dominate magnetic impulse diffusion. In going from where Llr is a fraction of an earth radius, and TD the
(5) to (6), we have set 1 + (wDTI2) 2 = l, since T is drift time (say 1 or 2 hr). An upper limit for D might be
considerably shorter than the drift period. In the op- lR; day- 1 This sort of diffusion cannot occur below
posite limit, TwD ~ 1, we find D- V 0 , since WD- L - 2 L = 5, where the magnetosphere begins to look axially
From the crudity of the estimates of this section,
2.2. Short-Time Scale Processes it is difficult to pin down a good value for the radial
We begin by discussing very briefly certain electro- diffusion coefficient. All things considered, it is
static instabilities that can promote the fast diffusion probably fair to take D at L = 6 of the order of 1 R~lday.
of plasma across a magnetic field. Such fast diffusion It would be not at all surprising to learn that other
we term generically Bohm diffusion. Most important workers have made different (and better) estimates of
are probably the universal instabilities (see, e.g., Krall the diffusion coefficient, but the author knows of no
and Rosenbluth, 1963). Density and temperature published values for processes other than magnetic
gradients in the magnetosphere, such as might be impulses.
associated with the ring current or the plasmapause,
or fluctuations in the particle injection source, are
responsible for these universal instabilities; the 3. Combined Diffusion and Nonlinear Loss Rate
sharper the gradient, the more severe the instability. Scattering of the Davis-Williamson protons by Pc 1
Unfortunately, at the present time there are not can be described as a diffusion process acting on the
quantitative estimates appreciable to the magneto- protons' pitch angles, which causes the protons to
sphere, but the diffusion coefficient can be quite large leak into the loss cone. Because the protons themselves
in principle. This kind of diffusion is essentially the produce Pc 1 waves, the pitch-angle diffusion process
only possible important mechanism below about L = 5. is nonlinear (Cornwall, 1966; Kennel and Petschek,
we then consider processes that violate the longi- 1966). For a sufficiently strong source of protons, sat-
tudinal invariant, i.e., processes with characteristic uration occurs and the proton flux is effectively
periods near the proton bounce period of about 30 s bounded. It would be virtually impossible to combine
(for a 75-ke V proton at L = 6). The Pc 2-3 (5 to 45 s) the nonlinear partial differential equations of pitch-
fits ideally. The formulas needed to calculate the dif- angle diffusion and wave growth with a radial diffusion
fusion coefficient have already been given (Cornwall, differential equation. There is, however, a simple
1966), in an application to electrons interacting with approximation that allows us to describe pitch-angle
Pc 1. The result is diffusion by an effective nonlinear loss term, whose
Conjugate-Point Wave Phenomena 743
magnitude has recently been calculated (Cocke and where J is the omnidirectional flux in cm-2 s-1. The
Cornwall, 1967). number of protons entering the loss cone/s is
Let l(r, v, t) be the Boltzmann distribution func-
ijat a [x(l-x2)1/2De-
ax (10)
where xo is the sine of the loss angle. Experimentally,
where x (not to be confused with the spatial coordinate) I- X 2 (roughly), so we carry out the differentiation in
is the sine of the pitch angle, D = 75 (L/4)-3 s- 1, and (13), multiply by a factor representing the fraction of
2 2 (b= Pc 1 magnetic field, B
E is essentially b /B
time micfopulsations are present (say, 0.3) and as-
=earth's field). (See Cocke and Cornwall, 1967, for sume it is sufficiently accurate to replace I by }. The
details.) We propose to replace (10) by a much simpler resulting equation of the type (II) is:
-=-}A.(}) =-3XlQ2} (L)-3
al at 4
-=-A.(f)l. (II)
exp {
- 2 j lOS 4 day- 1.
X (L)-4}
To do so, we need to know some average behavior of
I and E. We can make an empirical fit to the calcula-
tions of Cocke and Cornwall; this fit is shown in figure Note the saturation effect: as j becomes large, the
l, where the data points are computer calculations, and loss rate grows exponentially.
Q is inversely proportional to the omnidirectional The next step is to add to (14) an effective source
flux j of protons. A good fit is: term from radial diffusion. On very general grounds
(Dungey, 1965; Falthammar, l%6a, b) the diffusion
4 term looks like
e(J) = 1.7 X 10- 4 exp {- 2 x
j lOS (L)- }
4. Conclusion 5. References
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(12). The work of Cocke and Cornwall (1967) may well J. Geophys. Res. 71, No.9, 2185-2199.
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the solution of (16) or a similar, more accurate equation. Dungey, J. W. (1965), Effects of electromagnetic perturbations on
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until (16) is solved numerically. It is unlikely that J Fiilthammar, C-G. (1965), Effects of electric fields on trapped
can stray too far from a dependence like L - 4 , since radiation, J. Geophys. Res. 70, No. 11, 2503-2516.
J - L - 4 means that the exponential term in (14) Fiilthammar, C-G. (1966a), On the transport of trapped particles in
the outer magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 71, No. 5, 1487-1491.
depends rather insensitively on L. This sort of radial Fiilthammar, C-G. (1966b), Coefficients of diffusion in the outer
dependence is reasonably consistent with experiment. radiation belt, Radiation Trapped in the Earth's Magnetic Field,
One major problem we have left untouched is that ed. B. M. McCormac (D. Reidel Co., Holland).
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larger than elsewhere in the magnetosphere, and may Roederer, J. G. (1967), On the adiabatic motion of energetic particles
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well be important over a very wide range of L values.