Miami Dade County Invasive Plants

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Invasive and Banned Plants of Miami-Dade County

Adrian G. B. Hunsberger
Miami-Dade County Prohibited Plants
Extensive urbanization of Miami- Dade
County has led to the introduction of Exotic pest plants. " Prohibited species may not be
numerous non-native (exotic) plants planted anywhere in [Miami-] Dade County in
into the landscape. Some of these accordance with the Landscape Code. These species
plants have become invasive in native must be removed from sites upon site
plant communities by displacing natural vegetation. development."
Within Miami- Dade County, natural control
systems are not effective in controlling the Source: The Landscape Manual, Miami- Dade
following list of pest plants. County Department of Pla nning and Zoning,
January 2001.

Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf acacia

Adenanthera pavonina Red sandlewood,
Prohibited Plants by Florida Department coralwood, redwood,
of Environmental Protection Circassian bean tree,
peacock flower-fence,
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian pine coral pea, Barbados
C. glauca Suckering Australian pride, bead tree
pine Albizia lebbeck Womans tongue,
Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth lebbeck tree, siris tree
Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton ardisia
Hygrophila polysperma Green hygro (= A. humilis)
Ipomoea aquatica Waterspinach Bischofia javanica Bishop wood, toog,
Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca, paperbark bischofia
tree, punk tree, tea tree, Casuarina spp. Australian pine,
swamp tea tree, cajeput beefwood, she oak
Mimosa pigra Catclaw mimosa Cestrum diurnum Day jessamine
Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce Colubrina asiatica Colubrina, lather leaf
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian pepper, Cupaniopsis anacardiodes Carrotwood
Christmas berry tree, Dalbergia sissoo Indian rosewood, sissoo
Florida holly Dioscorea bulbifera Air potato, bitter yam,
potato vine
Ficus altissima Banyan tree, council Included are the native plant communities which each is
tree, lofty fig, false known to invade. (All) = all plant communities, (B) =
banyan Beaches, (CW) = Coastal wetlands, (FW) = Freshwater
F. bengalensis Bengal fig, Indian wetlands, (H) = Hammocks, (P) = Pinelands, (SP) =
banyan, banyan tree, Sandy Pinelands
East Indian fig tree * also a Category I species
F. elastica Indian rubber tree,
rubber plant, Assam Bauhinia purpurea Orchid tree, butterfly
rubber tree, mountain ebony
F. microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian (H)
(= F. nitida, laurel, Malay banyan, *B. variegata Orchid tree, mountain
= F. retusa var .nitida) Chinese banyan, glossy ebony, Buddhist
leaf banyan bauhinia (H)
Flacourtia indica Governors plum, *Calophyllum antillanum Mast wood,
Madagascar plum, (= C. calaba, Alexandrian laurel,
Batoko plum, ramonchi C. inophyllum misapplied) Indian laurel, kamani,
Hibiscus tiliaceus Mahoe, sea hibiscus laurelwood, santa maria
Jasminum dichotomum Gold coast jasmine (H)
J. fluminense Jasmine, Brazilian Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle,
jasmine rose periwinkle, old
Leucaena leucocephala Lead tree, jumbie bean, maid, Cape periwinkle
tan-tan (B, SP, H)
Merremia tuberosa Wood rose, Hawaiian Epipremnum pinnatum Pathos, taro vine,
wood rose, yellow cv. aureum devils ivy, hunter's
morning glory, Ceylon robe, golden Ceylon
morning glory, Spanish creeper, ivy arum (H, P)
wood vine *Eugenia uniflora Surinam cherry, Brazil
Neyraudia reynaudiana Burma reed, cane grass cherry, cayenne cherry
Ricinus communis Caster bean, castor oil (H)
plant, palma Christi, Kalanchoe pinnata Life plant, air plant,
wonder tree floppers, love plant,
Schefflera actinophylla Schefflera, umbrella curtain plant, mother-in-
(= Brassaia actinophylla ) tree, starleaf, octopus law, good luck leaf,
tree miracle leaf, sprouting
Solanum viarum Tropical soda apple leaf, live-forever,
Thespesia populnea Seaside mahoe, portia cathedral bells (H)
tree, cork tree, false Murraya paniculata Orange jessamine,
rosewood chalcas, Chinese box,
Tribulus cistoides Puncture vine, billy- cosmetic bark tree,
goat weed, large yellow marilla, satinwood (H)
caltrop Pittosporum pentandrum (P)
Pongamia pinnata Tallow tree, ponga,
(= Derris indica ) pongam, karum tree,
Controlled Landscape plants poonga oil tree (P)
Pouteria campechiana Canistel, eggfruit, ti-es,
These plants " may not be planted within 500 feet of sapote borracho, sapote
native plant communities which they have been known amarillo (H)
to invade ". *Rhoeo spathacea Oyster plant, Moses in
(Tradescantia spathacea) the cradle, man in a
boat (P, H)

Sansevieria hyacinthoides Snake plant, L. sinense Chinese privet, hedge
(= S. trifasciata) bowstring hemp, privet
mother-in-laws tongue Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle
(P, H) Lygodium japonicum Japanese climbing fern
*Scaevola sericea Scaevola, half-flower, Lygodium microphyllum Old World climbing
(= S. taccada, beach naupaka (B) fern
= S. frutescens) Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's claw vine
*Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead, nephthyis, Manilkara zapota Sapodilla
African evergreen (H, Melia azedarach Chinaberry
P) Nandina domestica Nandina, heavenly
*Syzygium cumini Jambolan, Java plum, bamboo
jambool, jambu (H) Nephrolepis cordif olia Sword fern
S. jambos Wax jambu, rose apple, N. multiflora Asian sword fern
Malabar plum (H) Paederia cruddasiana Sewer vine, onion vine
Terminalia catappa Tropical almond, Paederia foetida Skunk vine
kamani, myrobalan, Panicum repens Torpedo grass
India almond (CW, Pennisetum purpureum Napier grass, elephant
FW) grass
Washingtonia robusta Washington palm, Psidium cattleianum Strawberry guava
Mexican fan palm (CW, P. guajava Guava
B) Pueraria montana Kudzu
Wedelia trilobata Wedelia (All) = P. lobata
Zebrina pendula Wandering jew, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy rose-myrtle
wandering zebrina, inch Ruellia brittoniana Mexican petunia
plant (All) Sapium sebiferum Popcorn tree, Chinese
tallow tree
Senna pendula Climbing cassia,
= Cassia coluteoides Christmas senna
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Solanum tampicense Wetland night shade,
aquatic soda apple
In addition to the above plant lists, the following Solanum torvum Turkey berry, susumber
plants are ranked as Category I (invading and Tectaria incisa Incised halberd fern
disrupting native plant communities in Florida) by Tradescantia fluminensis White-flowered
the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. These plants, wandering jew
as of yet, are not prohibited. Urochloa mutica Par grass
= Brachiaria mutica
Abrus precatorius Rosary pea
Albizia julibrissin Mimosa, silk tree
Ardisia crenata Coral ardisia
= A. crenulata Information compiled by
Asparagus densiflorus Asparagus-fern
Cinnamomum camphora Camphor-tree Adrian Hunsberger
Colocasia esculenta Wild taro Extension Agent II Urban Horticulture
Dioscorea alata Winged yam
Hymenachne amplexicaulis West Indian marsh Updated September 28, 2001
Imperata cylindrical Cogon grass ** These lists are subject to change. **
= I. brasiliensis
Lantana camara Lantana, shrub verbena
Ligustrum lucidum Glossy privet

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