This article is about the cat species that is commonly kept Portuguese and Spanish gato, French chat, German Katze,
as a pet. For the cat family, see Felidae. For other uses, Lithuanian kat and Old Church Slavonic kotka, among
see Cat (disambiguation) and Cats (disambiguation).
others.[14] The ultimate source of the word is Afroasiatic,
presumably from Late Egyptian aute,[15] the feminine of
aus wildcat. The word was introduced, together with
The domestic cat[1][2] (Felis catus[2] or Felis silvestris
catus ) is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and the domestic animal itself, to the Roman Republic by
carnivorous mammal. They are often called a house- the rst century BC. An alternative word with cognates
cat when kept as an indoor pet,[6] or simply a cat when in many languages is English 'puss' ('pussycat'). Attested
there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and only from the 16th century, it may have been introduced
felines. Cats are often valued by humans for companion- from Dutch poes or from Low German puuskatte, related
ship, and their ability to hunt vermin and household pests. to Swedish kattepus, or Norwegian pus, pusekatt. Similar
forms exist in Lithuanian pui and Irish puiscn. The etCats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with ymology of this word is unknown, but it may have simply
strong, exible bodies, quick reexes, sharp retractable arisen from a sound used to attract a cat.[16][17]
claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses
of cats is referred to as a clowder or a
t a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can A group [18]
a male cat is called a tom or tomcat[19]
hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human
if neutered), an unaltered female is called a
ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. (or a gib,
a prepubescent juvenile is referred to as
They can see in near darkness. Like most other mama
spayed females have no commonly
mals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of
instances, an immature or spayed
smell than humans.
female is referred to as a molly. The male progenitor
Despite being solitary hunters, cats are a social species, of a cat, especially a pedigreed cat, is its sire,[22] and
and cat communication includes the use of a vari- its female progenitor is its dam.[23] In Early Modern
ety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, English, the word 'kitten' was interchangeable with the
growling, and grunting), as well as cat pheromones, and now-obsolete word 'catling'.[24]
types of cat-specic body language.[7]
A pedigreed cat is one whose ancestry is recorded by a
Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breed- cat fancier organization. A purebred cat is one whose
ing, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree ancestry contains only individuals of the same breed.
pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the Many pedigreed and especially purebred cats are exhibbreeding of pet cats by neutering, and the abandonment ited as show cats. Cats of unrecorded, mixed ancestry
of former household pets, has resulted in large numbers are referred to as domestic short-haired or domestic longof feral cats worldwide, requiring population control.[8]
haired cats, by coat type, or commonly as random-bred,
Since cats were cult animals in ancient Egypt, they were moggies (chiey British), or (using terms borrowed from
commonly believed to have been domesticated there,[9] dog breeding) mongrels or mutt-cats.
but there may have been instances of domestication as While the African wildcat is the ancestral subspecies from
early as the Neolithic from around 9500 years ago (7500 which domestic cats are descended, and wildcats and doBC).[10] A genetic study in 2007 concluded that domes- mestic cats can completely interbreed, several intermeditic cats are descended from African wildcats (Felis sil- ate stages occur between domestic pet and pedigree cats
vestris lybica), having diverged around 8000 BC in West on one hand and those entirely wild animals on the other.
Asia.[9][11] Cats are the most popular pet in the world, The semiferal cat, a mostly outdoor cat, is not owned by
and are now found in almost every place where humans any one individual, but is generally friendly to people and
may be fed by several households. Feral cats are associated with human habitation areas and may be fed by people or forage in rubbish, but are typically wary of human
1 Nomenclature and etymology
The English word 'cat' (Old English catt) is in origin a
loanword, introduced to many languages of Europe from
Latin cattus[13] and Byzantine Greek , including
used only rarely in scientic literature,[35] because Linnaeuss binomial takes precedence.[36]
Two main theories are given about how cats were domesticated. In one, people deliberately tamed cats in a process of articial selection, as they were useful predators
of vermin.[41] This has been criticized as implausible, because the reward for such an eort may have been too
little; cats generally do not carry out commands and although they do eat rodents, other species such as ferrets or
terriers may be better at controlling these pests.[4] The alternative idea is that cats were simply tolerated by people
and gradually diverged from their wild relatives through
natural selection, as they adapted to hunting the vermin
found around humans in towns and villages.[4]
Spinal cord
5 Physiology
Cat skull
Cats are familiar and easily kept animals, and their physThe cat skull is unusual among mammals in having iology has been particularly well studied; it generally revery large eye sockets and a powerful and specialized sembles that of other carnivorous mammals, but displays
jaw.[54]:35 Within the jaw, cats have teeth adapted for several unusual features probably attributable to cats de-
ity to digest and use plant-derived nutrients, as well as certain fatty acids.[70] Despite the cats meat-oriented physiology, several vegetarian or vegan cat foods have been
marketed that are supplemented with chemically synthesized taurine and other nutrients, in attempts to produce
a complete diet. However, some of these products still
fail to provide all the nutrients cats require,[71] and diets
containing no animal products pose the risk of causing
severe nutritional deciencies.[72]
Cats do eat grass occasionally. Proposed explanations include that grass is a source of folic acid or dietary ber.[73]
6 Senses
dle wavelengths from a system other than the rods which
might be due to a third type of cone. However, this appears to be an adaptation to low light levels rather than
representing true trichromatic vision.[78]
Spaying or neutering signicantly increases life expectancy: one study found neutered male cats lived twice
as long as intact males, while spayed female cats lived
62% longer than intact females.[92]:35 Unneutered cats
in the U.S. are 4 times as likely to be hit by a car as
a neutered cat, and are 3 times more likely to require
treatment for an animal bite.[94] Having a cat neutered
confers health benets, since castrated males cannot develop testicular cancer, spayed females cannot develop
uterine or ovarian cancer, and both have a reduced risk
of mammary cancer.[97]
Despite widespread concern about the welfare of freeroaming cats, the lifespans of neutered feral cats in
managed colonies compare favourably with those of pet
cats.[98]:45[99]:1358 Neutered cats in managed colonies can
also live long lives.[100][101][102][103]
7.1 Diseases
Cats can suer from a wide range of health problems,
including infectious diseases, parasites, injuries, and
chronic disease. Vaccinations are available for many of
these diseases, and domestic cats are regularly given treatments to eliminate parasites such as worms and eas.
7.2 Poisoning
and rodent baits.[106] Cats may be particularly sensitive
to environmental pollutants.[104][107] When a cat has a
sudden or prolonged serious illness without any obvious
cause, it has possibly been exposed to a toxin.
the cats tendency to fall asleep (lightly) for a brief period.
While asleep, cats experience short periods of rapid eye
movement sleep often accompanied by muscle twitches,
which suggests they are dreaming.[120]
8.3 Fighting
However, some pet cats are poorly socialized. In particular, older cats may show aggressiveness towards newly
arrived kittens, which may include biting and scratching; this type of behavior is known as feline asocial
When ghting, cats make themselves appear more impressive and threatening by raising their fur, arching their
backs, and turning sideways, thus increasing their apparent size.[125] Often, the ears are pointed down and back
to avoid damage to the inner ear and potentially listen for
any changes behind them while focused forward. They
may also vocalize loudly and bare their teeth in an eort
to further intimidate their opponent. Fights usually consist of grappling and delivering powerful slaps to the face
and body with the forepaws as well as bites. Cats also
throw themselves to the ground in a defensive posture
to rake their opponents belly with their powerful hind
species in the area, with cats waiting in ambush outside
burrows, but tending to actively stalk birds.[144]:153
Most breeds of cat have a noted fondness for settling in
high places, or perching. In the wild, a higher place may
serve as a concealed site from which to hunt; domestic
cats may strike prey by pouncing from a perch such as
a tree branch, as does a leopard.[145] Other possible explanations include the height gives the cat a better observation point, allowing it to survey its territory. During a fall from a high place, a cat can reexively twist
its body and right itself using its acute sense of balance
and exibility.[146] This is known as the cat righting reex. An individual cat always rights itself in the same
way, provided it has the time to do so, during a fall. The
height required for this to occur is around 90 cm (3 ft).
Cats without a tail (e.g. Manx cats) also have this ability, since a cat mostly moves its hind legs and relies on
conservation of angular momentum to set up for landing,
and the tail is little used for this feat.[147] This leads to the
proverb a cat always lands on its feet.
When cats mate, the tomcat (male) bites the scru of the females
neck as she assumes a position conducive to mating known as
lordosis behavior.
A newborn kitten
Impact on birds
In the Southern Hemisphere, cats are a particular problem
in landmasses such as Australasia, where cat species have
never been native and few equivalent native mediumsized mammalian predators occurred.[187] Native species
such as the New Zealand kakapo and the Australian
bettong, for example, tend to be more ecologically vulnerable and behaviorally naive to predation by feral
cats.[188] Feral cats have had a major impact on these native species and have played a leading role in the endangerment and extinction of many animals.[189]
Cat numbers in the UK are growing and their abundance
is far above the natural carrying capacity, because their
population sizes are independent of their preys dynamics: i.e. cats are recreational hunters, with other food
sources.[190] Population densities can be as high as 2,000
individuals per km2[191] and the trend is an increase of
0.5 million cats annually.
To date, few scientic data are available to assess the impact of cat predation on prey populations. Even well-fed
domestic cats may hunt and kill, mainly catching small
mammals, but also birds, amphibians, reptiles, sh, and
invertebrates.[138][183] Hunting by domestic cats may be
contributing to the decline in the numbers of birds in urban areas, although the importance of this eect remains
controversial.[184] In the wild, the introduction of feral
cats during human settlement can threaten native species
with extinction.[178] In many cases, controlling or eliminating the populations of non-native cats can produce a
rapid recovery in native animals.[185] However, the ecological role of introduced cats can be more complicated.
For example, cats can control the numbers of rats, which
also prey on birds eggs and young, so a cat population On islands, birds can contribute as much as 60% of a
can protect an endangered bird species by suppressing cats diet.[196] In nearly all cases, however, the cat can-
not be identied as the sole cause for reducing the num- 11 History and mythology
bers of island birds, and in some instances, eradication of
cats has caused a 'mesopredator release' eect;[197] where Main articles: Cultural depictions of cats and Cats in anthe suppression of top carnivores creates an abundance cient Egypt
of smaller predators that cause a severe decline in their Traditionally, historians tended to think ancient Egypt
shared prey. Domestic cats are, however, known to be a
contributing factor to the decline of many species, a factor that has ultimately led, in some cases, to extinction.
The South Island piopio, Chatham Islands rail,[193] the
Auckland Islands Merganser,[198] and the common diving petrel[199] are a few from a long list, with the most
extreme case being the ightless Stephens Island wren,
which was driven to extinction only a few years after its
Some of the same factors that have promoted adaptive radiation of island avifauna over evolutionary time appear
to promote vulnerability to non-native species in modern time. The susceptibility of many island birds is undoubtedly due to evolution in the absence of mainland
predators, competitors, diseases, and parasites, in addition to lower reproductive rates and extended incubation
periods.[202] The loss of ight, or reduced ying ability
is also characteristic of many island endemics.[203] These
biological aspects have increased vulnerability to extinction in the presence of introduced species, such as the domestic cat.[204] Equally, behavioral traits exhibited by island species, such as predatory naivety[205] and groundnesting,[202] have also contributed to their susceptibility.
was the site of cat domestication, owing to the clear depictions of house cats in Egyptian paintings about 3,600
years old.[4] However, in 2004, a Neolithic grave excavated in Shillourokambos, Cyprus, contained the skeletons, laid close to one another, of both a human and
a cat. The grave is estimated to be 9,500 years old,
pushing back the earliest known felinehuman association signicantly.[11][221][222] The cat specimen is large
and closely resembles the African wildcat (F. s. lybica),
rather than present-day domestic cats. This discovery,
combined with genetic studies, suggests cats were probably domesticated in the Middle East, in the Fertile Crescent around the time of the development of agriculture
and then they were brought to Cyprus and Egypt.[4]
Direct evidence for the domestication of cats 5,300 years
ago in Quanhucun in China has been published. The cats
are believed to have been attracted to the village by rodents, which in turn were attracted by grain cultivated and
stored by humans.[223]
In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals, with the goddess Bastet often depicted in cat form, sometimes taking
on the war-like aspect of a lioness.[224]:220 The Romans
are often credited with introducing the domestic cat from
Egypt to Europe;[224]:223 in Roman Aquitaine, a rst- or
second-century epitaph of a young girl holding a cat is
one of two earliest depictions of the Roman domesticated cat.[225] However, cats possibly were already kept
in Europe prior to the Roman Empire, as they may have
been present in Britain in the late Iron Age.[41] DomesA few attempts to build a cat census have been made over tic cats were spread throughout much of the rest of the
the years, both through associations or national and inter- world during the Age of Discovery, as they were carried
to control shipboard rodents and as goodnational organizations (such as the Canadian Federation on sailing ships
of Humane Societies's one
) and over the net,
but such a task does not seem simple to achieve. Gen- Several ancient religions believed cats are exalted souls,
eral estimates for the global population of domestic cats companions or guides for humans, that are all-knowing
range widely from anywhere between 200 million to 600 but mute so they cannot inuence decisions made by humillion.[215][216][217][218][219][220]
mans. In Japan, the maneki neko cat is a symbol of good
According to the Humane Society of the United States, as
well as being kept as pets, cats are also used in the international fur trade,[208] for making coats, gloves, hats, shoes,
blankets, and stued toys. About 24 cats are needed
to make a cat fur coat.[209] This use has now been outlawed in the United States, Australia, and the European
Union.[210] However, some cat furs are still made into
blankets in Switzerland as folk remedies believed to help
Cats in Australia
See also
13 References
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14 External links
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GRAHAMUK, Conti, Arteitle, Hashar, Jengod, Emperorbma, RodC, Guaka, Adam Bishop, Timwi, Mbstone, Nohat, RickK, Reddi, Ww,
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Bunchofgrapes, FreplySpang, Jovianknight, RxS, Lxowle, Bikeable, Enzo Aquarius, Dwarf Kirlston, Phoenix-forgotten, Pmj, Anthiok,
Search4Lancer, Canderson7, Zoomastr, Ketiltrout, Drbogdan, Coneslayer, Sjakkalle, Behemoth, Rjwilmsi, Lars T., Fieari, Nightscream,
, Edgeware, Isaac Rabinovitch, NekoFever, Urbane Legend, Strait, PinchasC, PHenry, Hiberniantears, Quiddity, Josiah
Rowe, Linuxbeak, JHMM13, Tangotango, Sdornan, Bruce1ee, Collard, TheRingess, Kjenks, Anonymous6025, MZMcBride, Tawker, Darguz Parsilvan, FutureNJGov, Fifty, Mike Peel, StephenHudson, Vegaswikian, Funnyhat, XLerate, Oblivious, Anonymoustom, Ligulem,
Keoka, A J Luxton, Earlopogous, LjL, Brighterorange, Yug, The wub, Bhadani, Nandesuka, Hermione1980, MapsMan, Remurmur, Maurog, Sango123, SanGatiche, Mobius131186, Platypus222, Glumx, Watcharakorn, Yamamoto Ichiro, Dionyseus, FayssalF, FuelWagon,
Titoxd, ChildOfTheMoon83, SchuminWeb, Eubot, Kammerbulle, RobertG, Doc glasgow, Nihiltres, Crazycomputers, Alhutch, Vandal B, TheMidnighters, GnuDoyng, Sanbeg, Who, Avalyn, Norvy, Nivix, Chanting Fox, Jmw0000, Hottentot, Richardbooth, Hellznrg,
RexNL, Gurch, Arctic.gnome, Hannu, DevastatorIIC, Maustrauser, Adric, Preslethe, Alphachimp, Gurubrahma, Hibana, Phoenix2, GoldFer, Dsewell, Hansonc, Atchius, Sherool, Gregorik, Bornhj, Kamaldas, Ariele, JesseGarrett, Bdelisle, Gdrbot, Korg, Bgwhite,,
Andreipepe, Digitalme, Manscher, WriterHound, Therefore, Gwernol, Albrozdude, John Reiher, Bartleby, Blagh1, Peter Grey, Thodin,
Scalytail, Loco830, Turtlemouth, Equal, Xela, BurningSkull, Coldark418, Wavelength, TexasAndroid, Peregrine Fisher, JJLeahy, Freerick,
Sceptre, Saulelis, Blightsoot, Hairy Dude, Gyre, TSO1D, Rtkat3, Mahahahaneapneap, Enviroknot, Christopher Lame, Fayte, Jetheji,
Adam1213, Rs09985, RussBot, Rowan Moore, Red Slash, Sarranduin, Jumbo Snails, Dili, Spaully, Bhny, Kimberry352, Chris Capoccia, MoriyaMug, Timli, Epolk, Admiral Roo, Great Teacher Onizuka, Sinecostan, KittenKrazy, SpuriousQ, Wikispork, Aaron Walden,
Fabricationary, Drt1245, CanadianCaesar, Shawn81, Rodasmith, Hydrargyrum, Stephenb, Rintrah, Shell Kinney, Gaius Cornelius, Miskatonic, CambridgeBayWeather, Lavenderbunny, Natovr, Cryptic, Bovineone, Thesmokingmonkey, Wimt, Jammoe, MarcK, Austinmayor,
K.C. Tang, Muijzo, Andie Gilmour, Shanel, NawlinWiki, ENeville, Vekke, Fwdixon, Ethan, Nowa, Dysmorodrepanis, Wiki alf, BigCow, Msikma, BGManofID, Aeusoes1, Grafen, NickBush24, Deskana, Cquan, Jaxl, Katzenjammer, Johann Wolfgang, Trovatore, Terli, Mesolimbo, Nishantman, Ino5hiro, Nightmare X, Howcheng, Robchurch, Bubaloo, Rson-W, Ttogreh, Dureo, BirgitteSB, Lexicon,
Apokryltaros, Irishguy, Retired username, Aaron Brenneman, Lykaestria, Cbingel, Matticus78, Reward, Mithunc, Larry laptop, Rmky87,
Qviri, Ghent, E rulez, Saan, Moe Epsilon, Speedevil, PeepP, Scs, RattBoy, Misza13, Killdevil, Tony1, Alex43223, Tebokkel, Bozoid,
Tumey, Aaron Schulz, Tweeq, T, Deckiller, M2k41, Ormanbotanigi, Lockesdonkey, Mieciu K, Flapeyre, BOT-Superzerocool, Emdx,
Caspian, Olympic god, Oliverdl, Elkman, Haemo, JdwNYC, Szhaider, Werdna, JSLR, User27091, David Underdown, Ali1986, Tonywalton, Wknight94, JakkoWesterbeke, Ephemeral life, CarlosNoriegaDos, Searchme, Jcvamp, Dan Harkless, Lauriellen, Deeday-UK,
Richardcavell, Toddself, Ke6jjj, Daniel C, Leptictidium, Novasource, FF2010, Mararo, Zargulon, Jcrook1987, Zzuuzz, Ritzness, Pukachu,
T-force, Ahmednh, Jacklee, Hopfrog, Thnidu, Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry, Theda, Tabby, Scriber, JungleStatic, Redening form,
SMcCandlish, Reyk, Banana04131, Esprit15d, Dr.alf, Afrank, GraemeL, SV Resolution, JoanneB, Red Jay, Drasstic, Sitenl, Vicarious,
Corge, Fram, Churchh, Thelb4, Elfer, Anclation, Jasra, Willtron, Jaranda, Spliy, Willbyr, Wbrameld, ArielGold, Winstonwolfe, Shimonnyman, Garion96, WormNut, Kungfuadam, RG2, Ryan Fait, Madlobster, Mjroots, David Bui, Waltonob, EdX20, Iago Dali, Segv11,
OranginaMan, Rehevkor, Draicone, Samuel Blanning, Elliskev, Greeky, Nick-D, Evolver, DVD R W, CIreland, Muuttaa, Varilux, Enigmaniac, Victor falk, Eitch, That Guy, From That Show!, Quadpus, Luk, UltimatePyro, Codman, SpLoT, Attilios, Joshbuddy, A bit iy,
Hyperexcel, SmackBot, AngelovdS, Amcbride, YellowMonkey, Ganesha1, Wchriswatkins, TomGreen, Ashenai, Eric-Albert, TwilightBat, Moeron, Robotbeat, Py, Samdutton, Tom Lougheed, Tarret, Dangherous, KnowledgeOfSelf, Royalguard11, Olorin28, Hydrogen
Iodide, Grazon, Gnangarra, Unyoyega, Pgk, Saimdusan, Ramdrake, AndyZ, Bill3000, Hrumayor, Jtneill, Sciintel, Anastrophe, Delldot, Chaosfeary, OniShikio, Hardyplants, Kopaka649, PJM, Frymaster, AnOddName, Vilerage, Boris Barowski, Fnfd, Kintetsubualo,
Vanished user mdkmweir234k56us3, Inonit, Frances76, Edgar181, CPatisaul, U.Zebulon, Alana Smithy, Typhoonchaser, Alex earlier
account, Duprie37, Flannel, Xaosux, Vassyana, Aksi great, Likeitsmyjob, JFHJr, Meatmanek, Sin(PI), Gilliam, DomQ, Quidam65, Buck
Mulligan, Ohnoitsjamie, Hmains, Betacommand, Jushi, Disclaimer777, MPD01605, Carbon-16, Spacelamb, Psiphiorg, Probes, Zen Je,
Durova, Ajsh, Schmiteye, Wikicali00, Evil Twin Skippy, Chris the speller, Bluebot, PaweMM, Kurykh, Bidgee, Dycotiles, Keegan, Audacity, Dahn, Biatch, Geneb1955, SuperBuuBuu, SynergyBlades, Trebor, Rkitko, Shicoco, Jaradus, Persian Poet Gal, Andrew Chung,
Crashmatrix, VQuick, Emufarmers, MrNonchalant, Master of Puppets, Thumperward, Featherland, Greatgavini, Apeloverage, Hibernian, Aresnick, Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg, Klichka, Goldnger820, Bigbear590, Kevin Ryde, CSWarren, Ikiroid, Nbarth,
CMacMillan, Robth, Seanutbutter, Bowmanjj, Bbgirlshoot, Verrai, Yanksox, Mikker, , SillyWilly, TeN, Hgrosser, Westdan01, Deewhite, Hashbrowncipher, Brideshead, Simpsons contributor, George Ho, Nige, MKB, Zsinj, Onceler, Kotra, Can't sleep, clown will eat me,
Lottieicf, Allemannster, Jahiegel, Neilgroom, Tamfang, Tartan, WSaindon, HoodedMan, Proofreader, Atropos, Cornellgal, Skidude9950,
Kindall, Delonnette, WikiCats, JonHarder, Dryzzac, Sbauman487, God of War, TheKMan, Agilemongoose, Wes!, Brainman, Josethegeek,
VMS Mosaic, Xyzzyplugh, GeorgeMoney, Samguana, Messybeast, Mr.Z-man, Jjjsixsix, Enigma12345, Ortzinator, Seduisant, HoserHead,
Lox, Dharmabum420, Jmlk17, Allison Stillwell, Pepsidrinka, Krich, Smooth O, Radagast83, Cybercobra, Mourgan, Nakon, VonBoar,
Jackohare, T-borg, Oanabay04, TedE, Nick125, Theneworbit, Chrisfreeland, Hoof Hearted, James.kendall, Sorin frumuseanu, Anoopkn,
Gangster999, Iblardi, Shadow1, Dreadstar, Wirbelwind, M jurrens, Thegraham, Sdol, MrPenbrook, Mister Five, Rpelham, Cmr924, Xiamcitizen, Colby Peterson, Lynchiavelli, Lib3rtine, Xen 1986, Lisasmall, KeithB, ILike2BeAnonymous, Kotjze, Kendrick7, Kalathalan,
Terrasidius, Rcorlett, Parrot of Doom, Where, Zeamays, Shrumster, ElizabethFong, Jugbo, Risker, TheListUpdater, Pilotguy, Streak9,
Drmaik, Ged UK, Cat man, Beyazid, Wilt, TenPoundHammer, Ohconfucius, Koppedia, SirIsaacBrock, CIS, Madeleine Price Ball, Jojojigamobo, Itsumou, HighwayCello, Nishkid64, Yiddophile, Yohan euan o4, Art man, Rory096, Bcasterline, Krashlandon, Robomaeyhem, IgWannA, Swatjester, Quendus, Mrmouse, Dlz28, Salty!, Iball, Tallis40, Attys, Srikeit, AmeriCan, Rodney Boyd, Dbtfz, Alden452,
Soap, DireWolf, Kuru, John, AmiDaniel, JackLumber, OFX, Johanna-Hypatia, Writtenonsand, Scientizzle, The pi pirate, So9q, Iliev,
Uninvisible, Kipala, Bando26, Heimstern, Ocee, Lunarboy, CaspianKilkelly, AlanFreestyle, Timclare, Bydand, Ledmonkey, Soumyasch,
Moviejedi, Joelmills, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, This user has left wikipedia, JoshuaZ, Coredesat, Reliv1908, Devin5, Borbank,
Tomservo3000, Minna Sora no Shita, Mgiganteus1, Minglex, Cmh, Shadowoftime, Mr. Lefty, Joshua Scott, IronGargoyle, PseudoSudo,
Ktinga, Rodrigue, Neokamek, Stratadrake, Chasekorfhage, The Man in Question, Frenchcat, Ian Dalziel, Shoraru, A. Parrot, Taotd, Shamrox, JB Duece, Andypandy.UK, Davidedler, Beetstra, Muad, Catlover90, Mysterygoat, Mr Stephen, Phoxhat, SlayerK, Adenynzio, Kyoko,
Pamina, TAsunder, Eman1, Chaosmical, Xiaphias, Tenryuu, Larrymcp, Tase, Giant Blue Anteater, Waggers, SandyGeorgia, Tsength,
Cyanidesandwich, Briannewberry, NJA, Mintchocolatebear, Ryulong, Kurtle, Big Smooth, KurtRaschke, RichardF, EEPROM Eagle, Tara
Sucks, Munshkin, 626mmm, Pkarjala, H, Jose77, Racheva, Dodo bird, LaMenta3, Cao Wei, Atakdoug, Cerealkiller13, DirtyDoog, Starlingfeather, Mohamed Abdel Mageed, Nicolharper, BillHaywood, Pilipala9, Sananooreen, Sittingduckbe, Zeldafreak, Drunken Master,
Hu12, Pejman47, Cookieloo, Keith-264, Olivierd, Fluy furrball, Hetar,, Nehrams2020, Seqsea, Aaronp808, PunkRockRamone,
Iridescent, 2Wikid, JoeBot, David Eagan, Newone, MU, Sergeant Snopake, Jack4740, Theclandestineresearcher, Rubisco, Cbrown1023,
Samson1986, Rnb, Amakuru, Darth Wengle, SweetNeo85, Crater Creator, Esurnir, Marysunshine, TNLTRPB, Mr Chuckles, Jamiegollogly, Az1568, Courcelles, Airtuna08, MulhollandDriver, Nkayesmith, Scarlet Lioness, Elec, Nut Gobbler, JayHenry, Tauolunga, Tawkerbot2, Ajw2255, Yashgaroth, -Strawberry-, Bubbha, Daniel5127, Pithecanthropus, Enginear, IronChris, Inkybutton, Jeremiah913, Kevcon32, Cornlad, Charleshanon, Animo47, Amniarix, Fvasconcellos, Alice Mudgarden, Crypton23, Wtf omg bbq k thx bai, JForget,
Friendly Neighbour, Mr.Dolphin, CRGreathouse, Yourmotherschild, CmdrObot, 2happyfeet, Tanthalas39, Pauxpaux101, Lil14artist, Mfgreen, Scohoust, Crazymalaysian, SupaStarGirl, Reptile489, Rawling, Picaroon, Slyspectre, Hooray4BayGulls, Umedard, Jordanotto, Ostrich13, Jsmaye, Mizzers, Captain Wes, Batchelor, NickW557, Vbgamer45, Rmain, ShelfSkewed, Outriggr, MetaruKoneko, MarsRover,
Logical2u, Avillia, HenkeB, Old Guard, Chazsylvester, Casper2k3, Scotty.n, Liu Bei, Bort13, BigDaddy93, Skrapion, Shoefaceandahorse,
Mike 7, AAL, Wishkres, Xorex, Qwerty loser, Brian Murphy, TJDay, Rudjek, Phatom87, Samdawg84, Uopghdcbzfsdgbsdvsd, Dogman15, 4eva, BonzaiRob, Cydebot, Eroach, Hydraton31, Realnats, Trentdk, Peacebyanymeans, Reywas92, Mccojr02, Clintonboyd, Timberpussy, ClonedPickle, LarryMColeman, Steel, Mato, Phil in the 818, Bbyellow, Michaelas10, Clayoquot, Chuggsymalone, Gogo Dodo,
Bellerophon5685, Vinyanov, Dreadpiratetif, Corpx, Alvesgaspar, Llort, Lukefp, Ttiotsw, Anonymous44, ST47, Frankovich, Britannicus
Maximus, Jim Raynor, Emmajaneyoung, Murileemartin, Eu.stefan, Dancter, Srajan01, Dr unix, Rayven the Crook, FruitsAndVegetables133, Tawkerbot4, Dynaow, Alexnye, Silleegyrl, Wfoptyu, Walter Humala, DumbBOT, Alclub, Chrislk02, Poppit, Ittybittykitty2006,
Suleyman Habeeb, Invader-Zod, Ssilvers, Sirmylesnagopaleentheda, Nsaum75, Viridae, Ethansmith, TheJC, CrimiClown, Omicronpersei8,
DarkAsSin, Daniel Olsen, Blackjack48, Bulmabriefs144, Pinky sl, Coaster1983, Kirk Hilliard, Vortex Dragon, Casliber, FrancoGG, Charlieistoocute, Jcouer, Labanex, Thijs!bot, Jessemonroy650, Daa89563, Scheetor, Elfred, Ning-ning, Billysgirl69, Notrdangschool, Pajz,
Notjake13, Lmbuga, Ante Aikio, Jedibob5, Ucanlookitup, Martin Hogbin, Vidor, Steve Dufour, Hcberkowitz, Scoobi69er, Mojo Hand,
Mareoftenebrae, Y05mmason, Savasci, Chaotic nipple, Huan-jen, West Brom 4ever, John254, Tapir Terric, Zeeair, Pastafarian Nights,
SGGH, Ufwuct, X201, Dachande, 18090, ExplodingPineapple, Jagerman, Gvbn, Davidhorman, Bigbrisco, Sinn, Miller17CU94, Nwlondongal, Reswobslc, DoomsDay349, Hcobb, Iwasblueonce, Dgies, CharlotteWebb, NCSM, Srose, Big Bird, Johnwrw, TygerTyger, Joetaylorjo, Asforputin, Tomsintown, Noaa, Futurebird, Escarbot, NjtoTX, Kewday, Porqin, KrakatoaKatie, WikiSlasher, Cyclonenim, AntiVandalBot, Tmursch, Hel-ter, WinBot, Newyorkcatwhite, Warriorcats552, Yonatan, Luna Santin, Breaks30, Seaphoto, AAHoug, AnemoneProjectors, KatherineN, Opelio, Paul from Michigan, Lauriebravo, SilentWind, MontySpurling, SummerPhD, Day100, Habnabit, Masamage, Fru1tbat, Otmhewall, SingingOphelia, Lakster37, Flibjib8, Isadera, LinaMishima, Kvickly, TimVickers, Die2u2, Zweifel, Tmopkisn, Helicoptor, CForrester, Tjmayerinsf, Jwinchesterattorneyatlaw, Opcnup, Oweyface, Nipisiquit, Kilf, Kesegich, TrinnyTrue, Danger,
ZEROpumpkins, Malcolm, Tillman, Gdo01, Jwisser, Bobandlarry, Ran4, Jimj wpg, David Shankbone, Lonestar662p3, G Rose, Puppy
girl 7, Petedavo, Emmelie, Bevsta, Hassocks5489, Eamonnca1, Canadian-Bacon, Ingolfson, Golgofrinchian, Frodo90, Mina19 1919,
Rnorve, DeeBee, Woodstein52, JAnDbot, Galrdus, Dogru144, Onetime,atbandcamp, Koibeatu, DuncanHill, CATMILK101, Tombarrister, Barek, MER-C, Dsp13, Chikinpotato11, Avaya1, CyberAnth, Zenjah, Petronas, Jdenbow, Thebeatlesrockyouknow, Adjwilley,
Hello32020, Msaro, Historyisstupid, Honette, Plm209, Whiteboyday, Lightwing1988, Lucky212, Roleplayer, 100110100, Crossre 7,
Narfy8021, Dragoon de Loros, Sacralita, Dream Focus, Savant13, SilentWings, FishHeadAbcd, Haruka 3, Rothorpe, Drdak, GoodDamon,
Lillea18, Viola Tragic, Bunny-chan, ReverendDeuce, Islandrave1980, Angelofdeath275, Meeples, CuteKitten, Magioladitis, CuteLittleKittens, Connormah, Shoejar, Secret Squrrel, LittleCuteKittens, Pedro, Walloper69, LoveCat, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Test22, AniBunny,
Mattk587, Moominpedia, Ledzeppelin1, Eek! A Kitten!, KittensKittensKittens, AuburnPilot, KittyKittyCutie, TreeForce, Dentren, Hkit,
SpreadtheLuv, CutieKitten, Xiorlanth, MrKitten, MastCell, Hullaballoo Wolfowitz, Missing No Teeth, Cvislay, David Cat, Veruntio, Forgetaboutit4000, Tintin Montreal, JamesBWatson, Je f, Dkalweit, Meleh, JoDB, Keldawg113, BlueEvo2, KittensNotKittens, KiKiKoKo,
Ytrewq54321, Catmandu, Think outside the box, Metalmonkey9, Ultra920, Rivertorch, SineWave, [email protected], TeskoVirgo,
Collar2, Dogadvicer, Introbulus, Steven Walling, Jah37066, Mr. Blackout, Mapetite526, Andres balbuena, SparrowsWing, The arsonest, The arsonist, Avicennasis, Midgrid, Movingimage, Jedi knight 128, rdRuadh21, Rockinthefarm, Animum, Angel mage, Rkpatrick,
Lynxe, Ali'i, Gittens77, DanielBeaver, Allstarecho, Hellogeo, Mike Payne, Buenaparte Social Club, Zharta, Frotz, Pkail, Jsy 68, B katt
500, Knowledgender, Ollie2743, ToiletCat, Debollweevil, Mobypimpdrop, Glen, DerHexer, Theaterdude88, Shadiac, Green Owl, Megalodon99, [email protected], Esmith512, Tony in Devon, Eday 2010, Nevit, Rickyray, Joshua4, Michael K. Edwards, Chrisso8888, Cat
Boy, WLU, Salopian, TheRanger, DDHHDH3, BuyTVSrox, Lord o the dale, Dark hyena, Buttsechs, Freezingbeast, Zeno22, Pikolas,
Emil76, Smartyj, Gwern, NatureA16, Pjenkins27, Bad snwboarder33, Solongandgoodnight2006, Quietpopcorn, K9media, English91,
Hemidemisemiquaver, Waenkartoel, Kiat123, Skyhhigh, Jerem43, XxfunkmastaxX, Tonicthebrown, Cli smith, Hdt83, MartinBot,
Modern muslimah, Freezing the mainstream, Kamaki, Gandydancer, Uli 2888, Bulbasuar, Nique1287, BetBot, Mermaid from the Baltic
Sea, Digitater, J-a-m-b-o, Emperor Bohe, Jim.henderson, 57mph, Sv650madness, Pooyou, Robertja07, StephP, Rettetast, Lumberzeus,
Anaxial, Sm8900, Gidip, James.dempsey, Pepo64, Nedm87, Sk8erguy3211, Sparkles101, Zivlok, Uriel8, Icenine378, Anni anni anni, Bus
stop, CommonsDelinker, Hipvicar, BONGU SEAN, KTo288, Nono64, VirtualDelight, Iijjccoo, Ping pong, John87soccer, DBlomgren,
Smokizzy, Kittyluver, Xjam10, Koplimek, RockMFR, Rachelgendreau, Pirate Vyse, Aciccone, Gubbos, Derickthetonberry, Peterheis,
Bob Dole comes in acan, Matt57, J.delanoy, Classicalclarinet, MoiraMoira, Trusilver, Wikisarah, Youspasm69, Chris1138, Jackpocalypse,
Kellpossible, Pursey, Soakupthesun, Maurice Carbonaro, Yonidebot, Eliz81, Mrhsj, Primary Impulse, Fleiger, Boris Allen, Nishytheshy,
David2552, Jerry, Keiseth, Dasga, Thesetrixaintforkids, Ian.thomson, Reedy Bot, Zomby1292, Vanished user 342562, Abuhar, G. Campbell, Mmgsh, Lemur12, Squeezeweasel, Eka, Acalamari, Revoranii, Tdogisthebomb, Lauraishot, Ajmint, Vikesfan072, Chelski chelski,
Rocker820, Michael Daly, FrummerThanThou, Dispenser, Prince of Dharma, Fogger123, Carolfrog, Drako2, Joman726, Enuja, Ncmvocalist, Maverick423, Gddrd n, Nemo bis, Ignatzmice, Tripadler, David pulford, Cgilbert76, Koven.rm, Dyllanisawesome1, Aqqosoight,
Edityz, Zeisseng, Bubbleboy987, Morganne33, Mikael Hggstrm, Apollo65, Geagea, Skier Dude, Additional110, Needsleep99, WebHamster, Ipigott, Alphapeta, AntiSpamBot, RaptorRobot, Junafani, Vanished User 4517, Synaptics Pointing Device, 350z33, Richard D.
LeCour, VenusGoddess, Tbdorn11, Trilobitealive, Rosenknospe, SJP, Thesis4Eva, Arthurfung, Gregtzy, Selkethanson, Zorlin, Squidfryerchef, LeighvsOptimvsMaximvs, Meowkittymeow, Minesweeper.007, Student7, Tanaats, Smoky Bear, Olegwiki, Dpm12, BrettAllen,
Johndoe77, Christophore, Moster123, Plindenbaum, Mirithing, Jembay, Josh Jorgensen, WJBscribe, Aminullah, Thepoof, C-word, Jimswimmy, U.S.A.U.S.A.U.S.A., Slyferret, Beaverbroc, Evil Egg, Hexane2000, Gtg204y, Thbt, Kasimsiddiqui, Num1dgen, Pdcook, IceDragon64, Andy Marchbanks, BattlestarDT, Useight, Aleczandah, Nickhall263, Yahsway, Dkreisst, Christianzcash, Alexhubner, Xiahou,
Thismightbezach, Werty89, Idioma-bot, Spazzman06, Redtigerxyz, Tyger 2393, Speciate, TNTfan101, The Little Internet Kitty, Justin
Forbes, Black Kite, Lights, Vranak, Sam Blacketer, Deor, Caspian blue, Shiggity, VolkovBot, Chocoholicpn, Morenooso, Stevelomaka,
DagnyB, Murderbike, Derekbd, Macedonian, The Wild Falcon, Mitchdennis, Headphonos, Mr. Bouncy, Je G., Holme053, Berquaiz,
Kasd-vanaszcka, Taya540, Soliloquial, Katydidit, Ilieva, Hummercat, Flavio.brandani, FergusM1970, Mewpwn, Caleh9an, Chex monster,
Vlmastra, HiMyNameIsAndy44, Drunkenmonkey, Turtlebitch, Bighunkalove, AxL3600, Boho56, DoorsAjar, TXiKiBoT, Computerhag,
Saidfred, GimmeBot, Tarsen, Lilboy1133, Laggedbehind, Sankaritar, Kenny48, Mahaexp, Candy-Panda, Bean64, Shne, Mountain valley, Muddypuddles, Browneyedgirlkp, Johnthesher, Flying Fish0, EVIL-C44, Kyle, Jessewillem, PhilipBembridge, Jujumagumbo, Miranda, Getxsick, Justinb52, Hemi66, Swinland22, Peeplaja, Rgamsta, Khadharneth, Cihangir21, Telephone123, Nicks13, Lost Nothingness, T-bonham, Yovinedelcielo, Iceberg2229, Qxz, Someguy1221, WisJohnson, Liko81, Muleattack, Benyon3, ColinBoylett, Brie4381,
Kittys little helper, Anna Lincoln, Una Smith, Vexperiential, Thecollegekid, WfordAggie, Bass shing physicist, Corvus cornix, Sandhillcrane, Tricky Wiki44, Armlnsn, Leafyplant, The dyer man, CanOfWorms, Brian Eisley, Thekittybomb, Mzmadmike, Abdullais4u,
AllGloryToTheHypnotoad, MarkMarek, Yiggum, Pj pentagram, Seb az86556, Gingemonkey, Vgranucci, Isk84joy, Latulla, Esmehwp,
Jeeny, ARUNKUMAR P.R, Atelaes, Ghamer01, WinTakeAll, Rosco Jones, Xavcam, Chipmunk365, BrianAdler, Gurin Nicolas, Gitman00, Rakonas, Complex (de), Lerdthenerd, Warpigswitch, KurtKotzur, Katwings, Earthistyouth, Magickid1000, Synthebot, Mike harap,
Antixt, Harlemmepham, Zmiough, CoolKid1993, Anonymousboy04, Heyfool, Pernek, Meatballz, Mjrandall, Falcon8765, Clamjuice,
Polliop, Enviroboy, Catlady21, Mootiemooney, Mark The Psycho, Anna512, Orangefrogs94, Lizyo, Morthis, 1totally96, Spinningspark,
Nkimpe, Homunculus 2, Michael.Paoli, Whiteplain, Sugerdaddy, Julio7492, Insanity Incarnate, Skunkmaster, Lily15, Gilby321, Loyalgame3, Wu-zi, Mary quite contrary, Bitbut, AlleborgoBot, Grapey29, DarthBotto, Vahagn Petrosyan, Amago, DrJoeOhrt, Sigroc, Grubish,
Explosive lobotomy, Adams4num2, Radioactive akomen, CloutierFan02, Boogersnot555, Prebsol, Hmwith, Laughingcat945, Demmy,
Kbrose, TaylorLTD, Scoresby, Christine5797, Wot the jott, SieBot, Neon Fox, Shona isbister, iginnte, DollieLlama, Afrothunder222,
Nabiki87, Eeeasterbunny, Memories Past, Graham Beards, Allbook, Oz Spinner, Eoghan888, Poopynoob, Umbreonsmom, Reggae111,
Thebunnysmeow, Bradylvr123, NB-NB, Drapesx91, Virtual Cowboy, Arpose, Gerakibot, Drake7595, Mbz1, Dawn Bard, Icobi, IH81107,
Jennaelisha, The Parsnip!, SE7, Acps110, This, that and the other, Heartislove, Sicomadman, Yintan, Thecoolkid123, Ajd1091, Djscottish, Roidhrigh, Talaria20, Sashok00, Rutazere, Jenett x3, Annoyed with fanboys, Merotoker1, Calworth, Arda Xi, Voldemore, Kemdrath, Interchange88, Icedragon520, Aillema, Mr.hankythepoo, Drhoehl, Amandeep.sohi, Corey 6, SweetCarmen, Jenny Ice Cream, Gorgeousgangstaz, Henryburriam, Xxhelen7xx, Thesunlessea, Travis Evans, Osutchi, Ksmith4f, The Bipolar Anon-IP Gnome, CheeseWee,
Rhanyeia, Crowstar, Allmightyduck, Mimihitam, Telcourbanio, Bob98133, Ajlew8, Maggie the turtle, Oxymoron83, Antonio Lopez,
Ddxc, Nuttycoconut, Pmitchev, Lisatwo, Bagger007, Lightmouse, Helikophis, Boromir123, Zman0030, KittyKat1001001, RyanParis,
Grace suriel, Bean2020, Diego Grez, Gregguy, Euan27, Jay Turner, Spitre19, Maelgwnbot, H0mEiN, LonelyMarble, Cat Blaze, NastalgicCam, Sardaukar Blackfang, Jacob.jose, Witchkraut, Hamiltondaniel, Realm of Shadows, Vegetarians76213hr, Paulinho28, Iheartgsus2, Vanished User 8902317830, Starmerj14, Breeet, MichaelIvan, Freepic, Dabomb87, Florentino oro, Mapaboy, Cycle700, Lowell33, Felizdenovo, Savie Kumara, Y5nthon5a, Sf junglist, Hadseys, PerpetualSX, Dmitri1999, Asher196, Startswithj, BossOFdeath,
Angel caboodle, Invertzoo, Chignecto, Keinstein, Year 2144, Sfan00 IMG, Mcelite, ClueBot, Nathan Williams, Jbening, Haloseventeen, Stefanomencarelli, Statalyzer, Flyingdics, Sennen goroshi, GorillaWarfare, CiudadanoGlobal, Tucker001, Deanlaw, Kayemmdee,
The Thing That Should Not Be, Adri782, Artem Kramin, Plastikspork, Blaqkaudiorox, SoundBlast, Julianhall, AnteaterZot, Vinaduro,
Taroaldo, Arakunem, NPIC, Jdb00, Jevonsp, Hlemmur, Lil sazza, Drmies, Mezchanxd, Bobisbob, Bean8000, AnniesRose, Spiderpigpagano, SuperHamster, Boing! said Zebedee, Crompton70, Mezigue, Gamehero, Mynameiswigglepup, Nicksta92, Erudecorp, Mikkyk,
WhiteArcticWolf, Reiskeks, Poker face20, Parkwells, Piledhigheranddeeper, Jeremydillon, Playr2day, William Ortiz, Secret (renamed),
AnonymousPoke, Jeremiestrother, Boselector, Neander7hal, Leeheonjin, Beenagent, DragonBot, Ashleykaryn, Zaz 214, Coledraggon,
Robert Skyhawk, Mumiemonstret, Excirial, Irishrob21, Alexbot, Packerfat, Jusdafax, Robbie williams star 24576, The Winged Yoshi,
Zaxster007, Chat6, Joelnic102, Bigstu101, SkE, RockPunchX69, John Nevard, Ludwigs2, Verity1234, Gtstricky, Flutist11, Mcr4, Posix
memalign, Pravtsios, Ohainbhthin, Holden yo, Liquidblue8388, StrengthOfNations, Birdchirp, I dont know whats going on, Arjayay,
Keri uirukusu, Saraaa14, Jotterbot, Phrasia, Coolio 226, Drawn Some, Tehinternetkid, Cgrocho, FantajiFan, Tnxman307, Mr Alex,
Snacks, Piggggu, Josh Lloyd, Coryskerl, Dekisugi, Myceteae, Stavrolo, Akaala, Muro Bot, Ionlyamescapedalone, Mewtu, Healthykid,
Jibbs234, Whoisthisagain, Melon247, Goblue05131, Rui Gabriel Correia, Teraldthecat, Kyu!, Ankurtg, CelestialPanda, Aitias, Anoopan,
2, Specialone70, ApostleJoe, Wxkat, GeeAlice, Viciouslamb, Berean Hunter, Qwfp, 00brycey, Brambleberry of RiverClan, Ginbot86,
DumZiBoT, GM Pink Elephant, Josie12, Npressey1, BarretB, AlanM1, Harrypotternerd182, Zadduel86, Dancarter45, Spitre, Whoelius,
Emmette Hernandez Coleman, Pichpich, Cgallstar27, One Big Cat, Jedrzejow, Dom the barstool, Miamisweetieblack, Nanobot recurve,
Stickee, Lucas Malor, Johnmackoh, Duncan, Mavigogun, Kakashi12341234, Ummagumma86, Wut wut wut, Dthomsen8, ErgoSum88,
Ost316, IanCheesman, Berzon, Jgarland3, Bennyboots, Jagerdude14, Hiimbigdave, Ougner, NellieBly, Galzigler, AkifSarwar, Quisster,
Spoonkymonkey, A3qb27, Derekjwhitehead, Hicktunus, Bubblesmiles, Aidenisannoyed, Yes.aravind, Oregondesert, Surtsicna, Maddebow, JNSQ, D.M. from Ukraine, Falconkhe, Tubesship, Kajabla, Lorenl4, Cunard, Peter Camper, BigCatRescue, Agentburple, Denali134,
Michael1115, Iciclenet, Oppiesomes, T3h r3n3g4d3, Jafeluv, Kylearsenault, Wikifreak102, DOI bot, Beamathan, Yoenit, IllidanUmaru,
Surn simo, Queenmomcat, CycloneGU, Sumnerpaine, Gutdesign, Totakeke423, I.R Vundal, Walrusfan, Older and ... well older, Hattar393, Ryanbhoy10, Jeanne boleyn, RazzleDazzle2, Januarian Winter, Stickboy142, Fluernutter, Jamesington, Jpoelma13, Coocoobottom, Freemasonx, Ackym, CarsracBot, Spittlespat, Glass Sword, Chzz, Debresser, ChenzwBot, Zara-arush, Exor674, LinkFA-Bot, Azx2,
Cmcm7677, TehFreezer, Nickylame3, Zackpowerhousr, Santos25Q, Wikiusermike, Baryshnikov, Numbo3-bot, Peridon, Ondewelle, Cocytus Antenora, Tide rolls, William S. Saturn, Benjaminleebrackman, Lightbot, Bogeybean, Aadieu, First Light, Zorrobot, MuZemike,
Jarble, Hartz, Arikado34, Legobot, Folklore1, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Ptbotgourou, TaBOT-zerem, Legobot II, Donfbreed, Rtyi, Its Probably
Dead Now., Beeswaxcandle, Nallimbot, Santryl, Bala1608, Boksi, OregonD00d, WizardOfOz, Szajci, Cobalt327, AnomieBOT, Andrewrp,
Anne McDermott, Metalhead94, Ichwan Palongengi, Dunlough, 1exec1, Lebanonman19, Galoubet, Sappy161, Bobisbob2, Theseeker4,
Ulric1313, J.everest, Bluerasberry, Mann jess, Materialscientist, Danno uk, Citation bot, Jasbll333, Rachaelsoda, Bob Burkhardt, Vuerqex,
GB fan, DirlBot, DannyAsher, LilHelpa, Sammibug, OwnMoony, MauritsBot, Xqbot, ChicagoDilettante, Elucidate, Zad68, TinucherianBot II, Normalnative, Gigemag76, Carabera, Ajq194, 4twenty42o, A455bcd9, DownAirStairsConditioner, Vcmassimo, Wrajan1980,
Gilo1969, Ayanam2, Tad Lincoln, Jaws2022, Onecatowner, Tyrol5, Taurusrat, Almabot, Arsia Mons, Googy14, GrouchoBot, Armbrust,
, Alumnum, Shadowstep118, Ute in DC, Shirik, RibotBOT, Seeleschneider, Kcdtsg, CompliantDrone, AtxApril, Bong
Siew Fong, B webb123, Doulos Christos, KennethHan, GhalyBot, Iggy pop goes the weasel, Shadowjams, DoctorHarris21, Astatine210, Greensam74, Fredy.00, Crosscountry9, Grinofwales, Darwinius, JennKR, Goodejamesb, Bradyman, Edgars2007, GliderMaven,
FrescoBot, MaiAnnaBethBAManza, Pixi Uno, Micheletb, Tobby72, Pepper, Lothar von Richthofen, ReigneBOT, Elementalpie, Kpstewart, MLKLewis, Richard31585, Chevymontecarlo, Drakenwolf, Endofskull, Jopisjop2, Sesterpol, Finalius, Kwiki, 06twalke, Animules,
Killerbites, ZooPro, Mimzy1990, WQUlrich, Pinethicket, I dream of horses, HRoestBot, Abductive, IceTi, Tanweer Morshed, Jonesey95,
Supreme Deliciousness, Olivercatterson, Jetam2, Thesadisticcheeseburgerpickle1, Raamah, Jujutacular, Reconsider the static, Caramelldansener, Tim1357, Kgrad, FoxBot, TobeBot, Trappist the monk, Belchman, Jordgette, Train2104, TimothyDexter, Pithecanthropus4152,
Tinfoilcat, Lotje, Ladiesman2215, Vrenator, Pdoniec, Begoon, Pbrower2a, January, Duoduoduo, Aoidh, Memaster3, Like omg its karma,
Winnie890, Sunower2323, Diannaa, Fblan001, Jimmy44512, Dmj96, Lkjhgfdsa 0, Yeng-Wang-Yeh, Innotata, PleaseStand, Tbhotch,
Hans3778, FluyPug, Obankston, Chimrae, Ceimbellina, Whisky drinker, Mean as custard, RjwilmsiBot, Soupysoap, Hazelburr, Bento00,
Alph Bot, Matt-eee, Ripchip Bot, NerdyScienceDude, Balph Eubank, Salvio giuliano, Billare, Slon02, CalicoCatLover, DASHBot, Domestic Cat, Whywhenwhohow, EmausBot, Dolescum, Orphan Wiki, WikitanvirBot, Judith Merrick, Immunize, Jorge c2010, Jurvetson2, ChrisSleeps, Zollerriia, GoingBatty, ShynSpryt4, Sdicastro, Abby 96, Rayukk, Waker913, Slightsmile, CecilleTheBall, NYC Writes,
Ranisweet, Ityssvgsasdwe, Ornithikos, Kmoksy, Captaintomo, JAHelg, ZroBot, John Cline, PBS-AWB, Ida Shaw, Ofekalef, Hensel96,
Soniagm, Everard Proudfoot, Aronoel, H3llBot, 1Veertje, Lawl95, SporkBot, Christina Silverman, Zap Rowsdower, Cats2, SCStrikwerda,
SubZero..Vighu.., Alex3912, Sainsf, Nature Protector, Kindzmarauli, Dude323, Drsoxnlox, Rcsprinter123, Old-timer0, Jay-Sebastos, Intelligentsock, Patmar1, Tiaxo33, Augurar, Sheilajohzz3, Brandmeister, Coasterlover1994, Gitty gurl678, Spyguy46, Tasha9713, L Kensington, Lachlan6, Totilo, House 090909, Shelbycrow, 47SweetBirdofYouth85, Justin bieber lover:D, Emilyisawesomeyerman, JacobLouis,
Cerealkilrr, Bulwersator, Poooiiikkk, Moshi Monster Fan303, Bobbiethu, Zytesy, Alexdthekid, KingcheeseII, Ymmot53, Sure007, Monteitho, Xggiox, ChuispastonBot, Nugget4free, Froggerman321, FurrySings, AgentSni, Iketsi, CharlieEchoTango, Zlgreen, Spamelgoog,
Stekse, Metamorphosed Fossil, ClueBot NG, Catlover324, Blackprince423, Blupho, MelbourneStar, LogX, Lulurobs, Knight of Gloucestershire, Sleddog116, ThePopcornFairy, Slumzy, Robthepiper, Wdchk, Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV, Pejno Simono, Rondeauw, Indian poet,
Derf639, Darktimmy100, Beachedwhalehobo12345, Tyler hoskins, Sngarvey, DrChrissy, Calvincold, Crazymonkey1123, North Atlanticist
Usonian, MerlIwBot, Matthewgibson3321, Helpful Pixie Bot, RobertGustafson, Legoless, Curb Chain, Bibcode Bot, Lowercase sigmabot,
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FACE7, Sonasonic, Stelpa, Th3 Halt, Mark Arsten, Benzband, Pogonomyrmex, Altar, Jeancey, Seemannpaa, NotWith, Riverarvi, Maurice
Flesier, Brain696, Monkelese, Fylbecatulous, BattyBot, Moamo, Justincheng12345-bot, Tripnoted, Headshot789, HueSatLum, Cyberbot
II, Hsp90, John9215, Nick.mon, Ankarakediler, Cauterite, George Miquilena, Scientic Alan 2, Illia Connell, JYBot, Kelvinsong, Amtrakfan4, Dexbot, BearMan998, Puntino wiki, Webclient101, Mogism, Jochen Burghardt, Wayneandkarl, Nicholasemjohnson, Sammylovesyouxx, Markdarrly, OcelotHod, Lupus Bellator, Reatlas, Sonicmario22, Cam04,
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Mrstate1234, Stamptrader, Konveyor Belt, Ananiujitha, Elisemay00, Batman2341, Charmanderjosh, Youngdbrat, NinjaAlien98, Sportsguy17, Sierra-Hawk, Sam.hill7, Monkbot, Jon Jonathan, Mikaylaelmashni, BrayLockBoy, Canadianknowledgelover, WikiImprovment78,
Jaacakemonster53, Editor abcdef, Insertbadusernamehere, TeaLover1996, Jtxxtj, Trevor1881cochran and Anonymous: 2282
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