Influence of The Representation of The Distribution Transformer Core Configuration On Voltages Developed During Unbalanced Operations
Influence of The Representation of The Distribution Transformer Core Configuration On Voltages Developed During Unbalanced Operations
Influence of The Representation of The Distribution Transformer Core Configuration On Voltages Developed During Unbalanced Operations
Abstract - The object of this paper is to emphasize the three-legged core type or the five-legged core type
importance of the representation of the core available models.
configuration when seeking transients developed in a
distribution transformer under an unbalanced 3-LEG CORE TYPE TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT
Current (A)
80 0
40 -20
Current (A)
0 -40
-40 -60
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0
(file CASE-A.pl4; x-var t) c:XX0028-
Time (s)
Fig. 5 - CASE A - Earth current from the transformer
HV side.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0
(file CASE-A.pl4; x-var t) c:SBSTB -HVB c:SBSTC -HVC Hence after opening the two poles of the circuit
Time (s)
breaker, voltage applied to phase A results in magnetically
induced voltages in the two apparently de-energised phases
Fig. 3 - CASE A - Phases B and C currents. B and C.
The magnitudes of the line-to-ground voltages induced
in phases B and C depend on the circuit parameters, i.e. the
zero sequence transformer magnetising inductance, the
120 underground cable capacitance, the transformer losses and
[kV] the load.
Line-to-ground voltage waveforms in phases B and C
reach values that exceed the rated voltage for more than
four times (440 kV peak value > 4 p.u. value), as depicted
in Fig. 7. It can also be observed that the voltage
Voltage ( kV)
X Eq
The current flowing to earth from the neutral point of EA
the transformer HV side can be seen in Fig. 5. Lm Cc UA
Current and voltage waveforms show how the core gets
in and out from the saturation region. 1:1
CASE B: Results Lm 3 L0
Voltage ( kV)
Current ( A)
0 0
-120 -700
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0
(file case-b.pl4; x-var t) v:SBSTA
Time (s) (file case-b.pl4; x-var t) c:SBSTA -HVA Time (s)
250 350
Current ( A)
125 175
Voltage ( kV)
0 0
-125 -175
-250 -350
-375 -525
-500 -700
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0
(file case-b.pl4; x-var t) v:SBSTB Time (s) (file case-b.pl4; x-var t) c:SBSTB -HVB Time (s)
250 350
Current ( A)
125 175
Voltage ( kV)
-500 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0
(file case-b.pl4; x-var t) c:SBSTC-HVC
(file case-b.pl4; x-var t) v:SBSTC Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 7 - CASE B - Phases A, B and C line-to-ground Fig. 8 - CASE B - Phases A, B and C current
voltage waveforms. waveforms.
250.0 phase B
To understand the cause of such high voltages and the
187.5 presence of the low frequency modulation the equivalent
circuit shown in Fig. 6 will be analyzed. Transformer
125.0 losses and transformer leakage inductance have not been
depicted in the figure, in order to make it simpler.
Current ( A)
sequence transformer magnetising inductance and the
excitation voltage, considering the following fasorial
-62.5 relation (1).
EA = U3L0 UB UC (1)
where EA is the equivalent source terminal excitation
-250.0 voltage on phase A, U3L0 is the voltage drop across the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0
three-time zero sequence transformer magnetising
(file CASE-B.pl4; x-var t) c:X0028C-
factors: 1 0,105 inductance, UB and UC are the line-to-ground voltages at
offsets: 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 Time (s) the HV transformer phase B and C terminals, respectively.
This series circuit has a resonance frequency near
Fig. 9 - CASE B - Phases B and C magnetising current 45 Hz, which can be determined using (2) and available
waveforms reflected on HV side. data.
f = (2)
2 3L0 2
[A] where f is the resonance frequency of the series equivalent
Since at the excitation frequency, 50 Hz, this circuit is
close to its oscillation frequency it could be expected
important overvoltages in the middle points of the series
Current ( A)
LC circuit. Furthermore, these line-to ground overvoltages
0 UB and UC, applied to the non-linear magnetizing
inductance (Lm) in phases B and C cause core saturation,
-400 and consequently increase the overvoltages even more.
The core saturation condition can be observed through
-800 the current waveforms of phases B and C magnetizing
current, shown in Fig. 9.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t[s] 1.0 V. CONCLUSIONS
(file case-b.pl4; x-var t) c:XX0030- Time (s)
When the distribution transformer core configuration
Fig. 10 - CASE B - Earth current from the transformer HV influence is underestimated, choosing a five legged core
side. configuration representation instead of a three legged one,
could lead to overlook overvoltages and saturation additional protective action, may affect the transformer
conditions that in a real distribution transformer with a insulation.
three-legged core type may occur under unbalanced A real case confirms the overvoltages predicted
excitation. considering that serious damage were registered in a
Although neither the five-legged nor the three-legged lightly loaded three-phase three-legged core form
core type configuration selected models represent magnetic distribution transformer when one pole remained closed
coupling among phases properly, the equivalent electric after an anomalous three-phase circuit breaker opening
circuit employed by the second one reproduces, in some operation.
way, through the zero sequence magnetising inductance To sum up, the representation of the special behaviour
the magnetic coupling among phases. Therefore this model of the three-legged core configuration under zero sequence
is more appropriate to make evident the overvoltages that excitation conditions becomes essential for the system
could occur on the other two phases involving the cable being analysed. The three-legged representation available
capacitance and the non-linear behaviour of the core. from the ATP seems to show, in this case, a better
The five-legged core type available model definitely performance to reveal the abnormal conditions that stress
fails to reproduce voltages induced over the two other the transformer, than the five-legged representation also
phases as well as the non-linear phenomena developed on available in the ATP.
such phases.
In the case under study several different circumstances
appeared and were responsible for the overvoltages VI. REFERENCES
developed over the two apparently de-energised
transformer phases. First of all it is worth to be mentioned [1] R. Iravani et al., Modelling Guidelines for Low
the unbalance condition that excites the low zero sequence Frequency Transients, IEEE PES Special
magnetising inductance that this kind of core configuration Publication Modelling and Analysis of System
presents. Then it is also important to mention the series LC Transients 99TP133-0, 1998, pp.3-1/3-29.
circuit near resonant conditions which result in high [2] Phillipe Ferracci, Ferrorresonance, Cahier
voltages exciting the non-linear behaviour of the Technique Schneider n190, March 1998.
transformer core. Finally the lack of damping, cause of [3] Bonneville Power Administration, Electromagnetic
long permanence of high voltages that, without any Transients Program Rule Book, Portland, Oregon,
April 1982.