Computer Science 9 2017
Computer Science 9 2017
Computer Science 9 2017
Textbook of
Computer Science Grade - 9
This Unit Fundamentals of Computer covers a foundational understanding of computer
hardware and software along with how to get the most value and impact from computer
technology. In this unit the history of computer is discussed so that students can understand
how computers have evolved from very simple calculating devices to the modern electronic
computing. It also provides material on application of computers in various fields to describe the
role of computer in modern society and its impact on our daily life.
1 Fundamentals of Computer 9
an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes it under
the control of set of instructions (called program), gives the result (output), and saves it for the
future use. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. It processes data at very high
speed according to the instructions given to it and produces accurate results. The instructions
given to a computer to perform a particular task is known as computer program. Computer
processing system is shown in Fig.1-1.
Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician invented a
calculating machine called Pascaline in 1642 when he was
only 19 years old. Pascaline used rotating wheels as shown in
Fig.1-4. Each wheel had ten parts having digits from 0 to 9.
Calculations were performed by the rotation of wheels. When
one wheel completes a rotation, the next wheel moves by one
digit. It had a number of small slots for displaying the result. It
Fig.1-4 Pascaline
could perform addition and subtraction on whole numbers.
Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
In 1822, the English mathematician Charles Babbage
started working on a big calculating machine about the size
of a room. He called it Difference Engine.
Babbage worked for many years on this machine but he could
not complete it. Later, he came up with idea of Analytical
Engine which is shown in Fig.1-5. He could not complete it
because the technology was not advanced enough but he laid
Fig.1-5 Analytical Engine the foundation stone of modern digital computers. Todays
modern digital computers are based on the idea of analytical
engine. Charles Babbage is known as the father of modern
digital computers.
Hollerith Desk
In 1890, Herman Hollerith built a tabulating machine called
Hollerith Desk as shown in Fig.1-6. This machine was
invented to help with the census of 1890 in America. Hollerith
Desk consisted of a card reader which sensed the holes in
Fig.1-6 Hollerith Desk the cards, a gear driven mechanism which could count and a
large set of dial indicators to display the results. After building
Hollerith Desk, Hollerith started a company by the name of Tabulating Machine Company.
Eventually this company changed its name to International Business Machines (IBM).
Slide Rule
Based on the idea of logarithm, English
mathematician, William Oughtred developed a
device called Slid Rule in 1920s. It was very
useful for solving problems that involved
Fifth generation computes are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In the fifth generation of computers, AI will minimize the need to write programs.
These computers will allow users to give commands in any natural language such as
Examples of fifth generation computers are robots and expert systems.
On the basis of data representation, processing, Input and Output, Computers can be
classified into the following three types.
Analog Computers
Digital Computers
Hybrid Computers
Analog Computers
Analog computers represent and process data by
measuring quantities such as voltage and current to solve
a problem. They work on supply of continuous signals as
input and display output simultaneously. Analog
computers are special purpose devices, designed to
Fig.1-13 Analog computer perform single specific task. Mostly these devices are
used in engineering and scientific applications. The
accuracy of analog computers is low but they are faster in speed as compared to digital
computers. They mainly consist of electrical devices such as resisters, capacitors, transistors,
etc. An analog computer with volt meter is shown in Fig.1-13.
Digital Computer
Digital computer works with digits. Everything in a digital computer is represented with
binary digits 0s and 1s. It manipulates them at very fast speed. Data and instructions are fed into
the digital computer through an input device in the form of 0s and 1s. The computer performs
calculations on data according to the
instructions given in a computer program. The
results of calculations are displayed on
monitor or printed on printer. A digital
computer is shown in Fig.1-14.
Digital computers can store and process
large amount of information at high speed.
The results produced by digital computers are
reliable and accurate. Digital computers are
general-purpose computers, used in various
Fig.1-14 Digital Computer
1 Fundamentals of Computer 15
Hybrid Computers
Hybrid computers are the combination of analog and
digital computers. They combine the characteristics of both
analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are mainly
used for scientific applications. These computers are used in
spaceships, missile systems, scientific research, hospitals and
for controlling industrial processes.
A hybrid computer known as Vital Sign Monitoring Unit is
shown in Fig.1-15. It is used in hospitals to monitor patients
important data such as blood pressure, temperature, respiration Fig.1-15 A Hybrid Computer
(Vital Sign Monitoring Unit)
and heartbeat.
Digital computers are classified into mainframe, minicomputer and microcomputer based
on their size, speed, storage capacity and the number of users they can support.
Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers were developed in early 1940s. A mainframe computer is a very large,
very powerful and expensive computer that can support hundreds and even thousands of users
at the same time. Therefore, these computers are used in large organizations.
The modern mainframe computers that use cutting edge technology are the foundation
of todays business in banking, insurance, education, air travel, research, health care,
government and many other public and private organization. These computers can execute
more than trillion instructions per second (TIPS). Some examples of mainframe computers
are IBMs z Enterprise EC12, EC 196, HP 16500 Series and HP Integrity Superdome. A
mainframe is shown in Fig.1-16.
Minicomputer was introduced in the 1960s when IC chips were introduced. A minicomputer
is bigger than a microcomputer but smaller than a mainframe. These computers can execute
billions of instructions per second (BIPS).
Therefore, they can process more data
than microcomputers. Today,
minicomputers with cutting edge
technology are playing an important role
in business organizations for their data
processing requirements. These are
used in organizations that have hundreds
of users such as PIA, NADRA, police
departments, hospitals, etc. A
minicomputer is shown in Fig.1-17.
Examples of minicomputers are IBM
Fig.1-17 Minicomputer System/36 and HP 3000.
Microcomputers are the smallest and the low cost computers. These computers are most
commonly used in homes and offices. Microcomputer was introduced in 1970s when
microprocessor was developed. A microprocessor is a single chip that controls the operations
of the entire computer system. Modern microcomputers have large storage capacity and they
can execute millions of instructions per second (MIPS). A variety of software is available for use
in these computers.
Do you know? Microcomputers are available in various forms such as
Today, microprocessor is not only desktop, laptop and tablet as shown in Fig.1-18. Some
used in microcomputers, they are popular companies that manufacture microcomputers are
also used in the devices including
mobile phones, microwave ovens, IBM, Dell, HP, Toshiba and Acer. A microcomputer is also
cameras, washing machines, known as Personal Computer or PC. IBM Lenovo series, Dell
televisions, etc. XPS series and HP Envy series are some popular
Computers are used in all types
of businesses as shown in Fig.1-20, to
improve productivity. They help in
running business activities efficiently.
They are used to prepare business
documents, reports, charts,
presentations, invoices, etc. They help
in staying in contact with employees
and customers. The following are some
important business areas where
Fig.1-20 Use of computer is business
computers are used.
Computer technology has revolutionized the banking business. Deposits and withdrawals
are instantly logged into a customers account. Accurate monthly bank statements are
generated with the help of computer. Computer networks allow amount of bill to be
transferred from customers bank account to the store. People can obtain cash any time
anywhere through Automated Teller Machine (ATM).
Computers are used in retail stores. Bar code readers are linked to computer system that
are used to read the bar code printed on each product sold to prepare the bill. With the use
of computers at retail stores, the checkout process is faster and the bill produced is
Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce allows to sell products and services by
means of computer networks such as Internet.
Computers are very helpful in running many other types of businesses that include hotel,
hospital, school, travel agency, real estate, stock exchange, etc.
There are various applications of
computer technology in defense. Computers
are used in tanks, planes and ships to target
enemy forces. They help in tracking missiles
and destroying them. Modern defense
weapons and other equipment are
controlled by computers. Computers are
used for designing and testing of weapons.
Computers are also used in communication
systems in defense. Fig.1-21 shows
application of computer in a fighter plane.
Fig.1-21 Use of computer in cockpit of fighter plane
1 Fundamentals of Computer 19
Computers have lot of applications in
print and electronic media. Print
media refers to mass communication
through printed material. Computer
technology helps in preparation and
production of newspapers, magazines,
booklets and brochures, flyers, press
releases and books. Electronic media
refers to broadcast media that includes
radio broadcast, cable and satellite
television broadcast and the new-age
media like Internet and mobile devices.
Computer is used for television Fig.1-22 Use of computer in television broadcasting
broadcasting as shown in Fig.1-22.
Now days, computer technology is
widely used in manufacturing industry. It
has improved the accuracy, quality and
speed of manufacturing. Computers are
used for product design and automation of
manufacturing process in factories as
shown in Fig.1-23. This is known as
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
CAD involves the use of computer
hardware and graphics software to create
product designs. CAM involves the use of Fig.1-23 Computer controlled manufacturing machines
computer in planning and management of production operation. It helps in automatically
producing finished products. CAD/CAM technology has been applied in many industries,
including automobile, electronics, machine components, textiles, fashion, etc.
Software Engineer
Software engineer is a highly skilled person in the field of IT whose responsibilities involve
the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of computer software. Software engineer
can be further classified into programmer and system analyst.
Computer programmers are IT professionals who have extensive knowledge and expertise in
programming languages. They program the computer by writing step-by-step instructions that
tell the computer what to do. Computer programmers write programs to solve problems related
with business, education, engineering, government offices, hospitals, entertainment, etc.
20 1 Fundamentals of Computer
System Analyst
System analysts analyze the data processing requirements of organizations and develop
information systems to implement them. They investigate problems, plan solutions, and
recommend the type of hardware and software required for implementing the solution. They
also coordinate with the programmers and database administrators in developing information
Hardware Engineer
Hardware engineers design and manufacture computer hardware. Their work also involves
repair and maintenance of computer hardware. They have in-depth knowledge of internal
working of computers, processors, circuit boards and other electronic equipment.
Network Administrator
Network administrators are responsible for installation, configuration and maintenance of
computer networks in organizations. They are in charge of maintenance of computer hardware
and software that make up a computer network. They assign passwords to network users so
that unauthorized people do not have access to network.
Database Administrator
Database administrator is a person who is responsible for the design, implementation and
maintenance of a database in an organization. He is also responsible for maintaining security
and monitoring the performance of database.
Web Designer
Web designer is a person whose job is to plan and create websites. He designs web pages
that include text, images, sound, video clips and make the website interactive. HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language) is the most commonly used language for creating websites.
Multimedia Designer
Multimedia designers are people who organize and present information in an easy to
understand and attractive manner. They combine text, graphics, animation, audio and video.
Multimedia designers create digital images and arrange them in sequence for animation using
computer software. They have the skills to edit and manipulate audio/video files. They usually
work in film/TV industry, computer software companies and advertising companies.
Information Security Analyst
Information security analyst is a person whose job is to protect information and information
systems from unauthorized access, use, modification, recording or destruction. He implements
procedures and policies to ensure information security within the organization.
Computer Teacher
Computer teacher teaches the subject of computer science to students to make them
computer literate. He conducts lessons on how to operate computers and the working principles
and concepts of computer hardware. He also teaches how to develop computer programs using
various programming languages.
1 Fundamentals of Computer 21
It is the main input device to communicate with the computer. It allows the computer
user to enter letters, numbers and special symbols into the computer. A keyboard is shown
is Fig.1-24.
It is a hand-held device used to control the movement of cursor
or pointer on the screen. It has two or three buttons at the front that allows
the computer user to make selection in menu, draw graphics or open files,
folders and programs. A mouse is shown is Fig.1-25. Fig.1-25 Mouse
It is a device that allows computer user to input audio into the
computer. It changes audio signals into electrical signals which are
translated into digital form by the sound card for processing in the
computer. A microphone is shown in Fig.1-26.
Fig.1-26 Microphone
22 1 Fundamentals of Computer
It is a device that captures images from
photographs, magazines, books etc. and stores them in
computer in digital form. These images can be edited,
displayed on the screen or inserted in documents. A scanner
is shown in Fig.1-27.
Barcode Reader
It is a device that reads the
barcode printed on products that
represents product code,
Fig.1-27 Scanner description and price. This
information is used by the computer to print bill for the customer. A
barcode reader is shown in Fig.1-28.
Fig.1-28 Barcode Reader
Digital Camera
It is a device used to capture pictures and store them in digital
form. These pictures can be downloaded to computer for editing,
viewing or inserting in documents. A digital camera is shown in Fig.1-
Touch Screen
Fig.1-29 Digital Camera It is a pressure-sensitive display screen that is used to interact
with the computer by touching pictures or words with
finger. Touch screen is more commonly used with
mobile phone and tablet. A touch screen is shown in
System unit is the main part of computer. It includes
motherboard, power supply and drives (such as DVD
and hard disk) inside the computer casing. All the
input/output devices of a computer are connected to
system unit through the ports.
Fig.1-30 Touch Screen
Motherboard is the main circuit board inside the system unit. It contains microprocessor,
main memory, expansion cards, many IC chips, connectors and other electronic components. It
has many buses (electric pathways) printed on it. These are used to transmit information
between various components of the computer. All the input/output devices are connected to the
motherboard. A motherboard is shown in Fig.1-31.
1 Fundamentals of Computer 23
Expansion slots
Fig.1-31 Motherboard
A microprocessor is the main chip on the motherboard that controls all the activities of the
computer. It is also known as Central Processing Unit (CPU) or simply processor. It contains
Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and registers. A microprocessor and the block
diagram of CPU are shown in Fig.1-32.
(a) (b)
ALU is the part of the computer that performs all the calculations and comparisons. It consists
of arithmetic unit and logic unit. Arithmetic unit performs all the arithmetic operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logic unit performs logical operations which
include comparisons of numbers or alphabets.
24 1 Fundamentals of Computer
Control unit controls the operations of all the components of the computer. It controls the
working of all the input/output devices, storage devices and ALU. CU loads programs into
memory and executes them. It consists of very complicated circuits.
Registers are small memory units inside the microprocessor used to temporarily store some
information during the execution of a program. Some commonly used registers are Instruction
Register, Accumulator Register, Data Register and Memory Address Register.
Storage devices are used to store programs and data that are not currently used by the
computer. They have huge storage capacity. Therefore, they are also known as mass storage
devices or secondary memory. Hard disk is the most commonly used storage device that is fixed
inside the system unit. Portable storage devices are CD, DVD, memory cards and USB flash
drive. Portable storage devices have less storage capacity than hard disk but they are cheap
and easy to carry.
Hard Disk
A hard disk is a magnetic storage device used to store computer data. It has storage
capacity of hundreds of Gigabyte (GB). It is fixed inside the computer casing. Portable hard disk
is also available that is attached to USB port.
CD stands for Compact Disk. It is a portable optical storage device with a storage capacity
of 700 Megabytes (MB). A CD is 1.2 millimeter thick with a diameter if 120 millimeters. CD drive
is used to read data from or write data to a CD.
DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disk. It has the same thickness and diameter as CD but
has more storage capacity. Its storage capacity is in the range of 4 to 16 GB. A DVD writer is
installed in the computer to read data from or write data to a DVD. A CD can also be used in a
DVD writer.
Memory Card
Memory card is a small storage device having storage capacity
of few Gigabytes. It is available in different sizes and storage
capacities. Memory cards are generally used in laptop computers
and portable devices such as mobile phone and digital camera for
storing pictures, audio and video. A memory card is shown in Fig.1-
Fig.1-33 Memory Card
1 Fundamentals of Computer 25
USB Flash Drive
USB flash drive is a small portable drive that is connected to
computer through USB port. It is also known as USB memory. It is very
fast in operation and its storage capacity is up to 128 GB till now. A
USB flash drive is shown in Fig.1-34.
OUTPUT DEVICES Fig.1-34 USB Flash Drive
Output devices are used to display text, graphics, and images on the monitor or to print
information on paper. Information displayed on monitor is known as softcopy and anything
printed on paper is known as hardcopy or printout. Commonly used output devices are monitor,
printer, plotter and speaker.
It is an output device that has a screen on
which information is displayed. It has two
common types i.e. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
monitor and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
monitor. CRT monitor is very similar to old
television. It is almost obsolete due to its big
size and low display quality. LCD monitor is
slim, uses less power and has better display (b)
quality than CRT monitor. CRT and LCD
monitors are shown in Fig.1-35. Fig.1-35 (a) CRT Monitor (b) LCD Monitor
Fig.1-36 (a) Dot Matrix Printer (b) Inkjet Printer (c) Laser Printer
26 1 Fundamentals of Computer
per second). Their printing is very cheap but print quality is poor. They produce lot of noise while
printing. These printers are still in use for printing invoices, bank statements, utility bills, etc. A
Dot matrix printer is shown in Fig.1-36(a).
Non-Impact printer
Non-Impact printer prints without striking the paper. There are two types of non-Impact printers
which are inkjet and laser printers. Inkjet printer stores ink in cartridge and sprays on paper
through fine nozzles on the print-head. Laser printer uses technology similar to photocopying
machine. Laser printer is more expensive, faster and has very high print quality compared to inkjet
printer. Inkjet printers are used in all sectors such as homes and simple businesses. Laser printers are
perfect for large scale businesses. Inkjet and laser printers are shown in Fig.1-36.(b,c).
Plotter is an output device used for printing engineering drawings, machine parts, building
designs, maps, charts and panaflexes etc. on large size papers/sheets. Such large size printing
is not possible on printers. It is more expensive than
printer. There are two types of plotters, that is, ink plotter
and pen plotter. Ink plotter is used for printing images
whereas pen plotter is used for printing engineering
drawings, machine parts, building designs, etc. Plotter is
a slow output device but its printing quality is good. A
Fig.1-37 Plotter plotter is shown in Fig.1-37.
Speaker is a device used to produce audio output. A pair of speakers
is attached to the sound card on the motherboard. Speakers are
commonly used with multimedia software and for playing music and
videos on computer. A pair of speakers is shown in Fig.1-38.
Fig.1-38 Speakers
Memory unit stores data and programs that are being executed by the
computer. It also stores the results produced by the ALU after processing the data. There are three
types of memories on the motherboard which are ROM (Read Only Memory), RAM (Random
Access Memory) and Cache. These are known as main memory or
primary memory of computer.
ROM (Read Only Memory)
ROM is a single IC chip which is installed on the motherboard
as shown in Fig.1-39.
It stores the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) of computer that
Fig.1-39 ROM chip controls input/output devices and the start-up or boot process. BIOS
1 Fundamentals of Computer 27
programs test the computers components when it is turned on and then load the operating
system into the RAM to make the computer ready for operation.
BIOS programs are permanently stored in ROM when it is manufactured. It is non-volatile
memory, that is, the programs stored in it are not lost when the computer is turned off. There are
three common types of ROM which are PROM (Programmable ROM), EPROM (Erasable
Programmable ROM) and EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable ROM).
RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is high speed memory installed on the motherboard. It is READ/WRITE memory.
Information can be read from or written into it. Programs are loaded into RAM from secondary
storage devices such as hard disk or USB
flash drive for execution by the
microprocessor. It is volatile memory which
means information stored in it, is lost when
the computer is turned off.
RAM modules are installed in the
memory slots on the motherboard. RAM
modules are shown in Fig.1-40 Fig.1-40 RAM modules
Cache Memory
Cache is a very small amount of extremely fast memory inside
L1 cache
the microprocessor or on the motherboard. It is faster and more
expensive than RAM. It stores information that is most frequently
used by the computer. The purpose of using cache is to improve the L2/L3 cache
processing speed of computer.
There are three types of cache memories which are Level 1 (L1), Main Memory
Level 2 (L2) and Level 3 (L3) as shown in Fig.1-41. L1 cache is built (RAM)
inside the microprocessor whereas L2 and L3 are on the
Fig.1-41 L1, L2 and L3
motherboard. L1 cache is faster than L2 and L3 cache. Cache Memories
Port is an interface for connecting
various devices to the system unit.
These are located on the motherboard
and are usually seen at the back of the
system unit. There are various types of
ports for connecting keyboard, mouse,
monitor, microphone, speakers and Fig.1-42 Ports on motherboard
other input/output devices as shown in
28 1 Fundamentals of Computer
Fig.1-42(a). In modern computers, USB (Universal Serial Bus), HDMI (High Definition
Multimedia Interface), DVI (Digital Visual Interface), Audio and LAN (Local Area Network) ports
are used for connecting various devices to the computer. These devices include digital camera,
scanner, printer, external hard disk or DVD writer and USB memory, etc.
Expansion slots are long narrow sockets on the motherboard
used for installing expansion cards. Expansion cards are small
circuit boards. These cards add new capabilities to the
computers. Commonly used expansion cards are sound card,
graphics card, modem card and network card. In modern
computers these cards are built-in on the motherboard. A
Fig.1-43 Network card network card is shown in Fig.1-43.
Fig.1-44 Basic operations of a computer
Input Operation
A computer is a data processing machine. Users enter data and instructions into the
computer through keyboard or mouse. It can also be provided to the computer from a storage
device such as hard disk, CD or USB memory. The input data/instructions are stored in memory
for further processing.
Processing Operation
Microprocessor processes the data according to the instruction given to it. The microprocessor
fetches the data/instructions from the memory and stores it in instruction register. The control unit
then decodes the instruction to find out which operation is to be performed. After decoding the
instruction, it sends signals to other parts of the computer to execute it.
Storage Operation
The results produced after processing are stored in memory before they are sent to the
output device or permanent storage device like hard disk.
1 Fundamentals of Computer 29
Output Operation
The results of data processing stored in memory must be output so that they can be seen
by the user. The control unit displays the results on the monitor or prints it on the printer. Results
can also be saved in a storage device such as hard disk for use in the future.
Key Points
Computer is a general-purpose programmable machine that has the ability to store, retrieve
and process data that is represented in the form of 0s and 1s.
First generation computers used vacuum tubes and their period was from 1940 to 1956.
Second generation computers used transistors and their period was from 1956 to 1963.
Third generation computers used IC chips that were developed in early 1960s and their
period is from 1963 to 1971.
Fourth generation computers use LSI and VLSI chips and their period is from 1971 to
Fifth generation of computers is concerned with development of devices that can understand
natural languages and have thinking power.
Analog computer represents and processes data by measuring quantities such as voltage
and current to solve a problem. It works on supply of continuous signals as input and displays
output simultaneously.
Digital computer works with binary digits 0 and 1. Data and instructions are fed into
digital computer through an input device such as keyboard. The computer performs
32 1 Fundamentals of Computer
Q1. Select the best answer for the following MCQs.
i. Who invented logarithm?
A. Blaise Pascal B. John Napeir
C. Charles Babbage D. Herman Hollerith
ii. Which generation of computer used transistor?
A. 1st Generation of Computers B. 2nd Generation of Computers
C. 3rd Generation of Computers D. 4th Generation of Computers
iii. In which generation of computer microprocessor was introduced?
A. 1st Generation of Computers B. 2nd Generation of Computers
C. 3rd Generation of Computers D. 4th Generation of Computers
iv. Which of the following computer supports thousands of users at the same time?
A. Microcomputer B. Minicomputer
C. Mainframe computer C. Laptop computer
v. Who is responsible for protecting information and information systems from unauthorized
people in an organization?
A. System Analyst B. Information Security Analyst
C. Network Administrator D. Hardware Engineer
vi. Which of the following is the fastest memory?
A. USB flash drive B. RAM
B. ROM D. Cache
34 1 Fundamentals of Computer
Lab Activities
Activity 1: Demonstrate how input/output devices are connected to the system unit of the
Activity 2: Students should be shown components of computer such as RAM, ROM,
microprocessor, ports, expansion slots and power supply attached to the computer system.
After completing this lesson, you will
be able to:
Computer user must know how to give commands to the computer to operate it properly.
Therefore, this unit is dedicated to provide basic knowledge about operating system. It teaches
the user how to use the operating system to run programs and manage files and folders. It
describes the steps involved in installation of operating system, office automation software and
antivirus software in computer. It presents material about the operating system used in modern
computers and those used in the past. This will teach the user about the advantages of modern
operating system over the old operating systems.
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 37
Operating system is a collection of system software that controls the working of computer
system. It acts as an interface between the computer user and computer. It facilitates program
execution and helps in developing application programs.
The main objectives of the operating system are convenience and efficiency. It makes the
computer more convenient to use. It allows computer resources such as CPU, memory,
input/output devices and Internet to be used in an efficient manner. It can be viewed as a
resource manager.
The following are the main functions of operating system.
Process Management
Memory Management
Input/Output Management
File Management
Resource Management
User Management
Process Management
Process management is an essential part of operating system (OS). A process is a
program in execution. In computer system multiple processes are executing concurrently or
waiting for their turn to be executed. A process in execution needs resources like processing
resource, memory and I/O resources. The OS must allocate resources to processes, enable
processes to share and exchange information, and protect the resources of each process from
other processes.
Memory Management
Memory management is the process of allocating memory space for user programs in main
memory. When programs are run by users, the operating system allocates portions of free
memory to programs. When a program is closed, operating system will free the memory portion
used by that program for reuse. The operating system automatically loads user programs in
available memory space and executes them.
Input/Output Management
Input/output management is the process of controlling the operation of all the input/output
devices attached to computer. User communicates with computer through various input/output
devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor printer, etc. Management of these devices is the
responsibility of operating system. Operating system uses Input/Output controller to manage and
coordinate the operation of all the input/output devices.
38 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
File Management
File management system is part of operating system that organizes stores and keeps track
of computer files and folders. Computer files can be documents, programs, images, videos, etc.
Operating system controls the common operations performed on files. These operations include
creating, opening, editing, renaming, moving, copying, deleting and searching files.
Resource Management
Operating system automatically manages the resources of a computer when application
programs are executed by computer user. The resources of a computer include microprocessor,
memory and all the devices attached to the computer. Operating system allocates resources of
a computer to the application program according to the users requirement in an efficient way to
improve the performance of the computer.
User Management
User management is an important feature of operating system for maintaining a
secure computer system. The operating system gives full control over a computer system
to a person known as administrator. Administrator installs various programs on the
computer system for users. He also creates and manages user accounts. When a user
account is created, the user is assigned a user name and a password. Administrator allows
the users to run various application programs that are installed on the computer. A user
can login to the computer system by entering the user name and password, run programs
and save his files in his personal folder. Operating system does not allow the users to install
programs or create new users.
There are three types of operating systems based on ways of interaction with computer
(interface). The three types of interfaces are:
Command Line Interface
Menu Driven Interface
Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Command Line Interface (CLI)
In CLI, commands are given to computer with keyboard. It is based on textual input. The
user types in a command and presses the Enter key to execute it. Two commonly used operating
systems that use CLI are DOS (Disk Operating System) and UNIX. CLI is difficult to use because
users have to remember the commands to perform any task.
Disk Operating System (DOS)
DOS was the most popular CLI operating system. DOS displays the prompt (C:\>) to enter
commands. User must know the syntax of the command. DOS commands are difficult to
remember. Some DOS commands are still supported by the new Windows operating system. It
is a single user and single task operating system.
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 39
The following are some examples of DOS commands with their DO YOU KNOW?
description Microsoft introduced
the MS DOS in 1981
DIR Display the contents of current directory (folder) and it was replaced by
FORMAT D: Format the D drive Windows 3.0 in 1990.
CD\PICS CD stands for Change Directory, which makes
PICS the current directory
Some DOS commands are shown in Fig.2-1.
ProDOS was another menu-driven
operating system that was used on
some Apple computers. ProDOS
interface is shown in Fig.2-4.
Fig.2-8(a) Recycle Bin, (b) Computer icon, (c) Folder icon, (d) File icon (e) Program icon (f) Shortcut icons
Recycle Bin
It is a temporary place (folder) for items that the user Tip: You can delete a file from your
deletes from the hard disk. When a file or folder is deleted hard disk without sending it to
from a hard disk it goes to the Recycle Bin. The user can Recycle Bin by clicking the file and
then pressing Shift + Delete keys.
restore it to its original location. User can also delete a file or
folder permanently from the Recycle Bin.
Computer Icon
Computer icon allows the user to access the contents of computer drives and manage files
and folders. When user double-clicks on Computer icon, it will open a window similar to the one
shown in Fig.2-9 that displays the drives present in the computer. It is used to navigate and
manage the computer
Folder Icon
Folder icon resembles a
physical file folder. It is used to
store files. A folder can have
another folder inside it which is
known as subfolder. Folders are
used to keep files in an
organized manner on a storage
device such as hard disk so that
they can be accessed easily.
There are six different versions of Windows 7. These are Starter, Home Basic, Home
Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate.
3. Click Install now in the screen shown in Fig.2-13 to start installation of Windows 10.
Figure 2-14
5. If you have a product key, enter it, otherwise click on Skip (Fig. 2-15).
Figure 2-15
50 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
6. Accept the license terms and click on Next (Fig. 2-16).
Figure 2-16
Figure 2-17
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 51
8. Select the drive where you want to install Windows 10 (Fig. 2-18).
Note: Make sure the drive is formatted, if not you can format by selecting the format option
Figure 2-18
9. Wait for a sometime until Windows is being installed. This may take from a few minutes to
an hour depending on the hardware of your personal computer. Once this process is
complete, your PC will restart (Fig. 2-19).
Figure 2-19
52 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
10. Choose Windows 10 (Fig. 2-20).
Figure 2-20
Figure 2-21
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 53
12. Enter a serial key, otherwise click on Do this later to skip this option (Fig. 2-22).
Figure 2-22
13. Click on Use express settings to use the recommended settings. Alternatively you can even
click on Customize settings to customize the settings (Fig. 2-23).
Figure 2-23
54 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
14. Wait for a few seconds more (Fig. 2-24).
Figure 2-24
15. Enter a name and password to create your account (Fig. 2-25).
Figure 2-25
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 55
16. Wait for a few seconds more (Fig. 2-26).
Figure 2-26 a
Figure 2-26 b
56 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
17. There you go, you are finally on Windows 10 (Fig. 2-27).
Figure 2-27 a
Figure 2-27 b
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 57
The following are the steps for installation of AVG Antivirus software. DO YOU KNOW?
1. Download the AVG Antivirus Free Edition The first antivirus
software was
from Internet that runs on Microsoft Windows. developed by Bernd
2. Double-click on the installation program Fix in early 1987 to
remove Vienna virus.
shown in Fig.2-28.
3. Welcome screen will appear as shown in Fig.2-29. Click the Next
Fig.2-28 Icon of AVG button to proceed with the installation.
Antivirus program
6. Click Next to accept the default Component Selection shown in the screen of Fig.2-32.
7. Tick () the option in the screen of Fig.2-33 if required and click Finish to complete the
Key Points
The main objectives of operating system are convenience and efficiency. It makes the
computer more convenient to use.
60 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
Memory Management is the process of allocating memory space for user programs in main
memory and managing it.
Input/Output Management is the process of controlling the operation of all the input/output
devices attached to computer.
File Management System is the part of operating system that organizes, stores and keeps
track of computer files and folders.
User Management is an important feature of operating system for creating and managing
user accounts for a secure computer system.
Command Line Interface (CLI) is a type of computer interface that is based on textual input.
In CLI, commands are given with a keyboard.
Menu Driven Interface presents a menu on the screen and the user makes a choice and
then the next menu appears. The user makes another choice and so on to operate the
GUI is a graphical interface for computer users to interact with computer. It uses windows,
icons, menus and pointer. To perform a task, the user has to select icons or make choices
in menus using a mouse.
The operating system that is used by a single user at a time is known as Single.user
Operating System. It is used in microcomputers.
Multi-user Operating System allows many users to use a computer at the same time. These
are used on large computers such as minicomputers and mainframes. They manage a
large number of users.
Batch Processing System groups jobs in batches and the computer executes them
Time-sharing System is a feature of operating system in which multiple users can run
different programs on a large-scale computer. It allows many users to have access to a
computer at the same time and share the computers time.
Real-time System must process information and produce a response within a specified
time. It is developed for special applications.
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 61
Recycle Bin is a temporary place (folder) for items that the user deletes form the hard disk.
Deleted items can be restored if required.
Computer icon allows the user to access the contents of computer drives and manage files
and folders.
Folder icon resembles a physical file folder and it is used to store files.
In a GUI files are represented by file icons. A file can be easily recognized by looking at its
icon. It opens by double-clicking on it.
Program icons represent executable program files. They open when the user Double-clicks
on them.
Shortcut icons are created to access a program, file or folder quickly. They have an arrow
at bottom left corner and the name below it.
Managing Data means storing files in secondary storage devices such as hard disk or USB
flash drive, in an organized way in folders so that they can be accessed easily and quickly
when needed.
Q1. Select the best answer for the following MCQs.
i. Which interface is based on textual input?
C. Menu-driven interface D. Windows
ii. Which of the following interface uses window, icon, menu and pointer to interact with
C. Menu-driven interface D. DOS
iii. Which of the following operating system was introduced in 1969?
A. Macintosh B Linux
C. Unix D. Windows
iv. Which of the following operating system must process information and produce a
response within a specified time?
A. Batch Processing System B. Time-sharing System
C. Multiprogramming System D. Real-time System
62 2 Fundamentals of Operating System
v. Which of the following is open source operating system?
A. UNIX B. Linux
C. DOS D. Novells Netware
vi. Which of the following user interface is the easiest one to learn and use?
C. Menu driven interface D. DOS
vii. Which of the following operating system allows many users to use a computer at the same
A. Single-user operating system B. Batch processing system
C. Real-time processing system D. Multi-user operating system
viii. In which of the following operating system, CPU is switched rapidly between all the
programs to simultaneously execute all of them?
A. Batch Processing System B. Time-sharing System
B. Real-time System D. DOS
ix. Which of the following Windows icon allows user to access a program, file or folder
A. Program icon B. Computer icon
C. Shortcut icon D. Recycle Bin icon
x. Which of the following Windows icon allows user to access the contents of computer
drives and manage files and folders?
A. Program icon B. Computer icon
B. Shortcut icon D. Recycle Bin icon
Q2. Write short answers of the following questions.
i. Why operating system is important software for a computer? Give any five reasons.
ii. Give any three objectives of operating system?
iii. Mention few disadvantages of using DOS.
iv. Name two operating systems which are used in modern mobile phones.
v. What difficulties a student may face if he/she is not familiar with the operating system
of a computer?
vi. Define UNIX and Windows operating system.
vii. Differentiate between single-user and multi-user operating systems.
viii. What is meant by managing data and why is it important?
2 Fundamentals of Operating System 63
ix. What is meant by resources of computer?
x. What types of problems may a student face if no antivirus is installed in his/her
computer system.
Lab Activities
Activity 1: The commonly used commands for using Windows operating system should
be demonstrated. Students should be shown how to open and close a program. The
commands for setting date and time, adjusting resolution, changing desktop background,
color scheme, screen saver, etc. should be demonstrated.
Activity 2: The file management commands such as create folder, copy, move, delete,
rename files and folders are to be demonstrated. Use of Recycle Bin should be
Activity 3: Installation and un-installation of a program and antivirus software should be
demonstrated to students.