Aristotelian Chemistry: A Prelude To Duhemian Metaphysics
Aristotelian Chemistry: A Prelude To Duhemian Metaphysics
Aristotelian Chemistry: A Prelude To Duhemian Metaphysics
251-269, 1996
Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0039-3681/96 $15.00+0.00
Paul Needham*
252 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
mixing of two or more substances. Following Duhem, the old chemical term
mixt will be used for the result of a mixing of the latter kind, to distinguish it
from an aggregation of components which are merely juxtaposed in space in a
mixture of the first kind. A suitable term for this latter notion free from
unwanted associations is not easy to find, but for the few occasions when a
convenient term is required here I will speak of a juxtaposition. The component
parts of a juxtaposition, in the words of Joachim,
. still retain their distinctive natures. They form an aggregate, not a genuine unity.
If we symbolise the components as ABCD, the resultant is A + B + C + D. If we divide
it far enough, we shall reach parts which are A or B or C or D, and not (A + B + C
+ D): i.e. the smallest parts of the whole are different in character from the whole.4
(Cf. Aristotle: if mixing has taken place, the mixture ought to be uniform
throughout, and, just as any part of water is water, so any part of what is
blended should be the same as the whole).7 Presumably parts are understood
to be spatial parts. This will be discussed later when the notion of an intensive
property, to which Joachim alludes, is interpreted as Duhem suggests in terms
of the way this notion is understood in thermodynamics.
Homogeneity only distinguishes mixts from juxtapositions. To distinguish
them from the elements, which are also homogeneous, mixts are regarded as
derived from elements. The elements so related to a mixt might be called
components, but unlike mechanical components, this term must be understood
40p. cit., note 1, pp. 7475.
50p. cit., note 3, p. 12.
6Peter Roper, Semantics for Mass Terms With Quantifiers, Nous 17 (1983) 251-265, calls this
the distributive reference condition and defines a homogeneous predicate as one which satisfies, in
addition, a cumulative reference condition (v)(n) * &)) 2 p(nup).
7Aristotle, On Coming-to-be and Passing-away, translated by E. S. Forster (Loeb Classical
Library, London: Heinemann, 1955), I. 10.
Aristotelian Chemistry 253
in such a way that the components. . . are, as Joachim puts it, contained there
in altered form.8 This seems, however, to be too timid, and Duhems claim that
they are there only potentially, not as actual existents, clearly emphasises that
distinguishing mixts from elements must not endanger the distinction with
juxtapositions. Even Duhems is not, as we shall see, the happiest of formu-
lations. Joachims suggestion that the components, although contained in the
resultant [mixt], are contained there in altered form9 unfortunately creates an
impression, which must be removed, of conflict with the actuality/potentiality
distinction which is an essential part of the Aristotelian theory together with the
homogeneity requirement. But in trying to make this reasonably clear, partly by
emphasising considerations that would have been important for Duhem, partly
by pressing the standard logical distinction between subject and predicate, some
of the ideas traditionally associated with Aristotle fall by the wayside. For the
moment, however, let us return to Duhems clear and simple illustration. Sugar
and water disappear on dissolving, but the original sugar and water of sugared
water can be recovered by evaporation and condensation. Further chemical
separation would be required to reduce these mixts (which we call compounds)
to their elements. How Aristotelians envisaged the separation of sugar into
earth, water, air and firer0 raises difficulties for the modern reader who thinks
of an element as a basic kind of stuff, an Urbestandteil. Substantial steps in this
direction had been taken by the 17th century when Boyle was following what
was the standard practice of chemists in admitting a class of substances called
principles which, though not simple elements, are indecomposable . . . bodies
that the chemist is not able to resolve. I1 Lavoisier finally introduced the notion
of an element as whatever kind of substance is found to be indecomposable,
thus making the issue of the number and nature of the elements an empirical
matter. But as already hinted in allusion to Duhem, despite these and other
differences that have arisen over two millennia, Joachim does perhaps overstate
the divergence when he says that the details of Aristotles theory are quite
remote from modern speculation.r2
Alteration for Aristotle, Joachim tells us, is in the last analysis a matter of the
mutual action of the elements inducing change in virtue of the contrariety of
their respective qualities, when one or other contrary quality prevails in the
conflict. l3 The fundamental qualities reduce to exactly four, forming two pairs
of contraries: moist and dry (or fluid and solid), and hot and cold (or rare and
dense). Considering the possible combinations in which these qualities can
occur, there are just four, since contraries are not of such a nature which
permits of their being coupled-for the same thing cannot be hot and cold, or
again, moist and dry.r4 As it will transpire, this must be understood in the sense
that the same thing cannot be all hot and all cold, or again, all moist and all dry.
What is hot and dry is fire; air is hot and moist, water is cold and moist, and
earth is cold and dry.
But it may happen that these qualities come together when bodies are mixed
in such a way that neither contrary completely prevails over the other, and the
result is something not entirely moist, nor completely dry, and not entirely hot,
nor completely cold. The result would be a mixt-something intermediate
between the absolute dryness of fire and the superlative moistness of air, and
between the absolute hotness of air and the superlative coldness of earth.
The fundamental qualities thus give way to dyadic relations hotter than,
dryer than, and so forth, where colder than is the converse of hotter than
and moister than the converse of dryer than. Fire is absolutely dry because
there is nothing dryer; it is superlatively dry, and so forth. This suggests that
dryer than be expressed by a dyadic predicate to which is reflexive and
transitive, in terms of which a relation n z,, p for 7~is as dry as p can be
defined as rr kDpp t,, z. Moister than, written kM, can be defined by
Some measure of how well this matches Aristotles thought might be gauged
by comparison with the following passage.
The simple bodies, then, . . . make up two pairs belonging to two regions; for Fire and
Air form the body which is carried along towards the limit while Earth and Water
form the body which is carried along towards the centre; and Fire and Earth are
extremes and very pure, while Water and Air are intermediates and more mixed.
Further, the members of each pair are contrary to the members of the other pair,
Water being the contrary of Fire, and Earth of Air, for they are made up of different
qualities. However, since they are four, each is described simply as possessing a single
quality, Earth a dry rather than a cold quality, Water a cold rather than a moist, Air
a moist rather than a hot, and Fire a hot rather than a dry.15
This last sentence is presumably what Joachim had in mind when he wrote
And since Fire, most of all Elements, possesses the power of heating, it is to be
regarded as Hot rather than Dry. Since Water most possesses the property of making
cold, it is to be regarded as Cold rather than Moist. Since Earth of all Elements most
0~. cit., note 7, 11.3.
256 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
resists the modification of its outline, it is Dry rather than Cold. And lastly since Air
most readily adapts its shape to its continent, it is Moist (Fluid) rather than Hot.16
Now this would seem to amount to an argument for the inadequacy of the
definitions of the elements proposed above, except that what Joachim himself
says immediately beforehand
By combining these qualities two and two (of course eliminating the contradicting
combinations, Hot-Cold and Dry-Moist), we get four pairs of qualities: and each
pair characterizes one of the four elements. Thus, the Hot-Dry is Fire, . . .
The Elements act on one another, when they are brought into contact, in virtue of the
contrariety of their respective qualities. And the Matter, which underlies them all,
changes from one to another, according as one or the other contrary quality prevails
in the conflict. If, e.g. Fire and Air come into contact, the Moist in the Air and the Dry
in the Fire act on one another. And if the Moist prevails over the Dry, the Matter,
which (as Hot-Dry) was Fire, becomes Hot-Moist: i.e. Fire has been destroyed, and
Air has come into being.17
M Watery D
W(ater) E(arth)
- dryer -
the amounts of the Elements (or the intensifies of the contrary qualities which they
bring with them) must be balanced if they are to combine. . When the constituents
are present in reasonably equal amounts, the contrary qualities which they involve
will (by reciprocal Action and Passion) lose more or less of their extremeness, or a
greater or lesser number of their degrees of intensity.19
The notion of the amount of a substance which may be equal or not to another
stands in need of explanation. But leaving this issue aside for the moment, talk
of reasonably equal amounts does not sound much like a way of establishing
a discontinuous boundary between the action of a qualitys prevailing over and
its balancing with another quality. The idea of one quality prevailing over
another provided a source of perplexity which has attracted criticism of the sort
illustrated by the following passage from Boyle.
For whereas Aristotle tells us, that if a drop of wine be put into ten thousand
measures of water, the wine being overpowered by so vast a quantity of water will be
turned into it, he speaks to my apprehension, very improbably. For though one
should add to that quantity of water as many drops of wine as would a thousand
times exceed it all, yet by this rule the whole liquor should both be a crama, a mixture
of wine and water, wherein the wine would be predominant, but water only; since the
wine being added but by a drop at a time, would still fall into nothing but water, and
consequently would be turned into it.20
And if this would hold in metals too, twere a rare secret for goldsmiths, and refiners;
for by melting a mass of gold, or silver, and by but casting into it lead or antimony,
grain after grain, they might at pleasure, within a reasonable compass of time, turn
what quantity they desire, of the ignoble into the noble metalls.
given to the chemical kinetics of mixing. Boyles argument can be seen in this
light. The proportions of wine and water are what determine the state, the
chemical kind, of the mixture, and not the details of the process by which the
mixing is brought about. Accordingly, the Aristotelian discontinuity between
the prevailance of one quality over another and the balancing of contrary
qualities will be disregarded: the addition of a quantity of salt to water produces
brine, no matter how small the quantity of salt. Boyles argument will be
pressed home in somewhat more general form later.
A more interesting notion, from the present perspective, mentioned by
Joachim is the feature of qualities possessing intensities in virtue of which they
achieve a balance. Unfortunately, Joachim has little to say about this beyond
using it as a way of expressing degrees of hotness or dryness. It seems to mean
much more to Duhem, who regarded the recognition, as fully acceptable,
measurable properties autonomous from mechanics and suitable for the
objective description of nature, of features such as temperature and pressure,
together with the other so-called intensive properties of thermodynamics, as a
reinstatement of an Aristotelian view of nature supposedly discredited during
the scientific revolution. In his discussion of Aristotelian physics, Duhem
explains that the degree of heat . . . is not contained, as a part of the whole, in
a more intense degree of heat.* Duhem is getting at the idea that intensive
properties are not additive, as extensive properties are said to be. The notion of
an extensive property is perhaps not always explained in thermodynamics texts
with all the clarity that might be desired. But the general idea seems to be that
if a body is exhaustively divided into non-overlapping spatial parts, then the
value of a certain extensive property for the whole body is equal to the
arithmetical sum of the values of the same property for each of these parts. An
intensive property, on the other hand, has the same value for the whole as for
each of its spatial parts.22 This, in thermodynamics, is a condition of possessing
intensive properties and being in a state at all. A body has a temperature only
if all its spatial parts have the same temperature. Now something very much like
it seems to be involved in Aristotles theory, for we saw earlier that it was
natural to describe the results of certain changes by saying that a quantity of
matter is all moist, or all hot or all air. To say that, for some property p,, that
n is all Q is just to say that p is a homogeneous predication of 7c, or that 72is
homogeneously q. It is not easy to see how an understanding of mixt kinds
which makes them dependent on their history of formation is compatible with
the thesis of the homogeneity of mixts.
Pierre Duhem, Levolution de la mkznique (Paris: A. Joanin, 1903; reprinted Paris: Vrin, 1992),
p. 8.
221discuss this distinction in more detail in Macroscopic Objects: An Exercise in Duhemian
Ontology, forthcoming in Philosophy of Science.
Aristotelian Chemistry 261
Together with reflexivity, stated in the normal way as rct nn, this would imply
This in turn suggests, given an axiom analogous to (2) for 2 n, the introduction
of a property of being in a state at all defined by
thus making explicit provision for quantities undergoing some process and not
at equilibrium. But this plan comes to nothing given the reflexivity axiom as
stated, which implies that all quantities are in a state. Perhaps a restricted form
of reflexivity such as
would be more appropriate for a fuller theory than envisaged here, encompass-
ing processes.
In describing the general feature of intensive properties it was necessary to be
quite clear that spatial parts are at issue. But is it necessary to explicitly mention
the qualification spatial? Are parts necessarily spatial, or is it possible that a
quantity could be a proper part of another and yet occupy the same place?
How, in particular, does Aristotles theory of mixts stand on the question
whether the original quantities mixed occupy the same place in the resulting
?f. R+er, op. cit., note 6, p. 261, who also lays down an appropriate analogue for the
cumulative reference condition.
262 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
mixt? Boyle certainly thought that any such notion was absurd, for he
continued the passage quoted above as follows:
since a pint of wine, and a pint of water, amount to about a quart of liquor, it seems
manifest to sense, that these bodies doe not totally penetrate one another, as one
would have it; but that each retains its own dimensions; and consequently, that they
are by being mingled only divided into minute bodies, that do but touch one another
with their surfaces, as do the grains of wheat, rye, barley etc. in a heap of several1 sorts
of corn: and unless we say, that as when one measure of wheat, for instance, is
blended with a hundred measures of barely, there happens only a juxtaposition and
superficial contact betwixt the grains of wheat, and as many thereabouts of the grains
of barley; so when a drop of wine is mingled with a great deal of water, there is but
an apposition of so many vinous corpuscles to a correspondent number of aqueous
ones; unless I say this be said, I see not how that absurdity will be avoyded, whereunto
the Stoical notion of mistion (namely by ad&yuaz~,or confusion) was liable, according
to which the least body may be coextended with the greatest: since in a mixt body
wherein before the elements were mingled there was, for instance, but one pound of
water to ten thousand of earth, yet according to them there must not be the least part
of that compound that consisted not as well of earth, as water.24
I.e. each part of any mud is mud, and therefore has properties inconsistent with
the properties of earth and of water, and so no mud is partly water and partly
earth. A second reason for not speaking of mixts as composed of elements, or
having elements as components, will be spelt out shortly. But on the issue of the
interpretation of parts, it should be clear that the Aristotelian theory provides
for an alternative way to the atomists of avoiding the conclusion that two
quantities of material occupy the same place. For definiteness of interpretation,
then, it will be assumed henceforth that distinct (separate) quantities occupy
distinct (separate) regions of space, and that parts are always to be understood
as spatial parts.
A correction to this last example should be made before proceeding further.
Since proper mixts are represented by points in the interior of the square, and
involve no superlative degrees of any quality, then if mud is a mixt it cannot be
considered to be derived from just two non-contrary elements like water and
earth. Joachim, as we saw, says that every mixt involves all four elements. But
it is not clear why a mixt cannot be considered to be derived from just three,
which would suffice to counter the extremes of both the primitive comparative
qualities. At all events, regarding mud as derived from earth, water and air does
not affect the substantial point of the last paragraph.
Speaking of the elements from which a mixt might be considered to have been
derived is more clearly consistent with the actual/potential distinction than talk
of components. Duhem suggested that a mixt actually formed by mixing certain
substances can be decomposed, yielding these original substances again. It was
pointed out above that the actual/potential distinction does not imply the
disappearance of any quantities of matter. But an original quantity rr of water
mixed with earth and air to form mud loses its property of being water. Then
there is no saying whether decomposition and reconstitution of the elements
will result in the same quantity n becoming water again or some other quantity.
All that can reasonably be required is that some part of the mud become water.
The present interpretation of quantities of material means that they retain their
identity through any change they undergo by virtue of the mereological criterion-
same parts, same whole. But there is no observable indication of which quantities,
presented after a process of mixt formation and decomposition, are identical
with which of those originally mixed.
264 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Modern speculation since the end of the 18th century on chemical reactions
is based on the law of the conservation of mass, which would direct that the
quantity of water obtained after complete decomposition and recovery of the
parts be of equal mass to the original quantity of water. As Duhem puts it,
finite number of mixt kinds must then be understood in terms of what is and
is not a perceptible difference from standard samples of airy and watery stuff:
chemicals are like colours.
Returning now to the ratios of stuffs with contrary superlative qualities, the
moist material which stands to the dry in the proportions j: (m -j) may be
partly water and partly air, or it may be entirely water or entirely air. The dry
material might also be partly earth and partly fire, or entirely one or the other.
The only constraint is that the dry and the moist material together contributes
hot and cold material in the ratio (n - i):i, so that any depletion of cold from
the air-water mix must be made good by a corresponding excess of earth in the
earth-fire mix.
A quantity of some mixt does not, therefore, have any unique decomposition
into component elements. This is the second reason for avoiding speaking of
mixts as having component elements.
Nevertheless, there might be other circumstances which do determine the
elemental decomposition of a specific quantity of a given kind of mixt. In the
passage quoted at the beginning of section III Aristotle speaks of fire and
earth as extreme and very pure, carrying bodies up or down, whereas air and
water are more mixed. This sense of mixture has not entered the present
considerations at all yet. How might the lightness or heaviness of bodies be
related to their elemental composition?
Heavy bodies might be said to fall because of their constituent earth, and to
rise because of their fire content. But speaking of constituent earth is, we have
seen, an unfortunate turn of phrase. Sarah Waterlow draws attention to yet
another reason for this. The essentially locamotory natures which Aristotle
attributes to the elements would threaten the stability of mixts as the elements
make off in different cosmic directions if they were actually present in the mixt.
But his solution poses a problem: it is implausible to hold that a compound
(mixt) wholly lacks the locomotory characteristics of all its elements. . . And
how is this to be explained except on the supposition that earth is not totally
absent, i.e. not merely potentially present . . , ?.30 Earth is, however, totally
absent from an Aristotelian mixt, and the problem must be resolved in a
different way.
As already explained, the present analysis concerns the states of bodies at
equilibrium. A quantity might not be at equilibrium, but falling, say, because a
previous violent motion removed it to a position from which its natural motion
is now restoring it to its equilibrium position. It is the equilibrium position
appropriate to the earth content of a particular quantity of a mixt HiDj that
must be considered to provide a further feature, over and above its chemical
constitution, determining the decomposition into its elements. Thus, what
might be called the chemical features determining the mixt kind are indepen-
dent of position (height), allowing that the same kind of mixt can be found
anywhere in space (or within the sublunar region). The chemical properties of
a mixt are independent of the physical aspects of material relating to position
in space. But a quantity of a mixt kind HiDi which is at equilibrium at a given
distance from the centre of the universe has a determinate quantity of earth in
its constitution or none at all because all the dryness is contributed by fire. (This
somewhat clumsy formulation is a consequence of the otherwise natural
mereological assumption that there is no null quantity.) If the determination
of the quantity of earth can be related to the purely chemical measure of
amount by virtue of position determining a balance between the opposing
forces of fire and earth, then the overall decomposition into elements can be
more definitely determined. Thus, suppose position, or rather height, deter-
mines an earth-to-fire ratio of p: q. Then we have a ratio of Hot (contributed by
air and fire) to Cold (contributed by water and earth) of (n - i): i, which might
be written
A+F n-i
=--.-. (3)
W+E i
Similarly, we have a Moist-to-Dry ratio arising from the four elements which
can be written
W+A j
E+F m-j
-=- P
F q
definite ratios of water to air, water to earth and air to fire are thereby
Taking account of locomotory powers thus resolves the indefiniteness which
was the basis of the second reason for not speaking of the component elements
of a mixt. It might therefore be said that a mixt can be considered to be
decomposable (in principle-it remains, as the history of chemistry shows, to
explain how) into, and perhaps even to be derived from, definite quantities of
elementary stuff. Homogeneity remains a sufficient reason for not speaking of
elemental components in terms of what is in, as distinct from what might
become of, the mixt.
268 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Acknowledgements-I am grateful for comments on an earlier draft from Per-Erik Malmnls and an
anonymous referee. Research on which the paper is based was supported by the Swedish
Humanistisk-samhallsvetenskapliga forskningsradet.
33A view more like the Stoic conception of mixture is offered in the article mentioned in note 22.
Whether some alternative formulation can be found which does not rely on the predication of a
distinct domain of quantities persisting through change-for example, in terms, of states applying
to spatial regions at various times-remains to be seen. Note that spatial regions considered in the
traditional Newtonian way persist through time.