Quiz Bioethics

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1. A major bioethical principle which states that God 1. When a nurse fails to perform his/her duty towards a
alone has the complete control and dominion over patient which eventually caused harm or injury to a
life. patient, it is referred to as?
2. Proper and accurate documentation of a procedure 2. A major bioethical principle which states that the duty
done to a patient applies to what bioethical principle? of a health care provider is to be of benefit to the
3. A basic ethical principle which states that since God is patient by taking positive steps.
the owner of our lives; our duty is to care for 3. A major bioethical principle which states that health
ourselves. care providers should prevent harm from being
4. Assisting in the act of a principal in which the co- inflicted to the patient.
operator intends the evil is under what type of 4. This principle states that we should consider
cooperation? ourselves as part of one big family in the community.
5. When a co-operator assists in the doing of an act and 5. This basic ethical principle states that we have the
such act is not essential in the commission of action, it duty to preserve the integrity of our bodies.
is considered as what type of cooperation? 6. (TRUE/FALSE) Removing an enlarged cyst in the
6. (TRUE/FALSE) Immediate material cooperation in uterus is illicit and is against the basic ethical
intrinsically evil actions is morally illicit. principles of man.
7. (TRUE/FALSE) Mediate material cooperation in 7. (TRUE/FALSE) An action that is morally bad which
immoral acts are always licit. has both good and bad effects may be licit so long as
8. 11. Give the four conditions that should be present the good effect is what is intended and that the good
before an action, having both bad and good effects, effect is proportionately equal or greater than the
will be considered as licit. bad effect.
12. Providing equal care for both the paying and non- 8. 11. Give the four conditions that should be present
paying patient applies what major bioethical before an action, having both bad and good effects,
principle? will be considered as licit.
13. When a nurse fails to perform his/her duty towards 12. A major bioethical principle which states that
a patient which eventually caused harm or injury to persons should be considered a subject and not an
a patient, it is referred to as? object.
14. A major bioethical principle which states that the 13. A major bioethical principle which states that God
duty of a health care provider is to be of benefit to alone has the complete control and dominion over
the patient by taking positive steps. life.
15. A major bioethical principle which states that health 14. Proper and accurate documentation of a procedure
care providers should prevent harm from being done to a patient applies to what bioethical
inflicted to the patient. principle?
16. This principle states that we should consider 15. A basic ethical principle which states that since God
ourselves as part of one big family in the is the owner of our lives; our duty is to care for
community. ourselves.
17. This basic ethical principle states that we have the 16. Assisting in the act of a principal in which the co-
duty to preserve the integrity of our bodies. operator intends the evil is under what type of
18. (TRUE/FALSE) Removing an enlarged cyst in the cooperation?
uterus is illicit and is against the basic ethical 17. When a co-operator assists in the doing of an act
principles of man. and such act is not essential in the commission of
19. (TRUE/FALSE) An action that is morally bad which action, it is considered as what type of cooperation?
has both good and bad effects may be licit so long 18. (TRUE/FALSE) Immediate material cooperation in
as the good effect is what is intended and that the intrinsically evil actions is morally illicit.
good effect is proportionately equal or greater than 19. (TRUE/FALSE) Mediate material cooperation in
the bad effect. immoral acts are always licit.
20. A major bioethical principle which states that 20. Providing equal care for both the paying and non-
persons should be considered a subject and not an paying patient applies what major bioethical
object. principle?

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