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PreDCR Do and Dont

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PreDCR Dos and Donts:

Follow the basic Instructions while making the drawing in PreDCR format.

What you must do:

FSI Area used for Residential and Special Residential purpose only should be drawn on _ResiFSI layer
FSI Area used for Commercial purpose only should be drawn on _CommFSI layer
FSI Area used for Industrial purpose only should be drawn on _IndFSI layer
FSI Area used for any other purpose should be drawn on _SpecUseFSI layer
Parking Stall must be inserted using PreDCR > Insert > Parking tool.
Direction Reference Circle must be inserted on Each Floor Plan of the Building and its corresponding PropWork
on the same Place by using PreDCR > Insert > Direction Ref Circle.
Plot layout Plan, Detailed floor plan and building section for all Buildings should be in Metric scale and in Single
drawing file & must be in 1:1 Scale
If in Layout plan two Mirror Proposed work are provided, user has to provide two separate building details for
both Mirror-Proposed work.
Each side of the Plot must be marked by Mark > Margin tool.
Plot and Plot surrounding details must be drawn inside _SitePlan polyline.
All the other details like Elevation, Key Plan, Location Plan, Percolation well details should be drawn inside
_OtherDetail polyline and should be marked as required.
If proposal is for Addition/Alteration or Extension in One Building then
o Proposed and Existing Floor area must be drawn on PreDCR Layer. E.g. For Addition/Alteration in
Residential case, Proposed area on each floor shall be drawn on _ResiFSI Layer where Existing Floor
area shall be also drawn on _ResiFSI Layer as a different Polyline and it must be marked as Existing FSI
using PreDCR > Mark > FSI >Existing Option.
o Also user has to draw _FloorInSection for Existing floor too. He has to draw all the internal Detail such
as Carpet area, Room, Door, and Window inside FSI poly marked as Existing. All those internal Polylines
drawn for Existing area shall be marked as Existing using PreDCR > Mark > Existing Work option.
o In a same case, the Coverage area of that Building considering Proposed + Existing area must be drawn
on _PropWork layer only. No _ExistingStructure Poly is needed.
_ExistingStructure layer shall be used only for the Existing Building in Layout which is not having any Building
Detail in Drawing.
Parking below Building must be drawn inside Building & Parking provided at any Open space in Layout Plan must
be drawn at Plot.
Each Floor-FloorInSection Floor & Bldg-PropWork Name must be assigned by PreDCR > Assign Name tool only.
Each Internal Road must be drawn as an Individual IntRoad Poly having Centre Line inside.
For Land Division (SubDivision) type of Proposal, _Plot Poly shall be drawn as a container of each SubPlot &
_SubDivision poly shall be drawn for each SubPlot.
For Amalgamation type of Proposal, _Amalgamation Poly shall be drawn as a container of each Plot to be
amalgamated & _Plot poly shall be drawn for each Plot.
Stair cabin detail must be drawn at Terrace Floor Plan only.
No FSI should be drawn at Basement/Cellar Floor, if Such Basement/Cellar Floor is to be used for parking
purpose only.
No FSI or Hollow Plinth should be drawn at Ground floor, if Such Floor is to be used for parking purpose only.
Drawing for Development, Land Division, and Amalgamation Proposals for same Project must be provided in
Separate drawing file.
Balcony shall be drawn outside the FSI Poly.
Arch. Projection must be drawn on _ArchProjection Layer and Marked as required using PreDCR > Mark >
Projection tool.
Substructure or Accessory Use must be drawn on _SubStructure Layer and Marked as required using PreDCR >
Mark > Substructure tool.
Always use TEXT command to name any Entity. If user wants to use MTEXT then make sure that MTEXT box
must be fully inside such entity.
Do provide the detail in Metric scale only. E.g. Text in _MainRoad shall be like "3.0 mt. wide road"
_CarpetArea or _IndUnit area must be drawn individually for each Tenement not for Each Room. And it should
be named as per Tenement No.
Staircase must contain each Riser line as a Open Polyline on _Staircase layer
GreenStrip must be drawn on _OrganisedOpenSpace and marked as Green Strip by
PreDCR>Mark>OrganisedOpenSpace>GreenStrip tool

What you must not do:

Do not provide any detail in other than Metric Scale. e.g. Text in _MainRoad shall not be like "3.0 mt. or 100"
wide road"
Do not write/show any Dimension on PreDCR Layer.
Do not show any _OtherDetail inside Plot Poly.
Do not draw Parking inside FSI Poly.
Do not give different name to _CarpetArea or _IndUnit Poly if it is for single Tenement.
Do not draw _Plot Poly inside _Building Poly.
Do not draw _FloorInSection poly for Terrace floor for a Staircabin Ht. It should be drawn for Parapet Ht. only.
Project must be provided in Separate drawing file.
Do not provide any Dimensions for PreDCR entities. PreDCR will auto generate the dimensions of entity.
Do not provide Room Name or dimension on basic drawing. Provide Room name using PreDCR>Assign
Name>Room tool only.
Do not provide Door and Window name on basic drawing. Provide Door-Window name using
PreDCR>Insert>Door/Window tool only.

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