Requirements For Plans

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Department of"Developm ent Services

Planning Permit Application


Standard-size plans are 24" x 28". Reduced-size plans are no more than half the size of standard­
size plans. The most important attribute of reduced-size plans is that they are reproduced at a usable
scale; for example, if the full-size plans are scaled at 1/8"=1', then reduced-size plans would be
scaled at 1/16"==1'. Scale must be noted on all plan sets. 'If 11" x 17" is used, scale must be correct.
All Plans must be folded to a size no larger than 9"x 12".

All plans must be drawn to scale no less than 1/8" = 1'. For any site that is one (1) acre or more in size,
a smaller scale may be used, although the scale should be approved by a planner. Plans using a
smaller scale must include a graphics scale.

Standard size plans are to measure 24" x 28", although larger plans may be permitted for a larger site
(i.e., over one acre). All standard sets of plans shall be folded no larger than 9" x 12" when submitted.
Reduced size plans are to be a smaller version of the full-size plans. 11" x 17" is a common size, but it
is mosUmp0rtant-tl'l~ reduced sets are made at a usable scale.

~ A site plan depicts the project site property boundaries, the location of bUildings on the
property, and the bUilding setbacks from the property lines, as well as parking, drainage,
landscaping, adjacent public right-of-way, and other site features.

The site plan submitted with your application must be legible, to scale, and include:
o Lot lines and dimensions;
o Footprint of existing and proposed buildings on the site;
o Distances between buildings;
o All setback lines properly measured;
o A North Arrow;
o Existing and proposed easements;
o Parking areas and loading facilities, including all parking spaces, access to parking
spaces and circulation patterns;
o Location of all trash containers and how they will be accessed; and
o All existing trees on the site and parkway.

The following must be tabulated and shown on the Site Plan:

o Lot size;
o Lot coverage;
o Building area (by floor);
o Floor area ratio;
o Parking by size and type;
o Location of building footprints on adjoining and abutting lots noting height and number
of stories on the elevations (this can be done on a separate plot plan, if necessary); and
o All contiguous properties, streets, and alleys showing centerline, lane striping, curb
lines, street widths, right-of-way lines, circulation patterns and street names (this can be
done on a separate plot plan, if necessary).

7 Sept. 2009 Revision - Updated Jan. 2010

Department of Development SerVice...
Planning Permit Application

~ ~loorPla s
A flo n shows the size, use and location of the interior spaces in a building.

The floor plan submitted with your application must be legible, to scale, and should include the
items listed below. Floor plans required for submittal may be typical if several units are
o Specific room arrangements;
o Room sizes;
o Window sizes and types;
o Location of all doors;
o Uses for all rooms;
o Distance from the windows to the property lines; and *
o Distance to other windows on the same floor. *

*Required only for residential projects of five or more units. A separate floor plan
~---., .~. showing only window spacing may be required, but only if specifically requested (LBMC

~. C.Ele::~
~1e.\{~tions ..~~2he exterior sides of a building.
The elevations submitted with your application must be legible and to scale. Measure height
from top of curb to roof peak, midpoint of sloped roof, and from eaves. Show the following:
o All sides of the proposed building(s), labeled according to which direction the building
faces (Le., nQrth face, south face, etc.);
o Adjoining buildings (side or rear) in outline form;
o Primary, secondary and tertiary building massing;
o Original and finished grade changes;
o A clear identification of all building materials and textures to be used on the facades;
o Curb grade (top of curb), which differs from "natural grade" or "finish grade".

For all Site Plan Review applications, full color elevation drawings are required. See "Materials
Boards" on page 9 below.
D. Sections I
Sections are drawings showing the project, or certain aspects of the project, as if made by a
geometric plane cutting through it perpendicular to the ground. I
Section drawings are only required for certain types of buildings: multi-story buildings, projects
with internal courtyards, and semi-subterranean or subterranean parking. Consult a planner to
determine if you must submit section drawings. If required, they must be legible, to scale and
should include:
o Sections' through the length and width of the building;
o Sections through interior courtyards and courtyard planters;
o Original, adjacent and finished grade;
o Building height; and
o All finished floor elevations.

8 Sept. 2009 Revision - Updated Jan. 2010

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