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The key changes introduced in ISO 6892-1:2016 were the definition of Method A1 (closed-loop strain control) and Method A2 (constant crosshead separation rate) for tensile testing as well as clarification on maintaining strain rate.

The two methods introduced are Method A1 (closed-loop strain control) and Method A2 (constant crosshead separation rate).

Method A minimizes variation in test rates during strain-sensitive parameter determination and reduces measurement uncertainty. It also makes results more comparable between sites and machines.

ISO 6892-1:2016

Ambient Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials

the specimen faster. On the less stiff (more compliant)
What Changed?
In 2009, ISO 6892-1 replaced and combined both the system, the strain rate was 21% lower and took longer to
previous ISO 6892 and the widely used EN10002-1:2001 transfer to the specimen. This meant there was a 5%
standards. It incorporated many changes, but most notably, difference in the yield result for this material on these two
it introduced the testing rates based on strain rate (Method different systems.

Method A was the recommended approach and was based

on maintaining a strain rate. The traditional test method
from EN10002:2001, based on maintaining a stress rate
during the elastic region, became Method B. The
introduction of Method A caused confusion. Many
understood this as only being achievable using equipment
capable of closed-loop strain control, but this is not true. It is
possible to conform to Method A using a constant crosshead

To better clarify, the requirements of Method A, ISO 6892-

1:2016 now includes two clearly defined approaches,
Method A1 (Closed-Loop Strain Control) and Method A2
(Constant Crosshead Separation Rate).

Since Method A is the recommended test method, this

Figure 1 Testing Machine Stiffness Comparison Two tests are carried out using the
further clarification will assist test labs that are transitioning same material but on two different machines at the same crosshead speed.
from Method B to Method A and monitoring the specimen
strain rate. The benefits remain the same: Method A
minimizes the variation of the test rates during the moment
when strain-rate sensitive parameters are determined and
to minimize the measurement uncertainty of the test results.

During a tensile test there are many sources for uncertainty

and error; maintaining the strain rate on the specimen
eliminates the effect that the machine's
stiffness/compliance has on the results. Figure 1 shows the
difference in yield results run at the same machine
crosshead separation rate: the upper (red) stress/strain
curve was tested on a high stiffness testing machine and the
lower (orange) stress/strain curve was on a less stiff (more
compliant) testing machine. Both systems were controlled at
Figure 2 Testing Machine Stiffness Comparison Specimen speed (or strain rate)
a constant crosshead speed of 2.25 mm/min. Figure 2 expressed in mm/min can be seen to be considerably lower than the machine speed
shows the specimen speed expressed in mm/min. On the of 2.25 mm/min. Speed is lost in the compliance of the testing machine setup.

stiffer system, the strain rate was higher and transferred to | Page 1 of 5
Switching from Method B towards Method A will make Method A1 closed-loop control of the strain rate based on
results much more comparable between sites, as well as feedback from the extensometer, with a tight 20%
between different machines. Method A2 may increase tolerance.
testing times slightly (when compared to method B), so the
additional benefit from utilizing Method A1 is that test times Method A2 open-loop constant crosshead speed (obtained
can be reduced by up to 40% per test. This will vary from by multiplying the required strain rate by the parallel length).
machine and specimen type, but you may see significant
reduction in test times, which will help to increase laboratory =
efficiency. This calculation does NOT take into account the effect of the
testing machine compliance. As can be seen in Figure 2,
some of the strain rate will be lost in the system. Annex F
Method A1 & A2 Rates from ISO 6892:2016 gives additional guidance for the
The defined rates in ISO 6892:2016 are the same as Estimation of the crosshead separation rate in
Method A in ISO 6892-1:2009, which are dependent on the consideration of the stiffness (or compliance) of the testing
results that are being determined. Figure 3 shows how the equipment).
ranges are defined from ISO 6892-1. Range 2 is the
recommended rate for determining yield (Rp) and Range 4 is
recommended for determining Rm, Agt, Ag, At & A. Figure 4
shows where these calculations are determined and where
the ranges would be.

Range 1: 0.00007s-1 20%

Range 2: 0.00025s-1 20% (Recommended)

Range 3: 0.002s-1 20%

Range 4: 0.0067s-1 20% (Recommended)

Figure 3: ISO 6892-1:2016 Rates

Figure 4: ISO 6892-1:2016 Method A Rates Expressed graphically in comparison with the required results | Page 2 of 5
types. The system compliance means the strain rate
Method A1 Strain ControlA decreases, not increases. Therefore, if you use a rate higher
For metals that demonstrate a smooth transition from the than the target rate, but still within the 20% tolerance, it is
elastic to plastic region, the strain distribution in the gauge likely to be compliant. In other words, you may comply to the
length of the material is uniform through the offset yield (Rp) standard if you calculate based on 0.0003 mm/mm/s (high
and up to the maximum tensile stress (Rm). In this case, limit of 20% tolerance) to achieve 0.00025 mm/mm/s
strain control can be achieved using the signal from the 20%.
extensometer. The challenge with controlling from feedback
from the extensometer is that tuning is required, (typically for
the PID gain settings) because the control loop is affected Benefits of Using Strain Control
by the specimen stiffness. This can be time consuming and More repeatable and comparable results; test results
requires skilled operators. Tuning may need to be performed reliable from machine to machine
for each material tested with adjustments being made
between tests of different materials. If tuned for the elastic Improved efficiency; time per test minimized and setup
region, the stiffness change in the specimen when it yields time reduced
may adversely affect the control and allow the strain rate to
go out of the 20% tolerance. Every aspect of the testing Future proofing your laboratory
system will affect the suitability for strain control including
testing machine stiffness, load cell stiffness, as well as the Less operator training when using 5900 automatic gain
specimen gripping mechanics. tuning

Strain control is not suitable for metals that display yield

point elongation (YPE/Ae) as the strain distribution along the
Considerations to Using Strain
parallel length is no longer uniform. Instead, it is localized in
narrow regions known as Luders bands, which often occur Control
outside of the extensometer gauge length. When this May need to use specimens to tune gain settings
happens, strain measured by an extensometer can actually
decrease despite strain over the entire parallel section of the Minimizing compliance in the testing machine configuration
specimen is increasing. will help achieve closed-loop strain control

High-precision extensometer is required

Method A2 Crosshead Control Lab environment must be free of vibration or the test system
Method A2 is suitable for all material types, and most is isolated so that it cant be transmitted to the specimen
machine configurations are capable of performing a closed
loop constant crosshead speed. Therefore, it is much Requires a responsive controller with high data collection
simpler to install and run in your lab, especially when using rate and loop update rate response rate
older equipment without a current upgrade. However, going
A proportional specimen and a proportional gauge length
at a constant crosshead speed typically makes the test
extensometer are ideal. In reality, a specimen with good
slower. To assist with this, ISO 6892-1:2016 allows you to
gauge length to parallel length ratio is well suited to minimize
test at any suitable speed up to 50% of yield strength (Rp)
the strain seen outside of the gauge length, allowing the
because, in the elastic region, metals are typically not as
control to be more stable.
strain-rate sensitive.
If your specimens vary from discontinuous yielding to
The exact crosshead speed necessary to stay within the
20% tolerance may be different for each material type and continuous yielding, it is important to change control
for different cross sections. In order to stay compliant you methods for each type. Discontinuous yielding materials
may need to fine tune the speed when you change specimen must be in crosshead speed control during YPE. | Page 3 of 5
typical calculations for ISO 6892-1 have been determined,
Instron Solution
including ReH and ReL.
Instron testing machines are able to meet the demanding
requirements of ISO 6892-1:2016: Method A1, based on A discontinuously yielding material elastically deforms up
strain rate control, Method A2 based on constant crosshead until ReH. Following ReH the force typically drops dramatically
speed, and Method B based on stress rate. as the strain continues to increase. In addition, local yielding
can occur outside the extensometer gauge length. If the
testing machine remained in strain control, the testing speed
Materials Testing Machines would change dramatically to counter this yielding
Our electromechanical or static-hydraulic machines can be characteristic resulting in an incorrect strain rate and non-
equipped with a range of clip-on or high-resolution automatic compliance with the standard. Using an intelligent algorithm,
extensometers for strain rate control. With many gripping the Instron machine swaps to position control, as detailed in
solutions available, Instron has a suitable gripping the standard, allowing it to maintain the standard defined
mechanism for almost all material types. Advanced 5900 estimated strain rate through the discontinuous yielding
digital control electronics provide a 5 kHz loop update rate region. At the end of this yielding region with the onset of
and self-adaptive strain control ensuring stable and accurate strain hardening the machine then moves to a final rate that
strain control under a wide range of conditions. it maintains until the conclusion of the test.

Method A1
Materials with no Yield Point

Figure 5 shows a typical test curve of a specimen that

exhibits no distinct yield point. This is known as continuously
yielding behavior. Construction lines show points where
typical calculations for ISO 6892-1 have been determined,
including Rp0.2 and Rm. Construction lines or markers are
available for almost all calculations in Bluehill 3 for a quick
Figure 5: Bluehill 3 Stress/Strain graph with additional y-axis for strain rate plotted,
and easy visual indication of the correct result being with 20% tolerance indicated

ISO 6892-1 details test speeds that must be adhered to

within a tolerance of 20% while certain material properties
are calculated. There are four speed ranges in total, with
recommendations as to which should be used at each point
of the test. Figure 5 focuses on the yield region of the test
curve. The orange line show the strain rate being maintained
well within the 20% allowable limits (tolerance indicated by
red dotted line).

Materials with Distinct Yield Point

Figure 6: Bluehill 3 Stress/Strain graph of discontinuously yielding material.
Figure 6 shows a typical curve for a specimen that exhibits
abrupt yield point behavior. This is known as discontinuously
yielding behavior. Construction lines show points where | Page 4 of 5
Method B Stress Control
The defined rates in ISO6892-1:2016 are as shown in Figure
7 and remain the same as Method B from ISO 6892:1:2009,
and include two allowable ranges based on the modulus of
elasticity of materials.

Figure 7: ISO 6892-1:2016 Method B Rates Figure 8: Region of stress control on continuous and discontinuously yielding
The primary change for Method B in ISO 6892-1:2016 is the
addition of a note addressing the region of the test where
Method B or the stress rate shall be maintained. It is NOT
intended to maintain a stress rate for determining yield
parameters. As a material yields the stress rate will drop or
International Organization for Standardization, Metallic
even go negative (with discontinuously yielding material).
materials -- Tensile Testing -- Part 1: Method of test at room
Maintaining a stress rate in closed-loop control stress or load
temperature, ISO 6892-1:2009, International Organization
control will cause the machine to accelerate rapidly during
for Standardization, Geneva.
yielding. This is NOT compliant to ISO6892-1 and can result
in giving higher yield strengths and much shorter test times.
It may even cause the upper yield point to be hidden for
discontinuous yielding materials. Disclaimer
This document has been prepared in accordance to the
When using testing machines capable of closed-loop international testing standard at the date of issue. This
load/stress control the stress rate should be achieved in the document combines the standards, together with Instrons
elastic region and then switched before 80% of expected application knowledge. Should there be any errors or any
changes in the standard this is not the responsibility of
Rp0.2 to maintain a constant crosshead speed. During the
Instron. However we will endeavor to maintain this document
elastic region of a metals test the load should be where appropriate. It is important that you own an official
proportional. Once in stable, closed-loop stress control a and current copy of the standard to ensure youre in
constant crosshead will achieve the stress rate throughout compliance with this standard
the rest of the elastic region and be suitable for yield

Method B is still the most common control mode used within CONTACT US
industry, but there is a large variation of the rates that means
there will be some intrinsic variation on results that are
To learn more about the upcoming
compared when testing to Method B. This can be increased
further using different machine configurations. changes to ISO 6892-1:2016 | Page 5 of 5

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