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ConServ & Co.

Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,

Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523




Contracting Authority: ENEMALTA PLC

Contractor: DDE ATTARD LTD

1. Introduction
This method statement shall be divided into two phases:
Phase 1 Cleaning and Dismantling of Tanks.
Phase 2 Dismantling of Chimneys.

2. Method Statement
This method statement has been drawn up at design stage of the project, in order to obtain
approval from the Environmental Authority and the Contracting Authority on proceeding with the
proposed works in full compliance with tender requirements and legal obligations.

2.1 Design
The design phase will include the following activities:
2.1.1 Survey on site to collect all the information
During this stage all the standard operating procedures to be executed shall be disclosed.
In particular:
Preliminary site inspection on the equipment to be demolished;
Type and location of plant still operating;
Emergency plan and site internal regulations;
Topographic and planimetric survey;
Traffic and vehicle traffic on site.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

2.1.2 Issue of the method statement

The method statement will be submitted to the Project Supervisor and to MEPA for
comments &/or approval.

2.1.3 Items identification

All the items to be dismantled will be marked on site. This activity will be carried out also
for piping and other equipment in order to ascertain recognition. Piping located near the
equipment to be dismantled, that will remain operative during the work execution will also
be identified.

2.1.4 Marked item planimetric drawings

Planimetric drawings of the marked equipment/areas will be issued.

2.1.5 Environmental protection and safety

Environmental protection devices to be used on this project shall be: VOC and dust detector monitoring units:
Planimetric drawings will be issued with the location of VOC and dust detector units
to be installed during the work execution.

2.1.6 Isolation plan for plant not being dismantled:

An isolation plan of the equipment and pipework to be dismantled and those items
which will remain shall be provided to us by Enemalta.

2.1.7 Health & Safety Plan:

A Health and Safety Plan shall be developed for this project.

2.1.8 Equipment specifications:

The construction site will be self-sufficient for:
power energy;
containment system.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
Equipment used are:
Yard preparation and demolition of containment bund walls:
Dust detectors / VOC monitoring units;
Excavator, pneumatic drill, truck;
Compressor and motor generators;
Scaffolding and platforms;
Polythene sheets and barriers of light metal sheet;

Skid Steer Loader (bobcat) 3 Tons capacity;
Lattice crane 200 Tons capacity;
2 Mobile Scaffolds and Sky platform (for chimney);
Equipment to clean up lines and tanks to be dismantled.
Air pumps, decanter tank, piping, horizontal and vertical centrifugal pumps;
Equipment for high-pressure water cutting;
System for inner tank lighting;
Piping, tools, skips to contain sludge / oil recovered;
Odour control chemical - Amerscent 72.


Dedicated cutting equipment;

Crane of suitable capacity;
Scaffolding and platform;
System for inner tank lighting and power unit;
Authorized flatbed trucks for the transport of scrap metal classified in full
compliance with the regulations as stated above;
Grinder, hacksaws, oxy-acetylene cutting units.

Handling and transport

Identification plates for waste segregation;
Authorized trucks;
Covers and hoarding.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
Personal Protective Equipment
Particle filter mask (full face);
Safety boots;
Safety harness;
Eye protection;
Fire retarding aprons;
Hot work face shield.
Spill kit.

2.1.9 Work Team

Team Leader Salvo Leone
Operators 5 persons
Safety/Environmental Competent Person Nicolette Micallef
Industrial Hygienist Dr. George Peplow

2.1.10 Training and risks information

Staff on site shall have undergone competence and health and safety training on the
following areas:
Emergency and evacuation plans;
The specific risks of the site;
Principles of health and safety awareness;
Operating procedures;
Environmental protection.
First aid;
Fire fighting;
Safe work at heights;
Safe use of mechanical lifting equipment.

This method statement is a working document, and therefore may be amended as work
proceeds or on the request of MEPA or the Contracting Authority.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
2.2 Preliminary activities and preparation works

We list below the preliminary work necessary to carry out the activities:
The construction workarea shall be closed off to limit access of third parties to construction
site. Warning signage, warning tape and hoarding shall be used to delineate the workarea,
as appropriate.
Installation of VOC and dusts monitoring detectors in designated points.
Positioning of the firefighting equipment to be provided on site.
Preparing work permits for confined space entry as per the legal requirements of Legal
Notice 41 of 2004. Work Place (Minimum Requirements for Work) (Confined Spaces and
Spaces having Explosive Atmospheres) Regulations.
Preparing work permits for cold work and hot work as required in the Health and Safety
Inspecting markings on plant, equipment and pipework to be dismantled and those to be
left behind.
After performing these activities, it will be possible to carry out the dismantling activities
listed in the following paragraphs.


3.0 Tank 1 and Tank 6: Cleaning

Enemalta shall empty the tanks from Heavy Fuel Oil before works commence.
Only an estimated 1 foot of sludge will remain within each tanks.
Tank-2 shall not require cleaning, as it has already been cleaned.
Cleaning of Tank 1 and Tank 6 shall commence simultaneously as indicated in the attached
Gantt Chart.

3.1 Air quality monitoring

The Industrial Hygienist shall monitor the level of VOCs in the air inside the tank, to
ascertain that the workarea is safe for workers to operate in.
Air quality monitoring shall continue to be analyzed throughout the cleaning process, to
ascertain the air quality remains safe with respect to VOC limits.
The site shall also be monitored for VOC limits, to determine whether there is a risk of
environmental contamination of the area, as a result of the operations.
The VOC Test shall also take into consideration the level of odours present, if any, within the
tank to allow for mitigation measures to be taken, if necessary.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

3.2 Tank preparation

- Pipework to be dismantled (previously identified with the Project Supervisor) shall be

isolated from the rest of the plant which will not be removed, with a blind disk at the
battery limit.
- Provisional works to protect piping and equipment that will not be dismantled, near the
work area of the tank, will be carried out the main control measure to prevent damage to
live plant shall be protection using sheet metal;
- Electrical isolation of cable and any relevant equipment located in the containment bund;
- Electrical isolation of the equipment to be dismantled in full compliance with Enemalta
procedures and Maltese legislations and regulations;
- Dismantling of containment wall with excavator, and jackhammer;
- During the activities of dismantling, hoarding (metal and polythene sheets) will be placed to
minimize contamination.
- All pipes and pumps used for tank cleaning, shall be properly cleaned in full compliance
with industry best practices.
- Pipework connected to the tank shall be isolated from the rest of the plant, and dismantled
into segments of lengths which are manageable to transport.
- All materials removed will be transported offsite and taken to an authorized disposal
facilities in accordance with the local waste management rules and regulations as enforced
by MEPA.

3.3 Tank cleaning

- A hole shall be cut in the shell wall of the Tank, at a height of 40cms (just above the level of
sludge). The opening shall have the following dimensions: Height: 3 metres x Width: 3
metres. Cold cutting shall be used to manage the cut. Refer to the below diagrams.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

- A hole shall be cut in the shell wall roof of the Tanks, with a dimension of 4 metres x 4
metres. This will allow waste sludge to be removed from the Tank by a Crane.
- With reference to section 3.1, the Air Quality of the workarea and the surrounding
environment shall continue to be monitored by the Industrial Hygienist to ascertain that the
level of VOCs in the air is safe for workers to operate in.
- The air quality inside the Tank shall be inspected prior to workers entering the confined
spaces, using a permit to work system, to ascertain the atmosphere is not an explosive

3.4 Removal of Sludge from Tanks

- Sludge shall be removed from the designated tanks and transferred into a nearby empty
water tank, which has been chosen by Enemalta to hold the waste sludge collected during
the cleaning process.
- A 200 Tons Lattice Crane shall be positioned appropriately to reach Tank 1, Tank 2, Tank 6
and the Water Tank which shall be used to contain the HFO sludge collected.
- Sludge shall be collected from inside the Tank using a skid steer loader and placed into a
metal sealable container with the capacity of 5m (modified skip).
- The filled container will be sealed, secured to the crane from all four corners, lifted through
the roof opening in the tank and transferred onto the water tank. Once above the water

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
tank, the skip will be purposely tipped using the guy wires of the crane and its contents
dumped into the water tank from a suitable height, so as not to spill.

3.5 Scraping of Tank Walls

- Once the tank is emptied of sludge, two mobile scaffolds will be entered into the tank for
scraping of the walls and roofs.
- Workers will manually scrap the internal lining of the tanks.
- HFO dried sludge residue removed by the scraping process shall be transferred from the
tank being cleaned into the water tank with the same process of the sludge removal.

3.6 Air quality inspection and certification of decontamination

- With reference to section 3.1, the Air Quality of the workarea and the surrounding
environment shall continue to be monitored by the Industrial Hygienist to ascertain that the
level of VOCs in the air is safe for workers to operate in.
- Following removal of all sludge and dried sludge residue from the inside of the tank, the
Industrial Hygienist shall issue a certificate to declare the tank decontaminated, odour free
and ready for dismantling.
- After tank cleaning, and before the start of the dismantling activities of the Tank, it is
necessary to check the air quality within the double roof as stated in the Clarification No. 1
dated 29-10-2014.
- Such monitoring is important to verify the presence of mixtures of hydrocarbons in liquid or
explosive gaseous state in the space between the two roofs which may be present.
- First a visual inspection of the roof shall be carried out. The roof will be inspected from the
external and internal side.
- If there is no liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon present, it will be possible to hot cut the tank
for dismantling.
- In case of the presence of liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon, a number of holes will be made in
the roof. These will allow for nitrogen or steam to flow in between the sheets to remove
the flammable mixture that could be present. Similar procedure should be performed on
the bottom of tanks. In fact, over time, leakages from the bottom could be identified and
hydrocarbons could be in the underlying area. All holes made in the shell of the tank shall
be carried out using cold cutting techniques, where there is the risk of an explosive
atmosphere. The figure below shows schematically the activities to be carried out between
the roof of the Tank and for the Tank bottom.

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

3.7 Spill Containment

- While all precautions shall be taken to ensure that spills of sludge are avoided, a
contingency plan for spill cleanup shall be made available to the operators. This will allow
for immediate and appropriate containment, collection and decontamination of any areas
which may have been affected by a spill.
- On taking into account the density of the sludge, it has been deemed reasonably safe to
transfer the sludge in a container with a capacity of 5m. Such capacity would be
manageable to control in the unlikely event of a spill.

The dismantling process shall be the same for tanks 1, 2 and 6. The sequence for dismantling shall
be as follows: Tank 2, Tank 6, and Tank 1.

3.8 Dismantling of Tank Roof

- With reference to section 3.1, the Air Quality of the workarea and the surrounding
environment shall continue to be monitored by the Industrial Hygienist to ascertain that the
level of VOCs in the air is safe for workers to operate in.
- In this method statement we are assuming the absence of an explosive atmosphere under
the bottom and between the double roof, so we will proceed with hot cutting using a
permit to work system.
- The operating staff can access the roof of a tank only after the inspection in order to define
the integrity of the sheets. During the cutting and handling of the sheets, the workers will
always be secured with a certified safety harness. The cutting will begin from the roof of the

Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
Tank and proceed with the walls (jacket shell), then the sheets at the bottom with steam
coils. All the sheets will be previously marked for cutting to ensure adequate dimensions, in
order to be easily handled and transported in manageable segments by truck.
- Where the integrity of the roof is not sound, the roof will be cut out as a whole segment
with workers operating from a lifting platform aside the tank. The roof shall be lowered to
the ground whole, and cut into manageable segments at ground level.

3.9 Lowering of Dismantled Segments

- Metal segments marked for cutting shall have holes drilled into the four corners. This will
allow the segments to be secured to the crane prior to cutting.
- Hot cutting shall be used to disconnect the marked segment from the rest of the plant.
- Once a segment has been cut, it will be lowered to the ground level using the crane to
which the metal segment has already been secured.
- If further segmenting into more manageable dimensions is required, this shall be carried
out at ground level. Otherwise, the waste metal sheet would be loaded onto a truck, ready
for transport off site.

3.10 Dismantling of Tank Walls

- The walls of the tank shall be marked for cutting into segments of approximately Height: 11
metres (along the vertical axis) x Width: 2.5 metres (along the horizontal axis) (to fit exactly
onto the trucks).
- As previously described in section 3.8 (roof dismantling), each marked segment shall be
secured for lowering before cutting commences.

3.11 Dismantling of Tank Floor

The floor of the tank shall not require securing before cutting, because the segment is not
suspended, it shall be cut and loaded for transport, following the safe procedure as previously

3.12 Cutting of Tank Metal Sheets

All metal sheets cut shall be of dimensions which are manageable to secure, load/lift/lower,
transport and which will minimize risk of injury of operatives. An estimated 4 trucks will be
available to transport waste off site on a regular basis, every day.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
3.13 Following the Dismantling

- Appropriate control measures will be taken in order to reduce dust and smells which may
be generated by these activities. The removed materials will be segregated, stored,
classified and disposed of in compliance with European and Maltese waste management
and environmental legislation.
- After the full removal of the tank, the area under the tank shall be inspected. This area will
be cleaned and free of all trace of processing residue and hydrocarbons.
- Once a tank is cleared, the main pipework and the pentomag mixing units will be
- The dismantling process for each tank shall be the same for Tank1, Tank2 and Tank 6.
- The sand present between the double bottom will be removed, analyzed, classified and
transferred to dump in full compliance with local regulations.
- After the dismantling of tanks and controls of the surfaces, civil works will be made to
restore and finish the workarea requested in your Tender Ref. N. GN/MPS/DO/2173/2014
of 10.17.2014 and subsequent clarification letters.


4.0 Chimney-1 and Chimney-3: Dismantling

In paragraph 14.4 of your tender Ref. No: GN/MPS/DO/2173/2014 of 17/10/2014: there is the
following statement: The lining is constituted of fire bricks (circa 113mm thick) and an external
reinforced concrete shell (various thicknesses along the length of the chimney as indicated on
drawings). Glass wool insulation is sandwiched in between the internal brick lining and the external
concrete lining. Another reinforced concrete lining was later applied on the original reinforced
concrete lining. We understand that the configuration of chimney wall shall be like schematic
shown in the below figure.
As specified in the tender, the chimney has been modified over the years, from its installation.
Originally it had a tubular element composed of steel of a thickness varying between 12 mm and 8
mm from the base to the top. Subsequently after many reinforcing and repairing activities of the
original shell, the external structure has been realized as shown in above figure. The weight of the
entire stack is around 420 tonnes of which about 70 tons of steel, 65 tons of brick and the other of

Chimney 3 shall be dismantled first, followed by Chimney 1.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

4.1 Dismantling of Chimney

The dismantling will be carried out with as follows:

- The air quality inside the Chimney shall be inspected by the Industrial Hygienist for
Confined space entry.
- Any waste material at the base of the chimney shall be removed.

4.2 The Industrial Hygienist shall test the Chimney for the hazardous substances

- In the present offer we suppose the absence of asbestos. The determination of the presence of
asbestos and its management will be done in full compliance with Asbestos Policy Document of 28-
Mar-2008 ver. 3 attached at your tender Ref. No: GN/MPS/DO/2173/2014 of 17/10/2014.
- The glass wool layer of the chimney will be tested by the Industrial Hygienist for hazardous
substances prior to dismantling.
- The layer of deposit on the inside of the chimney wall shall be tested by the Industrial
Hygienist for hazardous substances prior to dismantling.

4.3 Dismantling of Degassing Tower (for Chimney 1 only)

- Prior to the dismantling of the disused degassing tower, surface scrapings shall be
undertaken to inspect for a toxic deposits from the nearby chimney emissions that may
have congealed on the surface. One representative sample shall be collected from various
parts of the surface. The sample shall be analysed for the following parameters:
Asbestos fibres & Vanadium.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
- The degassing tower is mainly made up of wooden and plastic components. Dismantling of
the components only require manual work and the use of hand tools. The material from
dismantling of the degassing tower shall be segregated and packaged into big bags, loaded
onto trucks and transported off-site for disposal at an authorized facility.

4.4 Scaffolding

A sky platform shall be erected around the stack prior to dismantling. The scaffolding shall be
certified before use, following any adverse weather conditions or following any damage/incident
related to the structure.

Hoarding shall be installed around the Chimney to minimize dispersion of dust and other particle
debris which may be generated by the dismantled process.

4.5 Core drills

Core drilling shall be carried out on the outside surface of the chimney to verify the thickness of the
reinforced concrete, the layer of glass wool, the shell of brick and internal steel.
Ten core samples will be taken along the chimney at a height of 2m, 15m, 20m, and 35m for
Chimney 1 (42 metres).
Five core samples will be taken along the chimney at a height 2m, 8m, and 10m for Chimney 3
(11 metres).
If the samples underline a substantial differences in the structure of the chimney, additional holes
will be made in order to characterize the structure.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
4.6 Cutting of the Chimney

The first cut of the circumferential outer wall of concrete will be carry out.
In order for the components which make up the Chimney wall to stay intact during the dismantling
process, it has been decided that the Chimney shall be cut just below the flanges this will allow
for solidity of the structure during the cutting and handling activities.
Dismantling of the Chimney will proceed from the top towards the bottom.
6 Holes will be drilled around the circumference of the Chimney below the flange. This will allow
for the segment to be secured to the crane prior to cutting. Segments shall be approximately 8
metres long.
Cutting will be performed using dedicated cutting equipment.

4.7 Segregation of Waste from Chimney Dismantling

Once disconnected, the segment will be lowered to the ground, where it will be further dismantled
into the separate components which make up the Chimney wall:
Chimney 1 - concrete, steel, glass wool, bricks.
Chimney 3 concrete and bricks.

Construction debris from the dismantling process shall be collected and packaged into big bags,
loaded onto trucks and removed off-site for disposal at an authorized waste management facility.

For Chimney 3 the crane will remain in the same location used for the dismantling of tanks.
For Chimney 1 the crane shall be relocated to the lower level, in order to be close to the stack.

4.8 Transport of Materials

Materials shall be cut into sizes suitable for transport by truck before packaging and loading for

4.9 Following dismantling of Chimney

Following the completion of dismantling works, the construction site shall be cleared of all debris
and inspected with the Project Supervisor in full compliance with the contract provisions.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

5.1 General
Work will be performed in full compliance with the tender contract and the Method Statement
developed in the design phase and submitted to the Project Supervisor and MEPA. As previously
stated, they can request further changes before final approval.
The procedures outlined in this statement will constitute the minimum requirements necessary for
the execution of the work.
The relevant regulations to carry out the work are attached in Annex 3 Relevant Legislation.

5.2 Contain Dust, smell, VOC

As previously mentioned, all necessary control measure to contain dust, smell, VOC, etc. will be
adopted. The equipment used will be certified and appropriate for the designated task. Also the
operators who will perform readings and tests will be competent and certified. During execution of
the works all the precautions and procedures to minimize and contain dust, smells and VOC will be

5.3 Check explosiveness and presence of hydrocarbon

All the equipment used for the controls and the presence of hydrocarbons and explosive
atmosphere will be certified and suitable for purpose. Also the operators will be certified in
accordance with the Maltese laws.

5.4 Equipment
Cranes, Sky-walkers, Platforms, Scaffoldings, Power Generator, and the other equipment used to
carry out the work will be certified (with all certifications provided) and marked CE.
Staff will be qualified in full compliance with Malta laws.
All the lifting, the use of sky-walkers, platforms and scaffoldings are always preceded by a lifting,
handling and assembly plan prepared by a competent person and approved by the supervisor.
These plans will be delivered in the design phase and will be part of health & safety plan.
In case of request after the execution of surveys, plans will be reviewed and submitted for further

5.5 Electrical Isolation

Before commencement of works, the Project Supervisor shall identify the equipment and cables to
be isolated.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523
5.6 Activities on site
The work will be performed during normal operation of the Thermal Power Plant. All the staff that
work in the construction site will be qualified and will be registered as per Enemalta procedures.
Weekly safety meetings will be held. Targets of these meetings will be to:
analyze the results of the audits;
identify corrective measures;
inform teams about the activities scheduled for the next week;
ensure compliance with security procedures;
prevent and protect staff;
analyse environmental factors;

The frequency of meetings can be modified, based on site needs.

5.7 Management
- Specific activities shall be regulated on site by procedures after approval by the Team
- The Safety and Environment Competent Person shall prepare a construction Health and
Safety Plan, on the basis of this Method Statement.
- The Team Leader shall manage the activities, operations and staff on the construction site.
He shall be also be responsible for liaising with the Enemalta Project Supervisor.
- Management shall include detailed time scheduling, Health and Safety Plan coordination,
quality plan, cost planning.
- At the end of each month, the Team Leader shall issue a Monthly Report to the project


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523


The following waste streams have been identified as to be generated from this project:

C&D Waste EWC 17 09 04, 17 09 03* (to confirm)

Debris generated from the demolition of the bund wall. The construction debris shall be
segregated and transported by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier to an authorized facility
for disposal. Should the demolition debris be found to be contaminated material, this will
be stored inside a covered 6 yards skip inside the bund until it is disposed of as
contaminated C&D waste.

Scrap Metal EWC 17 04 07

Generated from dismantling of tanks, chimneys and other metal plant.
Scrap metal shall be cut into manageable components on-site, transported by a MEPA
Registered Waste Carrier to the bidders storage facility and later export to an authorized
for recycling.

Waste from the reclamation of HFO Sludge EWC 05 01 11*

HFO Sludge collected from holding tanks shall be processed on-site for the purpose of
reclaiming as much reusable material from the substance as possible. Waste generated
from this process shall be packaged on-site, temporarily stored on-site with appropriate
bunding (spill prevention), and later the waste shall be transported off-site by a MEPA
Registered Waste Carrier for export to an authorized hazardous waste incineration facility.

Sludge from HFO EWC 10 01 20*, EWC 01 01 21 (to confirm)

Not all the HFO Sludge may undergo the process of reclamation. Such waste shall be
packaged on-site, temporarily stored on-site with appropriate bunding (spill prevention),
and later the waste shall be transported off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier for
export to an authorized hazardous waste incineration facility.

Oily Fly Ash & Boiler Dust EWC 10 01 04* (to confirm)
Dismantling of chimneys may result in the removal of fly ash & boiler dust. Such waste shall
be packaged on-site, temporarily stored on-site, and later the waste shall be transported
off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier for export to an authorized hazardous waste


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

Fly Ash containing hydrocarbons EWC 10 01 13* (to confirm)

Dismantling of chimneys may result in the removal of fly ash containing hydrocarbons. Such
waste shall be packaged on-site, temporarily stored on-site, and later the waste shall be
transported off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier for export to an authorized
hazardous waste landfill.

Fire Bricks EWC 17 01 02

Dismantling of chimneys shall generate waste building materials, such as bricks. Such waste
shall be collected immediately and transported off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier
to the local landfill.

Concrete Lining EWC 17 01 01

Dismantling of chimneys shall generate waste building materials, such as concrete. Such
waste shall be collected immediately and transported off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste
Carrier to the local landfill.

Mix of Fire Bricks & Concrete EWC 17 01 07 (alternative to 17 01 02, 17 01 01)

Dismantling of chimneys shall generate a mix of waste building materials, containing bricks
& concrete. Waste shall be classified as such, if the rubble cannot be segregated into
separate waste streams. Such waste shall be collected immediately and transported off-site
by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier to the local landfill.

Glass Wool Insulation EWC 17 06 04

Dismantling of chimneys shall generate waste glass wool insulation. Such waste shall be
collected immediately and transported off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier to the
local landfill.

Asbestos Waste EWC 17 06 01* (to confirm)

Dismantling of chimneys and other plant may result in the removal of asbestos waste. Such
waste shall be packaged on-site, temporarily stored on-site, and later the waste shall be
transported off-site by a MEPA Registered Waste Carrier for export to an authorized
hazardous waste landfill.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523

Other notes:
Waste generated from this project shall be identified and segregated as far as reasonably
possible at the source.
All waste shall be managed, handled and packaged by experienced and competent persons
in this field.
Packaging of waste shall be performed into containers and/or packaging materials suitable
for the respective waste stream. Packaging materials should allow for suitable containment,
protection against spills, suitable for temporary storage and transport, appropriately
All transfers of waste shall be carried out by vehicles duly authorized as MEPA Registered
Waste Carriers, with the respective waste stream classification.
All transfers of hazardous waste shall be carried out in compliance with ADR Regulations
and exported as per Transboundary Movement of Waste Regulations.
The quantities of waste generated from this project shall be accounted for at the waste
packaging stage and/or removal of the waste off-site.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]
ConServ & Co.
Suite 5, BLB 45A Bulebel Industrial Estate,
Zejtun ZTN3000 MALTA

Company Reg. No. P1357

VAT No. MT 2046 1523


The program of the project is shown in Gantt Chart.

7.0 Engineering and yard installation

1. Within 2 weeks from the award of the contract, we are forward the following
a. Approved Method Statement to be submitted to the Project Supervisor;
b. Drawings and technical specifications about the works, lifting plans;
c. The Specifications waste management, transportation and disposal at an authorized
waste management facility in accordance with Malta and European;
d. Certificates for the vehicles and drivers;
e. Health and safety plan;
f. Specification, technical report, drawings, fencing and warning signs, utilities,
temporary electrical service, wiring and lighting, sanitary facilities

2. Within 3 weeks of commencing works: Yard Mobilization which shall include:

a. Organisation and mobilization of the contractors workforce;
b. Transporting equipment to the jobsite and setting up of same;
c. Transporting various tools, materials and equipment to the jobsite;
d. Erection of temporary facilities as required for field offices

7.1 Working Phase

1. Lines and ducting shall be isolated and blanked.

2. Cleaning and Tanks 6 & 1 shall be completed in no more than 7 weeks.
3. Demolition of Chimney 3 shall be completed in no more than 5 weeks from commencement
of works.
4. Demolition of Chimney 1 shall be completed in no more than 7 weeks.


Mobile: (+356) 7909 2467 | Phone: (+356) 2180 3841/ 2 | Fax: (+356) 2180 3840 | E-mail: [email protected]

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