Casting, Welding, Machine Tools, Material SC PDF
Casting, Welding, Machine Tools, Material SC PDF
Casting, Welding, Machine Tools, Material SC PDF
y The molten metal is poured into the sprue hole, flows
y Sand casting uses ordinary sand as the primary through the runners,
runners and enters the mold cavity
mould material. through an opening called a gate.
y The sand grains are mixed with small amounts of y G i
Gravity fl
flow i the
is h most common means off
other materials, such as clay and water, to improve introducing the metal into the mold.
M t lC ti
MetalCasting mouldability and cohesive strength,
strength and are then
packed around a pattern that has the shape of the
desired casting.
y After solidification, the mold is broken and the
finished casting is removed.
y The casting is then fettled by cutting off the ingate
y The pattern must be removed before pouring, the
and the feeder head.
ld is
i usually
ll made
d in
i two
t or more pieces.
y Because the mold is destroyed, a new mold must be
y An opening called a sprue hole is cut from the top of
made for each casting.
B SKM d l
BySKMondal the mold through the sand and connected to a
system of channels called runners. Contd. Contd
i l i ki d i y The mold is opened, the pattern board is drawn
y Apatternboardisplacedbetweenthebottom(drag) (removed),
(removed) and the runner and gate are cut into the
andtop(cope)halvesofaflask,withthebottomsideup. surface of the sand.
y Flask: A moulding flask is one which holds the sand
ld intact.
i t t It is
i made
d up off wood
d for
f temporary
pp or metal for longterm
g use.
y Pouring
g basin: A small funnelshaped
p cavityy at the top
p y Chaplet: Chaplets are used to support cores inside the y Tapering
T i off thinner
thi section
ti towards
t d thicker
thi k section
of the mould into which the molten metal is poured. mould cavity. is known as 'padding'.
y Sprue: The passage through which the molten metal y This will require extra material.
y Chill: Chills are metallic objects, which are placed in
from the pouring basin reaches the mould cavity.
cavity y If p
paddingg is not p
provided, centre line shrinkage
g or
h mould
ld to increase
i the
h cooling
li rate off castings.
i porosity will result in the thinner section.
y Runner: The passage ways in the parting plane through y Riser: It is a reservoir of molten metal provided in the
which molten metal flow is regulated before they reach casting so that hot metal can flow back into the mould
h mould
ld cavity. cavity when there is a reduction in volume of metal due
y Gate: The actual entry point through which molten to solidification
metal enters the mould cavity in a controlled rate. Contd Contd
Pattern PatternAllowances Sh i k
A pattern is a replica of the object to be made by the 1. Shrinkageorcontractionallowance y All metals shrink when cooling except perhaps
casting process,, with some modifications. bismuth.
The main modifications are 2. Draftortaperallowance
y The addition of pattern allowances,
allowances y This is because of the interatomic vibrations which
3. Machiningorfinishallowance
M hi i fi i h ll
y The provision of core prints, and are amplified by an increase in temperature.
4 Distortionorcamberallowance
y Elimination of fine details, which cannot be obtained
y The shrinkage allowance is always to be added to the
by casting and hence are to be obtained by further 55. Rappingallowance
pp g
processing linear dimensions. Even in case of internal dimensions.
GATE2001 GATE2004
Shrinkage allowance on pattern is provided to
Shrinkage allowance is made by Gray cast iron blocks 200 x 100 x 10 mm are to be
compensate for shrinkage
g when
( ) Adding
(a) dd to externall and
d internall dimensions
d castt in
i sand d moulds.ld Shrinkage
Sh i k allowance
ll f
(a) The temperature of liquid metal drops from pattern making is 1%. The ratio of the volume of
(b) Subtracting from external and internal pouring to freezing temperature
dimensions pattern
tt t that
to th t off the
th casting
ti will
ill be
(b) The metal changes from liquid to solid state at
((c)) Subtracting
g from external dimensions and freezing temperature
adding to internal dimensions (a) 0.97 (b) 0.99 (c) 1.01 (d) 1.03
(c) The temperature of solid phase drops from
(d) Adding to external dimensions and subtracting f
i to room temperature
from internal dimensions
(d) The temperature of metal drops from pouring
to room temperature
Sh k ll
ShakeAllowance ll
DistortionAllowance P M i l
y Wood
W d patterns
tt are relatively
l ti l easy to
t make.
k Wood
W d is
i nott
y At the time of pattern removal, the pattern is rapped y A metal when it has just solidified is very weak and very dimensionally stable. Commonly used teak, white
therefore is likelyy to be distortion p
prone. pine and mahogany wood.
all around the vertical faces to enlarge the mould
y Metal patterns are more expensive but are more
cavity slightly to facilitates its removal.
removal y This is particularly so for weaker sections such as long dimensionally stable and more durable.
durable Commonly used
flat portions, V, U sections or in a complicated casting CI, Brass, aluminium and white metal.
y Itt iss a negative
egat ve a
owa ce aand
d iss to be app
ed o
onlyy to which may have thin and long sections which are y Hard plastics,
plastics such as urethanes,
urethanes and are often preferred
those dimensions, which are parallel to the parting connected to thick sections. with processes that use strong, organically bonded sands
that tend to stick to other pattern materials.
plane. y In the fullmold process, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is
y The foundry practice should be to make extra
material provision for reducing the distortion.
y Investment casting uses wax patterns.
TypesofPattern TypesofPattern T f P tt
y Follow Board Pattern
y Match Plate Pattern y Loose Piece Pattern This type of pattern is adopted for those
h cope and d drag
d patterns along
l with
h the
h This type of pattern is also used when the castings where there are some portions,
portions which
gating and the risering are mounted on a single contour of the part is such that withdrawing the are structurally weak and if not supported
pattern from the mould is not possible.
possible properly are likely to break under the force of
matching metal or wooden plate on either side.
IES2008 T f P tt
TypesofPattern T fP
y Sweep Pattern y Skeleton Pattern
The pattern adopted for those castings where there It is used to sweep the complete casting by means A skeleton of the pattern made of strips of wood
are some portions
ti which
hi h are structurally
t t ll weak k andd of a plane sweep.
s eep These are used for generating is used for building the final pattern by packing
are likely to break by the force of ramming are large shapes, which are axisymmetrical or sand around the skeleton. After packing the
ll d prismatic in nature such as bellshaped
bell shaped or sand the desired form is obtained with the help
(a) Loose piece pattern cylindrical. of a strickle. This type of pattern is useful
generally for very large castings,
castings required in
(b) Follow board pattern
small quantities where large expense on
((c)) Skelton p
pattern complete wooden pattern is not justified.
(d) Single piece pattern
y Then,, the p
permeabilityy number,, R is obtained byy
VH y Calculatethepermeabilitynumberofsandifittakes1min
y Permeability: Gases evolving from the molten metal R= 25stopass2000cm3 ofairatapressureof5g/cm2 through
and generated from the mould may have to go pAT
through the core to escape out of the mould. Hence WhereV=volumeofair=2000cm3
cores are required to have higher permeability.
permeability H=heightofthesandspecimen=5.08cm p = 5.0 g / cm 2
y Permeability Number: The rate of flow of air passing
p , g/ 2
p T = 1 min 25 s = 1.417
1 417 min
th h a standard
t d d specimen
i under
d a standard
t d d pressure is
termed as permeability number. A=crosssectionalareaofsandspecimen=20.268cm2 501.28
R= = 70.75
y The
Th standard
d d permeability
bili test is
i to measure time
i T timeinminutesforthecompleteairtopassthrough
T=timeinminutesforthecompleteairtopassthrough 5 1.417
1 417
taken by a 2000 cu cm of air at a pressure typically of
8 PaP (10 / 2),
( g/cm ) to pass through
h h a standard
d d sand d
specimen confined in a specimen tube. The standard 501.28
i size
i isi 50.8
8 mm in
i diameter
di and
d a length
l h off R=
50.8 mm. For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 7 of Rev.0
IES2007 y Friability: The ability to crumble should be a very
important consideration at the time of removal.
Whatispermeability?Permeabilityismoreimportant y Collapsibility:
p y At the time of cooling,
g, casting
g shrinks,, and
inthebasicprocessofsandcastingthanporosity.Give y Smoothness: Surface of the core should be smooth
unless the core has good collapsibility (ability to decrease
i t t f thi f t f good
for d finish
fi i h to
t the
th casting.
in size) it is likely to provide resistance against shrinkage
[2marks] y Low Gas Emission
and thus can cause hot tears.
C S d
CoreSands C b Di id M ldi
y The compressive strength of the bond increases with
y Sodium silicate (water glass, SiO2:Na2O) is used as a binder.
y Used
d clay
l free
f silica
l sand.
d This is essentially a quick process of core or mould standing time due to dehydration.
p p
y Binders used are linseed oil,
oil core oil,
oil resins,
resins dextrin,
dextrin y Because of the high strength of the bond, the core need not
y The mould is prepared with a mixture of sodium silicate and
molasses, etc. sand and then treated with carbon dioxide for two to three be p
provided with anyy other reinforcements.
minutes such that a dry compressive strength of over 1.4
y Core oils are mixtures of linseed, soy, fish and MPa is arrived. y It does not involve any distortions due to baking and also
petroleum oils and coal tar. y The carbon dioxide is expected to form a weak acid, which better dimensional accuracies are achieved.
hydrolyses the sodium silicate resulting in amorphous silica,
y The general composition of a core sand mixture could which forms the bond. y The
Th sand
d mixture
i d
does not have
h good
d shelf
h lf life
lif and
Grainsizenumber IES2002
y ASTM (American
( Society for Testing and Materials)) In the grain size determination using standard
grain size number, defined as
charts, the relation between the given size
N 2
number n and the average number of grains 'N'
y Where N is the number of grains per square inch
visible in a prepared specimen at 100X and n is the per square inch at a magnification of 100 X is
S Mg grainsize
a s e number.
u be .
( ) N = 2n
y Low ASTM numbers mean a few massive grains; high
numbers refer to many small grains.
grains (b) N = 2nl
(c) N = 2n + 1
S dSli
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) (d) N = 2n + 1 Page 9 of 240 Rev.0
CastingYield Gating System
g , , p
Casting yield = 100
Gating System
GatingSystem y Runner: A runner is commonly a horizontal channel
y Ingate: Achannelthroughwhichthemoltenmetal
y Pouring basin: A small funnel shaped cavity at the
which connects the sprue with gates, thus allowing the entersthemouldcavity.
top of the mould into which the molten metal is
poured. molten metal to enter the mould cavity.
cavity The runners y Vent: Smallopeninginthemouldtofacilitateescape
p g p
are of larger crosssection and often streamlined to
y Sprue:
S Th passage through
The th h which
hi h the
th molten
lt metal,
t l
from the pouring basin, reaches the mould cavity. In slow down and smooth out the flow, and are designed
many cases it controls
t l the
th flow
fl off metal
t l into
i t the
th to provide approximately uniform flow rates to the
various parts of the mould cavity.
cavity Runners are
commonly made trapezoidal in crosssection.
Contd Contd
TypesofGateorIngate IES2011 G
GATE 20 0 ( )
T gate: Causes
C turbulence
b l in
i the
h mould
ld cavity,
i it i is
i prone In light metal casting,
casting runner should be so designed During
D i the
h filling
filli process off a given
i sand
d mould
ld cavity
i byb
to form dross,, favourable temperature
p gradient towards the
g molten metal through a horizontal runner of circular cross
1. It avoids
id aspiration
i ti
gate, only for ferrous alloys. section the frictional head loss of the molten metal in the
2. It avoids turbulence
runner will increase with the
Bottom gate: No mould erosion, used for very deep moulds, 3. The path of runner is reduced in area so that
higher pouring time,
time Causes unfavourable temperature
unequal volume of flow throughg each g
gate (a) increase in runner diameter
takes place (b) decrease in internal surface roughness of runner
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
Parting Gate: most widely used gate, easiest and most (c) decrease in length of runner
economical in preparation. (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) increase in average velocity of molten metal
Step Gate: Used for heavy and large castings, size of ingates
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 10 of 240 Rev.0
are normally increased from top to bottom.
IES 2011
IES2011 IES1998 GATE2002
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using
the code given below the lists : A sand casting mould
assembly is shown in The primary purpose of a sprue in a casting
ListI ListII
the above figure. The mould
ou d iss to
A.Topgate 1.Heavyandlargecastings elements marked A (a)Feed the casting at a rate consistent with the rate
g 2.Mostwidelyusedandeconomical
y and B are respectively of solidification
C.Partinggate 3.Turbulence (a) Sprue and riser (b)Act as a reservoir for molten metal
(b) Ingate
I t andd riser
i ( ) d molten
(c)Feed l metall from
f the
h pouring
i basin
b i to theh
D.Stepgate 4.Unfavourable temperaturegradient
(c) Drag and runner gate
C d
(d) Riser and runner (d)Help feed the casting until all solidification takes
A B C D A B C D place
( ) 3
(a) 4 2 1 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 1 2 4 3
l f th ti t IES 1998
IES1998 IES2009
y To
T minimize
i i i turbulence
t b l to
t avoid
id trapping
t i gasses into
i t Whichofthefollowingaretherequirementsofanideal Considerthefollowingstatements:
C id th f ll i t t t
the mold gatingsystem?
1 Themoltenmetalshouldenterthemouldcavitywithas
y To get enough metal into the mold cavity before the metalentersthemouldcavityiscalledingate.
metal starts to solidify 2.Bottomgateincaseofamouldcreatesunfavourable
2 Itshouldfacilitatecompletefillingofthemouldcavity.
2. Itshouldfacilitatecompletefillingofthemouldcavity
y To avoid shrinkage temperaturegradient.
3. Itshouldbeabletopreventtheabsorptionofairorgases
y Establish the best possible temperature gradient in the fromthesurroundingsonthemoltenmetalwhile 3.Sprueincaseofamouldismadetaperedtoavoidair
solidifying casting so that the shrinkage if occurs must flowingthroughit. inclusion.
be in the gating system not in the required cast part. Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: Whichoftheabovestatementsis/arecorrect?
y Incorporates a system for trapping the nonmetallic (a)1,2and3 (b)1and2 (c)2and3 (d)1and3 (a)1only (b)1and2 (c)2and3 (d)1and3
f G ti S t P
i d G ti S t U P i d G ti S t
y The total cross sectional area decreases towards the y The total cross sectional area increases towards the
Thegatingsystemsareoftwotypes: mold cavity
mold cavity
y Back pressure is maintained by the restrictions in the
y Pressurizedgatingsystem metal flow y Restriction only
y at the bottom of sprue
y Flow of liquid (volume) is almost equal from all gates
y Flow of liquid (volume) is different from all gates
y Unpressurizedgatingsystem
U i d i y Back pressure helps in reducing the aspiration as the
sprue always runs full y Aspiration in the gating system as the system never
y Because
B off the
h restrictions
i i the
h metall flows
fl at high
hi h runs full
velocity leading to more turbulence and chances of
ld erosion.
i y Less
L turbulence.
b l
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 11 of 240 Rev.0
Sprue Design Sincethevelocitiesareproportionaltothesquareof
y Sprue: Sprue is the channel through which the molten p ,
metal is brought into the parting plane where it enters the Bernoulli'sequation,
runners and ggates to ultimatelyy reach the mould cavity.
y The molten metal when moving from the top of the cope to At = Ac
the p
partinggpplane g
gains in velocityy and some lowpressure
area would be created around the metal in the sprue.
y Since the sand mould is permeable, atmospheric air would Theexacttaperingcanbeobtainedbytheequationof
be breathed into this lowpressure area which would then continuity.DenotingthetopandchokesectionsofThesprue by
be carried to the mould cavity.
y thesubscriptstand'c'respectively,weget
h l
y To eliminate this problem of air aspiration, the sprue is
sprue height
p to g
graduallyy reduce the cross section as it moves Vc
A t Vt = A c Vc At = Ac andht=h+H
away from the top of the cope as shown in Figure below (b). Vt
Contd Contd
GATE 2007
GATE2001 A 200 mm long g down sprue p has an area of cross
section of 650 mm2 where the pouring basin meets the
The height of the downsprue is 175 mm and its
down sprue ((i.e. at the beginning
g g of the down sprue).
p )
ti l area att the
th base
b i 200 mm2. The
is Th
A constant head of molten metal is maintained by the
crosssectional area of the horizontal runner is
p g basin. The Molten metal flow rate is 6.55 105
l 200 mm2. Assuming
also A i no losses,
l i di t the
indicate th 3
mm /s. Considering the end of down sprue to be open
correct choice for the time (in seconds) required to
to atmosphere and an acceleration due to g gravityy of
fill a mould cavity
ca it of volume
olume 1006 mm3. (Use g = 100
2 104mm/s2, the area of the down sprue in mm2 at its end
m/s ).
((avoidingg aspiration
p effect)) should be
( )
(a)2.67 (b)
(b)8.45 ( )
(c)26.72 (d)
(a)650.0 (b)350.0 (c)290.7 (d)190.0
G ti
ti IES2003 IES2005
A gating
ti ratio
ti off 1: 2: 4 is
i used
d to
t design
d i the
th gating
y Gatingratioisdefinedas:Sprue area:Runnerarea:
system for magnesium alloy casting. This gating ratio The gating ratio 2: 8: 1 for copper in gating system
Ingate area.
area refers to the cross section areas of the various gating d i refers
design f tot the
th ratio
ti off areas of:
elements as given below:
y Forhighqualitysteelcastings,agatingratioof1:2:2or (a) Sprue: Runner: Ingate
1. Down sprue 2. 2 Runner bar 3.
3 Ingates
1:2:1.5willproducecastingsnearlyfreefromerosion, (b) Runner: Ingate: Sprue
The correct sequence of the above elements in the
ratio 1: 2: 4 is ((c)) Runner: Sprue:
p Ingate
ill i i i id i d ill d if
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Ingate: Runner: Sprue
(b) 1,3 and d2
y Agatingratioof1:4:4mightfavour theformationof (c) 2, 3 and 1
oxidationdefects. (d) 3, 1 an 2
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 12 of 240 Rev.0
GATE2010 IAS1999 Ri
d Ri D i
A i (A):
(A) The
Th rate off flow
fl off metall through
h h sprue y Risers are added reservoirs designed to feed liquid
is NOT a function of the crosssectional areas of metal to the solidifying casting as a means of
Inagatingsystem,theratio1:2:4represents sprue runner and gate.
sprue, gate compensating for solidification shrinkage.
(a) Sprue basearea:runnerarea:ingate area Reason (R): If respective crosssectional areas of y To perform this function, the risers must solidify after
sprue,, runner and g gate are in the ratio of 1: 2: 2,, the the casting.
(b) Pouringbasinarea:ingate area:runnerarea system is known as unpressurised gating system.
(a) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the correct y According to Chvorinov's rule, a good shape for a riser
(c) Sprue basearea:ingate area:castingarea explanation of A would
ld be
b one that
th t has
h a long
l f
i time
ti (i
(i.e., a small
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the surface area per unit volume).
(d) Runnerarea:ingate
R i area:castingarea
i correct explanation
l i off A y Live risers (also known as hot risers) receive the last
(c) A is true but R is false hot metal that enters the mold and generally do so at a
(d) A is false
f l but
b R is true time when the metal in the mold cavity has already
begun to cool and solidify.
IES 1994
IES1994 Ch i
Assertion (A): In a mould, a riser is designed and placed y Totalsolidificationtime(ts)=B(V/A) n
so that the riser will solidify after the casting has solidified.
Reason (R): A riser is a reservoir of molten metal which
B ld di f i f( ld
will supply molten metal where a shrinkage cavity would
have occurred. material,castingmaterial,andconditionofcasting]
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct n=2 andtriser =1.25tcasting
p of A 2 2
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the or A = 1.25
riser A casting
correct explanation
p of A
(c) A is true but R is false
Forcylinder V = D2H / 4
( )
(d) A is false but R is true ofdiameterD
fdi D 2
A = DH + 2 D
andheightH 4
(d)Cuboidsriser times
i off the
h two castings
i ? [ Marks]
[10 M k ]
Area of ellipse = ab
f = 3 ( a + b ) ( 3a + b )( a + 3b )
= 2 (a 2
+ b2 ) / 2 (approx.)
GATE2014 M d l M th d
A cylindrical
li d i l blind
bli d riser
i with
ith diameter
di t d and d height
h i ht h,
h is
i y It has
h been
b empirically
i i ll established
t bli h d that
th t if the
th modulus
d l
placed on the top of the mold cavity of a closed type of the riser exceeds the modulus of the casting
g byy a
sandd moldld as shown
h i the
in th figure.
fi If the
th riser
i i off
factor of 1.2, the feeding during solidification would be D2
constant volume, then the rate of solidification in the + D2
i is i the
th least
l t when
h theth ratio
ti h : d is
i 4
Sprue basin
d MR = 1.2
1 2 Mc
C i Method
Caines M th d
ConventionalQuestionIES2008 Freezingratio=ratio ofcoolingcharacteristicsofcastingto
y Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (height and diameter
theriser. A ( V)
X= Casting
g g( g)
Ladles Impuritiesinthemoltenmetalarepreventedfromreaching GATE1996
y yp g
y Twotypesofladlesusedinthepouringofcastings. (i) Strainer
Light impurities in the molten metal are prevented
(ii) Bottomwell f
from reaching
hi theth mouldld cavity
it by
b providing
idi a
(iii) Skimbob
(a) Strainer
(b) Button well
((c)) Skim bob
(d) All of the above
Pouring time
Pouringtime GATE2005 GATE 2006
In a sand casting operation, the total liquid head is
Timetakentofillthemouldwithtopgate maintained
i i d constant such h that
h it i is
i equall to the
h mouldld
Where A=Areaofmould A mould has a downsprue whose length is 20 cm height. The time taken to fill the mould with a top gate
tA = H H i ht f
ld andd the
th cross sectional
ti l area att the
th base
b off the
th i tA. If the
is h same mould ld is
i filled
fill d with
i h a bottom
b gate,
A g 2gh m
Ag =AreaofGate downsprue is 1cm2. The downsprue feeds a then the time taken is tB. Ignore the time required to
Hm =Gateheight h i
t l runner leading
l di into
i t the
th mould ld cavity
it off fill the
h runner and d frictional
fi i l effects.
ff A
volume 1000 cm3. The time required to fill the atmospheric pressure at the top molten metal surfaces.
mould cavity
ca it will
ill be Th relation
The l i between
b tA andd tB is
(a)4.05 s (b)5.05 s (c)6.05 s (d)7.25 s (A) tB = 2 t A
( )
2A (B) tB = 2 t A
tB = hm hm H tA
Ag 2g ((C)) tB =
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 17 of 240 Rev.0
(D) tB = 2 2 t A
GATE 2007(PI)LinkedS1
GATE 2007 (PI) Li k d S 1 GATE 2007(PI)LinkedS2
GATE 2007 (PI) Li k d S 2 Expressionforchokearea
In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base In a sand casting process, a sprue of 10 mm base m
diameter and 250 mm height leads to a runner diameter and 250 mm height leads to a runner CA = mm2
ct 2gH
which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size which fills a cubical mould cavity of 100 mm size
The volume flow rate (in mm3/s) is The mould filling time (in seconds) is Wherem=massofthecasting,kg
(a) 0.8 x 105 (b) 1.1 x 105 (a) 2.8 (b) 5.78 =Densityofmetal,kg/m3
p g
1 7 x 105
(c) 1.7 2 3 x 105
(d) 2.3 (c) 7.54
7 54 (d) 8.41
8 41
H h
f b tt t
IES2009 IAS2011Main
2 y 2marks
Sketch a mould for two hollow components to be
=h c forpartinglinegate
2hm cast. On the diagram, indicate runner, gate, riser,
core, cope, sprue, pouring basin, sprue well, drag,
parting line.
hm hm
P i li
t t ti li t b tt t
C ti D f t
CastingDefects G D f t
IES2013 Thefollowingarethemajordefects,whicharelikelyto
Th f ll i th j d f t hi h lik l t y A condition existing in a casting caused by the
When an alloy solidifies over a range of occurinsandcastings:
g trapping of gas in the molten metal or by mold gases
evolved during the pouring of the casting.
temperature, the resulting casting structure is: y Gasdefects y The defects in this category
g y can be classified into
(a) Wholly equiaxed blowholes and pinhole porosity.
y Shrinkagecavities
y Blowholes
ow o es aaree sp
e ca oor eelongated
o gated cav
t es p
ese t
( ) Wholly columnar
(b) y Moldingmaterialdefects in the casting on the surface or inside the casting.
(c) Partially columnar partially equiaxed
equi axed y Pinhole porosity occurs due to the dissolution of
y Pouringmetaldefects
hydrogen gas, which gets entrapped during heating of
(d) Dendritic y Moldshift.
M ld hift molten metal.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 18 of 240 Rev.0
Shrinkage Cavities
ShrinkageCavities Cutandwashes
d h
y These are caused by liquid shrinkage occurring during the
solidification of the casting. y These
Th appear as rough
h spots
t and
d areas off excess metal,
t l and
y Cutsandwashes, are caused by erosion of molding sand by the flowing
y To compensate for this, proper feeding of liquid metal is
required. For this reason risers are placed at the
appropriate places in the mold. y Scab y This is caused by the molding sand not having enough
strength and the molten metal flowing at high velocity.
y Sprues may be too thin, too long or not attached in the y Metalpenetration,
proper location, causing shrinkage cavities. y The former can be taken care of by the proper choice of
molding sand and the latter can be overcome by the
y It is recommended to use thick sprues to avoid shrinkage y Fusion,and
proper design of the gating system.
y Swell
S ll
Scab M t l
t ti
y This defect occurs when a portion of the face of a mould
y When molten metal enters into the gaps between sand
lifts or breaks down and the recess thus made is filled by y This is caused by the fusion of the sand grains with
grains, the result is a rough casting surface.
y This occurs because the sand is coarse or no mold wash was th molten
the lt metal,
t l giving
i i a brittle,
b ittl glassy
l appearance
y When the metal is poured into the cavity, gas may be
applied on the surface of the mold. The coarser the sand
disengaged with such violence as to break up the sand,
grains more the metal p
g penetration. on the casting
g surface.
hi h is
i then
h washed
h d away and
d the
h resulting
l i cavity
i filled
fill d
with metal. y The main reason for this is that the clay or the sand
y The
Th reasons can be:b too fine
fi sand,d low
l permeability
bili off
sand, high moisture content of sand and uneven mould particles are of lower refractoriness or that the
i pouring temperature is too high.
P i M t lD f t
PouringMetalDefects y The misrun and cold shut defects are caused either by
Under the influence of metallostatic forces, the mold The likely defects in this category are a lower fluidity of the mold or when the section
wall may move back causing a swell in the dimension y Misruns and thickness of the casting is very small. Fluidity can be
off the
th casting.
ti A proper ramming
i off the
th moldld will
ill y Cold shuts improved by changing the composition of the metal
correct this defect. and by increasing the pouring temperature of the
y A misrun is caused when the metal is unable to fill
Inclusions the mold cavity completely and thus leaves unfilled
Particles of slag, refractory materials sand or cavities.
deoxidation products are trapped in the casting during
pouring solidification.
ldf The
h provision off choke
h k in the
h y A cold shut is caused when two streams while meeting
gating system and the pouring basin at the top of the in the mold cavity, do not fuse together properly thus
ld can preventt this
thi defect
d f t forming a discontinuity in the casting.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 19 of 240 Rev.0
GATE 2014
GATE2014 GATE2004 GATE2009
Match the casting defects (Group A) with the probable
causes (Group B): Two streams of liquid metal which are not hot
GroupA GroupB Misrun is a casting defect which occurs due to
P: Hot tears 1: Improper fusion of two streams of liquid enough
h to
t fuse
f properly
l result
lt into
i t a casting
ti defect
d f t
metal (a) Very high pouring temperature of the metal
known as
Q: Shrinkage 2: Low permeability of the sand mould (b) Insufficient fluidity of the molten metal
R: Blow holes 33: Volumetric contraction both in liquid
q and (a) Cold shut
solid stage (c) Absorption of gases by the liquid metal
(b) Swell
S: Cold Shut 4: Differential cooling rate
(d) Improper
I alignment
li off the
h mould
ld flasks
fl k
P Q R S P Q R S (c) Sand wash
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(d) Scab
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 1 2 4 3
ld h f Metallurgical defects
y Hot tears or hot cracking, cause of this defect is that
The mold shift defect occurs when cope and drag stresses and strains built up during solidification are too
high compared to the actual strength of the semisolid The hot tearing in a metal casting is due to
or molding
ldi boxes
b h
have nott been
b properly
l aligned.
li d material. This type of defects occurs in the lower part of
the solidification range, close to the solidus, when the (a) high fluidity
alloy has a wide solidification temperature range and a
(b) high melt temperature
small amount of liquid, when the solid fraction is more
than 0.9, the hot tearing is easy to occur. Proper mould (c) wide range of solidification temperature
design prevents this type of defect.
y Hot spots are areas on the surface of casting that (d) low
l coefficient
ffi i off thermal
h l expansion
become veryy hard because theyy cooled more q quicklyy
than the surrounding material.
SpecialCasting (2000C).
y A skin
ki (shell)
( h ll) off about
b 3.5 mm off sand
mixture adhere to the pattern.
d and
d plastic
l i
reduce the need for machining.
y The molding sand is a mixture of fine grained quartz sand to loading the sand. In the course of sand mixing, the
d powdered
d d bakelite.
b k li soluble phenol formaldehyde resin is added.
added The mixer is
allowed to cool up to 80 90o C. Hot coting gives better
y Cold coating and Hot coating methods are used for
properties to the mixtures than cold method.
coating the sand grains with bakelite.
Ad t
Advantages Li it ti
y Expensive pattern
y Dimensional
Di i l accuracy.
IAS1999 I t t C ti
M t h List
Li t I (Moulding
(M ldi Process)
P ) with
ith List
Li t II (Binding
(Bi di Investment casting process or lost wax process
Agent) and select the correct answer using the codes Basic steps:
given below the lists:
g 1 Produce expendable wax,
1. wax plastic,
plastic or polystyrene patterns.
List I List II
2. Assemble these patterns onto a gating system
A. Green sand 1. Silicate
3 Investing or covering the pattern assembly with refractory
B. Core sand 2. Organic
C. Shell moulding 3. Clay
4 Melting the pattern assembly to remove the pattern material
D. CO process 4. Plaster
Pl off Paris
P i
5. Plastic 5. Firing the mould to remove the last traces of the pattern
Codes:A B C D A B C D material
(a) 3 2 5 1 (b) 3 2 4 1 6. Pouring molten metal
(c) 2 3 5 4 (d) 2 3 4 5 7. Knockout, cutoff and finishing.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 23 of 240 Rev.0
y In ceramic shell investment casting a ceramic shell is y 2marks
built around a tree assembly by repeatedly dipping a
pattern into a slurry (refractory material such as
zircon with binder).
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 2007
IES2007 IES2006
( ) The investment casting
Assertion (A): g is used for Consider the following statements in respect of
precision parts such as turbine plates, sewing investment castings: Which of the following materials are used for
machines etc. 1. The pattern or patterns is/are not joined to a stalk or making patterns in investment casting method?
sprue also of wax to form a tree of patterns. 1. Wax 2. Rubber 3. Wood 4. Plastic
Reason (R): The investment castings have a good
surface finish and are exact reproductions of the 2.The prepared moulds are placed in an oven and heated Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
gently to dry off the invest and melt out the bulk of wax.
master pattern. (a) Only 1 and 3 (b) Only 2 and 3
3.The moulds are usually poured by placing the moulds in
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the ( ) Only
(c) O l 1, 2 andd4 (d) Only
O l 2, 3 and d4
a vacuum chamber. Which of the statements given above
correct explanation of A are correct?
(b) Both
B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t b t R is
but i NOT the
th (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
correct explanation of A (c)2 and 3 onlyy (d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
DieCasting Hotchambermachinesare
y Molten metal is injected into closed metal dies under
Die casting machines can be
y Good for low temperature (approx. 400C)
pressures ranging from 100 to 150 MPa. y Faster than
h cold
ld chamber
h b machines
y Pressure is maintained during solidification y Hotchamber y Cycle times must be short to minimize metal
y After which the dies separate and the casting is ejected y Coldchamber y Metal starts in a heated cylinder
along with its attached sprues and runners. y A piston forces metal into the die
y The piston retracts,
retracts and draws metal in
y Cores must be simple and retractable and take the y Metal: Lead, Tin, Zinc
form of moving metal segments
y Castshighmeltingpointmetals(>600C)
y Highpressuresused
y Metalisheatedinaseparatecrucible
l h d bl
y Metalisladledintoacoldchamber
y Themetalisrapidlyforcedintothemoldbeforeit
y Copper
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs)
HotChamber Page 26 of 240 Rev.0
y Extremelysmoothsurfaces(1m) Limitations Applications
y Carburettors
y Excellentdimensionalaccuracy y Highinitialdiecost
y Automotive
A t ti parts
y Rapidproductionrate y Limitedtohighfluiditynonferrousmetals
y Bathroom fixtures
casting y Porositymaybeaproblem
P it b bl
Common metals
y Somescrapinsprues,runners,andflash,butthiscan
p p , , ,
y Intricatepartspossible y Alloys
All off aluminum,
l i zinc,
i magnesium,
i and
d lead
l d
bedirectlyrecycled y Also possible with alloys of copper and tin
y Minimumfinishingoperations
y Thinsectionspossible
IES2011 IES2009 20 0
Consider the following advantages of die casting over Assertion (A) ( ) : In die casting g method,, small
Which of the following are the most suitable thickness can be filled with liquid metal.
sand casting :
materials for die casting?
1 Rapidity of the process
1. Reason (R) : The air in die cavity trapped inside the
(a) Zinc and its alloys casting causes problems.
2. Smooth surface
3 Strong dense metal structure
3. (b) Copper and its alloys (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe
Which of these advantages are correct ? (c) Aluminium and its alloys correctexplanationofA
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d3 (d) Lead
L d andd its
it alloys
ll (b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot
B hA dR i di id ll b Ri the
(b) 1 and 2 only correctexplanationofA
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) AistruebutRisfalse
(d) 1 and 3 onlyy ((d)) AisfalsebutRistrue
Centrifugal Casting
( )
GATE2009(PI) y Process: Molten metal is introduced into a rotating
g sand,
metal, or graphite mould, and held against the mould
Hot chamber die casting process is NOT suited for
wall by centrifugal force until it is solidified
(a) Lead and its alloy
y A mold is set up and rotated along a vertical (rpm is
(b) Zinc and its alloy
reasonable), or horizontal (2001000 rpm is reasonable)
( ) Tin
(c) Ti and
d its
it alloy
((d)) Aluminum and its alloyy
y The
Th mold
ld is
i coated
d with
i h a refractory
f coating.
Commonmetals GATE2002 GATE1993
y Iron
Centrifugally cast products have
y steel In centrifugal casting, the impurities are (a) Large
g g
grain structure with high
g pporosityy
y stainlesssteel
t i l t l ( ) Uniformly
(a) f l distributed
d b d (b) Fine grain structure with high density
y alloysofaluminium,copper,andnickel (b) Forced towards the outer surface (c) Fine grain structure with low density
(c) Trapped near the mean radius of the casting (d) Segregation of slug towards the outer skin of the
(d) Collected at the centre of the casting casting
IES2008 IES2009
( )
GATE2008(PI) Which of the following casting processes does not
In hollow cylindrical parts, made by centrifugal casting, /do not require central core for producing pipe? Which one of the following casting processes is
1 Sand casting process
1. b t
best suited
it d t
to make
k bi
bigger size
i h ll
the density of the part is
2. Die casting process
3 Centrifugal casting process
3. symmetrical
y pipes?
p p
( ) maximum
(a) i at the
h outer region
Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) Die casting
(b) maximum at the inner region ( ) 1 and
(a) d2
(b) 2 only (b) Investment casting
((c)) maximum at the midpoint
p between outer and inner
(c) 2 and 3 (c) Shell moulding
(d) 3 onlyy
(d) uniform throughout (d) Centrifugal casting
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 29 of 240 Rev.0
IES2007 IES1998 IES2009
Which one of the following is the correct Poormachinability ofcentrifugallycastironpipe Which of the following are the most likely
statement? isdueto characteristics in centrifugal casting?
In a centrifugal casting method (a) Chilling (a) Fine grain size and high porosity
(a) No core is used (b) Segregation (b) Coarse grain size and high porosity
(b) Core may be made of any metal (c) Densestructure (c) Fine grain size and high density
( ) Core
(c) C i made
is d off sand
d (d) Highmouldrotationspeed
Hi h ld t ti d (d) Coarse
C grain
i size
i andd high
hi h density
d it
(d) Core is made of ferrous metal
(c) 2 1 5 3 (d) 4 3 2 1
SemicentrifugalCasting IAS2003
A i (A):
(A) S Semicentrifugal
i if l casting
i process isi
y Centrifugal force assists the flow of metal from a similar to true centrifugal casting except that the
t l reservoir
i to
t the
th extremities
t iti off a rotating
t ti central core is used in it to form inner surface.
Reason (R): In semicentrifugal casting process the
y mold,, which mayy be either expendable
p or p is always
axis of spin y vertical
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
multipleuse p
explanation of A
y Rotational speeds are lower than for true centrifugal (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
casting (c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
y Cores can be used to increase the complexity of the
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 30 of 240 Rev.0
product. Fig. Semicentrifugalcasting
Statement (I): In semi centrifugal casting a particular Centrifuging
p of the casting
shape g is p
produced byy mould, core and the
centrifugal force of molten metal. y Uses centrifuging action to force the metal from a central
Statement (II): The centrifugal force aids to proper pouring reservoir into separate mold cavities that are
feeding to produce the casting free from porosity.
offset from the axis of rotation.
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of y Low speed
Statement (I) y May used to assist in the pouring of investment casting
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
true b t Statement
but St t t (II) is
i nott the
th correctt explanation
l ti off
Statement (I)
( ) Statement (I)
(c) ( ) is true but
b Statement (II)
( ) is false
f l
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true Fig.Methodofcastingbythecentrifugingprocess
l i
y Process: A slurry of plaster,
plaster water,
water and various additives is
y Creepandthermalshockresistanceproperties. additives is pouted over a pattern and allowed to set. The
pattern is removed and the mould is baked to remove
excess water. After pouring and solidification, the mould is
broken and the castingg is removed.
y Advantage: High dimensional accuracy and smooth
surface finish,, thin sections and intricate detail can
y Limitations: Lowertemperature
p nonferrous metals only:y
y Common metals: Primarily aluminium and copper
y It is costly.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 32 of 240 Rev.0
IES1997 GATE1998 GATE1992
Which one of the following pairs is not correctly ListI
Li tI ListII
Li tII Matchthefollowingmoulding/castingprocesseswith
M h h f ll i ldi / i i h
matched? (A) Sandcasting (1) Symmetricaland theproduct:
circularshapesonly Moulding/Castingprocesses Product
(a) Aluminium alloy piston Pressure die casting (B) Plastermouldcasting (2) Partshavehardened (A) Slushcasting (P)Turbineblade
(b) Jewellery.. Lost wax process skinsandsoftinterior
(C) Shellmouldcasting (3) Minimumpost (B) Shellmoulding (Q)Machinetoolbed
(c) Large pipes ..Centrifugal casting castingprocessing (C) Drysandmoulding (R)Cylinderblock
(d) Large
L b ll Loam
bells L moulding
ldi (D) Investmentcasting (4) Partshaveatendency (D) Centrifugalcasting
C t if l ti (S)H ll ti
towarp likelampshades
(5) Partshavesoftskin (T)Rainwaterpipe
(6) Suitableonlyfornon
t l brake
IES 2012
IES Weldability /FabricationProcesses CaseofAluminium
The advantage of the welding process is y The
Th weldability
ld bilit off a material
t i l will
ill depend
d d on the
th y The
Th oxide
id coating
ti on aluminum
l i alloys
ll causes some
(a) It relieves the joint from residual stresses specific welding or joining process being considered. difficulty in relation to its weldability.
(b) It helps
h l in i checking
h ki off distortion
di t ti off work k piece
i y For resistance welding of consistent quality, it is y It also
l has
h high
hi h thermal
th l conductivity
d ti it and
d a very short
h t
(c) Large number of metals and alloys, both similar and/or usually necessary to remove the oxide immediately temperature range between liquidus and solidus and when
before welding. liquid its viscosity is very low.
dissimilar can be joined.
y Aluminium is poor absorber of laser light.
((d)) Heat pproduced during g the welding g does not pproduce y Fabrication weldability y test is used to determine
mechanical properties required for satisfactory y D i
During f i
fusion welding,
ldi the
h aluminum
l i would
ld oxidize
idi so
metallurgical changes.
readily that special fluxes or protective inertgas
performance of welded jjoint.
atmospheres must be employed.
y The correct sequence of the given materials in
y Friction welding and TIG welding is good for aluminium.
ascending order of their weldability is
y For aluminium
l AC current plusl high
h h frequency
f is must.
Aluminum < copper < cast iron < MS Contd
OxygenTorchCutting(GasCutting) y For thicker plates with specified contour, shearing y Larger size orifice produces kerf width wider and larger
cannot be used and oxyfuel gas cutting (OFC) is oxygen consumed.
y Iron and steel oxidize (burn)
( ) when heated to a
useful. y At kindling temperature (about 870oC), iron form iron
temperature between 8000C to 10000C.
y Gascutting
Gas cutting is similar to gas welding
elding except
e cept torch tip.
tip oxide.
y Highpressure oxygen jet (300 KPa) is directed against
y Reaction:
a heated steel p
plate, the oxygen
yg jjet burns the metal and
3Fe + 2O2 Fe3O4 +6.67
+6 67 MJ/kg of iron
blows it away causing the cut (kerf).
The other reactions:
y For
o cutt
cuttingg metallic
eta c p plates
ates sshears
ea s aaree used. These
ese aaree
2Fe + O2 2FeO + 3.18 MJ/kgk off iron
useful for straightline cuts and also for cuts up to 40
c ess.
mm thickness. 4Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3 + 4.9 MJ/kg of iron
y All exothermic reactions preheat the steel.
Fig differencesintorchtipsforgasweldingandgascutting
Difficulties y For high carbon steel material around the cut should IES1992
y Metal temperature goes beyond lower critical be preheated (about 250 to 300oC) and may post heat The edge of a steel plate cut by oxygen cutting will
temperature and structural transformations occur. get hardened when the carbon content is
also necessary.
(a) Less than 0.1 percent
y Final microstructure depends on cooling rate. y Cutting CI is difficult, since its melting temp. is lower (b) Less than 0.3
0 3 percent
than iron oxide. (c) More than 0.3 percent
y Steels
St l with
ith less
l th 0.3 % carbon
than b cause no problem.
bl (d) Anywhere
A h b
between 0.1 to 1.0 percent
y If chromium and nickel etc are present in ferrous
alloys oxidation and cutting is difficult.
IES2005 d C i
y Cast iron,, stainless steel,, and others high
g alloyy steels are ( )
Considerthefollowingstatements: difficult to cut by oxyfuel cutting and we can use powder
1. Ingaswelding,thetorchshouldbeheldatanangleof g
cutting. Which of the following powders should be fed for
30 to45 fromthehorizontalplane.
f h h l l
y By injecting a finely divided 200mesh iron powder into effective oxyfuel cutting of stainless steel?
2. Ingaswelding,theSizeofthetorchdependsuponthe
thi k
f t lt b f d the flame, a lower melting point eutectic oxide is formed
at the cutting interface, where additional ironoxygen (a) Steel
3. Dragingascuttingisthetimedifferencebetween
heatingoftheplateandstartingtheoxygengasfor reaction is generated and cutting proceeds in a similar
( ) Aluminum
cutting. way of oxyfuel cutting.
Whichofthestatementsgivenabovearecorrect? y The heat and the fluxing action of the burning iron (c) Copper
(a) 1,2and3 (b) 1and2 powder enable the cutting oxygen stream to oxidize the
(c) 2and3 (d) 1and3 base metal continuously,
continuously just as in cutting carbon steel.
steel (d) Ceramic
Pl C tti
PlasmaCutting El t i A W ldi
y Uses ionized g
gas jjet (plasma)
p to cut materials resistant to
oxyfuel cutting,
y High
g velocityy electrons g generated byy the arc impact
p gas
molecules, and ionize them.
y The ionized g gas is forced through
g nozzle ((upto
p 5500 m/s),
/ ), and
the jet heats the metal, and blasts the molten metal away.
y More economical,, more versatile and much faster (5 to 8
times) than oxyfuel cutting, produces narrow kerfs and
smooth surfaces.
y HAZ is 1/3 to th than oxyfuel cutting. Fi B i i
i f ldi
y Maximum plate thickness = 200 mm
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 40 of 240 Rev.0
PrincipleofArc y Work is negative and electrode is positive is reverse ISRO2011
y An arc is generated between cathode and anode when polarity (RPDC).
g p
th are touched
they t h d to
t establish
t bli h the
th flow
fl off currentt and
d y SPDC conditions are preferred.
then separated
p byy a small distance. (a)DCSP
y DC arcwelding
ldi maintain
i t i a stable
t bl arc and
d preferred
f d for
y 65% to 75% heat is generated at the anode. (b)DCRP
difficult tasks such as overhead welding.
y If DC is used and the work is positive (the anode of the y For a stable arc, the gap should be maintained. (c)AC
circuit), the condition is known as straight polarity (d)DCEN
Contd Contd
20 0
JWM2010 GATE1993 Arcweldingequipments
A ti (A) : Bead
B d is i the
th metal
t l added
dd d during
d i Ind.c.welding,thestraightpolarity(electrode
( 1. Droopers: Constant current welding machines
single pass of welding. negative)resultsin Good for manual welding
Reason (R)( ) : Bead material is same as base metal. (a) Lowerpenetration 2. Constant voltage machines
(a) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the (b) Lowerdepositionrate Good for automatic welding
correct explanation of A (c) Lessheatingofworkpiece
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the (d) Smallerweldpool
S ll ld l
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
+ =1
IES 2010
IES2010 IES2005 IES2001
In arc welding, the arc length should be equal to Considerthefollowingstatements:
(a) 4.5 times the rod diameter 1. Inarcwelding,65%to75%heatisgeneratedatthe Inmanualarcwelding,theequipmentshould
(b) 3 times
ti th rod
the d diameter
di t havedroopingcharacteristicsinordertomaintain
2. Dutycycleincaseofarcweldingisthecycleof
(c) 1.5 times the rod diameter
completeweldingofworkpiecefromthe (a) Voltageconstantwhenarclengthchanges
(d) Rod diameter beginning.
3 ArcblowismorecommonwithDCwelding.
3. ArcblowismorecommonwithDCwelding (b) Currentconstantwhenarclengthchanges
Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveare (c) Temperatureintheareconstant
(d) Weldpoolredhot
(a) 1,2and3 (b) 1and2
(c) 2and3 (d) 1and3
IFS2011 1. NonconsumableElectrodes
What is the maximum output current that can be
2. ConsumableElectrodes
2 drawn at 100% duty cycle from a welding power source
Requireddutycycle,Ta = T rated at 600A at 60% duty cycle.
Ia [3 Marks]
[3Marks] NonconsumableElectrodes
Where,T=rateddutycycle Madeofcarbon,GraphiteorTungsten.
I=ratedcurrentattherateddutycycle CarbonandGraphiteareusedforD.C.
b d h df
Io =Maximumcurrentattherateddutycycle Electrodeisnotconsumed,thearclengthremains
Contd Contd
y Potassium
otass u has
as a lower
o e ionization
o at o pote
t a as co
pa ed
with sodium.
y g
LowHydrogenElectrode IFS2011
y The basic coatings contain large amount of Whatismeantbylowhydrogenelectrode?
y Granular calcium
l i carbonate
b t (limestone)
(li t ) and d calcium
l i [
k ]
y Electrodewirecoating fluoride (fluorspar) and produce low hydrogen.
y Electrodecore y But it can absorb
b b moisture therefore
h f coated
d low
hydrogen electrodes are backed before use to a
temperature off 200oC to 3000C and d stored
d in an
oven at 110oC to 150oC
y Other types of electrode release large amount of
hydrogen, which can dissolve in the weld metal
and lead to embrittlement or cracking.
Welding Positions
WeldingPositions W ldi C
t WeldingVoltage
y Weldingcurrentdependsupon:thethicknessofthe y Thearcvoltagedependsonlyuponthearclength
theweld,thethicknessandtypeofthecoatingonthe V=k1 +k2l Volts
Fig.Thepositionofelectrodeforhorizontalwelding y Weldingcurrent,I=k.d,amperes;disdia.(mm)
Wherelisthearclengthinmmandk1 andk2 are
t t
k1 =10to12;andk2 =2to3
g g y
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 45 of 240 Vmin =(20+0.04l)Volt Rev.0
ArcLength A long arc results in
y For good welds, a short arc length is necessary, y Large heat
h loss
l into
i atmosphere.
because: y Unstable arc.
1. Heat is concentrated. y Weld pool is not protected.
2. More stable y Weld has low strength,
strength less ductility,
ductility poor fusion and
3. More protective atmosphere. excessive spatter.
Contd Fig.ArcPowerVsArcLength
Arclengthshouldbeequaltothediameteroftheelectrodesize G 2002 C i l
GATE2002,Conventional ( )
Duringg a steadyy g gas metal arc welding g with direct
h arc lengthvoltage
l h l characteristic
h off a DC arc is given current electrode positive polarity, the welding current,
by the equation: V = 24 + 4L,
4L where V is voltage in volts voltage and weld speed are 150 A, 30 V and 6 m/min,
respectively. A metallic wire electrode of diameter 1.2
and L is arc length in mm. The static voltampere mm is being fed at a constant rate of 12 m/min. The
d it specific
density, ifi heat
h t and d melting
lti t
t off the
characteristic of the power source is approximated by a wire electrode are 7000 kg/m3, 500 J/kgoC and 1530oC,
Beadwidthshouldbeequaltothreediameteroftheelectrodesize straight
h line
l with
h a no load
l d voltage
l off 80 V and
d a short
h respectively Assume the ambient temperature to be 30oC
and neglect the latent heat of melting. Further, consider
circuit current of 600A. Determine the optimum arc that two
third of the total electrical power is available for
melting of the wire electrode. The melting efficiency (in
length for maximum power. percentage)
p g of the wire electrode is
(a) 39.58 (b) 45.25 (c) 49.38 (d) 54.98
GATE2008 GATE2006
In arc welding of a butt joint, the welding speed is In an arc welding process, the voltage and current
( )
to be selected such that highest cooling rate is are 25 V and 300 A respectively. The arc heat Autogenous gas tungsten arc welding of a steel
achieved. Melting efficiency and heat transfer transfer efficiency is 0.85 and welding speed is 8
efficiency are 0.5 and 0.7, respectively. The area of mm/sec. The net heat input (in J/mm) is plate is carried out with welding current of 500 A,
h weld ld cross section is 5 mm2 and d the
h unit (a) 64 voltage of 20 V, and weld speed of 20 mm/sec.
energy required to melt the metal is 10 J/mm3. If (b) 797
h welding
ld power is 2 kW,
k the
h welding
ld speedd in Consider the heat transfer efficiency from the arc
mm/s is closest to (c) 1103
to the weld pool as 90%. The heat input per unit
(a) 4 (b) 14 (c) 24 (d) 34 (d) 79700
length (in KJ/mm) is
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 46 of 240 (a) 0.25 (b) 0.35 (c) 0.45 (d) 0.55
Example ArcblowinDCarcwelding
y Arc blow occurs during
g the welding
g of magnetic
Calculate the melting efficiency in the case of materials with DC.
arcweldingg of steel with a p
potential of 20 V and y The effect of arc blow is maximum when welding
a current of 200 A. The travel speed is 5 mm/s corners where magnetic field concentration is
and .the
the cross
sectional area of the joint is 20 maximum.
2 y The effect is particularly noticeable when welding with
mm . Heat required to melt steel may be taken
bare electrodes or when using currents below or above
as 10 J/mm3 and the heat transfer efficiency as y Again the problem of arc blow gets magnified when
0.85. welding highly magnetic materials such as Ni alloys,
because of the strong magnetic fields set up by these
y Cause: Unbalanced magnetic forces.
Contd Contd
Effectofarcblow The effects of arc blow can be minimized with D.C. IES2001
welding by
y Low heat penetration. Arcblowismorecommonin
y Shortening the arc.
y Excessive weld spatter.
p (a) A.C.welding
.C. e d g
y Reduce
R d currentt
y Pinch effect in welding is the result of electromagnetic (b) D.C.weldingwithstraightpolarity
y Reducing weld speed.
forces (c) D.C.weldingwithbareelectrodes
D C elding ithbareelectrodes
y Balance magnetic field by placing one ground lead at
y Weld spatter occurs due to (d) A.C.weldingwithbareelectrodes
each end of the work piece.
Hi h welding
ldi currentt
y Wrapping the electrode cable a few turns around the
Too small an electrode arc
work piece.
IES 2013
Statement (I): The deflection of Arc from its intended IES2001 ISRO2006
path is called Arc
Arc blow.
blow Too
T high
hi h welding
ldi currentt ini arc welding
ldi would ld result
lt in
Statement (II): The chances of Arc blow is common in (a) Excessive spatter, under cutting along edges, irregular
(a) Expansionofgasesinthearc
pa s o o gases t e a c
A C Arc
A.C. A welding.
ldi deposits, wasted electrodes
(b) Electromagneticforces
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually (b) Excessive ppiling
g up
p of weld metal, ppoor p
true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of (c) Electricforce
wasted electrodes
Statement (I) (d) Surfacetensionofthemoltenmetal
(c) Too small bead, weak weld and wasted electrodes
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually (d) Excessive piling up of weld metal, overlapping
true but Statement ((II)) is not the correct explanation
p of without penetration of edges,
edges wasted electrodes
Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement For-2015
(I) is false(IES, GATE & PSUs)
but Statement (II) is true Page 47 of 240 Rev.0
Gasshields y Helium, most expensive, has a better thermal CarbonArcwelding
y An inert gas is blown into the weld zone to drive away conductivity, is useful for thicker sheets, copper and y Arc is produced between a carbon electrode and the
th atmospheric
t h i gases. aluminium welding,
welding higher deposition rate.
rate work.
IES 2010
IES2010 TungstenInertGaswelding(TIG) y Very clean welds.
Assertion ((A): ) g
Straight p y is always
polarity y
y Arc is established between a nonconsumable y All metals and alloys can be welded.
welded (Al,
(Al Mg also)
recommended for Carbonelectrode welding.
tungsten electrode and the workpiece.
Reason (R): Carbon arc is stable in straight polarity. y Straight polarity is used.
y Tungsten is alloyed with thorium or zirconium for
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
better currentcarrying y g and electronemission y Weld voltage 20 to 40 V and weld current 125 A for
correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the RPDC to 1000 A for SPDC.
y Arcc length
e gt iss coconstant,
sta t, aarcc iss stab
stablee aand
d easy to
correct explanation
l i off A
maintain. y Shielded Gas: Argon
(c) A is true but R is false
y With or without filler.
(d) A is false but R is true y Torch
h is water or air cooled.
l d
Statement ((I):
) Non consumable electrodes,, used in arc
IES2000 welding are made of high melting point temperature GasMetalArcWelding(GMAW)orMIG
materials,, even then the length g of electrode g goes on
Whichoneofthefollowingstatementsiscorrect? decreasing with passage of time. y A consumable electrode in a gas shield.
(a) Nofluxisusedingasweldingofmildsteel
o u s used gas e d g o d stee Statement (II): The electrode material gets oxidized y Arc is between workpiece
p and an automaticallyy fed
(b) Boraxisthecommonlyusedfluxcoatingon and melts on the weld material to form a strong flux. barewire electrode.
weldingelectrodes (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually y Argon, helium, and mixtures of the two can be used.
(c) Laserbeamweldingemploysavacuumchamber true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of y Any metal can be welded but are used primarily with
andthusavoidsuseofashieldingmethod Statement (I) the nonferrous metals.
(d) ACcanbeusedforGTAWprocess (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually y When welding steel, some O2 or CO2 is usually added
true but
b Statement
S (II) is
i not the
h correct explanation
l i off t improve
to i th arc stability
the t bilit and
d reduce
d weld
ld spatter.
Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true Contd
y Fast and economical. g
y A reversepolarity
l d arc is generally
dc ll used
d because
b (a) Afinesprayofmetal
of its deep penetration, spray transfer, and ability
to produce
d smoothh welds
ld withh good
d profile.
fl (b) Moltendrops
(c) Weldpool
(d) Molecules
l l
IES 2012
IES SubmergedArcwelding(SAW)
() C p y
welding y A thick layer of granular flux is deposited just ahead of y Most suitable
bl for
f flat
fl butt
b or fillet
f ll welds
ld in low
( ) p y
Statement(II):UseofDCwithreversepolarityenables carbon steel (< 0.3% carbon).
a bare
b wire
i consumable
bl electrode,
l t d and d an arc is
((a)) Both Statement ((I)) and Statement ((II)) are maintained beneath the blanket of flux with onlyy a few y The process is not recommended for highcarbon
individually true and Statement (II) is the correct
small flames being visible. steels, tool steels, aluminum, magnesium,
explanation of Statement (I)
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are y A portion of the flux melts. Molten flux and flux titanium, lead, or zinc.
individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct
explanation of Statement (I) provides thermal insulation, slows cooling rate and
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false produce soft,
soft ductile welds.
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
Characteristicofsubmergedarcwelding Advantages
y Highspeeds, y Wireelectrodesareinexpensive.
y Highdepositionrates, y Noweldspatter.
y Deeppenetration,
Deeppenetration y Nearly100%depositionefficiency.
y Highcleanliness(duetothefluxaction). y Lesserelectrodeconsumption.
AtomicHydrogenwelding(AHW) IES2005
y Temperature
p 3700oC.
of about 37
y An
A a.c. arc is
i formed
f d between
b two tungsten electrodes
l d Inatomichydrogenwelding,hydrogenactsas
along which streams of hydrogen are fed to the y Hydrogen acts as shielding also.
welding zone.
zone The molecules of hydrogen are (a) Aheatingagent
eat g age t
dissociated by the high heat of the arc in the gap y Used for very thin sheets or small diameter wires. (b) Oneofthegasestogeneratetheflame
between the electrodes.
electrodes The formation of atomic (c) Aneffectiveshieldinggasprotectingtheweld
Aneffecti eshieldinggasprotectingthe eld
hydrogen proceeds with the absorption of heat: y Lower thermal efficiency than Arc welding.
(d) Alubricanttoincreasetheflowcharacteristicsof
H2 = 2H 421.2
421 2 k J / mol
y Ceramics may be arc welded. weldmetal
ld l
y This atomic hydrogen recombines to form molecular
hydrogen outside the arc, particularly on the relatively y AC used.
cold surface of the work being welded, releasing the
heat g
gained ppreviously:
H2 + 421.2
2H =For-2015 k J GATE
(IES, / mol. & PSUs) Page 51 of 240 Rev.0
y They are not officially classified as solidstate welding
y Both heat and pressure are used. by the American Welding Society.
ResistanceWelding y Heat is generated by the electrical resistance of the y Very rapid and economical.
work pieces and the interface between them.
y Pressure is supplied externally and is varied y Extremely
l well
ll suited
d to automated
d manufacturing.
throughout the weld cycle.
y No filler metal,
metal no flux,
flux no shielding gases.
y Due to pressure, a lower temperature needed than
oxy fuel or arc welding.
y Very lowvoltage
l l (
(0.5 to 10 V)) is
i used.
Advantages Limitations
1. Very rapid. 1. High initial cost.
What is the principle of resistance welding?
2. Fully automation possible. 2. Limitations to the type of joints (mostly lap joints).
Indicate where the resistance is maximum in spot
welding operation. 3 Conserve material; no filler metal,
3. metal shielding gases,
gases or 3 Skilled maintenance personne1 are required:
flux is required.
q 4. special surface treatment needed.
k ]
4. Skilled operators are not required.
5. Flash welding
6. Percussion welding
( )
GATE 2012(PI) y Limitations of spot welding.
In resistance seam welding, the electrode is in the 1. Electrode condition must be maintained
form off a continually, and only one spot weld at a time.
(a) cylinder 2. For additional strength multiple welds needed.
(b) flat plate y Projection welding (RPW) overcomes above
((c)) coil of wire limitations.
(d) circular disc
y Two pieces are brought together and the power supply is PercussionWelding
switched on. Momentarilyy the two p p
pieces are separated
to create the arc to melt the ends of the two pieces. y Similar to flash welding except arc power by a rapid
Then again the p
pieces are brought
g together
g and the
discharge of stored electrical energy.
power switched off while the two ends are fused under
force. Most of the metal melted would flash out y The arc duration is only
y 1 to 10 ms, heat is intense and
through the joint and forms like a fin around the joint. highly concentrated.
y Faster than upset welding.
y Small weld metal is produced, little or no upsetting, and
low HAZ.
y Heating and coalescence is by superheated molten the molten iron which provide both heat and filler
OtherWelding metal
t l obtained
bt i d from
f a chemical
h i l reaction
metal oxide and a metallic reducing
b t
g agent.
a metal.
Contd Contd
IAS2000 ElectronBeamWelding
Considerthefollowingweldingprocesses: y A beam of electrons is magnetically focused on the
1.. TIGwelding
G ed g 2.. Sub
e ged a c e d g
k piece
i i a vacuum chamber.
in h b
3. Electroslagwelding4. Thermit welding
Whichofthese eldingprocessesareusedfor elding
Whichoftheseweldingprocessesareusedforwelding y Heat of fusion is produced by electrons decelerate.
y Allows precise
p beam control and deep
p weld
( ) 1,2and3
(a) d (b) 1,2and4
(c) 1,3and4 (d) 2,3and4
y No shield gas (vacuum chamber used)
Contd Contd
y Heat input is very low, often in the range 0.1 to 10 J. IES2007 IES2006
Considerthefollowingstatementsinrespectofthe Whichoneofthefollowingweldingprocesses
y Adopted by the electronics industry.
laserbeamwelding: consistsofminimumheataffectedzone(HAZ)?
y Possible to weld wires without removing the 1. Itcanbeusedforweldinganymetalortheir
I b df ldi l h i
combinationsbecauseofveryhightemperatureofthe (a) ShieldedMetalArcWelding(SMAW)
polyurethane insulation.
insulation focalpoints.
focalpoints (b) LaserBeamWelding(LBW)
2. Heataffectedzoneisverylargebecauseofquick (c) UltrasonicWelding(USW)
(d) MetalInertGasWelding(MIG)
l G ldi ( G)
3. Highvacuumisrequiredtocarrytheprocess.
(a) 1and2only (b) 2and3only
(c) 1only (d) 1,2and3
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 58 of 240 Rev.0
GATE2012(PI) IAS2007 IAS1999
Which of the following welding processes results in Consider the following welding processes: Match List I (Shielding
( method)) with List II (Welding
process) and select the correct answer using the codes
the smallest heat affected zone? 1.. Arcc welding
ed g 2.. MIG
G welding
ed g given below the lists:
(a) Shielded metal arc welding List I List II
3. Laser beam welding 4. Submerged arc
A. Flux coating 1. Gas metal arc welding
(b) Gas welding welding B
B. Fl granules
Flux l 2. S b
Submerged d arc welding
(c) Laser beam welding Select the correct sequence in increasing order of Heat C. CO2 3. Shielded metal arc welding
affected zone (HAZ) using the code D Vacuum
D. 4
4. Laser beam welding
(d) Thermit
h i welding
5. Electron beam welding
given below: Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 1 4 2 3 (a) 1 2 5 3 (b) 1 4 2 5
(c) 3 5 1 4 (d) 3 2 1 5
((c)) 3 2 4 1 ((d)) 4 3 2 1
ForgeWelding FrictionWelding
y Machine is similar to a centre lathe.
y Blacksmith do this. y Heat is obtained by the friction between the ends of
y Power requirements 25 kVA to 175 kVA.
y Borax is used as a flux. th two
the t parts
t to
t be
b joined.
j i d
y The axial pressure depends on the strength and
y The ends to be joined were then overlapped on the y One part is rotated at a high speed and other part is
h d
hardness off the
h metals
l being
b joined.
anvil and hammered to the degree
g necessaryy to axially aligned and pressed tightly against it.
y Pressure 40 MPa for lowcarbon
low carbon steels to as high as 450
produce an acceptable weld. y Friction raises the temperature of both the ends. Then
MPa for alloy steels.
y Quality depends on the skill of the worker and not rotation is stopped abruptly and the pressure is
d by
b industry.
i d increased to join.
Contd Contd
y Very efficient.
y Wide variety of metals or combinations of metals can Whichoneofthefollowingisasolidstatejoining
be jjoined such as aluminium to steel.
y Grain size is refined
y Strength is same as base metal.
metal (a) Gastungstenarcwelding
y Only round bars or tubes of the same size, or (b) Resistancespotwelding
p g
i bars
b or tubes b to flat
fl surfaces
f can join.
j i
y One of the components must be ductile. (c) Frictionwelding
y Friction welding is a solid state welding. (d) submergedarcwelding
y A low contact pressure may be applied initially to
permit cleaning of the
For-2015 surfaces
(IES, GATEby& aPSUs)
burnishing action. Page
Fig 59 of 240
frictionweldingprocess Rev.0
Match the CORRECT pairs.
GATE2014 G 20 0 ( )
Processes Characteristics/Applications
In solidstate welding, the contamination layers P.FrictionWelding 1.Nonconsumableelectrode Two steell bars,
b each
h off diameter
d 10 mm, are coaxially
b t
between th surfaces
the f t be
to b welded
ld d are removed
d by
b Q.GasMetalArc
Q GasMetalArc 2 Joiningofthickplates
2.Joiningofthickplates friction welded,
welded end to end,
end at an axial pressure of 200
Welding MPa and at a rotational speed of 4000 rpm. The
(a) alcohol R T
t I tG 3.Consumableelectrodewire
C bl l t d i
Welding coefficient of friction between the mating faces of the
(b) p
plastic deformation
S.Electroslag Welding 4.Joiningofcylindrical rotating bars
b is 0.50. The
h torque is assumed
d to act at the
(c) water jet dissimilarmaterials 3/4th radius of the rotating bar. The power (in KW)
(d) sand blasting consumed at the interface for welding is
( ) 4 Q3
(a)P4,Q3,R1,S2 ( ) 4 Q
(c)P2,Q3,R4,S1 (d)P2,Q4,R1,S3 (a) 12.33 (b) 16.44 (c) 18.50 (d) 24.66
Contd Contd
Applications Important factors are,
y Done at room temperature in air, water or vacuum.
y Joiningthedissimilarmetalsinbimetallics y Critical velocity
y Makingmicrocircuitelectricalcontacts.
y Surface contaminants tend to be blown off the surface. y Critical angle
y Weldingrefractoryorreactivemetals
W ldi f i l y Typical impact pressures are millions of psi.
psi y The cladding plate can be supported with tack welded
supports at the edges, or the metal inserts.
y Bondingultrathinmetal.
g y Well suited to metals that is prone to brittle joints
when heat welded, such as,
y Aluminum on steel
y Titanium on steel
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 60 of 240 Rev.0
Contd Contd
y Typically the detonation velocity should not exceed High velocity explosives, 45727620 m/s.
120% of the sonic velocity in the metal. y TNT g ,
y Can bond many dissimilar, normally unweldable
y Composition
C iti B metals
y Composition C4 y The lack of heating preserves metal treatment
y Datasheet
y The
Th process isi compact, portable,
bl andd easy to contain
y Primacord
Medium velocity explosives, 15244572 m/s y Inexpensive
y Ammonium nitrate y No need for surface preparation
y Ammonium perchlorate
y Amatol
y Nitroguonidine
y Dynamites
y diluted PETN
Contd Contd Contd
Disadvantages, yp pp
y The metals must have high enough impact resistance,
and ductilityy ((at least 55%)) y Verylargeplatescanbecladded.
y The cladding plate cannot be too large. y Joinsdissimilarmetals.
y Noise and blast can require worker protection,
protection vacuum
chambers, buried in sand/water. (titaniumtosteel,Altosteel,AltoCuetc.)
y Jointubetotubesheetsoflargeheatexchangers.
Contd Contd
GATE1992 usingthecodegivenbelowthelists:
Inanexplosiveweldingprocess,the.. Codes:
ListI ListII
(maximum/minimum)velocityofimpactisfixed A.Laserbeam 1.Canbeappliedforweldingorrefractorymetals A B C D A B C D
bythevelocityofsoundinthe welding likeniobium,tantalum,molybdenumandtungsten. (a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 2 3 1 4
(flyer/target)platematerial B.Electron 2.Asoundandcleanweldedjointiscreateddueto ((c)) 4 1 3 4 ( )
(d) 2 1 3 4
(a) Maximum;target beamwelding rubbingoftwopartsagainsteachotherwith
(b) M
u ; ta get raisingtemperatureabovemeltingpoint.
(c) Maximum;flyer C.Ultrasonic 3.Cleanheatsourcecreatedmuchawayfromjob,a
(d) Minimum;flyer
Mi i fl welding narrowspotisheated workchamberoperatesina
D Friction 4.Cleanheatsourceveryquickheating,verysmall
4 Cleanheatsourceveryquickheating,verysmall
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) welding focalspot,novacuumchamberisrequired.
Page 61 of 240 Rev.0
IES2009 IAS2002
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegiven MatchListI,(Welding)withListII(Application)andselectthecorrect
( ) ( )
IFS 2009
belowtheLists: answerusingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists:
ListI ListII ListI ListII Two plates of aluminium and stainless steel are to
(WeldingProcess) (Application) (
(Welding) ) (
(Application) )
A. Laserwelding 1. Unitinglargeareasheets
B. Frictionwelding 2. Repairinglargeparts
A. Explosive 1. Joiningthicksheets be welded back to back to create a single plate of
C Ultrasonicwelding
C. 3
3. Weldingarodtoaflatsurface B. Ultrasonic 2. Manufactureofheatexchanges g
D. Explosivewelding 4. Fabricationofnuclearreactor C. Thermit 3. Joiningthinsheetsorwiresof
similar/dissimilar metals
thickness equal to the sum of the thicknesses of
55. Weldingverythinmaterials
g y D. Projection 4. Joininghydraulicpistonrodsfor
Code: agricultural
l l machinery
h the two plates.
plates Suggest the suitable process and
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D 5. Joiningrails,pipesandthicksteel
5 4 3 2 1 4 2 5 sections explain it in brief.
d B C D A B C D
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D (a) 2 5 1 3 (b) 4 5 1 3 [10 marks]
1 3 4 2 5 3 4 1 (c) 2 3 5 1 (d) 4 3 5 1
M hLi I i hLi II d l h
GATE 2008(PI) IAS2001 usingthecodegivenbelowthelists:
h h pair among the
h following
f ll solid
l d state welding
ld MatchListI(Weldingprocesses)withListII(Features)and
( ) ( ) ListI ListII
A.Atomic 1.Twopiecesarebroughttogetherand
processes uses heat from an external source? h d
ldi powersupplyisswitchedon
l i i h d
ListI ListII
A. Ultrasonicwelding 1. Gasheatedtoionizedcondition
P Diffusion welding; Q Friction welding forconductionofelectriccurrent B.Plasmaarc
B Plasma arc 22.Nuggetisformedattheinterfaceof
B. Electronbeamwelding2. Highfrequencyandhigh
intensityvibrations welding twoplates
R Ultrasonic welding S Forge welding
C. Plasmaarcwelding 3
3. Concentratedstreamofhigh
Concentratedstreamofhigh C Spotwelding
C.Spotwelding 3 Gasisionized
(a) P and R (b) R and S 4. Exothermalchemicalreaction D.Flashwelding 4.Inertgasshieldedarcwelding
C d A B C A B C
(c) Q and S (d) P and S (a) 1 2 4 (b) 4 3 1 Code:A B C D A B C D
(c) 2 1 4 (d) 2 3 1
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 3 2 4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 62 of 240 (c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 1 Rev.0
2 3 4
IES 2011 Conventional
IES2011Conventional BrazingandSoldering
Discuss the process capabilities and applications of Gas y Brazing
B i is
i the
th joining
j i i off metals
t l through
th h the
th use off heat
h t
and a filler metal whose melting temperature is above
Metal Arc Welding, Gas tungsten Arc Welding, and 450C; but below the melting
45 g p
point of the metals being g
Diffusion Bonding processes. BrazingandSoldering
g g Comparison with welding and the brazing process
1. The
Th compositionii off the
h brazing
b i alloy
ll isi significantly
i ifi l
[15Marks] different from that of the base metal.
2 The strength of the brazing alloy is substantially lower
than that of the base metal.
3. The melting point of the brazing alloy is lower than that
off the
h base
b metal,
l so the
h base
b metall is not melted.
l d
4. Capillary action or capillary attraction draws the
molten filler metal into the joint,
joint even against the flow of
Brazing process has several distinct
1. All metals can be joined. y Brazingbrass(60%Cu,40%Zn)
2. Suited for dissimilar metals. y Manganesebronze
y Nickelsilver
3. Quick and economical.
y Coppersilicon
4. Less defects.
d f y Silveralloys(with/withoutphosphorous)
l ll ( h h h h )
y Copperphosphorous
5 Corrosion prone
Contd Contd
y Extremely clean surface needed. y A popular composition is 75% borax and 25% boric
y Fluxes used are combinations of borax, boric acid, acid.
chlorides fluorides,
chlorides, fluorides tetraborates
tetra borates and other wetting y Sodium
S di cyanide
id is
i used
d in
i brazing
b i tungsten to copper.
g y Base materials not melted.
y Not
N suitable
i bl for
f hightemp.
hi h application.
li i
Contd Contd
IES2004 IES2003,ISRO2011 C k
y Cracks may be of micro or macro size and may appear in
( ) ( ) MatchListI(WeldingDefects)withListII(Causes)and
( ) ( ) the weld metal or base metal or base metal and weld
thecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists: selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowthe
ListI ListII Lists: metal boundary.
A. Crackingofweldmetal 1. Excessivestresses ListI ListII y Different categories of cracks are longitudinal cracks,
B. Crackingofbasemetal 2. Highjointrigidity (WeldingDefects) (Causes)
C. Porosity 3
3. Failuretoremoveslag
transverse cracks or radiating/star cracks and cracks in
A Spatter
A. S 1. D
l d
B. Distortion 2. Arcblow
the weld crater.
D. Inclusions 4. Oxidation
5. E
i H2,O
i C Slaginclusion
C. 3
3. Impropercleaningin y Cracks occur when localized stresses exceed the ultimate
theweldingatmosphere multipasswelding tensile strength of material.
Codes:A B C D A B C D D. Porosity 4. Poorjointselection
(a) 2 1 5 3 (b) 3 4 2 1 Codes:A B C D A B C D y These stresses are developed due to shrinkage during
(c) 2 4 5 3 (d) 3 1 4 2 (a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 4 2 1 3 solidification of weld metal.
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 2 4 3 1
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 65 of 240 Rev.0
HAZ Cracking
HAZCracking Hydrogen Induced Cracking
Cracks may be developed due to poor ductility of base y Duetothepresenceofmoisture,grease,rustetc.,
metal high sulphur and carbon contents,
contents high arc travel y Crackinginheataffectedzonemaybecausedby:
g y y
h d h ld l d di l di
speeds i.e. fast cooling rates, too concave or convex weld (i)Hydrogeninweldingatmosphere theweldmetal.
bead and high hydrogen contents in the weld metal.
y DuringcoolinghydrogendiffusestotheHAZ.
y Crackingmaydevelopduetoresidualstressesassistedby
g y p y
(iii)lowductility hydrogencoalesence.
y Thefactorsthatdeterminetheprobabilityofhydrogen
(v)brittlephaseinthemicrostructure (a)Hydrogencontent
f k ld (c)stresstowhichthejointisexposedasaresultof
Residualstress Porosity
y The residual stresses result from the restrained expansion y Porosity results when the gases are entrapped in the
and contraction that occur during localized heating and solidifying weld metal.
cooling in the region of weld deposit. y These gases are generated from the flux or coating
y The magnitude of residual stresses depends on the weldment constituents of the electrode or shielding gases used
design support and clamping of the components being
design, during welding or from absorbed moisture in the
welded, their materials, welding process used, part coating.
dimensions,, welding g sequence,
q ,p
post weld treatment,, size of
y Porosity
P it can alsol b controlled
be t ll d if excessively
i l high
hi h
the deposited weld beads, etc.
welding currents, faster welding speeds and long arc
y Residual stresses should not have a harmful effect on the
th are avoidedid d flux
fl and
d coated
t d electrodes
l t d are
strength performance of weldments, reduces fatigue
g Mayy cause distortion. This residual stress mayy properly baked.
result in the cracking of a brittle material and is not
important as far as a ductile material.
Solid Inclusion
y Solid inclusions may be in the form of slag or any other
nonmetallic material entrapped in the weld metal as
these may not able to float on the surface of the
solidifying weld metal.
y During arc welding flux either in the form of granules or
coating after melting,
melting reacts with the molten weld metal
removing oxides and other impurities in the form of slag
and it floats on the surface of weld metal due to its low
y Slag
Sl i l i
inclusion can be
b prevented d if proper groove isi
selected, all the slag from the previously deposited bead
Fig DifferentFormsofPorosities
Fig.DifferentFormsofPorosities i removed,
is d too high
hi h or too low
l welding
ldi currents and
d Fig SlagInclusioninWeldments
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) long arcs are avoided.Page 66 of 240 Rev.0
Lack of Fusion
LackofFusion ImperfectShape,Distortions
p p
I l t P t ti
IncompletePenetration y Imperfect shape means the variation from the desired shape and
y Lack of fusion is the failure to fuse together either the size of the weld bead.
y Incomplete penetration means that the weld depth is not
b metall and
d weld
ld metall or subsequent
b beads
b d ini y During undercutting a notch is formed either on one side of the
upto the desired level or root faces have not reached to weld bead or both sides in which stresses tend to concentrate and
multipass welding because of failure to raise the
melting point in a groove joint. it can result in the early failure of the joint. Main reasons for
temperature off base
b metall or previously
i l deposited
d i d weld
ld undercutting are the excessive welding currents, long arc lengths
layer to melting point during welding. y If either low currents or larger arc lengths or large root and fast travel speeds.
face or small root gap or too narrow groove angles are y Underfilling may be due to low currents, fast travel speeds and
y Lack of fusion can be avoided by properly cleaning of
used then it results into poor penetration. small size of electrodes. Overlap may occur due to low currents,
surfaces to be welded, selecting proper current, proper longer arc lengths and slower welding speeds.
welding technique and correct size of electrode. y Excessive reinforcement is formed if high currents, low voltages,
slow travel speeds and large size electrodes are used. Excessive
root penetration and sag occur if excessive high currents and slow
travel speeds are used for relatively thinner members.
y Distortion is caused because of shrinkage occurring due to large
heat input during welding.
IES 2011 C ti l
y Enumeratefourdefectscausedduetoresidualstressesin
1 Distortion
2. Crackinginthebasemetal
3. LamellarTearing
4. Reductionoffatiguestrength
L th
Lathe L th
Lathe Generalclassificationsusedwhendescribinglathes
y A lathe is a large
g machine that rotates the work,, and y Bed this is a bottom pan on the lathe that catches chips,
chips y Swing the largest diameter of work that can be rotated.
cutting is done with a nonrotating cutting tool. The cutting fluids, etc. y Distance Between Centres the longest length of
shapes cut are generally round, or helical. The tool is
typically moved parallel to the axis of rotation during y carriage this part of the lathe carries the cutting tool and workpiece
cutting. moves based on the rotation of the lead screw or rod. y Length of Bed Related to the Distance Between
y headstock thisendofthelathecontainsthedriving y Lead
L d screw A large
l screw with
ith a few
f threads
th d per inch
i h used
d C t
motorandgears.Powertorotatethepartisdelivered for cutting threads. It has ACME threads with included angle y Power The range of speeds and feeds, and the
h Thi t i ll h l th tl tth d of 29o for easy engagement and disengagement of half nut.
horsepower available
andfeedsbeset. y Lead rod a rod with a shaft down the side used for driving
y ways thesearehardenedrailsthatthecarriagerides
th h d d il th tth i id normal cutting feeds.
on. y The critical parameters on the lathe are speed of rotation
y tailstock
t il t k thiscanbeusedtoholdtheotherendofthe
thi b dt h ldth th d fth (speed in RPM) and how far the tool moves across the work
part. for each rotation (feed in IPR)
h di
Threading IES 1998
IES IES 1993,ISRO2009
IES 1993 ISRO 2009
y Inonerevolutionofthespindle,carriagemusttravel A single start thread of pitch 2 mm is to be produced It is required to cut screw threads of 2 mm pitch on
thepitchofthescrewthreadtobecut. on a lathe having a lead screw with a double start a lathe. The lead screw has a pitch of 6 mm. If the
N s Pz s = N L Lz L thread of pitch 4 mm. The ratio of speeds between spindle speed is 60 rpm, then the speed of the lead
the spindle and lead screw for this operation is screw will be
P = Pitch of the screw thread to be cut
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2: 1 (a) 10 rpm (b) 20 rpm
L = Pitch of the lead screw
(c) 1: 4 (d) 4: 1 (c) 120 rpm (d) 180 rpm
z s = Number of start of the screw thread to be cut
z L = Number of start of the lead screw
icg = gear ratio i dl ( N s ) to
ti off spindle i ( N L ) gear train
t carriage t i
(d) Milling
Milli machine
W k h ldi D i f L th
WorkholdingDevicesforLathes L th h k
y Held between centers y Lathe chucks are used to support
pp a wider varietyy of
y 3 jaw self centering chuck (Disc type jobs being held
workpiece shapes and to permit more operations to be
performed than can be accomplished when the work is
in chucks ) held between centers.
y 4 jaw independently adjusted chuck y Threejaw, selfcentering chucks are used for work that
y Held in a collet (Slender rod like jobs being held in has a round or hexagonal cross section. 3JawChuck 4JawChuck
collets ) y Each jaw in a fourjaw independent chuck can be moved
y Mounted on a face plate (Odd shape jobs, being held inward and outward independent of the others by means
in face plate)
p ) of a chuck wrench. Thus they can be used to support a
id variety
i t off work
k shapes.
y Mounted on the carriage
y Combination fourjaw chucks are available in which each
y Mandrels j
jaw can beb moved d independently
i d d tl or can be
b moved d
y MagneticFor-2015 (IES,
chuck for GATE
thin job & PSUs) Page of
simultaneously by means 72 aofspiral
240 cam. Rev.0
T i
Turning F l f T i
D1 D2
cut d = DOC =
y Depth of cut, mm
y Average diameter of workpiece D1 + D2
Davgg = mm
Collets Magnetic Chuck
MagneticChuck 2
Time CT = L + A + O
y Cutting Time,
IES 2006
Example Off tti th t il t k
For taper turning on centre lathes, the method of Find the angle at which the compound rest should y It is necessary to measure the tailstock offset when using
swiveling the compound rest is preferred for: be set up to turn taper on the workpiece having a this method.
(a) Long jobs with small taper angles length of 200 mm, larger diameter 45 mm and the y This method is limited to small tapers (Not exceeding 8o
(b) Long jobs with steep taper angles smaller 30 mm. ) over long lengths.
(c) Short jobs with small taper angles y By
B offsetting
ff tti the
th tailstock,
t il t k the
th axisi off rotation
t ti off the
th job
j b
((d)) Short jjobs with steep
p taper
p angles
g is inclined by the half angle of taper.
E i t l tti
Errorsintoolsettings IES 2010
The effect of centering error
when the tool is set above the
center line as shown in the figure
lt effectively
ff ti l ini
1. Increase in rake angle.
2. Reduction
R d ti in i rake
k angle.
3. Increase in clearance angle.
y Setting the tool below the centre decrease actual rake angle, 4. Reduction
R d i in i clearance
l angle.
while clearance angle increases by the same amount. Thus Which of these statements is/are
cutting force
f increased.
d correct?
y Setting the tool above the centre causes the rake angle to (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 4 only
increase, while clearance angle reduces. More rubbing with ( ) 2 and
(c) d 4 only
l (d) 1, 2, 3 and
TurretLathe CapstanLathe
T t L th
A turret lathe, a number of tools can be set up on the
machine and then quickly be brought successively into
working position so that a complete part can be
machined without the necessity for further adjusting,
changing tools, or making measurements.
A t ti L th
AutomaticLathe Swiss type Automatic Lathe Or Sliding Headstock Automatics
y The term automatic is somewhat loosely applied, but is y Headstock travels enabling axial feed of the bar stock
normally restricted to those machine tools capable of against the cutting tools.
producing identical pieces without the attention of an y There is no tailstock or turret
operator, after each piece is completed. Thus, after y High spindle speed (2000 10,000 rpm) for small job
setting up and providing an initial supply of material, diameter
further attention beyond replenishing the material y The cutting tools (upto five in number including two on
supply is not required until the dimensions of the work the rocker arm) are fed radially
pieces change owing to tool wear.
y Used for lot or mass production of thin slender rod or
y A number of types of automatic lathes are developed tubular
b l jobs,
j b like
lik components off small
ll clocks
l k and d wrist
that can be used for large volume manufacture watches, by precision machining.
application such as single spindle automatics,
application, automatics Swiss type
automatics, and multispindle automatics.
smaller size and simpler geometry. y The tumbler gear can slide on shaft S1. It can mesh with any
gear on shaft S2 through an intermediate gear which is
y Having four to eight parallel spindles are preferably used.
ocated o
on a sswinging
g g aand
d ssliding
d g lever
e e so tthat
at itt ca
can eengage
y Multiple spindle automats also may be parallel action or gears 1 to 8 of different diameters, on shaft S2.
progressively working type. y The lever can be fixed in any desired ratio position with the
help of a stop pin.
y The drive is usually from the driving shaft S1 to the driven
shaft S2.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 76 of 240 Rev.0
GATE 2002
GATE 2008 GATE 2008
A leadscrew
l d with
ith half
h lf nuts
t in
i a lathe,
l th free
f to
t rotate
t t The figure shows an incomplete schematic of a
conventional lathe to be used for cutting threads
in both directions has with different pitches. The speed gear box Uv, is
shown and the feed gear box Us, is to be placed. P, Q.
(a) Vthreads
R and S denote locations and have no other
(b) Whitworth threads significance. Changes in Uv, should NOT affect the
pitch of the thread being cut and changes in Us, ThecorrectconnectionsandthecorrectplacementofUsare
(c) Buttress threads should NOT affect the cutting speed. givenby
((a)) QQandEareconnected. Us,,isplacedbetweenPandQ.
p Q
(d) ACME threads (b) SandEareconnected.Us isplacedbetweenRandS.
((c)) Q
p Q
Contd.. (d) SandEareconnected.Us,isplacedbetweenSandE.
IES 2004
IES G 99
GATE1994 IES 1996
Match List I (Cutting tools) with List II (Features) To get good surface finish on a turned job,
job Inturningofslenderrods,itisnecessarytokeep
and select the correct answer using the codes given one should use a sharp tool with a ..feed thetransverseforceminimummainlyto
below the Lists: and
d speed
d off rotation
t ti off the
th job.
j b (a) Improvethesurfacefinish
List I List II (b) Increaseproductivity
((a)) Minimum, minimum
A Turning
A. T i toolt l 1. Chi l edge
Chisel d (c) Improvecuttingefficiency
B. Reamer 2. Flutes
(b) Minimum, maximum
((d)) Reducevibrationsandchatter.
C. Milling cutter 3. Axial relief ( ) Maximum,
(c) M i maximum
4. Side relief ((d)) Maximum,, minimum
Codes: A B C A B C
( ) 1
(a) 2 3 (b) 4 3 2
(c) 4 2 3 (d) 1 3 2
IES 2009
IES IES 1999
IES IES 2009
Whatisthenumberofjawsinself centred chuck?
Whatisthenumberofjawsinselfcentred Which one of the following sets of forces are Whichoneofthefollowingmethodsshouldbeused
(a) Eight encountered by a lathe parting tool while groove forturninginternaltaperonly?
(b) Six
Si cutting? (a) Tailstockoffset
(c) Four (a) Tangential, radial and axial (b) Taperattachment
(d) Three (b) Tangential
T ti l and
d radial
di l (c) Formtool
(c) Tangential and axial ((d)) Compoundrest
(d) Radial and axial
IES 2009
IES IES 2007
A capstan lathe is used to mass produce, in batches
massproduce, Assertion (A): In a multi spindle automatic lathe, the
of 200, a particular component. The direct material turret tool holder is indexed to engage the cutting tools
cost is Rs 4 per piece, the direct labour cost is Rs 3 one by y one for successive machining g operations.
per piece and the overhead costs are 400% of the Reason (R): Turret is a multiple tool holder so that for
labour costs. What is the production cost per piece? successive machining g operation,
p , the tools need not be
(a) Rs 19 (b) Rs 23
((a)) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the correct
( ) Rs
(c) R 166 (d) RsR 15 explanation of A
((b)) Both A and R are individuallyy true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES 1995
IES IES 1996
IES IES 2003
Consider the following g characteristics: Assertion (A): Special purpose machine tools and Which one of the following mechanisms is
1. Multiple operations can be performed automatic machine tools are quite useful for job employed for indexing of turret in an automatic
2 Operator
2. Operator'ss fatigue is greatly reduced.
reduced shops lathe?
3. Ideally suited for batch production Reason (R): Special purpose machine tools can do (a) Whitworth (b) Rack and pinion
4 A breakdown
4. break down in one machine does not affect the special types of machining work automatically ( ) Ratchet
(c) R t h t and
d pawll (d) Geneva
G wheel
h l
flow of products. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
5 Can accommodate modifications in design of
5. correctt explanation
l ti off A
components, within certain limits. (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
The characteristics which can be attributed to special correct explanation of A
purpose machines would include
(c) A is true but R is false
(a) 1,
1 3 and 4 (b) 1, 1 2 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and For-2015
5 (d) (IES, GATE
1, 2 and 5 & PSUs) (d) A is false but R isPage
true78 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2009
IES IES 2001
IES IES 1995
For the manufacture of screw fasteners on a mass The indexing of the turret in a single spindle
singlespindle Assertion ((A):) In a Swiss type
yp automatic lathe,, the
scale, which is the most suitable machine tool? automatic lathe is done using turret is given longitudinal feed for each tool in a
specific order with suitable indexing.
(a) Capstan lathe (a) Geneva mechanism
Reason (R): A turret is a multiple tool holder to
(b) Singlespindle automatic lathe (b) Ratchet and Pawl mechanism facilitate machining with each tool by indexing
(c) CNC turning centre (lathe) (c) Rack and pinion mechanism without the need to change the tools.
((d)) CNC machiningg centre ((d)) Whitworth mechanism (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES 1992
IES IAS 2007
IAS IAS 2002
Maximum production of small and slender parts is Which one of the following is the characteristic for Consider the following statements related to Turret
done by capstan lathe? lathe:
(a) Watch maker
maker'ss lathe (a) Rate of production is low 1 Turret is mounted directly on the saddle.
1. saddle
(b) Sliding head stock automatic lathe (b) Labour cost is high 2. Turret is mounted on an auxiliary slide.
(c) Multispindle automatic lathe (c) Used for handling jobs of varying shapes and sizes 3. Much heavier and larger jobs than Capstan lathe can
((d)) Capstan
p lathe ((d)) Capstan
p head is mounted on a slide be produced.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 only (d) 2 only
IAS 1996
IAS IAS 2004
IAS IAS 2001
Apart from hexagonal turret, the elements (s) in a Swiss type screw machines have Consider the following operations and time
turret lathe include (s) (a) Turrets (b) Radial slides required on a multi spindle automatic machine to
(a) Crossslide
Cross slide tool post ( ) Spindle
(c) S i dl carriers
i (d) Tool
T l postst produce a particular job
(b) Crossslide tool post and rear tool post 1. Turning 1.2 minutes
(c) Crossslide tool post and tail stock 2. Drilling
D illi 1.6
6 minutes
i t
((d)) Teal tool p
post and tail stock 3. Forming 0.2 minute
4. Parting 0.6 minute
The time required to make one piece (cycle time) will be
(a) 0.6 minutes (b) 1.6 minutes
( ) 3.6
(c) 6 minutes
i t (d) 0.9 minute
i t
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 79 of 240 Rev.0
IAS 1995
IAS IAS 1994
IAS IAS 1998
Assertion ((A):) In a multispindle
p automat,, the turret A multi spindle automat performs four operations
multispindle Assertion (A): For thread cutting, the spindle speed
is indexed to engage each of the cutting tool with times 50, 60, 65 and 75 seconds at each of its selected on a lathe, is very low.
mounted on it. work centers. The cycle time (time required to Reason (R): The required feed rate is low in
Reason(R): Turret is a multiple tool holder so that manufacture one work piece) in seconds will be threading operation.
the machining can be continued with each tool
without the need to change the tool. (a) 50 + 60 + 65 + 75 ( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (b) (50 + 60 + 65 + 75) /4 correct explanation of A
correct explanation of A (c) 75/4 (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the ((d)) 75 correct explanation of A
correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false
(c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true
(d) A is false but R is true
IAS 1998
Consider the following statements associated with In Norton type feed gearbox for cutting Whitworth
the lathe accessories: standard threads with a standard TPI Leadscrew, power
1 Steady rest is used for supporting a long job in
1. flows from:
between head stock and tail stock. (a) Spindle to Tumbler gear to Norton cone to Meander
drive to Leadscrew
2. Mandrel
M d l is i usedd for
f turning
t i small ll cylindrical
li d i l job.
j b
(b) Spindle to Norton cone to Tumbler geat to Meander
3. Collects are used for turning discshaped job. drive to Leadscrew
Of these statements: (c) Spindle t o Tumbler gear to Meander drive to Norton
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct cone to Leadscrew
(c) 3 alone is correct (d) 1 alone is correct (d) Spindle to Norton cone to Meander drive to Tumbler
gear to Leadscrew
IAS 2000
IAS Drilling D illi
Consider the following features: y Drilling is a operation that cuts cylindrical holes.
1. All spindles operate simultaneously,
2. One
O piece
i i completed
is l t d each
h time
ti th tools
the t l are
withdrawn and the spindles are indexed
3. The tool slide indexes or revolves with the spindle
Which of these features are characteristics of a multi
spindle automatic machine used for bar work?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 BySKMondal
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 80 of 240 Rev.0
DrillingOperations Chip formation
of a drill
y Verticalorpillartype
V ti l ill t
y RadialArmtype
y Gangdrill
y MultiSpindledrill
y NumericalControldrill
Drill D ill
Drill IES 2004
y The twist drill does most of the cutting with the tip of
the bit. Consider the following statements:
There are flutes The helical flute in a twist drill provides the necessary
to carry the chips 1. Clearance
Cl angle
l for
f the
th cutting
tti edge
up from the
2. Rake angle for the cutting edge
cutting edges to
the top of the 3. Space for the chip to come out during drilling
hole where they 4. Guidance for the drill to enter into the workpiece
are cast off. Which of the statements given above are correct?
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
IES 2003
IES D ill
Drill D ill
The purpose of helical grooves in a twist drill is to y Axial rake angle is the angle between the face and the line y Drill sizes
si es are typically
t picall measured across the drill points with
1. Improve the stiffness parallel to the drill axis. At the periphery of the drill, it is a micrometer
2. Save
S a tool
t l material
t i l equivalent to the helix angle.
3. Provide space for chip removal y Most widely used material is High Speed Steel
y The lip clearance angle is the angle formed by the portion of
4. Provide rake angle for the cutting edge y The drill blanks are made by forging and then are twisted to
the flank adjacent to the land and a plane at right angles to
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: provide the torsional rigidity.
rigidity Then the flutes are machined
Codes: the drill axis measured at the periphery of the drill.
and hardened before the final grinding of the geometry.
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3 y Lead
L d off the
th helix
h li is
i the
th distance
di t measured
d parallel
ll l to
t the
th drill
d ill
y Deep hole drilling requires special precautions to take care of
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 axis, between corresponding point on the leading edge of the
the removal of large volume of chips.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) land in one complete revolution.
Page 81 of 240 Rev.0
GATE 1996
IES P i t A l (2)
y The point angle is selected to suit the hardness and brittleness of
The rake angle in a drill The rake angle in a twist drill the material being drilled.
(a) Increases from centre to periphery (a) Varies from minimum near the dead centre to a y Harder materials have higher point angles, soft materials have
maximum value at the periphery lower point angles.
(b) decreases
d f
from centre
t tot periphery
i h
y An increase in the drill point angle leads to an increase in the
(c) Remains constant (b) Is maximum at the dead centre and zero at the thrust force and a decrease in the torque due to increase of the
(d) Is irrelevant to the drilling operation periphery
i h orthogonal
h l rake
k angle.
(c) Is constant at every point of the cutting edge y This angle (half) refers to side cutting edge angle of a single point
(d) Is a function of the size of the chisel edge. y Standard Point Angle is 118
y It is 116 to 118 for medium hard steel and cast iron
y It is 125 for hardened steel
y It is 130
3 to 1404 for brass and bronze
y It is only 60 for wood and plastics
H li A l ()
HelixAngle() IES 1992
y Helix angle is the angle between the leading edge of the A drill for drilling deep holes in aluminum should Helix angle of fast helix drill is normally
land and the axis of the drill. Sometimes it is also called have (a) 35o
as spiral angle.
(a) High helix angle (b) Taper shank 6 o
(b) 60
y The helix results in a positive cutting rake
(c) Small point angle (d) No lip (c) 90o
y This angle is equivalent to back rake angle of a single
point cutting tool. (d) 5o
y Usual 20
20 to 35
35 most common
y Large helix : 45 to 60 suitable for deep holes and softer
workk materials
i l
y Small helix : for harder / stronger materials
y Zero helix : spade drills for high production drilling
microdrilling and hard work materials
IES 1992
IES Cutting Speed in Drilling
Low helix angle drills are preferred for drilling IFS2011 y Thecuttingspeedindrillingisthesurfacespeedofthe
holes in twistdrill.
Discuss deephole drilling keeping in mind speed and DN
(a) Plastics (b) Copper
feed, mentioning the technique of applying coolant.
V= m / min
(c) Cast steel (d) Carbon steel 1000
GATE 2012
IES IES 1994
I a single
i l pass drilling
d illi operation,
ti a through
th h hole
h l off The arm of a radial drilling machine is being raised The ratio between two consecutive spindle speeds
at a speed of 3.9 m/min by single start square for a sixspeed drilling machine using drills of
155 mm diameter is to be drilled in a steel p
plate of 550 threads of 6 mm pitch and 30 mm diameter. The diameter 6.25 to 25 mm size and at a cutting velocity
mm thickness. Drill spindle speed is 500 rpm, feed speed of the screw of 18 m/min is
(a) Is 650 rpm (a) 1.02
1 02 (b) 1.32
1 32
is 0.2 mm/rev and drill point angle is 118. Assuming
(b) Is 180 rpm (c) 1.62 (d) 1.82
2 mm clearance
l att approach
h and
d exit,
it the
th total
t t l drill
d ill (c) Is 130 rpm
time ((in seconds)) is ((d)) Cannot be determined as the data is insufficient
GATE 2007(PI)LinkedS2
GATE 2007 (PI) Li k d S 2 IAS 1994
IAS IES 1999
Blind holes 10 mm diameter, 50 mm deep are The time (in minutes) for drilling a hole is given by pp
Match ListI (Drill bits) with ListII (Applications) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the Lists:
being drilled in steel block. Drilling spindle
Depth of the hole + h ListI ListII
speed is 600 rpm,
rpm feed 0.2
0 2 mm/rev,
mm/rev point angle of t= A Core
A. C d ill
drill 1. T enlarge
To l a hole
h l to t a certain
t i depth
d th so as to
Feed RPM
drill is 120o. where 'h' is the
accommodate the bolt head of a screw
B. Reamer 2. To drill and enlargeg an alreadyy existing
g hole in a
During the above operation, the drill wears out (a) Length of the drill casting
after p producingg 200 holes. Taylors
y tool life (b) Drill diameter C. Counter bore drill 3. To drill a hole before making internal
h d
equation is of the form VT0.3 = C, where V = (c) Flute length of the drill D. Tap drill 4. To improve the surface finish and dimensional
cutting speed in m/minute and T = tool life in (d) Cone
C h i ht off the
height th drill.
d ill accuracy of the already drilled hole
Code:A B C D A B C D
minutes. Taylors constant C will be (a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 2 3 1 4
( ) 15
(a) ( ) 72
(b) ( ) 93
(c) ( ) 490
(d) (c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 2 4 1
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 84 of 240 Rev.0
R i
Reaming Reamer
y Reaming
g removes a small amount of material from the
surface of holes.
y It is done for two purposes: to bring holes to a more exact
size and to improve the finish of an existing hole.
Reaming,Boring,Broaching y Multiage cutting tools that has many flutes, which may be
i h or in
i a helix
h li are used.
y No special machines are built for reaming. The same
machine that was employed for drilling the hole can be used
for reaming by changing the cutting tool.
y Only a minimum amount of materials should be left for
removal by reaming. As little as 0.1 mm is desirable, and in
no case should the amount exceed 0.4 mm.
B SKM d l
BySKMondal y A properly reamed hole will be within 0.025 mm of the
correct size and have a fine finish.
Reamer Flutes
ReamerFlutes T fR
y The reamer flutes are either straight or helical.
y The helical flutes promote smoother cutting and should be Theprincipaltypesofreamersare:
used specifically for holes that are not continuous, such as 1. Handreamers
y y p
those with keyways parallel to the axis of the hole.
a. St i ht
y The cutting action of the helical flutes is smoother and helps
in preventing chatter. b. Taper
y The reamers are termed as left hand or right hand, 2. Machineorchuckingreamers
depending upon the direction in which they are moved,
l ki from
looking f th shank
the h k to
t the
th cutting
tti portion.
ti a. Rose
y The righthand reamer with righthand helix is used for b. Fluted
roughing cuts,
cuts since the tool tends to go into the workpiece 3. Shellreamers
Sh ll
more efficiently and thereby promotes the material removal.
4. Expansionreamers
y A right
hand reamer with left lefthand
hand flutes is used for
finishing cuts. 5. Adjustablereamers
R i
Reaming R i
y To meet quality requirements, including both finish and y Reamers,, like drills,, should not be allowed to become dull. RoseReamer
accuracy (tolerances on diameter, roundness, The chamfer must be reground long before it exhibits
excessive wear. Sharpening is usually restricted to the Rose chucking reamers
straightness, and absence of bell bellmouth
mouth at ends of starting
t ti taper
t or chamfer.
h f Each E h flute
fl t mustt be
b groundd exactly
tl are ground d cylindrical
li d i l
holes). Reamers must have adequate support for the evenly or the tool will cut oversize. and have no relief
cutting edges, and reamer deflection must be minimal. y Reamers tend to chatter when not held securely,
securely when the b hi d the
behind th outer
t edges
y Reaming speed is usually twothirds the speed for work or work holder is loose, or when the reamer is not of the teeth. All cutting
drilling the same materials.
materials However,
However for close tolerances properly
p p yg ground.
is done on the beveled
be eled
and fine finish, speeds should be slower. y Irregularly spaced teeth may help reduce chatter. Other cures
ends of the teeth
for chatter in reaming are to reduce the speed, vary the feed
y Feeds
F d are usually ll much h higher
hi h than
th th
those f drilling
for d illi rate, chamfer the hole opening, use a piloted reamer, reduce
and depend upon material. the relief angle on the chamfer, or change the cutting fluid.
y Recommended cutting fluids are the same as those for y Any
A misalignment
i li b
between the
h work k piece
i and
d the
h reamer
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) will cause chatter and Page 85 ofreaming.
improper 240 Rev.0
ChuckingReamer ShellReamer IFS2011
Fluted chucking Shell reamers often are What is the main difference between rose reamer
reamers have h relief
li f usedd for
f sizes
i over 20
behind the edges of the mm to save cuttingtool and chucking reamer ? Write in short about shell
t th as well
teeth ll as beveled
b l d material.
t i l Th
The shell,
h ll reamer.
ends. They can cut on made of HSS for smaller
all portions of the teeth.
teeth si es and with
sizes ith carbide [
k ]
Their flutes are edges for larger sizes or
relatively short and they for mass production
are intended for light work.
finishing cuts.
y Trepanning is a annular groove producing operation IES 1999
IES IES 1999
which leaves a solid cylindrical core in the centre. In
Which one of the following processes results in the Consider the following statements regarding
trepanning a cutter consisting of one or more cutting
best accuracy of the hole made? reaming process:
edges placed along the circumference of a circle is used
to produce the annular groove. (a) Drilling (b) Reaming 1 Reaming generally produces a hole larger than its
(c) Broaching (d) Boring own diameter
2. Generally
G ll rake
k angles
l are nott provided
id d on reamers.
3. Even numbers of teeth are preferred in reamer
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,
1 2 and 3
IES 1998
IES 1998 IES 1994
GATE 2007 (PI)
Match List
ListII with List II and select the correct answer
ListII In reaming process Reaming is primarily used for achieving
using the codes given below the lists: (a) Metal removal rate is high (a) Higher MRR
List ListII
List II
(b) High
Hi h surface
f fi i h is
finish i obtained.
bt i d (b) Improved
I d dimensional
di i l tolerance
t l
A. Reaming 1. Smoothing and squaring surface
(c) High form accuracy is obtained (c) Fine surface finish
around the hole for proper seating
B. Counterboring 2.Sizing and finishing the hole (d) High dimensional accuracy is obtained. (d) Improved positional tolerance
C Countersinking
C. Counter sinking 3.3 Enlarging the end of the hole
D. Spot facing 4. Making a conical enlargement at the
end of the hole
Code:A B C D A B C D
( ) 3
(a) 2 4 1 ( ) 2
(b) 3 1 4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 86 of 240 Rev.0
(c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 2 3 4 1
GATE 2014(PI)
GATE 2014 (PI) IES 1993
IES IES 1998
A hole of 30 mm diameter is to be produced by reaming. A component requires a hole which must be within
R i i df
The minimum diameter permissible is 30.00 mm while the two limits of 25.03 and 25.04 mm diameter.
(a)creatingacircularholeinmetals the maximum diameter p permissible is 330.055 mm. In this Which of the following statements about the
regard, consider the following statements about the reamer size are correct?
g g reamer size:
1 Reamer size cannot be below 25.03
1. 25 03 mm.
1. The minimum diameter of the reamer can be less than 30 mm.
(c)finishinganexistingholesurface 2. The minimum diameter of the reamer cannot be less than 30 mm. 2. Reamer size cannot be above 25.04 mm.
3. The maximum diameter of the reamer can be more than 30.05 mm. 3. Reamer size can be 25.04 mm.
(d)makingnoncircularholesinmetals 4.The maximum diameter of the reamer must be less than 30.05 mm.
4. Reamer size can be 25.03
4 5 3 mm.
Of these statements
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1 and 4 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 4 are correct
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4
IAS 1999
IAS IAS 2003
IAS IES 1992
For reaming operation of blind hole, the type of Match List I ((Operation)
p ) with List II ((Application)
pp ) and select Shell reamers are mounted on
the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
reamer required is (a) Tool holders (b) Amour plates
ListI ListII
(a) Straight flute reamer (
(Operation) ) (
(Application) ) ( ) Arbor
(c) Ab (d) Shanks
Sh k
(b) Right hand spiral fluted reamer (A) Reaming 1. Used for enlarging the end of a hole to give it a
(c) Left hand spiral fluted reamer conical
i l shape
h f a short
for h distance
(B) Boring 2. Used for enlarging only a limited portion of the
((d)) None of the above
(C) Counter boring 3. Used for finishing a hole
(D) Counter sinking 4
4. Used for enlarging a hole
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 1 2 4 3
y Boring always involves the enlarging of an existing hole,
which may have been made by a drill or may be the result of a
core in a casting.
y An equally important and concurrent purpose of boring may
be to make the hole concentric with the axis of rotation of
the workpiece and thus correct any eccentricity that may
have resulted from the drill drifting off the centerline.
Concentricity is an important attribute of bored holes.
y When boring is done in a lathe, the work usually is held in a
chuck or on a faceplate. Holes may be bored straight,
tapered, or to irregular contours.
y Boring is essentially internal turning while feeding the tool
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 87 of 240 Rev.0
parallel to the rotation axis of the workpiece.
B i
Boring B i
y The same principles are used for boring as for turning.
turning y Because the tool overhang will be greater, feeds and IES2009
y The tool should be set exactly at the same height as the depths of cut may be somewhat less than for turning to
axis of rotation.
rotation Slightly larger end clearance angles prevent tool vibration and chatter.
sometimes have to be used to prevent the heel of the tool y In some cases, the boring bar may be made of tungsten
from rubbing on the inner surface of the hole.
hole carbide because of this material
material'ss greater stiffness.
y The boring tool is a singlepoint cutting tool.
y Hole quality, finish boring can typically achieve holes
within tolerances of IT9.
y Surface finishes better than Ra 1 micron can be achieved.
F l f B i
FormulaforBoring IES 1993
IES IES 1994,ISRO2008
IES 1994 ISRO 2008
The main purpose of boring operation, as compared Enlarging an existing circular hole with a rotating
D1 + D2 to drilling is to: single point tool is called
y Average diameter of workpiece Davg = mm
2 (a) Drill a hole (a) Boring (b) Drilling
(b) Finish the drilled hole (c) Reaming (d) Internal turning.
Time CT = L + A + O
y Cutting Time, (c) Correct the hole
((d)) Enlarge
g the existing
g hole
y Metal Removal Rate
M RR =
(D 2
1 D 22 )= D a v g d fN
4 / fN
IES 1992,ISRO2010
IES 1992 ISRO 2010 IES 2000
IES IES 1996
Which of the machine tools can be used for boring Which one of the following sets of tools or tools and Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Lathe processes are normally employed for making large 1. A boring machine is suitable for a job shop.
2. Drilling
D illi machine
hi diameter holes? 2. A jig ji boring
b i machine
hi isi designed
d i d specially
i ll for
f doing
d i
3. Vertical milling machine (a) Boring tool more accurate work when compared to a vertical
4. Horizontal milling machine (b) BTA tools
t l (Boring
(B i and d trepanning
t i association)
i ti ) and
d milling
illi machine.
gun drill 3. A vertical precision boring machine is suitable for
(a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 3, 4
(c) Gun drill and boring tool boring holes in cylinder blocks and liners.
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, 4
((d)) Boringg tools and trepanning
p g ((a)) 1, 2 and 3 ((b)) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3.
Broaching B hi
Broaching B h C t ti
y Broaching
g is a multipletooth
p g operation
cutting p with the y The material removal using the broach teeth is shown
tool reciprocating. schematically in Fig. shown in below. The dotted line in
y Since in broaching g the machining g operation
p is the figure indicates the amount of material being
completed in a singlestroke as the teeth on the cutting removed by successive individual teeth.
tool, called broach, are at gradually increasing height
corresponding to the feed per tooth of a milling cutter.
y The shape of the broach determines the shape of the
machined part.
y Broaching was originally developed for machining
internal keyways, but looking at the advantages, it has
been extensively used in the mass production of
t bil componentt manufacture
f t f various
for i other
surfaces as well.
B h C t ti
BroachConstruction B h C t ti
BroachConstruction B h C t ti
y The broach is composed of a series of teeth, each tooth y The last set of teeth is called the finishing or sizing teeth.
teeth y The rear pilot helps to keep the broach to remain square
standing slightly higher than the previous one. This rise Very little material will be removed by these teeth. with the workpiece as it leaves the workpiece after
per tooth is the feed per tooth and determines the y The necessary size will be achieved by these teeth and broaching.
material removed by the tooth. hence all the teeth will be of the same size as that y Broaching speeds are relatively low, of the order of 6 to 15
y There are basically three sets of teeth present in a broach required finally.
finally With the progress of time,
time when the m/min However,
m/min. However the production rate is high with the
as shown in Fig. shown above. first set of teeth wear out, the next set of teeth will be cycle times being about 5 to 30 seconds, including the
y The
Th roughing
hi teeth
t th that
th t have
h th highest
the hi h t rise
i per tooth
t th able to provide the sizing function.
function workpiece and tool handling times.
times The low cutting
remove bulk of the material. y The pull end of the broach (Fig. shown in above) is speeds are conducive to very high tool life with very
y The semifinishing teeth, whose rise per tooth is smaller, attached
tt h d tot the
th pulling
lli mechanism
h i off the
th broaching
b hi small tool wear rates.
remove relatively smaller amounts of material compared machine with the front pilot aligning the broach
to the roughing teeth. properlyl with
ith respectt to
t the
th workpiece
k i axis
i before
b f th
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) actual cutting starts.Page 89 of 240 Rev.0
B h C t ti
BroachConstruction B h C t ti
BroachConstruction Ad t fb hi
y Broaches are generally made of high speed steel in view y For smooth operation, it is essential that at least two or 1. It is the fastest wayy of finishingg an operation
p g
with a single
of its high impact strength. Sometimes, the titanium three teeth be simultaneously engaged.
2. Since all the machining parameters are built into the
nitride coating helps to improve the tool life further. spacing s =1.75
y The thumb rule for tooth spacing, 1 75 l , mm broach very little skill is required from the operator.
broach, operator
Also, the carbide inserttype broaches are used more for y The cut per tooth f is kept in the range 0.05 mm 0.09 3. Broaching machine is simple since only a single
surface broaching of cast iron for very large volume reciprocating
p g motion is required
q for cutting.
mm. 4. Final cost of the machining operation is one of the lowest
production to reduce the frequent resharpening of the
y In the normal speed BUE may be a problem. To avoid for mass production.
broach, which is a very difficult operation.
this a copious supply of the cutting fluid is provided. 5. Any
A type off surface,
f i
internall or external,
l can be
b generated d
y Standard broaches are available for common and more with broaching.
often used forms,
forms such as round and square holes,holes 6 Many surfaces,
6. surfaces which are very difficult or impossible by
keyways, etc. other means, can be done by broaching. For example, square
hole and internal splines.
7. Good surface finish and fine dimensional tolerances can be
achieved by broaching, often better than boring or reaming
Li it ti fb hi
Limitationsofbroaching IES 2007
IES IES 1993
1. C
Custom made broaches are veryy expensive
p and can Among the following machining processes, which Assertion (A): Soluble oils are employed with
therefore be justified only for very large volume can be used for machining flat surfaces? broaching machine.
1 Shaping
1. 2
2. Milling 3
3. Broaching Reason (R): Soluble oils have excellent cooling
2. A broach has to be designed for a specific application effect.
and can be used only for that application. Hence, the Select the correct answer using the code given below:
lead time for manufacture is more for custom designed (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only ( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
broaches. ((c)) 2 and 3 onlyy ((d)) 1, 2 and 3 correct explanation of A
3. Broaching, being a very heavy metal removal (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
operation, requires that the workpiece is rigid and correct explanation of A
bl off withstanding
ith t di theth large
l f
forces. (c) A is true but R is false
4. Broaching can only be carried out on the workpiece
h geometryt is
i such
h that
th t there
th i no interference
is i t f f
for (d) A is false but R is true
the broach movement for the cutting.
IES 1993,2001
IES 1993 2001 IES 2001
IES IAS 2004
Assertion (A): No separate feed motion is required The screw and nut in a broaching machine are Which one of the following is true for the last few
during broaching. changed from square thread to ACME thread. The teeth of a broach which are meant for fine
Reason (R): The broaching machines are generally power requirement of the machine at the same finishing?
hydraulically operated. r.p.m. will (a) They have equal diameter
( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
th (a) Remain same (b) They
Th have
h i
i diameter
di t
correct explanation of A (b) Decrease (c) They have decreasing diameter
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the (c) Increase (d) They have alternately increasing and decreasing
correct explanation of A ((d)) Depend
p on the operator
p diameter.
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 90 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2005
IES 2005 IES 2002
IES Milling
Match List I (Tool) ) with List II (Element
( of Tool)) and Match List I with List II and select the correct answer:
select the correct answer using the code given below the List I (Machine tool) List II (Features)
List I List II A Lathe
A. 1
1. Push or pull tool
A Broach 1. Tang B. Drilling machine 2. Rachet and pawl
B. Reamer 2. Pilot mechanism
C. Drill 3. Front taper C. Shaper 3. Dividing head
D. Carbide insert face mill 4. Bond D Broaching
D. B hi machine
hi 4. H ll tapered
Hollow d spindle
i dl
5. Sweeper tooth 5. Face plate
Codes:A B C D A B C D Codes:A B C D A B C D B SKM d l
(a) 2 5 1 3 (b) 1 3 4 5 (a) 2 4 5 1 (b) 5 3 2 4
(c) 2 3 1 5 (d) 1 5 4 3 (c) 2 3 5 4 (d) 5 4 2 1
Milling Milli
Milling U illi dd illi
Milling machines of various types are widely used y 2D
D contouring
t i likelik cam profiles,
fil clutches
l t h etc
t and
d 3D
for the following purposes using proper cutting
tools called milling cutters: contouring
g like die or mould cavities
y Flat surface in vertical, horizontal and inclined planes y Cutting teeth in piece or batch production of spur gears,
y Making
M ki slotsl t or ribs
ib off various
i sections
straight toothed bevel gears, worm wheels, sprockets,
y Slitting or parting
y Often producing surfaces of revolution clutches
l h etc.
y Making helical grooves like flutes of the drills y Producing some salient features like grooves,
grooves flutes,
y Long thread milling on large lead screws, power screws,
gushing and profiles in various cutting tools, e.g., drills,
worms etc and short thread milling for small size
fastening screws, bolts etc. taps, reamers, hobs, gear shaping cutters etc.
U illi dd illi
Upmillinganddownmilling Ad t fD Milli
AdvantagesofDownMilling Di d t fD Milli
y In down milling, though the cut starts with a full chip 1.
1 Suited to machine thin and hard to hold parts since
thickness, the cut gradually reduces to zero. This helps in the workpiece is forced against the table or holding 1. It cannot be used unless the machine has a backlash
eliminating the feed marks present in the case of up device by the cutter.
milling and consequently better surface finish. eliminator and the table jibs have been tightened.
2. Work need not be clamped as tightly.
y Climb milling also allows greater feeds per tooth and 3. Consistent
C i t t parallelism
ll li and
d size
i may be b maintained,
i t i d
longer cutting life between regrinds than the 2. It cannot be used for machining castings or hot rolled
particularly on thin parts.
conventional milling.
milling 4. It may be used where breakout at the edge of the steel, since the hard outer scale will damage the cutter.
y Up milling needs stronger holding of the job and down workpiece could not be tolerated.
illi needs
d backlash
b kl h freef screwnutt systems
t f
for 5. It requires upto 20% less power to cut by this method.
6. It may be used when cutting off stock or when milling
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) deep, thin slots. Page 91 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2007
IES IES 1997
IES IES 2010
What is the process of removing metal by a milling Consider the following g statements: Assertion (A): Climb or down milling operation ensures
In Up milling process, smoother operation of the machine tool and longer tool life
cutter which is rotated against the direction of
as compared to the conventional up milling operation.
travel of the work piece, called? 1. The cutter starts the cut from the machined surface and
proceeds upwards. Reason (R):( ) In climb or down milling operation, the
(a) Down milling (b) Up milling rotational motion of the cutter as well as the feed motion of
2. The cutter starts the cut from the top p surface and
( ) End
(c) E d milling
illi (d) Face
F milling
illi the workpiece
work piece are in the same direction,
direction and the depth of
proceeds downwards.
cut is maximum at the entry point as the cutter engages the
3. The job is fed in a direction opposite to that of cutter workpiece.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
4. The job is fed in the same direction as that of cutter explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct
Of these statements correct are: explanation of A
( ) 1 and
(a) d3 (b) 1 and d4 (c) A is true but R is false
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 (d) A is false but R is true
Cl ifi ti f illi hi
Classificationofmillingmachines Cl ifi ti f illi hi
IAS2009main (a) According to nature of purposes of use: ((c)) According g to the orientation of the spindle(s).
p ( )
y General purpose y Plain horizontal knee type
Definetheterm feedinmilling.[2Marks]
[2Marks] y Horizontal axis ((spindle)
p ) and swiveling
g bed type
y Si l purpose
y Vertical spindle type
y Special purpose y Universal head milling machine
(b) According to configuration and motion of the (d) According to mechanization / automation and
workholding g table / bed production rate
y Knee type y Hand mill (milling machine)
y Planer and rotary y table type
yp vertical axis milling
g machines
y Bed type
y Tracer controlled copy milling machine,
y Planer type
y Milling
g machines for short thread milling g
y Rotary table type y Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) milling machine
Cl ifi ti f illi tt
Classificationsofmillingcutters Cl ifi ti f illi tt
Classificationsofmillingcutters Sl b Pl i illi tt
(a) Profile sharpened cutters where the geometry of (b) Form relieved cutters where the job profile
the machined surfaces are not related with the tool becomes the replica of the
shape, viz; Tool form e.g.,
Toolform, e g viz.;
viz ;
i. Slab or plain milling cutter: straight or helical i. Form cutters
fluted ii. Gear (teeth) milling cutters
ii. Side milling cutters single side or both sided type iii. Spline
p shaft cutters
iii. Slotting cutter iv. Tool form cutters
iv. Slittingg or p
g tools v Tslotcutters
v. T slotcutters
v. End milling cutters with straight or taper shank vi. Threadmillingcutter
vi Face milling cutters.
vi. cutters
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 92 of 240 Rev.0
Sid d l t illi tt
Sideandslotmillingcutters Slitti ti t l
Slittingsaworpartingtool E d illi tt E d ill
F illi tt
Facemillingcutters U ff li d ( illi )
T slotcutter
T l t tt G t th illi tt
Gearteethmillingcutters S li shaftcutters
Spline h ft tt
IES 2006
IES IES 2009
IAS2009Main Gang milling is a For machining, which one of the following gang
(a) Milling process for generating hexagonal surfaces milling operations is employed?
With a sketch, explain the principle of working
(b) Process
P off cutting
tti gears (a) Threads
and variations of bedtype milling machine. (b) Bores
(c) Process in which two or more cutters are used
[9marks] simultaneously (c) Grooves
((d)) Milling
g operation
p combined with turning
g ((d)) Steps
p on p
prismatic p
T i b l ( illi )
Turningbyrotarytools(millingcutters) I d i
Indexing Si l Pl i I d i
y Plain indexing is the name given to the indexing method
carried out using any of the indexing plates in
conjunction with the worm.
Milli V l it
MillingVelocity Milli Ti
MillingTime Example
y The cutting speed in milling is the surface speed of the AC50steelflatsurfaceofdimensions100mm 250
milling cutter. y Time for one pass =
L + 2 A minutes mmistobeproducedonahorizontalaxismilling
DN fZN machine.AnHSSslabmillwitha100mmdiameter
V= y Approach distance,
A = d = d (D d )
1000 2 2 millingcutterhas8teeth.
g p
MRR i Milli
MRRinMilling Some Formulae for Milling
SomeFormulaeforMilling GATE 2014
Consideringtheparametersdefinedinthediscussionof 2f d Two
T separate
t slab
l b milling
illi operations,
ti 1 and
d 2, are
speedsandfeeds,etc,theMRRisgivenbelow, Maximum uncut chip thickness (t max ) =
NZ D performed with identical milling
p g cutters. The depth
p of
f d
Average uncut chip thickness (t a vg ) = cut in operation 2 is twice that in operation 1. The other
MRR = wd F NZ D
cutting parameters are identical. The ratio of maximum
where,w=widthofcut, d=depthofcut
p Peak to valley surface roughness (h max ) = uncutt chip
hi thicknesses
thi k i operations
in ti 1 and
d 2 is
4DN 2 Z 2
IES 2009
IES IES 1994
IES IES 1992
The arbor of a milling machine is used to hold Consider the following operations: A set of eight form relieved milling cutters for each
which one of the following? 1. Cutting key ways on shafts module is provided to enable cutting of gears of
(a) Spindle (b) Overarm
Over arm 2. Cutting
C tti external
t l screw threads.
th d different
(c) Cutting tool (d) Mandrel 3. Cutting teeth of spur gears (a) Materials
4. Cutting external splines. (b) Types
T e.g. spur, helical,
h li l etc.
Those which can be performed with milling cutters (c) Number of teeth
would include (d) Width of gears
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2,3
2 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,2,3 and 4 .
GATE 1992
IES IES 2005
In horizontal milling process. (up/down) Assertion (A): Up milling or climb milling is Which one of the following statements is correct?
milling provides better surface finish and.. commonly used for machining castings and In upmilling operation, the undeformed chip thickness,
(up down) milling provides longer tool life. forgings. a)) Is
I zero att the
th start
t t off the
th cutt andd increases
i t a
Reason (R): Up milling can be done on universal maximum value just before the tooth disengages the
milling machines.
machines workpiece.
k i
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the b) Increases to the maximum value at the centre of the
correctt explanation
l ti off A travel and decreases towards the end of tooth
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the engagement.
correct explanation of A c) Has a maximum value just after the cut is started and
(c) A is true but R is false p to zero at the end of the cut.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) (d) A is false but R isPage
true96 of 240 d) Remains unchanged. Rev.0
IES 1993
IES IES 2002
IES IES 2004
Climb milling is chosen while machining because Assertion ((A): ) Virtually y all modern milling
g machines The cutting speed of a milling cutter while cutting
are capable of doing downmilling. brass is:
(a) The chip thickness increases gradually
Reason (R): In downmilling the cutter tends to push
(b) It enables
bl the
th cutter
tt tot dig
di in
i andd depth
d th off cutt the work along and lift it upward from the table. This (a) 45 to 60 m/min (b) 30 to 40 m/min
(c) The specific power consumption is reduced action tends to eliminate any effect in looseness in the (c) 25 to 35 m/min (d) 15 to 20 m/min
feed screw and nut of the milling machine table and
(d) Better surface finish can be obtained results in smooth cut.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
explanation of A
((b)) Both A and R are individuallyy true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
IES 1999
IES IES 2002
IES GATE 2012(PI)CommonDataS1
A straight teeth slab milling cutter of 100 mm A side and face cutter 125 mm diameter has 10 teeth. Data for a plain milling operation are given below.
diameter and 10 teeth rotating at 200 r.p.m. is used It operates at a cutting speed of 14 m/min with a Length of workpiece 200 mm
to remove a layer of 3 mm thickness from a steel bar. table traverse 100 mm/min. The feed per tooth of
Cutter diameter 100 mm
If the table feed is 400 mm/minute, the feed per the cutter is
tooth in this operation will be No. of teeth 4
(a) 10 mm (b) 2.86
2 86 mm
(a) 0.2 mm (b) 0.4 mm Cutter speed 100 rpm
(c) 0.286 mm (d) 0.8 mm
( ) 0.5 mm
(c) (d) 0.66 mm Feed 200 mm/min
Depth of cut 2 mm
Total clearance (entry
( and exit)) 5 mm
Mean undeformed chip p thickness (in microns) is
(a) 142 (b) 100 (c) 71 (d) 50
IAS 2003
IAS S 99
IES1994 IES 2012
A milling cutter of 70 mm diameter with 12 teeth is Whichoneofthefollowingoperationsiscarriedout Statement ((I):
) Vibrations in milling g are induced due to
operating at a cutting speed of 22 m/min and a feed attheminimumcuttingvelocityifthemachinesare interrupted cutting operation.
of 0.05 mm/tooth. The feed per minute is equallyrigidandthetoolworkmaterialsarethe Statement (II):Vibrations can be suppressed to a large extent
by using equal spacing of teeth along the periphery of the
(a) 110 m/min (b) 35 mm/min same? cutters.
( ) 6 mm/min
(c) / i (d) 60 6 mm/min
/ i (a) Turning ( ) Both
(a) B h Statement
S (I) and
d Statement
S (II) are individually
i di id ll
(b) Grinding true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of
Statement (I)
(c) Boring
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
((d)) Milling
g true but Statement ((II)) is not the correct explanation
p of
Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2002
Match List I with List II and select the correct
ListI ListII
answer: GearManufacturing
G M f t i
List I (Machine tools) List II (Machine tool parts)
A.Lathe 1.Flute A. Lathe 1. Lead strew
B.Shaper 2.Universalindexing B. Milling machine 2. Rocker arm
C. Shaper
p 33. Universal indexing
C D illi
hi 3.Leadscrew
L d
D. Drilling machine 4. Flute
C d
g 4.Rockerarm
4 Codes:A B C D A B C D
A B C D A B C D (a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 1 3 2 4 BySKMondal
((a)) 2 4 1 3 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 1 For-2015
4 (IES,
(d) &3PSUs)
1 4 2 Page 98 of 240 Rev.0
M f t fG
ManufactureofGears F i dG ti
FormingandGeneration Sunderlandmethodusingracktypecutter
Manufacture of gears needs several processing operations in
sequentiall stages depending
d d upon theh materiall and d type off the
h Gear teeth are produced by machining based on y The rack type HSS cutter (having rake and
gears and quality desired. Those stages generally are: clearance angles) reciprocates to accomplish the
y Preforming the blank without or with teeth Forming
g where the p
profile of the teeth are obtained as
hi i ( tti ) action
(cutting) ti while
hil rolling
lli t
y Annealing of the blank, if required, as in case of forged or
cast steels the replica of the form of the cutting tool (edge); e.g., interaction with the gear blank like a pair of rack
y Preparation of the gear blank to the required dimensions milling, broaching etc. and pinion.
by machining
y Producing teeth or finishing the preformed teeth by b Generation where the complicated tooth profile are
y Full or surface hardening of the machined gear (teeth), if provided by much simpler form cutting tool (edges)
y Finishing teeth, if required, by shaving, grinding etc through rolling type, tool work motions, e.g., hobbing,
y Inspection of the finished gears
gear shaping etc. External gear teeth generation by rack type cutter (Sunderland method)
Sunderlandmethodusingracktypecutter G h i
Gearshaping G h i
y Gear shaping is similar to the rack type cutting process, y Generation method is characterised by
y automatic indexing
y Applicationsofthismethod(andmachine)include:
A li ti fthi th d( d hi )i l d and ability of a single cutter to cover the entire range of
excepting that, the linear type rack cutter is replaced by a
number of teeth for a given combination of module and
y Moderatesizestraightandhelicaltoothedexternal circular cutter where both the cutter and the blank pressure anglel and d hence
h provides
id high
hi h productivity
d ti it and d
rotate as a pair of spur gears in addition to the economy.
reciprocation of the cutter. y The gear type cutter is made of HSS and possesses proper
y Cuttingtheteethofdoublehelicalorherringbone rake and clearance angles.
y The additional advantages of gear shaping over rack type
gearswithacentralrecess(groove) cutting are:
p indexing g is not required
q at all
y Cuttingteethofstraightorhelicalflutedclustergears
C i h f i h h li lfl d l
Straight or helical teeth of both external and internal
y Howeverthismethodneeds,thoughautomatic,few
Howeverthismethodneeds thoughautomatic few p g
spur gears can be p produced with high g accuracyy and
indexingoperations. Productivity is also higher.
G H bbi
GearHobbing G H bbi
GearHobbing Ad t fG H bbi
y The HSS or carbide cutter having
g teeth like g g
gear milling (a) The method is versatile and can generate spur,
cutter and the gear blank apparently interact like a pair y Having
H i lesser
l number
b (only
( l three)
th ) off tool
t l work
helical, worm and worm wheels.
of worm and worm wheel.
motions,, hobbing
g machines are much more rigid,
g , strong
g (b) Since gear hobbing is a continuous process,
process it is
y The
Th hob
h b (cutter)
( ) looks
l k and d behaves
b h lik a single
like i l or
multiple start worms. and productive than gear shaping machine. rapid; economical and highly productive.
( ) The
(c) Th method
th d produces
d accurate
t gears and d is
i suitable
it bl
y But hobbing provides lesser accuracy and finish and is for medium and large batch production.
d only
l for
f cutting straight
h or helical
h l l teeth
h (single)
( l ) off (d) The cutter is universal, because it can cut all gears of
same module, irrespective of number of teeth on the
external spur gears and worm wheels.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 99 of 240 Rev.0
Di d t f H bbi
DisadvantagesofgearHobbing Milli
Milling Milli
(a) Gear hobbing cannot generate internal gears and y Gear teeth can be p
produced byy both disc and end mill type
yp g
Production of gear teeth byy form milling
g are characterised
form milling cutter. by:
bevel gears. y Use of HSS form milling cutters
(b) Enough h space has
h to be
b there
h in component y Use of ordinary milling machines
configuration for hob approach. y Low p
production rate for
Need of indexing after machining each tooth gap
pp g Slow speed and feed
y Low accuracy and surface finish
y The gears produced by gear hobbing are used in y Inventory problem due to need of a set of eight cutters for
automobiles, machine tools, various instruments, clocks Fig. (a) disc type and end mill type for each module pressure angle combination
( ) single
(b) g helical and y End mill type
yp cutters are used for teeth of large
g ggears and / or
and other equipments. (c) double helical teeth module.
Sh i Pl i d Sl tti
Shaping,PlanningandSlotting F d i f h f
y Straight toothed spur gear can be produced in shaping Parallel multiple teeth
machine. shaping
y Both productivity and product quality are very low in y It is similar to ordinary
this process which therefore, is used, if at all, for making shaping but all the tooth gaps
one or few teeth on one or two pieces of gears as and are made simultaneously,
when required for repair and maintenance purpose. without requiring indexing,
y Planning
Pl i andd slotting
l tti machines
hi work k on the th same by a set of radially in feeding
principle. Planning machine is used for making teeth of single point form tools.
large gears whereas
h slotting
l tti for
f internal
i t l gears. y This
Thi oldld process was highly
hi hl
productive but became almost
b l t for
f very high
hi h initial
i iti l
Fig gearteethcuttinginordinaryshapingmachine
and running costs.
F d i f h f
Fastproductionofteethofspurgears M f t f b lli
Broaching y The straight and helical teeth of disc or rod type external
y Teeth of small internal and external spur gears; straight steel gears of small to medium diameter and module are
or single helical,
helical of relatively softer materials are generated by cold rolling by either flat dies or circular
produced in large quantity by broaching. dies.
y This
Thi method
th d leads
l d tot very high
hi h productivity
d ti it and d quality
lit y Such rolling imparts high accuracy and surface integrity
but cost of machine and broach are very high. of the teeth which are formed by material flow unlike
y Gear rolling is reasonably employed for high productivity
andd high
hi h quality
lit though
th h initial
i iti l machinery
hi costs
t are
relatively high.
y Larger size gears are formed by hot rolling and then
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 100 of 240 Rev.0
finished by machining.
Powder Metallurgy
PowderMetallurgy Wire EDM
WireEDM Casting
y Small size high quality external or internal spur, bevel or y Geometrically accurate but moderately finished straight y Sandcasting
spiral gears are also produced by powder metallurgy toothed metallic spur gears, both external and internal y Metalmouldcasting
process. type, can be produced by wire type Electro
discharge y Diecasting
Di ti
y Large size gears are rolled after briquetting and sintering Machining (EDM).
y Investmentcasting
for more strength and life.
y Shellmouldcasting
y Powder metallurgically produced gears hardly require
y Centrifugalcasting
any further
f th finishing
fi i hi work. k
G fi i hi
Gearfinishingprocess G h i
One of the g
goals of the g gp
gear finishing process in g
gears is y A micro finishing film is affixed to the mold and the yG g is a g
Gear shaving g operation
gear finishing p g
with high
to obtain a certain level of toughness in the gear teeth to mold is placed relative to a gear tooth so that the micro efficiency and high precision.
reduce and/or eliminate bending and contact fatigue finishing film rests against a tooth surface having the y When a work g
gear has been shaved byy a shaving
g cutter
failures. undulation error. with a true involute profile, the ''midconcave''
y Reduction of index undulation errors associated with phenomena inevitably exist around the pitch points of
y The grit size of the micro finishing film is such as to
helical gear teeth caused by the grinding process during the work gear tooth flanks.
the manufacture of the gears without degrading other remove approximately 2 to 3 millionths of gear material
y Aiming at this problem, a newstyle shaving cutter with
gear accuracies
i (e.g.
( profile,
fil tooth
t th spacing)
i ) below
b l l l
levels with each pass through the teeth by the mold.
mold Multiple unequal depth gashes is designed and manufactured.
required for precision (AGMA16 or DIN1) gears. passes are made by hand until the undulation error is
y This paper analyses the forming of the gash on the basis
y A mold ld off the
th space between
b t severall gear teeth
t th is i reduced to an acceptable value.
value During the process the of the slotting principle, and proposes a gashdesigning
obtained, with the mold having a length equal to or micro finishing film is replaced after approximately 3 or method.
greater than the wavelength of the undulation error to be 4 passes and the process is repeated for each tooth of the y Experiment has proven that the shaved gear has a better
reduced. gear. surface finish that achieves the anticipated effect.
G b i hi
Gearburnishing G L i
GearLapping IES 1992
y Gear lapping is used to finish hardened gears by Gear lapping
y It is designed
d d to remove or reduce
d gear tooth
h nicks
k and
(a) An operation after heat treatment
correcting small errors in spacing, profile, helix
burrs along with improving the smoothness of the
burrs, (b) An
A operation
ti prior
i tot heat
h t treatment
t t t
angle, and eccentricity.
tooth's active p
profile finish. (c) An independent operation for gear reconditioning
y The operation is performed with all forms of gears (d) None of the above
y The action of the burnishing
g dies on the tooth surface
i together
t th with
ith mating
ti gears, and
d castt iron
allows the machine to accomplish these quality toothed laps,
p , under a flow of fine oil mixed with
improvements without altering the tooth profile or lead. an abrasive compound.
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 1996
IES IES 2000
IES 2000
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using Gear cutting on a milling machine using an involute Which one of the following processes of gear
the code given below the lists:
profile cutter is a manufacture results in best accuracy of the involute
List I List II
(a) Gear forming process gear tooth profile?
(Type of work) (Manufacturing)
(b) Gear generating process. (a) Milling
A. High rate production of worm Gears and 1. Gear shaving
worm wheel (c) Gear shaping process (b) Hobbing
H bbi
B. Generating internal gears and Cluster gears 2. Gear milling ((d)) Highly
g y accurate g
gear p
gpprocess. (c) Rotary gear shaper
C. Finishing of gear tooth profiles 3. Gear hobbing (d) Rack type gear shaper
D. Repair and piece production of gears 4. Gear shaping
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 4 1 2
IES 2009
IES IES 1996
IES IES 2009
Assertion ((A): ) Gears p produced by y employing
p y g form Consider the following processes of gear By which one of the following machines the teeth of
cutting principle using gearmilling cutter on a milling manufacture: an internal spur gear can be cut accurately?
machine are not very accurate.
Reason (R): Production of the correct gear tooth profile 1 Milling with form cutter
1. (a) Milling machine
employing formcutting principle would require a 2. Rack type gear shaper (gear planer) (b) Slotting machine
separate cutter for cutting different numbers of teeth 3. Rotary gear shaper (gear shaper) (c) Hobbing machine
even for the same module and also errors are associated
with inaccurate operation
p of indexing
g mechanism. 4. Gear hobbing
4 g ((d)) Gearshaping
p g machine
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of The correct sequence of these processes in increasing
A order of accuracy of involute profile of the gear
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct
explanation of A
(a) 3, 2, 4, 1 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1
(c) A is true but R is false ( ) 3, 2, 1, 4
(c) (d) 2, 3, 1, 4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 102 of 240 Rev.0
(d) A is false but R is true
IES 2004
IES IES 1992
IES IES 2003
Gear shaping is a process of manufacturing gears. In gear hobbing A spur gear of 40 teeth is machined in a gear
Which one of the following principles is employed by it? (a) Only hob rotates hobbing machine using a double start hob cutter.
( ) Form
(a) F cutting
tti withith cutter
tt (b) Only
O l gear blank
bl k rotates
t t The speed ratio between the hob and the blank is
(b) Generating tooth form with a reciprocating cutter (c) Both hob and gear blank rotate (a) 1:20 (b) 1:40
(c) Generating tooth form by a rotating cutter (d) Neither hob nor gear blank rotates ( ) 40: 1 (d) 20: 1
(d) Generating form with a reciprocating and revolving
IES 2008
IES IES 1999
IES IES 1997
Which machining processes are used for gear A 60 teeth gear when hobbed on a differential
60teeth Which of the following motions are not needed for
manufacture? hobber with a twostart hob, the index change gear spur gear cutting with a hob?
1 Form milling
1. 2
2. Broaching ratio is governed by which one of the following 1 Rotary motion of hob
3. Roll forming 4. Hobbing kinematic balance equations? 2. Linear axial reciprocator motion of hob
Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 revolution of gear blank = 1/60 of hob revolutions 3. Rotary motion of gear blank
((a)) 1, 2 and 3 ((b)) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 1 revolution of gear blank = 2/60 of hob revolutions 4. Radial advancement of hob.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1 revolution of hob = 2/60 of blank revolutions Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
((d)) 1 revolution of hob = 1/60 of blank revolutions (a) 1,
1 2 and 3 (b) 1, 1 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
IES 2007
GATE 2007 (PI) IES 1993
IES 1993
Which of the following methods are gear generating Which one of the following gear manufacturing Internal gear cutting operation can be performed by
processes? processes is NOT based on generation principle? (a) Milling
1 Gear shaping
1. ( ) Gear
(a) G H bbi
Hobbing (b) Gear
G Sh i
Shaping (b) Shaping
Sh i with ith rack
k cutter
2. Gear hobbing (c) Shaping with pinion cutter
((c)) Gear Milling
g ((d)) Gear Shaving
3. Gear milling (d) Hobbing
Select the correct answer using
g the code g
given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
IES 1995
IES IES 1992
IES IAS 2003
While cutting helical gears on a non differential
nondifferential Gear burnishing process for Which one of the following is not a feature of gear
gear hobber, the feed change gear ratio is (a) Removing residual stresses from teeth roots hobbing process?
(a) Independent of index change gear ratio (b) Surface
S f fi i hi
finishing (a) High rate of production
(b) dependent on speed change gear ratio (c) Undercut gears (b) Generation of helical gears
(c) Interrelated to index change gear ratio (d) Cycloidal gears (c) Very accurate tooth profile
((d)) Independent
p of speed
p and index changeg g
gear ratio. ((d)) Generation of internal g
IAS 2001
IAS IES 1994
Consider the following motions and setting in a Consider the following machine tools:
hobbing machine: 1. Hobbing machine
1 Hob rotation
2. Job rotation
2. Gear
G shaping
h i machine
3. Broaching machine.
S Th d
3. Axial reciprocating hob rotation
4. Tilting
4 g of hob to its helix angle
The teeth of internal spur gears can be cut in
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
f i
Which of these motions and setting in a hobbing (c) 1and 3 (d) 2 and 3
machine are required to machine a spur gear?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
( ) 1, 2 and
(c) d 4 (d) 1, 3 and d4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 104 of 240 Rev.0
Thread Cutting
ThreadCutting Thread Cutting on Lathe
Processes,MachinesandTools External Internal y Can cut both external and
UsedForProducingScrewThreads Threading on a lathe Threading (on a lathe or Internal thread
Threading g on a NC lathe NC lathe)) y Thread cutting g is a form
(a)Machining With a die held in a stock With a tap and holder cutting operation an
((manual)) ((manual NC,, machine,, accuratelyy shaped
p tool is
(b)Rolling With an automatic die semiautomatic, or used (with zero rake)
((turret lathe or screw automatic)) y The lead screw and the
( )G i di
(c)Grinding machine) or NC lathe With a collapsible tap split nut, which provide
y milling
By g ((turret lathe,, screw positive motion of the
By Grinding machine, or special carriage relative to the
threadingg machine)) rotation of the spindle.
By milling
Th d T i
ThreadTapping Thread Milling
C i h d ih i
CuttingThreadswithDies y Highly accurate threads,
y Straight
g and tapered
p external threads can be cut q
quicklyy y Cutting
g internal thread byy a multiplepoint
p p tool is called
particularly in larger
manually by means of threading dies. thread tapping, and the tool is called a tap.
sizes, are often form
y Dies are made of carbon or high
speed tool steel y A hole of diameter slightly larger than the minor milled Either a single or
diameter of the thread must already exist. a multipleform Cutter
Th flutes
The fl t on tap
t create t cutting
tti may be used.
edges on the thread profile and y The milling cutter is
d space for
f theh chips
h andd tilted
il d at an angle l equall
the passage of cutting fluid. to the helix angle of the
Taps are made of either carbon thread
h d and d is
i fed
f d inward
i d
g p
or highspeed steel and coated radially to full depth
(a)Solidthreadingdie;(b)solidadjustablethreadingdie while
hil the
h work k is
with TiN.
Th d G i di
ThreadGrinding Th d R lli
ThreadRolling GATE 2003
y Grinding can produce y Thread rolling
g is used to p
produce threads in substantial Qualityscrewthreadsareproducedby
very accurate threads,
h d and d quantities.
it also permits threads to (a) Threadmilling
be produced in hardened y Cold
forming process operation in which the threads are (b) Threadchasing
Th d h i
materials. formed by rolling a thread blank between hardened dies
(c) Threadcuttingwithsinglepointtool
y A singleribbed
single ribbed grinding that cause the metal to flow radially into the desired
wheel is employed, but shape. (d) Threadcasting
multiple ribbed wheels y Chip less process,
are used occasionally.
fast and economical.
y Centerless thread
grinding is used for y Mechanical properties
making g headless sets are good.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 105 of 240 Rev.0
IES2011 IES 2010
IES2010 IES 2007
External threads can be produced by : For producing both internal and external Screw threads are produced on solid rods by using
1. Rolling screw threads, the method used is which of the following?
2. Grinding ( ) Thread
(a) Th d chasing
h i with ith multiplerib
lti l ib chasers
h (a) Dies (b) Punch
(c) Mandrel (d) Boring bar
33. Milling
g ((b)) Thread milling
g and multiplethread
p cutters
(a) 1 and 3 only (c) Thread tapping with taps
(b) 1 and 2 only (d) Die
Di threading
h di with i h selfopening
lf i die
di heads
h d
(c) 2 and 3only
( ) 1, 2 and 3
IES 2012
ISRO2011 ISRO2010 The differential screw is used in a
(a) Turnbuckle
Whichofthefollowingscrewthreadisadaptedfor Internal and external threads can be produced
(b) Micrometer
Mi t
powertransmissioninonedirection on tapered surfaces conveniently by (c) Vernier Caliper
(a)Acmethreads (a) Universal milling machine (d) Coupler
( )
(b)Buttressthreads (b) Plano
l miller
(c)Squarethreads (c) Planetary milling machine
(d)Multiplethreads (d) lathe
IES 2012
IES IES 2012
Multistart threads are used to get Which of the following screw threads is adopted for
(a) Smaller linear displacement power transmission in either direction
(b) Larger
L li
linear di l
t with
ith assured
d self
lf locking
l ki (a) ACME threads
(c) Larger linear displacement with no guarantee of self
(b) Square threads
(c) Buttress threads
((d)) None of the above ((d)) Multiple
p threads
B SKM d l
Q i k t ti M h i
y In shaping, the cutting tool is held in the tool post RamDrive FeedMechanism
located in the ram, which reciprocates over the work y Themechanicalramdriveisaslottedarmquickreturn y Table feed is intermittent and is accomplished on the
with a forward stroke, cutting at velocity V and a quick motionmechanism,
return stroke at velocity VR. return (non cutting) stroke when the tool has cleared
y The rpm rate of the drive crank (Ns) drives the ram and th workpiece.
the k i
determines the velocity of the operation.
y The cross feed is given to the table with the help of a
cutting stroke angle
y The stroke ratio, Rs = cross feed screw which is actuated by a pawl which
3600 engages a notched wheel (ratchet) keyed to the screw.
Cl ifi ti f Sh M hi
ClassificationofShaperMachine F l
Formula HydraulicShaper
Shapers,asmachinetoolsusuallyareclassified NL(1 + m)
accordingtotheirgeneraldesignfeaturesasfollows, y Cuttingspeed, V =
1 Horizontal
1. w
y Numberofstrokes, N s =
a. Pushcut f
b. Pullcutordrawcutshaper L(1 + m)
y Timeofonestroke, t = min
2. Vertical 1000V
a. Regularorslotters L(1 + m) Lw(1 + m)
y Totaltime,T = Ns = min
b. Keyseaters 1000v 1000vf
3. Specialpurpose
Sl tt
Slotter Sl tt
y The types of tools used in a slotter are very similar to
those in a shaper, except that the cutting actually takes
place in the direction of cutting.
y However, in view of the type of surfaces that are possible
in the case of slotter,
slotter a large variety of boring bars or
singlepoint tools with long shanks are used.
IAS 1994
IAS GATE 2012 (PI)
GATE2012(PI) GATE 2005
Stroke of a shaping machine is 250 mm. It makes 30 In
I a shaping
h i process, the
th number
b off double
d bl strokes
t k per A 600 mm x 30 mm flat surface of a plate is to be
double strokes per minute. Overall average speed of finish machined on a shaper. The plate has been
operation is minute is 330 and the q
quick return ratio is 0.6. If the fixed with the 600 mm side along the tool travel
(a) 3.75 m/min (b) 5.0 m/min length of the stroke is 250 mm, the average cutting direction. If the tool overtravel at each end of the
( ) 7.5 m/min
(c) / i (d) 15 m/min
/ i plate is 20 mm, average cutting speed is 8 m/min,
velocity in m/min is feed rate is 0.3 mm/stroke and the ratio of return
time to cutting time of the tool is 1:2, the time
( ) 3.0
(a) (b) 4.5 ( ) 7.5
(c) (d) 12.0
required for machining will be
(a) 8 minutes (b) 12 minutes
(c) 16 minutes (d) 20 minutes
IES 2001
IES IES 2010
IES2010 IES 1997
Assertion ((A):) Longitudinal
g g motion of the
cutting Which of the following are the advantages of a
I a shaper
h machine,
hi the
th mechanism
h i for
f tool
t l feed
f d is
tool and crosswise feed motion of the job generates hydraulic shaper over a mechanically driven shaper?
(a) Geneva mechanism flat surfaces in p planning gp
process. 1 More strokes per minute can be obtained at a given
Reason (R): Jobs used in planning machines are cutting speed.
(b) Whitworth mechanism generally long and heavy compared to shaping. 2. The
Th cutting
tti stroke
t k has
h a definite
d fi it stopping
t i point.
i t
(c) Ratchet and Pawl mechanism (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 3. It is simpler in construction.
correct explanation of A
(d) Ward Leonard system 4. Cutting speed is constant throughout most of the
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the cuttingg stroke.
correctt explanation
l ti off A
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(c) A is true but R is false
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 4
(d) A is false but R is true
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
IES 1995
IES IAS 1995
In a mechanical shaper, the length of stroke is Size
Si off a shaper
h is
i given
i by
increased by The cutting speed of the tool in a mechanical
(a) Increasing the centre distance of bull gear and crank (a) Stroke length (b) Motor power shaper
h i
pin (a) Maximum at the beginning of the cutting stroke
(c) Weight
g of the machine (d) Table size.
(b) Decreasing
D i th centre
the t distance
di t off bull
b ll gear and d (b) Maximum at the end of the cutting stroke
crank pin
((c)) Maximum at the middle of the cutting
g stroke
(c) Increasing the length of the ram
(d) Minimum at the middle of the cutting stroke
((d)) Decreasing
g the length
g of the slot in the slotted lever
Grinding Whyishighvelocitydesiredingrinding?
yG g is the most common form of abrasive
Grinding y It is desired to off set the adverse effect of very high
machining. negative rake angle of the working grit, to reduce the
y It is a material cutting
gpprocess which engages
g g an abrasive force per grit as well as the overall grinding force.
tool whose cutting elements are grains of abrasive
material known as grit.
y These grits are characterized by sharp cutting points,
high hot hardness, and chemical stability and wear
y The grits are held together by a suitable bonding
material to give shape of an abrasive tool. Fig- cutting action of abrasive grains
y Grinding can be compared with milling with an infinite
number of cutting edge.
Advantages of Grinding
AdvantagesofGrinding Applications of Grinding
ApplicationsofGrinding Onwhichfactorsdoesthetransverseroughness
p p gg
y Dimensionalaccuracy
Di i l y Surfacefinishing
S f fi i hi
y Goodsurfacefinish y Slittingandparting y It mainly depends on the shape of the grits and overlap
cuts made by the grits in the transverse direction. Lateral
y Goodformandlocational accuracy
y y Descaling,deburring
g g plastic flow of the material as a result of ploughing also
influences the surface roughness.
y Applicabletobothhardenedandunhardenedmaterial y Stockremoval(abrasivemilling)
y Finishingofflataswellascylindricalsurface
y Grindingoftoolsandcuttersandresharpening ofthe
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 110 of 240 Rev.0
G i di
Grinding Interactionofthegritwiththeworkpiece Interactionofthegritwiththeworkpiece
y If each abrasive grain is viewed as a cutting tool then in y Shape of grit is very important because it determines the y Grit with favourable geometry can produce chip in shear
grinding operation. grit geometry e.g. rake and clearance angle. mode.
High y The grits do not have definite geometry unlike a cutting y However,
However grits having large negative rake angle or
y Rake angle can be positive, zero, or negative ranging from tool. rounded cutting edge do not form chips but may rub or
+45o to 60
60o, dull,
dull rounded grits has large negative rake angle make a groove by ploughing leading to lateral flow of the
y Cutting speed is very high workpiece material.
y Very
V hi h specific
high ifi energy off cutting
y Low shear angle
y Low feed rate
y Low depth of cut Fig Grits engage shearing, ploughing and rubbing
GRatio Parametersforspecifyagrindingwheel
y The grinding ratio or G ratio is defined as thee cubic mm ( )
GATE2011(PI) 1) The type of grit material
of stock removed divided by the cubic mm of wheel lost. Grindingratioisdefinedas 2) The grit size
volume of wheel wear 3)) The
Th bond
b d strength
t th off the
th wheel,
h l commonly l known
y In conventional grinding, the G ratio is in the range 20: 1 (a) as wheel hardness
volume of work material removed
to 80: 1.
volume of work material removed 4) The structure of the wheel denoting the porosity i.e.
volume of wheel wear the amount of inter grit spacing
y The G ratio is a measure of grinding production and
reflects the amount of work a wheel can do during its
cutting speed 5) The type of bond material
useful life.
life feed 6) Other than these parameters, the wheel
longitudinal feed manufacturer may add their own identification code
y As the wheel losses material,
material it must be reset or transverse feed prefixing or suffixing (or both) the standard code.
repositionedFor-2015 (IES,
to maintain GATE & PSUs)
workpiece size. Page 111 of 240 Rev.0
Abrasive CommentsandUses
Aluminium oxide Softer and tougher than silicon
carbide; use on steel,
steel iron,
iron brass
y 2marks
Siliconcarbide Used for brass,, bronze,,
aluminum, stainless steel and
cast iron
cBN (cubicboron For grinding hard, tough tool
nitride)) steels, stainless steel, cobalt and
nickel based superalloys, and
hard coatings
Diamond Used to grind nonferrous
materials tungsten carbide and
Rubber bond
Rubberbond Oxychloride bond Metal bond
y Its principal use is in thin wheels for wet cut off
cutoff y Itislesscommontypebond,butstillcanbeusedindisc y Metal bond is extensively used with super abrasive
operation. grindingoperation.Itisusedunderdrycondition. wheels. Extremely high toughness of metal bonded
y Rubber bond was once popular for finish grinding on wheels makes these very effective in those applications
bearings and cutting tools. where form accuracy as well as large stock removal is
L di
Loading Dressing G 20
y Some
S grinding
i di chips
hi gett lodged
l d d into
i t the
th spaces between
b t y Dressing is the conditioning of the wheel surface which Match the Machine Tools (Group A) with the probable
ensures that grit cutting edges are exposed from the Operations (Group B):
the g
grits resulting
g in a condition known as loaded wheel. bond and thus able to penetrate into the workpiece Group A
G GroupB
y Loading is generally caused during the grinding of soft P:CenterLathe 1:Slotting
y In dressing attempts are made to splinter the abrasive
and ductile materials. Q:Milling 2:Counterboring
grains to make them sharp and free cutting and also to
remove any residue left by material being ground.
ground R:Grinding 3:Knurling
y A loaded grinding wheel cannot cut properly and need
y Dressing therefore produces microgeometry. S:Drilling 4:Dressing
dressing P Q R S P Q R S
( ) 1
(a) 2 4 3 ( )
(b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 3 4 2 1
C li d i l G i di
IES2011Conventional y Center type cylindrical grinding is commonly used far
What is creep feed grinding? Discuss its salient producing external cylindrical surfaces.
f t
features, advantages,
d t and
d application.
li ti y The grinding wheel revolves at an ordinary cutting
[10 marks] speed, and the workpiece rotates on centers at a much
slower speed.
y Grinding machines are available in which the workpiece
i held
is h ld in
i a chuck
h k for
f grinding
i di both
b th external
t l and
d internal
i t l
cylindrical surfaces.
Whatarethecharacteristicfeaturesofa C t l
Centerless G i di
Grinding C t l
Centerless G i di
universal cylindrical grinder? y Centerless grinding makes it possible to grind both y The regulating wheel controls the rotation and
external and internal cylindrical surfaces without longitudinal motion of the workpiece and usually is a
y Characteristicfeaturesofauniversalcylindricalgrinder requiring the workpiece to be mounted between centers plastic or rubber
plastic rubberbonded
bonded wheel with a fairly wide face.
notpossessedbyplaincylindricalgrinderare: or in a chuck. y Theworkpieceisheldagainsttheworkrestbladebythe
Swivelling wheelhead y This eliminates the requirement of center holes in some cuttingforcesexertedbythegrindingwheelandrotates
Swivelling wheelheadslide workpieces and the necessity for mounting the atapproximatelythesamesurfacespeedasthatofthe
Swivelling headstock workpiece thereby reducing the cycle time.
workpiece, time regulatingwheel.
y Two wheels are used. The larger one operates at regular
i di speeds
d and d does
d th actual
the t l grinding.
i di Th
smaller wheel is the regulating wheel. It is mounted at
an anglel to
t the
th plane
l off the
th grinding
i di wheel.
h l
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 115 of 240 Rev.0
Centerless Grinding
C t l
Centerless G i di
Grinding C t l
Centreless i t l G i di
The axial feed is calculated by the equation y This machine is used for grinding cylindrical and
tapered holes in cylindrical parts (e.g. cylindrical liners,
F = dN sin
various bushings etc).
where y The workpiece is rotated between supporting roll,
F = feed (mm/min) pressure roll and regulating wheel and is ground by the
d = diameter of the regulating wheel (mm) grinding wheel.
N = revolutions per minute of the regulating wheel
= angle
g of inclination of the regulating
g g wheel
Statethedisadvantagesofcentreless S f G i di hi
cylindrical grinding machine? y Surface grinding machines are used primarily to
grind flat surfaces.
Itdoesnotgrindconcentricallywithcentres. y However formed irregular surfaces can be
Largediametershortworkpiecearedifficultto produced on some types of surface grinders by use
controlintheprocess of a formed wheel.
Itmaynotimproveworkpieceperpendicularity. Four basic types of surface grinding machines are:
1 Horizontal spindle and reciprocating table
2. Vertical spindle and reciprocating table
3. Horizontal
H i l spindle
i dl and
d rotary table
4. Vertical spindle and rotary table
Istransversefeedprovidedinvertical L i
Lapping Ch t i ti fl i
spindle reciprocating table surface grinder? y Lappingisbasicallyanabrasiveprocessinwhichloose y Useoflooseabrasivebetweenlapandtheworkpiece
abrasivesfunctionascuttingpointsfindingmomentary y Usuallylapandworkpiecearenotpositivelydrivenbut
y Usually no transverse feed is provided in such machine. supportfromthelaps. areguidedincontactwitheachother
The wheel diameter is kept larger than the width of the y Materialremovalinlappingusuallyrangesfrom.003to y Relativemotionbetweenthelapandtheworkshould
workpiece surface to be ground. .03mmbutmanyreach0.08to0.1mmincertaincases.
03mmbutmanyreach0 08to0 1mmincertaincases changecontinuouslysothatpathoftheabrasivegrains
h ti l th t th fth b i i
y Castironisthemostlyusedlapmaterial.However,soft
y Cr2O3,grainsize1
2m y Rapeside oil y thegrainsizeofabrasive
y B4C3,grainsize5
g 5 60m
y grease
g y concentrationofabrasiveinthevehicle
y Diamond,grainsize0.5~5m y lappingspeed
H i
Honing H i
Honing H i
y Honing is a finishing process, in which a tool called hone y It is desired that
carries out a combined rotary and reciprocating motion 1. Honing stones should not leave the work surface
while the workpiece does not perform any working 2. Stroke
St k length
l th mustt cover the
th entire
ti workk length.
l th
3. In honing rotary and oscillatory motions are
y Most honing is done on internal cylindrical surface,
surface such combined to produce a cross hatched lay pattern.
as automobile cylindrical walls. The honing stones are
held against the workpiece with controlled light
pressure. The honing head is not guided externally but,
instead floats in the hole,
instead, hole being guided by the work y The honing stones are given a complex motion so as
surface. to prevent every single grit from repeating its path Fig.Honingtool Fig.Laypatternproducedbycombinationofrotaryand
over the work surface.
surface oscillatorymotion
ill i
Th iti l t
Thecriticalprocessparametersare Buffing
y Buffing
g is a p g operation
polishing p p
in which the workpiece
y 1.rotationspeed
t ti d
is brought into contact with a revolving cloth wheel that
y 2.oscillationspeed
2 oscillationspeed has been charged with a fine abrasive, such as polishing
y 3.lengthandpositionofthestroke
3 g p y The wheels are made of disks of linen, cotton,
broadcloth, or canvas, and achieve the desired degree of
y 4.honingstickpressure firmness through the amount of stitching used to fasten
th layers
the l off cloth
l th together.
t th
y Negligible amount of material is removed in buffing
hil a very high
hi h luster
l t is i generated
t d on theth buffed
b ff d
y The
Th dimensional
di i l accuracy off the
th parts
t is
i nott affected
ff t d by
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 117 of 240 the buffing operation. Rev.0
S Fi i hi
SuperFinishing Statethespecificapplicationofaplanetary
internal grinder
y Planetary internal grinders find application for grinding
holes in workpieces of irregular shape or large heavy
Fig. super finishing of end face
of a cylindrical work piece in radial mode Fig. super finishing operation in plunge mode
IIn this
hi case the
h abrasive
b i stone covers the h section
i off the
In this both feeding and oscillation of the super
workpiece requiring super finish. The abrasive stone is
finishing stone is given in the radial direction.
l l fedf d in
i radial
di l direction
di i while
hil its
i oscillation
ill i i
imparted in the axial direction. It reduce surface
h and
d increase
i b i load
bearing l d capacity.
GATE 1995
Among the conventional machining processes, Ideal surface roughness, as measured by the In machining using abrasive material, increasing
maximum specific energy is consumed in maximum height of unevenness, is best achieved abrasive grain size
(a) Turning (b) Drilling when, the material is removed by (a) Increases the material removal rate
(c) Planning (d) Grinding (a) An end mill (b) Decreases the material removal rate
(b) A grinding
i di wheel
h l (c) First decreases and then increases the material
(c) A tool with zero nose radius removal rate
(d) A ball mill. (d) First increases and then decreases the material
removal rate
GATE 2000
Abrasive material used in grinding wheel selected The hardness of a grinding wheel is determined by If each abrasive grain is viewed as a cutting tool,
for grinding ferrous alloys is the then which of the following represents the cutting
(a) Silicon carbide (b) Diamond (a) Hardness of abrasive grains parameters in common grinding operations?
(c) Aluminium oxide (d) Boron carbide (b) Ability of the bond to retain abrasives (a) Large negative rake angle, low shear angle and high
(c) Hardness of the bond cutting speed
((d)) Abilityy of the g
g wheel to p
penetrate the work (b) Large positive rake angle, low shear angle and high
piece cutting
tti speedd
(c) Large negative rake angle, high shear angle and low
cutting speed
(d) Zero rake angle,
g highg shear angle
g and highg cuttingg
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 118 of 240
speed Rev.0
GATE 1997
IES IES 2009
List I List II Consider the following statements in respect of Which one of the following is NOT used as abrasive
(A) Grinding 1. Surface for oil retention grinding? material in grinding wheels?
(B) Honing
H i 2. S f
Surface f max. load
for l d 1 The pitch of the grit cutting edges is larger than the
1. (a) Aluminium oxide
capacity pitch of the milling cutter. (b) Silicon carbide
(C) Superfinishing 3. Surface of limiting friction 2. The
Th cutting
tti angles
l off the
th grits
it have
h a random
d (c) Cubic boron nitride
D)) Burnishingg 4.
4 Surface of matte finish geometry. ((d)) Manganese
g oxide
3. The size of the chip cuts is very small for grinding.
5. Surface for pressure sealing
6. Surface for interference fit.
fit Which of the statements g given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 1 2 and 3
IES 1997
IES IES 1996
IES IES 2001
Which one of the following materials is used as the Grinding wheel is said to be loaded when the Specific cutting energy is more in grinding process
bonding material for grinding wheels? (a) Metal particles get embedded in the wheel surface compared to turning because
(a) Silicon carbide blocking the interspaces between cutting grains.
grains (a) Grinding (cutting) speed is higher
(b) Sodium silicate (b) Bonding material comes on the surface and the (b) The wheel has multiple cutting edges (grains)
(c) Boron carbide wheel
h l becomes
b bl t
blunt. (c) Plaguing force is significant due to small chip size
((d)) Aluminum oxide (c) Work piece being ground comes to a stop in ((d)) Grinding
g wheel undergoes
g continuous wear
cylindrical grinding.
((d)) Grinding
g wheel stops
p because of veryy large
g depth
p of
IES 1996
IES IES 1994
IES IES 1992
Specific energy requirements in a grinding process The ratio of thrust force to cutting force is nearly 2.5 Assertion (A): Vitrified bond is preferred for thin
are more than those in turning for the same metal in grinding wheels.
removal rate because of the (a) Turning (b) Broaching Reason (R): Vitrified bond is hard brittle.
(a) Specific pressures between wheel and work being (c) Grinding (d) Plain milling (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
high correctt explanation
l ti off A
(b) Size effect of the larger contact areas between wheel (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
andd work.
k correct explanation of A
(c) High cutting velocities ((c)) A is true but R is false
(d) High heat produced during grinding. (d) A is false but R is true
IES 2009
IES IES 2002
IES IES 2001,ISRO2009
IES 2001 ISRO 2009
Given that the peripheral speed of the grinding Which of the following materials are used in The marking on a grinding wheel is '51
51 A 36 L 5 V 93
wheel of 100 mm diameter for cylindrical grinding grinding wheel? The code '36' represents the
of a steel work piece is 30 m/s, what will be the 1 Aluminium oxide
1. (a) Structure
estimated rotational speed of the grinding wheel in 2. Cubic boron nitride (b) Grade
revolution per minute (r.p.m.)?
3. Silicon carbide (c) Grain size
(a) 11460 (b) 5730
Select the correct answer using
g the codes g
given below: ((d)) Manufacturer's number
( ) 2865
(c) 86 (d) 95
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
IES 2000
IES IES 1995
IES IES 1993
The sequence of markings "S S 14 K 14 S
S" on a grinding In the grinding wheel of A 60 G 7 B 23, B stands for Tool life in the case of a grinding wheel is the time
wheel represents respectively (a) Resinoid bond (b) Rubber bond (a) Between two successive regrinds of the wheel
(a) Bond type,
type structure,
structure grade,
grade grain size and abrasive ( ) Shellac
(c) Sh ll bond
b d (d) Silicate
Sili t bond.
b d (b) Taken
T k forf the
th wheel
h l to
t be
b balanced
b l d
type (c) Taken between two successive wheel dressings
(b) Abrasive
Ab i type,
t grain
i size,
i grade,
d structure
t t and
d bond
b d (d) Taken for a wear of 1mm on its diameter
(c) Bond type, grade, structure, grain size and abrasive
(d) Abrasive type, structure, grade, grain size and bond
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 120 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2001
IES IES 1994
IES IES 1999
Assertion (A): Hard wheels are chosen for grinding Consider the following statements regarding Consider the following reasons:
hard metals. grinding of high carbon steel: 1. Grinding wheel is soft
Reason (R): In hard wheels only the abrasive grains 1 Grinding at high speed results in the reduction of
1. 2. RPM off grinding
i di wheel
h l is
i too
t low
are retained for long time. chip thickness and cutting forces per grit. 3. Cut is very fine
( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
th 2. Aluminium
Al i i oxide
id wheels
h l are employed.
l d 4. An improper cutting fluid is used
correct explanation of A 3. The grinding wheel has to be of open structure. A grinding wheel may become loaded due to reasons
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the Of these statements stated at
correct explanation of A (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct (a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 3
(c) A is true but R is false (c) 1 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 3 are correct (c) 2 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
(d) A is false but R is true
IES 2001
IES IES 1993
IES IES 2000
Dry and compressed air is used as cutting fluid for In centre less grinding, the work piece centre will be Consider the following advantages:
machining (a) Above the line joining the two wheel centres 1. Rapid process
(a) Steel (b) Aluminium (b) Below
B l theth line
li joining
j i i the
th two
t wheel
h l centres
t 2. Work
W k with ith keyways
k can be
b ground
(c) Cast iron (d) Brass (c) On the line joining the two wheel centres 3. No work holding device is required.
(d) At the intersection of the line joining the wheel Which of these are the advantages of centre less
centres with the work p
plate p
plane. g
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
IES 1996
IES IES 1993
IES IES 2007
A grinding wheel of 150 mm diameter is rotating at Consider the following parameters: Honing Process gives surface finish of what order?
3000 rpm. The grinding speed is 1. Grinding wheel diameter. (a) 10 m (CLA) (b) 1.0 m (CLA)
2. Regulating
R l ti wheel
h l diameter.
di t ( ) 0.1 m (CLA)
(c) (d) 0.01 m (CLA)
3. Speed of the grinding wheel.
4. Speed of the regulating wheel.
5. Angle between the axes of grinding and regulating
Among these parameters,
parameters those which influence the
axial feed rate in centreless grinding would include
( ) 2, 4 and
(a) d 5 (b) 1, 2 and d3
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs)
(c) 1, 4 and 5 (d) Page 3, 4121
andof5 240 Rev.0
IES 1992
IES IES 2012
IES IES 2001
CLA value for Honing process is () g gp
Statement(I):Honingisanabradingprocesstoremove (
Match ListI (Cuttingg Tools)) with ListII ((Applications)
pp )
stockfrommetallicsurfaces. and select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) 6 (b) 0.05 3.0 below the lists:
( ) g y
( ) 0.05 1.0 (d) 0.025 0.1
(c) surfaces. List I List II
((a)) Both Statement ((I)) and Statement ((II)) are A. Trepanning tool 1. For surface finishing by
h i
individually true and Statement (II) is the correct
explanation of Statement (I) B. Side milling cutter 2. For machining gears
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are C Hob
C. H b cutter 3. F cutting
For i keyways
k i shafts
in h f
individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct D. Abrasive sticks 4. For drilling large diameter
explanation of Statement (I) holes
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false Codes:A B C D A B C D
( ) 1
(a) 3 2 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 2 3 1
IES 1992
IES IES 1992
IES IAS 2004
A surface finish of 0.025 0.1 micrometer CLA values Buffing wheels are mode of The size effect refers to the increase in specific
is to by produced. Which machining process would (a) Softer metals (b) Cotton fabric cutting energy at low values of under formed chip
you recommend? ( ) Carbon
(c) C b (d) Graphite
G hit thickness. It is due to which one of the following?
(a) Grinding (b) Rough turning (a) Existence of ploughing force
( ) Lapping
(c) L i (d) Honing
H i (b) Work
W k hardening
h d i
(c) High strain rate
(d) Presence of high friction at chiptool interface.
IAS 2000
IAS IAS 1999
IAS IAS 2001
Consider the following statements in respect of a Assertion (A): The grade of a grinding wheel is a Consider the following statements:
The setup for internal centreless grinding consists of a
grinding wheel of specification, 51A 36L7R23, measure of hardness of the abrasive used for the regulating wheel, a pressure roll and a support roll, between
using the standard alphanumeric codification: wheel. which the tubular workpiece is supported with the grinding
wheel within the tube, wherein
1. Abrasive used in the wheel is aluminum oxide Reason (R): Grading is necessary for making right 1.The grinding wheel, workpiece and regulating wheel centers
2. The
Th grain i size
i off abrasive
b i is i medium
di selection of the wheel for a particular work.
work must lie on one line
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 2.The directions of rotation of workpiece and grinding wheel are
3. The wheel grade is medium hard same
4. It has an open structure correctt explanation
l ti off A 3.The directions of rotation of pressure roll, support roll and
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the regulating wheel are same
5. It has resinoid as bonding agent 4 The directions of rotation of grinding wheel and regulating
correct explanation of A wheel are same
Which (If these statements are correct?
(c) A is true but R is false Which of these statements are correct?
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1, 3 and d4 (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4
(d) A is false but R is true122 of 240
(c) 2, 3 and For-2015
5 (d) (IES, GATE & PSUs)
1, 4 and 5 Page (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 Rev.0
IAS 1997
IAS IAS 2007
IAS 2007 IAS 1999
Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? Match List I with List II and select the correct answer Which one of the following processing sequences
using the code given below the Lists: will give the best accuracy as well as surface finish?
1. Drill press : Trepanning
List I List II
2. Centreless
C t l grinding:
i di Th
Throughh feeding
f di (a) Drilling,
Drilling reaming and grinding
(Machine Tool/ Cutting Tool) (Part/ Characteristics)
3. Capstan lathe: Ram type turret A. Screw cuttingg lathe1. Self locking
g taper
p (b) Drilling, boring and grinding
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: B. Drill 2. Chasing dial (c) Drilling, reaming and lapping
Codes: C. End mill 33. Wiperp insert ((d)) Drilling,
g reaming
g and electroplating
p g
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3 D. Grinding wheel 4. Self releasing taper
55. Balance weights
( ) 1 and
(c) d3 (d) 2 and d3
Code:A B C D A B C D
((a)) 4 5 3 1 ((b)) 2 1 4 5
(c) 4 1 3 5 (d) 2 5 4 1
IAS 2001
IAS NC,CNC&Robotics Wh t i NC/CNC?
Which one of the following grinding wheels (with y NC is
i an acronym for
f Numerical
N i l Control
C t l and
d CNC is
i an
Grade, Grit and Bond) is suitable for cutter
grinding? acronym
y for Computer
p Numerical Control.
(a) K 60 vitrified (b) K 320 vitrified
( ) T 60
(c) 6 resinoid
i id (d) T 320 resinoid
i id
B SKM d l
C C hi f h
AreCNCmachinesfasterthan C C hi
AreCNCmachinesmoreaccurate GATE 1994
conventional machines? thanconventionalmachines?
than conventional machines? CNC machines are more accurate than conventional
machines because they have a high resolution
encoder and digital read
outs for positioning.
y Yes, No, Sometimes. When it comes to making a single, y Yes, they can be. But like anything else it depends on
simple part it is hard to beat a conventional mill or lathe.
lathe who
h is
i running
i the
th machine,
hi h
how well
ll the
th machines
hi h
has T
True or false?
f l ?
CNC machines move faster in rapid travel than been maintained,, q
qualityy of setup
p and so on.
conventional machines.
IES 2009
DNC In which of the following machining manual part With reference to NC machine, which of the
programming is done? following statement is wrong?
(a) CNC machining (b) NC machining (a) Both closedloop
closed loop and openloop
open loop control systems are
(c) DNC machining (d) FMS machining used
(b) Paper
P t
tapes, fl
floppy t
tapes and
d cassettes
tt are usedd for
data storage
(c) Digitizers may be used as interactive input devices
((d)) Post p
processor is an item of hardware
IES 2007
IES 20 0
JWM2010 IES 2009
What are the main components of an NC machine? Consider the following g components
p g g numerical
regarding What is the purpose of satellite computers in
1. Part program control system : Distributed Numerical Control machines?
2. Machine
M hi Control
C t l Unit
U it 1 Programme of instructions
1. (a) To act as standby
stand by systems
3. Servo motor 2. Machine control unit (b) To share the processing of largesize NC programs
Select the correct answer using the code given below: 3. Processing
P i equipment
i (c) To serve a group of NC machines
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only Which of these are correct ? ((d)) To network with another DNC setup p
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
IES 2002Contd..FromS1
IES 2002 C td F S1 St M t
C. y
DNC system 33. The controller consists of IAS2011main y The
Th stepper
t motor
t isi special
i l type
t off synchronous
h motor
softwired computer and
hard wired logic Graphic Explain, at least two, characteristics each of NC, which is designed
g to rotate through
g a specific
p angle
display of tool path is
also possible
CNC and DNC. (Called step) for each electrical pulse received from the
D. Machining centre 4. The instructions on tape is [10Marks] control unit.
prepared in binary
d i l form
decimal f and
d operatedd by
a series of coded
Codes:A B C D A B C D
( ) 4
(a) 2 3 1 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
What is the function of stepper motor?
betweenopen loopandclosed loopcontrolinNC
[2 marks] system.Whyisfeedbacknotpossibleinopenloop
[22 Marks]
B i L th U it (BLU)
BasicLengthUnit(BLU) GATE 1997
y In NC machine, the displacement length per one pulse In a point to point control NC machine, the slides
output from machine is defined as a Basic Length Unit are positioned by an integrally mounted stepper
(BLU). motor drive. If the specification of the motor is
y In the CNC computer each bit (binary digit) represents 1 1o/pulse, and the pitch of the lead screw is 3.6 mm,
BLU what is the expected positioning accuracy?
Bit = BLU ( a ) 1 m (b) 10 m
y Example: If one pulse makes a servo motor rotate by one (c ) 50 m (d ) 100 m
degree and the servo motor moves the table by 0.0001
mm, one BLU will be 0.0001 mm.
y The lead of a ball screw is related to the displacement
unit of the machine tool table.
GATE 2007(PI)
GATE 2007 (PI) GATE 2008(PI) l
In a CNC machine feed drive, a stepper motor A stepper
t motor
t has
h 150 steps.
t The
Th output
t t shaft
h ft off the
th y A DC servomotor is coupled directly to a leadscrew
with step angle of 1.8o drives a lead screw with which drives the table of an NC machine tool. A
pitch of 2 mm.
mm The Basic Length Unit (BLU) for motor is directlyy coupled
p to a lead screw of p
pitch 4 mm,, digital encoder,
encoder which emits 500 pulses per
this drive is which drives a table. If the frequency of pulse supply to revolution, is mounted on the other end of the
leadscrew If the leadscrew pitch is 5 mm and the
(a) 10 microns (b) 20 microns the motor is 200 Hz, the speed of the table (in mm/min) motor rotates at 600 rpm, calculate
(c) 40 microns (d) 100 microns is ( ) The
(a) Th linear
li velocity
l it off the
th table
t bl
(b) The BLU of the NC system
(a) 400 (b) 320 (c) 300 (d) 280
(c) The frequency of pulses transmitted by the encoder.
IAS Main
GATE 2009(PI) GATE2014(PI) In openloop NC system the shaft of a stepping motor is
h totall angular
l movement (in
( degrees)
d ) off a leadscrew
l d Each
E h axis i off NC machine hi iis ddriven
i by a stepper
b t motor
t connected directly to the lead screw xaxis
x axis of the
drive with a lead screw. The pitch of lead screw is p mm. machine table. The pitch of the lead screw is 3.0 mm.
with a pitch of 5.0
5 0 mm to drive the work
table by a Th step
The t angle l off stepper
t motort per pulse l input
i t is
i The number of step angles on the stepping motor is 200.
distance of 200 mm in a NC machine is degrees/pulse. The ratio of gear drive in stepper motor
Determine how closelyy the pposition of the table can be
d i is
drive i g(number
( b off turns
t off the
th motor t for
f each h single
i l
(a) 14400 (b) 28800 (c) 57600 (d) 72000 controlled, assuming that there are no mechanical errors
turn of the lead screw). The number of pulses required
in the p
g system.
t achieve
to hi a linear
li movementt off x mm is i
g 360 g g 360 g Also, what is the required frequency of the pulse train
(a) x (b) x (c ) x (d ) x
360 p p 360 p p and
d the
h corresponding
d rotationall speed
d off the
h stepping
motor in order to drive the table at a travel rate of 100
mm/min? [ Marks]
[8 k ]
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 128 of 240 Rev.0
ControlSystemspossibleinCNCMachine GATE 1992
GATE P i tt i t t i ht li d
y Point to point mode: In a point to point type of NC system
(a) Control of position and velocity of the tool is
(b) Control of only position of the tool is sufficient
(c) Control of only velocity of the tool is sufficient
((d)) Neither p
position nor velocityy need be controlled
GATE 2006
NC contouring is an example of
(a) Continuous path positioning
(b) Pointtopoint
P i tt i t positioning
iti i
(c) Absolute positioning
(d) Incremental positioning
GATE2005 C di t t
y All the machine tool use Cartesian Co ordinate system.
Coordinate system
continuouspathoperations? y The first axis to be identified is the Z axis, This is
followed by X and Y axes respectively.
ArcWelding(AW) Milling(M)
g PunchingisSheetMetal(P)
(a) AW,LCandM (b)AW,D,LCandM
(c) D,LC,PandSW (d)D,LC,andSW
IES 1996
Assertion (A): Numerically controlled machines
having more than three axes do not exist.
Reason (R): There are only three Cartesian
coordinates namely xyz.
( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Th f ll i th t t b f ll d
Thefollowingarethestepstobefollowed P tP i
y Processplanning
y Axesselection y SIEMENSCONTROLL
y Toolselection
y Cuttingprocessparametersplanning
y Jobandtoolsetupplanning
J pp g
y Machiningpathplanning y For a CNC machine control unit (MCU) decides cutting
y Partprogramwriting speed, feed,
speed feed depth of cut,
cut tool selection , coolant on off
y Partprogramproving and tool paths. The MCU issues commands in form of
numeric data to motors that position slides and tool
CNC programming
ProgrammingKeyLetters Code Meaning Format
y O Programnumber(Usedforprogramidentification)
G00 RapidTransverse N__G00X___Y___Z___
N G00X Y Z
CoordinateSystem y N Sequencenumber(Usedforlineidentification) G01 LinearInterpolation N__G01X___Y___Z___F___
y G
G Preparatoryfunction G02 CircularInterpolation,
CircularInterpolation N G02X Y Z
Units,incrementalorabsolutepositioning y X Xaxisdesignation CW N__G02X___Y__Z__I___J__K__F__
y Y Yaxisdesignation
G03 CircularInterpolation,
C l l N G X___Y___Z__R__F___
N__G03 X Y Z R F
Coordinates:X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ y Z Zaxisdesignation
y R Radiusdesignation N__G03 X__Y__Z__I__J__K__F__
F d d i dl d y F Feedratedesignation G04 Dwell N__G04P___
y S Spindlespeeddesignation
G17 XY Plane
y H
H Toollengthoffsetdesignation
C l C l O /Off Fl d Mi
y D Toolradiusoffsetdesignation G18 XZPlane
y T ToolDesignation
g G19
9 YZPlane
T lC l T l d l y M Miscellaneousfunction
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 131 of 240 Rev.0
TableofImportantGcodes TableofImportantGcodes
Code Meaning
G20/G70 InchUnit
Format Code Meaning Format
G44 Toollengthcompensation N__G44H__
N G44H
G21/G71 MetricUnit (minus)
y G00:
G28 AutomaticReturntoReference G49 Toollengthcompensation y tomakethemachinemoveatmaximumspeed.
t k th hi t i d
Point cancel
y Itisusedforpositioningmotion.
G40 Cuttercompensationcancel G80 Cancelcannedcycles
Ca ce ca ed cyc es G90G00X20 0Y10 0
G81 Drillingcycle N__G81Z__R__F__
G41 Cuttercompensationleft N__G41D__ End
G90 Absolutepositioning G90:
G42 C tt
ti i ht N G D
N__G42D__ absolute
G91 Incrementalpositioning coordinates (10,10)
G43 Toollengthcompensation N G43H
N__G43H__ G92 Absolutepreset,changethe
Absolutepreset changethe N__G92X__Y__Z__
N G92X Y Z
(plus) datumposition
Start (0,0)
p ,
Circularinterpolation:G02,G03 Circularinterpolation:G02,G03 Circularinterpolation:G02,G03
N0010G92X200.0Y40.0Z0; AnnotationforCircularInterpolation
Y y SpecifyCenterwithI,J,K N0020G90G03X140.0Y100.0I60.0F300
End y I0.0,J0.0,andK0.0canbeomitted.
I J dK b itt d
N0030G02X120.0Y60.0I 50.0 G92:
y I,J,Karetheincremental
Or Todefineworking y IfX,Y,Zareallomittedintheprogram,thatmeans
N0010G92X200 0Y40 0Z0 coordinate startandendofarcaresamepoints
X thearc;
N0020G90G03X140.0Y100.0R60.0F300 N0020G02I20.0(afullcircle)
y Viewingthestartofarcas N0030G02X120.0Y60.0R50.0
Start theorigin,I,J,Khave
th i i I J Kh y IfI,J,K,andRallappearsincircularinterpolation
IfI J K andRallappearsincircularinterpolation
j positiveornegativesigns. G90: instruction,RisvalidandI,J,andKareinvalid
Center absolute 100 R50
i coordinates
di t 60 R60
O 90 120 140 200
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 132 of 240 Rev.0
GATE 2014
GATE2014 GATE 2007(PI)
GATE 2007 (PI) GATE 2004
GroupB: The interpolator in a CNC machine controls During the execution of a CNC part program block
GroupA Group B (a) Spindle Speed (b) Coolant flow N020 G02 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool motion will
P:circularinterpolation,counter I:G02 (c) Feed rate (d) Tool change
clockwise (a) Circular Interpolation clockwise
Q:dwell II:G03 (b) Circular Interpolation counter clockwise
R:circularinterpolation clockwise
R:circularinterpolation,clockwise III:G04 ((c)) Linear Interpolation
S:pointtopointcountering IV:G00 (d) Rapid feed
( ) II
(a) III I IV ( )
GATE 2010
In a CNC program block, N002 G02 G91 X40 Z40, Interpolation
I t l ti in
i the
th controller
t ll refers
f to
t control
t l off In an NC machining operation, the tool has to be
G02 and G91 refer to moved from point (5, 4) to point (7, 2) along a
(a) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction which one of the following
g in a CNC machine? circular path with centre at (5, 2). Before starting the
and incremental dimension operation, the tool is at (5, 4). The correct G and M
(a) Loading/unloading of jobs on machine
(b) Circular
Ci l interpolation
i t l ti ini counterclockwise
t l k i direction
di ti code for this motion is
and absolute dimension (b) Loading/unloading of tools from the tool changer (a) N010 G03 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
(c) Circular interpolation in clockwise direction and (b) N010
N G X7.0
G02 X Y
Y2.0 I
I5.0 J
(c) Axes of machine for contouring
incremental dimension (c) N010 G01 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
(d) Circular interpolation in clockwise direction and (d) Coolant and miscellaneous functions on machine (d) N010 G00 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
absolute dimension
GATE 2005
The tool of an NC machine has to move along a
circular arc from (5, 5) to (10,10) while performing an A CNC instruction G91G01X30Y40F100 commands the
y ToolRadiusCompensation
operation. The centre of the arc is at (10, 5). Which movement of tool along the path at a feed rate of 100 y LefthandG41
L fth dG
one of the following NC tool path commands y RighthandG42
performs the above mentioned operation? mm/min (G91 incremental format and G01 linear
y CanceltoolradiuscompensationG40
C l l di i G
(a) N010G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5 interpolation). The feed rate of the tool (in mm/min) y ToolHeightCompensation
(b) N010G03
N G X10 X Y10
Y X5X Y5Y R5R along the X axis will be _______ y PositiveG43
(c) N010G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5 y NegativeG44
(d) N010G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5 y CanceltoolheightcompensationG49
GATE 2014
For machining a rectangular island represented by ToolHeightCompensation g p
coordinates P(0, 0), Q(100, 0), R(100, 50) and S(0, 50) on
a casting using CNC milling machine, an end mill with a G43(G44)H y Example:
diameter of 16 mm is used. The trajectory of the cutter y N0010G91G00X12.0Y80.0
G G G91:
y H:specifiedmemoryunitusedtosaveheight
center to machine the island PQRS is y N0020G44Z32.0H02 incremental
compensationoftool. coordinates
(a) (8, 8), (108, 8), (108, 58), (8, 58), (8, 8) y Positivecompensation(G43):
y Ifweput0.5mmintoH02,
(b) (8,
(8 8),
8) (94,
(94 8),
8) (94,
(94 44),
44) (8,
(8 44),
44) (8,
(8 8) realposition=specifiedposition+valuesavedinH
y realposition=32.0 0.5=32.5
(c) (8, 8), (94, 0), (94, 44), (8, 44), (8, 8) y Negativecompensation(G44):
(d) (0,
( 0),) (100,
( 0),
) (100,
( 50),
) (50,
( 0),
) (0,
( 0)) realposition=specifiedposition
l iti ifi d iti valuesavedinH
l di H y Canceltoolheightcompensation:G49
ToolHome Top
View 2.)ZAxisRapidMove
Top JustAboveHole Top
View View
) O S i dl DrillHole
1 )X&YRapidToHolePosition
Front Front Front
View View View
HeresTheCNCProgram! ToolAtHome
Top O0001
O Top O0001
O Top O0001
View O0001
View N005G54G90S600M03 View N005G54G90S600M03
b A i d hi
N005 SequenceNumber N010G00X1.0Y1.0
G54 FixtureOffset
G90 AbsoluteProgrammingMode G
G00 R idM i
S600 SpindleSpeedsetto600RPM X1.0 XCoordinate1.0in.fromZero
M03 SpindleoninaClockwiseDirection Y1.0 YCoordinate1.0in.fromZero
Top O0001
O Top O0001
O Top O0001
View N005G54G90S600M03 View N005G54G90S600M03 View N005G54G90S600M03
N010G00X1.0Y1.0 N010G00X1.0Y1.0 N010G00X1.0Y1.0
N015G43H01Z.1M08 N015G43H01Z.1M08 N015G43H01Z.1M08
G43 ToolLengthCompensation N020G01Z.75F3.5 N020G01Z.75F3.5
H01 SpecifiesToollengthcompensation
G01 StraightLineCuttingMotion N025G00Z 1M09
Z.1 ZCoordinate.1in.fromZero
Z.75 ZCoordinate.75 in.fromZero
Front M08 FloodCoolantOn Front 35
F3.5 FeedRatesetto3.5in/min.
35 / Front G00 RapidMotion
Z.1 ZCoordinate.1in.fromZero
ZC di i f Z
View View View M09 CoolantOff
IES 1995
IES 1995
Top O0001 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer
N G G S6 M View N005G54G90S600M03
N G G S6 M using the codes given below the lists:
View N010G00X1.0Y1.0 N010G00X1.0Y1.0 List I List II
N015G43H01Z.1M08 (A function
f i connected d (A
i d parameter))
N015G43H01Z.1M08 with NC m/c tool)
75 3 5 N020G01Z.75F3.5
N020G01Z .75F3.5 A Interpolation
A. 1 Tape preparation
N025G00Z.1M09 N025G00Z.1M09 B. Parity check 2. Canned cycle
N030G91G28X0Y0Z0 Front
F N030G91G28X0Y0Z0 C Preparatory function
C. 3 Drilling
G91 IncrementalProgrammingMode D. Point to point control 4. Contouring
Front G28 ZeroReturnCommand View N035M30 5. Turning
M30 EndofProgram
View X0,Y0,Z0
Code:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 1 2 5
(c) 5 1 3 2 (d) 1 4 3 2
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 136 of 240 Rev.0
IAS 2011 M i
IAS2011Main APT L
In an NC drilling g operation,
p , the tool tipp is at location (
( IFS2011 y APT (Automatically Programmed Tools)
100, 0, 100). The datum (0, 0, 0) is left hand lower corner y The APT language consists of many different types of
on topp surface of the workpiece,
p , which is rectangular
g In NC machine, what is the purpose of the parity statements made up of the following valid letters, numerals
(300 mm x 300 mm x 1.5 mm thick). A thru' hole of 10 check ? What is the function of Data Processing and punctuation marks.
mm diameter is t o be drilled in the centre of the y Letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
workpiece. Using only rapid positioning and linear Unit (DPU) and Control Loop Unit (CLU) of MCU.
y Numerals: 0123456789
interpolation functions,, write the pprogram
g blocks,, in How is Feed Rate Number (FRN) expressed ? What / Aslashdividesastatementintotwosections eg,
absolute mode. GO/PAST,
Assume permitted cutting speed = 32 m/min and feed is indirect feedback ?
, Acommaisusedasaseparatorbetweentheelementsin
Acommaisusedasaseparatorbet eentheelementsin
rate = 150 mm/min. [10Marks] [10marks] astatementgenerallytotherightoftheslash.
= Anequalsisusedforassigninganentitytoasymbolic
A l i df i i tit t b li
OtherPartProgrammingLanguages APTLanguage
D ((ADaptation
Daptat o APT)) was tthee first
st atte pt to adapt APT
attempt g g
APTLanguage OthercapabilitiesofAPT,themacrofacility,withusevariableargumentasina
FORTRAN b i f l
programming system for smaller computers P0 = POINT/0.0, 0.3, 0.1
y AUTOSPOT (AUTOmatic Sytem for POsitioning Tools) was FROM/P0
d l
d by
b IBM and
d first
fi t introduced
i t d d ini 1962
/ X=1.0,
1 0 Y=1.0,
1 0 Z=0.1,
0 1 DEPTH=0.7
COOLNT/ CALL/DRILL, X=2.0, Y=1.0, Z=0.1, DEPTH=0.7
y EXAPT (EXtended subset of APT) was developed jointly in
German in about 1964 by several universities to adapt APT for Forexample: COOLNT/MIST COOLNT/FLOOD COOLNT/OFF GOTO/P0
European use. It is compatible with APT and thus can use the FEDRAT/
same processor as APT SPINDL/ DRILL = MACRO/X, Y, Z, DEPTH
y COMPACT was developed
d l d by
b Manufacturing
f Data Systems, Inc. Forexample:
/ SPINDL/1250,
y SPLIT (Sundstrand Processing Language Internally Translated) TURRET/ , , DEPTH
was developed by Sundstrand Corporation, intended for its own TARMAC
machine tools
y MAPT (MicroAPT) is a subset of APT, to be run on the
microcomputersFor-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) 61
Page 137 of 240 62
Rev.0 63
Point (POINT)
( ) Point (POINT) Point (POINT)
z LIN3
x x
Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE) Line (LINE)
PT6 15,
15 -30,
30 3 L14 = LINE/ PT1,
L15 = LINE/ 32, -3, 2, ATANGL, -15, XAXIS
PT1 L12
L16 30 LINE1
L4 (15,30,3)
40 20
x 15 x
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 138 (32,3,2)
of 240 Rev.0
Line (LINE) Line (LINE) Line (LINE)
y y
=30 PT51
x x
(6 )P i t fX I t
t d
g from the first circle written towards the
looking L77
second circle.
LN3 PT6 PT12
4 y 3.0
LN13 PT4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 139 of 240 x
Plane (PLANE) Circle (CIRCLE)
( ) Circle (CIRCLE)
( )
The Machining
g Plan The Machiningg Plan The Machining Plan
Contouring: z
y Part surface: the surface on which the end of the Drivesurface CS CS CS
tool is riding.
y Drive surface: the surface against which the edge of cutter cuttermotion
The Machining
i commands: GORGT/L3,PAST,L4
GOLFT/ : Move left alongg the drive surface GOFWD
GORGT/ : Move right along the drive surface
Present tool
GOUP/ : Move up along the drive surface GOBACK position
GODOWN/ : Move down along the drive surface GORGT
GOFWD/ : Move forward from a tangent position
GOBACK/ : Move backward from a tangent position
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 140 of 240 Rev.0
tool position
M hi i Specifications
Machining S ifi i Machining Specifications Machining Specifications
P commands
d for
f a particular
i l machine
hi tooll are: FEDRAT/ : specifies the feed rate for moving the tool along the TOLERANCE SETTING:
SETTING Nonlinear
N li motion
i is
i accomplished
li h d in
MACHIN/ : used to specify the machine tool and call the part surface in inches per minute: straight-line segments, and INTOL/ and OUTTOL/ statements
postprocessor for that tool: di
dictate the
h number
b off straight-line
i h li segments to be
b generated.
SPINDL/ : gives the spindle rotation speed in revolutions per
COOLNT/ : allows the coolant fluid to be turned on or off: OUTTOL/ 0.001
COOLNT/ FLOOD TURRET/ : can be used to call a specific tool from an automatic
COOLNT/ OFF tool changer:
Answer: Contd.
IES 2008
Name the four types of statements in a complete APT
part program.
program Prepare part program for geometry CLPRNT INTOL/0.05
INTOL/0 05
description of the contour shown in the figure below:
Y P0 = POINT/0.0, 0.0, 0.0 FEDRAT/200
[15 Marks] P1 = POINT/110.0,
POINT/110 0 20.0,
20 0 0.0
00 SPINDL/500, CLW
30 40
P2 = POINT/20.0, 20.0, 0.0 COOLNT/ON
20 P3 = POINT/90.0, 110.0, 0.0 FROM/P0
L2 C1 P4 = POINT/20.0, 100.0, 0.0
L3 GO/TO, L1, TO, PL1, TO, L5
20 P5 = POINT/50.0, 130.0, 0.0
135 GOLFT/L1, PAST, L2
80 L4 = LINE/P1,, PERPTO,, L3 GOFWD/C1, PAST, L4
R P1
P2 20 PL1=PLANE/P1, P2, P3
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs)
X Page 141 of 240 Rev.0
Prepare part using APT language for milling the contour
COOLNT/OFF shown in Fig.
Fig in a single pass.
pass D [20Marks]
[20 Marks]
100 + 40 P
Material : M S.
8 mm
C2 C2
R30 R30
Y L2 Y L2
P3 P3
C1 C1
IES 2006
Prepare part program to machine the contour shown in
P2 P2
the figure using APT on CNC milling machine.
machine L3
[15Marks] 100 mm
100 mm
80 80 L1
P0 = POINT/0.0, 0.0, 10.0
P1 = POINT/0.0, 0.0, 0.0
X P2 = POINT/60.0, 80.0, 0.0 X
100 mm 60 50 P3 = POINT/150.0, 100.0, 0.0 60 50
P1 L4 P4 P1 L4 P4
80 200 mm P4 = POINT/200.0,
POINT/200 0 0.0,
0 0 0.0
00 200 mm
P0=POINT/25.0,25.0,25.0 GOFWD/C2,PAST,L2
P2=POINT/117.0,32.0,6.0 INTOL/0.05 GOFWD/C1,PAST,L1
P3=POINT/117 0 32 0 6 0
P3=POINT/117.0,32.0,6.0 OUTTOL/0.05
IES 2011 C ti l
IES2011Conventional IES 1997
IES IES 1995
State the method of defining line segment of Which of the following are valid statements for In APT language, the cutter motion in incremental
point to point motion of the tool in APT language? coordinate mode is addressed as
cutter motion using APT program format.
1 GO/TO/............
1. GO/TO/ (a) GO/TO/.....
[5 Marks] 2. GO DLTA/............ (b) GO/TO.....
3. GO/TO, . (c) GO DLTA/....
Select the correct answer using g the codes g
given below: ((d)) GO FWD/...
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 1 2 and 3
Advantages of Robots
AdvantagesofRobots Disadvantages of Robots
y Robotics and automation can, in many situation, increase y Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies, this can cause:
p y, safety,
productivity, y, efficiency,
y, q y, and consistencyy of
quality, pp p
Inappropriate and wrong g responses
products A lack of decisionmaking power IndustrialRobots
d l b
y Robots can work in hazardous environments A loss of power
y R b t need
Robots d no environmental
i t l comfort
f t Damage to the robot and other devices Material
Material handling
Human injuries Material transfer
y Robots work continuously without any humanity needs and
y Robots may have limited capabilities in Machine loading and/or unloading
D off Freedom
F d Spot welding
y Robots have repetable precision at all times Dexterity Continuous arc welding MaterialHandling
y Robots can be much more accurate than humans, they may have Sensors Manipulator
p y coatingg
mili or micro inch accuracy.
accuracy Vision systems Assembly
y Robots and their sensors can have capabilities beyond that of Realtime Response
humans y Robots are costly, y, due to
y Robots can process multiple stimuli or tasks simultaneously, Initial cost of equipment
humans can only one. Installation Costs
y Robots replace human workers who can create economic Need for peripherals A
problems Need for training Manipulator
Need for Programming SpotWelding
T fR b t
TypesofRobot T fR b t
TypesofRobot T fR b t
y Cartesian or y
Gantry y Cylindrical robot: y Spherical
p or
robot: Polar robot:
y It's a robot whose axes
y It's a robot whose arm
form a cylindrical y It
It'ss a robot whose axes
has three prismatic
joints, whose axes are coordinate system. form a polar coordinate
coincident with a y
y Used
U d for f assembly
Cartesian coordinator. y Used for handling at
operations, handling at
y Used for pick and place machine tools,, spot p
hi t l
tools, spott welding, diecasting,
work, application of
sealant, assembly welding, and handling fettling machines, gas
operations, handling att di
die casting
ti welding and arc
machine tools and arc machines. welding.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 145 of 240 Rev.0
Types of Robot
TypesofRobot T fR b t
TypesofRobot T fR b t
y SCARA robot
y Articulated or y Parallel robot
y The SCARA acronym stands Revolute Robot: One use is a mobile
for Selective Compliant Assembly
y It
It'ss a robot whose arm platform handling
Robot Arm or Selective Compliant
has at least three rotary cockpit flight
Articulated Robot Arm.
joints simulators It
simulators. It'ss a robot
y It's a robot which has two parallel whose arms have
y Used for assembly
rotaryy jjoints to p
provide compliance
p concurrent prismatic
ti di casting,
die ti
in a plane or rotary joints.
fettling machines, gas
y Used for pick and place work, work welding,
ldi arc welding
application of sealant, assembly and spray painting.
operations and handling machine
IES 2012
IES Robot Control Systems
Theconfigurationofarobotusingatelescopingarmthat y
JointDriveSystems y Limitedsequencecontrol pickandplace
i i h i l ii
canberaisedorloweredonahorizontalpivotmounted y Electric
y Playbackwithpointtopointcontrol records
onarotatingbaseiscalled y Useselectricmotorstoactuateindividualjoints
(a)Polar y Preferreddrivesystemintoday'srobots
(b)C li d i l
(b)Cylindrical y Hydraulic
y Playbackwithcontinuouspathcontrol
y Useshydraulicpistonsandrotaryvaneactuators
(c)Cartesiancoordinate greatermemorycapacityand/orinterpolation
y Notedfortheirhighpowerandliftcapacity
(d)Jointedarm capabilitytoexecutepaths(inadditiontopoints)
y Pneumatic
y Intelligentcontrol exhibitsbehaviorthatmakes
y Typicallylimitedtosmallerrobotsandsimplematerial
T i ll li it dt ll b t d i l t i l
Working Envelope
WorkingEnvelope Robotic Arc Welding Cell
y Robotperforms
C ll
k i
&Program whilefitter
Joint1 Joint2 Joint3 Joint4 Joint5 Joint6 Sensors Level0
IES 2000
Consider the following characteristics of a robot:
Computer Aided
d d Design (CAD):
( ) Used
d for
f creating the
h In
I a CAD package,
k mirror
i image
i off a 2D
D point
i t
1. The tip of the robot arm moves from one point to
another with its in
between path not being defined. product database P(5,10)
(5, ) is to be obtained about a line which p
2. It can be used for drilling holes at difference points in a through the origin and makes an angle of 45o
workpiece y Geometric Modeling
3. It can be used for V butt joint welding between two counterclockwise with the Xaxis. The coordinates
y Engineering Analysis
points off the
th transformed
t f d point
i t will
ill be
4. The memory capacity required for its control unit is low. y Design Review and Evaluation
Which of these are the characteristics associated with
ith a point (a) (7.5,
(7 5 5) (b) (10,
(10 5) (c) (7.5,
(7 5 5)
5) (d) (10,
(10 5)
to point robot?
y Automated Drafting
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 1, 3 and d4
(c) 1, 2 and 4For-2015
(d) (IES, GATE
2, 3 and 4 & PSUs) Page 147 of 240 Rev.0
GATE 2014
GATE2014 IES 2006
A b t PQ ith d di t P( ) dQ( ) ComputerAidedManufacturing(CAM): Which item best describes a CAM technology?
y ComputerAidedProcessPlanning(CAPP) (a) Geometric modeling (b) Documentation
p y 9 o.
rotatescounterclockwiseaboutPintheXYplaneby90 y ComputerizedmaterialResourcePlanning(MRP) ( ) Drafting
(c) D fti (d) Numerical
N i l control
t l
ThenewcoordinatepairoftheendpointQis y NCpartprogramming
y RobotProgramming
R b P i
(a)(2,5) (b)(5,2)
y ComputerizedScheduling
(c)(5,2) (d)(2,5) y Computerizedprocesscontrol
y ComputerizedManufacturingControlbyFMS
y Shopfloorcontrol
y ComputerAidedQualityControl(CAQC)
p Q y ( Q )
y ComputerAidedInspection
Automation Automation
y Automation is the process of following a predetermined Fixed Automation
ISRO2011 sequence of operations with little or no human intervention,
i specialized
i li d equipment
i and d devices
d i that
h perform
f and
d y It
I is
i also
l known
k as hard
h d automation.
control the manufacturing process.
In CAM, " Part programming" refers to Why go for Automation? y Used to produce a standardized product.
1. Increased productivity
(a) Generation of cutter location data y Used for very large quantity production of one or few
2. Reduced cost of labour
(b) Online Inspection 3. Improved quality marginally different components.
4. Reduced inprocess
p inventoryy
(c) Machine Selection 5. Reduce Manufacturing time y Highly specialized tools, devices, equipment, special
6. Increased safety
(d) Tool
T l Selection
S l i purpose machine tools,
tools are utilized to produce a
There are three types of Automation
1. Fixed Automation product.
2. Programmable
P bl Automation
A t ti
3. Flexible Automation y Very efficient, high production rate , low unit cost.
AdvantagesofFMS Di d t f FMS
DisadvantagesofFMS IES 1996
y Faster,, lower cost changes
g from one p
part to another y Limited ability to adapt to changes in product or product Whichofthefollowingpairsarecorrectlymatched?
which will improve capital utilization mix (e.g., machines are of limited capacity and the 1. CNCmachinePostprocessor
y Lower direct labor cost,, due to the reduction in number tooling necessary for products, even of the same family,
of workers 2. Machiningcentre.Toolmagazine
M hi i t T l i
is not always feasible in a given FMS)
y Reduced inventory, y, due to the p planningg and 3. DNC.FMS
y Substantial preplanning
pre planning activity
programming precision (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1and2
y Expensive, costing millions of dollars
y Consistent and better q quality,
y, due to the automated (c) 1and3 (d)2and3
control y Technological problems of exact component positioning
y Lower cost/unit
/ of output,
p , due to the g greater and precise timing necessary to process a component
productivity using the same number of workers y Sophisticated manufacturing systems
y Savings
g from the indirect labor,, from reduced errors,,
rework, repairs and rejects
IES 2006
IES 2006 IES 2004
IES IES 2012
Flexible manufacturing allows for: Consider the following characteristics: Rankorderclusteringasappliedtomanufacturing
(a) Tool design and production 1. Single machine tool automationis
(b) Automated
A t t d design
d i 2. Manual
M l materials
t i l handling
h dli system
t (a)Atechniqueofidentifyingprocesssequencein
(c) Quick and inexpensive product change 3. Computer control productionofacomponent
(d) Quality control 4. Random sequencing of parts to machines (b)Aj ti ti (JIT) th d
Which of the above characteristics are associated with (c)Anapproachofgroupingthemachinesintocellsin
flexible manufacturing system? anFMSsystem
(a) 1,
1 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 ( )
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
N df U ti lP
NeedforUnconventionalProcesses I U ti l M hi i
InUnconventionalMachining Cl ifi ti f NTMM
y Complex
C l shapes.
h y Different forms of energy directly applied to the The Non traditional Machining Methods are classified
workpiece to have shape transformation or material according to the major energy sources employed in
y A very high accuracy is desired besides the complexity of removal from work surface. machining.
the surface to be machined. y No chips, No lay pattern on work surface, no direct 1.ThermalEnergyMethods
physical contact between the tool and the workpiece .
y The tool material does not have to be harder than the 2.Electro ChemicalEnergyMethod
k material.
t i l
y Tool forces do not increase as the work material gets
harder. 4.MechanicalEnergyMethods
y Economic metal removal rate does not decrease as the
work material gets harder.
1 Th lE M th d
1.ThermalEnergyMethods 2 El
2.Electro Ch i l E M h d
ChemicalEnergyMethod 3 ChemicalEnergyMethods
3. Ch i l E M th d
y Electricaldischargemachining(EDM)
El t i ldi h hi i (EDM) These methods involve controlled etching of the
y ElectroChemicalMachining(ECM)
El Ch i lM hi i (ECM)
workpiece material in contact with a chemical solution.
y LaserbeamMachining(LBM)
y ElectroChemicalgrinding(ECG)
El t Ch i l i di (ECG)
y PlasmaArcMachining(PAM)
g y Chemical Machining Method (CHM).
y ElectroChemicalHoning(ECH)
El t Ch i lH i (ECH)
y ElectronBeamMachining(EBM)
y ElectroChemicalDeburring
Electro ChemicalDeburring (ECD)
y IonBeamMachining(IBM)
Sh C tti C bilit
ShapesCuttingCapability GATE2014 Li it ti f NTMM
The various NTMM have some special shape cutting The
Th following
f ll i four
f unconventional
ti l machining
hi i processes y Expensive
E i sett up, low
l MRR and
d skilled
kill d labour
l b required.
i d
capability as given below:
are available in a shop
p floor. The most appropriate
pp p one to y The limitation of electrical machining methods is that
1. Micromachining and Drilling : LBM and EBM
drill a hole of square cross section of 6 mm 6 mm and the work material must be an electrical conductor. Also,
2 Cavity sinking and standard Hole Drilling: EDM and
25 mm deep is consumption of electrical energy is very large.
( ) Abrasive
(a) b Jet Machining
h y The NTMM which have not been proved commercially
3. Fine hole drilling and Contour Machining: ECM
(b) Plasma Arc Machining economical are: USM,
4. Clean, rapid Cuts and Profiles: PAM
((c)) Laser
ase Beam
ea Machining
ac g
5. Shallow Pocketing: AJM
(d) Electro Discharge Machining
IES 2012
Whichofthefollowingprocesseshasveryhighmaterial Arrangeg the p g order of
processes in the increasing Consider the following statements in relation to the
removalrateefficiency? their maximum material removal rate. unconventional machining processes:
(a)Electronbeammachining Electrochemical Machiningg ((ECM)) 1 Different forms of energy directly applied to the
(b)Electrochemicalmachining Ultrasonic Machining (USM) piece to have shape transformation or material removal
Electron Beam Machining (EBM) from work surface.
Laser Beam Machining (LBM) and 2. Relative motion between the work and the tool is
( )
(d)Plasmaarcmachining g
Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) essential.
ti l
(a) USM, LBM, EBM, EDM, ECM 3. Cutting tool is not in physical contact with work
(b) EBM,
ECM EDM piece.
(c) LBM, EBM, USM, ECM, EDM (a) 1 and 2 onlyy (b) 1, 2 and 3 onlyy
(d) LBM, EBM, USM, EDM, ECM (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 151 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2009
IES 2009 IAS 2002
Which one of the following statements is correct in (
Match List I (Processes) ) with List II (Tolerances
respect of unconventional machining processes? obtained) and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the Lists:
(a) The cutting tool is in direct contact with the job List I List II
(b) The tool material needs to be harder than the job
t i l
(c) The tool is never in contact with the job
A. Plasma Arc machining 1.
B. Laser Beam machining 2.
(Tolerances obtained)
75 microns
25 microns
(d) There has to be a relative motion between the tool C. Abrasive Jet machining 3. 50 microns
and the job
j D. Ultrasonic machining 4. 125 microns
Codes:A B C D A B C D B SKM d l
(a) 4 1 3 2 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 3 1 4 2
El t h i l M hi i
ElectrochemicalMachining El t h i l M hi i
y Electrochemical machining is the reverse of electro y Variation in the current density will result in work
plating taking the electrodes shape.
y The workpiece
work piece is made the anode,
anode which is placed in y The electrode is fed with a constant velocity,
velocity and the
close proximity to an electrode (cathode), and a high electrolyte is fed through the tool.
amperage direct current is passed between them through
an electrolyte, such as salt water, flowing in the anode
cathode gap.
y Metal is removed by anodic dissolution and is carried
away in
i the
th form
f off a hydroxide
h d id in i the
th electrolyte
l t l t for
recycling or recovery.
y MRR in ECM depends on atomic weight of work material
Fig- Electrochemical Machining process
ECM E i t
ECMEquipment ECM E i t
ECMEquipment ECM E i t
y Supply Voltage 2 to 35 V DC and Current 500 to 40,000 A y The electrolyte consists of the metal debris removed
y The tooltowork gap needs to be maintained at a very from the anode, which will have to be filtered before it is
small value 0.1
0 1 to 0.25
0 25 mm.
mm A servo drive is provided on repumped
re pumped into the system.
the tool axis for this purpose. y Also a large amount of heat is generated during the
y The
Th electrolyte
l t l t needs d to
t be
b pumped d through
th h this
thi gap att electrolysis which heats up the electrolyte,
electrolysis, electrolyte and hence it
high pressures ranging from 0.70 to 3.00 MPa. This needs to be cooled.
i t d
introduces a large
l amountt off load
l d on theth machine,
because of the large working areas involved. Hence the
hi structure
t t will
ill have
h t be
to b made d rigid
i id to
t a
withstand such forces.
Advantages i d
Disadvantages A li ti
1. Use of corrosive media as electrolytesy makes it difficult to y Any electrically conductive work material irrespective
1 Complex threedimensional
1. three dimensional surfaces can be machined of their hardness, strength or even thermal properties.
accurately. Good for low machinability or complicated y The machining surface can be situated at any
2. Sharp interior edges and corners (< 0.2 mm radius) are
shapes difficult to produce. i
2. As ECM leads to atomic level dissolution, the surface 3. Very expensive machine. y Shape application blind complex cavities, curved
fi i h is
finish i excellent
ll t (Ra 0.2 to
t 0.66 m)) with
ith almost
l t stress
t 4. Forces are large with this method because of fluid pumping surfaces, through cutting,
surfaces cutting large through cavities.
free machined surface and without any thermal forces. y It is used for the machining of the gas turbine blades.
damage. 5. V
Very hi h specific
high ifi energy consumption i ( b
(about 150 times
i y Die sinking
3. The tool wear is practically nil which results in a large that required for conventional processes), y Profiling and contouring
number of components produced per tool. 6
6. Not applicable with ith electrically
electricall nonconducting
non conducting materials y T
and jobs with very small dimensions y Grinding
4. MRR is highest
g (1600 mm3/min) among g NTMM and 7
7. Lower fatigue strength y D illi
comparable with conventional machining.
y Micromachining
ECM tb d t k f
The machining process in which the work picce is
(a)steel Commercial ECM is carried out at a combination
di l d into
dissolved i t an electrolyte
l t l t solution
l ti is
i called
ll d off
(a) low voltage high current
(a) Electro
chemical machining (c)Al2O3
(b) low current low voltage
(b) Ultrasonic machining
g ((c)) high
g current high
g voltage
(c) Electrodischarge machining (d) low current low voltage
ECM C l l ti
ECMCalculations ECM C l l ti
ECMCalculations GATE 2014
y MRR for pure metal The p p
principle of material removal in Electro
100 x 100 x v
= i and = i i
eq i i Eeq i Ai
E l
Example GATE2008(PI) GATE 2011(PI)
GATE 2011 (PI)
U i ECM 3/minfromanironworkpiece,
UsingECMremove5cm / i f i k i In an electro chemical machining (ECM) operation,
operation a While removing material from iron (atomic weight = 56,
valency = 2 and density = 7.8 g/cc) by electrochemical
q square hole of dimensions 5 mm x 5 mm is drilled in a
machining, a metal removal rate of 2 cc/min is desired.
block of copper. The current used is 5000 A. Atomic The current (in A) required for achieving this material
Atomicweightofiron56,density7.8g/cm3 valency,2 weight
g of cupper
pp is 633 and valencyy of dissolution is 1. removal rate is
Faradays constant is 96500 coulomb. The material (a) 896.07 (b) 14.93
removal rate (in g/s) is ( ) 448.03
(c) 8 (d) 53764.29
(a) 0.326 (b) 3.260 (c) 3.15 x 103 (d) 3.15 x 105
E l
Example GATE 2008
GATE Fl l i
Composition p
of a Nickel superalloyy is as follows: y To calculate the fluid flow required, match the heat
A researcher
h conducts
d t electrochemical
l t h i l machining
hi i
Ni = 70.0%, Cr = 20.0%, Fe = 5.0% and rest Titanium generated to the heat absorbed by the electrolyte.
Calculate rate of dissolution if the area of the tool is 1500 ((ECM)) on a binary
y alloy
y ((density g/ 3) of iron
y 6000 kg/m
mm2 and a current of 1000 A is being passed through the (atomic weight 56, valency 2) and metal P (atomic
cell Assume dissolution to take place at lowest valancy
of the elements. weight 24, valency 4). Faraday's constant = 96500
l b/ l Volumetric
V l t i material
t i l removall rate
t off
y is 550 mm3/s at a current of 2000 A. The
the alloy y Neglecting all the heat losses
percentage of the metal P in the alloy is closest to
l2R = q e ce (B o )
(a) 40 (b) 25 (c) 15 (d) 79
E l
Example DynamicsofElectrochemicalMachining
The electrochemical machining of an iron surface that is g
25 mm 25 mm in crosssection using NaCl in water as y If the total over voltage at the anode and the cathode is
electrolyte. The gap between the tool and the workpiece V and the applied voltage is V,
V the current I is given
is 0.25 mm. The supply voltage is 12 V DC. The specific by,
resistance of the electrolyte is 3 cm. I=
Estimate the electrolyte flow rate. Specific heat of the
electrolyte is given as 0.997
0 997 cal/g
C. The ambient
temperature is 35C and the electrolyte boiling
temperature is 95
temperature, 95C
Density, = 7860 kg/m3 y Schematic representation of the ECM process with no
feed to the tool
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 155 of 240 Rev.0
E l
Example GATE 2007(PI)
GATE 2007 (PI) GATE 2012(PI)LinkedS1
I ECM operation
ti off pure iron
i an equilibrium
ilib i gap off 2 Which one of the following process conditions In an EDM process using RC relaxation circuit,
circuit a 12 mm
leads to higher MRR in ECM process? diameter through hole is made in a steel plate of 50 mm
mm is to be kept.
p Determine supply
pp y voltage,
g , if the total thickness using a graphite tool and kerosene as
( ) higher
(a) hi h current,t larger
l atomic
t i weight
i ht
overvoltage is 2.5 V. The resistivity of the electrolyte is 50 dielectric. Assume discharge time to be negligible.
((b)) higher
g valency,
y, lower current Machining is carried out under the following conditions:
mm and the set feed rate is 0.25 mm/min. (c) lower atomic weight, lower valency Resistance 40
(d) higher
hi h valency,
l l
lower atomic
i weight
i h Capacitance 20 F
pp y voltage
g 220 V
Discharge voltage 110 V
The time for one cycle,
cycle in milliseconds,
milliseconds is
(a) 0.55 (b) 0.32 (c) 0.89 (d) 0.24
El t h i l G i di (ECG)
ElectrochemicalGrinding(ECG) IES 2000
y The p p g and sharpening
process is used for shaping p g C
Consider the following g statements: p
carbide cutting tools, which cause high wear rates on In electrochemical grinding,
expensive diamond wheels in normal grinding. y Electrochemicalpolishing
p g
1 A rubber bonded alumina grinding wheel acts as the
Electrochemical grinding greatly reduces this wheel
cathode and the workplace as the anode.
wear. y Electrochemicalholedrilling
2 A copper bonded alumina grinding wheel acts as the
y Fragile parts (honeycomb structures), surgical needles,
cathode and the work piece as the anode.
and tips of assembled turbine blades have been ECG y ElectrochemicalDeburring
processed d successfully.
f ll 3 Metal removal takes place due to the pressure
applied by the grinding wheel.
y The lack of heat damage, burrs, and residual stresses is
very beneficial,
b f l particularly
l l when
h coupled
l d withh MRRs
4 Metal removal takes place due to electrolysis.
4. electrolysis
that are competitive with conventional grinding but Which of these statements are correct?
ith far
f less
l wheel
h l wear. (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) (c) 2 and 3 (d) Page 156 of 240
1 and3 Rev.0
GATE 2001
In ECM, the material removal is due to Selection electrolyte for ECM is as follows: The two main criteria for selecting the electrolyte in
(a) Corrosion (a) Nonpassivating electrolyte for stock removal and Electrochemical Machining (ECM) is that the
(b) Erosion
E i passivating electrolyte for finish control electrolyte should
(c) Fusion (b) Passivating electrolyte for stock removal and non (a) Be chemically stable
(d) Ion displacement passivating
i ti electrolyte
l t l t for
f finish
fi i h control
t l (b) Not
N t allow
ll dissolution
di l ti off cathode
th d material
t i l
(c) Selection of electrolyte is dependent on current (c) Not allow dissolution of anode material
density (d) Have high electrical conductivity
((d)) Electrolyte
y selection is based on tool work
GATE 1997
IES IES 1997
Inter electrode gap in ECG is controlled by Assertion (A): In ECM, the shape of the cavity is the Which one of the following processes does not
(a) Controlling the pressure of electrolyte flow mirror image of the tool, but unlike EDM, the tool cause tool wear?
(b) Controlling
C t lli the th applied
li d static
t ti load
l d wear in ECM is less. (a) Ultrasonic machining
(c) Controlling the size of diamond particle in the wheel Reason (R): The tool in ECM is a cathode. (b) Electrochemical machining
(d) Controlling the texture of the work piece ( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
th (c) Electric discharge machining
correct explanation of A ((d)) Anode mechanical machiningg
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Ph i l P i i l
PhysicalPrinciple Ph i l P i i l
y Basic process y An arc jumps between two points along the path of least
Ch t i ti f EDM
CharacteristicsofEDM Ch t i ti f EDM
CharacteristicsofEDM EDM T l
y Mechanics of material removal melting and y Uses Voltage of 60 to 300 V to give a transient arc lasting Prime requirements EDM tool Material
evaporation aided by cavitation. from 0.1 s to 8 ms. 1. It should be electrically conductive.
y The process is based on melting temperature,
temperature not y Typical cycle time is 20 ms or less,less up to millions of 2. It should
h ld have
h goodd machinability,
hi bilit thus
th allowing
ll i
hardness, so some very hard materials can be machined cycles may be required for completion of the part. easy manufacture of complex shapes.
this way.
way y Rotating
R t ti theth wire
i in
i an orbital
bit l direction
di ti will,
ill 3. It should have low erosion rate or good work to tool
y The arc that jumps heats the metal, and about 1 to 10% of Increase accuracy in form and surface finish wear ratio.
th molten
the lt metal
t l goes into
i t the
th fluid.
fl id The
Th melted
lt d metal
t l Decrease electrode wear 4. It should have low electrical resistance.
then recast layer is about 1 to 30 m thick, and is
y Surface finish obtained 0.25
0 25 m 5. It should have high melting point.
ll hard
h d andd rough.
6. It should have high electron emission.
y The electrode workpiece gap is in the range of 10 m to
100 m.
EDMTool W R ti
WearRatio S M h i
Theusualchoicesfortool(electrode)materialsare y One major drawback of EDM is the wear that occurs on y The
Th gap between
b t the
th tool
t l and
d work
k has
h a critical
iti l
y Copper, the electrode at each spark. Tool wear is given in terms of
wear ratio which is defined as, importance.
p As the workpiece
p is machined,, this g
y brass,
y alloysofzincandtin, tends to increase. For optimum machining efficiency,
Volume of metal removed work
Wear ratio
ti =
y hardenedplaincarbonsteel, Volume of metal removed tool this gap should be maintained constant. This is done by
y coppertungsten, servo mechanism
h i which
hi h controls
t l the
th movementt off the
y Wear ratio for brass electrode is 1: 1. For most other
y silvertungsten,
metallic electrodes, it is about 33: 1 or 4
4: 1. electrode.
y tungstencarbide,
t t bid
y With graphite (with the highest melting point, 3500C),
y coppergraphite,andgraphite.
the wear ratio may range from 5: 1 up to 50: 1.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 158 of 240 Rev.0
Di l t i Fl id
DielectricFluid S 20 C i l
IES2011Conventional R l ti i it
y Fluid is used to act as a dielectric,, and to help
p carryy awayy
Di the
th effects
ff t off insufficient
i ffi i t dielectric
di l t i and
y If the fluid is p
pumpedp through g and out the end of the electrolyte
y circulation in the interelectrode g
p on the
electrode, particles will push out, and mainly collect at
the edges. They will lower the dielectric resistance, Electric Discharge machining and Electro Chemical
Fig Relaxation circuit used for generating the pulses in EDM process
resulting in more arcs. As a result the holes will be Machining process respectively. [5 Marks]
y If fluid is vacuum pumped into the electrode tip, straight
holes will result.
y Quite often kerosenebased oil.
y The dielectric fluid is circulated through the tool at a
pressure of 0.35 N/m2 or less. To free it from eroded
metal particles, it is circulated through a filter.
Ad t
Advantages Disadvantages A li ti
1. Hardness,, toughness
g or brittleness of the material p
poses no 1. O
Onlyy electricallyy conductive materials can be machined
problems. Due to this EDM can be used for machining y EDM can be
b used
d for
f machining
hi i any material
t i l that
th t is
by EDM. Thus non metallic, such as plastics, ceramics
materials that are too hard or brittle to be machined by or glass, cannot be machined by EDM. electricallyy conductive,, thus including
g metals,, alloys
y and
ti l methods.
th d
2. Electrode wear and overcut are serious problems.
2. The method does not leave any chips or burrs on the work most carbides.
piece 33. A rehardened,, highly
g y stressed zone is p
produced on the
work surface by the heat generated during machining. y EDM is widely used for machining burr free intricate
3. Cutting forces are virtually zero, so very delicate and fine
work can be done.
done This brittle layer can cause serious problems when the
part is put into service. shapes,
h narrow slots
l and
d blind
bl d cavities etc., for
f example,
4. The process dimension repeatability and surface finish
obtained in finishing g are extremelyy g
good. 4. Perfectly square corners cannot be made by EDM. sinking of dies for moulding,
moulding die casting,
casting plastic
5. The characteristic surface obtained, which is made up of 5. High specific energy consumption (about 50 times that
p in better oil retention. This improves
craters, helps p die life. in conventional machining) moulding, wire drawing, compacting, cold heading,
6. Because the forces between the tool and the workpiece and 6. MRR is quite low forging, extrusion and press tools.
virtually zero, very delicate work can be done.
A li ti
Applications A li ti
y EDM is
i particularly
ti l l useful
f l when
h dealing
d li with
ith internal
i t l y The method is also employed for blanking parts from sheets,
sheets IES2009Conventional
cutting off rods of materials, flat or form grinding and i. What is the principle of metal removal in EDM
cuts that are hard to g
get tools into. Machining
g tends to
sharpening of tools, cutters and broaches.
work best with external cuts. ii. Describe the process with the help of sketch.
y In EDM method,
method small holes,
holes about 0.13
0 13 mm,
mm in
y Almost any geometry (negative of tool geometry) can be iii. List advantages and limitations of the system.
diameter and as deep as 20mm diameters can be drilled [ 5
d on a workpiece
k iff a suitable
bl tooll can be
b with virtually no bending or drifting of hole. Due to this,
fabricated (the use of punch as a tool to machine its own EDM is particularly useful for machining of small holes,
mating die is commonly employed in EDM method). orifices or slots in dieselfuel injection nozzles, or in aircraft
engines, air brake valves and so on.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 159 of 240 Rev.0
GATE 1994
Electric discharge machining is more efficient y Wire EDM is a special form of EDM wherein the
process than Electrochemical machining for
producing large non
circular holes. electrode is a continuously moving conductive wire.
The above statement is y A thin wire of brass, tungsten, or copper is used as an
( ) True
(a) T
(b) False
(c) Cant say y The electrode wire is typically made with a 0.05 to 0.25
(d) Insufficient data mm diameter,
diameter which is wire electrode wound between
the two spools.
WireEDM GATE 2014 (PI)
Find the correct combination of manufacturing processes to
y This
Thi process is
i much
h faster
f t than
th electrode
l t d EDM.
EDM produce
d the
th part,
t shown
h in
i figure,
fi from
f a blank
bl k (holes
(h l shown
are with square and circular crosssections)
y This process is widely used for the manufacture of
punches, dies, and stripper plates, with modern
machines capable of cutting die relief, intricate
openings, tight
h radius
d contours, and
d corners routinely.
l (a) Drilling and milling on column and knee type universal
y Geometrically accurate but moderately finished straight
g machine
toothed metallic spur gears,
gears both external and internal
(b) Diesinking and CNC Wirecut EDM process
type, can be produced by wire type Electro discharge
Machining (EDM).
(EDM) (c) Die
sinking and CNC drilling
(d) CNC Wirecut EDM process only
El t i Di h G i di (EDG)
ElectricDischargeGrinding(EDG) El t i Di h G i di (EDG)
y EDG is similar to EDM except that the electrode is a y The spark gap is normally held at 0.013
0 013 to 0.076
0 076 mm
rotating wheel (usually graphite). y The graphite wheel is rotated at 0.5 to 3 m/s
y Positively charged work pieces are immersed in or The method
Th th d can be
b used d for
flooded by a dielectric fluid and fed past the negatively 1. External cylindrical grinding, internal grinding and
charged wheel by servocontrolled
servo controlled machine table.
table surface grinding.
y Metal is removed by intermittent high frequency
2. Grinding g carbide and steel at the same time without
l t i l discharges
di h passing
i th
h the
th gap between
b t wheel loading.
wheel and workpiece.
3. Grinding thin sections where abrasive wheel pressures
y Each spark discharge melts or vaporizes a small amount
might cause distortion.
of metal from the workpiece surface, producing a small
4 Grinding brittle materials or fragile parts where
crate at the discharge sit, as in EDM.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 160Grinding
Fig- Electric Discharge of 240 (EDG) Rev.0
abrasive materials might cause fracturing.
IES 2012
Statement (I): In Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) The mechanism of material removal in EDM As tool and work are not in contact in EDM process
process, tool is made cathode and work piece anode process is (a) No relative motion occurs between them
Statement (II): In this process if both electrodes are made of (a) Melting and Evaporation (b) No
N wear off tool
t l occurs
same material, greatest erosion takes place upon anode
(b) Melting and Corrosion (c) No power is consumed during metal cutting
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of (c) Erosion and Cavitation (d) No force between tool and work occurs
Statement (I)
() ((d)) Cavitation and Evaporation
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
true but Statement ((II)) is not the correct explanation
p of
Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
GATE 1999
GATE G 20 0 ( )
GATE2010(PI) GATE 2007
In Electro Discharge Machining (EDM), the tool is
ElectroDischarge Keeping all other parameters unchanged,
unchanged the tool In electro discharge machining (EDM), if the
made of thermal conductivity of tool is high and the specific
wear in electrical discharge machining (EDM) would heat of work piece is low, then the tool wear rate
(a) Copper (b) High Speed Steel
(c) Cast Iron (d) Plain Carbon Steel be less if the tool material has and material removal rate are expected to be
(a) high thermal conductivity and high specific heat (a) High and high (b) Low and low
( ) high thermal conductivity and low specific heat
(b) ( ) High
(c) Hi h and
d low
l (d) Low
L and d high
hi h
GATE 2005
A zigzag cavity in a block of Which of the following is/are used as low wearing Deep hole drilling of small diameter, say 0.2 mm is
high strength alloy is to be tool material(s) in electric discharge machining? done with EDM by selecting the tool material as
finish machined. This can be (a) Copper and brass (a) Copper wire (b) Tungsten wire
carried out by using (b) Aluminium and graphite (c) Brass wire (d) Tungsten carbide
(a) Electricdischargemachining (c) Silver tungsten and copper tungsten
(b) Electrochemicalmachining ((d)) Cast iron
(c) Laserbeammachining
((d)) Abrasiveflowmachining
((a)) 150
5 ((b)) 200 ((c)) 3300 ((d)) 4
400 BySKMondal
Ult i M hi i
UltrasonicMachining Ult i M hi i
UltrasonicMachining Ult i M hi i
y In ultrasonic machining, a tool of desired shape vibrates at an y USM is mainly used for machining brittle materials y At full indentation, the indentation depth in the work
ultrasonic frequency (19 ~ 25 kHz) with an amplitude of {which are poor conductors of electricity and thus material is characterized by w. Due to the indentation,
around 155 550
m over the workpiece.
p cannot be processed by Electrochemical and Electro
Electro as the work material is brittle, brittle fracture takes place
y Generally the tool is pressed downward with a feed force, F. discharge machining (ECM and EDM)}. leading to hemispherical fracture of diameter 2x under
Between the tool and workpiece, p , the machining g zone is the contact zone.
flooded with hard abrasive particles generally in the form of
y If at any moment of time, there are an average n of grits
water based slurry.
and the tool is vibrating at a frequency f f then material
y As the tool vibrates over the workpiece, the abrasive particles
removal rate can be expressed as
act as the indenters and indent both the work material and
the tool. The abrasive particles, as they indent, the work 2
material, would remove the same, particularly if the work y MRRw = ( w db )3/2 nf
material is brittle, due to crack initiation, propagation and 3
brittle fracture of the material.
P P t
ProcessParameters EffectofmachiningparametersonMRR Ult i M hi
inwaterslurry C
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 162 of 240 Rev.0
Ult i M hi
UltrasonicMachine Ult i M hi
UltrasonicMachine SubsystemsofUSM
Subsystemsof USM
y The basic mechanical structure of an USM is very similar y Feed mechanism to provide a downward feed force on
to a drill press. the tool during machining
y It has additional features to carry out USM of brittle y The transducer,
transducer which generates the ultrasonic vibration B
work material. y The horn or concentrator, which mechanically amplifies
y The
Th workpiece
k i i mounted
is t d on a vice,
i which
hi h can be
b the vibration
th ib ti to t the
th required
i d amplitude
lit d off 15 50 m and
located at the desired position under the tool using a 2 accommodates the tool at its tip. A C
i table.
t bl
y The table can further be lowered or raised to
accommodate work of different thickness.
y Slurryy deliveryy and return system
y D
T d
Transducer GATE2010(PI) T l h ld H
y The ultrasonic vibrations are produced by the y Its
It function
f ti is
i to
t increase
i the
th tool
t l vibration
ib ti amplitude
lit d
l i machines,
hi used
d in
i material
i l removall processes,
transducer. The transducer is driven by suitable signal
generator followed by power amplifier. The transducer q
require ultrasonic transducers. The transducers works on and to match the vibrator to the acoustic load.
for USM works on the following principle different working principles. One of the working principles y It must be constructed of a material with good acoustic
Piezoelectric effect
of such ultrasonic transducers is based on
Magnetostrictive effect
properties and be highly resistant to fatigue cracking.
(a) eddy current effect (b) Seebeck effect
Electrostrictive effect y Monel and titanium have good acoustic properties and
y Magnetostrictive
g transducers are most p
p and (c) p
piezoresistive effect (d) p
piezoelectric effect
are often used together with stainless steel,
steel which is
robust amongst all.
T l
Tool Limitations A li ti
y Tools
T l should
h ld be
b constructed
t t d from
f relatively
l ti l ductile
d til y LowMRR y Used for machining hard and brittle metallic alloys,
y Ratherhightoolwear semiconductors, glass, ceramics, carbides etc.
materials. y Used for machining round,
round square,
square irregular shaped
y Lowdepthofhole
L d th fh l
y The harder the tool material, the faster its wear rate will holes and surface impressions.
y Machining,
M hi i wire
i drawing,
d i punching
hi or small ll blanking
bl ki
be. dies.
GATE 1993
GATE 1992 IES 2009
In ultrasonic machining process, the material In Ultrasonic Machining (USM) the material By which one of the following processes the
removal rate will be higher for materials with removal rate would metering holes in injector nozzles of diesel engines
(a) Higher toughness (b) Higher ductility (a) Increase can be suitably made?
(c) Lower toughness (d) Higher fracture strain (b) Decrease (a) Ultrasonic machining
(c) Increase and then decrease (b) Abrasive
Ab i jet j t machining
hi i
((d)) decrease and then increase (c) Electron beam machining
with increasing mean grain diameter of the abrasive (d) Chemical machining
IES 2006
IES IAS 1996
IAS Chemical Machining
During ultrasonic machining, the metal removal is During ultrasonic machining, the metal removal is y Chemicals
Ch i l are used
d to
t dissolve
di l material
t i l
achieved by affected by the
(a) High frequency eddy currents (a) Hammering action of abrasive particles y Masks are used to control attack
(b) high frequency sound waves (b) Rubbing action between tool and workpiece y Most common use is circuit boards and p
plates for
(c) Hammering action of abrasive particles (c) High frequency sound waves
((d)) Rubbing
g action between tool and workpiece
p ((d)) High
g frequency
q y eddyy currents
y Cutting speed of 0.00250.1 mm/minute very slow
L B M hi i
LaserBeamMachining L B M hi i
LaserBeamMachining LaserBeamMachining
y Direct laser beam against surface of workpiece, as in
y Produceslargeremelt zone
laser welding
y Canproduceholesassmallas0.0005mmdiameter
C d h l ll di
y Successive pulses from laser gun vaporize tiny bits of
y Canproducedeepholes
k i
y Usedtoproducecoolingholesinblades/vanesforjet
y Location of laser beam controlled by computer
y Workpiece
p need not be conductive
l h
ElectronBeamMachining ElectronBeamMachining
y Workpiece placed in vacuum
acuum chamber
y Highvoltage
g g electron beam directed toward Writetheadvantages,limitationsandapplicationsof
workpiece electronbeammachining.Whatisthesafetyproblem
t d ithEBM?
y Energy of electron beam melts/ vaporizes selected
region of workpiece [5 Marks]
y Due to negligible
g g force delicate workpiece
p can be y Cleaning, polishing and deburring the surface
machined. For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 166 of 240 Rev.0
Q ( ) A hard
h d ceramic i marble,
bl having
h i density
d it () ( ) off 3000 kg/m k / 3
In abrasive jet machining, as the distance between and diameter (d) of 0.025 m, is dropped accidentally Statethemechanismofcuttingbyabrasivejet.
th nozzle
the l tip
ti andd the
th work k surface
f i
increases, th
the f
from a static
t ti weather
th balloon
b ll att a height
h i ht off 1 km k above b
material removal rate the roof of a greenhouse. The flow stress of roof material Whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof
( ) increases continuously.
(a) l ( ) is
() i 2.5 GPa.GP Th marble
The bl hits
hit and d creates t an
(b) decreases continuously. indentation on the roof. Assume that the principle of
ti off indentation
i d t ti i the
is th same as that th t in i case off [
(c) decreases, becomes stable and then increases.
abrasive jet machining (AJM). The acceleration due to
(d) increases,
increases becomes stable and then decreases.
decreases gravity
it (g)
( ) is / 2. If V is
i 10 m/s i the
th velocity,
l it in i m/s, / off theth
marble at the time it hits the greenhouse, the
d d h = 1000 d V , in mm, is.........
AbrasiveWJCutting AbrasiveWJCutting
IFS2011 y Used to cut much harder materials
Whatarethedisadvantagesofabrasivejetmachining? y Water is not used directly to cut material as in Pure, y Evolution of mixing tube
Writesomeofitsapplications. instead water is used to accelerate abrasive particles which
y Standard Tungsten Carbide
do the cutting lasts 46
4 6 hours (not used much
y 80mesh garnet (sandpaper) is typically used though 50 anymore)
d 120mesh
h is also
l used
d y Premium Composite Carbide
lasts 100150 hours
y Standoff distance between mixing
g tube and workpart
p is
y Consumables
C bl i l d
include water,
typically 0.0100.200 important to keep to a minimum to abrasive, orifice and mixing
keep a good surface finish tube
GATE 1992
GATE2011 GATE 2007
Match the following non traditional machining
Match the following g components
p pp p
with the appropriate processes with the corresponding material removal gp
machining processes: mechanism: thefollowingparts.
Component Process Machiningprocess
gp Mechanismofmaterialremoval
f Parts g
(A) Square hole in a high strength alloy (1) Milling P.Chemicalmachining 1.Erosion P. Computerchip 1. ElectrochemicalMachining
((B)) Square
q hole in a ceramic component
p ((2)) Drilling
g Q.Electro
Q Electro chemical 2 Corrosivereaction
2.Corrosivereaction Q Metalformingdiesandmoulds
(C) Blind holes in a die (3) ECM machining 2. UltrasonicMachining
((D)) Turbine blade pprofile on high
g strength
g alloy(4)
y(4) JJig
g boringg R Electro discharge
R.Electro 3 Iondisplacement
3.Iondisplacement R Turbineblade
R. 3
3. Electro discharge
(5) EDM machining Machining
(6) USM S.Ultrasonicmachining 4.Fusionandvaporization S Glass
S. 4
4. PhotochemicalMachining
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a)P 2,Q 33,R 4,S 1(b)P 2,Q 4,R 33,S 1
Codes:P Q R S P Q R S
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 5 6 1 3
(c)P 3,Q 2,R 4,S 1(d)P 2,Q 3,R 1,S 4 ( ) 4
(a) 3 1 2 (b) 4 3 2 1
2 For-2015 (IES, GATE
(d) &3 PSUs) Page 167 of 240
(d) 1 Rev.0
(c) 4 1 3 1 2 4
(c) 3 1 4 2 2 4 3
GATE 1998
GATE 1998 IES 2008
IES IES 1998,ISRO2009
IES 1998 ISRO 2009
List I List II Match List
ListII with List II and select the correct answer
ListII Match List
ListII (Machining process) with List II
(A) ECM (1) Plastic shear using the code given below the lists: (Associated medium) and select the correct answer
(B) EDM ( )
(2) E i /B ittl fracture
Erosion/Brittle f t ListII
List ListII
List II using the codes given below the lists:
(Unconventional machining process) (Basic process) ListI ListII
(C) USM (3) Corrosive reaction
A Electro polishing
A. 1
1. Thermal A Ultrasonic
A. Ult i machining
hi i 1. K
(D) LBM (4) Melting and vaporization
B. Electrochemical machining 2. Mechanical B. EDM 2. Abrasive slurry
(5) Ion displacement
C Abrasive
C. Ab i jet j machining
hi i 3. El
h i l C. ECM 3. Vacuum
(6) Plastic shear and ion displacement D. Electrical discharge machining 4. Chemical
C d A B C D A B C D D. EBM 4. Salt solution
Code:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 5 4 2 4 Code:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4 ( ) 2
(a) 3 4 1 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 4 3 2 1
IES 2005
IES 2005 IES 2003
IES IES 2003
Match List I ((Machining g Process)) with List II (
Match List I (Materials)) with List II ((Machining) g) and Assertion ((A): ) Water jet j machiningg uses high g
(Application) and select the correct answer using the select the correct answer using the codes given below pressure and high velocity water stream which acts
code given below the Lists: the Lists: like a saw and cuts a narrow groove in the material.
List I List II List I List II
A. EDM 1. Holes & cavities in hard & brittle materials Reason (R): The force required for cutting is
(Materials) (Machining) generated from sudden change in the momentum
B LBM 2.
B. 2 Microdrilling
Micro drilling & micro
welding of
materials A. Machining of conducting materials 1. ECM of the water stream.
C. USM 3. Shaping of hard metals or reshaping of B. Ruby rod 2. EDM (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
cemented d carbide
bid tools
l C. Electrolyte 3. USM correct explanation of A
D. ECM 4. Shaping of cemented carbide dies and D. Abrasive slurry 4. LBM (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
Codes:A B C D A B C D correct explanation of A
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 4 (a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 4 2 3 1 (c) A is true but R is false
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4 (c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 2 4 1 3 (d) A is false but R is true
IAS 2002
IAS IAS 1999
IAS IES 2004
Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly Match List I (Unconventional machining process) with (
Match List I (Machining g pprocesses)) with List II
matched? List II (Typical application) and select the correct (Operating media) and select the correct answer using
answer using g the codes g
given below the lists: the codes given below the Lists:
(Unconventional (Application) List I List II
List I List II
machining method) A. Abrasive jet machining 1. Dielectric
A Electro discharge machining 1.
A. 1 Drilling micro holes in
(a) Electric discharge : Machining of electrically very hard metals B. Electron beam machining 2. Electrolyte
conductive materials C. Electrochemical machining 3. Abrasive slurry
B Electro chemical machining 2.
B. 2 Drilling holes in glass
(b) Laser beam : Micromachining D. Electrodischarge machining 4. Vacuum
C. Ultrasonic machining 3. Die sinking
(c) Plasma arc : Faster cutting of hard materials 5. Air
D Laser beam machining 4.
D. 4 Machining contours Codes:A B C D A B C D
(d) Electron beam : Faster metal removal rate Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 5 4 2 1 (b) 4 5 2 1
( ) 4
(a) 2 3 1 ( ) 3
(b) 4 1 2 (c) 4 2 3 5 (d) 2 5 3 4
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 168 of 240 Rev.0
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 4 2 1
IES 1999
Match ListI with ListII and select the correct answer yp
Typical machining g operations
p are to be pperformed on hard
using the codes given below the Lists: tomachine materials by using the processes listed below.
Choose the best set of OperationProcess combinations
ListI ListII
ti P
A. Die sinking 1. Abrasive jet machining
P. Debarring (internal surface) 1. Plasma Arc Machining
B. Debarring g 2. Laser beam machining g
Q Die sinking
Q. 2
2. Abrasive Flow Machining
C. Fine hole drilling (thin materials) 3. EDM R. Fine hole drilling in thin sheets 3. Electric Discharge
D. Cutting/sharpening
g p g hard materials Machining g
4. Ultrasonic machining S. Tool sharpening 4. Ultrasonic Machining
55. Electrochemical g
grindingg 5. Laser beam Machiningg
Code:A B C D A B C D 6. Electrochemical Grinding
((a)) 3 5 4 1 ((b)) 2 4 1 3 (a) P1 Q5 R3 S4 (b) P1 Q4 R1 S2
(c) 3 1 2 5 (d) 4 5 1 3 (c) P5 Q1 R2 S6 (d) P2 Q3 R5 S6
IES 2011
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using IES2003 IES 1998
the code given below the lists : MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer
MatchList I(CrystalStructure)withList II(Example)and
ListI ListII selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowthe usingthecodesgivenbelowthelists:
h d b l h l
Lists: ListI ListII
p 1.FCC ListII
List ListII
List II (Material) (Structure)
B.Zinc 2.BCC (CrystalStructure) (Example)
A. Charcoal 1. F.C.C
A. SimpleCubic 1.Zinc
C Glass
C.Glass 3 HCP
B. B d
t dC bi 2.Copper
C B. Graphite 2. H.C.P
C. FacecenteredCubic 3.Alphaironatroom C. Chromium 3. Amorphous
D.Copper 4.Amorphous temperature D. Copper 4. B.C.C
D HexagonalClosePacked
D. H lCl P k d 4.Manganese
Codes Code:A B C D A B C D
Codes:A B C D A B C D
A B C D A B C D ((a)
) 4 3 1 2 ((b)
) 4 3 2 1 (a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 3 2 4 1
(a) 1 4 3 2 (b) 2 4 3 1 (c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 3 4 1 2 ( ) 2
(c) 3 4 1 ( ) 2
(d) 3 1 4
(c) 1 3 4 2 (d) 2 3 4 1
IES2001 IES2006 Pl ti d f ti
Following the elastic deformation, material undergoes
MatchListI(NameoftheElement)withListII MatchListI(Element)withListII(CrystalStructure)
(CrystalStructure)andselectthecorrectanswerusing andselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegiven plastic deformation.
thecodesgivenbelowthelists: belowtheLists: y Also characterized by relation between stress and
ListI ListII List I
List List II
List strain at constant strain rate and
d temperature.
A. Fluorspar 1.Bodycenteredcubic A. AlphaIron 1.Hexagonalclosedpacked
B. AlphaIron
p 2.Hexagonalclosedpacked
g p pp
B. Copper 2.Bodycentredcubic
y y Microscopically, it involves breaking atomic bonds,
C. Silver 3.Simplecubic C. Zinc 3.Amorphous moving
i atoms, then
h restoration i off bonds.
b d
D. Zinc 4.Facecenteredcubic D. Glass 4.Facecentredcubic y StressStrain relation here is complex because of
Codes A
Codes:A B C D A B C D Codes A
Codes:A B C D A B C D atomic
t i plane l movement, t dislocation
di l ti movement,
t and d
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 4 1 3 2 (a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 1 4 2 3 the obstacles they encounter.
) 44 2 33 1 ((d)
) 33 1 4
4 2 ((c)
) 2 4
4 1 33 ((d)
) 1 33 2 4
y Crystalline solids deform by processes slip and
twinning in particular directions.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 170 of 240 Rev.0 Contd
y Amorphous solids deform by viscous flow mechanism y A true stressstrain curve is called flow curve as it gives
y Slip is the prominent mechanism of plastic deformation in
without any directionality. the stress required to cause the material to flow
y Because of the complexity involved, theory of plasticity plastically
l i ll to certaini strain.
y It involves sliding of blocks of crystal over one other along
neglects the following effects: y Because of the complexity involved, there have been definite crystallographic planes, called slip planes.
many stressstrain relations proposed.
proposed y In physical words it is analogous to a deck of cards when it
y Anelastic strain, which is time dependent
recoverable strain. is pushed from one end.
= fn( ,
, T,
T microstructure) y Slip occurs when shear stress applied exceeds a critical
y Hysteresis behavior resulting from loading and
unloading of material. = K n Strain hardening exponent, n = 0.1 - 0.5
y During slip each atom usually moves same integral
y Bauschinger
B hi effect
ff dependence
d d off yield
i ld stress on = K Strain - rate sensitivity,
sensitivity m = 0
9 number
b off atomic distances
d along
l the
h slip
l plane
l producing
loading path and direction. = K( 0 + )n Strain from previous work - 0 a step, but the orientation of the crystal remains the same.
y Equations
E ti relating
l ti stress
t and
d strain
t i are called ll d = 0 + K n Yield strength - 0 y Steps observable under microscope as straight lines are
called slip lines.
constitutive equations.
IES2005 IES1998 At i St t
y Atoms consist of a relatively dense nucleus composed of
Th B C C dH C P t l d l ti Assertion(A):Plasticdeformationinmetalsand positively charged protons and neutral particles of nearly
alloysisapermanentdeformationunderload.This identical mass, known as neutrons.
deformationby: propertyisusefulinobtainingproductsbycold y Surrounding the nucleus are the negatively charged
(a) Slip rolling.
rolling electrons which have only 1/1839 times the mass of a
Reason(R):Plasticorpermanentdeformationin neutron and appear in numbers equal to the protons, to
(b) Twinning metaloralloyiscausedbymovementordislocations. maintain a net charge balance.
( ) Edgedislocation
(c) Ed di l ti ( ) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthecorrect
(a) B thA dR i di id ll t dRi th t y The
Th light
li h electrons
l that
h surround d the
h nucleus
l play
l a far
explanationofA more significant role in determining material properties.
(d) Twinningincombinationwithslip
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnotthe y Again,
g experiments
p reveal that the electrons are arranged
l f in a characteristic structure consisting of shells and
(c) AistruebutRisfalse subshells, each possessing a distinctive energy. Upon
(d) AisfalsebutRistrue absorbing a small amount of energy, an electron can jump
to a higherenergy
hi h shell
h ll farther
f h fromf the
h nucleus.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 171 of 240 Rev.0 Contd
y The reverse jump can also occur with the concurrent At i B d
AtomicBonds y A third type of primary bond can form when a complete outer
release of a distinct amount, or quantum, of energy. y General characteristics of materials joined by ionic bonds shell cannot be formed by either electron transfer or electron
include moderate to high strength,
strength high hardness,
hardness brittleness,
brittleness sharing.
sharing This bond is known as the metallic bond.
y The number of electrons surrounding the nucleus of a high melting point, and low electrical conductivity.
y If there are only a few valence electrons (one, two, or three) in
neutral atom is called the atomic number. y A second type of primary bond is the covalent type.
each of the atoms in an aggregate, these electrons can easily be
y More
M i
important, h
however, are those
h electrons
l i the
in h y Like the ionic bond,
bond the covalent bond tends to produce
materials with high strength and high melting point. removed while the remainder are held firmly to the nucleus.
outermost shell or subshell, known as valence y Atom movement within the framework material (plastic y These highlymobile,"free" electrons account for the high
electrons deformation) requires the breaking of discrete bonds,
bonds thereby electrical and thermal conductivity values as well as the opaque
making the material characteristically brittle. property (free electrons can absorb the discrete energies of light
y These are influential in determining chemical y Electrical conductivity depends on bond strength, ranging from radiation) observed in metals.
properties electrical conductivity,
properties, conductivity some mechanical conductive tin (weak covalent bonding)
bonding), through
semiconducting silicon and germanium, to insulating diamond y Moreover, they provide the "cement" required for the positive
properties, the nature of interatomic bonding, atom (carbon). negativepositive attractions that result in bonding.
size, and optical
p characteristics. y Engineering materials possessing ionic or covalent bonds tend y Bond strength,
strength and therefore material strength,
strength varies over a
to be ceramic (refractories or abrasives) or polymeric in nature.
wide range.
Contd Contd
IES 2011
IES2011 D l f i
Developmentofagrainstructure y The small, continuous volumes of solid are known as
Solid material chemical bonds are : y When a metal solidifies, a small particle of solid forms cristals or grains, and the surfaces that divide them
f the
th liquid
li id with
ith a lattice
l tti structure
t t characteristic
h t i ti off the
th (i.e.,
(i the
th surfaces
f off crystalline
t lli discontinuity)
di ti it ) are
(a) Ionic, molecular and fusion given material. known as grain boundaries.
(b) Covalent, fusion and fission y This p particle then acts like a seed or nucleus and g grows as
y The process by which a grain structure is produced
(c) Ionic, covalent and molecular other atoms in the vicinity attach themselves. The basic
crystalline unit is repeated throughout space. Upon solidification is one of nucleation and growth.
((d)) Fission,, molecular and ionic y Grains are the smallest of the structural units in a
y In actual solidification,
solidification many nuclei form independently at
various locations throughout the liquid and have random metal that are observable with ordinary light
orientations with respect to one another. Each then grows microscopy.
untill it begins
b to interfere
f with
h its neighbours.
y The atoms in the grain boundaries are more loosely
y Since adjacent lattice structures have different alignments
or orientations,
orientations growth cannot produce a single continuous bonded and tend to react with the chemical more
structure. readily than those that are part of the grain interior.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 172 of 240 Contd Rev.0 Contd
y The
Th number
b and
d size
i off the
h grains
i ini a metall vary with
i h the
h Fracture of metals
rate of nucleation and the rate of growth. IES2002 y If the plastic deformation of a metal is extended too far, the
y The ggreater the nucleation rate,, the smaller the resulting g metal mayy ultimatelyy fracture.
grains. Conversely, the greater the rate of growth, the larger Chemicalsattackatomswithingrainboundaries
Ch i l tt k t ithi i b d i y These types of fractures are known as ductile fractures,
the grain. preferentiallybecausetheyhave noting that the initial response to the applied load was one
y Because the resulting grain structure will influence certain (a) Lowerenergythanthoseinthegrains of p
plastic deformation.
mechanical and physical properties, it is an important y Another possibility, however, is where fracture precedes
property for an engineer to both control and specify. One (b) Higherenergythanthoseinthegrains plastic deformation, occuring in a sudden, catastrophic
means of specification
p is through
g the ASTM ((American manner and propagating rapidly through the material.
manner, material
Society for Testing and Materials) grain size number, ( ) Highernumberofatomsthaninthegrains
(c) Hi h b f t th i th i
These fractures, known as, brittle fractures, are most
defined as: (d) Lowernumberofatomsthaninthegrains common with metals having the bcc or hcp crystal
where N is the number of grains per square inch y Whether the fracture is ductile or brittle, however, often
visible in a prepared specimen at lOOX and n is the ASTM depends on the specific conditions of material,
grainsize number.
number Low ASTM numbers mean a few temperature state of stress,
temperature,state stress and rate of loading.
massive grains;high numbers refer to materials with many y Fracture strength depends only on the basic crystal
small grains. structure .
y The greater the amount of prior deformation, the more y When metals are plastically deformed below their y Ifmetalsaredeformedattemperaturessufficiently
g and the lower the recrystallization
stored energy, recrystallization temperature, the process is called abovetherecrystallization,theprocessisknownas
cold working.
working hotworking.
temperature. However, there is a lower limit below
y The metal strain hardens and the structure consists of
which recrystallization will not take place in a y Deformationandrecrystallization cantakeplace
distorted grains. If the deformation is continued, the
bl amount off time.
i simultaneously,and
i l l d largedeformationsarepossible.
l d f i ibl
metal may fracture. Therefore, we find it common
y This temperature can often be estimated by taking 0.4 practice to recrystallize material after certain amounts y Sincearecrystallized grainstructureisconstantly
times th melting
the lti point
i t off the
th metal
t l when
h the
th melting
lti off cold
ld work.
k f
i th fi l d t ill t hibit t i
point is expressed in an absolute temperature scale. y Ductility is restored, and the material is ready for hardening.
y This is also the temperature at which atomic diffusion further deformation.
(atom movement within the solid) becomes y The heating process is known as a recrystallization
significant, indicating that diffusion is an important anneal and enables deformation to be carried out to
mechanism in recrystallization. great lengths without the danger of fracture.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Contd Page 173 of 240 Contd Rev.0 Contd
Plastic deformation in
y Slip in polycrystalline material involves generation,
polycrystallinemetals g
movement and (re)arrangement of dislocations.
y Gross plastic deformation of a polycrystalline specimen y The second important mechanism of plastic
corresponds to the comparable distortion of the individual deformation is twinning. It results when a portion of
grains by means of slip.
slip Although some grains may be oriented
favourably for slip, yielding cannot occur unless the
crystal takes up an orientation that is related to the
of7030brass: orientation of the rest of the untwined lattice in a
33 unfavourably oriented neighbouring grains can also slip.
(b)heatedat580C y Thus in a polycrystalline aggregate, individual grains provide a d fi it symmetrical
definite, t i l way.
(1075F)for3seconds, mutual geometrical constraint on one other, and this precludes y The twinned portion of the crystal is a mirror image of
( )
plastic deformation at low applied stresses.
stresses the parent crystal.
crystal The plane of symmetry is called
y That is to initiate plastic deformation, polycrystalline metals twinning plane.
require higher stresses than for equivalent single crystals, where
stress depends on orientation of the crystal.
y Much of this increase is attributed to geometrical reasons.
U i ll
Unitcell Mostcommonunitcells Facecenteredcubic,
Common Crystal Structures
Itischaracterizedby: g
BodycenteredcubicandHexagonal. Unit Cell N CN a/R APF
y Typeofatomandtheirradii,R Simple 1 6 2 0.52
y Celldimensions(Latticespacinga,bandc)intermsof
Celldimensions(Latticespacinga bandc)intermsof Cubic
Randanglebetweentheaxis Body- 2 8 4/3 0.68
,b ,c latticedistancesinreciprocallattice,
, , C bi
* anglesinreciprocallattice Face- 4 12 4/2 0.74
y Numberofatomsperunitcell,n
p , Centered
y Coordinationnumber(CN) closestneighborstoan Cubic
atom Hexagonal
g 6 12 0.74
y Atomicpackingfactor,APF Close
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Contd
Page 174 of 240 Packed Rev.0
C t l St t f t i l
y FCC: Ni,Cu,Ag,Pt,Au,Pb,Al(soft) IAS2009main
y BCC: V,Mo,Ta,W(hardmaterial)
y HCP: Mg,Zn
y CobaltHCP<4200C,FCC>4200C
y ChromiumHCP<20oC,BCC>20
, oC
y Glass Amorphous
y BCC Ferriteor iron
BCCFerriteor & ferriteor iron
y FCC Austeniteoriron
IES 2010
IES2008 IES2003
crystal In
I the
th atomic
t i hardsphere
h d h model
d l off the
th crystal
t l The
Th coordination
di ti number
b for
f FCC crystal
t l
Reason(R):Sugarisasinglecrystalmaterial. structure of Copper, what is the edge length of unit structure is
( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
th cell? (a) 4
correct explanation of A (b) 8
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the ( ) 12
correct explanation of A (d) 16
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
F l f l i
Formulaforalatticeconstant IES2004 B i L i d i ll
A t lh FCC t t S it t i y Totalsixlatticeparameters a,b, c alongthethree
1 crystalaxes,and , , three,crystalangles.
nM 3 weightandatomicradiusisAandrrespectively.
LetNdenotesAvogadro snumber.Whatisthe
LetNdenotesAvogadro'snumber.Whatisthe c>
(a) (b)
2 2r3 N 4 2r3 N
[Wheren noofatomspercell M Atomicweight a>
N=Avogadrosnumber, =DensityofMetal] (c)
8 2r3 N
16 2r 3 N
y Therearesevenlatticesystems
1 C bi
1.Cubic 2 T l
2.Tetragonal IES2001
y a b c
a=b=c y a b c
a=b Whichoneofthefollowingpairsofaxislengths(a,b,
Whi h fth f ll i i f i l th ( b
y . = = = 90 y = = c)andinteraxialangles(,,)representsthe
1 SimpleCubic(SC)=1atom
1. tetragonalcrystalsystem?
a (a) a = b = c; = = = 900
2. Bodycenteredcubic(BCC)=2atom (b) a = b c; = = = 900
a b c; = = = 900
2.Bodycenteredtetragonal(BCT) c (d) a = b = c; = = 900
3. Facecenteredcubic(FCC)=4atom
F t d bi (FCC) t a
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 176 of 240 Rev.0
IES2006 3 O h h bi
3.Orthorhombic 4 Rh b h d l
I Zinc
Zi Blende
Bl d structure,
t t each
h atom
t is
i surrounded
d d y abc y a b c
by four atoms of the opposite kind which are y = = =900 y = = 90o
located at the corners of which one of the
following? 1.Simpleorthorhombic(SO) c (i)SimpleRhombohedral (Sr)
(a) Tetrahedron b
IES2007 5 H l
5.Hexagonal 6 M li i
F Rh b h d l spacelattice,whichoneofthe
l tti hi h fth y a bc
a=bc y abc
followingiscorrect? y = =900 y = =900
y =1200
1. SimpleMonoclinic(Sm)
p g ( ) a
2. Endcenteredmonoclinic(ECM)
b a
7 T i li i
7.Triclinic IES 2011
IES2011 IES2006
y abc Inatriclinicunitcell:
Whi h fth f ll i i i t tl
y (a ) = = = 90o (b) = = 90o , = 120o matched?
(c) = = 90o (d ) 90o SpaceLatticeRelationbetweenAtomicradiusr and
1.SimpleTriclinic(Stri) Edgeelementa
(a) Simplecubicstructure: a2 =4r2
(b) Bodycentred cubicstructure:3a2 =16r2
(c) Triclinic: 2a2 =3r
(d) Facecentred cubicstructure: a =8r2
Contd Contd
( )
MillerIndices(hkl) Example: Find the miller indices of a plane that
makes intercepts in the units of lattice parameters IAS2009Main
Step I:Findtheinterceptsofaplanealongthecrystalaxesa of 1 and 2 on a and b respectively.
respectively The plane is
b,candexpresstheinterceptsinunitsofcrystalparameter parallel to c axis.
a,b,crespectively. Solution:
StepIII:Reduce thereciprocalstothethreesmallestinteger a b c
(h k l)keepingtheratiossame
Intercepts 1 2
Take reciprocals 1 0
b Reduce to reciprocals 2 1 0
P i d f
Pointdefects y It is clear from the equation that there is an
CrystalDefects y Pointdefectsareofzerodimensionali.e.atomicdisorderis exponential increase in number of vacancies with
y The assumption of perfectly arranged atoms in a restrictedtopointlikeregions. temperature. When the density of vacancies becomes
solid may not valid i.e. atomic order must have y Thermodynamicallystablecomparedwithotherkindof relatively large, there is a possibility for them to cluster
defects. together and form voids.
been di
b d
y Disordered atomic region is called defect or y In ionic crystals, defects can form on the condition
f ti of charge neutrality.
neutrality Two possibilities are:
y Based on geometry, defects are: Point defects n Q
y Fractionofvacancysitescanbegivenasfollows:
act o o vaca cy s tes ca be g ve as o ows: = e kT
(zero D) Line defects (1D)
(zeroD), (1 D) or Dislocations,
Dislocations N
Interfacial defects (2D) and Bulk or Volume [WherenisthenumberofvacantsitesinNlatticepositions,k
defects (3
D). isgasorBoltzmannsconstant
isgasorBoltzmann sconstant,Tisabsolutetemperaturein
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 179 of 240 Contd
IES1998;1999 IES1992 IES2009
Assertion(A):Carbonformsinterstitialsolid Whichofthefollowingisapointimperfection?
Whi h fth f ll i i i ti f ti ? Whichoneofthefollowingdefectsis
Whi h Schottky
fth f ll i d f t i 'S h ttk
solutionwhenaddedtoiron. 1.Vacancy 2.Interstitialcy defect?
Reason(R):Theatomicradiusofcarbonatomis (a) Vacancydefect
muchsmallerthanthatofiron. 3.Frenkelimperfection
F k li f i 4.Schottkyimperfection
S h k i f i
(b) Compositionaldefect
(a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe
correctexplanationofA ( ) 1and2only
(a) ( )
(b) 2and3only ( ) Interstitialdefects
(c) I t titi ld f t
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the (d) Surfacedefect
correctexplanationofA ( ) 2,3and4only
(c) d l (d) 1,2,3and4
(c) AistruebutRisfalse
(d) AisfalsebutRistrue
Li d f
Linedefects B
Burgersvector Li d f
Linedefects Ed di l i
y Line defects or Dislocations are abrupt
p change
g in atomic y A dislocation is characterized by Burger
Burgerss vector, b. y ItisalsocalledasTaylor Orowan dislocation.
order along a line.
y It is unique to a dislocation, and usually have the y Itwillhaveregionsofcompressiveandtensilestresses
y They occur if an incomplete plane inserted between
perfect planes of atoms or when vacancies are aligned in a direction of close p pack lattice direction. It is also the oneithersideoftheplanecontainingdislocation.
p g
line. slip direction of a dislocation.
y A dislocation is the defect responsible p for the y It represents
p the magnitude
g and direction of distortion
phenomenon of slip, by which most metals deform associated with that particular dislocation.
y Two limiting cases of dislocations, edge and screw,
y Dislocations occur in high densities (10810
1010 m22),
) and are
intimately connected to almost all mechanical properties are characterized by Burgers vector perpendicular to
which are in fact structuresensitive. the dislocation line (t) and Burgers vector parallel to
y Dislocation form during plastic deformation, solidification th dislocation
the di l ti line li respectively.
ti l Ordinary
O di di l ti
or due to thermal stresses arising from rapid cooling. is of mixed character of edge and screw type. Contd
Li d f
Linedefects Di l i i
y Dislocations move under applied
pp stresses,, and thus
causes plastic deformation in solids.
y Dislocations can move in three ways glide/slip, cross
li andd climb
li b depending
d di on theirh i character.
h Sli is
Slip i
conservative in nature, while the climb is non
conservative, and is diffusion
y Any dislocation can slip, but in the direction of its
burgers vector.
y Edge dislocation moves by slip or climb.
y Screw dislocation moves by slip / crossslip. Possibility
f crossslip
for li arises
i as screw dislocation
di l i does
d not have
a preferred slip plane as edge dislocation have.
Linedefects Dislocationcharacteristics
y Dislocationshavedistortionalenergyassociatedwith IES2003 IES2009
y Storedelasticenergyperunitlengthofthedislocation
1. LiesparalleltoitsBurger'svector Whichoneofthefollowingiscorrectfor"Burger's
Gb 2 2. LiesperpendiculartoitsBurger
E= vector inscrewdislocation?
2 3. MovesinaperpendiculardirectiontotheBurger's
vector (a) Perpendiculartothedislocationline
[WhereG shearmodulusandb Burgersvector]
4. MovesinaninclineddirectiontotheBurger'svector (b) Inclinedtothedislocationline
I li dt th di l ti li
Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: (c) Paralleltothedislocationline
Codes: (d) Oppositetothedislocationline
O i h di l i li
(a) 1and4 (b) 1and3
(c) 2and3 (d) 2and4
IES 2010
Surface imperfections which separate two
i i that
h are mirror
i image
i off one Whatisasurfaceimperfection,whichseparates
Wh ti f i f ti hi h t
another is called crystalsofdifferentorientationsinapoly
(a) Stacking fault
(a) Edgedislocation (b) Stackingfault
((b)) Grain boundaryy (c) Grainboundary (d) Screwdislocation
(c) Tilt boundary
(d) Twinned boundary
y The
Th planner
l i f i produced
imperfection d d by
b the
h passage off a
partial dislocation is called stacking fault. y This is why no microscopic twins appear in FCC
B lk aVolumedefects
Bulkor V l d f
crystals as formation of stackingg faults is energetically
g y y Volume defects are threedimensional in nature.
y They
Th are faults
f lt in
i stacking
t ki sequence off atom t planes.
favorable. y These defects are introduced, usually, during
y Stacking sequence in an FCC crystal is ABC ABC ABC processing and fabrication operations like casting,
y The total energygy of a p
perfect lattice is lower than one
, and the sequence for HCP crystals is AB AB AB. AB f
i etc.
with a stacking fault. This difference is stacking fault
y Two kinds of stacking faults in FCC crystals are: energy, and varies in range 0.010.1 J/m2. E.g.: Pores, Cracks, Foreign particles
y (a)
( ) ABC AC ABCwhere
ABC h CA CA representt thin
thi HCP y Lower the stacking fault energy, wider the stacking y These
Th d f t actt like
defects lik stress
t raisers,
i th deleterious
thus d l t i t
region which is nothing but stacking fault in FCC, mechanical properties of parent solids.
fault, metal strain hardens rapidly and twin easily.
y (b) ABC ACB CABC is called extrinsic
e trinsic or twin
t in stacking Oh
i metals
l off high
hi h stacking
ki f l energy i.e.
fault i y In some instances,
instances foreign particles are added to
fault. Three layers ACB constitute the twin. Thus strengthen the solid dispersion hardening. Particles
narrower stacking faults show a deformation structure
stacking faults in FCC crystal can also be considered as added are hindrances to movement of dislocations
of banded,
banded linear arrays of dislocations.
dislocations which
hi h have
h to cut through
h h or bypass
b the
h particles
i l thus
submicroscopic twins. increasing the strength.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Contd
Page 182 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2010
Assertion (A): Natural crystals always contain
Assertion (A): Excess defects are created by
hammering the crystalline materials. defects.
defects Whichoneofthefollowingpairsisnot
Whi h fth f ll i i i t correctly tl
Reason (R): The defects may affect colour and can matched?
Reason (R) : The thermal fluctuations create
h point defects
d f in crystalline
ll materials.
l make a crystal a valuable gem.
gem (a) Pointdefectincrystallattice :Selfinterstitials
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (b) Lineardefectincrystallattice:Grainboundary
correct explanation
l i off A correct explanation of A ( ) Planardefectincrystallattice:Externalsurface
(c) Pl d f ti t ll tti E t l f
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the (d) Volumedefectincrystallattice:otherphases
th correctt explanation
the l ti off A correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false (c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is
i false
f l but
b R isi true (d) A is false but R is true
1. Yieldstress 2. Meltingpoint
3. Semiconductivity 4. Ductility
g g
(a) 1and3
(b) 1,3and4
(c) 2,3and4
(d) 2and4
determine not only the nature and distribution of 3.To improve machinability: Annealing
microconstituents (which determine the properties of 4.To soften the material: Annealing
a metal or alloy),
alloy) but also the grain size.
size 55. To decrease hardness and increase ductilityy and toughness.
Contd... Contd...
y Ion Nitriding
Fig.TTTdiagramforeutectoidtransformationinFeC Fig.TransformationsinvolvingausteniteforFeCsystem
GATE 2003
GATE2003 GATE 1996
GATE1996 IES 2002
Duringheattreatmentofsteel,thehardnessof g
The ironcarbon diagram and the TTT curves are g p
variousstructuresinincreasingorderis determined under transformationof
(a) Martensite,finepearlite,coarsepearlite, (a) Equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions (a) Cementite (b) Pearlite
spherodite respectively (c) Ferrite (d) Austenite
(b) Finepearlite,coarsepearlite,spherodite,
martensite (b) Nonequilibrium and equilibrium conditions
(c) Martensite,coarsepearlite,finepearlite,
spherodite (c) Equilibrium conditions for both
(d) Spherodite,coarsepearlite,finepearlite, (d) Nonequilibrium conditions for both
IES 1998
IES1998 Two plain carbon steel specimens having 08% GATE 1997
carbon content are welded. If we observe the
Two cooling g curves A and B for a eutectoid iron p ,
Oncompletionofheattreatment,theresulting g
weldment under Metallurgical Microscope from
carbon alloy are superimposed on a continuous centre towards either side, the following structurewillhaveretainedAusteniteif
cooling transformation diagram as shown in the structures are observed at different zones: (a) Rateofcoolingisgreaterthanthecriticalcooling
i fi
figure. Fine
i pearlite
li microstructure
i i
is 1. Fine Pearlite rate
represented by the points labelled (b) Rateofcoolingislessthanthecriticalcoolingrate
2. Coarse Pearlite
( ) I and
(a) d III 3. Martensite (c) Martensite formationstartingtemperatureis
(b) II Select the correct sequence using the codes given abovetheroomtemperature
( ) IV
(c) b l
below: (d) Martensite formationfinishtemperatureisbelow
(d) I Codes: theroomtemperature
( ) 1, 2, 3
(a) (b) 1, 3, 2
(c) 2, 1, 3 (d) 3, 1, 2
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 185 of 240 Rev.0
A li
Annealingprocesses F ll li
y Benefits of annealing are:
y Annealing is a heat treatment process in which the y Metal is heated above the upper critical temperature &
material is taken to a high temp. kept there for some relieve stresses held there until the temperature of the work piece is
time and then cooled in furnace. increase softness, ductility and toughness uniform throughout, and finally cooling the work
y Depending on the specific purpose, annealing is temperature of the surface and that of the centre of the
classified into various types: process annealing, stress workpiece is approximately the same.
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 1999
IES1999 IES 1993
Consider the following statements regarding annealing
Heatingg the hypoeutectoid
yp steels to 330oC above Whichofthefollowingstatementsaretrueof
the upper critical temperature line, soaking at annealingofsteels?
1. All structural imperfections are removed
that temperature and then cooling slowly to room 1. Steelsareheatedto500to700C.
2 The hypoeutectoid steel is heated to about 50 70
2. 70 C below
temperature to formf a pearlite
li and d ferrite
f i 2. Coolingisdoneslowlyandsteadily.
C li i d l l d dil
upper critical temperature.
structure, is known as 3. Internalstressesarerelieved.
33. Cooling g can be done in heat treating g furnace,, byy heating
g it,,
keeping the metal in it and turning off furnace till it cools to ( ) Hardening
(a) H d i (b) Normalizing
N li i 4. Ductilityofsteelisincreased.
D tilit f t li i d
room temperature. (c) Tempering (d) Annealing Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow:
4. Uniform
f grain structure is resulted.
l d Codes:
Which of these statements are correct? (a) 2,3and4 (b) 1,3and4
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 only
l (b) 2, 3 andd 4 only
l (c) 1,2and4
1 2and4 (d) 1,2and3
1 2and3
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
IES 1992
IES1992 IES 2003
IES P li
p q g
Temperaturerequiredforfullannealinginhyperyp Primaryobjectoffullannealingisto
y After cold working the metal can be softened by
eutectoidsteelis (a) Increasetoughnessandyieldpoint
(a) 50Caboveuppercriticaltemperature(AC3) (b) Reduceductilityandresilience process annealing or "recrystallization to reduce the
(b) 50Cbelowuppercriticaltemperate(AC3) (c) Removeforeignimpuritiesandimprovesurface distortions of the crystal lattice produced by cold
((c)) 550Cabovelowercriticaltemperature(AC
p ( 1) finish
(d) 50Cbelowlowercriticaltemperature(AC1) (d) Increaseductilityandmachinability
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 186 of 240 Rev.0 Contd...
Isothermalannealingg IES 2010
IES 2005
y Increases the machinability. Isothermalannealingismainlyusedinalloy
The complete phase recrystallization and fine steelstoimprove
l i
y Heat above the upper critical point and held for some
grain structure is obtained in casting, forging and (a)Machinability
time, then rapidly cool to a temp. 600 700
C, and is
rolled parts by: (b)Toughness
held at this new temperature until the austenite is
(a) Recrystallization annealing (b) Normalizing (c)Ductility
completely decomposed to form pearlite.
(c) Spheroidizing (d) Austenising
y Finally cooled in still air.
Stressreliefannealingg GATE2014(PI)
( ) Normalizing
For a metal alloy, which one of the following descriptions M i objective
Main bj ti
y Stress relief annealing process consists of three steps.
relates to the stressrelief annealing process? 1. Refine grain, improve machinability, tensile strength and
y The ffirst step
p is heating
g the cold worked steel to a
(a) Heating the workpiece material above its structure of weld.
temperature between 5000 C and 550oC C i.e. below its
recrystallization temperature. recrystallization temperature, soaking and then cooling 2. Remove cold worked stess.
y The
h second d step involves
l h ld
holding the
h steell component at this
h in still air 3. Remove
R di l ti
dislocations d to
due t hot
h t working.
temperature for 12 hours. (b) Heating the workpiece material below its Process
y The final step is to cool the steel component to room recrystallization temperature,
temperature holding for some time and y Heat the
h steell from
f 30C to 50C above
b its upper criticall
temperature in air. then furnace cooling temp, held about fifteen minutes and then allowed to cool
y It partly relieves the internal stress in cold worked steels (c) Heating the workpiece material up to its down in still air.
without loss of strength and hardness i.e. without change in recrystallization temperature and then rapid cooling y Homogeneous structure provides a higher yield point,
the microstructure. Since only low carbon steels can be cold
(d) Heating the workpiece up to its recrystallization ultimate tensile strength and impact strength with lower
k d theh process is i applicable
li bl to hypoeutectoid
h id steels
containing less than 0.4% carbon.
temperature and cooling to room temperature ductility to steels.
alternately for a few cycles Contd...
GATE 2014
GATE2014 IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2000
The process of reheating the reduce its brittleness Which one of the following statements is NOT Assertion (A): Normalized steel will have lower
correct for normalizing? hardness than annealed steel.
without any significant loss in its hardness is (a) It is often applied to casting to relieve stresses Reason (R): The pearlite of normalized steel is
finer and has lower intermolecular space.
(a) normalizing (b) annealing (b) It increases strength of medium carbon steel to
some extent (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
(c) quenching (d) tempering correct explanation of A
(c) Better surface finish can be obtained in
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
machining correct explanation of A
(d) It increases grain size (c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
The difference between the different annealing processes is Tempering
made clear in Fig., a diagram between temperature and time. y Quenching isheattreatmentprocesswherematerialis
y Tempering
p g is the p g martensitic steel at
process of heating
l d t id t f l t dt t t
a temperature below the eutectoid transformation
temperature to make
k it
i softer
f andd more ductile.
d il
Comparative coolingratesofQuenchMedia
Brine 1.20 to 1.30 y During
g the tempering
p gpprocess,, Martensite transforms to
Water + NaOH a structure containing iron carbide particles in a matrix
or KOH
Oil 0.40 to 0.50 of ferrite.
Forced air 0.03
Still air 0.02
y Brinehasfastestcoolingrateofsteelquenchingandis
B i h f li f l hi di
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 2001
IES2001 IES 2009
Match List I with List II and select the correct
gq g
Considerthefollowingquenchingmedia: g
answer using the code given below the lists:
1. Oil 2.Water thefastestcoolingrateofsteelquenching?
List I List II
33. Water+NaOH 4 4.Brine (a) Air (b) Oil
hi media) di ) (St
t produced)
d d)
Thecorrectsequenceofthesemediainorderof (c) Water (d) Brine
A. Water 1. Coarse pearlite
g g g
B Oil
B. 2. Martensite
M i treatmentis
C. Air 3. Very fine pearlite (a) 1,3,2,4 (b) 2,1,3,4
D. Furnace cools 4. Fine pearlite (c) 1,2,3,4 (d) 4,3,2,1
(a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 1 4For-2015
3 2
(IES, (d) 2& PSUs)
GATE 4 3 1 Page 188 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2006
IES2006 M t i
d ) d l h h d y Quench steel from the austenizing temperature to a
givenbelow: bath just above Ms.
List I List II
A. Martensite 1. Waterquenched y Since, austenite transforms to martensite
B. Veryfinepearlite
y p 2. Aircooled
simultaneously throughout the steel,
steel the distortion in
C. Finepearlite 3. Furnacecooled
D. Coarsepearlite 4. Oilquenched quenching is minimized.
y This induces greater toughness in the steel.
(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) 2 3 1 4
( ) 2
(c) 3 4 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
A t i
Austempering GATE 2004
y This hardening process is basically the same as the heattreatmentprocessandthecorrespondingprocess
martempering, but has a longer holding time above Process Characteristics
P. Tempering 1
1. Austeniteisconvertedinto
the martensitic transformation temperature. bainite
Q. Austempering 2. Austeniteisconvertedinto
R. Martempering 3. Cementite isconvertedinto
4. Bothhardnessandbrittlenessare
d d
5. Carbonisabsorbedintothemetal
(a) P3Q1R5 (b) P4Q3R2
( ) P4Q1R2
(c) P Q R (d) P Q R
IES 1994
IES1994 IES 2006
IES2006 IES 2005
Considerthefollowingtreatments: p g p
Temperingisaprocessofannealing g p
Austempering g isemployedtoobtain:
p y
1. Normalizing 2. Hardening (a) Martensite atlowtemperatures (a) 100%martensitic structure
33. Martemperingp g 4.
4 Coldworking g ((b)) Martensite athighertemperatures
g p ((b)) 100%bainitic structure
Hardnessandtensilestrengthinausteniticstainless (c) Bainite atlowtemperatures (c) 50%martensitic and50%bainitic structure
steelcanbeincreasedbyy (d) Bainite athighertemperatures (d) 100%pearlitic structure
(a) 1,2and3 (b) 1and3
((c)) 2and4
4 ((d)) 4
G 0 Solutionizing A i
Match the heat treatment processes (Group A) and their
associated effects on properties (Group B) of medium y Solutionizing
g ((solution heat treatment),
) where the y Aging
g g finelyy dispersed
p p p
precipitate p
particle will form.
b steel
t l
GroupA GroupB alloy is heated to a temperature between solvus and Aging the alloy at room temperature is called natural
i I St
th i d i fi t solidus
lid temperatures and
d kept
k there
h till
ill a uniform
if solid
lid aging,
i whereas
h at elevated
l d temperatures is
i called
ll d
Q:Quenching II.Inducingtoughness
solution structure is produced. artificial aging. Most alloys require artificial aging, and
li III H d i
aging temperature is usually between 1525% of
S:Normalizing IV.Softening
P Q R S P Q R S t
t diff
difference b t
between room temperature
t t and
(a) III IV II I (b) II III IV I solution heat treatment temperature.
C H d i
CaseHardening Induction hardening
Inductionhardening GATE 2000
y Alternating current of high frequency passes for few Caststeelcrankshaftsurfaceishardenedbyy
y In case hardening, the surface of the steel is made hard second through an induction coil enclosing the steel (a) Nitriding (b) Normalising
and wear resistant,
resistant but the core remains soft and part to be heat treated.
treated ((c)) Carburising
g ((d)) Inductionheating
y Immediately after heating, water jets are activated to
quench the surface.
Laser hardening
Laserhardening C b ii
y Laser beams are of high intensity, a lens is used to y There is fully
y austenitic state is essential. If carburizing
y Carburizing is the most widely used method of surface
reduce the intensity by producing a defocused spot of hardening. is done in the ferritic region, the carbon, with very
limited solubility in ferrite, tends to form massive
si e ranging from 0.5
size 0 to 25
2 mm.
mm y Here,
Here the surface layers of low carbon steel are
cementitei particles
i l near the
h surface,
f making
ki the
enriched with carbon up to 0.81.0%. The source of
subsequent heat treatment difficult.
carbon mayy be a solid medium, a liquid
q or a g
y For
F thisthi reason, carburizing
b i i i always
is l d
done i the
in th
y In all cases, the carbon enters the steel at the surface
austenitic state, even though longer times are required
and diffuses into the steel as a function of time at an
due to the diffusion rate of carbon in austenite being
elevated temperature.
less that in ferrite at such temperatures.
y Carburizing is done at 920950oC.
IES 2011
IES2011 GATE 1992
GATE1992 IES 1992
Assertion (A): Carburizing is used for machine Carburized machine components p g
have high In case carburising g Carbon is introduced to form a
l which
hi h have
h to have
h a wear resistant
i endurance limit because carburization high carbon layer at the surface. The carbon is
working surface.
(a) Raises the yield point of the material introduce in the form of
Reason (R) : The composition of surface layers
are changed in carburizing. (b) Produces a better surface finish (a) Graphite flakes (b) Pearlite
( )
y ((c)) Introduces a compressive
p layer
y on the surface (c) Cementite (d) Free carbon
correctexplanationofA (d) Suppresses any stresss, concentration produced in
(b)BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisNOT the component.
h l i fA
(d)Ai f l b tRi t
IES 2004
IES2004 Precipitation & Dispersion hardening
Match List I (Name of treatment) with List II (Media IAS2009Main y Foreign particles can also obstructs movement of
d) and d select
l t the
th correctt answer usingi the
th codes
d dislocations
di l ti i.e.
i increases
i the
th strength
t th off the
th material.
t i l
given below the Lists y Foreign particles can be introduced in two ways
List I List II precipitation
p p and mixingandconsolidation
g technique.
A. Pack carburizing 1. Ammonia gas y Precipitation hardening is also called age hardening
B. Gas carburizing 2. Sodium cyanide because strength increases with time.
C Cyaniding
C. 3
3. Carburizing y R
i i for
f precipitation
i i i hardening
h d i is i that
h second d phase
compound must be soluble at an elevated temperature but precipitates
D. Nitriding 4. Ethane p q
upon quenching g and aging
g g at a lower temperature.
d B C D A B C D y E.g.: Alalloys, CuBe alloys, MgAl alloys, CuSn alloys
(a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 2 1 3 4
y If aging occurs at room temperature Natural aging
(c) 3 1 2 4 (d) 2 4 3 1
y If material need to be heated during aging Artificial
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 192 of 240 Rev.0 Contd...
y In dispersion hardening, fine second particles are IES 2009
mixed with matrix powder, consolidated, and pressed
in powder metallurgy techniques.
techniques Which one of the following g materials can be
y For dispersion hardening, second phase need to have subjected to an age hardening process?
veryy low solubilityy at all temperatures.
p (a) HSS
y E.g.: oxides, carbides, nitrides, borides, etc. (b) Aluminium
y Dislocation moving through matrix embedded with ((c)) Pure iron
foreign particles can either cut through the particles or
(d) Stellite
bend around and bypass them. y Optimumstrengtheningoccursduringagingoncetheright
y Cutting of particles is easier for small particles which iinterspacingofparticlesisachieved.
t i f ti l i hi d
can be considered as segregated solute atoms. Effective y Smallertheparticles,dislocationscancutthroughthemat
g g is achieved in the bending g p
process, y lowerstresses
when the particles are submicroscopic in size. y largertheparticlestheywillbedistributedatwider
Contd... distances.
Grain gro th
Graingrowth S ki t i
Seasoncrackingorstresscorrosion IES 2007
y Grain growth follows complete crystallization if the g
cracking. Which one of the following g elements/ alloy
t i l is
i left
l ft att elevated
l t d temperatures.
t t
exhibits season cracking?
y Grain growth does not need to be preceded by recovery
and recrystallization; ; it mayy occur in all p
y y y Brasses with more than 15% zinc often experience (a) Iron (b) Brass
materials. season cracking or stresscorrosion cracking. (c) Aluminium (d) Steel
y In contrary to recovery and recrystallization, driving force y Both stress and exposure to corrosive media are
for this process is reduction in grain boundary energy.
energy required for this failure to occur (but
( residual stresses
y Tendency for larger grains to grow at the expense of smaller and atmospheric moisture may be sufficient!).
grains is based on p
g physics.
y In practical applications, grain growth is not desirable.
y As
A a result,
l coldworked
ld k d brass
b i usually
is ll stress relieved
li d
y Incorporation of impurity atoms and insoluble second
(to remove the residual stresses) before being placed in
h particles
i l are effective
ff i in i retarding
di graini growth.
h service.
y Grain growth is very strongly dependent on temperature.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 193 of 240 Rev.0
IAS 1994
IAS1994 IES 2011
IES2011 Strengthening mechanisms in
j p
Majoroperationsinthemanufactureofsteelballs Assertion (A) : The steel when heated above a Metals
usedforBallbearingsaregivenbelow certaini temperature and d cooledl d to room y Ability of a metal to deform plastically depends on ease of
temperature, structure adjustment stabilizes. dislocation motion under applied external stresses.
1. Oillapping 2. Coldheading
Reason (R) : The modification is mainly based y As
A strengthening
h i off a metall consist
i hindering
hi d i dislocation
di l i
3. Annealing 4. Hardening on cooling rate. motion. Dislocation motion can be hindered in many
55. Roughgrinding
g g g ((a)) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the ways, thus are strengthening mechanisms in metals.
Thecorrectsequenceoftheseoperationsis correct explanation of A y Strengthening by methods of grainsize reduction, solid
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT solution alloying and strain hardening applies for single
h correct explanation
l i off A phase metals.
(a) 3,2,4,1,5 (b) 3,2,1,4,5
(c) A is true but R is false y Precipitation hardening, dispersion hardening, fiber
((c)) 2,3,4,5,1
,3,4,5, ( )
(d) 2,3,5,4,1
(d) A is
i false
f l but
b t R is
i true
t strengthening
t th i and d Martensite
M t it strengthening
t th i are applicable
li bl
to multiphase metallic materials.
IES 2010
IES2010 Solid Solution
GATE1998 Assertion(A):Polycrystallinematerialisstronger y A solid solution is formed when two metals are
D i grain i size
i ini a polycrystalline
l t lli material
t i l thanordinaryone.
thanordinaryone completely soluble in liquid state and also completely
(a) Increases yield strength and corrosion resistance. Reason(R):Crystalsinpolycrystallinematerial soluble in solid state. In other words, when
g mixtures of two or more kinds of atoms
(b) Decreases
D yield
i ld strength
h andd corrosion
i resistance
i havedifferentorientationswithrespecttoeach
(of metals) occur in the solid state, they are known as
other. solid solutions.
(c) Decreases yield strength but increases corrosion
i t (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the y The
Th more abundant
b d t atomic
t i formf i referred
is f d as solvent
l t
correct explanation of A and the less abundant atomic form is referred as
(d) Increases yield strength but decreases corrosion
resistance (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the solute.
correct explanation of A y Example is brass. Brass is a solid solution of copper (64
((c)) A is true but R is false percent) and zinc (36 percent). In this case copper
atoms are solvent
l atoms whereas
h zinc
i atoms are solute
(d) A is false but R is true atoms.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 194 of 240 Rev.0
TYPESOFSOLIDSOLUTIONS 1 Substitutional SolidSolutions
1.Substitutional Solid Solutions S lid l bili
y Solidsolutionsareoftwotypes. y If the atoms of the solvent or parent metal are replaced y Extent of solid solubility
y in a two element system
y can be
i the
h crystall lattice
l i by b atoms off the
h solute
l metall then
h predicted based on HumeRuthery conditions.
y Theyare:
the solid solution is known as substitutional solid y If the system obeys these conditions, then complete solid
(a)Substitutional solidsolutions. solution.
solution solubilityy can be expected.
HumeRuthery conditions:
(b)Interstitialsolidsolutions. y For example, copper atoms may substitute for nickel y Crystal structure of each element of solid solution must be
atoms without disturbing the F.C.C. F C C structure of the same.
nickel. y Size of atoms of each two elements must not differ by more
than 15%.
y In the substitutional solid solutions, the substitution
y Elements
l should
h ld not form
f compounds
d with h each
h other
h i.e.
can be either disordered or ordered. there should be no appreciable difference in the electro
y HumeRothery y formulatedcertainruleswhichgovern
g negativities of the two elements.
theformationofsubstitutional solidsolutions. y Elements should have the same valence.
IES2001 Consider the following:
y Intermetallic compounds are generally formed when
one metall (for
(f example l magnesium)
i ) hash chemical
h i l Whichofthefollowingfactorsgovernsolubilityof
twononferrousmetalsbothinliquidstate,as 1. Crystal structure 2. Relative size
properties which are strongly metallic and the other
metal (for example antimony,
antimony tin or bismuth) has wellasinsolidstate? 33. Chemical affinityy 4
4. Valencyy
chemical properties which are only weakly metallic. 1.Crystalstructure 2.Relativesizefactor Which of these factors govern relative
y Examples of intermetallic compounds are Mg2Sn, Mg2Sn 3.Chemicalaffinityfactor 4.Relativevalence solubility of two metals in each other in the
Mg2Pb, Mg3Sb2 and Mg3 Bi2. solid state?
y These intermetallic compounds have higher melting (a) 1,
1 2 and 3 only
C d
point than either of the parent metal.
(a) 1,2and3 (b) 2,3and4 (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
y This higher
g melting gppoint indicates the high
g strength
( ) 1and4
(c) d (d) 1,2,3and4
d (c) 1, 2 and 4 only
of the chemical bond in intermetallic compounds.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 195 of 240 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rev.0
IES 2010
IES2006 Allotropictransformation An allotropic material has
Whi h one off the th following
f ll i factors
f t is
i more y When metals solidify,
solidify they assume a crystalline structure; that
is, the atoms arrange themselves in a geometric lattice. (a) Fixed structure at all temperatures
relevant to represent complete solubility of two
y Many metals exist in only one lattice form. Some, however, can ((b)) Atoms distributed in random ppattern
metals in each other? exist
i t in
i the
th solid
lid state
t t in
i two
t or more lattice
l tti forms,
f th particular
the ti l
(a) Chemical affinity (b) Valency factor form depending on the conditions of temperature and pressure. (c)Different crystal structures at different
Such metals are said to be allotropic or polymorphic, and the
(c) Crystal structure factor (d) Relative size factor change
h f
from one lattice
l i form
f to another
h is i called
ll d an allotropic
ll i temperatures
transformation. (d) Fixed structure but random atom distribution
y The most notable example p of such a metal is iron, where the
allotropic change makes it possible for heattreating procedures
to produce a wide range of final properties.
y It is largely because of its allotropy that iron has become the
basis of our most important alloys.
Strength Reduction area
(c) 1and2 (d) 1and3
0.02 1.4
%Carbon 0.02 %Carbon
GATE 1992
((a)) 0.307
3 7
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.693
(d) 1.0
Fe C equilibrium diagram
y The structural form of pure iron at room temperature
i called f i or iron.
ll d ferrite i
y Ferrite is soft and ductile.
y Since ferrite has a bodycentred cubic structure, the
interatomic spaces are small and pronouncedly
oblate, and cannot readily accommodate even a small
carbon atom. Therefore, solubility of carbon in ferrite
is very low, of the order of 0.006% at room
y The maximum carbon content in ferrite is 0.05%
5 at 77233
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs)
FigIronCarbonEquilibriumDiagram OrthorhombicFe
197 of 240 Rev.0 Contd
y In
I addition
dditi t carbon,
to b t i amountt off silicon,
a certain ili y In
I ironcarbon
i b ll
alloys, b
carbon i excess off the
in th solubility
l bilit
y The maximum solubility is only 2% of carbon at 11 limit must form a second phase, which is called iron
manganese and phosphorous may be found in ferrite.
30C. carbide or cementite.
y The face centred modification of iron is called
austenite or iron. It is the stable form of pure iron at y Above 1400C, austenite is no longer the most stable y Iron carbide has the chemical composition of Fe3C . This
temperatures between 910C and 1400C. At its stable form of iron, and the crystal structure changes back to does not mean that iron carbide forms molecules of
temperature austenite i i soft
is f and d ductile
d il and d a bodycentred
b d d cubic
bi phase
h called
ll d delta
d l iron.
i Thi is
This i Fe3C but simply that the crystal lattice contains iron and
iron except for its carbon atoms in a three to one ratio.
consequently, is well suited for manufacturing the same phase as the
processes. y The compound Fe3C has an orthorhombic unit cell with
temperature range.
range twelve iron atoms and four carbon atoms per cell, and thus
y The facecentred cubic structure of iron has larger y The solubility of carbon in ferrite is small, but it is has a carbon content of 6.67%.
interatomic spacing than in ferrite. Even so, in FCC appreciably larger than In ferrite
ferrite, because of higher y As compared to austenite and ferrite,
ferrite cementite being an
structure the interstices are barely large enough to intermetallic compound, is very hard and brittle.
temperature. The maximum solubility of carbon in
accommodate carbon atoms, and lattice strains are
&iron is 0.1% at 1490C.
49 y The presence of iron carbide with ferrite in steel greatly
produced As a result,
produced. result not all the interstitial sites can increases the
h strength
h off steel.
be filled at any one time.
Contd Contd Contd
IES2004 IES1992
Three phasereactions Considerthefollowingtemperatureranges:
C id th f ll i t t Themicrostructurecompositionofpearlite fora
y Suffix ic denotesatleastoneliquidphaseisthere 1.Roomtemperature 2.0to910C Fe3Cdiagramconsistsof
y Suffix
Suffix oid allphasesinvolvearesolid oC oCtobelowmelting (a) Carbondissolvedinalphaironhavingabody
C 4.1400
C b l l i canteredcubicstructure.
(b) Carbondissolvedingama ironhavingaface
I hi h fth b t
t f it ith canteredcubicstructure.
bodycenteredcubicstructureisindicatedin,theFe (c) Amixtureofbodycanteredalphaironandface
Fe3Cphasediagram? enteredgammairon
(a)1,2and4(b)2,3and4(c)1and3 (d)2and3 (d) Carbondissolvedinbodycanteredalphaironand
IES 1995
IES1995 IES 2004
IES2004 IES 1995
Match List I with List II and select the correct y y 5 y g
Anironcarbonbinaryalloyhas0.5%Cbyweight. Eutectoidreactionoccursat
answer using the codes given below the lists: Whatisthisalloycalled? (a) 600C
List I (Name of Material) List II (% Carbon Range) (a) Eutectoidalloy ((b)) 7723C
A Hypoeutectoid
A. id steell 1. 4.3 6.67 (b) Eutecticalloy (c) 1147C
B. Hypereutectoid steel 2. 2.0 4.3
((c)) Hypoeutectoidalloy
yp y (d) 1493
C Hypoeutectic
C. H t ti castt iron
i 3. 0.8
8 2.0
(d) Hypereutectoidalloy
D. Hypereutectic cast iron 4. 0.008 0.8
Codes A B
Codes:A C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 1 2 3 4
IES 2005
IES2005 GATE 1992
GATE1992 IES 2006
The eutectoid of carbon in iron,, above lower Matchthetermsusedinconnectionwithheattreatmentofsteelwith
Match ListI (FeFe3C Phase Diagram Characteristic) with
Li II (Phase)
(Ph ) and
d select
l the
h correct answer using
i the h code
critical temperature, when cooled, results in: Terms Characteristics given below the Lists:
(A) Pearlite (P)Extremelyhardandbrittlephase
(a) Ferrite and austenite ListI ListII
1. iron
(B) Martensite (Q)Cementite isfinelydispersedinferrite
A. Alpha () iron
(b) Ferrite and cementite (C) Austenite (R)Alternatelayersofcementite andferrite
(D) Eutectoid (S)Canexistonlyabove723C B. Iron carbide having crystal lattice 2.Eutectic
((c)) Cementite and austenite ( )
g q with
t 3 iron
o aandd 1 ca
bo ato
solidphases C. BCC pure allotrope of iron is stable 3.Ferrite
(d) Ferrite, cementite and austenite (U)Pertainingtostateofequilibriumbetweenone
between 1388 C and is melting
Codes: A B C D A B C D point at 1535
C 4 Cementite
(a) R P S T (b) R S P T Codes:A B C A B C
(c) T R P S (d) T R S P (a) 4 2 3 (b) 3 4 1
( ) 4
(c) 2 1 ( )
(d) 3 1 2
IES 2000
IES2000 IES 2007
IES2007 IES 2005
Duringperitectic solidification,oneliquid Which one of the following g is the correct Increaseofferritephaseinsteelincreases:
(a) Combineswithonesolidtoformasecondnew statement? (a) Strength
solid Pearlite in ironcarbon system is a
(b) Hardness
(b) Solidifiesintotwodifferentsolids (a) Phase consisting of ferrite and cementite at room
temperature (c) Ductility
(c) Formsonesolid (b) Mechanical
M h i l mixturei t off ferrite
f it and d cementite
tit att (d) Brittleness
(d) Formsonesolidandanotherliquid room temperature
(c) Eutectic mixture ferrite and cementite at room
((d)) All the above three are correct
IES 2005
IES2005 IES 2000
IES2000 IES 1997
A60C plaincarbonsteelhas,approximately:
A60Cplaincarbonsteelhas,approximately: Pearlite consistsof A given steel test specimen is studied under
(a) 75%ofpearlite and25%offerrite (a) 6.67%Cand93.33%ferrite metallurgical microscope. Magnification used is
(b) 25%ofpearlite and75%offerrite (b) 13%Feand87%cementite 100 X. In that different phases are observed. One
of them is Fe3C. The observed phase Fe3C is also
(c) 75%ofcementite and25%offerrite (c) 13%Cand87%ferrite known as
(d) 75%ofpearlite and25%ofcementite (d) 13%cementite and87%ferrite (a) Ferrite
(b) Cementite
(c) Austenite
(d) Martensite
2 P i i (FeC)
2.Peritectic ( F C) 3 M i FeO
3.Monotectic F O2SiO
SiO2 4 S i NaZn
4.Syntectic N Z
y (L+S1S2) y (L1S1+L2) y (L1+L2S1)
y One Liquid and another solid combine to form a new y One Liquid decomposes into another liquid and solid.
solid. L L
L L1
L 1+L 2
L+ L1 L2
L L2 + L2
L1 L1 L 2
L+ L2
L1+ L2+
5 E id F C
5.EutectoidFeC 6 P i id CuAl
6.Peritectoid C Al y Isomorphus
I h system: In
I a binary
bi h there
system when h i
complete intersolubility between components in all
y (S1S2+S3) y S1 +S2S3 phases,
phases the system is isomorphus.
Ex: CuNi, Al2O3Cr2O3, NiOMgO
y Azeotropic system: Some of isomorphus binary
system, the liquidus touches, the solid tangentially at a
minimum temperature which is lower then milting
temperature of either of the two components.
+ +L
+ T
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 201 of 240 CompositionBw/o Rev.0
IES 2007
IES2007 IES 2004
IES2004 L R l
y Atapointinaphasediagram,phasespresentandtheircomposition(tieline
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswerusingthe Consider the following lead tin phase diagram
leadtin ) g p ( ) p
d i b l th Li t y Relativeamountofliquidandsolidphasesisgivenrespectivelyby:
ListI ListII given below: cV Uc
CL = CS = CL + CS = 1
(NameoftheInvariant (InvariantReactionduring For which one of the following g alloy
y compositions,
p , UV UV
Reaction) cooling) y Thereforeitisnotrestrictedtosolidphasesonly.
A. Monotectic 1.LIQUID.SOLID1+SOLID2 the alloy will have the lowest melting point at 185oC
B. Eutectic 2.LIQUID1..LIQUID2+SOLID ((a)) 20% Sn and 80% Pb byy weightg
C. E t t id
Eutectoid 3.SOLID1..SOLID1+SOLID2
D. Peritectic 4.LIQUID+SOLID1..SOLID2 (b) 60% Sn and 40% Pb by weight
Code: A B C D A B C D ((c)) 97
97% Sn and 33% Pb byy weight
(a) 3 1 2 4 (b) 2 4 3 1 (d) 40% Sn and 60% Pb byweight
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 2 1 3 4
IES 2008
a pe
y In a binary system of A and B, if a liquid of 35% A (65%
Assertion (A): Lever Rule can be applied to determine B) is coexists with a solid of 75% A (25% B), for an
l amounts off phasesh present at any overall composition of 40% A, the fraction of the liquid
is given by
Reason (R): Lever Rule is restricted to estimate
relative phases, only if they are solid phases.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
off A 75 40
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct CL = = 0.875
explanation of A 75 35
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
F C ll l ifi i
FeCalloyclassification IES 2003
y Fe Calloysareclassifiedaccordingtowt.%Cpresent
FeCalloysareclassifiedaccordingtowt.%Cpresent According to Gibbs
Gibbs' phase rule, the number of
inthealloyfortechnologicalconvenienceasfollows: degrees of freedom of an eutectic point in a binary
y Commercialpureirons
p %C<0.008 system is
y Lowcarbon/mildsteels 0.008 %C 0.3 (a) 1
y Mediumcarbonsteels 0.3 %C
0.3 %C 0.8 ((b)) 2
y Highcarbonsteels 0.8 %C 2.11 (c) 0
y Castirons 2 11<%C
2.11<%C ((d)) 3
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 2005
IES2005 IES 1999
Assertion (A): A cast iron specimen shall fail due to
Considerthefollowingstatements: Castironisusedformachinebedsbecauseofits
shear when subjected to a compressive load.
1. CastIronhaspoorabilitytodampvibrations. high
Reason (R): Shear strength of cast iron in
g p
2. CastIronhashighercompressivestrength g (a) Tensilestrength
compression is more than half its compressive
strength. comparedtothatofsteel. (b) Endurancestrength
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 33. CastIronpartsaresuitablewherepermanent
p p ((c)) Dampingcapacity
p g p y
correct explanation of A deformationispreferredoverfracture. (d) Compressivestrength
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect?
correct explanation of A (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1and3
((c)) A is true but R is false ((c)) 33only
y ((d)) 2onlyy
(d) A is false but R is true
IES 1998
IES1998 IES 1997
IES1997 IAS 2003
g y
Assertion(A):Castironisgenerallyhard,brittleand ( ) y
Assertion(A):Thenotchsensitivityofcastiron Considerthefollowingstatements:
wearresistant. componentiszero. 1. Fromdesignconsiderations,itisalways
Reason(R):Castironcontainsmorethan2%carbon Reason(R):Castirondoesnothaveayieldpoint. advantageoustoplacecastironribsonthetension
d h h i initishigher.
i i i hi h sideratherthanonthecompressionside.
(a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe
(a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthecorrect 2. Castironisanexcellentchoiceformachinetool
correctexplanationofA guidesandframes.
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the 3. Castironpartshavelownotchsensitivity.
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the
correctexplanationofA Whichofthesestatementsarecorrect?
(c) AistruebutRisfalse (c) AistruebutRisfalse (a) 1,2and3 (b) 2and3
((d)) AisfalsebutRistrue (d) AisfalsebutRistrue ((c)) 1and3
3 ((d)) 1and2
IES 1994
IES1994 IES 2005
y The grey iron castings are widely used for machine tool Whichofthefollowingpairsarecorrectlymatched?
bodies automotive cylinder blocks,
blocks heads,
heads housings,
housings madeofgreycastiron. (DesignationofSteel/CastIron)
(D i ti fSt l/C tI ) (Description)
(D i ti )
flywheels, pipes and pipe fittings and agricultural 1. FeE250 :Minimumtensile
Reason(R):Castironpossessesgoodself strengthof250
implements. lubricatingproperties.
lubricatingproperties N/mm2
2. 40C8 :Percentageof
y The grey cast iron is designated by the alphabets FG (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe Manganeseis0.7%
followed byy a figure
g indicating
g the minimum tensile correctexplanationofA 0.9%
strength in MPa or N/mm2. For example, FG 150 3. FG200 :Greycastironwith
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot the ultimatetensilestrength
means grey cast iron with 150 MPa or N/mm2 as correctexplanationofA of200N/mm2
minimum tensile strength. S l tth
t i th d i b l
(c) AistruebutRisfalse (a) 1and2 (b) 2and3
(d) AisfalsebutRistrue (c) 1and3 (d) 1,2and3
GATE 2004
GATE2004 IES 2007
IES2007 IES 2003
p g g y
Thepercentageofcarboningraycastironisinthe p g y
Vibrationdampinginmachineryisbestachieved Machinetoolmanufacturersprefergreycastiron
rangeof bymeansofbasestructuresmadeofwhichoneof grade40forproducingmachinecolumnsand
thefollowingmaterials? tablesbecausegreycastironis
(a) 0.25to0.75percent
(a) Lowcarbonsteel 1 Heavy
1. 2
2. Easilycastable
(b) 1.25to1.75percent
3. Easilyweldable 4. Havinggood
((c)) 33to4percent
4p (b) Nodulariron dampingcapacity
(d) 8to10percent (c) Greycastiron Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow:
(d) Whitecastiron C
(a) 1and2 (b) 2and4
((c)) 1and33 ((d)) 33and4
IES 1995
IES1995 Wro ght Iron
WroughtIron Effect of Imp rities on Cast Iron
Additionofmagnesiumtocastironincreasesits y It is the p
purest iron which contains at least 99 5 iron
99.5% 1. Silicon. It mayy be p p 4
present in cast iron upto 4%. It
(a) Hardness but may contain upto 99.9% iron. provides the formation of free graphite which makes
((b)) Ductilityandstrengthintension
y g y The wrought iron is produced from pig iron by the iron soft and easily machinable. It also produces
remelting it in the puddling furnace of reverberatory sound d castings
i f
free f
from bl
h l b
because off its
(c) Corrosionresistance high affinity for oxygen.
(d) Creepstrength.
y The wrought iron is a tough, malleable and ductile
material. 2. Sulphur. It makes the cast iron hard and brittle. Since
y It can be
b easily
l forged
f d or welded.
ld d It is used
d for
f chains,
h too much sulphur gives
gi es unsound casting,
casting therefore,
therefore it
crane hooks, railway couplings, water and steam pipes. should be kept well below 0.1% for most foundry
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 206 of 240 Rev.0 Contd
3. Manganese. It makes the cast iron white and hard. It
IES 1995
IES1995 IES 2007
p below 0.75%.
is often kept 75 p to exert a
It helps g
Considerthefollowingstatements: p g
controlling influence over the harmful effect of Additionofsilicontocastiron ofthefollowing
sulphur. g p
1. Promotesgraphitemoduleformation. (a) Castiron (b) Bronze
2. Promotesgraphiteflakeformation. (c) Aluminium (d) Whitemetal
4. Phosphorus. It aids fusibility and fluidity in cast 3. Increasesthefluidityofthemoltenmetal.
iron, but induces brittleness. It is rarely allowed to
4. Improvestheductilityofcastiron.
exceed 1%. Phosphoric irons are useful for casting of
i i
intricate d i
design and
d for
f many light
li h engineering
i i Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow:
castings when cheapness is essential. (a) 1and4 (b) 2and3
(c) 1and3 (d) 3and4
IES 1995
IES1995 IES 1994
Considerthefollowingworkmaterials: Whichofthefollowingpairsarecorrectly
1. Titanium 2. Mildsteel matched?
1. LeadscrewnutPhosphorbronze
33. Stainlesssteel 4 4. Greycastiron.
2. Piston..Castiron.
i C i
3. Cam..EN31steel
g y g
4. Leadscrew..Wroughtiron.
L d W hti
(a) 4,2,3,1 (b) 4,2,1,3
((c)) 2,4,3,1
,4,3, ((d)) 2,4,1,3.
, 4, , 3 Codes:
(a) 2,3and4 (b) 1,3and4
(c) 1,2and4
1 2and4 (d) 1,2and3
1 2and3
IAS 2002
p g
(a) Cupandconefracture
((b)) Fracturealongaplanenormaltotheaxisofthe
g p
((c)) Fracturealongahelixofapproximately45
g pp y 45
(d) Fracturealongaplaneinclinedat60 totheaxis
IES 1992
IES1992 IES 2008
IES2008 IES 2011
g p p y
Invarisusedormeasuringtapesprimarilytheto p p y
CoefficientofExpansionispracticallynilina Which one of the following is the major alloying element
its particularalloy.Whatisthisalloy? in Invar?
(a) Nonmagneticproperties (a) HadfieldManganeseSteel (a) Aluminium
(b) Highnickelcontent (b) Invar (b) Nickel
((c)) Lowcoefficientofthermalexpansion
p ((c)) Vitallium (c) Vanadium
(d) Hardenability (d) Stellite (d) Copper
2 Ch i
2.Chromium 3 T t
3.Tungsten IES 2004
y It is used in steels as an alloying element to combine y It p
prohibits g
grain g
growth,, increases the depth
p of p g g
hardness with high strength and high elastic limit. hardening of quenched steel and confers the property temperatures,whichoneofthefollowingalloying
y It also imparts corrosionresisting properties to steel. of remaining hard even when heated to red colour. elementisused?
y The
h most common chromeh steels
l contains
i from
f 0.5 to y It is usually used in conjunction with other elements. (a) Copper
2% chromium and 0.1 to 1.5% carbon.
y Steel containing 3 to 18% tungsten and 0.2 to 1.5% (b) Tungsten
y The chrome steel is used for balls,
balls rollers and races for carbon is used for cutting tools. (c) Aluminium
y The principal uses of tungsten steels are for cutting (d) Zinc
y A nickel chrome steel containing
g 33.25%
5% nickel,, 1.5%
chromium and 0.25% carbon is much used for armour tools,
l dies,
d valves,
l taps and
d permanent magnets.
plates. Chrome nickel steel is extensively used for
t car crankshafts,
k h ft axles
l and
d gears requiring
i i greatt
strength and hardness.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 208 of 240 Rev.0
4 V di
4.Vanadium GATE 1997
GATE1997 IES 2000
y It aids in obtaining
g a fine g
grain structure in tool steel. y g y p
Thealloyingelementmainlyusedtoimprovethe Additionofvanadiumtosteelresultsin
y The addition of a very small amount of vanadium (less endurancestrengthofsteelmaterialsis improvementof
than 0.2%) produces a marked increase in tensile (a) Nickel (a) Heattreatabilitybyquenching
strength and elastic limit in low and medium carbon (b) Vanadium (b) Hardenability
steels without a loss of ductility. ((c)) Molybdenum
y ((c)) Fatiguestrength
g g
y The chromevanadium steel containing about 0.5 to
(d) Tungsten (d) Resistancetooxidationatelevatedtemperature
1.5% chromium, 0.15 to 0.3% vanadium and 0.13 to 1.1%
carbon have
ha e extremely
e tremel good tensile strength,
strength elastic
limit, endurance limit and ductility.
y These steels are frequently used for parts such as
springs, shafts, gears, pins and many drop forged parts.
5 M
5.Manganese IES 6 Sili
y It improves
p g of the steel in both the hot
the strength y
Alloysteelwhichisworkhardenable andwhichis y The silicon steels behave like nickel steels.
rolled and heat treated condition. usedtomakethebladesofbulldozers,bucket y These steels have a high elastic limit as compared to
y The manganese alloy steels containing over 1.5% wheelexcavatorsandotherearthmoving ordinary carbon steel.
manganese with a carbon range of 0.40 to 0.55% are equipmentcontainiron,carbonand
i i i b d y Silicon steels containing from 1 to 2% silicon and 0.1 to
used extensively in gears, axles, shafts and other parts (a) Chromium 0.4% carbon and other alloying elements are used for
h hi h strength
high t th combined
bi d withith fair
f i ductility
d tilit isi (b) Silicon electrical machinery, valves in I.C. engines, springs and
required. (c) Manganese corrosion resisting materials.
y The principal uses of manganese steel is in machinery
machiner (d) Magnesium.
parts subjected to severe wear. These steels are all cast
and ground to finish.
7 C b lt
7.Cobalt IES 2010
IES2010 8 M l bd
y It g
gives red hardness byy retention of hard carbides at
Some high speed steels have cobalt (Co) y A very
y small q
quantityy ((0.155 to 0.30%)
3 ) of molybdenum
high temperatures. added
dd d to them
h in
i amounts ranging i from
f 2%
% is generally used with chromium and manganese (0.5
y It tends to decarburise steel during heattreatment. to 15%, since this element improves the to 0.8%) to make molybdenum steel.
y It increases hardness and strength and also residual (a)Cutting efficiency, especially at high y These steels possess extra tensile strength and are used
magnetism and coercive magnetic force in steel for temperature for airplane fuselage and automobile parts. It can
magnets. replace
l t
t in
i high
hi h speedd steels.
t l
(b) Depth hardening ability of the HSS tool
(c) Red hardness of the HSS tool
(d) Grain structure of the HSS tool
11.Copper All St l t l
AlloySteelataglance (4) Tungsten,Molybdenum,Vanadium: hothardness
, ,
Donotformcarbide: nickel,Silicon,Aluminium Tungsten wearresistance,
y Copper has been known
kno n to resist atmospheric corrosion Vanadium:
V di endurancelimit
d li i
for centuries, but only recently has it been used as an Carbideformingorder:Manganese,chromium,
Molybdenum creepproperty
addition to steel ((in amounts from 0.10 to 0.50%)5 ) to Tungsten,Molybdenum,vanadium,titanium,
(5) Si&Al deoxidizer,restrictgraingrowth
deoxidizer restrictgraingrowth
provide this property. niobium.
Si Magneticpermissibility
y Lowcarbon steel sheet and structural steels often contain (1) Manganese: Toughness&ductility (6) Cobalt: hardenability
a copper addition to enhance corrosion resistance, but Machinability withsulphur Impactstrength
surface quality and hotworking behavior tend to
deteriorate somewhat.
somewhat (2) Chromium: Corrosionresistance (7) Phosphorus: reducestrengthtoimpact
(8) Copper: Raisesyieldpoint
(3) Nickel: toughness
(9) Magnesium: becauselightweightitisused
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 1996
Superalloy: Isforhightemperatureuse[jetengine, Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using
gasturbinebladeetc] the code given below the lists : Whichofthefollowingpairsregardingtheeffectof
Ex: Hastelloy X alloyingelementsinsteelarecorrectlymatched?
ll i l t i t l tl t h d?
ListI ListII
C 0.1% 1. Molybdenum:Formsabrasionresistingparticles.
pp 1.Corrosion
Mn 1% 2 Phosphorus:Improvesmachinability infreecutting
B.Nickel 2.Demagnetization steels.
Cr 21.8%
C.Manganese 3.NonSparking
N S ki 3. Cobalt:Contributestoredhardnessbyhardening
Si 1%
Ni balance D.Vanadium 4.Deformationrestriction 4. SiliconReducesoxidationresistance
C 2.5%
Co %
Codes Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow:
Mo 9%
A B C D A B C D (a) 2,3and4 (b) 1,3and4
W 0.6%
W 0 6% (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 1,2and4 (d) 1,2and3
Fe 18.5% (c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 4 2 3 1
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 210 of 240 Rev.0
IES 1992
IES1992 IAS 1995
IAS1995 IAS 2002
Matchthefollowing:g Assertion(A):Inhighspeedsteels,alloyingelements WatchListI(Alloyingelementsfortoolsteel)withListII
t t h i d di dd dt (Improvedmechanicalproperty)andselectthecorrect
ListI(Alloyingelementinsteel) ListII(Effect) makethemsuitabletoworkathigherspeedsthan answerusingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists
A. Lead 1. Restrictsgraingrowth toolsteelorlowalloysteels. ListI ListII
(R) V di dd h f d (All i l
t f t l t l) (I
(Improved d
B. Aluminium 2. Raisesyieldpoint mechanicalproperty)
C. Copper 3. Reducesstrengthto wearresistance. A. Carbon 1. Hardness
impact (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthecorrect B. Manganese 2. HotHardness
D. Phosphorus 4. Freemachining explanationofA C. Chromium 3. LowerCritical
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRis not the Temp
d B C D A B C D correctexplanationofA D. Vanadium 4. Toughness
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 3 4 1 (c) AistruebutRisfalse Codes:A B C D A B C D
(d) AisfalsebutRistrue (a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 2 4 3 1
( ) 3
(c) 4 1 2 (d) 4 1 2 3
(c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 2 3 4 1
St i l St l
StainlessSteel y Austenitic steels contain 18% Cr and 8% Ni plus minor y Austenitic stainless steels are nonmagnetic and are
alloying elements. Ni stabilizes the austenitic phase highly resistant to corrosion 304 alloy is 188 when 18%
y They
y typical
yp g with other
consists min.12% Cr along
assisted by C and N. chromium & 8% nickel used costly material.
alloying elements, thus highly corrosion resistant
y Austenitic stainless steels usually contain 18% Cr and
owing to presence of chromium oxide. y For, martensitic steels Ms is made to be above the
8% Ni in addition to other minor alloying elements. Ni
y Three kinds ferritic & hardenable Cr steels, austenitic room temperature. These
Th alloys
ll are heat
h treatable.
bl stabilizes the austenitic phase assisted by C and N.
and precipitation hardenable (martensitic, semi Major alloying elements are: Cr, Mn and Mo. Other alloying additions include Ti, Nb, Mo (prevent
t iti ) based
b d on presence off prominenti t micro
i y Ferritic
F iti and d austenitic
t iti steels
t l are hardened
h d d and d weld
ld decay),
d ) MnM and d CuC (helps
(h l i stabilizing
in t bili i
structural constituent. strengthened by cold work because they are not heat austenite).
y Typical
T pical applications cutlery,
cutler surgical knives,
kni es storage treatable.
treatable y These steels are very tough and can be forged and
tanks, domestic items. y Austenitic steels are nonmagnetic as against ferritic rolled but offer great difficulty in machining.
and martensitic steels, which are magnetic. y These steels cannot be hardened by yq quenching,
g in fact
y Ferritic steels are principally FeCrC
Fe Cr C alloys with 1214%
12 14%
they are softened by rapid cooling from about 1000C.
Cr. And small additions of Mo, V, Nb, Ni.
Contd Contd
IES 2002
IES2002 IES 2008
IES2008 IES 1997
Thecorrectcompositionofausteniticstainless g p
Considerthefollowingstatementsinrespectof Assertion(A):Austeniticstainlesssteelcontains18%
h i d8% i k l Si it t i it t iti
steelusedfordomesticutensilsis austeniticstainlesssteels: structureatroomtemperature,itiscalledaustenitic
(a) 0.08%C,18%Cr,.8%Ni,2%Mn,1%Si 1. Austeniticstainlesssteelsarehardenedand stainlesssteel.
strengthenedbycoldworking. R
(R) Ch i i h li i
(b) 0.08%C,24%Cr,12%Ni,2%Mn,1%Si corrosionresistancebyformingathinfilmofchromium
((c)) 0.15%C,12%Cr,0.5%Ni,1%Mn,1%Si
5 , , 5 , , 2. Austeniticstainlesssteelscannotbequenchedand oxideonthesurface.
tempered. (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthecorrect
(d) 0.30%C,12%Cr,0.4%Ni,1%Mn,1%Si explanationofA
(b) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnotthe
(a) 1only (b) 2only correctexplanationofA
(c) Both1and2 (d) Neither1nor2 (c) AistruebutRisfalse
(d) AisfalsebutRistrue
IES 2005
IES2005 IES IES 2008
MatchListI(AlloyingElement)withListII(Effecton MatchListI(Alloyingelementinsteel)withListII g g
S l) d l h i h d i (Propertyconferredonsteelbytheelement)and
(P t f d t lb th l t) d
belowtheLists: selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow determine(s)themaximumattainablehardness
ListI ListII thelists: insteel?
A. Vanadium 1. Increasesendurancestrength Li I
ListI Li II
ListII 1. Chromium 2. Manganese
B. Molybdenum 2. Improvescreepproperties A.Nickel 1. Corrosionresistance
B.Chromium 2. Magneticpermeability
3. Carbon 4. Molybdenum
C Silicon
C. Sili 3. I
h d
C.Tungsten 3. Heatresistance electthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelow:
D. Chromium 4. Increasesresistancetohigh
temperatureoxidation D.Silicon 4. Hardenability a) 1only (b) 1and2
Codes:A B C D A B C D Codes:A
d B C D A B C D
(c) 3only (d) 2and4
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 1 3 2 4 (a) 4 1 3 2 (b) 4 1 2 3
( ) 2
(c) 1 4 3 (d) 1 2 3 4 (c) 1 4 3 2 (d) 1 4 2 3
IES 2010
DESIGNATIONOFSTEEL,(INDIAN (b) Based on Chemical Composition: This type of
Consider the following statements: STANDARD) designation is preferred if subsequent heat treatment
Alloying elements are added to y Two systems of notation are recommended by IS : is carried out.
1. Improve hardness and toughness. (a) Based on ultimate tensile strength. 1. Plain Carbon Steels: These are designated by letter
(b) Based on chemical composition. C followed
f ll d by
b a number b representing i the
h average
2. Corrosion and oxidation resistance improvement.
(a) Based on Ultimate Tensile Strength: This is percentage carbon content, for example, C 14 carbon
33. Improve
p machinabilityy and hardenability.
y steel with 0.14%,
0 14% C.
li bl to
t carbon
b and d low
l alloy
ll steels.
t l
4. Increase weight and volume. y The symbol consists of the letter St followed by the y Its new designation is 14 C4. Here, the first figure
Which of the above statements are correct? number representing the ultimate tensile strength in indicates 100 times the average of Carbon content,
kgf/mm2 , for example, St 32. The new coding consists then letter C, and the last figure indicates 10 times the
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
of the letter Fe followed by the number representing average
g ppercentage
g of Mn content rounded off to the
( ) 1, 2 and
(c) d 4 only
l (d) 1, 2, 3 and
d4 the
h ultimate
li tensile
il strength
h in
i N/mm2
N/ , for
f example,
l next integer.
Fe 410.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 212 of 240 Contd Rev.0 Contd
2. Alloy Steels: Here the letter C is omitted and the
numbers representing the carbon content are followed by
IES 2001
IES2001 IES 1996
chemical symbols for one or more of the p predominant y g 4 y
Thealloysteeldesignatedas40Cr18Ni2by 18/8stainlesssteelcontains
alloying elements followed by numbers indicating their BureauofIndianStandardscontains (a) 18%stainless,8%chromium.
average contents, for example, 15 Cr 65 chromium steel
with 0.15
0 15%
C and 0.65%
0 65% Cr.
(a) 0.4%C,18%Crand2%Ni ((b)) 18%chromium,8%nickel.
y 20 Cr 18 Ni 2 Nickel chromium steel with 0.2% C, 18% (b) 4.0%C,1.8%Crand0.2%Ni (c) 18%tungsten,8%nickel.
Cr and 2% Ni. ((c)) 0.4%C,1.8%Crand2%Ni
4 , (d) 18%tungsten,8%chromium.
y The coding of the alloy steels is given below : The average (d) 0.4%C,1.8%Crand0.2%Ni
alloy content upto 1 per cent, Alloy index number will be :
Average alloy content upto two decimal places,
places underlined
by a bar. For average alloy content one per cent and above,
alloy index number will be : rounded to the nearest whole
number upto 0.50 5 rounded down and above
abo e rounded up.
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 2010
IES2010 IAS 2007
Consider the following properties for Plasticmaterialisusedforthecomponent Considerthefollowing: g
l i whichrequirescharacteristicsof
hi h i h i i f
1. Become hard on heating. (a)Lowdensity,machinability andhighstrength plastics?
2. Increasing plasticity. (b)Machinability,highstrengthandlargeplastic 1. Goodresistancetocorrosiveatmosphere
y Polycarbonates y Polypropylene
Characteristics: Dimensionally stable: low water Characteristics: Resistant to heat distortion; excellent
absorption; transparent; very good impact resistance electrical properties and fatigue strength; chemically
and ductility. inert; relatively inexpensive; poor resistance to UV
Application: Safety helmets, lenses light globes, base light.
for photographic film Application: Sterilizable bottles, packaging film, TV
y Polyethylene cabinets, luggage
Characteristics: Chemically resistant and electrically y Polystyrene
insulating; tough and relatively low coefficient of Characteristics: Excellent electrical properties and
friction; low strength and poor resistance to optical clarity; good thermal and dimensional stability;
weathering. relatively inexpensive
Application: Flexible bottles, toys, tumblers, battery Application: Wall tile, battery cases, toys, indoor
parts, ice trays, film wrapping materials. lighting panels, appliance housings.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Contd Page 214 of 240 Contd Rev.0
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2003
Windows of aeroplane are made of : Teflonisa
(a) PVC (a) Thermosettingfluorocarbonpolymer
(b) PTFE ((b)) Thermoplasticfluorocarbonpolymer
p p y
(c) PMMA (c) Inorganiccompoundoffluorineandcarbon
((d)) PEEK (d) Laminatedphenolic material
IES 1992
IES1992 IES 2002
IES2002 IAS 2000
y y
Polyamidesarecharacterizedby Considerthefollowingstatements: yp p ( ) ( )
Weldable typeplastic(s)include(s)
Polytetrafluoroethene is
(a) Flexiblechain (a) Thermosets alone
1. Athermoplasticmaterial
((b)) Rigidchain
g 2 Havinghighfrictioncoefficient
2. ((b)) Thermoplasticsalone
(c) Amorphousstructure 3. Athermosettingmaterial (c) Boththermosets andthermoplastics
(d) Crystallinestructure 4. Havinglowfrictioncoefficient (d) Neitherthermosets andthermoplast
5. Anelectricinsulator
6. Nonstickingtosurfaces
(a) 1,2and5 (b) 2,3and6
(c) 3,4and5 (d) 3,2and5
IES 1995
IES1995 Thermosets y Thermosets are strengthened by reinforcements .
p y g
Thestructureofapolymerisshowninthegiven y Plastics which are set under the application of heat y Different reinforcements are in use according to the
and/or pressure. necessity.
it Glass
Gl fibers
fib are mostt commonly l usedd to
t form
structural and molding plastic compounds.
g p y C C y This process is not reversible, hence thermosets can y Two most important types of glass fibers are E (electrical)
not be
b recycled.
l d andd S (high
(h h strength)
h) glasses.
y Eglass (limealuminiumborosilicate glass with zero or
y They consist of 3D network structures based on
Findsspecialapplicationin low sodium and p potassium levels)) is often used for
strong covalent
l b d to form
bonds f rigid
i id solids.
lid linear
li continuous fibers.
(a) Packaging (b) Adhesives molecular chains bonded together by weak secondary y Sglass (65%SiO2, 25%Al2O3 and 10% MgO) has higher
(c) Bearings (d) Fertilizer bonds or by interwinding.
interwinding strengthtoweight
strength to weight ratio and is more expansive thus
primary applications include military and aerospace
y Characterized by high modulus / rigidity /dimensional applications.
stability when compared with thermoplasts.
thermoplasts y Carbon fiber reinforced plastics are also often used in
aerospace applications. However they are very expansive.
y E.g.: Epoxies, Amino resins, some polyester resins, etc.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 215 of 240 Contd Rev.0 Contd
IES 2011
IES2011 Examples Thermosettingpolymers
Examples Thermo setting polymers
y The other classes of reinforcements include aramid (aromatic
y Epoxies
polyamide) fibers.
Characteristics: Excellent combination of mechanical
(a)Automobiles properties and corrosion resistance; dimensionally stable;
y They are popularly known as Kevlar. good adhesion; relatively inexpensive; good electrical
Application: Electrical moldings, sinks, adhesives,
( )
(d)InteriorDecoration protective coatings,
p g , used with fiberglass
g laminates.
y Phenolics
Characteristics: Excellent thermal stability to over 150o C;
may beb compounded d d with h a large
l number
b off resins, fillers,
f ll
etc.; inexpensive.
Application: Motor housing
housing, telephones
telephones, auto
distributors, electrical fixtures.
IES 1997
IES1997 IES 1992
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer Assertion (A): Linear polymers are rigid at low g
usingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists: temperatures but soft and mouldable at elevated Fibre ReinforcedPlasticsare
ListI ListII temperatures.
Reason (R): Linear polymers are thermosetting.
thermo setting g g
1. Madeofthermosettingresinsandglassfibre
A. Neoprene 1. Electricswitches
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 2. Madeofthermoplasticresinsandglassfibre
B. Bakelite 2. Adhesive
correct explanation of A 3. Anisotropic
C. Foamedpolyurethane 3. Thermalinsulator
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the 4. isotropic
D. Araldite 4. Oilseal correct explanation of A
d B C D A B C D Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow:
(c) A is true but R is false
a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 1 4 2 3 (a) 1and4 (b) 1and3
(d) A is false but R is true
c)) 4 1 3 2 (d) 1 4 3 2 (c) 2and3 (d) 2and4
IAS 2003
IAS2003 Elastomers y Processing of polymers primarily limits to synthesis
Considerthefollowingstatements: y These polymers are known for their high elongations, followed by forming.
1. Thermoplasticspossessastrongintermolecular which are reversible upon release of applied loads.
y Polymers are synthesized by process known as
bondingcomparedtothatofthermosettingplastics. y They consist of coillike molecular chains, which
h up on application
l off load.
l d polymerization.
l i ti
2. Plasticshaveahighcreepundercontinuousloading.
33. Embrittlement occursinplasticsatlowtemperature.
p p y Characterized by low modulus / rigidity / strength, but y Polymerization
y is p
process in which multifunctional
hi h toughness.
high h
Whichofthesestatementsarecorrect? monomers are attached to form linear/3D macro
y E.g.: natural and synthetic rubber.
((a)) 1and2 ((b)) 2and33
l l chains.
(c) 1and3 (d) 1,2and3
C d i P l i i
CondensationPolymerization y Average molecular weight is however defined in
y Polyesters, phenolformaldehyde, nylons,
y Formation of a polyester from Ethylene glycol and Adipic y Weight
two ways. g g molecular weight
average g is
polycarbonates etc are produced by condensation
acid obtained by dividing the chains into size ranges
y Condensation polymerization reactions also occur in and determining the fraction of chains having
solgel processing of ceramic materials. molecular weights within that range.
y Polymers,
y , unlike organic/inorganic
g / g compounds,
p , do y Number average molecular weight is based on
not have a fixed molecular weight. It is specified in the
h number b f
fraction, rather
h than
h the
h weight h
terms of degree of polymerization number of fraction, of the chains within each size range. It is
repeat units in the chain or ratio of average molecular always smaller than the weight average molecular
weight of polymer to molecular weight of repeat unit. weight.
IES 2001
IES2001 y Cross
C li ki
linking: Th crosslinking
The li ki can occur due
d tot the
th presence
of some elements called vulcanizing agents, e.g. S, Se, Te, and
IES 2003
The molecular weightg y chloride is 62.5.
of vinyl 5 O2. ,
Thus the molecular weight of a polyvinyl chloride y In case of poly isoprene (natural rubber), the sulphur bridges processofproducinga
are formed between two macromolecules during vulcanization.
with a degree of polymerization of 20000 is y In this vulcanization pprocess sulphur
p bridge
g are formed at the (a) Linearpolymer
point of opening of double bonds. If the number of crosslinks (b) Branchedpolymer
20000 62.5 is small; the find product is soft and flexible. The stiffness of the
(a) (b) 20000 polymeric
p y material increases with the densityy of crosslines. ((c)) Crosslinkedpolymer
p y
62 5
When the sulphur content in rubber is as high as 32 weight (d) Networkpolymer
percent, the hard product is called ebonite.
(c) 62.5 20000 (d) 20000
IES 2008
IES2008 IES 2003
IES2003 Additi es to Pol mers
What is the p process by y which two or more y
Polyesterscanbedefinedasthecondensation y The properties of polymers can be further modified by
chemically different monomers are polymerised productsof
to form a cross link polymer together with a by the addition of agents which are basically of two types.
(a) Dicarboxylic acidswithdihydroxy alcohols
d such
h as water or ammonia,
i known
k as? (b) BisphenolAandepichlorohydrin y Those that enter the molecular structure are usually
(a) Addition polymerization ((c)) Phenolandformaldehyde
y called "additives"
additives , whereas those that form a clearly
(b) Copolymerisation (d) Benzeneandtoluene
(c) Linear polymerisation defined second phase are called "fillers".
(d) Condensation polymerization
1 Plastici ers
1.Plasticizers 2 Fillers
2.Fillers 3. Catalysts:
y A filler is used to economize on the quantity of polymer
y These are usually added to promote faster and more
y Plasticizers are liquids of high boiling point and low required and/or to vary the properties to some extent,extent for
example, mechanical strength, electrical resistance etc.
l polymerization
l i i andd as suchh they
h are alsol
molecular weight, which are added to improve the called 'accelerators' and 'hardeners' e.g., ester is used
y A filler, whose function is to increase mechanical strength, is as a catalyst for Urea Formaldehyde.
plastic behaviour of the polymer. termed a "reinforcing filler".
4. Initiators:
y A filler is commonly fibrous in nature and is chemically inert
y They are essentially oily in nature.
nature Organic solvents,
solvents with respect to the polymer with which it is to be used.
used y As the name indicates,, the initiators are used to
y Common fillers are wood flour, cellulose, cotton flock, and initiate the reaction, that is, to allow polymerization to
resins and even water are used as plasticizers. paper (for improving mechanical strength); mica and asbestos begin. They stabilize the ends of the reaction sites of
(for heat resistance); talc (for acid resistance).Other filler the molecular chains.
chains H2O2 is a common initiator.
materials are : fabric, chippedwood moulding compound, 5. Dyes and Pigments:
wood veneer,, textile or g
glass fibres. y These are added,
added in many cases,
cases to impart a desired
y The commonly used "reinforcing filler agents" with plastics are : colour to the material.
fibres/filaments of glass, graphite or boron.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 219 of 240 Rev.0
6. Lubricants: 8 Solvents:
y Solvents are useful for dissolving certain fillers or
IES 1992
y Lubricants are added to the polymers for the following
purposes : to reduce friction during processing,
processing to prevent p
plasticizers and help p in manufacturing g byy allowing
g p
parts from sticking to mould walls, to prevent polymer processing in the fluid state, For example, alcohol is (a) Improveflow
films from sticking to each other and to impart an elegant added in cellulose nitrate plastics to dissolve Camphor.
fi i h to
finish t the
th final
fi l product.
d t Commonly
C l usedd lubricants
l bi t H
However, subsequently,
b tl the
th solvents
l t mustt be
b removed d ((b)) Reducebrittleness
include : oils, soaps and waxes. by evaporation. (c) Facilitateprocessability
77. Flame retardants: 9. Stabilisers and anti
oxidants are added to retard (d) Reducecost
y Most plastics will ignite at sufficiently high temperatures. the degradation of polymers due to heat, light and
The noninflammability of the plastics can be enhanced oxidation.
either by producing them from less inflammable raw 10. Elastomers are added to plastics to enhance their
materials or by adding "flame retardants". The common
flame retardants are : compounds of chlorine, bromine and
elastic properties.
h h N t Above,
Note: Ab excepting
ti fillers,
fill all
ll other
th materials
t i l used,
fall under the category of "Additives.
IAS 2007
IAS2007 IAS 1998
IAS1998 IAS 1994
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswerusing MatchList I(Nameofmoulding compositiontoprepareplastics)
To reduce the consumption y
of synthetic resins,,
thecodegivenbelowtheLists: withList II(Propertyofmoulding composition)andselectthecorrect
answerusingthecodesgivenbelowthelists: the ingredient added is
ListI ListII List I List II
(AdditiveforPolymers) (Purpose) A. Binder 1. Reducecost,shrinkage (a) Accelerator
A. Plasticizer 1. Allowspolymerization B. Filler 2. Makethemoulding ofplasticeasier
tobegin C. Plasticizer 3. Cellulosederivatives (b) Elastomer
B. Filler 2. Colours thematerial D. Lubricant 4. Acceleratecondensationand ((c)) Modifier
C. Initiator 3. Actsasinternal
5. Toughnessandresistanceto (d) Filler
4 Improvesstrength
p g
Code:A B C A B C Codes: A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 4 3 (b) 3 2 1 (a) 3 1 2 5 (b) 3 1 5 2
(c) 1 2 3 (d) 3 4 1 ( )
(c) 5 3 1 4 (d) 3 5 l 4
Plastic Process
PlasticProcess Injection Mo lding
y The common forms of raw materials for processing y The polymer is melted and than forced into a mould.
plastics into products are : pellets, granules, powders, y Thermoplastic pellets melted and melt injected under
sheet, plate, rod and tubing. high pressure (70 MPa) into a mold. Molten plastic
y Liquidd plastics
l are usedd especially
ll in the
h fabrication
f b off takes the shape of the mold,
mold cools,
cools solidifies,
solidifies shrinks
and is ejected.
reinforced plastic parts.
y Molds usuallyy made in two p
parts ((internal and external
y Thermoplastics
Th l i can be b processed d to their
h i final
fi l shape
h part).
by moulding and extrusion processes. y Use of injection molding machine mainly used for
y However,
H extruding
t di i often
is ft used d as an intermediate
i t di t thermoplastics
h l i (gears,
( cams, pistons,
i rollers,
ll valves,
process to be followed by other processes, for example, fan blades, rotors, washing machine agitators, knobs,
vacuum forming or machining.
machining handles, camera cases, battery cases, sports helmets Fig.Injectionmoulding
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 220 of 240 Contd Rev.0
E tr sion
Extrusion y The process is continuous and provides a cheap and Compression mo lding
y Long plastic products with uniform cross sections are rapid method of moulding. y A compression mould is made of two halves with one
dil produced
d d byb the
th extrusion
t i process. each
h being
b i connected
d to the
h platens
l off the
h press.
y Common production shapes include a wide variety of
y Thermoplastic pellets & powders are fed through a hopper y The mould is electrically heated to maintain the
into the barrel chamber of a screw extruder. A rotating g
solid forms, as well as tubes, pipes, and even coated
i and d cables.
bl required temperature.
screw propels the material through a preheating section,
where it is heated, homogenized, and compressed, and y Material is placed in the mould, and it is closed with a
then forces it through a heated die and onto a conveyor hydraulic
y cylinder,
y , or toggle
gg clamp.
belt. y The pressure maintained on the material is of the
y As the plastic passes onto the belt, it is cooled by jets of air order of 14 to 40 MPa of moulding area.
or sprays off water which
h h harden
h d it sufficiently
ff l to preserve y As the material comes in contact with the heated
its newly imparted shape. mould surface, it softens and fills the entire cavity and
y It continues to cool as it passes along the belt and is then at the same time initiates the chemical reaction which
either cut into lengths or coiled. cures the part.
Contd Contd
y Cure
C i
time i determined
is d i d by
b the
h thickest
hi k i
cross section, Transfer Mo lding
mould temperature, material type and grade.
y Transfer moulding is very similar to compression
y After
Aft curing,
i the
th mouldld opens and d the
th partt is
i ejected.
j t d moulding and is developed to avoid the disadvantages
y The most widely used plastic is phenol formaldehyde, found in that process.
commonly known as 'Bakelite
Bakelite. y In this
h method,h d thermosetting
h charge
h is heated
h d and
compressed in a separate chamber and then injected
into the closed mould where it is allowed to cool and
y Transfer moulding is capable of moulding part shapes
that are more intricate than compression moulding
but not as intricate as injection
j moulding.
Blo mo lding
y Blow moulding is the process of inflating a hot,
hot hollow,
thermoplastic preform or parison inside a closed mould so
that its shape conforms to that of the mould cavity.
y Typical parts made are bottles, toys, air ducts of automobiles,
chemical and gasoline tanks, and a number of housholds
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 221 of 240 Contd Rev.0
IES 2005
IES2005 Thermoforming
y In this process, a thermoplastic sheet can be formed into a
p p y
Thermoplasticmaterialscannotbeproducedby: three
three dimensional shape by the application of heat and
(a) Injectionmoulding process differential pressures.
y First, the plastic sheet is clamped to a frame and uniformly
((b)) Extrusionprocess
p heated to make it soft and flowable.
(c) Blowmoulding process y Then a differential pressure (either vacuum or pressure or
(d) Both(a)and(b)above both) is applied to make the sheet conform to the shape of
a mould ld or die
di positioned
ii d below
b l the h frame.
y It is possible to use most of the thermoplastic materials.
The starting g material is a p plastic sheet of uniform
y It is a relatively simple process and is used for making such
parts as covers,, displays,
p p y , blister p
g g, trays,
y , drinking
cups and food packaging.
Contd Contd
IES 2004
IES2004 IES 2009
MatchListI(Typeofmoulding)ListII(Mechanisminvolved)and MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer
selectthecollectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists: usingthecodegivenbelowtheLists:
ListI ListII
ListI ListII
A. Compressionmoulding 1. Mouldcavitymustbeheated
tocuretheplasticforced (Article) (ProcessingMethod)
i i
intoit. A. Disposablecoffeecups 1. Rotomoulding
B. Injectedmoulding 2. SimilartoHydraulic
extrusion B. Largewatertanks2. Expandablebead
C. Jetmoulding 3
3. Analogoustothehot moulding
pressingofpoweredmetals C. Plasticsheets 3. Thermoforming
D. Extrusionmoulding 4. Analogoustodiecastingof D. Cushionpads 4. Blowmoulding
A B C D A B C D 5
5. Calendering
(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 3 1 4 2 Code: A B C D A B C D
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 4 1 2 (a) 3 5 1 2 (b) 4 5 1 2
( ) 4
(c) 3 2 1 (d) 3 1 5 2
IAS 1999
IAS1999 IAS 2007
IAS2007 IAS 2004
g p
Whichoneofthefollowingaretheprocessesfor Whichoneofthefollowingstatementsisnot Whichofthefollowingarethecharacteristicsofthe
thermosettingmaterials? correct? injectionmoulding
ld ofplastics?
f l
(a) Ininjectiondiemoulding,exactamountof 1. Itisthemosteconomicalmethodofmassproducinga
1. Compression singleitem
2. Transfermoulding 2. Inmostcasesfinishedproductsareobtained
(b) Injectiondiemoulding isgenerallylimitedto
33. Injectionmoulding
j g formingthermoplasticmaterial
4. Extrusion 3. Thereislotofwasteofthermoplasticsincethe
(c) Thermosettingplasticsaremoresuitablefor runnersandsprues cannotbereused.
g g
Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: extrusionmoulding
(a) 1and4 (b) 1and2 (d) Extrusionmoulding processisusedforgiving (a) 1and2 (b) 2and3
(c) 2and3 (d) 2,3and4 (c) 1and3 (d) 1,2and3
IES 2004
IES2004 IES 2011
MatchListI(Material)withListII(Typicaluse)and Assertion (A) : The plastic organic materials
h h d b l h can be b easily
il shaped
h d or moulded
ld d by
b mechanical
h i l
Lists: action.
ListI ListII Reason (R): It is widely in use as it can be
A. Branchedpolyethylene 1. Bottles permanently moulded.
B. Polyester
y 2. Textilefibres ((a)) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the
C. Polyvinylidene chloride 3. Filmsforpackaging correct explanation of A
D. LinearPolyethylene 4. Transparentfilm (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT
A B C D A B C D the
h correct explanation
l i off A
(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 3 2 1 4 (c) A is true but R is false
( ) 2
(c) 3 1 4 (d) 3 2 4 1 (d) A is
i false
f l but
b t R is
i true
El t
Elastomers y When a force is applied, the polymer stretches by y The elasticity or rigidity of the product can be determined
y Elastomers are a special class, of linear polymers that uncoiling. When the load is removed, the molecules recoil by controlling the number of crosslinks within the
display an exceptionally large amount of elastic and the material returns to its original size and shape.
shape material.
t i l
deformation when a force is applied. y The relationship between force and stretch does not, y Small amounts of crosslinking leave the elastomer soft
however,, follow Hooke's Law. and flexible,
flexible as in a rubber band.
y Many can be stretched to several times their original
y In reality, the behaviour of elastomers is a bit more
length. Upon release of the force, the deformation can y Additional crosslinking restricts some of the uncoiling,
complex. While the chains indeed uncoil when placed
be completely
p y recovered,, as the material q quicklyy under load,
load they also tend to slide over one another to and the material becomes harder,, stiffer,, and more brittle,,
returns to its original shape. In addition, the cycle can produce a small degree of viscous deformation. When the like the rubber used in bowling balls.
be repeated numerous times with identical results, as load is removed, the molecules recoil, but the viscous y If placed under constant strain, however, even highly cross
with the stretching of a rubber band.
band d f
i i not recovered
is d andd the
h elastomer
l retains
i linked material will exhibit some viscous flow over time.
y In the elastomeric polymers, the linear chaintype some permanent change in shape. This phenomenon is known as stress relaxation.
o ecu es aaree ttwisted
sted o
or cu
ed, much
uc likee a cocoil y By cross
linking the coiled molecules, however, it is y The rate of this relaxation depends on the material,
material the
spring. possible to restrict the viscous deformation while retaining force, and the temperature.
the large elastic response.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Contd Page 223 of 240 Contd Rev.0
IES 2011
IES2011 R bb
Rubber y Natural rubber compounds are outstanding for their
During tensile testing it has been observed that for y Natural rubber, the oldest commercial elastomer, is made y g
flexibility, good electrical insulation, low internal
some material the deformation is fully recoverable from
f the
h processedd sap off a tropicall tree. friction, and resistance to most inorganic acids, salts,
and timeindependent, but does not obey Hooks y It could be vulcanized (crosslinked) by the addition of and alkalies.
law. Th material
The t i l is
i : about 30% sulphur followed by heating to a suitable
temperature. The crosslinking restricts the movement of y However, they have poor resistance to petroleum
(a) Elastomer the molecular chains and imparts strength. products, such as oil, gasoline, and naphtha.
(b) Rubber
R bb y Properties
P i couldld be
b further
f h improved
i d by
b various
i additives
ddi i y In addition,
dd they
h l
lose their
h strength
h at elevated
l d
(c) Polymer (e.g., carbon black) which act as stiffeners, tougheners, and temperatures, so it is advisable that they not be used at
(d) Aluminium
l alloy
ll temperatures above 175
F (80
y Accelerators have been found that speed up the
vulcanization process. These have enabled a reduction in y They also deteriorate fairly rapidly in direct sunlight
the amount of sulfur such that most rubber compounds unless specially compounded.
now contain less than 3% sulphur.
Contd Contd
Differenttypesofrubber Applications
IES 1997
IES1997 C i
Ceramic y Most have crystalline structures, but unlike metals, the
Which one of the following g materials is used for y Ceramic materials are compounds of metallic and bonding g electrons are g g ionic
generally captive in strong
car tyres as a standard material? nonmetallic elements (often in the form of oxides, or covalent bonds. The absence of free electrons makes
carbides, and nitrides) and exist in a wide variety of the ceramic materials poor electrical conductors and
(a) Styrenebutadiene rubber (SBR) compositions and forms.
forms results
l ini many being
b i transparent in i thin
hi sections.
(b) Butyl rubber y The American Ceramic Society has defined ceramic
y Because of the strength of the primary bonds, most
((c)) Nitrile rubber products as those manufactured" byy the action of heat
on raw materials, most of which are of an earthy ceramicsi have
h hi h melting
high lti temperatures.
t t
(d) Any of the above depending upon the need
nature (as distinct from metallic, organic etc.) while of y Ceramic articles of industry are : Dinner ware,
the constituents of these raw materials,
materials the chemical electrical and chemical porcelain,
porcelain refractory bricks and
element silicon, together with its oxide and the tiles, glass, porcelain enamels, abrasives, cutting tools,
compounds thereof (the silicates), occupies a bricks and tiles, cements and concretes, whitewares,
predominant position." mineral Ores, slags and fluxes and insulators etc.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 224 of 240 Contd Rev.0 Contd
y Ceramics can be natural or manufactured: P ti fC i
PropertiesofCeramics y Ingeneral,ceramicsarehard,brittleandhigh
y Natural Ceramics : The most frequently
q y used, y The covalent bonding
g of ceramic materials,, alongwith
y desirableelectrical,magneticandoptical
desirableelectrical magneticandoptical
naturally occuring Ceramics we : Silica (SiO), Silicates their high melting point and relative resistance to properties,i.e.,lowelectricalandthermal
and Clay minerals. oxidation, make ceramics good candidates for high conductivity.
y Manufactured Ceramics : Such ceramics include : temperature applications.
li i y goodchemicalandthermalstability,thatis,high
SiC, Al2O3, Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) and many varieties y In addition, they are relatively cheap and abundant hotstrengthandhighcorrosionresistance,and
off Oxides,
O id C bid
Carbides, Nit id
Nitrides, B id
Borides andd more andd are nott dependent
d d t on import
i t for
f supply.l freedomfromoxidation.
complex ceramics. y goodcreepresistance,and
y Many ceramics retain strength to much higher
y Highcompressivestrengthandexcellent
g p g
temperatures than metals.
metals resistancetowear.
y There being virtual absence of ductility in ceramics, so, y Theirlowdensityisalsoanattractivefeatureto
in general,
general they can not be machined or built up from minimisecentrifugalstressesinpartsrotatingat
stock. highspeed.
IES 2008
IES2008 IES 2002
IES2002 P i fC i
Considerthefollowingstatementsrelatingto g
h l f The processing of ceramics,
ceramics except glass,
glass follows the
(a) Structureofmetallicmaterialsconsistsofatoms
1. Tensilestrengthistheoreticallyhighbutinpractice Powder Metallurgy route, that is, consists of the
quitelow havingvalenceof5,6or7
2. Compressivestrengthismanytimeslowerthantensile (b) Ceramicmaterialshavelongrangeelectronmatrix following steps :
strength. bond
3. Shearstrengthishigh. 1 Preparation of powders
(c) Polymersarecomposedoflongchainofrepeating
4. Transversestrengthiseasytoascertain. molecules 2. Mixing and Blending of powders
Whi h f h
i b ? (d) Ceramicsareweakerthanmetalsbecauseofweak
(a) 1and3 (b) 1and4 electrostaticbond 3. Compacting of powders
(c) 2and3 (d) 2and4
4. Firing or Sintering.
M hi i fC i
1. Clayy pproducts : Clayy bodyy ceramics include y Refractory ceramics are the materials which are capable of
y Mostceramicsaresinteredtotheirfinish withstanding
ith t di highhi h temperature
t t in
i various
i situations.
it ti The
whitewares and stoneware. refractory materials are of three types.
dimensions. y Whitewares includes such families of products as y Acidic refractories are based on aluminasilica
earthenwares, China and porcelain. composition,
ii varying
i f
from pure silica
ili to nearlyl pure
alumina, through a wide range of alumina silicates.
y However,sometimes,theyaremachinedtogetbetter y Whitewares are largely used as tile, sanitary ware, low y The basic constituent of basic refractories is magnesia,
g ,
dimensionalaccuracyandsurfacefinish. and high voltage insulators, and high frequency MgO. Basic refractories include chromemagnesite,
applications. dolomite, limestone and magnesite.
y MachiningofceramicscanbedonewithDiamond y Neutral refractories include substances which do not
y Stoneware applications
l are : Glazed
l d pipes, roofing
f tiles
l combine with either acidic or basic oxides. With increasing
abrasives,LBM,EBMandCHM. and tableware. alumina content, silicaalumina refractories may gradually
g from an acidic to neutral type.
change yp A typical
yp neutral
character is exhibited by such refractories as Carbon,
graphite, carbide, chromite, bauxite and forsterite.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 225 of 240 Rev.0 Contd
y Refractories are used in the construction or lining of
C bid f t
Carbiderefractory y Nitrides have only slightly lower melting points than carbides.
y Carbides have the highest melting point of all the y Cubic boron nitride, CBN, is the hardest material after diamond
furnaces boilers,
boilers flues,
flues regenerators,
regenerators convertors,
convertors substances.
b t and is used as cutting tool material.
material Silicon nitride,
nitride Si3N4,
Si3N4 is
used for ceramic engine components, turbine disks and rocket
y Silicon carbide, SiC, is difficult to sinter, but pressure
crucibles, dryers, pyrometer tubes and in many others, sintered or reactive sintered solid bodies of SiC are used as nozzles.
hi h
hightemperature resistanceheating
i h i elements,
l rocket
k y Sialon (Si Al O N), N) that is oxynitrides,
o nitrides have
ha e better
primarly to withstand the high temperature. oxidation resistance and is used for cutting tools and welding
Al2O3 nozzels and sand blast nozzles.
y Ceramics such as UO2,, UC and UC,, are used in nuclear pins.
y The most widely used oxide refractory ceramic is
applications as fuel elements, fuel containers, moderators, y Borides
d (of
( f Chromium,
h Zirconium and d Titanium)) are usedd as
alumina . It is sintered into cutting tool bits, control rods and structural parts. turbine blades, Rocket nozzles and Combustion chamber
y Boron carbide, B4C, is extremely hard and is used as a liners.
k plug
l insulators,
l h h temperature tubes,
high b melting
l grinding grit. y Cermet is a composition of ceramic and metal. This material
y Other carbides (Tungsten Carbide, Tantalum Carbide and shows better thermal shock resistance than ceramics, but at the
crucibles, wear components and substrates for Titanium carbide) are used in the sintered form as cutting same time retains their high
g refractoriness.
electronic circuits and resistors. tool materials. y It is used as cutting tool material, as crucibles and as jet engine
IES 2002
IES2002 Gl
Glass y Vitreous materials or inorganic glasses are the fusion
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer: y Glasses are,, by
y definition,, "Ceramics" because the products which during solidification from a liquid state
failed to crystallise.
ListI(Material) ListII(Application) starting materials needed to produce glass are typical
y During the cooling process, the glasses exhibit no
A. Ceramics 1. Constructionof of ceramic materials. However, they are produced by discontinuous change g at anyy temperature
p and onlyy a
chemicalplants the
h melt l processing
i route, instead
i d off the
h powderd progressive increase in viscosity is noticed. In fact, glass is a
B. Refractory 2. Columnsandpillars metallurgy route used for other ceramics. hard liquid.
C. Stones 3. Liningoffurnaces y In
I ceramic i science,
i th word
the d "glass"
" l " signifies
i ifi any y Glass Forming Constituents : Silica,Silica which is obtained
amorphous component of ceramic mixture. from highpurity silica sand is the most widely used glass
D. Highsilicaglass 4. Tiles forming constituent.
d B C D A B C D y However,
Ho e er in general terms,
terms glass is a transparent silica y Other glass forming constituents are the oxides of boron,
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3 product which may be amorphous or crystalline, vanadium, germanium and phosphorous. Some other
( ) 4
(c) 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1
depending on heat treatment.
treatment elements and compounds such as tellurium, selenium and
BeF2 can also form glasses.
y Glasses may be either inorganic or organic.
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 226 of 240 Contd Rev.0 Contd
y Along with oxides, fluxes are also added to the charge IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2008
for a g
glass. Fluxes lower the fusion temperature of the Structure of common glass is g
glass and render the molten glass workable at (a) Amorphous When"devitrification"ofinorganicglassesisdone,
reasonable temperature. (b) Partially crystalline ((a)) Glasstransformsfromcrystallinetonon
y However, fluxes may reduce the resistance of glass to (c) Fully crystalline crystallinestate
chemical attack, render it water soluble or make it
((d)) None of the above ((b)) Glasstransformsintoafullytransparentmaterial
y p
bj t tot partial
ti l or complete
l t devitrification
d it ifi ti (th t is,
(that i
crystallisation) uponcooling; Such a glass is (c) Glasstransformsfromnoncrystallinestateto
undesirable since the crystalline are extremely weak polycrystallinestate
and brittle. (d) Glassisrelievedofinternalstresses
y Stabilizers are therefore, added to the glass batch to
overcome these problems.
C it
Composites IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2009
What are composites? Assertion (A) : A composite is a multiphase p g yp
Nano compositematerialsarehighlypreferablein
y Composites are the multiphase materials, which can be material
t i l which
hi h is
i artificially
tifi i ll made
d as one thatth t
occurs naturally. designconsiderationfortheir
defined as any multiphase material that is artificially made
and exhibits a significant proportion of the properties of Reason ((R): ) Technology gy of modern ageg requires
q a (a) Highresistancetocrackpropagation
h constituent
i phases.
h material with unusual combination of properties (b) Vibrationresistance
y The constituent phases of a composite are usually of macro that cannot be met by metal or alloys.
sized p
portions,, differ in form and chemical composition
p ((c)) Impactresistance
and essentially insoluble in each other. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
correct explanation of A (d) Highresilience
Why do we need composites?
y Composites are the class of materials with special ((b)) Both A and R are individuallyy true but R is NOT the
properties. correct explanation of A
y Propertiesofthecompositecanbetailoredtomeetthe (c) A is true but R is false
requiredpurposesuchassuperiorpropertieslikehigher (d) A is
i false
f l but
b R isi true
IES 2007
IES2007 IES 2002
IES2002 IES 1999
p g
Woodisanaturalcompositeconsistingofwhich g
Whichofthefollowingfibre materialsareused g
ofthefollowing? forreinforcementincompositematerials? Thestrengthofthefibre reinforcedplasticproduct
(a) Ligninfibres incollagenmatrix 1. Glass p p g
1. Dependsuponthestrengthofthefibre alone
(b) Ligninfibres inapatitematrix 2. Boroncarbide 2. Dependsuponthefibre andplastic
((c)) Cellulosefibres inapatitematrix
p 33. Graphite
p 3. Isisotropic
(d) Cellulosefibres inligninmatrix Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: 4. Isanisotropic
((a)) 1and2 ((b)) 1and3
3 Whichofthesestatementsarecorrect?
(c) 2and3 (d) 1,2and3 (a) 1and3 (b) 1and4
(c) 2and3 (d) 2and4
H d T
HardnessTest IES 1992
IES1992 IAS 2001
Hardnessasafunctionofcarboncontentisshown With the
th increase
i off percentage
t off carbon
b in
i the
Definition: Hardness is a very important but hard to in steel, which one of the following properties does
define property of materials. ( ) g
(a)FigA increase?
(a) Modulus of elasticity (b) Ductility
Hardness is the resistance offered by a material (b)Fig B
(b)FigB (c) Toughness (d) Hardness
to indentation.
(c)Fig C
(d)Fig D
IES 2010
IES2010 IES 1992
IES1992 R k ll H d
A carbon steel having Brinell Hardness y A sphere conical diamond cone of 120
120 angle and a
db spherical apex of radius 0.2 mm is used
number 100 should ultimate tensile
(a)Rockwelltester y Depth
p of indentation t is measured.
strength closer it
(b)Brinell hardnesstester y Gradually applied load,
(a) 100 N/mm2 (b) 200 N/mm2
(c)ShoreScleroscope 2 2 y Load is applied at right angle to the specimen surface.
( ) 350 N/mm
(c) N/ (d) 1000 N/mm
(d)Vickershardnesstester y R = 100 500 t
y Depending on the load used a scale A,
A B,
B C,
C etc.
etc used.
y Rockwell test should not be used on thin materials
(generally less than 0.16 mm, on rough surface or on
materials that are not homogeneous).
IAS 1999
IAS1999 Vi k h d
Vickershardnesstest Th S l
AmeasureofRockwellhardnessisthe (i) A square based diamond pyramid having 136 136 (i) Based on the rebound height of a ball from the
(a) Depthofpenetrationofindenter between the opposite faces is used. specimen.
(b) Surfaceareaofindentation ((ii)) Average
g Diagonal
g of the indention ((D)) is ((ii)) Harder the material,, higher
g is the height
g to which
(c) Projectedareaofindentation measured. the ball rebounds.
(d) Heightofrebound 1.854
1 854 p p in kgf ((iii)) Scleroscope
p hardness numbers are comparable
VHN = , only among similar materials. A comparison between
D2 D in mm.
steel and rubber would not be valid.
(iii) Even
E a light
li ht load
l d will
ill produce
d plastic
l ti deformation
d f ti
that so why we may use VHT on very hard material
likes Tungsten Carbide.
Sh F bili T
SheetFormabilityTests GATE 2006
GATE2006 IES 2002
y During the various sheet metal forming processes, the MatchtheitemsinColumnIandColumnII. Assertion ((A):) The hardness test is a slow,, expensive
stresses and strains developed in the material are quite ColumnI ColumnII method of assessing the mechanical properties of
P. Charpy test 1. Fluidity materials.
complex. So, any measure of the formability of the
Q. Knoop test 2. Microhardness Reason (R): The hardness is a function of yield stress
sheet metal on the basis of material properties derived and the work hardening rate of material.
from a simple tension test( for example, % elongation R. Spiraltest 3. Formability
((a)) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the correct
as an index
i d off ductility
d tilit off the
th material)
t i l) is
i nott very S Cuppingtest
S. C i t t 4. T
h explanation of A
accurate. 5. Permeability (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
y So cupping tests have been developed to evaluate the correct explanation of A
formability of the sheet metals. (a) P 4,Q 5,R 3,S 2 (b) P 3,Q 5,R 1,S 4 (c) A is true but R is false
((c)) P 2,Q
, Q 4,4,R 3,
3,S 5 ((d)) P 4,
Q 2,R
, 1,S
, 3 (d) A is false but R is true
IES 1992
IES1992 Magnalium Hindalium
Whichofthefollowingstatementisincorrect y It is made by melting the aluminium with 2 to 10% y Itisanalloyofaluminium andmagnesiumwitha
aboutduralumin? magnesium in a vacuum and then cooling it in a smallquantityofchromium.
(a) Itispronetoagehardening vacuum or under a p pressure of 100 to 200 atmospheres.
(b) Itcanbeforged y It also contains about 1.75% copper. Due to its light
((c)) Ithasgoodmachiningproperties
g gp p weight
g and g good mechanical p properties,
p it is mainlyy
(d) Itislighterthanpurealuminium used for aircraft and automobile components.
IES 2011
IES2011 Phosphor bronze
Phosphorbronze IES 2006
Aluminium Bronze is also known as : y When bronze contains phosphorus, it is called Incaseofpowerscrews,whatisthecombination
(a) Muntz metal phosphor bronze. ofmaterialsusedforthescrewandthenut?
(b) White metal y Phosphorus increases the strength, ductility and ((a)) Castironscrewandmildsteelnut
(c) Duraluminium soundness
d off castings.
(b) Carbonsteelscrewandphosphorbronzenut
y This alloy possesses good wearing qualities and high
((d)) Imitation g
gold (c) Castironscrewandcastironnut
l i i
(d) Aluminium screwandalloysteelnut
y A common type of phosphor bronze has the following
iti according
di tot Indian
I di standards
t d d Copper
C =
8790%, Tin = 910%, and Phosphorus = 0.13%.
y The material is specified for pump parts,
parts gears,
springs, power screw nuts and bearings.
IES 1992
IES1992 Gun Metal
GunMetal IES 2003
p g p p p p
Thepercentageofphosphorousinphosphorbronze y It is an alloy of copper, tin and zinc. , j g ,
is y It usually contains 88% copper, 10% tin and 2% zinc. contains
(a) 0.1 (b) 1 y This metal is also known as Admiralty g
gun metal. (a) 88%Cu,10%Sn,2%Zn
(c) 11.1 (d) 98 y The zinc is added to clean the metal and to increase its (b) 80%Cu,10%Zn,10%Al
fluidity. ((c)) 85%Cu,5%Mg,10%Al
5 ,5 g,
y It is not suitable for being worked in the cold state but (d) 85%Cu,5%Sn,10%Pb
may be forged when at about 600C.
y It is extensively used for casting boiler fittings, bushes,
bearings, glands, etc.
IES 2011
Admirality Brass is used for
(a) Condenser Tubes
(b) Rivets
(c) Piston rods
((d)) Utensils
IES 2006
IES2006 IES 2003
IES2003 IES 2004
MatchListI(Composition)withListII(Application)andselect y
Monel metalisanalloyof y pp
List I ListII (a) Ironandcarbon
A. Commercialbronze(10%Zn) 1.Radiator ListI ListII
B. Redbrass(15%Zn) 2 Springmetal
2.Springmetal ((b)) Copperandzinc
pp A Siliconsteel
A. 1
1. Marinebearings
C. Aluminiumbrass(22%Zn,2%Al) 3.Forgingand (c) Aluminium andcopper B. Highcarbonsteel 2. Cuttingtools
D. Pbronze(11%tin)smallamountofP) 4 Powerplant
4.Powerplant (d) Copperandnickel C. Highspeedsteel 3. Springs
andchemical D. Monel metal 4. Transformer
equipment laminations
Codes: A B C D A B C D Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 3 1 4 2
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 1 3 2 4
IES 2009
IES2009 IES 2008
Whyarebabbit y g
alloysusedforbearingmaterial? g
Whichoneofthefollowingiscorrect? g
(a) Theyhaveexcellentembeddability Babbittareusedfor aresubjectedto
((b)) Theyarerelativelystrongerthanotherbearing
y y g g ((a)) Gears ((b)) Bearings
g (a) Largesurfacewear
materials (c) Bolts (d) Clutchliners (b) Elevatedtemperatures.
((c)) Theydonotlosestrengthwithincreasein
y g ((c)) Lightloadandpressure
g p
temperature (d) Highpressureandload.
(d) Theyhavehighfatiguestrength
Ferro electricity
Ferroelectricity Piezo electricity
Piezoelectricity IES 1993
y Ferroelectricity is defined as the spontaneous alignment y Piezoelectricity, or pressure electricity, is defined as
polarization induced by the application of external force. QQuartzisa
off electric
l t i dipoles
di l by
b their
th i mutual
t l interaction
i t ti in
i the
absence of an applied electric field. y Hence, by reversing the direction of external force, direction (a) Ferroelectricmaterial
of the field can be reversed i.e. the application of an
y This arises from the fact that the local field increases in external electric field alters the net dipole length and causes ((b)) Ferromagneticmaterial
proportion to the polarization. Thus, ferroelectric a dimensional change. (c) Piezoelectricmaterial
materials must posses permanent dipoles. Ex.: BaTiO3, y This property is characteristic of materials having
complicated structures with a low degree of symmetry.
symmetry (d) Diamagneticmaterial
Rochelle salt (NaKC4H4O6.4H2O), potassium dihydrogen
phosphate (KH2PO4), potassium niobate (KNbO3). y Thus, piezoelectric materials can be used as transducers
devices that convert mechanical stress into electrical energy
y These
Th materials
t i l have
h extremely
t l high
hi h dielectric
di l t i constants
t t att andd vice
i versa.
relatively low applied field frequencies. y Application for these materials includes microphones,
y Thus,
Thus capacitors made from ferro ferroelectric
electric materials are ultrasonic generators, sonar detectors, and mechanical
i gauges. Ex.:
E B i
Barium titanate,
i l d titanate,
lead i l d
smaller than capacitors made of other dielectric materials. zirconate (PbZrO3), ammoinium dihydrogen phosphate
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 236 of 240
(NH4H2PO4), and quartz. Rev.0
Welding cracks
Weldingcracks y Cracksinthebasemetalusuallyoccuratlow y Coldcrackingcanoccurdueanytothefollowing
y Cracksmayoccuratthefollowinglocations:
temperatures(around200C)andareknownasCold severalfactors: improperweldingconditions,the
(i)Intheweld(Fuse)MetalZone cracks. presenceofgasandotherimpuritiesintheweld,
f d h i i i i h ld
(ii)IntheBasemetalzone wrongchoiceoffillerrodandmetallurgicalfactors
y Ontheotherhand,thecracksintheweldmetalzone
ti th k i i t i Z d occurwhilethemetalisstillveryhot.Suchcracksare
hil h li ill h S h k formationofmartensiteandformationofbrittle
thenspreadtotheotherZone. calledHotcracks. phasesintheweldwhencoldortheformationof
y Cracksintheweldmaybeduetostructuralstressesin
C k i th ld b d t t t l t i phaseswhicharebrittleathightemperatures
h hi h b ittl thi ht t
themetal(forexample,theformationofmartensite), [Allotropictransformations].
heavyshrinkage extrahighamountofsulphur
heavyshrinkage,extrahighamountofsulphur, y Cracksinthebasemetalcanoccurduetothe
phosphorousorcarboninthemetal,excessivelyrigid followingreasons: Corrosion,Basemetaldefects,
p g p g p Basemetalcompositionvariations,hydrogen
gasesintheweldmetal. embrittlement
bi l andinternalstressessetupdueto
di l d
Contd Contd
IES 2005
IES2005 H bi l
Hembrittlement dP i i
andPassivity IES 1992
ot c ac s occu t e e d a d us o o e as t e
Hotcracksoccurintheweldandfusionzoneasthe y Hydrogenembrittlement
yd oge e b tt e e t isformoffailurethan
s o o a u et a Presenceofhydrogeninsteelcauses
metalsolidifies.Whichofthefollowingarethecauses corrosion,but occursasaresultofhydrogenproduced (a) Reducedneutronabsorptioncrosssection
forhotcracks? duringcorrosion.Atomichydrogendiffusesintocrystals
di hibi di l i i i f il (b)improvedweldability
1. Presenceofsulphur andphosphorusinthebasemetal
y Countermeasures:heattreatment;removalofhydrogen (c) Embrittlement
2. Highcarbonoralloycontentofthebasemetal
3. Moistureinthejointorelectrode
source (d)corrosionresistance
y Passivity:Itisformprotectionagainstcorrosion.Itresults
4. Jointrestraint
, g y
l h h d b l surface.UsuallyobservedinAl,Cr,Fe,Ni,Tiandtheir
(a) 1,2and4 (b) 1,2and3 alloys.Passivelayersmaygetdamagedduringmechanical
( ) 3and4
(c) d (d) 1,2,3and4
d vibrations,andsothesemetalsarepronetoerosion
ib i d h l i
IES 2006
IES2006 IES 1992
Incaseofpowerscrews,whatisthecombination Forthepipefittinglikeelbow,tee,unionetc.
ofmaterialsusedforthescrewandthenut? whichofthefollowingispreferred?
((a)) Castironscrewandmildsteelnut ((a)) Pigiron
(b) Carbonsteelscrewandphosphorbronzenut (b) Malleableiron
(c) Castironscrewandcastironnut (c) Spheroidal graphitecastiron
(d) Aluminium screwandalloysteelnut (d) Highcarbonsteel
IAS 1996
IAS1996 IAS 1998
IAS1998 IES 1996
MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer Whichofthefollowingmethodsaresuitablefor Thelimittothemaximumhardnessofawork
h d b l h l theproductionofsuperalloys? materialwhichcanbemachinedwithHSStools
ListI(Cuttingtools) ListII(Majorconstituent) 1. Atomizationfrommoltenstateusinginertgas. evenatlowspeedsissetbywhichoneofthe
A Stellite
A. l
l. Tungsten 2. Atomizationusingplasmaarcandrotating
A i i i l d i f ll i
lf il h i
B. H.S.S. 2. Cobalt electrode. (a) Attrition
C. Ceramic 3. Alumina 3 Reductionandcrushing.
3. Reductionandcrushing
D. DCON 4. Columbium
(b) Abrasion
5. Titanium (c) Diffusion
Codes:A B C D A B C D (d) Plasticdeformationundercompression.
(a) 1and2 (b) 2and3
(a) 5 1 3 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 1and3 (d) 1,2and3
( ) 2
(c) 1 3 4 ( )
(d) 2 5 3 4
GATE 2002
GATE2002 IES 2009
IES2009 IES 1992
Theductilityofamaterialwithworkhardeningg p g yp
Nano compositematerialsarehighlypreferablein Machinetoolframeshouldhave
(a) Increases (b) Decreases designconsiderationfortheir (a) Highrigiditytoweightratio
((c)) Remainsunaffected ((d)) Unpredictable
p (a) Highresistancetocrackpropagation ((b)) Graphiteintheformofnodules
(b) Vibrationresistance (c) Lowhardness
((c)) Impactresistance
p (d) Highworkhardness
(d) Highresilience
IES 2011
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2011
IES2011 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using
Materialswhichshowdirectiondependentpropertiesare Lead is widely used in: the code given below the lists :
called: (a) Transformers ListI ListII
(a)Homogeneous (b) Switch gear
g A.System
y 1.Freeenergyisaminimum
(b)Viscoelastic (c) Galvanized pipes B.Phase 2.Chemicalelementsorchemical
(c)Isotropic ((d)) Batteries compounds
(d)Anisotropic C.Phase 3.Consistsofsolids,liquidsorgassesortheir
equilibrium combination
Codes 4.Homogeneousportionofasystemthat
A B hasuniformphysicalcharacteristics
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 4 1 2
IES 2011
GATE2005 IAS1998 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using
the code given below the lists :
Wh the th temperature
t t off a solid
lid metal
t l increases
i Magnesiumisextrudedandnotrolledbecause
M i i t d d d t ll db
ListI ListII
(a) Strength of the metal decreases but ductility (a) Ithasalowmeltingpoint
A.Elasticityy 1.Deformnonelasticallywithoutfracture
increases (b) Ithasalowdensity
I h l d i
(b) Both strength and ductility of the metal decrease B.Malleability 2.Undergoplasticdeformationundertensile
(c) Itsreactivitywithrollmaterialishigh load
( ) Both
(c) B th strength
t th andd ductility
d tilit off the
th metal
t l increase
i ( ) Ithasadosepackedhexagonalstructure
(d) C.Ductility 3.Undergoplasticdeformationunder
(d) Strength of the metal increases but ductility compressiveload
decreases D.Plasticity 4.Returntoitsoriginalshapeonunloading
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 2 3 1
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 4 3 2 1
For-2015 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 239 of 240 Rev.0
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2010
Injection moulding process used to produce Assertion (A) : Solid solutions of metal are The correct statement is
thermoplastic matrix composites with fibre crystall whose
h propertiesi are close
l to those
h off (a) Characteristic of any series of alloys cannot be
reinforcement normally gives: the solvent.
found by phase diagram.
( ) Short
(a) h fibre
f b composites Reason (R) : They retain the same crystal lattice
and type of bond. (b) Phase diagram does not give amount of
(b) Two layer structure composites ((a)) Both A and R are individuallyy true and R is the phases which are a function of composition,
p p ,
(c) Continuous fibre composites correct explanation of A temperature and pressure.
(d) Single layer composites (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT
h correct explanation
l i off A (c) The phase may be liquid or vapour with
(c) A is true but R is false ordered crystal structure.
(d) A is
i false
f l but
b t R is
i true
t (d) Phase diagram provides the information on
how rapidly equilibrium is reached.
JWM 2010
JWM2010 IES 2010
Assertion(A):Electricarcfurnacecanbeusedfor Consider the following:
1. Water
inacidareprocess 2. Ice
3. Brine solution
4 Oil
Which of these is/are used as quenching
The End
di ini case off Alloy
All steels?l ?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) 1 and 4 only (d) Only