JAMSHORO-76002, Sindh, Pakistan
Otfce af Research, Innovation & Commercialization (OR |
Dircetor (ORIC) No. MUB TORIC 285
August 26,2015
‘Manage Learing and Development,
Pakistan Pewolcuin Limited (PPL)
Human Resources Department,
6" Floor, PIDC House,
De, Ziauin Ahad Road
Its our policy at Melia University that we would ike to send as many students as possible
ding winter vacation for Industrial traning, so that they could acquire frs-hand knowledge
bout day o day problems of the Industry and their solutions,
1 will be obliged if you could arrange an intemnship at your esteemed organization for the
following graduate sets, fom 27% of Augusto 308 September, 2015.
No, Full Name of Student
11 [Mua Hasnain Ques TPG
22 [funn Sy Aran LIMEST
11 is futher requested tha aller completion the certificate of internship in favour of above
iste candidate must be divetly sent the offic of undersigned,
hank you.
Yours ul
Prot: Dr Gasesattt Bhatt
Telephone: 192-2772280 Fan: 4922772281
Nema: dioricaadninsnmeted