1990-Fleming Suturing Method and Pain
1990-Fleming Suturing Method and Pain
1990-Fleming Suturing Method and Pain
The sight of women hobbling along beneath the skin layer to close the between women with lacerations
the postpartum halls is so common- subcuticular tissue. Students are en- and women with episiotomies
place that most care providers have couraged to develop suturinq skills showed that although the women in
resignedly accepted the after- leading to a repair in-which theedges the epislotomy group experienced
stitches shuffle as an unavoidable are %eU-au!xoximated snusli and mom total pain, the dffferemes were
eonsequence of a birth that has in- in which a& fullnesshas bei; eased not statistically sign&ant. This
volved wturing. Nearly all nurse- in in order to appear as neat as a finding is simtlaf to other published
midwives have been taught a tradi- seam on machine-stitched clothes. rep~t?s,~-~which have found either
tional suturinq techniaue and have SigniBcant postpartum perineal pal no difference when comparing post-
utilized it Gthout $uestioning is anticipated so routinely, thdt anal- eptsfotomy and ~cemtion per-
whether the sutudnu method itself gesicsand perineal treatment options ineal pain a haw found more pr-
might have an imp&t on the ap- are usually ordered routinely and ineal discomfort with epfsiotomiea
parent Inevitability of postpartum indeed are themselves a frequent However, the results were remark-
perineal pain after an episiotomy or focus of research investigatfon.2 ably different than those of these au-
a laceralion. Recently, aidence has been pm- thors and those of Reading et al.,9all
The traditional suturing method sented that suggeststhat perhaps an of whom fcund significant perineal
involves placing one or two layers of alternative suturing method can IP- pain In women wfth au types of per-
Interrupted sutures to close tte deep duce the amount and duration of ineal wounds up unttl three months
and superflcfal transverse perineal postpartum pedneal pain. This au- postpartum. In conttast, Fleming
muscles, blanket sutures (locked thors doctoral research3, found a f.xtnd that by 48 houn postpartum
conUnuous stitches) lor the vaginal surprisinglylow level of p+?rinealpaIn the mean perceiwd perineal pain in
mucosa, a crown s&h to repair the in postpartum women compared to both the laceration and the eplsi-
bulbocavemasusmuscle, contfnuow general expectations and reports &my groups was rated as *mfld.
stitches for the perineal subcuta- from otho; researchers In the per- By hue weeks pasipxtum. the mean
neous fascia, and continuous mat- ineal pain area. As expected, this au- for bath grwps was closeto I73ne.
tresssutures piaced , one cell layer thor found that women with no su- Hemlng attdbuted this unexpectedly
tuuwshad the least amount of pain. low level of postpartum perineal
with pain lasting for the shortestpe- discomfort to the nontraditional
riod of time after birth. The analyses suturing method employed by her
of the comparison of perineal pain p&fca.a
Other researchershave attempted ture materials used to close epi- have been identified in the literature
to analyze the impact of suturing siotomies and lacerations, and at- as bearing on pain during healing:
variables on postpartum perineal temoted to summarize ten trials the tightnw or loosenessof the su-
pain. In a 1986 cormneotmy on the con&ring commonly used sutuiing tures, the number of layers of su-
rep&r of episiotomies and perineal materials. Four conholkxl hi-& com- turing. and the placing of continuous
tears. Grant identified three factors pared absorbable skin sutures left in versus interrupted sutures. A study
a&i&d with morbidity related to place to dissolve es against nonab- by Stone, van Fraunhofer, and Mas-
pedneal repair of midline perineal sorbabk suture material removed in tersonle indicated that looselv an-
tissue disruption% the choice of su- the first week after delivery. All four proximated wound edges yielded
ture material, the technique of re- showed that absorbable material significantly stronger bonds after
p&, and the competence of the op- produced less pain than non&sorb- healing than wounds closed with
erator. Several authors have exam- able material in the immediate post- tight sutures. They found that su-
ined various @e.s of suture material partum period. However, of the tures placed too tightly in faxii Iwt
and debated b&fits of the differing studies specifically comparing dif- SOW of their usual strength. They
hnws. SEI~IZ~suoaesteda method of
ferent types of absorbable suture theorized that this loss is due to tioht
matching suturing materials to the material, results were confounded sutures producing tissueoverlap iat
type of tissues inioived to enhance because different suturing tech- results in hypoxia, poor healing, and
the strength of wound healins. He niques were used as well. Thus, mesumahlv also increased pain
recommended absorbable material taken as a group. the date supported hudng the h&Jiig process.In a more
for vaainal tissues and claimed that no recommendations regarding recent article. Mastereon relterated
chromic catgut was appropriate for polyglycolic versus chromic catgut this principleof avolding constdcnng
these tissues because it mainlains suture material in reducing short- sutures and advocated sutures that
tensile strength during the critical term and long-term p&suturing per- incorpOrate large bites of tissue in
phase of heal!ng. ineal pain. order to keep stitchesloose and thus
Grn~@ looked swclhca3v ai oei- !lor. recentlv. Grant, Sleep, produce a stronger tissue bond.
ineal pain produced by vahous~su- Ashurst, and Spen~er~ reported on The second area of ixportetlce in
a comoarfsonof oain essociatedwith comparing suturing techniques is
the ;e of glycerol-impregnated that of the number of layers of su-
catqut (softc~~l es cornowed with tures that are adequate for proper
untreated ch;omic catg; and con- healing. Although it has been well
cluded that women repaired with the acknowledged fhat too much suture
degreein nuningfmm Stunford glycerol-treated catgut were more material retards healing, Increases
OniwrrnV in 1966. her M.S. in likely to have significant perineal the inflammatory process, and re-
matemoiichild nunhgfmm the pain et 10 days postpartum. They suns in increased pain,e standard
Uniuenity of Califomio in San Fmnclsco concluded that glycerol-impregnated perineal repair techniques usually
in1%8. end herPh.D. from the catgut has no place in the repair of continue to include several different
Uniuersi$ ofIllinois d Chimgo in 1987. perineal traum;. Another ;ecent layers of suturing to close dead
She holds an o,+ointment as an adjun~?
studv bv Mahomed and Grar# spacE, usually at least three, rather
faculty member In the graduatenuning
corn&& suturing methods and su- than simply taking larger bites of
depadmentof the Uniuenlty oflllinois at
Chicago,end is the clinicof directorfor turing technique= in a randomized tissue. However, for some time,
Comprehensiue Obntetr;a,Gvnecolo~~ clinical trial and concuded that prectnloners such es Munslckle have
and Midwifey. a full scopepnuote polyglycolic suture material has clear recognized that overzealous su-
pmmce in the w&em suburbsof advantagesover chromic catgut. Un- turing with many layers of sutures is
Chicam. Her ~mctice oatirws include fortunately. as the Mahomed study is a major wnmbutor to pain.
currently unpublished. no details are More recently, a single-layer su-
available to evaluate the research for turing technique has received favor-
the presence of confounding van- able attention for obstetric and mme-
ables or the validity of its conclu- cologic surgey. Gallup has &o-
slons. A randomized clinical trial c&d eliminatfng layering of sutures
employing a standardized suturing in abdominal gynecologic surgay to
WhnQue to comp?reValiOlLsabsorb increase the healing processand de-
able suture materials Is indeed in crease the rate of dehiecence. His
order. technique recommended large con-
In addition to suture material, tinuous bites taken to include dif-
three factors in suturing technique ferent types of tissues rather than