Laparoscopic Appendicectomy in All Trimesters of Pregnancy
Laparoscopic Appendicectomy in All Trimesters of Pregnancy
Laparoscopic Appendicectomy in All Trimesters of Pregnancy
Background: The laparoscopic approach for appen- Appendicectomy is the most common nonobstetric oper-
dicectomy in pregnancy was not considered the preferred ation during pregnancy.1,2 Pregnancy was a relative con-
procedure until recently. The aim of this study was to traindication to laparoscopy until recently because of the
examine our experience with laparoscopic appendicec- belief that the procedure would decrease uterine and fetal
tomy in pregnancy and review the scientific evidence blood flow and result in abortion or possibly influence
available in the medical literature. fetal development. Several reports of successful laparo-
scopic procedures in pregnancy have indicated the safety
Method: The clinical data of all patients who underwent
of laparoscopy in pregnancy.3–30 However, a recent re-
laparoscopic appendicectomy during pregnancy at our
view of laparoscopic appendicectomy in pregnancy re-
hospital between 1999 and 2007 were collected and ret-
ported a significantly higher fetal loss rate compared with
rospectively analyzed. A Medline literature search re-
open appendicectomy and has raised some concerns.31
stricted to English language articles on laparoscopic ap-
Our experience is presented here, and the available liter-
pendicectomy in pregnancy was carried out.
ature is reviewed, regarding the present status of laparo-
Result: Twenty patients underwent laparoscopic appen- scopic appendicectomy in pregnancy.
dicectomy during pregnancy. Of these, 8 were in the first
trimester, 9 in the second trimester, and 3 in the third METHODS
trimester. Fifteen patients had histologically confirmed
appendicitis. The mean operating time was 45 minutes, The data for all patients undergoing laparoscopic appen-
and the average postoperative stay in the hospital was 1.5 dicectomy during pregnancy in our hospital from January
days. All patients except one had a full-term normal de- 1999 to January 2007 were analyzed. The data studied
livery. Literature search: An additional 637 patients from included presentation, estimated weeks of gestation at
the English literature were reviewed and summarized. presentation, procedures, intraoperative findings, compli-
cations, and the outcome of laparoscopic appendicec-
Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that laparoscopic tomy. The birth records were also reviewed for outcome,
appendicectomy can be safely performed during all tri- including gestational age at delivery, birth weight, and
mesters of pregnancy. The literature search suggests that Apgar score.
although laparoscopic appendicectomy in pregnancy is
associated with a low rate of intraoperative complications Operative Technique
in all trimesters it may be associated with a significantly
higher rate of fetal loss compared with open appendicec- The procedure was carried out with the patient under
tomy. general anesthesia with end tidal carbon dioxide monitor-
ing that was maintained within the physiological range (30
Key Words: Laparoscopic appendectomy, Pregnancy, mm Hg to 40 mm Hg). A Foley catheter was inserted in all
Abortion. patients and removed at the end of the surgery. Patients
were tilted to the left to displace the uterus from the IVC.
In the initial 3 cases, pneumoperitoneum was carried out
using a Veress needle. In all the later cases, pneumoperi-
Senior Consultant, Department of Surgery, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital
Muscat/Sultanate of Oman (Dr Machado)., Professor & Chairman, Department of
toneum was carried out using an open (Hasson) tech-
Surgery, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat/Sultanate of Oman (Dr Grant). nique. The pneumoperitoneum pressure was maintained
Address reprint requests to: Dr. Norman Machado, Senior Consultant, Department between 10mm Hg to 12mm Hg. Fetal heart rate was
of Surgery, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, PO Box 38, Postal Code 123, recorded immediately before and after surgery.
Muscat/Sultanate of Oman. E-mail:
© 2009 by JSLS, Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. Published by The procedure was always performed using 3 ports, and
the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, Inc. their placement was modified in accordance with gesta-
Table 1.
Operative Details and Outcome in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Appendectomy in This Series
Patient Age Gestation Abdominal Entry Operative Finding Operative Outcome of Hospital
No. (years) (weeks) (Veress Needle/ Time Pregnancy Stay
Hasson Technique) (min) Delivery (days)
1 26 20 V Acute appendicitis 48 38 3
2 30 13 H Appendicular mass 55 39 7
3 19 22 V Fecalith normal 30 39 4
4 26 16 V Acute appendicitis 60 40 3
5 27 9 H Acute appendicitis 50 Abortion 3
6 19 25 H Normal appendix 35 38 8
right hydronephrosis
7 23 26 H Acute appendicitis 42 39 3
8 31 12 H Omental adhesions to 40 38 3
right salpinx normal
9 38 10 H Mucocele of 35 39 3
10 22 13 H Acute appendicitis 50 38 3
11 24 11 H Acute appendicitis 40 39 3
12 20 15 H Omental adhesions to 45 40 3
caecum / right
salpinx normal
13 24 12 H Acute appendicitis 40 38 3
14 21 24 H Acute appendicitis 60 40 3
15 26 28 H Acute appendicitis 55 39 3
16 19 13 H Acute appendicitis 40 40 3
17 24 23 H Torsion of right ovary 55 39 4
normal appendix
18 28 10 H Phlegmonous 65 40 4
19 25 24 H Acute appendicitis 55 40 4
20 19 14 H Acute appendicitis 45 38 3
DISCUSSION trimester (69%) compared with the first and second tri-
mester.33 Twenty-five per cent of all pregnant women
Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of nonob- who have acute appendicitis will progress to perfora-
stetric acute abdomen during pregnancy, with a reported tion.34 A 66% perforation incidence has been reported
incidence of 0.05% to 0.1%.1,2,21 Even though the inci- where surgery is delayed by more than 24 hours com-
dence of acute appendicitis in pregnancy has been con- pared with 0% incidence when surgical management is
sidered identical to that in the nonpregnant population, a initiated prior to 24 hours after presentation.35
recent case control study suggested a lower incidence in
pregnant women, with the third trimester being particu- The difficulty in making a clinical diagnosis particularly
larly protective.32 However, it has been noted that perfo- close to term combined with the previously quoted high
ration of the appendix occurs twice as often in the third incidences of fetal and maternal mortality for appendiceal
perforation has led to a traditionally low threshold for Use of laparoscopic procedures has rapidly gained accep-
surgical intervention. This has resulted in a higher nega- tance in the treatment of patients with appendicitis. In a
tive appendicectomy rate, ranging from 23% to 55% in study of 3133 pregnant patients who underwent appen-
pregnant women compared with 18% in nonpregnant dicectomy,31 the laparoscopic approach was used in 14%
women (P⬍0.05).4,25,29,31,32,36 However, of concern was of pregnant women compared with 23% of nonpregnant
the finding in the systematic review by Walsh et al36 who women. This change in approach stems from the fact that
noted that fetal loss rates in the group with no evidence of laparoscopic appendicectomy, in addition to its general
appendicitis were as high as for those with simple appen- advantage of a smaller incision, less postoperative pain,
dicitis. and earlier return to normal activity, offers other potential
advantages for pregnant women.3– 6,10 Laparoscopy can nant patients in accordance with SAGES recommenda-
result in less manipulation of the uterus while obtaining tions.38 The remaining trocars can be positioned accord-
optimum exposure of the surgical field and could reduce ing to the preferences of the surgical team but always
delays in diagnosis and treatment. It affords easier visual- displaced cephalad to avoid the uterine fundus. It is rec-
ization and treatment of ectopically located appendix or ommended that the patient be placed on her left side after
helps in detecting other unexpected sources of pain as in the second term of pregnancy to prevent uterine compres-
4 of our patients.10,11 Lower rates of dehiscence or herni- sion of the vena cava and to facilitate access to the ap-
ation during labor are another potential benefit. Rapid pendix.4,37 This can be achieved by tilting the operating
return to full activity could reduce the frequency of ma- table to the left; it is unnecessary to place the patient in a
ternal thrombosis and embolic events, which can be a strict lateral decubitus position.4 In a recent review,36 the
major source of maternal mortality in some patients.4,11,21 mode of laparoscopic entry was documented in 116 cases;
the open (Hasson) technique was used in 68% of cases
The major concerns, however, have been the potential compared with the use of the Veress needle in 32% cases.
effects of pneumoperitoneum on fetal physiology and the
possibility of injury to the uterus during the operation. The Tocolytic agents are used in patients either prophylacti-
effects of laparoscopic appendicectomy due to increased cally or following the development of postoperative uter-
intraabdominal pressure and fetal acidosis during CO2 ine contractions. However, a recent review revealed no
pneumoperitoneum have been looked into in clinical or statistical difference in the rate of preterm delivery among
experimental studies, and no substantial adverse effects the prophylactic tocolysis group (0/15) and the nontoco-
for the fetus have been found when the maximal pneu- lysis group (3/79; P⫽0.59).36 Hence, the use of prophy-
moperitoneum pressure was limited to 10mm Hg to 12mm lactic tocolytic agents is not indicated but can be appro-
Hg for a duration of ⬍60 minutes.21,37 Although studies priate if there are obstetric criteria as evidenced by uterine
have demonstrated that laparoscopy can be performed contractions and risk of premature birth.4,36,37 This has
safely during any trimester with good fetal and maternal been the practice in our unit.
outcomes, the long-term effects on the child after delivery The need for continuous fetal monitoring by ultrasonog-
have not been well studied. However, one recent study27 raphy scans has been reported previously.17,38 Despite
evaluating 11 children from 1 year to 8 years whose being SAGES recommendations, this measure has been
mothers underwent surgery during pregnancy found no abandoned because it is difficult to carry out and has a
growth or developmental delay in these children. low efficacy.4 Most of the recent recommendations con-
Guidelines for laparoscopic procedures during pregnancy sider it essential to have uterine and fetal monitoring
have previously been published by the Society of Ameri- before and after operations rather than intraoperatively,
can Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons38 and mod- and some would repeat this just before the discharge of
ifications have been proposed by Moreno-Sanz et al.4 A their patients.3–5,11
pneumoperitoneum pressure of ⬍12 mm Hg is recom- Operative times were reported in 110 cases (mean 51⫾13
mended, because previous animal studies have demon- min)(median, 46). The mean operative times were 45, 51,
strated fetal hypercapnia and acidosis secondary to CO2 and 59 minutes for procedures in the first, second, and
pneumoperitoneum in pregnant ewes.39 However, sub- third trimesters, respectively.36 This has been quicker than
stantial adverse effects to the fetus with pneumoperito- the recently reported median operating time for laparo-
neum limited to 10 mm Hg to 12 mm Hg have not been scopic appendicectomy (LA) in a nonpregnant population
demonstrated.21,39 (median 60 min) and may reflect the fact that the laparo-
scopic procedure in pregnancy is usually performed by
Some controversy exists about the best approach to access
experienced surgeons.36,40 This is supported by the low
the abdomen and to create the pneumoperitoneum. Com-
(1%) rate of conversion to laparotomy that is better than
plications have been described for all techniques, but
most published rates of nonpregnant patients.36 The mean
accidental puncture of the uterus with a Veress needle is
stay was 5⫾3.8 days. Information on the use of intraop-
the most serious.21,23 Open access to the abdomen was the
erative antibiotics was sparse, with antibiotic administra-
most common approach reported in the literature re-
tion routinely in 29/36 cases.36
viewed,6,8,9,11,13,15,17,20,27,29 but the Veress needle was only
routinely used in 3 studies.18,19,24 The correct use of the Advanced pregnancy was initially considered a relative
Hasson technique is completely safe and reproducible contraindication by authors who suggested the gestational
and is recommended as the standard technique in preg- age limit for successful completion for laparoscopic sur-
appendectomy in pregnancy: a case series of 7 patients. JSLS. gynecologic laparoscopy in second and third trimester preg-
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