2104-Empirical Calculation of Roll Damping For Ships PDF
2104-Empirical Calculation of Roll Damping For Ships PDF
2104-Empirical Calculation of Roll Damping For Ships PDF
Technical note
Empirical calculation of roll damping for ships
and barges
Subrata Chakrabarti
Offshore Structure Analysis, Inc., 13613 Capista Drive, Plainfield, IL 60544, USA
For a large floating structure in waves, the damping is computed by the linear
diffraction/radiation theory. For most degrees of freedom, this radiation damping is adequate
for an accurate prediction of the rigid body motions of the structure at the wave frequencies.
This is not particularly true for the roll motion of a long floating structure. For ships, barges
and similar long offshore structures, the roll damping is highly nonlinear. In these cases the
radiation damping is generally quite small compared to the total damping in the system. More-
over, the dynamic amplification in roll may be large for such structures since the roll natural
period generally falls within the frequency range of a typical wave energy spectrum experi-
enced by them. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that a good estimate of the roll damping
is made for such structures. The actual prediction of roll damping is a difficult analytical task.
The nonlinear components of roll damping are determined from model and full scale experi-
ments. This paper examines the roll damping components and their empirical contributions.
These empirical expressions should help the designer of such floating structures. The numerical
values of roll damping components of typical ships and barges in waves and current (or for-
ward speed) are presented. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0029-8018/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 9 - 8 0 1 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 6 - 6
916 S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932
a1, a2, a3 (empirical) extinction coefficients
bBK breadth of bilge keel
B beam of ship or barge
B(f) total roll damping coefficient
BBK bilge keel damping coefficient
Be eddy making damping coefficient (subscript 0 represents zero speed
Beq the equivalent damping coefficient
Bf skin friction damping coefficient (subscript 0 represents zero speed
BL lift effect damping coefficient
Bw damping from free surface waves (radiation)
CB block coefficient of the ship
CM mid-ship section coefficient (1.0)
D draft
Fn Froude number (=U/gL)
g gravitational acceleration
H0 half the beamdraft ratio
I total moment of inertia
KG distance from the keel to the c.g.
L lateral dimension of the ship
M wave exciting moment
OG vertical distance (positive downward) from SWL to c.g.
R0 amplitude of roll motion (in radians)
Rb bilge radius
Re Reynolds number
re effective bilge radius
S wetted surface area
U forward speed (or current)
a angle (deg) between the hull surface at the water line and the
b exponential parameter
ship displacement
n kinematic viscosity of water
r water density
s area coefficient of a cross section of the hull
w wave frequency
x damping factor
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The coefficient Beq denotes the equivalent damping coefficient. In terms of the
nonlinear coefficients it is expressed as
8 3
BeqB1 B2(wR0) B3(wR0)2 (4)
3p 4
where R0 is the amplitude of roll.
Friction damping is caused by skin friction stress on the hull surface of the ship
form as the ship rolls. Thus it is conceivable that it is influenced by the waves. The
presence of a bilge keel also alters the skin friction.
S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932 919
For zero speed (U=0), Kato (1965) gives an expression for the friction damping
in a laminar flow field in terms of an equivalent linear damping coefficient as follows:
Bf0 rSr3R wC (6)
3p e 0 f
in which the friction coefficient Cf is given by
Cf1.328 2pn
3.22r2eR20w 1/2
p S
(0.8870.145CB) 2OG
L (8)
Note that the skin friction coefficient is a function of the fluid viscosity or an
equivalent Reynolds number defined as Re=(reR0)2w/n. Therefore, the skin friction
is higher in the model scale compared to the full scale value and scaling of skin
friction by Froudes law is not applicable. The values of Cf are given as a function
of Re in Fig. 1. This effect is qualitatively similar to the steady transit towing
force coefficient.
Adjusting this form to account for the turbulent flow, the formulation for the skin
friction damping coefficient has been proposed as,
Bf00.787rSr2e wn 10.00814
The first term in the above expression arises from the laminar flow past the ship,
which is linear and independent of the roll amplitude. The second term is nonlinear
and gives the modification due to turbulent flow. Note that the first term can be
shown to be the same as the expression in Eq. (6) once Eq. (7) is input in Eq. (6).
The effect of turbulence on the skin friction damping coefficient is shown in Fig.
2 for different roll angles. The roll angle is varied from 0 to 20. The skin friction
slowly but steadily increases with the roll angle.
Skin friction is expected to increase with non-zero Froude number,
FnU/ gL (11)
BfBf0 14.1
wL (12)
where the constant 4.1 is an experimentally determined value for an elongated sphe-
roid. It shows that skin friction increases slightly in forward speed. In the presence
of current and wave for moored ships and offshore structures this formulation may
be applied. In spite of the scale effect this formula may be approximately applied
to a full scale ship hull, since the friction contribution to the total damping is
quite small.
The viscous eddy damping considered for a naked hull in roll arises due to separ-
ation at the sharp corners and the vortices generated by the flow separation. It is
caused by pressure variation on the naked hull due to flow separation at the bottom
of the ship near the stem and stern and at the bilge circle near the midship. This
component of damping for a bare hull is found to be a square function of the roll
frequency as well as roll amplitude. The damping is large near the bow and stern
for slender ships while it has a greater contribution near the midship section for a
barge-like structure. The eddy-making drag is computed from a formula similar to
the velocity-squared drag force based on a drag coefficient
F1/2CerS(rwR0)2 (13)
where r is the radial distance from the c.g. of the ship to the corner where eddies
are shed (local radius). The drag coefficient Ce is obtained from the formula provided
for a U shaped or a V shaped hull (Tanaka 1957, 1958)
CeC1(B/KG)C2 a, ebre/D
in which KG=distance from the keel to the c.g., re=effective bilge radius defined in
this case as follows:
re0.5B[4.123.69(KG/B)0.823(KG/B)2] for KG/B2.1 and re (15)
0 for KG/B2.1
The quantity a=angle (deg) between the hull surface at the water line and the
vertical, and b=exponential parameter. The value of C1 (Garrison, 1993) as a function
of B/KG is as follows:
0 0.50
0.25 0.61
0.50 0.62
1.0 0.61
1.5 0.53
2.0 0.40
2.5 0.35
3.0 0.32
3.5 0.29
4.0 0.26
The values of C2 as a function of a and re/D are given below. The intermediate
values may be interpolated from this table.
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For a rectangular section, e.g., a barge, C2=1.0 and b=0. Then Ce=C1 and r in the
equation for the drag force is the distance from the roll axis to the corner.
For a triangular sectioned ship, the drag coefficient,
Ce0.4380.449(B/KG)0.236(B/KG)2 (17)
Alternately, the formula for the eddy-making damping per unit ship length is derived
empirically by Ikeda et al. (1978a,b)
Be0 rD4R0wCpCR (18)
Cp0.5[0.87 exp(g)4 exp(0.187g)3] (19)
2[DOG] H0s
r max
2M 2 2
A +B
H1 1 1
H11a219a232a1(13a3) cos 2y6a3 cos 4y (21)
A12a3 cos 5ya1(1a3) cos 3y{(63a1)a a1(a13)a3 2
3 (22)
a21} cos y
B12a3 sin 5ya1(1a3) sin 3y{(63a1)a23a1(a13)a2 (23)
a } sin y
M (24)
S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932 923
Rb OG Rb
1 f1 f2 H0f1
D 2
Rb=2d for RD,RB/2
Rb=D for H01,R/D1
Rb=B/2 for H01,R/DH0
where s=area coefficient at a cross section along the hull (sx=area/(BxDx)). The
functions, f1, f2, and f3 are
f10.5[1tan h{20(s0.7)}] (30)
f20.5[1cos ps]1.5[1exp{5(1s)}]sin ps 2
f314 exp{1.65x105(1s)2} (32)
rmaxM[{(1a1)sin ya3sin 3y}2{(1a1}cos ya3cos 3y}2]1/2 (33)
1 a1(1+a3)
y cos1 (34)
2 4a3
The constants a1, a2, a3 are defined as the extinction coefficients from fitting the
extinction curve in roll with a three degree polynomial in the roll angle.
For a 3-dimensional ship form, the above sectional coefficients are integrated over
the length of the ship. Thus the section damping coefficient considers the section
geometry of the ship along its length.
The above formulation was modified by Ikeda (1984) to take into account the
rectangular cross section of a barge and the sharp corners present at the bases. The
924 S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932
This formula was found to be more suitable for the rectangular shaped barge. Note
that both formulations give the roll damping coefficient as a linear function of the
roll amplitude and frequency. Ikeda et al. (1993) confirmed that the original formu-
lation does not work as well as the later formulation for certain rectangular barges.
Both formulations are more applicable for smaller roll angles (about 5). At higher
roll angles, the prediction seems to overestimate the experimental damping.
In the presence of steady forward speed, the eddy making damping decreases.
Ikeda et al. (1978a,b) proposed the following empirical formula for an eddy-making
damping coefficient in nonzero U,
BeBe0 (0.04wL/U)2
1+(0.04wL/U)2 (36)
Eq. (36) shows that damping decreases rapidly with the forward speed and becomes
negligible at a large value of wL/U.
4. Lift damping
The lift damping in roll occurs in the form of a lift moment similar to the lift
force caused by a ship moving forward with the sway motion. Ikeda et al. (1978a,b)
provided a simple expression of this complex phenomenon in terms of an equivalent
linear damping as
rULD3kN 12.8 4.667
D 2
=0, for CM or =0.92
=0.1, for 0.92CM or =0.97
=0.3, for 0.97CM or =0.99
S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932 925
where CM is the mid-ship cross-section coefficient (area/BD) which is less than 1.0.
Since the lift damping is a function of U and independent of the frequency w, it is
zero for a ship at zero forward speed. At high forward speeds of a ship, the contri-
bution due to lift to the total damping is quite large.
5. Wave damping
Wave damping is caused by the free surface waves and is thus a function of the
wave parameters. It is computed quite accurately from the linear diffraction/radiation
theory and is generally known as radiation damping, Bw0. This is the only damping
used in the other degrees of freedom with reasonable success in getting satisfac-
tory results.
In the presence of ship forward speed, this damping is modified. A simple analyti-
cal expression for this damping may be derived (Ikeda et al., 1978a) for a flat plate
by introducing a pair of doublets at the two longitudinal ends. The wave damping
in current (or forward speed) is obtained by the following formula
BwBw0 {[(A21)(A21)tanh 20(t0.3)](2A1A21)exp(150(t (39)
d exp(2xd) (40)
d exp(2xd) (41)
xdw d/g
tUw/g (43)
6. Bilge-keel damping
The bilge keel is an effective and efficient way to increase the overall damping and
thus stabilize excessive roll motion of a ship (Bolton, 1972) or a barge. Sometimes, a
semisubmersible is equipped with bilge keels as well. When the bilge keel is present,
it produces additional damping due to normal force on the keel plus pressure vari-
ation on the hull surface caused by the presence of the bilge keels. It includes the
damping of the bilge keels themselves and the interaction effects among the bilge
926 S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932
keels, hull and waves. These contributions vary with the amplitude of roll and the
wave frequency.
An expression for the damping in roll due to bilge keels was given by Miller et
al. (1974). The damping factor at zero speed is a function of the ships dimension
and the bilge keel area,
0.55 3/2
x0 (B L 0.0024LBD1/2)D5/2R1/2 (44)
B2 BK BK 0
B(GM) 1/2
0.00085L3/2 Fn
Fn 2
in which the forward speed is included in the Froude number, Fn, is the displace-
ment and GM is the metacentric height of the ship.
A more recent expression based on a more controlled experiment was developed
by Ikeda et al. (1978a). Neglecting the wave effect, bilge keel damping is written
in terms of the contribution of the normal and hull pressure as
On the other hand, the pressure component of damping per unit length due to hull
surface was obtained from the pressure measurement on a 2-dimensional hull surface,
which was caused by the presence of the bilge keels.
BBKH rr2cbD2wR0f 2 22.5
1.2 A21.2B2 (50)
A2(m3m4)m8m27 (51)
S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932 927
m34 (1m1)2(2m3m2)
B2 (m3m5m4m6)m1 (52)
3(H00.215m1) 6(10.215m1)
m1Rb/D; m2OG/D; m31m1m2; m4H0m1 (53)
0.414H0+0.0651m (0.382H0+0.0106)m1
m6 (55)
m7=S0/D0.25pm1 for S00.25pRb
m7=0, otherwise
m8=m7+0.414m1 for S00.25pRb
m8=m7+ 2{1cos(S0/Rb)}m1, otherwise
S00.3pfrcbR01.95bBK (58)
The bilge-circle radius Rb and the mean distance rcb from the roll axis to the bilge
keel are given by
Rb=2D for RbD, RbB/2
Rb=D for H01, R/D1
Rb=B/2 for H01, R/DH0
rcbD[{H00.293Rb/D}2{1OG/D0.293Rb/D}2]1/2 (60)
7. Numerical results
have been derived from many experiments with flat plates, cylinders, ship and barge
models. However, as with any such empirical formulations, the formulas are based
on experimental data on particular ship shapes and generalization to all shapes may
pose some problems.
An example of the computed damping coefficients for a container ship is shown
in Fig. 3, where the difference between the case of a bilge keel and no bilge keel
is shown. In this case the bilge keel almost doubles the total damping in roll for the
stationary ship. The container ship data represents the geometry of a particular con-
tainer ship model of dimensions 1.75 m0.254 m0.095 m draft. The ship model
had a block coefficient of 0.571 and was described by the cross sections at 21 stations
numbered from 0 to 10. The KG was assumed to be the same as the draft. The bilge
keel width was taken as 0.0045 m and its length spans the stations from 3.75 to
6.25. The wave radiation-damping coefficient was set at 0.0009562, obtained from
the diffraction/radiation theory. The roll mass coefficient is chosen as 2.0 and the
roll amplitude is assumed to be 10.
The moment of inertia is computed in the program using the simple formula of
a rectangular box. For the purposes of presentation the data is normalized by 2wnI
where I is the roll moment of inertia and wn is the roll natural frequency. Therefore
the data represent an equivalent damping factor.
The total damping shown in Fig. 3 includes the five damping terms discussed
above. The individual contribution of the five components to this damping coefficient
in roll vs the Froude number is illustrated for the container ship in Fig. 4. The
wave damping component is comparatively small. It is found that the forward speed
increases the lift component significantly. The most important contribution at zero
forward speed is the eddy-making damping coefficient. The presence of the bilge
keel provides a steady increase in the damping coefficient.
Next a typical derrick barge with a cross section of 400 ft120 ft19 ft (draft),
and a block coefficient of 0.923 having a high fore and aft rake was analyzed. Near
the section with rakes, the breadth remains unchanged, the only difference being the
depth of the section, which reduced to an end value of 3.25 ft within two stations
Fig. 3. Total roll damping factor for a container ship with and without a bilge keel.
S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932 929
over an overall station of 21. The bilge radius was 1.97 ft running from station 3
to 14. This configuration results in a high cross section area coefficient of 0.999.
The roll amplitude was chosen to be 10.
Without any modifications to the end geometry, the damping factor due to eddy-
making at zero forward speed turns out to be very large at 59% (see Table 1). Two
factors contribute to the large eddy making damping: the cross section area coef-
ficient (s) and the fore & aft rakes.
If the area coefficient is changed to 0.8, the damping factor due to eddy making
reduces to 18%. If we further reduce the rakes (from an end depth of 3.25 ft to 15.1
ft at the fore and 14.5 ft at the aft), the damping factor becomes 9.6%. For the case
with 0.99 area coefficient and reduced rakes, the damping factor is 22.5%.
The effect of the area coefficient on eddy making damping is obvious: the higher
the area coefficient, the sharper the corner, which in turn results in more fluid separ-
ation and eddy making. However, 59% damping factor is obviously too large and
in error. Besides, the large effect of fore and aft rakes on the damping coefficient
is impractical. This effect is attributed mainly to the 3-dimensionality and end effects
Table 1
Comparison of eddy-making damping for a derrick barge
Fig. 6. Total roll damping factor for a derrick barge with and without a bilge keel at operating draft.
S. Chakrabarti / Ocean Engineering 28 (2001) 915932 931
are for ULHO=4 or 5. This modification produces more practical results for a rec-
tangular barge and has much smaller end effects for a 3-dimensional ship shape.
The original formula [Eq. (18)] for the eddy component of damping was not suit-
able for certain rectangular barges with high area coefficients. A revised formula
[Eq. (35)] has been proposed for a rectangular barge. This formula is much simpler
and is independent of the area coefficient, s. It is incorporated as an option in the
computer program. For a rectangular barge, this formula [Eq. (35)] is recommended.
Table 1 summarizes the results before and after the modification.
Finally, the revised formulation is used to estimate roll damping for the above
mentioned derrick barge with an actual loading condition at the draft of 16.9 ft. The
revised formula for the rectangular barge is used in the calculation. The total damping
factor with and without a bilge keel is shown in Fig. 6. Note that at zero forward
speed (zero Froude number), the damping factor without the bilge keel is about 14%.
This value increases to about 18% for the derrick barge when a bilge keel of the
section dimension mentioned earlier is included.
8. Conclusions
The damping in roll has several components. For convenience, in the calculation
of the total damping, five components comprising the total are defined. The wave-
damping component is computed by the linear diffraction/radiation theory. Its contri-
bution to the total damping in roll is generally quite small compared to the other
components for a conventional ship-shaped or barge like structure. Unfortunately, it
is not easy to theoretically compute the other contributions to roll damping.
Empirical expressions are given for the components due to friction, lift and eddy-
making damping. The presence of a bilge keel introduces additional damping for
which formulas are also given. Of these the eddy making and bilge keel damping
are quite nonlinear based on the amplitude of roll. In all cases the effect of the
forward speed of the vessel or the presence of current is specified.
These formulas are considered to be applicable to conventional hull forms of ships
and barges. They may not necessarily be equally suitable for 3-dimensional offshore
structures and ships of special hull forms.
The expressions are based on model testing data, mostly from 2-dimensional mod-
els. The components of damping are isolated in these tests. The interaction effect is
mostly ignored. It should be noted that the interactions in these components may be
important; for example, the interaction effect of the bilge keels and appendages
present in a ship may be significant.
The 3-dimensional effect of vessels of finite length may be large for certain barge
like vessels. Modifications that reduce the end effect of a 3-dimensional shape and
make the damping values more realistic are recommended.
The empirical formulas are based on small scale tests and thus some scale effect
is expected. This is particularly true for the nonlinear responses. However, it is
assumed that the scale effect is small and the formulas may be used to compute the
damping of full-scale ships and barges.
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