Analog - RF VLSI Design (ECE 503) (Makeup) PDF
Analog - RF VLSI Design (ECE 503) (Makeup) PDF
Analog - RF VLSI Design (ECE 503) (Makeup) PDF
Instructions to candidates
Answer ANY FIVE full questions.
Missing data may be suitably assumed.
1A.Find output resistance of the double cascode current sink designed to sink a current
of 20 A. Given that VDD = - VSS = 2.5 V,VGS = 1.2 V, Vth = 0.83 V, W/L=10 m / 5
m, n.Cox = 50 A/V2, = 0.06 V-1. Find the minimum voltage across the current
1C. Discuss the need for Layout with width correction for current mirror circuits.(4+3+3)
2A.Explain the advantages of two-stage op-amp. Discuss the different two-stage op-amp
topologies with their merits and demerits. Why op-amps having more than two stages
are rarely used?
2B. In a NMOS CD amplifier with a current sink load, all transistors have W/L=100 m/
2 m.Given that Iref =100 A, = 0.1, Kn= 75 A/V2, Kp= 30 A/V2,rds-n = 128 k,
rds-p= 192 k. Find Av, Rout.
2C.Explain how a 3-MOSFET voltage divider circuit can be used to bias cascode current
sink. (5+3+2)
3A.Give the schematic circuit of NMOS common source amplifier with a current mirror
active load. Assume all transistors have and
, . Find the
voltage gain and output resistance.
3B.Define and explain the significance of following parameters with respect to MOS
device: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
3C.State why long channel devices are used in analog design? (5+4+1)
4A.Calculate the small-signal voltage gain Av for NMOS (M1) CS stage with diode-
connected PMOS load (M2). Given that (W/L)1= 50/0.5, (W/L)2 = 10/0.5, n = 2.5 p
and Ids1 = Ids2 = 0.5 mA. Assume = 0.
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4B. Derive the expression for small-signal voltage gain for the circuit shown in FIG. 4B
assuming = = 0.
4C.Explain how the differential operation can reduce the following: (i) effect of supply
noise (ii) Effect of coupled noise from digital clock signal. (3+5+2)
6C. Show that feed-forward path through in a CS stage introduces zero in the
transfer function. (5+2+3)