COOK Moppet Valve Brochure

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moppet CompreSSor vAlveS 

Patented technology for superior reliability

Unmatched in durability, MOPPET valves also offer efficiency and inventory
advantages for substantially lower life cycle costs

MOPPET valves provide outstanding AdvANCed SpriNg

reliability, even in the most demand- deSigN
ing services. The revolutionary design Springs and spring pockets in
incorporates key features of field- MOPPET valves are designed
proven Manley radiused-disc for extended performance in
elements with the latest innovations dirty service. Spring pockets
in valve technology. The design is have generous vent holes that
optimized for each application eliminate the build-up of
with extensive custom-engineering. incompressible materials that
The result is a valve that delivers can damage springs. High lifts
consistently longer run times and and more space between the
reduces total life cycle costs. spring coils also allow debris to
robuSt, rAdiuSed-diSC pass freely through the valve.
elemeNtS Spring stresses are lower in
A MOPPET valve consists of a series MOPPET valves than in typical plate
of small, identical, valve springs. MOPPET springs have
radiused-disc elements Spring significantly taller free length,
that operate independ- allowing for large wire diameter
ently of each other. that reduces torsional stress. Larger
Each element is made wire also makes the springs more
of durable, lightweight resistant to damage from debris.
thermoplastic material.
The element design
provides outstanding
A d v A N tA g e S
resistance to damage MOPPET Superior Reliability
and wear from cartridge
assembly Rugged Construction
entrained debris.
The low mass of the thermoplastic High Efficiency
disc reduces impact velocities, Commonality of Parts from One
while the radiused sealing surface Compressor to the Next
deflects debris. Incremental Cartridge
Elements are thick (0.35 inch/8.89 Replacement
mm) and have a centerline diameter
of only one inch (25.4 mm), making Wide Application Range
them extremely stiff and resilient. They Simple, On-Site Repair Using Only
exhibit low bending stresses and a Hydraulic Press
withstand high impact forces caused
by extreme pressure, gas mole
Available with Finger and Plug
weight, driver speed, or the presence
of incompressible matter in the gas.
Cook Now

MOPPET valves deliver outstanding results

in the most challenging applications.

is required and repairs can be

durAble iN ANy ServiCe performed in the field. Elements and
MOPPET valves meet NACE specifica-
springs are replaced each time a
tions and can be used in almost
valve is serviced, but cartridges are
any service. MOPPET cartridges are
replaced only when damaged or
precision-manufactured from 17-4
worn. Incremental replacement
stainless steel, while the valve bodies
reduces costs and helps maximize
are typically ductile iron (17-4 SST
the utility of each component.
bodies also available). This provides
exceptional corrosion resistance on CommoNAlity of pArtS
critical seating surfaces without the MOPPET cartridges are identical
high cost of an entirely corrosion- and universally interchangeable
resistant valve. Thermoplastic internal from valve to valve and compressor
components are injection-molded to compressor. This commonality
in-house from the highest grade of parts significantly reduces
raw materials. inventory costs.
Any compressor you have will use
effiCieNt by deSigN the same radiused-disc element and available in diameters ranging from
MOPPET valves offer excellent
seat cartridge, plus one of a small 2.0 inches (50.0 mm) and up, and
efficiency. Their low-mass elements
number of color-coded springs. can be used in any model compres-
can run at high lifts (when needed),
Repair technicians remain fully sor where the valve envelope is
increasing flow area and reducing
prepared with only a minimal sufficient to accept the design. They
horsepower consumption. A MOPPET
number of spare parts on-hand. have been used in a wide variety of
element also flows gas over both the
All items are stocked and readily services and operating conditions,
ID and OD of the disc to maximize
available from Cook Compression. including pressures from 0 to 5,000 psi
flow area.
(0 to 350 bar) and with gases ranging
Simple to repAir Wide AppliCAtioN from hydrogen and ethylene to flare
MOPPET valves have no gas, pres-
MOPPET valves make repairs simple and natural gas.
sure, or speed limitations. They are
and economical. Instead of lapping, To learn how MOPPET compressor
grinding or machining, a MOPPET Convenient seat cartridge kit for MOPPET valves will extend run times, reduce
valve is reconditioned simply by costs, and boost production in your
valve reconditioning
replacing worn cartridges. compressors, contact your Cook
Cartridges can be removed and Compression representative.
replaced in minutes with a
hydraulic press. No special training

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YOUr assUranCE Of innOvaTivE
TEChnOlOgY, COMPrEhEnsivE sErviCE
and rEsPOnsivE sUPPOrT.

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2014 Cook Compression. 1MOPPU0212141.0

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