Bulletin 8-13-17

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AUGUST 13, 2017

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:

Fr. Drew Miller

Interim Pastor

Sr. Donna Lombardi, N/FCM

Pastoral Associate

Karen Suter
Church Secretary

Mike & Fran Krol

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place
August 1213th

5pm: People of the parish

8am: The deceased of the parish
10am The infirmed of the parish LIVE THE LITURGY -

Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and be-

Please note: whenever possible, please gan to walk toward him. He became fright-
submit Mass requests at least six weeks in
ened at how strong the wind was and began
advance, this will help to ensure publication in
the bulletin.
to sink. He took his focus off of Jesus and al-
lowed his fears to get the best of him. Fear
often gets the best of us and cripples us. We
sink. Many of our actions and thoughts are
Saints of the Week motivated by fear. Think of how many oppor-
tunities you have missed because of fear. Je-
August 14: sus tells us to trust and to meet each day with
St.Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr faith and confidence. God is with us. We have
(+1941) nothing to fear.

August 15:
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 16:
St. Stephen of Hungary, Priest (+1038)

August 19:
St. John Eudes, Priest (+1680)

A single act of love makes the

soul return to life.

~ St. Maximillian Kolbe

Tuesday, August 15th:
The Feast of the Assumption of Mary Sharing the Gospel
Jesus went up the mountain to pray. You
went with him. You got high above
everything. Tents and people looked like
little dots. You then realize that you are not
as big as you thought you were. When you
go to Jesus for help when you are afraid,
God is good. His strength makes you
appear bigger and stronger than you
have ever been before. With God's strength
and power, you can say, "NO," to evil

Jesus, you are the Son of God.

Something to Draw
Draw Peter walking on water, sinking with
fear, then being saved by Jesus.

Mission for the Week

I will remember that you can save me.

A lesson from Eckhart Tolle, spiritual

teacher ..

Treasure the Present Moment:

Neither the past nor the future is in your

hands. Both are just illusions. The past is
just memories, while the future is
anticipation and anxiety. Now is all you
have. Life is always and only Now. The
name of God is I AM which is present
tense. We can only experience God in the
present moment.
Do you enjoy reading?
Making new friends?

Rosalies Kitchen We will be reading The Untethered Soul

written by: Michael Singer
Next weekend: August 19 & 20th
Books will be available for sale at Good Shepherd
Most urgent needs at this time: ( $11.00) or can be purchased individually online
or at Barnes and Noble.
Cereal Juice
Long life milk vegetable oil If interested in purchasing book see Sr. Donna.
Canned fruit Salt
Pasta sauce Flour Sufficient reading time will be given before a date to
Canned tomatoes sugar meet is set.
White rice Peanut Butter
Macaroni & cheese Grape jelly

Once again, thank you for your generosity and

for marking your food items clearly with the Message from
expiration dates (if able)!
Bishop George
St. Francis of Assisi
following The Cathedral parish of the ANCC, will
5pm Mass be holding a 10 year Anniversary 50/50
Raffle with proceeds going to their
Building Fund.
2nd Summer BBQ on
the Great Lawn of Tickets are $50.00 each with the potential
Good Shepherd! to win $12,000.00 . Tickets are available
for purchase at Good Shepherd. If
Please see sign up sheets in Church interested in purchasing a ticket speak to
Entryway for our current needs or call Karen or Donna.
the church office (732-279-6837)
Drawing to be on October 6, 2017 at their
10th Anniversary Dinner Dance.
Thanks to every-ones generosity, we
still have plenty of things leftover from

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