Year B
He’s Alive!
1st Quarter
Lesson 12 WORSHIP We praise Jesus for what He has done for us.
Luke 23:26–24:12; The Desire of Ages, pp. 741-794.
Memory Verse
“We believe that Jesus died and rose again” (1 Thessalonians 4:14, NIV).
The children will:
Know that Jesus is their Savior.
Feel happy that though He died, Jesus lives again.
Respond by thanking Jesus for loving us so much that He died for us.
The Message
Program Outline
head upon His breast and died” (The dominion over Him no longer. Jesus arose
Story of Redemption, p. 226). from the dead, a triumphant conqueror. In
“Joseph went boldly to Pilate, and solemn awe the angelic host gazed upon
begged from him the body of Jesus for the scene. And as Jesus came forth from
burial” (ibid., p. 227). the sepulcher, those shining angels pros-
“The body . . . was carefully wrapped trated themselves to the earth in worship
in a linen sheet, and the three disciples and hailed Him with songs of victory and
bore their precious burden to the new triumph” (ibid., p. 231).
sepulcher. . . . Then . . . the heavy stone What difference does Jesus’ sacrifice
[was] rolled against the entrance of the make in your life?
sepulcher, and the Son of God was left
at rest” (ibid., p. 228). Room Decorations
“Then the angel from heaven, with Continue with decorations from
a voice that caused the earth to quake, last week. Add a large wooden or
cried out, ‘Thou Son of God, Thy Father paper cross, and drape a purple cloth
calls Thee! Come forth.’ Death could hold over it.
1 Readiness Activities
Select the activity most appropriate for your situation.
A. Resurrection Hunt
In advance, place tiny symbols of Jesus’ death and resur- You Need:
rection around the room. Invite the children to find them.
Ideas for symbols: cross, perfume ball, lightning rod, q t iny
stone, angel, spear, soldier, linen strip, crown of thorns, nail, symbols
and small empty container (to symbolize the empty tomb), of Jesus’
etc. Many can be purchased from a craft store, or you can death and
just draw the symbols on tiny pieces of paper. resurrection
q s mall empty
Debriefing container
Allow response time as you ask: What did you find?
How does it remind you of Jesus? We are so happy that Jesus died
for us, but the really good news is that He didn’t stay dead! He rose
back to life. Because He did, we can be saved and live in heaven with
Him someday. Today’s message is:
B. Crucifixion Picture
Note: The following activity is best used with older You Need:
In advance, copy for each child the drawings on page 133. qc
Have the children color the items as follows: brown hills, three patterns
brown crosses, white lightning bolt, white cloud, a gray tomb, (see p. 133)
a gray rock, two white angels, several gray people shapes. q c olored
Invite the children to cut out the pictures and glue the cutouts pencils or
onto a piece of gray construction paper to form a picture of crayons
Jesus dying on the cross. q s cissors
q g ray con
Debriefing struction
Allow response time as you ask: What does your pic- paper
ture remind you of? Our story today is about Jesus q g lue sticks
dying on the cross. We are so grateful that Jesus died
for us so that our sins can be forgiven. But the really good news is
that He didn’t stay dead! He rose back to life. Because He did that,
we can be saved and live in heaven with Him someday. Today’s mes-
sage is:
2 Bible Lesson
The women who loved Jesus were the the sign over Jesus’ head say? What
very first people to hear the good news. did the earth do when Jesus died?
They ran to tell their friends. The good (earthquake, darkness, lightning) Who
news spread quickly. “Jesus is alive! Jesus took care of Jesus’ body after He
is alive!” [Children say: He did it for me!] died? When did Jesus come back to
He is alive today. And the good news life again? Who wanted to care for
about Jesus is still spreading around the Jesus’ body early Sunday morning?
world. And it is this: Jesus loves us. He Whom did they meet? What were
really, really, really loves us! Jesus died for they told? Let’s say our message
everybody’s sins. And He rose from the together:
dead. Jesus is in heaven right now. And
He will come soon to take everyone who We praise Jesus because
believes in Him to heaven too. [Children He died and rose again.
say: He did it for me!]
*Prayer and Praise may be used at any time during the program.
Offer a short prayer such as the following: Thank You,
Jesus, for dying on the cross for us. Thank You for
rising from the grave and for loving us so much.
Thank You for planning to take us to heaven to live
with You forever. Please come soon. Amen.
He’s Alive!
References Have you ever known someone who died? Jesus died. But He didn’t stay dead. God
Luke 23:26- raised Him back to life so He could save us and take us to heaven someday.
24:12; The Desire
of Ages, pp. 741-
When Jesus lived on earth, criminals down from the cross and put it in a new
were put to death by nailing them to tomb. A big rock was rolled in front of
wooden crosses and leaving them to the tomb. The sun went down. It was
Memory Verse
die. Jesus wasn’t a criminal, but He was Sabbath.
“We believe that
treated like one. Jesus’ friends rested on the Sabbath
Jesus died and
Three men were to be crucified that day. But they were very, very sad. They
rose again”
Friday: Jesus and two thieves. Soldiers didn’t understand what had happened.
(1 Thessalonians
nailed Jesus to the cross with big nails in What would happen next?
4:14, NIV).
His hands and feet. Sunday morning
Then they lifted the some of the women
The Message
cross and dropped who loved Jesus
We praise it into a hole in the went to the tomb.
ground. The stone had been
Jesus because Jesus prayed rolled away, and the
He died and for them. “Father, tomb was empty!
rose again. forgive these peo- Two angels in
ple. They don’t white robes ap-
know what they peared suddenly
are doing.” before the troubled
The Jewish lead- women.
ers looked up at “Why are you
Jesus. “He saved looking in a tomb
other people,” they for someone who
shouted, “but He is alive?” an angel
can’t save Himself!” asked. “Jesus told
The soldiers you that He would
made fun of Jesus. die, but that He
They put a sign above His head that said, would rise again on the third day.”
“This Is the King of the Jews.” These women ran to tell Jesus’ other
The two thieves hung on either side friends, and the good news spread
of Jesus. One began to make fun of quickly. “Jesus is alive! Jesus is alive!”
Jesus. But the other said, “We deserve to He is alive today. And the good news
die! But this Man hasn’t done anything about Jesus is still spreading around the
wrong!” Then he asked Jesus to remem- world. And this is it: Jesus loves us. Jesus
ber him. And Jesus promised him that died for us. And He rose from the dead.
one day he would be in heaven. Jesus is in heaven right now. And when
At noontime the sky became dark as He comes again, He will take everyone
night. People were afraid! Soon Jesus died. who believes in Him to heaven to live
Joseph, Jesus’ friend, took Jesus’ body with Him forever.
Do and Say
Sabbath Tuesday
Each day this week, read the lesson story together, Help your child look at a calendar and name and
and review the memory verse. count the days that Jesus was dead before He rose
“We. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Point to self, then others. again. Let your child hold a big nail as you talk about
believe. . . . . . . . . . . . Point to head. how much Jesus loves us.
that Jesus . . . . . . . . . Point upward.
died. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palms up, then turn them
down. Wednesday
and rose again.”. . . . Lift hands upward. Help your child use a candle to
1 Thessalonians . . . Palms together, then open. drip some hot wax on a paper. Put
4:14 a stamp or design in it before it gets
hard. Talk about the way Jesus’ tomb
was sealed and how the angel broke
Sunday the seal and rolled the stone away.
While reading the story, pause at the appropriate
places, and let your child say: “He did it for me!”
Talk about how much you love your child and how Thursday
you would die for them. Talk about how much more Help your child use two sticks or twigs to make
Jesus loved us, to die for all, even those who treated a cross. Tie them together with string. Share them
Him cruelly. with someone, and tell them that Jesus loved them
so much that He died for them. Sing “Oh, Friend,
Do You Love Jesus?” For the ending, sing “because
Monday He died for me.”
Encourage your child to share Jesus’ cross made
in Sabbath School. (Or help them draw a picture of
a cross.) As Friday
they share For family worship, read aloud portions of Luke
with someone, 23:26-24:12. Have your child open an empty box or
remind them to jar. Tell them why it is like the place where Jesus was
share the good news: buried. Talk about why the tomb was empty on Sunday
Jesus loves us all very morning.
much, and He died Help your child make a crown and wear it during
to save us. family worship as you talk about Jesus’ coming.