5th Grade News 8717 1
5th Grade News 8717 1
5th Grade News 8717 1
This past week we launched www.edmodo.com (Sullivan only) and the 100 Book Challenge in
school and at home for success. Please, return SCIENCE is Fun Forms and payment of 32.00
as soon as possible. This Friday is Early Release Day from 1:00 PM-1:20PM. Thanks, and
have a wonderful week.
In addition we are in need of the Eclipse Forms returned and here are some links for glasses:
WCPSS Solar Eclipse Guidelines 8/2017 . If anyone can generously donate a class set
that would be amazing!
General Information
The 2017 Eclipse across America will occur on Monday, August 21, 2017. In North Carolina, the
partial eclipse will begin around 2:33pm and peak at approximately 2:44pm when the moon
obscures 92.7% of the sun. Wake County residents will experience a partial view of the Total
Eclipse. Skies will gradually begin to darken as the moon moves into the path of the Sun. Over
time, the sky will become increasingly dark and then will gradually become filled with more light
as the moon moves out of the path of the sun.
Communication:We have our new weebly launched that can be found on our schools website
that is a work in progress and there are many items on this tool to help you and your child with
day to day operations in 5th Grade with ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Curriculum: This week we are reviewing Inferencing and introducing Theme, and writing
Personal Narratives. All students completed their snapshot #1 on www.edmodo.com. This is a
digital assessment tool we use. (Sullivan only)
In math, we are finishing multiplication and will be having a test on Friday.
Procedures: All students have been educated in be like CARY Schoolwide Procedures and if
your child brings home a REFLECTION REFERRAL please sign the form and return to school.
Carpenter is a Positive Behavior School and this is a tool to support learning.
Homework: Your child is in a 100 Chapter Book Challenge and they should be reading a
Chapter Book for 20-30 Minutes at home each night and completing their w
assignments if not completed at Carpenter. (No Edmodo for Matthews class)
Sullivan -Mon: PE (Wear PE Shoes), Tues: Music, Wed: Art, Thurs: PE, Fri: Media
Matthews- Mon:Music, Tues:Art, Wed:Tech, Thurs:Media, Fri: PE (Wear Gym Shoes)
Snacks: Please provide a daily snack and a water bottle for hydration each day if possible.
[email protected] and [email protected]