Plan of Care
Plan of Care
Plan of Care
(approximately beginning between 6am-9am)
(approximately beginning between 11am-1pm)
*Puzzles, banking/bills, phone calls, etc. (Periods of mental stimulation)
*Visits & doctors appointments (where possible)
*Outside walking & stretching/sunshine/grounding/tinkering
*Rest around 4pm
(approximately beginning between 4pm-7pm)
*Relaxation Old T.V shows perhaps, instead of so much depressing news (three stooges, I love Lucy,
etc.) and wrestling.
*Whatever other light activities he/they wish to do
(approximately beginning between 7pm-10pm)
Aromatherapy would be a therapeutically beneficial for Grandpa. Essential oils can play a vital role in
health in healing. Grandpa likes the smell of Eucalyptus oil and we have a high grade bottle of this oil
on hand.
Apple cider vinegar, olive oil & Epsom salt mix to paste/scrub & scrub feet. Rinse. Rub Frankincense
(in carrier oil of olive, coconut, grape-seed, etc.) on to feet. The next evening use Myrrh instead of
Frankincense & so forth.
Frankincense & Myrrh in carrier oil (olive, coconut, grape-seed, etc.)
*Cup of plain warm/hot water
*Fruit, granola, oatmeal, Bran, flat breads, etc.
*Cottage cheese, flax seed oil & ground flax seed
*Spirulina tablets
*Lemon water
*Green tea (with almond, coconut, hemp, etc. milk). Essiac tea should be explored.
*Fruit or vegetable salad with homemade dressing(A)
*Cottage cheese, flax seed oil & ground flax seed
*Quinoa mix(B)
*Turmeric capsules
*Lemon water
*Anything healthy
*Cottage cheese, flax seed oil, ground flax seed
*Carrot Juice
*Lemon water
*Green Tea & light snack
DRINK Homemade ginger ale( C), water, lemon water, fruit/vegetable juice, non-concentrated fruit
juice, tea/coffee (with sugar alternative & non-dairy milk), homemade punch(D), dandelion iced tea(E),
SNACK Popcorn (cooked in olive oil, topped with coconut oil & Himalayan sea salt, dill pickles,
nuts, sardines, fruit salad, olives, grapes/figs/prunes, peanut butter/oatmeal cookies (etc.), healthy ice
cream. Sweet treats in moderation.
Prune Juice, pure cranberry juice, lemon, coconut oil, dandelion tea base, Welsh's grape juice,
pineapple juice, touch of club soda (optional)
FOOD Asparagus, avocado, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms (maitake),
pineapple, grapes, cherries, assorted berries, alphafa, spinach, and all other fruits & vegetables, fruit &
vegetable juices, capsaicin (hot pepper), krill, fermented foods, pholyphenals, noni juice, Essiac tea
SUPPLEMENTS Milk thistle, vitamin A, vitamin B17, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D3,
vitamin E, vitamin K1, selenium, Co-Q-10, antioxidants, omega 3(important) 6 & 9, apple cider
vinegar, whole food vitamins, omega 3's, antioxidants, minerals, calcium & magnesium, probiotics,
baking soda, astaxanthin, .
PAIN MANAGEMENT 1. Mild- Lemon Grass Essential oil, ginger, turmeric, etc. Medium to
Maximum- One drop each of Lemon Grass, Frankincense, Marjoram mixed together & placed under
tongue. 2. Kratom. 3. For joint Pain- olive oil & apple cider vinegar.
AROMATHERAPY Buy proper diffuser unit. Many options for essential oils.
ELIMINATE Sugar, processed foods & cold meats, nitrates, gmo foods-corn based foods and corn
itself, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, alcohols, grilled meat, red meat & pork, Dairy (cheese, milk, butter,
etc.), pop, commercial ice cream, microwaved food.
AVOID Radiation(microwave, spiral light bulbs, cell phones, etc), sunburn, fumes, negativity and
toxic environments, etc.
There are many more options available to us in regards to helping Grandma and Grandpa live a much
healthier lifestyle regardless of how much longer they may or may not be with us. I may have forgotten
to add things to this template and will update accordingly if and when I remember what I forgot or if I
learn something new.
I beg of you to join me in learning more about natural ways of healing. I am confident that we can have
a positive impact on Grandpa's health whereby we see long-term results if we begin now. After learning
all that I have I am aware of the fact that there is so much more we could be doing to improve the
quality of life for our loved ones. We simply have to want to.
This is a basic template/guide only and is suited to Grandpa's needs for the most part. I am not a doctor
or a medical professional nor do I pretend to be. I am not offering medical advice.
I offer suggestions in hopes that Grandpa's family can do what is best for him and Grandma. I have
done my own research, have taken online courses to learn more about Grandpa's condition, though I do
not claim to be an expert. Grandma has her own health issues that do not deserve minimization.
Though the focus is obviously on Grandpa at the present time I do gently insist that we cooperatively
work together in tweaking and integrating this proposed plan of care into a better and more appropriate
plan of care as soon as possible so that we can better address Grandma and Grandpa's respective needs
and desires.
I have directly observed Grandpa and his health related issues for several weeks now on a consistent
basis and I believe that I am well suited to identify and further respond to his needs. I have been trusted
in a care giving role to assume the care of Grandpa on a fairly consistent basis thus far and I hope that
our family continues to support me in this role, especially knowing that it is important to Grandpa and
that this is his request. I am willing to work with Grandpa's healthcare providers, including a dietitian
should one become necessary, to act in Grandpa and Grandma's best interests respectively and to meet
their overall needs in achieving and maintaining optimal health despite any stage or quality of life.
I appreciate that we, as the immediate family of Grandma and Grandpa, may have our respective
differences but I am hopeful that we can work together in doing what is right and proper for our loved
ones. I look forward to working together as we advance in meeting Grandma and Grandpa's needs as a
Please communicate as you feel appropriate and necessary. All opinions are welcome, respected, and