Norman Pietan
Dissertation Committee:
Prof. Harold Rugg, Chairman
Prof. Elise E. Huffini, Member of Committee
Prof. Edwin Ziegfeld, Member of Committee
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
, AGKNOmSDOiffiglS
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Norman Pietan
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
for the people to design and construction for the m ilitary and
for destruction*
end student? so the study has been written? firs t? from the
studied theory.
study of the quality and quantity of -work done, and was not
lines or platforms*
in th is survey*
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
Foreword P&g0 ^
a n y '- -
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the Federal Mugie and Theatre Projects during the same years.
gewsrhssnt participation*
cen take part in the a rts of the nation* First) the govern
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
sopbasis is not so much on the displaying of tho culture of
buildings and monuments, the flag and seal, and for coins and
division has, for the most part, been w ritten about elsewhere
study* The main portion of the book deals with the second
licised to date.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
S - 1 ____ __
uu xuug no a- u_ a- Ju-wi u xi o_ o vxug&xxujt, itu
* * ._ -1 .JL * _
x n o a cu x u
arts** During ths early days the colonists were kept busy
then that there wasl i t t l e time for the arts* lh a t was doss
arts* ind sinoe the people had l i t t l e time for the a rts , i t
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
that the fiaa a rts began to oo^ iato theirm m though,
Between if/ 14, snd llyl the Continental Congress had been holding
the tan mile square area between Maryland and Virginia was
w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
to lead the new nation in developing & model for other c itie s
* 4-1 cirs-M T* ryfHl GOT18 fel Ini'S 1 Oil a S lid W@I*0 SGff t l lB S ll i S E
the heart of a new nation The prevailing thought was that the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
in the plan of Paris* So ho made use of that radial plan,
wheel, and then placed ths White House and the Capitol on the
of the plan*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
James Hoben, won the competition for the design for the White
House, and William ffhomton made the original plans for the
Robert Mills and others adding their parts as time went on.
R epro duce d w ith perm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
wherein modern design has been used. Change apparently has
to oome gradually.
b u ilt, and of the people and their straggle for freedom and
they needed other art devices to help moke their new nation
designed a national flag and seal, and later added the designs
w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
explains that thera ar several theories about the origin
that ssr flag was ths outgrowth of ths B ritish led Busga Flag
with its six white stripes dram across the red fie ld , sad
the authentic flag for the Gauntry m June ll*, 1777, and in
I79I1 und 1817 other acts of congress added more stars to the
blue iId as am states were added to the uni .
nor did they immediately find any gold or silver mines. Ships
perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
fasiag le f t or rig h t, hair fleering or fastened with a ribb ,
Liberty and The Bagla became the dominant d e sip symbols for
oar coins, with 'In God lb Trust the basic motto The major
the la tte r two, plus the Indian head Hiekel, to be the most
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
coins as to occupy the major portion of the coin's circular
design were the Indian Head Penny of 1859# aad ths Buffalo
in ths la tte r case, that the bison design came into use
ively, from the standpoint of design, one sees that there has
both our coins and paper b ills , bat especially in the la tte r,
w ith perm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
Ceraeehi and nuudctn* The p o rtrait part wag taken from the
wood* The second parled is the one which eomes with the
such as stamps for the Chicago World* s Fair of 1893s the invention
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
to oreat a design for a postage StSSpe Usually the design
stamps The examples of this are the design for the one
and the design for the two cent "United Nations" by Leon
ised work that only those who knew the technical process
ing# Most designers admit that they must have some know
I t was only through the work of Paul Bsrdanier and the Amerxcsn
mit ted to submit th eir designs to the Bursas* and finally had
them accepted
perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
into an e llip tic a l shape? the ten oent special delivery stamp
of 1908. with the stylised winged hat of Mercury and the olive
branohj the th irty oent Buffalo Stamp of I9235 the two cent
Red Cross Stamp of 1931? the three cent Golden Gate Inter
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
medals m w m m s
describe here except for a few whose designs are most out
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
most medals*'
Sam Houston from Texas, end so cm* After 1872, the selection
the Rotunda} Senate and House connection h a lls, and the "Hall
Reproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F u rth e r rep rod uction pro hibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Although most of th government statues hav been
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
iS^aiigs# Talley. 1
monuments. These are works of nature which have been made into
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Based after i t s diseoverer} fay lo r, Long and Evans Peaks in
the designs for coins, stamps, statues and the like, were
these on pointings and portraits* Sess Congressmen were
of a rt and design were taking too meh time away from more
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
President Buchanan ia 1859 appointed a Cesaigsiois of Pise
House, and various other paintings and statues for the Capitol
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
art programs.
President about the design of the works of art with whioh the
gress and the President, can turn for advice on matters of art*
before they were to be struokj and also the designs for statues,
R eproduced w ith pe rm issio n o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
faced main public buildings or parks. Thus the Pine Arts Com
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
for the most part, the policy of the Fine Arts Commission has
The same thing was true of tho Haticnal Gallery of Art, where
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
wi rn n,ng flawds tied, ^>0 Qfvmm*fSl ijifi oOuId d.0 Xzt tl e to ohango
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
modern techniques used, which they thought wore "out of
tive of the Pine Arts Cosaissien was only one part* Repre
too " le f tis t," and feared the murals in our federal build
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
amount of money spent for this kind of art work ranges from
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
that they are not making hasty decisions, or going off tho
HCmevof I t SaiSw also *50 stated uh^v thsrw are ways in which
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Hvaa rn nflsrt nnl-fcnj*fig of fcrifi pastl or a t least work
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
these are the work of any recent painters* Aside from these
fhoed oaki
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
to yiQIIo
v *- tf*
V.- T,QT^
O** nnl Tao'f.Tovi V<s5 ?+V h i-PGi.A
VV-.*.. a.
1->-iii wO C. UiUC
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
1 ^|Art^nArf A* nf
tilxs arts themselves in the United States First was the period
m aterials.
were to be had for the taking. Farm land, mines and forests
were there for those who had the frontier s p irit to defy
period of cutting down the forests and using the soil for
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
concern for tho futureI tho future was always "more aid better
importation from Europe of the so-called "fine a rts ," and the
I t was the period of change from honest design whioh grew out
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
arts a t this time should also he mainly for show and display*
I t was tho period described in chapter emo, where the plan for
the federal city was imported from Paris and where the designs
styles* I t was the period when i t was thought America was too
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
* * * * * * * * *
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Hhea the degressl base. la 19Qt i t h it hard.
by nwe are not going anywhere! we are merely on the way, 8 new
its e lf ." The assurance with which i t was spoken, and the
friendly tone, mads those who heard ths speech feel that
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
"One third of a nation*"the lowest thirdj th e ir's
the Atlantio. With new hope they b u ilt homes and founded
wealth and power, but some also remained a part of the lowest
the lowest third also grew in numbers expanding with them the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
help help whioh never seemed to oome u n til after the finanoial
R eproduced w ith pe rm issio n o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
until the end of 1935* Out of the FERA grew the Resettle-
from the market; and out of FERA also grew the Civil Works
Hopkins said?
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
2* Figures from FINAL BEPOBT os the WPA program, op* cit*, p !;*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
minor Woy, especially in SWYork uu other larger cxttos
nrfdnn-hn of PRPA.sneh
iT,=' "v ' ~ ^ ~ * - - r "*
an handicraft a ctiv itie s,*' minor a rt
- " ..................... "
put into action under the CWA section of FERA* In most oases
this way the program was also szmilar to some of the work of
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
with Federal
show not only the estimated cost* the amount and kinds of
ment to workers idio could not find jobs* Heed and employability
were ths primary c rite ria in giving people jobs* Heed was
was to aid workers only u n til they could find jobs elsewhere,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
*6 T\ U Cl rs* ***S
A/U4AttitA UQ iivncJ.Vj
fptns in* v*. j
(Sew York! Russell Sage Foundation? 1543)?p 126T
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
offices as well.
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
strips* About 350 new landing fields were b u ilt and nearly
ilxalat tuo? 6 naa uu wasting Gx any liii Cxi n?A projects would
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
P - . I _ A. l - _ l _ i l ---------- !------ II
/V 4 L * V jr V i lQd./.fc&g) U V VV U 9d>^ W U OA ttOA S330 ^* U U L L
war? planted and cared for, and then nearly 85, 000,000 quarts
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
as examples!
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
greatest public response, and toe moat oentroversiai dis
making him one of the few people who could have tackled such
out the better for it* To Harry Hopkins goes much credit for
1* Harry Hopkins was administrator for IPA tress. July 1935 through
Deoember, 19380 He was succeeded by Colonel Francis Go
Harrington, in charge through Septs I9hO, and he was followed
in turn by Howard Hunter, October I9U0 u n til April I9lf2|
Francis Drydan, April to July 19^2; and Major General Philip
w : i..i m l, m b
cA w uugi w *j w v 'w w t y -
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
- Sea mention ehatld be a&de, tee? about the change
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Ths third p art of th is program of "planning for ths people,"
"planning with and for the people," and with leaders in govern-
dollars frea ths Civil Works A d aiaia tra tic ste ths Procurement
different standard) boo? than that used for judging f?A and
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
Assistant Seorwtary o f the Treasury* Soon Mr# Biddle and
laid for the new art program* The Pab lie forks of art
lasted only about h a lf a year# u n til ths nest May 20th# when
the CIA. funds ran out* After that# Mr* Bruoe was retained in
were held for wood carving, metal work, ceramics, and prints,
came from a reserve fund, apart from the cost of the buildings
of that cost.
in Washington, D. C,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
of Justice* and Fostoffice buildings, are painters George
construction program.
but even so, i t TuS SUtJ GCt matter ^iloh the people kaevr and
p erm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
sake of decoration
rather than those who wore unemployed end perhaps less well
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
A painter. Adrian Derabash, was appelated as Dir
"applied" arts went hand in hand and were not separated parts
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
four classifications?
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
could take part in the weaving - (and men, too, i f they wished) -
demand for the looms, a schedule was worked out so they could
bought its looms and equipment. The yam was paid for out
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
The director and the assistant were the only persons of the
was trying to help low income families who had very lit t le
of HA.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
- fo begin tlp-:~
tested the woods and other materials used; end arranged for
i t s distribution*
got the hast possible value in th eir furniture for the modest
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F u rth e r rep rod uction pro hibited w ith o u t perm ission.
strangers to one another to a great extent, tad there ms
perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
1937 'sfcea ho more mcaev was appropriated* A few persons were
but its major a ctiv itie s were ended smiths before* About
seems a fa irly good record for the short time Special Skills
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
its wake two guide posts for the future. I t showed the
policy. Eiis points the way for possible similar units com
I . See Chapter 8.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
a rt programs* "
L.;v ^ ; KUv C7 :; Vi - / i : c, _
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R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
an hand, whereas under PSAP the jobs came f ir s t and workers were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
is interesting to note that slightly less than one-half of
on re lie f,, After the committee had examined the work, and
Design, more suggestions were sent out from the National Office
on these undertakings.
man well qualified for the job because of his b elief in a rtis ts
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and a rti of the present day* Although he sag interested in- -
of the Federal Art Project* Mr* Baker had fee over-all and
was qualified for fee job since he was neither radical or con
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ix t- n m v m -
(a) BASIL PAIBIXEG. Perhaps cm of the te s t ways is
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
to th e s e p a in te rs one could go 'trough l is ts of more of
that the government was spending money to get beauty and was
to earn enough for three square meals a day end a plaoe to sleep
else, and ju s t as worried over where the nest meal was coming
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
painting what they honestly knew and felt* a sound basis for
any art
the WPA Federal Art Project is not th at there were some whioh
as i f the days of uncertainty and fear were over and the govern
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
UMMV w *
l ,
VJ w. e ltfflfi?
<, Vm ^5
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.. f^itlE
given a ohanoe, the people w ill come through on th eir ownj they
both benefit.
not the range as muon.as the fact that despite the handicaps
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
division than for the Easel Division due to the fact that
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
mediocre, and some very good. No doubt the very best group
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
fhes m rals seem to ecaMne tfie best of sairal quail tie s 5 tbs
dssige ls sush that tho siralg geos to remain a part of th# two-
are war,subtle browns, oohres and tans for the most part
the base of the treey around which are other figures repre
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
eould be mentioned m well* A number of ssra lig ts
wan prises and awards for th e ir work which was done uhil
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
was natural for them, rad thus the raaralg rang a ll the way fre s
too, and thus the range therein is from local pastoral scenes
a r tis tfs ora choice to paint that propoganda, and not something
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
1^ W g%y An 4*
- <M.W. j. fiAm wa11
. 4*4 1
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
grown outrof the stone. Together iiiiv strchitoctiirs slid sou Iptur
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
terms of honest use of the stone medium* Chi the same project
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Tort City# Each of those three, selected a t random sad the
ing the depression years and the pre-W?A project days# They
but not without faith. In short, they were, like the paint
once more found a place in the work-o-day world, but who well
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
C js* ..p U
ft.I XLU.U r!.i
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the work of this Division centered around posters and the silk
screen process.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
id +
tn g th'q man car1 mhiS mis i 1111 mMiw uiija iiwncmr^^ u ix YAtSstyii
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
after i t had gone too far in the wrong direction for them to
prints on tex tiles, and carrying out the patterns for toys
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
which local supervisors had created* la short, the workers
not sola, out turned over to schools, g alleries, and lib ra rie s,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
expressive media.
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
lite ra lly Community Art Centers in &modest and unassuming
IPA cannot be given credit for the origin of the
of the program had reaohed i t s peak, WPA had organized 103 art
2 3
oenters representing every section of the country; and to
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the b elief that the arts should be a v ita l part of the daily
1 This does not inolude the Chicago, Sious City and St. Louis
galleries ju st named, for those are public, and are s t i l l
run pretty much an the 13PA Art Center philosophy*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
uliss m.Ijuji- i'h jLs diI'T iuu 1 L bo KiiuY/e Hoi# only did "bns Osirfesrs
for some months after 1SPA was abolished and before war began#
wages, for putting people back to work, and thus there were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
cno time over 5,000 persons wore enrolled in art classes,'*- yet
this says nothing about what was actually being taught nor
what people got from the classes, for these are not easily
For the most part, these charges were false because Projeot
pay for private lessens and instruction boro?o they could iicwCo
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Aotu&lly perhaps the reverse was more true for IPA classes
study of a rt.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
was sometimes emphasised a t the expense of creative espr-assien?
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Project was the Art Research Section* This consisted for the
got the idea that some record should be made of the design
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
sites where parts of our early history had been enacted, and
R eproduced w ith perm ission of the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and Illustration work, and those who were hot creative enough
not done very carefully, and Mr* Glasagold had to go over them,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
about 21,765 drawings and plates, vdth about 7,000 of them being
pressed and blown vases, flasks and b o ttles, dishes and glasses,
1* Reports from a few states were not received for the fisc al
year 1945, so the number is accurate only up to that time*
The major reason for the lack of index work in the other
thirteen states was lack of artist-craftsmen on re lie f ro lls
at the time in the Southern and Great Plains Regions*
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
vases, and other pottery, She woodworking plates included
R e pro duce d w ith perm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
as well as in the Index itse lf# *' Interest was also created
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
shwoing 11the type and material of the object, the date of making,
and the locality from which i t came, the names of the maker aid
PAP were for the purpose of putting people back to work, and
having the Index printed is not a permanent one, for the entire
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Perhaps ether p late; sill-he added tic xnc mcLvA in vuO' future,
the living arts. (3) So work to integrate the arts and do away
Aid while attempting these three, the Project had as aim number
(If) the negative factor that i t was not to compete with private
enterprise. *
f ir s t place. FAP did provide work for tbs unemployed a rtis ts cs.
were jobs provided for the practical a rtis ts , like sign painters
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and poster makers- but for tbs whole range of talen t ire s
against young people because they had not had much previous
a rt training or experience*
where the government enters a rt for the people rather than for
project. Even the fact that newspapers and magazines were strong
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
misinterpretation of Project rules and regulations In fact,
In fact, they admit that the projeot would have gone farther
was its Art Education program which gave impetus to the Gomminity
Art Centers idea in this country, and helped create new interest
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
is s t i l l somewhat in the tradition of government in a rt for
than many had thought possible at the beginning when the primary
they could earn three square meals a day. But i t was the Art
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
also played its part even after the entire WPA Federal Art
$35 , 000,000 are sold for junk,"- and only in small type la te r
explained that what was sold was a sample o fth e work produced
1. See Appendix D.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
More than that, the impetus of the I'/PA art project
created the new, vast, popular audience for a rt in
America;, which is one of the most hopeful portents
on the art horison today. 2o have brought spout such,
a renascence is surely worth $35000,000. ^. ,,'L
they may even like more than they think they do, as long as
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
while we work. However, this has not always been true to the
sung at times, but before the radio and phonograph there was
that time the marine band was asked to play at a Hew Year's
House. Tire band has been functioning actively since, and p a rti
cularly during the twelve years from 1830 to 1392, during which
time i t was under the direction of the 'March Sing," John Philip
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
States Arsy and Navy Bands, ware organised much later. In fact,
France, during the First World la r.^ The Navy Band was organised
the unofficial National Anthem from 1798 u n til Francis Scott Key
wrote ihe "Star Spangled Banner" during the War of 1812, and had
2. During World War II , smaller air force and service bands and
orchestras were organized, and the various branches of the
armed forces helped to sponsor different kinds of concerts,
as well as talent shows and movies. The United States
Treasury Department also sponsored musical and dramatic
radio programs to help promote the sales of bonds and war
stampsj but here, unlike the Federal Music Project, the
emphasis was on the military and war, rather than peacetime,
creative expression.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
in the number and value of its ancient and modem books, scores
and the British Museum, which dates from the middle of the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
for four stringed instruments. In addition to Mrs. Coolidge's
used at the chamber music concerts and festivals. Ihe only credit
the other a rts. Ihus when the government did sponsor a major
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
curator of the Collection and together with his son Alan started
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the? government ageneies have aided in the collection end
for finding and recording folk songs of rural life through the
for our folk music, and though never an o ffio ial part of the
the Arohive in January, 1937* The 7TPA, together with the HYA,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
acquaint the people with their wealth of spoken and sung ballads
and tradition, a program nto give back to the people what belongs
to them.9^
2. Ibid p* 6?.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and drama programs families who had ju st moved into these garden
coarse i t was also hoped that these programs would further the
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o fth e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
bands, and one place the Special Skills music director helped
for the band with the proceeds* And sometimes these musical
which thqy sewed from colored food and flour sacks* In a ll cases,
from there* rather than to coins from Washington Trith the idea
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
m b X V1 m. m
ma*mJS am* *J> *t*A* J*^A** IMm
ma am
m*a a *1?am A*Xm
muCA ij U Oc x e t u u o u xiOiii x u w acu uuc t/xinc u w a c s x u x xuuux
of the WPA.
became more music conscious than ever before. During the earlier
was disc records, and the wonderful new invention of the radio.
integral part of their sound programs, and soom the music industry
had become big business in this country. For this reason, when
the depression came the music industry could not escape the
panic any more than other business, and during the early
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
meat problem, thanks to the vision of Barry Hopkins and others,
u n til they could again find work in private buslnesso Like the
Art Project, the Federal Music Froject work may be divided into
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Believing in the potential of the Projeot. other professional and
and bands.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o fth e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
putting back to work over 1,900 musicians, who had been unemployed,
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
th is division, Qi iu iaCttt of any other part o? the 7-PA'g
lease on life which the musicians got when they were put baok
given for about 2,1+00,000 persons. But again that says nothing
States where classical music had never before been given a chance
w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
that there was with some musical comedy productions, and with
ful part of the program of the Public Concerts Seotion. Opera was
from the point of view of the audience were those which were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
learn the reaction of the audience to these compositions. After
composer took the stage to explain the composition and his point
with which they were not satisfied . Never before had composers
been given an opportunity like th is, and especially not those who
October, 1935* the New York City Composer's Forum Laboratory alme
would include. Marion Bauer, Nicolai Berea osrsky, Marc Blitz stein,
WPA was ended, Columbia University has p artially taken over this
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
^Although a ll m sical a rt derives from the ssae
fundamental sources? i t s manifestation in each
country is in accordance not only with that
country s spiritual riches? but also with i t s
natural riches - its mountains? its rivers? i t s
fe rtile lands.8 1
I t was one of the aims of the Federal Music Project to give our
I f they thought the work had sufficient merit? they arranged for
1. *
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a v u s 9 9
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v u m p u se rs*
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p. 58.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ings, the Federal Musio Projeot produced lite ra lly smusic for the
Production Division of that Proj set* Store were few lim its
limited, or else enough available mural spaoe was found for the
and librarians*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
program in onsic* For one thing, susic classes were for mad. In
they were new getting to hear through the Public Concerts Section.
w ith perm issio n o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
by "rugged individualists*"
from the eduoation point of view were the few scattered attempts
the two is not surprising for Charles Seeger was in charge of the
izing some of the BSP* s music education work* One reason why
Mr. Seeger wa3 brought into the Project too la te , and then was
also due to Dr. Earl Vincent Moore and Mr. George Foster. Ihen
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Dr# Nikolai Sokoloff r e s i s t e d as Director of the Federal Musio
had heen more that of ^taking music and culture to the people#
However, Dr# Moore's term of office was too short to enable him
the performance.
Art Froject to provide opportunities for any one who wanted to have
experience with clay and paint, and to provide at the same time
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
music research;
and recording of folk music for the Archive of Polk Song, dis
i t was not completed before w?A was ended. The part which was
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
o f C ongress,
songs f o r th e A rchives.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
as a vhole* (1) to provide work for unemployed musicians and
which would not compete with private industry! and (j) to help
local community musical lif e . What these projects did for the
one thing! but what they did for the unemployed musicians was
when the project was f ir s t begun the morale was very lew and
were. They seemed to 'fe e l that they were l!failures about to sta rt
fiddling for food. However, when they were assured that Project
officials were striving for quality work and were expecting the
tie s through the re lie f work, the morals rc-S= Oaee again they
w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the Musio Projeot, there -was one which seemod to cause mors trouble
than the others* This was the system of audition te sts which a ll
did help to keep standards higher than they might otherwise have
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and re c ita ls, and were therefore not taking persons away from
them* The general range of prises for Wk concerts was from five
cents to a dollar, and many were free* When the orchestras were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the a rts , there is no doubt# For one thing, the Musio Projeot
was aooepted more favorably by press end public alike than either
the Art or Theatre Projects# There are several reasons for this#
murals and theatre Project plays dealt with social and contro
made that the basis for projeot work# Yarious local groups,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the name. Aside from these minor incidents, the theatre was
ignored by lie government u n til 1935*
The same idea was explained by Harry Hopkins when he was trying
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
on August 27, 1935s the Theatre Projeot began with Hallie Flanagan
minority group.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
that they were needed and were doing worthwhile work, 'forkers
people rather than a project for persons who had the theatre as
an unfortunate situation since these people are the ones who are
Willson Whitman pointed out, in his study written when the Project
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
working together for the good of the play, rather than pulling
Flanagan was so concerned with the work in the local areas that
during the early part of 1957 she moved the National Headquarters
for FTP from T/ashington to 701 Eighth Avenue, New York City, where
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
set up ty a o r^ ,r a rtis tie and teehaieal production standards!
dinate directors were chosen for each region, and for lo c alitie s
within eaoh region* Often the regional directors were from the
they wers generally not interested in the work a t the salary the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
that a majority fa ll into the two classes of youth and old age.
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
on strike. Then, too, the regulation that only those who had
were cut, some workers had to be laid off every project. I f the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
plays cannot be piOaGuoOu W
JLthout dependable actors, designers and
be even less$dr than before they worked on WPA for then they
the project directors who had the problem of making the dismissals.
there was nothing they could do when the appropriation cuts were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
that comes from having new hope* The number of workers employed
rtr* 5*a^au1
mi f yUw* u-
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EfSc vbWAWMwvM
mS^SuCSu aTsftiTi: A<n|Lj>Uv
wui u u v u i i
4v? jad
Hn V A ^ lw
see over 63,700 performances of 1,200 plays and paid baok almost
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
pattern, one has to look beyond mere numbers of plays written and
performances given One has to look again at the aims and goals
should have some share in the productions. Although New York had
seem fair to the National Director that they should have the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Federal Fneatre was divided into five major units! ( l) the popular
and new plays were presented in new ways} (3) the Living News
dramatically; (!+) the Negro Theatre; and (5) the tryout theatre,
could try out plays that they would normally not want to take a
risk on. I f the plays succeeded the managers could take them
than the manager would have to bear alone. However, the tryout
the productions.
R eproduced w ith pe rm issio n o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Macbeth," set in the West Indies, and the Negro h it "Swing Mikado."
contests were held for CGC workers* college students? and writers
who had had a minor break with a short run of a play but who
needed another boost. Hone of the work produced for those contests,
seemed good.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
In addition to providing work, Federal Theatre had as
one of its basic aims the presenting of productions which did not
explained: " Its got to be run by a person who sees right from
the sta rt that the profits won't be money p ro fits.11'*' The major
way in which Federal (Theatre could present plays and not have
housing, rural poverty and farm re lie f, e lec tricity and power
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
legs with 'nxxvs.'cs industry txiBH sziy otusrs *'wlii.oli X@d to i.ts
and thereby aided bock sales rather than competing with book
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
i t was perhaps with the movies father than Broadway* s productions*
and yet try not to oompete with any other form of entertainment
persons in this country who had never before seen living drama, at
was made to consider local interests first* The amount and kind
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
view of local interest for i t , i t was also true that each play was
attempt at gold-bricking*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Whitman said?
Thus, local problems and interests often served as the basis for
some of the most moving productions,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
of the Hew Peal which they despised. One c ritic wrote that WPA
wrote of the audience that " its faoe is not frozen, i t is not
s u rj. vv aa u a u u s a y y u n u w is : iu c u o g ro c ? uu
imaki a &aL.
j G a jlu 0% u k.. n .
tjiit? --- .. __ 0, jt\ iwA ji kk.k ^
peupiSj iiiA iiy Oa ryaersi mi. . _ j... _ o _ ... A .i.. ^
Grt; 2 pruuuuUloas
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
this day, that stage designing is not, to use her words, a fora
sums on lavish settings] the result wa3 that their sets usually
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
a rt. Mrs* Flanagan told her designers that.although th e ir funds
est in the arts* During its four years, they produoed over 1,200
Theatres potential, and were for i t in the long runo Tshen i t was
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
nor ims Magazine and the Radio Divisions of the Project* The
tween national and local offices, and between the Project and the
to begin with, end later printed from November 1935 to June 1937*
th8y had time that was not in demand for commercial programs*
ihsy Ti0i*8 called the "Federal Theatre of the Air" programs, and
Societies Study pointed out that the most notable programs were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
had boon selected by c ritic s and the audience; "Epic of Ars rica"
in its own way did more toward fostering the development of the
leveled against Federal Theatre were these four, (l) There was
they had come from re lie f ro lls, (2) There was suspicion as to
and "Communistic.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ending was that those who killed i t "never saw the plays*" In
its own way i t was like the burning of the Social Studies school
textbooks in the early Uo*s by persons who "hadn* * read the hooves.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
However, this defense of Federal Theatre was not enough after the
opening gun of antagonism had been fired. The press took upthe
the other hand, permit certain persons to testify who favored the
project/' and would not print a brief prepared by Federal Theatre
2. Section 13^, part a, of the Rules of both the House and Senate
gives Congressional Committees the power !,to require by subpoena
or otherwise the attendance of such witnesses and the produc
tion of such correspondence, books, papers, and documents, to
take such testimony and to make such expenditures...as i t
deems advisable.11 In short, they can demand to hear witnesses
whom they wish to testify, but need not hear from any witnesses
mJioh choose not to*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and these two were both satires on the present Russian Dictator
other type, and she wondered i f that was eoisaunistico TJhen they
4 :4 T.Tq t t i m i o T FM n c o f f t w f'nv* V iov* at* rT ia X bt fT T L -.--i-
- ----- V- - A M - - ..W . W v ..v o g j , GM-l IX lO C iU iO
R epro duce d w ith perm issio n o f th e c o p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
m entis that her major praise was of the Moscow Art Theatre
up on the floors of the House and Senate at the end of June, the
opposition was too great and the prejudices were too deep-seated.
was th a t i t had become too expensive for the Government and was
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
And secondly, by the time i t was ended, the theatre project was
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
this was not time of the WPA Theatre where the emphasis was prim
arily professional.
in idie art of the drama, both native and foreign; and helped
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
needoj perhaps our next one w ill grow out of cultural and spir
itu al needs*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
One place where this was brought out clearly was in the
the other Projects, the FWP grew out of the government's Federal
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
work w&s not easy at a time miOH j CCts h.Xd 12.1*5^* 'ZO DC CI'CC.'UCD.ji
work, and the guide was completed and published by May, 1935*
plus one each on Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and scae regional
and city guides* The Guide Series was, therefore, actually begun
on FERA* but the great maioritv of the work was completed under
7SPA, except for a few of the state and city guides which were
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
secure from the r e lie f rolls enough people with a high degree of
need for this large a group in the central office by pointing out
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and Theatre - was aimed primarily at the local soene so that the
was reversed. FfP aimed at bringing research data from the local
scene through state and field offices to the National center for
ing the data and getting the basic organisation for the individual
edited and in finished form were with the Director endhis staff
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
reports, but when the Writers' Project was organised he was trans
b ilit ie s for editing and organizing the Guide Series rested with
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Hawaii# end Puerto Rico# (2) one hundred and sixty-five Local
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Social Ethnic Volumes? including information ca Indians? Negroes?
Thus* the State Guides were planned and started first? but when
the Local and Regional Guides were started in many localities? and
then? these other four groups were by-products of the State Guides?
but they were not alone in this* Two other kinds of publications
also grow out of the search for data? although they are not
even though project workers had stories? essays? and poems printed
ranging in content and area from American Wild Life in New York
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Special Reports and Monthly and Annual Publications. Shis la st
form the American Guide Series, plus the creative writing volume,
never published.
somewhat regular pattern, and since the other volumes have special
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
19 8
Puerto F.ico. were selected at random and compared for content and
She Land and the People, for some preferred to call it "Hew York
day and Today," but by and large the remaining chapters of the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the State Guides, of the 8 guides selected, New York end I llin o is
was next with 11 artioles on c itie s and towns, and Tennessee followed
both the route and the stopping places along the way. These
on Mount Hood Recreation Area, Crater Lake National Park, and the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
16 and Utah 10, but in addition Utah had an extra section devoted
upon the amount of material about the State already in print, the
numbers of great men and women who had been bom or raised there,
lo c a lities and organising them into the .nmsrican uuiac ocn os, of
which the major group was the collection of State Guides* During
the preparation of these State Guides, much more data was collected
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
known as the Local Guides, and by the time WPA w e ended, 165 of
Local Guides was the SAI FRAICISCO volume, a 531 Pago guide to
the Sunset City, Divided into four major parts, this guide
present "The City" and it s growth from Frontier and C-old Rush
ful location and other advantages which are San Francisco's, the
eight divisions; (l) The Bay Region, Today and Yesterday; (2)
the Bay; and (8) Ilorth and South of the Golden Gate. In addition
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the Guide contains eleven waps oi jjcui Prancisco, its VBTjrisg
smaller communities within the city lim its, and its surrG'uTidiig
hoth interesting and beautiful. Yet most of the other l6ty guides
were equally interesting, each in its own way. One of the out
material had been organized for both the State and Local Guides,
there was s t ill much which was le ft over. In collecting data for the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Highway No. One from Maine through the eleven Atlantic Coast
States to Florida and Key West. Like the Local Guides, the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
section or region.
folk legends and tales. But once data urns oollected i t was dis
them were from and about the south. One of the volumes? THESE
ARE OUR LIVES^ actually came nearer creative writing than folk
read like dramatic fiction . On the other hand, there was a ring
prepared for the Froject workers who made the interviews and wrote
of F??P that?
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
(Louisiana), and one was a collection of lia rs' ta les, GOD BLESS
country's folklore which would not have been recorded at the time
Kentucky, but i t was not too well organised and therefore not
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Italians and Jews, one to the Swedes and Finns together, and
Guide Series and the books which grew out of i t . Perhaps another
of publications which grew out of the search for data for the
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F u rth e r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Art, Musio, and Theatre - were working hard to get creative state
was the problem o f publishing which was not involved in the other
back to work but did not appropriate any for publication costs,
and thus sponsors had to be found who would publish the work
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
this way. The volume contains both poetry and prose, and
V I iO T U T n A W RVTTVV. (V * m r Y /w lr! V i W r i .
* wvks,* M*< IU AVV, a * 4 VJ vv y ** * * y \ *W" w Q
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Alsberg explained;
own creative work on the side. While the Guides were produced,
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
* * * * * * * * * *
the only thing they had to fear was fear itself* So they created
ones which were created on <?&, and not the least of these persons
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
day's pay for less than an honest days work. But, also like
and the limited, the honest and the underhanded, the good end the
was not either a ll black or pure white but that kind of healthy
1. Eduard
C. Lindeman, Farewell to Bohemia, --nSurvey
, , - - *, u
jjo C .V /
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
And Htw PillngS hfUiMsU, culd. ukjJlgS that Sp0 tiiS prOuUutl!
was between*
oritioized for.
a t the time);
paganda; and
(5) Spending money which, could have been better spent elsewhere.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F u rth e r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ons has only to go to the records of the Project themselves#
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
to be drawn from the 73PA a rt projects are those one gets from
on the projeots and who again were able to buy bread for their
and created new roles for the arts in the daily lives of our
concerts and plays for those who had never before experienced
either. Only by going to the individuals -to those who created
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
organized on index cards, one copy of which was retained and one
was decided upon, the local officers were given the go-ahead
signal and measured drawings and photographs were made. When the
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
aim, the Survey was olosely allied with the CWA, FWA, I5PA and
Federal Art Project since both were established for the purpose
future time help to explain life in the present and the past.
Survey, here are a few taken from a much longer lis t in an HABS
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
not long after the program was actively under way when the order
laid off weekly, ana on May 1st the program was o ffic ia lly ended.~
some cases State and County funds were used to continue the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
during 193*4- and 1935 some PWA and WPA funds were made available
the Pub lic Works allotments was made in 193^4 to provide for the
had few unemployed architects and draftsmen, and others had many.
But later some of the states with inadequate staffs were supple
mented with others from the ranks of those with more unemployment,
and in the final analysis the picture was somewhat evened up*
At that time the records covered 2,693 structures which had been
773ro both drawn and photographed, but counting the two separately,
the nation.
Pros the time idien the White House and Capitol were
during the past half century, through the efforts of our most
and throughout the country, there are few which can even coma
notable exceptions which have been designed with the new vision.
All located outside Washington, these three are the National Park
parts of the country. These are areas of the wilderness type which
are usually made out of the natural logs with fireplaces and
sometimes floors made from the rooks found there* In the parks,
lik e Zion National Park in Utah, for example, the Ranger Stations
and lodges are usually made almost completely out of the natural
rock so abundant there, with natural timber used for woodwork and
needs* The designs, for the most part, originate in the areas
in which the park is located, and "only broad controls are exercised
from the central office*- In this way the local architects are
the buildings to the natural scenery which they know well* This
the National Cffica only help mai ntain the uniformity in using
stood out above tho others# Despite their variety in size and
plan, these government park and forest structures have the same
concern for the people who arc going to use the structure and
merely by looking at the houses and dams and calling that archi
history the people entered the area of community planning; this was
for the city based on that plan of Paris, as the Capital of France.
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F urth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
between city and country was abolished so th at the two became one.
1 f s * ''t - v * JL. _ -7
ta c t with the lead for health tad sp iritu al reasons Part of the
servation and for0station. Part of the area was also used for
addition to these, part of the area was used for parks, play
the sites were chosen for these greenbelt communities* Such factors
Fnen a few were selected whioh seemed desirable from these stand
and the number of jobs that, could be reached within a givsi Mss
land} preferring land that was gently rolling} that had woods and
small streams for parks and playgrounds, ana contained good soil
end electricity; the cost of the land and the problem of acquiring
able for study on the project, and partly because of the author's
1. For data on the other two see, for example, the Architectural
Forum for May, 1938, pp. ki5'&k} and Resettlement Adminis
tration, F irst Annual Report*
and was b u ilt in an area free from any existing street plan, the
a small park with the dwellings, usually about 100, grouped around
sense of the word, for then i t should have had its supporting
The greenbelt community plan did not end when the sites
for the buildings were chosen* Part of the work of the planning
committee was to see that the buildings tied in with the natural
snnshine5 a ir, and open space for their occupants, and to meet
a ll.
of the houses have been designed with fla t roofs smile others
have sloping cnos, some are ta lle r end longer than others, etc-
Eowever, the pattern of window grouping has been the same for a ll
and thus serves as a unifying feature. The reason for the difference
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
ings were designed with the aim of trying to relate them to the
land, so too, the sculptural works for the buildings were designed
heavy panels are located near the base of the building so that
low enough so the children can study and enjoy them while at
who nov; live there, as well as the architecture and the town
before the community was opened there were 9>000 family applica
tions for the 885 available dwellings. Among the many factors
fir st, of course, was income; only families were admitted whose
and these families whose income had increased could move into
permitted that they are asked to move, thus providing place for
been evicted from Greenbelt because they did not f it in with the
community lif e .
v i iL
y j ,
- .ii v _ 'y J l i
i. w J i t J --S* u U
u j. iv SO | i/i-C
_ rvW.-W.. wJ i ....
for a one room apartment- to $41 for a row House consisting of seven
rooms; the average rent is $31. Heat and hot water is included in
young in the age level of its citizens. The average of the head
the sociological point of view, Uilliam H. Form found out that the
years of age, 19$ were under five; 17p, the ne:et largest group,
are the attitudes of the citisens. In his study william Form also
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
found out that 89$ were very favorable in th eir attitude toward
attitudes in th is ways
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
"You can 't beat i t for the kids, but there is nothing
doing for the grown-ups. Most of the reoreation fa c ili
tie s are for teen-agers rather than for us young married
oouples. We are too far from town... We need more movies,
sto re s... the co-op is the only s to re ... and more recrea
tion." (resident for 2 years)
In his study, Dr. Form also found that the four major
units* Perhaps the darkest side of the project was the economic
onej yet even that is not completely black when a ll the factors
those who Igter came to live at Greenbelt, had its minor effect
Greenbelt was not expensive; i t was* But i t also does not mean
that one look at the oost sheet can determine the success or
the workers who were taken off bread lines and given employment
a factor not added in the dollar and cents columns, yet one which
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
a great deal lower than most private rental units of equal size.
saw them when he visited the development again after a few years
R e pro duce d w ith perm issio n o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
hops because our citizens have been concerned more with war
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
themselves* commercial establishments, sad business and
professional services; ssd what parts can be provided
by a rio se partnership of public and private agencies
the public transportation system, the marginal community
f a c ilitie s , and future industrial developments Within
th is framework can be found the guiding principles for
future free-standing s a te llite towns that can be built
virtually independent of action by the Federal government...
when I revisited Greenbelt I saw not one Greenbelt, but
the many that live in the hearts of men of hope and
vision. I saw the Greenbelt of the present, but also
the fhture Greenbelts* We must find ways to create
them if we are to realize the promise of modern l i f e . 1
ments whioh have stood the te st on most basic counts may serve
tecture unless other parts of the TVA are understood along with
went directly to nature and the people living in the valley for
their basic designj they studied the region as one unified whole,
and out of that grew the organic project which includes the dams
done about the land when the river overflows its banks, i t
decreased, and the river and land do not fight each other as
yield. The exploiters had come and le ft the valley bare. Then
time and to plan for fu ll yield in the future. But no matter hor?
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
for the future a ll these were aimed at bettering the litres of
those who lived in the valleys For i t was believed that when you
for i t implies more power than the TVA actually had. Its only
government. Aside from th is, the power granted the TVA was always
the people of the valley. The governing body of the TVA was a
the consent of the Senate. Among their duties was the handling
another agency.
and projects growing out of the needs of the people and the resouroes
of the valley rather than one major plan, surarimposed Like the
great oathedrals of old, the dams and major structures of the TVA
Engineer may bo given crodit for combining art and science into
a unified projeot. Since the aim of the TVA was to consider the
hired, that eaoh one believed in the basic aims and ideals of the
its staff le ft jobs with higher salaries in order to join the TVA*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
architectural designs the Architectural Forua had this to say,
the area*
Washington or elsewhere*
written. There is the story of electric Pwmsr CiJj.v. tho 586 , 000
of the 1,350,000 farmers in the TVA area helped with soil con
therg is tho story of the 153 *200*000 small trees and seedlings
tion program, and the allied work done in connection with develop
However, for the purposes of this study, the line must be drawn
some place and merely the story of the architecture of the dams
ing his life to this cause, his work was ironically enough virtu
not accepted even after this building, his influence was widely
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
became the basis for the TVA dams. Based on this idea that the
Just as in the case of our grain elevators and globular gas tanks,
high praise. Serving the functional need in the best possible way,
with the least concern for added "decoration", good design was
secured for the dams even though the project may not have attempted
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
One o f the g r e a te s t c r e a tiv e problems which confronts
In the TVA ws have a major example of one way in which this een
"No two dams were preoisely alike, for no two sites oould
be identical, but the same research, planning, and con
struction staffs, in many cases the same skilled workers,
and very often the same machinery could be used on a series
of nnmg - provided, of oourse, that they were timed for th is
purpose...In the main river, for obvious reasons, there
cannot be muoh storage of waterj the banks are too lew, the
adjoining land too valuable* The dams in the tributaries
serve this purpose* There are thus two types of dams*
those in the main river relatively low and long? those in
the tributaries usually higher*..and shorter* The tributary
dams have no locks* Hie main-river dams have concrete
spillway sections and, with the exception of iheeler,
earth and rock -fill abutment sections. The tributary
dams such as Norris, Eiwassee, Douglas, and Fontana, are
a ll concrete. But in a sense these dams are a ll one big
dam - with compartments. This big dam is operated cn a
basis of constant weather forecasts? constant measure
ments of precipitation and run-offJ swift decisions as
50 linen ana in wnat quaniiuiss wausr is to oe released
or held back* Flood-control as former Chief Engineer
Parker said, is the most d ifficu lt and exact operation.
The excess water mast go down-river at a tins when i t w ill
do the least harm. I t must go down anyhow when the reser
voirs are fu ll. The reservoirs therefore must not be fu ll
when flood water is likely to come along. I t isnt easy
and never w ill be." 2
2* P.* Le Duffus, and Charles Srutch, TEE VALLEY AND ITS PEOPLE,
A Portrait of TVA, (Hew York Alfred A. Fnopf, 19^)
pp. 81 and 93, 9I4..
great, yet the basio design can be modified. The main idea
Important as the designs for the dams and powerhouses are for a
peated that they are but part of a greater Rplan for the people.
counted who were aided through the TVA. We can talk about flood
human lives and the faith which the people found through
with nature for their mutual good and with the future in mind.
C n V C rC d V hC Z ~ X C lu O h CL u C u C C 9 e u iv h x iu a u u v ii eL udxugL u y x yo
that any attempt has been made to introduce the modern idiom into
the buildings are of that kind which might be called rough and
structive manner.
and Pare Lorentz, and with this line-up i t was natural to expeot
story when the government came to the aid of these people. Not
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Arthur Rothstein, Russell Lee? Ben Shahn, Garl Mydsns. Marion
Post, John Vaehcsi, and Paul Carter joined its Although the
never more than sis photographers at any one time; yet iheir
unit was continued for some time on the la tte r agency. In fact,
they were begun an RA, and credit for the idea and the early
Tiith the credit for the Greenbelt Communities and the Special
Skills work.
more timeless quality, for the future as well as the moment; and
52ld HS'rsS TS-lUBj "tO sllOH "bh.0 i~nv*V n* ?>9 S 9 *b1j1 A y p SuTS.-*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
w ill be better able to plan the future because they more clearly
graphs have the quality of art^, and thus enter the third category*
work of PSA photographers, and there are few books on tho land and
and the land, and then worked as artists trying not only to record,
but to interpret i t honestly and sympathetically* This was not
the community for a while during which tins th9y got to know
the people, and tho people them* when they had talked to the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
tained their confidence, then was the fir s t that mention was
made of photographs. When the people fin a lly learned about the
project, they cooperated very well for they trusted the photo
graphers. Thus in the ISA collection one feels that both the
photographer and the camera "know11 the people and the land they
that anonymous group goes equal eredit with the photographers for
with which the photographs were made; they have the quality of
R e p r o d u c e d with p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n e r . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
interpretation as well.
project photographers*
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
il v i b
m p
TMO f if lG
IWiW>4 W
G rtftlA Ana W t*S
W V iA n
a w*
w M
o c e o l 't r e * ? .
*>*w w v w i wwy
There they are now public property The rows of file oases of
R e p r o d u c e d w ith p e r m issio n o f th e co p y rig h t o w n er . F u rth er rep ro d u ctio n p roh ib ited w ith o u t p e r m issio n .
end have shown that i t oan be accomplished over niHd SlBuVo pPLS*'S3:Ti
problems of the people and the land, and of what was being done
they were based on the b elief that anyone interested in the work
the emphasis was changed in the films produced during this admin
ture had prepared 586 reels* Since then both Departments have
government rums*
they also differ greatly in the degree to whioh they achieve that
a ffa irs, and so on* Because of th is, some of the government films
naturally seem better than others when judged from the standpoint
that the federal government has been active in using the films the
pasv 25 years*
films, which were made with the financial aid of private industry,
for the films, and have thereby had a freedom of expression not
achieved before.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ihe documentary film has been called "a new use of the
motion picture for sooial analysis. Just as there is a differ
ence between photographs which are mere records and those whioh
tween motion pictures which are newsreels and those whioh are
dooument&rv films.
v In his book. Documentary
... ... - ^ lm- Paul Rotha
explains this?
great grazing section of the country from the time when i t was
under of this land and its resultant drought and dust storms,
2 Ibid, p. 9i
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
However, The Plow That Broke The Plains is notable for two
work oi a rt. Cooperating wih Faro LorenuZ, who uiu vhe creative
writing of the script and the able directing of the film, was
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Steiner and Leo Burwits made the photography more than mere
technically-oompetent reproduction.
and its trib u taries, and the land bordering these rivers. I t is
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
w *Bsrcsnt of til fcoogoii
* has boon shoved by
old river into the Gulf of Mexico.
Today two out of five farmers in the valley are tenant
farmers*ten percent of them share croppers, living
in a state of squalor unknown to the poorest peasant
tion of one of the most dramatic chapters in our history has coma
to he considered a masterpiece of the screen. And documantalist
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Pare Loresnts -was Virgil Thomson, who composed the music for
River were the only two films produced under RA end PSA their
influence was far-reaching. They paved the way for five major
1939'* And "The Plow" and "The River" set the pace for a number
pictures have been prepared, both silent and sound films, by the
w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F u rth e r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
merits, in addition to numerous slidefilms for use by the public.*
After RA produced "The Pier? That Broke The P lains,1' that agency
who live on the land, who plant end cultivate and reap the crops
there. Like "The Plow" and "The River," Power" brought together
"Spanish Earth" and "The Four Hundred Million") were w riter Edwin
Loeke who did the script; musicologist Douglas Moore who composed
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the music and Floyd Crosby did th9 photography, assisted by Balph
three more documentary films, (l) "The Home Place," the h isto ri
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and migrant labor, eroded and deserted farms, and the work of
"Fury in the Pacific," and "To the Shores of Iwo Jima," have
ment Administration*
towards the "Hew D6al" philosophy* This was the same kind of
1* See Ir is Barry, op* cit*, and other Museum of Modern Art Film
Library publications*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
peting with the private film industry. This was like the c r it i
cisms of the four art projects of the TJPA wherein they widened
films for their aim was different from privately mads films,
distorted at w ill for the sake of the movie plot. Thus documen
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
have been watching i t rather carefully the past few years because
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Although the outcome has not yet been determined in the government's
a rtic le s, radio programs and the lik e, for the United Nations
tion makes use of the various creative a rts, and our government
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
since that time two events have taken place in the area of
and foreign a ffa irs, the Department of State attempts to see that
in the United States, and of the aims and policies of our govern
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
28 2
abroad for our modem a rt, for the "most advanced currents in
Amerioa today* In response to that general plea, William
American Art."
borrow paintings than to buy them, the la tte r course was taken*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
reshaping End izisurssio cheirgos* ssci soon susoiEi'cisg vO more ^nss
and Arthur Dovss^ The group included the works of I4.3 a rtis ts .
two p arts, one of whioh was sent to Europe and one to Gentral
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Much of the criticism was on content and aubj act matter, and
riv a lries vnthin the Government added the fin al blow, and the
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the government paid $55,800 for the entire group! they were sold
for $80,000 making an increase of over 9!?t. 000 over the original
John Marin s "Seascape, by the City Art Museum of St. Louis, the
highest pries actually paid for any painting was $5,000 for Marin5s
other painting in ths collection, his "Sea and Boat" whioh went to
R e produced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
land* Five paintings sold for 2,GOO each* These were Jack
This la st painting was the "chief target for the most acrimonious
and as a group, the prices paid for the paintings proved their
A ~ - S- 4 ~ _ --------- J----
**j. v vuu vAOdu y
v u ai u v i u u io w u iu U u txiii5 uuuiiUi'.V
thing Europe had been doing. Finally, partly through the WPA,
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission of the cop yrig ht ow ner. F u rth e r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
duoed in this country by a rtis ts who had been bom and raised
here* The work was different from that of Europe, and being
and Now York World's Fairs in 1939* But then the war came and
an unfortunate blunder*
States can produce works of the sp irit along with automobiles and
chewing gum* When the exhibit was on display in Cuba one Havana
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
was doing its part, along with the Voice of America in a different
ment activity, (How far, for example, would the !+9,000 spent on
not the best exhibition which could be assembled for the purpose,
there is a bright side as well for since 19U-5 we have been actively
world peace.
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
the f ir s t two weeks in November I9h5, UNESCO has since had two
and the other during the same month a year later in Mexico City*
where they are new limited and inadequate. On the creative level
R eproduced w ith perm ission of the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission of the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction pro hibited w ith o u t perm ission.
2* lbid p* lly .
R e produced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
has been organized to carry out the theatre portion of the aims
tion of modern paintings may make other nations wonder about our
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission of th e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
happen again.
it And part of that future w ill depend upon the we$r in which eaoh
member nation uses its arts, i t s science and education, for in ter
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
regular high school and city bands, many communities are organic
from, most of the major churches, farm womens choruses, glee clubs,
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
of the state, and some are offering their services to help organise
zens are making an attempt to get them started. The extent to which
other a rts, has been brought about because of the ilPA and other
R e pro duce d w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t owner. F u rth e r rep rod uction pro hibited w ith o u t perm ission
the local hospital has become the c ity 's art workshop. Not only
th a t, but some towns are now sponsoring annual art festivals and
on WPA.
but the important thing is that these people are having the
there are the many study groups which devote their time to reading
mention the numbers of young people these days who are designing
and building their own homes, the number of camera fans and the
enthusiastic about one of the arts than the others, and some are
have to make use of these local groups as the oasis for federal
the first part of this study. There are two major ways in which
can enter art for its e lf and its own purposes, or ( 2) it can
foster art for the people. In the early history of this country
our Federal Government used the arts for its own ends, as in the
this was usually not a very vital program, at least in our early
half-hearted interest there was not the danger to the arts that
out the world where the governments have been and are using the
ent thing. Since this debasing of the arts has not been a part
of the U.S. Government programs to dat^ the problem has not been
mind and make certain that it does not happen at any time in the
future. The government can aid its artists or it can control them, -
w ith perm issio n o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
It can provide them--writors- painters. composers? architects?
own creative expression in their own honest way? in the same way
its own ends? in which case the artist's freedom is lost* There
him? the inspiration part of his art is gone. Art then becomes a
government is using the country's arts for its own end? the
ganda* Free art w ill add to both the nation s and the world*s
temporary power.
wherein the government enters the arts for the people. This
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
and ministries for that purposes In this country several
2, TJhen 7{pA appropriations were cut and the projects ended, five
b ills were introduced in the Seventy-fifth Congress in the
year 1937-33 to carry on the work* Two of these, the UeGranerv
B ill (H.P..8132) end ths Siverich Bill (5.J. Res.671) were
designed to create a Bureau of Fine Arts in the Department
of Interior, snd the former in the Office of Education of that
Department. The Moser B ill (H.R 7606) intended that the
Office of Education should become a collection and information
center for the fine arts. Tha Gasque Bill (H.R.1512) and the
Coffee-Pepper B ill (HoRe3239) and S23296) .rare designed to
establish a permanent Rational Bureau of Fine Arts. Although
none wore passsd, artists and art groups greatly supported
the last mentioned as a possible future successor to 7/PA.
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f th e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
time cones so that the local art programs feel they need and want
the Arts in the President's Cabinet. Here it would have the pov;er
community art groups could come for help, or through vhich they
could exchange services and form a strong related community art
local creative scene, and who served the local, groups in carry
who was an educator in the true sense of the word. He would need
both vision and integrity for such a program would demand the kind
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm issio n
which every true artist knows when he must make his own expression
offices, ana could provide exchange exhibits and programs for a ll.
who could not afford further training without such help. It could
and thus make its contribution to world peace through the greater
related arts this country has ever, seen, and could help in the
been to record what has happened in the past and to the present
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F u rth e r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission
time, Shis record has presented some of the early arts, some
in the arte hut when local art groups o? a ll types are quite
art projects, like those of the WPA, can help us only i f we take
an active pert in them, while they were organised for the pur
in the audience, but better s t ill can be both creator end appre
strong that they need more equipment and desire none coopera
and free, must be based on the local ones. But it must be kept in
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f th e co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
M sm isss
R epro duce d w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F u rth e r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
irrsnrjLS. k
Sorsaasat Frojiot*
I Projest Beginnings*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
B Projeet AchieveEsatgl
! So what degree eta i t fee said that the project
aehisved the goals set up for i t in the beginning f
both individual gad group ge&Is?
2 fhat were seae of the ofestaoles that prevented
achieving ee^ lete suooess on those goals?
3 iaat m s the range or seope o f the project in*
a People who benefited trm it?
fes Period of tins?
Ss Geographical area er pendens of ecantry?
d h fie ld of th i artel
Whieh of &eg were included i s the project*
sad i s i t my or my?
Architecture (Interiors; ffcznitare)
Cessanity Planning
Creative liltin g end M tsratars
Moassn Banes
<sa., . _
R e pro duce d w ith perm issio n o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ewe#w5#iS ws i t * H>v mh
'Mu w m v fe#a> w j w v W wa *M y ww
faults? s c-? whisk helps support 115
thesis that*
%*fe9 gpfeg 0C3? Hgr0St the doHoorabio ideal
vhm tte y are predaeefi % end ef the peepl for
tlmfy fl** atlgf*eti* aw!
5. feat trara the m jer eritieigas of the project*
as gathered f r s or?espadat#j asgasiaa aafi
ness srtielss# eeasaiatorg* e to .l So feat
degrse ror they eafeasdsd?
in . Cfioolasitt*
A. Geaelugieas of the Presents
1 M ^ x ll U _ ______
A9 w ^ iia p r v jr e * 09 9&AA9U g r a s s r e e e g i
Se fe a t degree did i t aetaally get te the
people i t wa aiseS te help!
2i feald the spericase of this- projot saflsm
or dwy the criticism most offes hpled at
govonuaaat participation in eduoaticn* the
arts, or general social planning* aFED3BIX*
3. fe a t basis principles* a t work & th is prejeet*
have greater isalieatio as for a sto^y of the
historioal roserd of ear SBDS8&L SOvSHHHSf I P
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
MmDiS. B
gggsgrexgjgg ggB gntgg
R e pro duce d w ith perm issio n of th e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ipa c c r a m m e m
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Assesses SfcsttsssGgs C5ivrs*y f Sharsaasosa
Federal ir e Sailesy
feassille Bai'rsrgity of Sens Federal Art
I so ld s I-e Heyae Federal Art Center
Morris Andersen Ocssty Fsdsral Art C eta?
Utah Salt Lake City ^ Stats Inst* ef Fins i ts
ftah state Art Center
Virginia Abingdon Abingdon Federal Art Center
Big St<sas Cap Mg Stone Sen Federal Art Gallery
Lyaebbarg lynehtrarg Federal Art Center
Washington gg^a %c4sas& Federal Art Ceater
Spokane Art Center Association
^siag Lorain Larasde Federal Art Center
Ssseastle Heseaetle Federal Art Gallery
M w taa Bivertaa Federal Art Gallery
EookSprlng# Sock Springs Federal Art Gallery
Torringta ! a j t e s Fsdsral Art Callery* 1
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r reprod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Chart 1 ' -
Bwwwmtii cost
Project Bsc ley- tabor Hen- Total Total
sent labor Monthly Cost
M oral a r t ...... 3,622 m*1o T fc jo " IW.OO i$&o,?ie
Federal B a s i c . . . . 10,055 91.20 3.10 95*00 950A75
Federal theater*. 8,786 99.00 11.00 110.C0 966,1*60
Federal w riters.. 3,023 90.21; 5.76 96.00 290,208
Bjgtorieal records 2,740 M l 4.15
^00 227.US)
Total Federal
Bo, 1. . . . . . . . . 28,176 93.28 6,62 99.90 2,8!k873
Chart l l
kan-year o'o'gt"'
Project Bnploy- Labor Hon- Total Total
Esrtt labor Annual cost
Total Federal
flOs A,.., 20,176 1, 119.59 w J a 11 77 W O !.<?
33,.' ivj+fv
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
m i
Chart III
Sstistted istisated
Project B>?l<gr- average annual
seat isssg i sslsiy
salary cost
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
ion. Burlington
fiadap ftapjflg
Isth srv illc
Yaa Suren County
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the co p yrig h t ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
n Hcnieo Calendar of
lin T Q S Albasy
Magaao for Hew Yorker (City)
Bstohese County
Maritime Sister? IYC
Vnr York City
law York U m i (eity odueatiai fa c ilitie s)
Sew York-City' Ptaerasa.
Private Burial grounds# leteeotady O^mty
Beehester _nd Monroe County
Saratoga county Cesoteries
Stag? of 'Fir* Seas* Susan County
HOKE CAKOLKA Hew Barth Carolina Grew
Hew They Began (ri&ee lass at Horth Carolina)
lOBfH DISOli Sissark
OHIO SeantiM Biwer
Chillieethe Jffld Boss County
Cincinnati Childhood of the City
Cincinnati - Seng Life
Cinoinnati - Shey Built a City
Ciaoinnati * Youth
Findl&yand Hancock County
IP<3 t . sad Ssndnsty County
Lake County History
Lake County Landaarks
Luna, and Allen County
Martins Ferry Seaquieentennial
la tieaal Bead
Springfield and Clark County
fueeam as County
Srhgna and Champaigns County
Warres and SruHbnH County
Sanesuille and ibskizigan County
OKLAHOMA Calender of Swats in Oklahoma.
Labe? History of Oklahoma
0BEGOI Fira Prevention in Portland
F^BSYLYABIA Bid for Liberty (Philadelphia)
Education Buildings i s Feangylresia
Sri County
Floods of J ehastcsa
Humttty Sosioty {Brewer County}
lyceaing County
HerthsEptsa Canity
rssnsyiwnia Cavalcade
Pl&sss to Plav (Allegheny County)
Ssadisg Fire
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
mm isl h s
CUXB3H& SeaHforfc sat Sea Islands
Car Sdatii Carolina* Sodagr *ra Yesterday
Palsgtta Pioneers
Palssetta Piass Hsses
Shoaaa Green Clessnsoa* Hraer
mm mm Bsugl&s County
SeaJjjR fearlead Mesorial
Hesesteaders* Mefbsrses County
Pioneer H W x ll
Prairie feraera* lin er County
South Dakota. Place lease
SSHS Beanmeat
Corpus Christi
Old V illita
Baadolph Field
mm Originaof Utah Place Basse
Prove* PioneerBenin City
V1E5IHU Jefferson's Alberaaol# County
Old Dominica in Pictures
Prince K illian
Sussex Ceanty
i& sm m s
ib s ih b m iu Bulltoun County
fir s t Census* Has?shira County
Historic Heaney
Smoke Hole and it s People
m scessii Portage
fs a s is
tries T|
fsbbso n m
liSHHHOI, b . e Car Federal Gcvsrassat
Car Kkshisgtsi
Washington* City and Capital
R e pro duce d w ith pe rm issio n o f th e cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r re p rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
m i
(Shs) ipaehe ( M m )
&ra@sign In Massachusetts
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
f a s t p h b - s c i m i F i c a h d tb c e h ic a l2
A ircraft of Co
Eats Gold
/ a.
v c u av u w Ladder of Clouds
Dress of Stars Life in an Ant H ill
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
Bteggsfagy gel6sS6...ggr^S* (S ea t )
p a st m m m m isik h g
issrieaa Staff*
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
R eproduced w ith perm ission o f the cop yrig ht ow ner. F urthe r rep rod uction prohibited w ith o u t perm ission.
S Hessrd,' Charles
Eantor, Morris
Ulo lis is h e lts , freak
fhe Medaga
flo ral
i& K leiahelts, frisk Bask ligh t 450
itf* Saha, Wait Pine at fiv e Oclock
!* lu te, Walt S till Life vith Bananas 1*353
k5* Sesiyeshi, lasso Deserted Brickyard $eo
lt-6* Kuniyoshi, Yaguo Circus Girl Heating 700
U7 Levi, Julian 8 tm Life 800
1|8* Levi, Julian Wasteland Laageg 500
1(9* Lanina, Jack: Horse 1.500
30* MaeXvsr, Lorn Blue Landscape m
51* Maria, JeSa Sea sod Boat 2.500
52* Maria, John Seascape 1,200
Marsh, Reginald Lifeguard 600
% Morris, George Shipbuilding Composition 200
55* Morris, George lev Bigland Church 550
36 OKeeffe, Georgia Saall H ill near Aleade 1,000
37* OKeeffe, Georgia Cos Cob 1,000
58* Perelra^rX* tie e Abstraction
59* Prestcpino, Gregorio Bevspaper 800
60 Prestopino, Gregorio Trolley Car 900
6l* Rgttaef, Jhrahaa Tolios Table 808
62* Eefregier, Anton Bad of the Conference 300
Shahn, Ben Banger 875
Shahs, Boa Eassesace 750
65. Sheelar, Charles Boneyard 750
66* Spruce, Bverett Owl on Rocks 195
67 Spruce, Everett Shfkuy 220
68* Spruce, iverett Canyon at Bight 220
69. Tseh&ebasev, Sahusi Pish 300
70* Tsehaobasov, Bahua Choir Beys 300
71 tgehaehasOT, lahna Mother and Child 300
72* la tk ia s, frssk lis PerturBx'S OS Ola f u u u 508
Weber, Mas FTuit sad Wine 1,2)0
1 : Weber, ~sz ^ r m w * w e * M Am
* t* v v a wu !,6C0
75 Weber, Mas Two sage 1,200
?6* flls e a , Sol Eishsrasn Wharf 300
77* Zerbe, Karl fhe Qvlg 5 wW
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m m sxam mtistb n ieb m im m m
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