Naval War OOB Battle of Midway 1942

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The Battle of Midway in June 1942 was a major naval battle between the US and Japanese forces that marked a major turning point in the Pacific War. The US had broken the Japanese naval code and knew of their plans to seize Midway and lure the US carriers into a trap. Despite being outnumbered, the US carriers launched surprise attacks on the Japanese and sank four of their aircraft carriers, dealing a major blow to Japanese naval power in the Pacific.

The Japanese intended to seize Midway Island and bases in the Aleutians to draw out and destroy the numerically inferior US Pacific Fleet. US intelligence had broken the Japanese naval code and learned the date, target, and composition of Japanese forces for the Midway operation, giving the US the element of surprise.

The US had three aircraft carriers stationed northeast of Midway with 115 land-based planes for support, while the Japanese had no land-based air support but possessed superior numbers with four fleet carriers and three light carriers. The US relied on codebreaking to learn Japanese plans while the Japanese were overconfident after past victories.

reporter who accompanied Spruance, wrote the night before the

battle that the admiral was heading out to meet the stronger
Japanese with a fly swatter and a prayer.
Summary of Battle
Despite a setback in May 1942 in the indecisive Battle of the Coral Few observers believed the Yorktown, which had been seriously
Sea, the Japanese had continued with plans to seize Midway damaged during the Battle of the Coral Sea in May, could be
Island and bases in the Aleutians. Seeking a naval showdown with repaired in time for the battle. When the ship entered dry dock,
the numerically inferior U.S. Pacific Fleet, Adm. Yamamoto Isoroku workers estimated they would require at least 90 days to
sent out the bulk of the Japanese fleet, including four fleet carriers adequately repair the carrier, but Admiral Nimitz said he needed
and three light carriers, with orders to engage and destroy the the ship back in three days. Tirelessly working around the clock,
American fleet and invade Midway. U.S. intelligence had divined 1,400 repairmen patched together the Yorktown sufficiently to get
Japanese intentions after breaking the Japanese naval code, her back to sea by May 30. Although impaired, the Yorktown gave
however, and the Americans were ready: three fleet carriers of the Americans three aircraft carriers with which to halt the mighty
the U.S. Pacific Fleet were mustered. These ships were stationed Japanese fleet advancing toward Midway.
350 miles northeast of Midway and awaited the advance of
Yamamotos armada. Whereas the Japanese had no land-based air Spruance faced an imposing challenge, for Yamamoto had
support, the Americans from Midway and from Hawaii could assembled 11 battleships, 8 aircraft carriers, 22 cruisers, 65
commit about 115 land-based planes. destroyers, and 21 submarines for the operation. The Japanese
admiral hoped to quickly destroy his adversary, then use his
The Japanese, who had already compiled an awesome string of enormous reputation to convince government leaders to offer the
victories, felt confident that the Midway operation would result in United States some concessions to remove them from the war
another. Their intelligence predicted that the Americans had lost before her industrial might started churning out war materiel in
the will to fight, and Japanese sailors boasted that they would quantities Japan could never match.
beat the enemy hands down.
Unfortunately for the Japanese, a series of chance occurrences
The Japanese expectations for victory proved premature. While combined to influence the battles outcome even before the first
Yamamoto possessed military superiority, the Americans had a shots were fired. Yamamoto learned from increased American
weapon that nullified the Japanese advantage. Codebreakers had radio activity that a strong enemy force might be in Hawaiian
deciphered the Japanese naval code and were able to read as waters rather than still out of the way near Australia, but he chose
much as 90 percent of Yamamotos orders. By the end of May, not to alert Admiral Nagumo, who guided the advance force of
Commander Joseph J. Rochefort and his team of cryptanalysts four carriers, in order to maintain radio silence. Nagumo steamed
knew the date, intended target, and composition of Japanese toward Midway thinking he faced minimal opposition.
forces deployed for the Midway operation.
Japanese submarines arrived at their observation posts
Nimitz handed Spruance specific orders. He was to defeat the surrounding the Hawaiian island of Oahu, but missed spotting the
Japanese, but under no circumstances was he to lose the bulk of American fleet by one day. Planned aerial reconnaissance of Pearl
his ships, which at this early stage of the war were a precious Harbor had to be canceled when Japanese submarines discovered
commodity. Nimitz wrote Spruance, You will be governed by the an American seaplane tender at French Frigate Shoals, from which
principle of calculated risk, which you shall interpret to mean the they hoped to position their own observation planes.
avoidance of exposure of your force without good prospect of Consequently, having heard nothing to the contrary, Nagumo
inflicting, as a result of such exposure, greater damage to the continued confidently toward Midway.
enemy. In other words, turn back the enemy, particularly by
sinking his aircraft carriers, without letting the enemy sink too On the morning of June 3, Ensign Jack Reid piloted his scout plane
many of your ships, which were now the first line of defense for from Midway on search patrol over the huge blue expanse of the
Hawaii and the West Coast. Pacific. Suddenly, a string of ships appeared on the horizon. Do
you see what I see? he asked his copilot. Reid had sighted the
Spruance intended to wait northeast of Midway. When his scout transports and destroyers of the Midway Invasion Force. Although
planes spotted the Japanese, hopefully before Yamamotos a group of Army bombers from Midway attacked these ships, they
located the Americans, he would launch every available plane in inflicted little damage. Spruance was after bigger game, anyway.
an attempt to sink the Japanese carriers. To succeed, he had to The Japanese carriers had to be somewhere in the area.
play a game of cat and mouse with his adversary and hope that he
could get his pilots into the air before his Japanese counterpart. If At 4:30 am Nagumo launched 72 bombers and 36 fighters to
the Japanese found Spruance first, the U.S. Navy could suffer a attack Midway, while retaining 126 aircraft in case any American
disaster from which it might never recover. ships appeared. He ordered these planes to be loaded with armor-
piercing bombs and torpedoes, the normal armament for use
Overmatched Spruance Pins Hope On Codebreakers against steel-laden ships.

Spruance led his unit, called Task Force 16, to sea in late May. At the same time, Nagumo sent search planes aloft to look for any
Consisting of the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Hornet steaming American naval vessels. Every search plane launched immediately
behind a screen of six cruisers and 12 destroyers, his force was except one from the cruiser Tone, which finally soared into the air
numerically no match for the enemy. All Spruance could do was 30 minutes late due to catapult problems. That slight delay would
count on the edge handed him by American codebreakers and have major repercussions on the coming battle.
hope that he located the enemy first. Task Force 17, under Rear
Adm. Frank Jack Fletcher, would join Spruance as soon as its sole Japanese aircraft hit Midway but failed to knock out many vital
carrier, the damaged Yorktown, could be hastily patched up in targets. As the planes headed back to Nagumos carriers, the
Hawaii. As the Midway engagement unfolded, Fletcher was the strike commander radioed that a second strike against Midway
senior American commander. However, Spruance commanded the would be needed.
stronger U.S. force and was obliged to fight the lions share of the
battle on a tactical basis. Robert J. Casey, an American news
Shortly after Nagumo dispatched his first air attack, Lieutenant also place him in danger of being caught by enemy aircraft while
Howard Ady emerged from a cloud bank in his Consolidated PBY landing his planes.
Catalina search plane from Midway. He immediately relayed the
information to Spruance aboard the Enterprise. Nagumo sent a message to the Tone pilot asking if the 10 ships
included any carriers. Before he received a response, three waves
The controlled admiral calmly unrolled a large sheet of paper of American aircraft descended upon Nagumos ships. First, Major
called a maneuvering board and plotted on it the range and Lofton Henderson led 16 Marine Corps dive-bombers from
bearing of the enemy aircraft. Spruance then used his thumb and Midway in an attack. Nagumos fighter cover and antiaircraft fire
index finger to estimate that the two forces stood 175 miles apart, shot down eight of the 16, and the other eight departed without
barely inside the range of his torpedo planes. As other officers inflicting any damage to the Japanese.
scampered from post to post in an effort to gain more
information, Spruance looked up and quietly ordered, Launch the Hendersons dive-bombers had barely finished when 15 Army
attack. Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bombers from Midway, commanded
by Lt. Col. Walter C. Sweeney, flew overhead at 8:10 am and
Although the distance would stretch the capabilities of his aircraft released their load of bombs. Every bomb smacked harmlessly
and would limit the time they could search for Nagumos carriers, into the ocean, but the attack forced Nagumos ships to swerve
Spruance decided the element of surprise far outweighed any risk. out of order to avoid being hit and caused more consternation for
Besides, he hoped his planes would catch his adversary in the the already worried commander. Ten minutes later, 11 additional
midst of recovering the Midway attack force. American aircraft under Major Benjamin Norris assaulted
Nagumos fleet without doing any damage.
With half his force airborne and circling, waiting for the rest to
launch, Spruance learned that a Japanese scout plane had spotted As Norriss planes struck at the enemy, Nagumo received a
the American carriers. Now in a deadly race to hit the enemy response from the Tone scout plane stating, Enemy force
before he was hit, at 7:45 Spruance ordered the planes aloft to accompanied by what appears to be an aircraft carrier bringing up
immediately head toward the Japanese without waiting for the the rear. The presence of an American carrier posed serious
rest of the American attack force. This decision meant that difficulties for Nagumo. When subordinates promised Nagumo
Spruances aircraft would not hit the enemy in a coordinated that the entire Midway strike force could be recovered in 30
assault, but he hoped that striking first was more important than minutes, Nagumo gambled on landing the planes returning from
hitting in strength. Midway, then rearming every aircraft for a strike against the
enemy ships. All he had to do was get through the next half hour,
Steaming aboard the Yorktown 25 miles behind, Admiral Fletcher and he thought victory would be his.
launched his dive- bombers and torpedo planes 30 minutes after
Spruance. As a result, four different American forces flew at the By this decision, Nagumo doomed his force to destruction, wrote
Japanese, two from Spruance, one from Fletcher, and land-based prominent World War II historian Ronald H. Spector, for Nagumo
aircraft from Midway. By 8:30, 157 American carrier aircraft sped lost his race against time. Unlike Spruance, who immediately
toward the unsuspecting Nagumo, while not one Japanese plane launched his aircraft, Nagumo hesitated and invited defeat.
headed toward the American carriers.
Eager to strike first, Spruance had abandoned hopes of a
Nagumo faced an important decision. He had been told that a coordinated assault. Instead, similar to the earlier American
second strike against Midway was necessary, but the aircraft strikes, aircraft from the three American carriers arrived over
sitting on his decks were armed with bombs and torpedoes meant Nagumos force at varying times and different altitudes. Rather
for use against ships. If he decided to send them against Midway than one powerful thrust, the pilots descended in a series of
Island, he would have to rearm the planes with the high-explosive individual charges.
bombs employed against land targets. This switch would require
at least one hour and would leave him in a precarious position Waldron had instructed the men in his units 15 obsolescent
should American carrier aircraft appear. So far, none of his search Douglas TBD Devastator torpedo planes, If there is only one
planes had spotted enemy carriers. plane left to make a final run in, I want that man to go in and get a
hit.. Thirty Japanese fighters immediately challenged Torpedo
While Nagumo pondered these thoughts, six American torpedo Squadron Eight as the cumbersome torpedo planes started their
planes and four bombers from Midway attacked. One by one the slow approach from eight miles distant. Enemy aircraft zipped by
heroic American pilots and their aircraft swooned into the sea or on all sides, with angry guns spitting bullets toward the
exploded in pieces. One plane crashed into Akagis deck without Americans, while thick antiaircraft fire churned the ocean surface.
doing much damage, and only three aircraft returned from this
initial encounter. Although the planes did little damage, Nagumo With Commander Waldron in the vanguard, the 15 planes droned
decided that he must hit Midway a second time to remove it as a toward their target. From his cockpit, Ensign Gay saw enemy
threat to his carriers. The admiral ordered his waiting aircraft sent shells rip into Waldrons left gas tank and ignite the fuel. Moments
below to be rearmed. before the commanders aircraft spun into the ocean, Gay noticed
Waldron and his radioman madly trying to free themselves from
The switch was already under way when potentially disastrous the blazing plane.
news reached Nagumo. The tardy Tone scout plane radioed the
presence of 10 enemy ships. The Midway attack planes were Other American aircraft quickly disintegrated under a hail of
expected back within 10 minutes. Nagumo could order those Japanese fire or plummeted into the ocean, but the survivors
planes, low on fuel, to circle the carriers while the rearming for a continued on. Soon, Gay piloted the only torpedo plane
second strike against Midway was completed, but this would remaining. He ignored the bullets, shells, and Japanese fighters in
doom many to splash into the ocean. Or he could halt the hopes of delivering a torpedo.
rearming and land the aircraft from Midway, which would not only
delay launching an attack against the American naval forces, but Although Gays unit failed to hit the Japanese carriers, they threw
the enemy ships into disarray and drew the enemy fighters down
near sea level. No sooner had Waldrons squadron ended its Yorktown and wounded her with three bomb and two torpedo
charge when 14 Enterprise Devastators led by Commander hits, but American planes found Hiryu three hours later. Twenty-
Eugene E. Lindsey attacked. Japanese fire destroyed 10 of the 14 four Enterprise dive-bombers so damaged the Hiryu that she sank
American aircraft, and again no hits were recorded on the carriers, the following day.
but as with Waldrons, the assault confounded the Japanese and
all but halted the rearming process ordered by Nagumo. Despite her serious damage, it appeared that the Yorktown might
Torpedoes, bombs, and fuel hoses dangerously littered the flight survive yet again. However, on the morning of June 6, the crippled
decks of each carrier. carrier was spotted by the Japanese submarine I-168 and sent to
the bottom by two torpedoes. The destroyer Hammann was sunk
In a third successive charge, Commander Lance E. Massey arrived in the same attack.
with 12 Yorktown Devastators and fighter protection as Lindsey
delivered his attack. Fighter pilot Commander James Thach A total of 147 American planes were lost during the Battle of
recalled, The air was just like a beehive as Japanese and Midway, along with 307 sailors and airmen. Aside from their four
American aircraft sped toward each other, and he quickly realized aircraft carriers, the Japanese also lost the heavy cruiser Mikuma,
how outnumbered he and his men were. I was utterly convinced while her sister, Mogami, was severely damaged. Perhaps most
then that there werent any of us coming back because there were devasting of all for the Japanese was the loss of 332 aircraft and
still so many Zeros. many experienced pilots who were irreplaceable. A total of 2,300
Japanese sailors and airmen were killed.
His fears seemed to materialize as 10 of the 12 Yorktown torpedo
planes tumbled into the ocean without scoring any hits. Wherever In six minutes McCluskys and Leslies dive- bombers had changed
he turned, Thach spotted more enemy fighters, but the the course of the Pacific War. Three carriers had been sunk, and a
determined aviator thought, Were going to take a lot of them fourth soon followed them to a watery grave. The United States
with us if theyre going to get us all. At that moment a glittering had wrested the initiative from Japan. From now on, the Japanese
image from above distracted Thach, and he looked up to see this would be forced to fight defensively in the Pacific.
glint in the sun and it just looked like a beautiful silver waterfall;
these dive bombers coming down. Although he had suffered huge losses, Admiral Yamamoto still
hoped to extract victory from the ashes by luring Spruances naval
Nagumos worst fear had suddenly materialized. He had been forces into a night battle against his powerful battleships.
caught by American dive- bombers with his flight decks jammed However, the cautious Spruance would not permit his ships to be
with aircraft, fuel hoses, and stacked ordnance. He could do caught in a night surface action against a superior enemy force.
nothing but hope his antiaircraft fire brought down the enemy
planes before they hit his carriers. Source:
Thirty-seven Douglas SBD Dauntless dive- bombers from midway-turning-the-tide-of-pacific-war/
Enterprise, led by Lt. Cmdr. Wade McClusky, and 17 Yorktown
Dauntlesses, commanded by Lt. Cmdr. Maxwell F. Leslie,
simultaneously arrived over the Japanese Fleet and attacked at
right angles to each other. Since the torpedo planes had drawn
the Japanese fighters to wavetop level, the dive-bombers could
attack from on high without worrying about being intercepted. A
series of fortunate events and the sheer courage of the torpedo
plane pilots had resulted in a brief window of opportunity for the

McClusky directed his men toward the carriers Akagi and Kaga.
One by one, the 37 aircraft screamed down at their targets. Two
bombs ripped into the Akagis flight deck and detonated Japanese
bombs and torpedoes stacked on it. Within seconds the carrier
was engulfed by flames. Other Enterprise dive- bombers planted
four bombs on Kaga, including one that demolished the island
superstructure and killed most of the officers on the bridge.
Scorching fires quickly spread throughout the carrier and trapped
numerous members of the crew in a fiery death.

Reluctantly, Nagumo transferred to another ship while Akagis

captain lashed himself to a bulkhead to go down with his carrier.

While McCluskys aviators swarmed about the Akagi and Kaga,

Leslie selected a third carrier, the Soryu, as his target and guided
his 17 dive-bombers toward the quarry. Leslie and his men quickly
planted three bombs onto the carriers flight deck. In an instant,
explosions and flames swallowed the Soryus surface, and within
20 minutes the crew started to abandon the sinking ship.

The fourth Japanese aircraft carrier, Hiryu, had been obscured by

cloud cover and was undetected during the attacks. In retaliation,
a small force of aircraft was scraped together aboard Hiryu and
launched against the Yorktown. The Japanese aircraft located the
Timeline June 3rd
04:30 First Japanese takeoff against Midway Islands
05:34 Japanese ships detected by a PBY from Midway
07:10 6 TBF Avengers and 4 USAAF B-26
(from Midway I.) attack
07:50 67 dive bombers, 29 torpedo bombers, 20
Wildcats take off (Spruance)
07:55 16 dive bombers of the US Navy
(from Midway I.) attack
08:10 17 B-17s (from Midway Islands) attack
08:20 11 bombers of the US Navy (from Midway I.)
09:06 12 torpedo bombers, 17 dive bombers,
6 Wildcats take off (Yorktown)
09:25 15 torpedo bombers (Hornet) attack
09:30 14 torpedo bombers (Enterprise) attack
10:00 12 torpedo bombers (Yorktown) attack
10:25 30 dive bombers (Enterprise) attack Akagi and
10:25 17 dive bombers (Yorktown) attack Soryu
11:00 18 Vals and 6 Zekes take off from Hiryu
12:05 First attack on Yorktown
13:30 Hiryu detected by a Yorktown plane; 24 dive
bombers take off against Hiryu (Spruance)
13:31 10 Kates and 6 Zekes take off from Hiryu
13:40 Yorktown again in service, making 18 knots
14:30 Second attack on Yorktown
15:00 Yorktown abandoned
17:00 Dive bombers attack on Hiryu
USA Order of Battle
Officers Commander 0 points Default officer choice

Captain 5 points
Rear Admiral 15 points Only allowed in fleets of 150 points or more
Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance 20 points Only allowed in fleets of 150 points or more
Vice Admiral 20 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Yorktown-class fleet carrier 11 points

1 - 2 Ships
Carrier task force

Midway airgroup 74 points - You may add one extra flight of:
Core fleet

4x F4F Wildcat SBD Dauntless +6 points

5x SBD Dauntless F4F Wildcat +8 points
2x TBD Devastator
Sims-class Destroyer 18 points - You may upgrade any or all ships to:
1 - 3 Ships Farragut-class Destroyer -1 points

Atlanta-class Light Cruiser 25 points

1 - 3 Ships

New Orleans-class Heavy cruiser 31 points - You may upgrade any or all ships to:

0 - 3 Ships Portland-class Heavy cruiser -2 points

Northampton-class Heavy cruiser 29 points

Close cover

0 - 1 Ships
Pensacola-class Heavy cruiser 33 points
0 - 1 Ships

Porter-class Destroyer 20 points - You may upgrade up to two ships to:

Destroyer Escort

0 - 2 Ships Sims-class Destroyer -2 points

Benham-class Destroyer 26 points

0 - 2 Ships
Gridley-class Destroyer 27 points
0 - 1 Ship
Mahan-class Destroyer 21 points
0 - 1 Ship

F2A Buffalo 6 points - You may upgrade up to one flight to:

Midway Naval air

0 - 4 flights F4F Wildcat +2 points

SB2U Vindicator 5 points - You may upgrade up to one flight to:


0 - 4 flights TBF Avenger +2 points


PBY-5 Catalina 5 points

0 - 4 flights
B-17 Flying Fortress 6 points - You may upgrade up to one flight to:
0 - 6 flights B-26 Marauder +0 points

Tambor-class submarine 23 points - You may upgrade one ship to:


1 Ship V (Narwhal)-class Submarine +2 points

Gato-class Submarine +1 points

These officers can be used instead of the standard officers if the fleet lists allow it.
Japanese Order of Battle
First carrier striking force
Battle of Midway

Chu-Sa 0 points Default officer choice

Tai-Sa 5 points

Sho-Sho 15 points Only allowed in fleets of 150 points or more

Chu-Sho 20 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Chu-Sho Chuichi Nagumo 25 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Note: You may only select one fleet carrier in your force per 200 pts
Akagi-class fleet carrier 17 points
MIdway airgroup 71 points
4x A6M "Zero"
1st Carrier Division

3x Aichi D3A "Val"

3x Nakajima B5N "Kate"

Kaga-class fleet carrier 28 points

Midway airgroup 78 points - You may add one extra flight of either:
Core fleet

4x A6M "Zero" A6M "Zero" +8 points

3x Aichi D3A "Val" Nakajima B5N "Kate" +7 points
4x Nakajima B5N "Kate"
Kager-class Destroyer 29 points
1 - 2 Ships

Sryu-class fleet carrier 11 points

2nd Carrier Division

1 - 2 Ships 63 points
Midway airgroup - You may add one extra flight of:
3x A6M "Zero" A6M "Zero" +8 points
3x Aichi D3A "Val"
3x Nakajima B5N "Kate"
Kager-class Destroyer 29 points
1 - 2 Ships

Tone-class Heavy cruiser 51 points


1 - 2 Ships

Kager-class Destroyer 29 points


1 - 4 Ships

Nagara-class Light Cruiser 21 points

0 - 1 Ships

Kng-class Battleship 89 points


1 - 2 Ships

Kager-class Destroyer 29 points - You may upgrade any or all ships to:


1 - 3 Ships Yugumo-class Destroyer +0 points


Kaidai-class submarine 23 points


1 Ship
First Fleet main battle force
Battle of Midway

Chu-Sa 0 points Default officer choice

Tai-Sa 5 points

Sho-Sho 15 points Only allowed in fleets of 150 points or more

Chu-Sho 20 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Tai-Sh Isoruku Yamamoto 30 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Yamato-class Battleship 203 points


0 - 1 Ships
Core fleet

Nagato-class Battleship 147 points

0 - 2 Ships

Fubuki-class Destroyer 28 points


1 - 4 Ships

Fubuki-class Destroyer 28 points


1 - 4 Ships

Sendai-class Light Cruiser 22 points


0 - 1 Ships

Hsh-class Light Carrier 7 points

Carrier group

Midway airgroup 10 points

2x Yokosuka B4Y "Jean"

Minekaze-class Destroyer 17 points

0 - 1 Ships

Kaidai-class submarine 23 points


1 - 2 Ships

Chitose-class Seaplane tender 7 points

Standard airgroup 17 points
Seaplane tender

2x F1M2 "Pete"
1x E-13A1 "Jake"

Nisshin-class Seaplane tender 10 points

Standard airgroup 12 points
1x F1M2 "Pete"
1x E-13A1 "Jake"
Midway invasion force
Battle of Midway

Chu-Sa 0 points Default officer choice

Tai-Sa 5 points

Sho-Sho 15 points Only allowed in fleets of 150 points or more

Chu-Sho 20 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Chu-Sho Nobutake Kond 20 points Only allowed in fleets of 300 points or more

Myk-class Heavy Cruiser 50 points


1 - 2 Ships
Core fleet

Takao-class Heavy Cruiser 60 points

1 - 2 Ships

Shiratsuyu-class Destroyer 26 points


1 - 4 Ships

Shoho-class Light Carrier 9 points

Light Carrier

Midway airgroup 28 points

2x A5M "Claude"
2x Nakajima B5N "Kate"

Mutsuki-class Destroyer 18 points


0 - 1 Ships

Kng-class Battleship 89 points


1 - 2 Ships

Asashio-class Destroyer 26 points


1 - 3 Ships

Nagara-class Light Cruiser 21 points

0 - 1 Ships

Mogami-class Heavy Cruiser 50 points


1 - 4 Ships

Asashio-class Destroyer 26 points


1 - 4 Ships

Sendai-class Light Cruiser 22 points


0 - 1 Ships

Chitose-class Seaplane tender 7 points

Midway airgroup 15 points - You may add one extra flight of:
Seaplane tender

1x F1M2 "Pete" E8N2 "Dave" +5 points

2x E8N2 "Dave"
Kamikawa Maru-class Seaplane
6 points
Midway airgroup 17 points
1x F1M2 "Pete"
1x E-13A1 "Jake"
1x E8N2 "Dave"
These officers can be used instead of the standard officers if the fleet lists allow it.

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