Srs English For You Now Eng

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Cmo Llegar a Su Compromiso Cada Semana
(2 clases y un total de 10 + horas)
Practicando Horas en Conver-
Horas en con Audio Horas Viendo EFYN Libro sacines en Suma de
Semana Clase (3+) (2+) Peliculas (2+) (2+) Ingls (1+) Horas (10+)
Dear Student,

Welcome to English for You Now, which is provided as a pilot through

Pathway. This program is designed to help students build conversational
English skills.

As a student in the English for You Now program, you will participate in 20
lessons (or modules) that last eight months and are tailored to your
individual English skills. These face-to-face lessons focus on English
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and professional communication.

Students who meet the following program requirements will earn English
for You Nows English Proficiency Certificate, which may help improve
employment options across many fields. Students may also apply to
Pathways L version for English-language learners, where they can begin
to pursue a variety of academic goals as well as further develop their
English skills.

Program Requirements:
Achieve at least 80 percent attendance (including make-up classes if
Show mastery of English principles
Earn a score of intermediate or better on an oral proficiency interview
Be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Whatever your ultimate goals, we are confident that English for You Now
will help you build the skills you need to improve your English.

The Pathway Home Office
English for You Now is an English-language learning program, which is
provided as a pilot through Pathway and is designed to help students build
conversational English skills. English for You Now offers 20 lessons (or
modules) that are tailored to individual students English skills and lasts
approximately nine months. These face-to-face lessons focus on English
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and professional communication.

Students who complete the programs requirements will earn an English for
You Now English Proficiency Certificate, which can improve employment
options across many fields. Students who successfully complete English for
You Now may also be better prepared to join Pathways L version (for
English-language learners), where they can further develop their English skills
as well as pursue a variety of academic goals.

English for You Now es un programa piloto para aprender ingls, ofrecido
mediante el apoyo de Pathway y diseado para ayudar a los estudiantes a
desarrollar habilidades de conversacin en ingls. English for You Now ofrece
20 lecciones (mdulos) aplicables a la medida del nivel de ingls de cada
individuo y dura aproximadamente nueve meses. Cada una de estas
lecciones presenciales se enfoca en pronunciacin, vocabulario, gramtica
y comunicacin profesional.

A los estudiantes que satisfacen las expectativas del programa se les otorga
un Certificado de Competencia de Ingls English for You Now, el cual puede
brindarles oportunidades laborales en muchos campos. Los que terminen
English for You Now con xito pueden estar ms preparados para inscribirse
en la versin L de Pathway (para los que estn aprendiendo ingls), donde
pueden seguir puliendo su dominio del ingls y progresando hacia una
variedad de metas educativas.
Engaging our Students for Mastery of English

We do not teach our students about English; we ENGAGE them at their levels to master it!

Teachers/Assistant Teachers ENGAGE our students in class with English:

We demonstrate properly.
We ENGAGE them to repeat properly.
We ENGAGE them by congratulating proper pronunciation/conjugation.
We ENGAGE them to ask and answer questions before/during each class.
We ENGAGE them to listen and repeat the audio practice as they read.
We ENGAGE them by gesturing through the grammar/conjugations.
We ENGAGE them by projecting module exercises, they write in their book, and
speak them.
We ENGAGE them by having students help teach each other.
We ENGAGE them to re-practice with this process until mastery has occurred.
We re-ENGAGE to assure retention of mastery from past Modules.

Students must ENGAGE with English at home:

They THETA SCAN Fold Cards:

10 minutes after/nightly/within 24 hrs/during 7 days (10/nightly/24/7)
They listen and repeat the module material w/the audio.
They fill in the exercises in the module, which they revie w/Assistant Teachers.
They watch at least 2 English speaking movies/week & discuss in class.
They speak English with others.
The read English articles/books.
They write questions and answers for review with Assistant Teachers.

This hereby certifies that has attended at

least 80% of the classes for the Phases dated and initialed below for developing
proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing English.

Phase I Sign Date

Phase II Sign Date

Phase III Sign Date

Phase IV Sign Date

Phase V Sign Date

Phase VI Sign Date

Phase VII Sign Date

English For You Now
Phase I: Pronunciation, Introductory Vocabulary and Communications
(Modules 1-2)

Phase II: Learned the 60 Most Commonly Used Verbs, Meanings,

Pronunciation and Sentence Formation in Present Tense
(Modules 3-5)

Phase III: Learned the 60 Most Commonly Used Verbs, Meanings,

Pronunciation and Sentence Formation in Present Progressive Tense
(Modules 6-8)

Phase IV: Learned the 60 Most Commonly Used Verbs, Meanings,

Pronunciation and Sentence Formation in Future Tense
(Modules 9-10)

Phase V: Learned communication for common activities such as

buying appliances, buying groceries, preparing a business resume,
applying for a job, and related vocabulary and grammar
(Modules 11-13)

Phase VI: Learned the 60 Most Commonly Used Verbs, Meanings,

Pronunciation and Sentence Formation in Conditional, Imperfect,
Preterite and Present Perfect Tenses
(Modules 14-17)

Phase VII: Learned multi-use of all common tenses in the description of

people, activities, things and abstract ideas; selection of careers of
interest, and enhanced related English vocabulary, grammar and
communication (Modules 18-20)
Name: __________________________ Email: ______________________________

Cell: ____________Home: ______________

Auto-Evaluacion de Capacidades en Ingls

(1 mnimo a 5 el mximo! 1=muy poca 2= algo 3= bastante 4=mucha 5=avanzada)

Capacidad de Entender Ingls ___________

Capacidad de Hablar Ingls ___________

Capacidad de Leer Ingls ___________

Capacidad de Escribir Ingls ___________

Por qu desea mejorar su Ingls? ______________________________________

Hay necesidad de mejorar su Ingls para el trabajo? _______________________

Cul es su trabajo? ______________________________________________

Tiene esposa(o) que domina bien el Ingls? ____________

Tiene hijos que dominan bien el Ingls? ____________

Hago el compromiso de:
Asistir a la clase de Ingls por lo menos 2 veces a la
semana por 9 meses. Clases: ___________ y ___________ a las ____ - ____ horas.
Llenar los ejercisios en cada Mdulo (Leccin) con lapis.
Hacer Theta Scan cada noche por 10 minutos antes de acostarme.
Repasar el modulo (Leccin) con audio, practicando 1.5 horas cada da
(menos da de clase).
Ver dos peliculas en Ingls cada semana.
Firma: _________________________________ Fecha: ______________________
V. Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard
Average Rates of Retention

5% Lecture

10% Reading

20% Audio-visual

30% Demonstration

50% Discussion group

75% Practice by doing

90% Teach others/immediate use

(Adapted and cited from the national training labratory, Bethal Maine)

Teacher/Assistant Teacher Instructions:

To help students learn and remember, we must engage all their senses in most of the exercises, even
beyond the listed instructions throughout!

They hear us speak the English we are teaching.

While they read the English we are teaching.
They repeat the English we are teaching.
They write the English we are teaching & speak it again.
They see us charade the English we are teaching.
They charade the English we are teaching.
They see us gesture through tenses & conjugations.
They gesture through tenses & conjugations with us.

VI. Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard

We begin with a prayer.
For the first English class, all students meet together for the first 30 minutes. Introductions are made
and students are given a brief overview of what they will be learning.

We begin with the story of a woman who traveled by bus to Salt Lake City, Utah from Ozumba, Mexico
to receive her endowments in the temple. It was the year 1940 and Mama Sefi had saved for many years
to make the trip. She obtained permission to leave the country, taking a train to El Paso and boarding a
bus from there to Salt Lake.
Mama Sefi did not speak any English, but someone had taught her to say apple pie. Whenever the bus
stopped for food, she would order apple pie. Even though this trip lasted for several days, Mama Sefi
ordered the same thing both coming and going because the only words she knew in English were apple

Tell the students that they will be learning a much broader vocabulary and after the classes have ended,
they will be able to say many things in English.


When is the best time to plant a tree? Answer: Twenty years ago.
When is the next best time to plant a tree? Now
Now, is the time for students to learn English. VII.
Show the picture of the sprinter and explain that learning English is not easy but can be done. It is not a sprint
to the finish line.

Show the picture of the marathon runners. Learning a new language is more like a marathon. A steady pace
will get you to the finish line.

What are some of the advantages of learning English? (Make certain that all of the major reasons to learn
English are discussed with the class).
What things might be hard about learning and what can we do to overcome them?
What are you willing to do to accomplish this goal?

We then hand a blank piece of paper to the students to write down their goals for what they want to
accomplish during this class.

We then commit them to learning strategies:

Theta Scan with cut out fold cards -10/nightly/24/7

10 = Review within 10 minutes of learning
Nightly= Review materials 10 minutes before going to bed
24 = Review again within 24 hours
7 = Review various times during next 7 days

Watch 2 English Speaking Movies/week

Listen and practice Modules with the Audio
Watch T.V. in English
Practice Cut Out Fold Cards and practice with other English speakers
Listen to the radio in English

VIII. Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard

Introduction to the alphabet and vowels in English

As part of this introductory lesson, if there is time, we should introduce the students to the alphabet and to
vowels as pronounced in English. You can slowly pronounce each and ask them to repeat them after you,
calling on a volunteer and helping someone to model the appropriate sound. Do not spend too much time,
but also ask them to write the capital and lower case letters in the boxes indicated below as well as the
spaces beside the vowels so that they associate the pronunciation they are hearing from you with the letter
they are writing. Eventually, the pronunciation will help them to more quickly learn to read English.

A ______ B ______ C ______ D ______ E ______

F ______ G ______ H ______ I ______ J ______
K ______ L ______ M ______ N ______ O ______
P ______ Q ______ R ______ S ______ T ______
U ______ V ______ W ______ X ______ Y ______

Z ______

Introduction to Vowels:

a _____
e _____
i _____
o _____
u _____

After we give each student a copy of the 60 Common Verbs, cut out and folded, we demonstrate and have them
repeat them with proper pronunciation. If there is enough time, the teacher should read/explain to the students
how the gesture techniques will be used in the classes. We then close with a prayer.

T We then introduce them to the 60 verbs that we will be studying in this series of
classes. These verbs will become their friends like the friends in the movie Tres
Mastering the 60 Common Verbs
Cut out both cards and fold on dotted line.

Infinitive Translation Infinitive Translation

to answer responder to say decir
to arrive llegar to see ver
to ask preguntar to sing cantar

to begin empezar to speak hablar

to believe creer to spell deletrear
to bring traer to stay quedarse

to call llamar to take llevar / tomar

to come venir to talk hablar
to drink beber to tell decir/ contar

to eat comer to think pensar

to feel sentir to understand comprender
to find encontrar to visit visitar

to get conseguir to walk caminar

to give dar to want querer
to have tener to work trabajar

to hear or to write escribir

to help ayudar to do hacer
to invite invitar to go ir

to know saber to cash cambiar

to laugh rer to finish terminar
to learn aprender to teach ensear

to leave partir to watch mirar

to like gustar to cry llorar
to listen escuchar to fly volar

to look mirar to study estudiar

to love amar to try tratar
to make hacer to be ser / estar

to meet encontrar to be able to poder

to need necesitar
to read leer (can)

to remember recordar
to repeat repetir

XI. Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard

Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard

Preface Introductory i.-XI.

Module 1 Pronunciation 1

Module 2 Introductory Vocabulary 17

Module 3 Greetings and Introduction 33

Module 4 Directions Inside a Building 53

Module 5 Responsibilities and Activities 67

Module 6 Making a Doctors Appointment 79

Module 7 Buying Shoes 99

Module 8 Hows the Weather? 113

Module 9 Directions Outside 125

Module 10 Buying a Dress 139

Module 11 Buying Appliances 151

Module 12 Buying Groceries 163

Module 13 Learning English from Films 175

Conversation Pronunciation Vocabulary Language Focus


Module 14 Getting a Ride 187

Module 15 Making a New Friend 197

Module 16 Discussing the Day 211

Module 17 Catching Up 229

Module 18 Putting it all Together 247

Module 19 Preparation for the OPIc Exam 285

Module 20 Introduction to Career English 307

Conversation Pronunciation Vocabulary Language Focus

Module 1
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the
start of class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the
one, two or five students in a warm-up learning activity before class begins, because
some students usually arrive late. The content should usually be based on the prior
class content. It should be made fun and valuable.
Pre-Lesson 1, Warm-Up Activity based on Introductory Lesson Content:
Write on the white board the following common verbs and ask the students as they
arrive to write and pronounce them:
Answer Get Speak Read
Ask Spell Stay Run
As the students are doing this, you should circulate among them and engage them indi-
vidually and jointly at random with short conversations, comments, and questions using
the verbs and lesson content. This is a very effective way to informally interact with the
students and build their knowledge base and confidence. It also uses valuable time that
otherwise would be wasteda most effective teaching opportunity that is also enjoy-
(3 classes with subsequent REGULAR REVIEW until
pronunciation is GOOD)
There are several sounds in English that are not commonly used in Spanish or Portuguese.
Our goal is to help improve pronunciation. We are teaching students to recognize and then
be able to pronounce these unique sounds using simple words. DO NOT worry about the
meanings of the words at this time.

Hay varios sonidos que se usan con frequencia en ingls pero no existen ni en espaol ni en
portugues. Nuestra meta es ayudarles mejorar su pronuciacin para que sea fcil para los
norteamericanos comprenderles. Juntos podemos lograr esto.

P Short a
(Per class, practice SLOWLY 2 LINES ONLY, maximum 5 minutes)

bat cat fat hat rat

dad bad had mad sad

jam am ham Sam lamb

can an man pan ran

hand and land sand band

cast fast last past mast

class brass pass mass sass

P Short e
(Per class, practice SLOWLY 2 LINES ONLY, maximum 5 minutes)

bed fed Jed led red wed

pen Ben end hen send ten

dress bless guess less press yes

jet get let met pet wet

vest test west rest nest pest

P Short i
(Per class, practice SLOWLY 2 LINES ONLY, maximum 5 minutes)

lid bid did hid kid

win bin fin pin tin

lip dip hip tip ship

pig big dig fig wig

sick kick lick pick stick

2 Module 1 2014
P Short o
(Per class, practice SLOWLY 2 LINES ONLY, maximum 5 minutes)

hot dot got lot not

mop top hop pop shop

rob Bob mob job knob

mom bomb Tom .com prom

toss boss loss moss Ross

P Short u
(Per class, practice SLOWLY 2 LINES ONLY, maximum 5 minutes)

bug mug rug jug dug

up cup pup sup yup

gum hum dumb sum yum

cut but gut mutt rut

run bun fun gun sun

2014 Module 1 3

P Ff
(Practice SLOWLY, maximum 2 minutes)

<?xml version=1.0 en-


<!DOCTYPE plist PUB-
LIC -//Apple//DTD
PLIST 1.0//EN http://
four fun face
<plist version=1.0>

cuf f puff if

P Vv
(Practice SLOWLY, maximum 2 minutes)

vacation Victor vote van

cave give have Dave

4 Module 1
P Ss
(Practice SLOWLY, maximum 2 minutes)

stop Samuel school start

dogs kiss pass cats

P Th th
(Practice SLOWLY, maximum 2 minutes)

3 three there the this

math bath path birth

P (Practice SLOWLY, maximum 2 minutes)

read red ran rule rate

letter father mother sister brother

Y Yy
(Practice SLOWLY, maximum 2 minutes)

Give time for students to complete with help from the
assistant teacher.

cut can
<?xml ver-



(molde de yeso)



6 Module 1 2014








2014 Module 1 7








8 Module 1 2014








2014 Module 1 9
LF Language Focus: If you dont understand, you might say:

Ask them to repeat something

Excuse me, could you repeat

your question, please?

Excseme, podra repetir su


Could you repeat that please?

Podra repetirlo, por favor?

Ask them to speak slower

Could you speak slower,


Podra hablar ms despacio, por


10 Module 1 2014
LF Language Focus: Could you ... please?

Notice that many of the phrases begin with the words Could you ____________?
and end with the word please. This is a polite way of asking someone to do
something for you.
Fill in the blanks below with these polite words: (Could and Please)
1. _______________________________ repeat your question, ___________________?
2. _______________________________ repeat that _____________________?
3. _______________________________ speak slower, ________________?

Example Conversation
C (Conversacin)

Nancy: Could you get me a pen, please?

Lucas: Excuse me, could you repeat your question, please?
Nancy: Could you get me a pen, please?
Lucas: Thanks, now I understand better. Here it is.

2014 Module 1 11
12 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Memorize the Dialog by folding on the dotted line and twisting
the wrist back and forth until you have memorized it. Recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas.
Memorize el Dilogo doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la
prctica hasta que lo haya memorizado.
Card 1A
Excuse me, could you repeat your question, please? Excseme, podra repetir su pregunta, por
Would you speak slower, please? Podra hablar ms despacio, por favor?

Nancy: Can you get me a pen, please? Podra conseguirme una pluma, por favor?
Lucas: Excuse me, could you please repeat your Excseme, podra repetir su pregunta, por
question? favor?
Nancy: Can you get me a pen, please? Podra conseguirme una pluma, por favor?
Lucas: Thanks, now I understand better. Here it is. Gracias, ahora entiendo mejor. Aqu esta.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Cards- Tarjetas Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Practice the vocabulary by folding on the dotted line and twisting
the wrist back and forth until you have memorized the words. Recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas.
Aprenda el vocabulario doblando en las lneas quebradas y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la
prctica hasta que lo sepa.
Card 1B
Vowel Sounds
Short o-
hot dot got lot pot
mop top hop pop shop
rob mob job sob knob

mom bomb Tom prom .com

toss boss loss moss Ross

Short u -
bug mug rug jug dug
up cup pup sup yup
gum hum dumb sum yum

cut but gut mut rut

run bun fun gun sun

13 Module 1
14 2014
Card 1C

Vowel Sounds
Short a-
bat cat fat hat rat
dad bad had mad sad
can an man pan ran

jam am ham Sam lamb

hand and land sand band
cast fast last past mast
class brass pass mass sass

Short e -
bed dead Ted head read
pen Ben end ten send
dress bless guess yes press

jet get wet met pet

vest test west rest pest

Short i-
lid bid did hid kid
win bin fin pin tin
lip dip hip tip ship

pig big dig fig wig

sick stick kick lick pick

Consonant Sounds
f Frank four fun face
cuff puff if
red ran rule rate
father mother sister brother

v Victor vote van vacation

cave give have Dave

s Samuel stop school start

dogs kiss pass cats

th this that those thin

the there three

2014 Module 1 15
16 2014
Module 2
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students
and those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.
Pre Lesson 3 Warm Up Activity based on Lesson 2 Introductory Vocabulary Content
Write on the white board some of the following word sequences (or provide a copy of this
page on their chair) and ask the students as they arrive to write them. Then, help them pro-
nounce them properly:
To Be-present tense (this is the most irregular verb in English and most languages):
I am
You are
We are
They are

He is
She is
It is

You might choose to continue this as part of Lesson 2 for 15-30 minutes.

As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity

Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes
before the start of class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time.
Regularly engage the early students and those on time in a warm-up learning
activity before and during the first part of class. The content should usually be
based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. Write on the white board some of
the following word sequences (or provide a copy of this page on their chair) and
ask the students as they arrive to write them. Then, help them pronounce them

To Be-present tense (this is the most irregular verb in English and most

I am

You are
We are
They are

He is
She is
It is

You might choose to continue this as part of Lesson 2 for 15-30 minutes.

Introductory Vocabulary
(3 classes with subsequent review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bien.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Camilla: Do you know which days we have Sabe usted cules das tenemos las
our English classes? clases de ingls?

Ben: Yes, they are on Tuesday and S, son los martes y jueves en la
Thursday evenings. tarde.

Camilla: What time do they begin? A qu hora empiezan?

Ben: They begin at 7:00 p.m. and end Empiezan a las 7:00 y terminan
at 8:30 p.m. a las 8:30.

Camilla: What month do they begin? En qu mes empiezan?

Ben: In September, September 1 (first). Empiezan el primero de Septiembre.

Camilla: Thank you. Do you also know what Gracias. Tambin sabe la hora
time church services start on que empiezan los servicios de la
Sunday? iglesia el domingo?

Ben: Yes, they start at 9:00 a.m. every S, empiezan a las 9:00 de la
week and last until 12:00 p.m. (noon). maana cada semana y terminan
al medio da.

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowels and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

j- January, June, July ___ anuary ___ une ___ uly

y- yes, yesterday, year, you ___ es ___ esterday ___ ear
-end bend, send, lend b _____ s _____ l _____
-ay bay, say, May b _____ s _____ M _____
d- do, day, December ___ o ___ ay ___ ecember

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)
Listen and repeat SLOWLY. -Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group. Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.

Word Rhyming Words

day say lay May way pay
start art dart cart chart
time dime rhyme crime lime chime
week meek leak* peek seek weak
*Teach where the two vowels go a walking, generally the first vowel does the talking.

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Vocabulario (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

evening begin evening night

time finish ______________ ______________
start each ______________ ______________
every night ______________ ______________
morning hour ______________ ______________
end a.m. ______________ ______________

18 Module 2 2014
V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil. Also, pronounce them with your assistant teacher.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras. Tambin, pronuncie las palabras con su
maestro asistente.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Related Words Writing Practice

evening __________________ night __________________
time __________________ hour __________________
start __________________ begin __________________
every __________________ each __________________
morning __________________ a.m. __________________
end __________________ finish __________________

Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
12. twelve I
1. one It
11. eleven You
2. two She
10. ten
9. nine Numbers 3. three
4. four He We
8. eight They
7. seven 5. five
6. six
season year night
Time of Day
Parts of the
Year evening noon
month week afternoon

Sunday December
Monday November
Saturday February
Days of the March
Months April
Week Tuesday
Friday May
Thursday July June
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students.

2014 Module 2 19
C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.
Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Camilla: Do you ____________ which ____________ we have our English

Ben: Yes, they are on ____________ and Thursday evenings.
Camilla: What ____________ do they begin?
Ben: They begin at 7:00 p.m. and ____________ at 8:30 p.m.
Camilla: What ____________ do they begin?
Ben: In September, _________________________.
Camilla: __________________. Do you also know what time church services
start on _______________ ?
Ben: Yes, they ____________ at 9:00 a.m. ____________ week and last until
12:00 p.m (noon).
From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.

C Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. Do you ( now / know ) what days we _________________________________

have our English classes? _________________________________
2. Yes, they are ( on / an ) Tuesday and _________________________________
Friday evenings. _________________________________
3. What ( time / tame ) are they? _________________________________
4. They start at 7:00 p.m. ( an / and ) _________________________________
end at 8:30 p.m. _________________________________
5. What ( moth / month ) do they begin? _________________________________
6. In January, next ( hear / year ), _________________________________
January 3rd. _________________________________
7. ( Thank / Tank ) you. Do you also know _________________________________
what time church services start on _________________________________
Sunday? _________________________________
8. Yes, they start at 9:00 a. m. ( every / ever ) _________________________________
week and last until 12:00 p.m. _________________________________

20 Module 2 2014
C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

What days are the English classes? They are on

What time are the classes? They start at
What month do they begin? They begin in
What day do they begin? They begin on
What time does church start? It starts at

Language Focus: Days of the Week-Assistants- help students write and

LF say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other
students in your group.
Days of the Week
Weekend Weekdays Weekend
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
domingo lunes martes mircoles jueves viernes sbado
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
day before yesterday today tomorrow day after
yesterday tomorrow
anteayer ayer hoy maana pasado maana

Practice: Write the correct name of the day in the blanks. Escriba los nombres correctos de los das en los espacios.

1. Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was _________________.

2. Today is Friday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was _________________.

3. Today is Thursday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was _________________.

4. Today is Sunday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was _________________.

5. Today is Wednesday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was


6. Today is Monday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was _________________.

7. Today is Saturday, so tomorrow is _________________ and yesterday was _________________.

8. On _________________ , we go to church.

2014 Module 2 21
LF Language Focus: Months of the Year- Assistants- help students write and say
sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students in your group.

Practice writing and saying the months of the year. Practique escribiendo y diciendo los meses del ao.
1. January enero January
2. February febrero
3. March marzo
4. April abril
5. May mayo
6. June junio
7. July julio
8. August agosto
9. September septiembre
10. October octubre
11. November noviembre
12. December diciembre
Teacher and assistants ask questions and students answer in full sentences.
Practice: Write the correct name of the month in the blanks.
Word Key:
Escriba los nombres correctos de los meses en los espacios.
last pasado
1. Last month was ______________________ . this este
2. This month is ______________________ . next prximo
3. Next month is ______________________ .
4. This month is July. Next month is ______________________ .
5. This month is May. Last month was ______________________ .
6. Next month is December. This month is ______________________ .
7. Last month was March. This month is ______________________ .
8. Christmas is in ______________________ .
9. The 1st month of the year is ______________________ .
10. The 7th month of the year is ______________________ .
11. Valentines Day is in ______________________ .
12. The 3rd month of the year is ______________________ .
13. The 9th month of the year is ______________________ .
14. In what month is your birthday? My birthday is in ___________________ .

22 Module 2 2014
LF Language Focus: Parts of Speech

Nouns (Sustantivos)
Persons (Personas) Places (Lugares) Things (Cosas)
teacher school pencil
sister lake car
Camila Utah idea
The teacher is nice. I see a car. Camila walks to school.
*A noun is often preceded by the words a / an, but not always.
(Muchas veces se usa a o an antes de un sustantivo, pero no siempre.)

Personal Pronouns
replace the names with pronouns (Pronombres toman el lugar de nombres.)
I You We They He She It

He is a teacher. They read a book. Camila and I like ice cream.

describe nouns (Adjetivos describen sustantivos.)
blue pretty funny good
I see a blue car. The teacher is nice.
*Adjectives ususally come before the noun or after am / is / are.
( Adjetivos usualmente vienen antes del sustantivo o despus de am/is/are. )
show an action (Muchos verbos significan accin.)
read walk talk run
I walk to school. Camila reads a book.
* Change the verb based on the noun or pronoun subject. Add -s for he/she/it subjects.
(Cambie el verbo segn el sustantivo o pronombre. Se agrega s cuando la oracin incluye una
persona o he/she/it. )

2014 Module 2 23
LF Language Focus: Parts of Speech Practice

A. Circle the nouns in the sentences below. Write the nouns on the line.
Encierre en crculo los sustantivos. Escriba los sustantivos.
1. The pig is pink.
2. A jet is big.
3. The bug is small.
4. It is a green apple.
5. My sister and mom are nice.

B. Circle the pronouns in the sentences below. Write the pronouns on the line.
Encierre en crculo los pronombres. Escriba los pronombres.
1. We are happy.
2. She has a bag.
3. They walk to school.
4. He goes to class.
5. You are a student.

C. Circle the verbs in the sentences below. Write the verbs on the line.
Encierre en crculo los verbos. Escriba los verbos.
1. She is a teacher.
2. I am happy.
3. They like to read.
4. Ben goes to class. He is a student.
5. Camila and I go to school. We are students.

D. Circle the adjectives in the sentences below. Write the adjectives on the line.
Encierre en crculo los adjetivos. Escriba los adjetivos.
1. She is a happy teacher.
2. It is my blue pencil.
3. The pig is pink.
4. The food is good.
5. The big jet is nice.
24 Module 2 2014
LF Language Focus: Basic Sentence Structure
The basic structure of a sentence, unless it is a question, is often:
La estructura bsica de una oracin, que no sea pregunta, en ingls usualmente es:

Subject Verb Adjective

He is tired.
Subject Verb Adverb Adjective
He is very tired.
Subject Verb Adjective Noun
I throw the ball.
Subject Verb Adjective Adjective Noun
I want some good fruit.
Subject Adverb Verb Adjective Adjective Noun
I really want some good fruit.
Remember: In English, we always use a name, noun or personal pronoun before the verb.
En ingls, siempre usamos un sustantivo, nombre, o pronombre antes del verbo.

LF Language Focus: Adjectives

Unlike in Spanish, in English, the adjectives usually come before a noun. Look at the examples below.
En ingls, los adjectivos usualmente vienen antes del sustantivo. Mire los ejemplos abajo.

Adjective Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Noun

1. good fruit 4. It is a cold day.
2. large ball 5. We have a brown table.
3. happy children 6. They are tired students.

Draw a line between one adjective and one noun. Then write the words in the correct order.

Adjective Noun Write in Correct Order

green verde window ventana glass window
old anciano book libro
glass vidrio teacher maestro
tall alto building edificio
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students
in your group.

2014 Module 2 25
LF Language Focus: Saying the Date

To say the year, divide the number as two numbers. Para decir el ao, divida el
nmero y decirlo en dos nmeros.

1920 19 | 20
nineteen twenty
1716 seventeen sixteen 2000* two thousand
1820 eighteen twenty 2003* two thousand (and) three
1904 nineteen o four 2012 twenty twelve or two thousand twelve
1986 nineteen eighty-six 2014 twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen
* Do not divide the numbers for the years 2000-2009

Practice writing and saying the years. Practique escribiendo y diciendo los aos.
2004 two thousand four

To say the date, use the ordinal number for the day and cardinal number (see above) for the year.
Example: Written: January 3, 2015 Spoken: Today is January third, two thousand fifteen.

Practice writing and saying the dates below.

March 11, 2014 Today is March eleventh, two thousand fourteen.
May 18, 2013 Today is
July 21, 2014 Today is
September 1, 2014 Today is
October 22, 2014 Today is
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students
in your group.

26 Module 2 2014
C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. When is the class? 2. Classes begin next month.

Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Great! Im excited!

3. Is church in the morning or the 4. What time do classes end?

afternoon? At 8:30 p.m.
Its* in the morning at 9:00 a.m.

* Its is the shortened form of it is-- more to come.

Expressions related to the dialog

V Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: I cant wait!

Meaning: Im very excited!
Example: I cant wait for class to start!
Meaning: Im very excited for class to start!

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la
February febrero August agosto
March marzo September septiembre
April abril October octubre
May mayo November noviembre
June junio December diciembre
July julio

2014 Module 2 27

It is very important that all teachers model and regularly use this gesture practice.

Learn and use gestures for the persons and tense conjugation practice. Students, you should learn and use
in the first or at least by the end of the second class the gestures for the persons of I (point to self with both
hands), You (reach out in front of you with one hand open faced and up), We (reach both arms and hands
in front in an inclusive gesture, They (stretch both hands out in front with both hands facing a group of
people), He (point sideways with hand face down towards a man), She (point sideways with hand face
down towards a woman), and It (point down toward an imaginary cat or dog). As you, the student, learn the
tenses, do so giving the gestures. Put your books down and make the same gestures as the Teacher and
Assistant Teachers while you give the appropriate responses. This is very important so you internalize the
communication as your own. Soon, when you hear a simple sentence pattern such as I write the letter, you
will be able to repeat the phrase and do the same appropriately merely when seeing the gesture for You or
We or They or He or She or It. This is very effective and helps you retain your learning! Remember
that a class or train or anything singular (other than a person) is an It, but that two Its require the
conjugation for They.


Aprender y usar gestos para las personas y conjugacion de tiempos. Alumnos deberan aprender y utilizar
en la primera o por lo menos por el final de la segunda clase los gestos de las personas de la I (apuntar a s
mismo con las dos manos), Usted (apuntar hacia alguien delante de usted con una mano abierta frente y
arriba), Nosotros (llegar a los brazos y las manos en frente en un gesto inclusivo, Ellos (estirar ambas
manos en frente con ambas manos frente a un grupo de personas) , l (apuntar de costado con la mano
hacia abajo hacia un hombre), Ella (apuntar de costado con la mano hacia abajo hacia una mujer) y It
(apuntar hacia abajo hacia un perro o gato imaginario). Como usted, el estudiante, aprende los tiempos hagalo
dando as los gestos. Ponga sus libros en su sallia y haga los mismos gestos como el Maestro y Maestros
Asistentes mientras Ud. da las respuestas apropiadas. Esto es muy importante para internalizar la
comunicacin como su propia. Pronto, cuando escuche un simple frase como Escribo la carta, usted ser
capaz de repetir la frase y conjugando lo mismo apropiadamente simplemente al ver el gesto de Usted o
Nosotros o Ellos o El o Ella o Lo. Esto es muy eficaz y ayuda a conservar tu aprendizaje! Recuerde que
una clase un tren o cualquiera cosa singular (excepto una persona) es un It. Pero de dos, seria plural y
requiere la conjugacin para Ellos.

28 Module 2 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Memorize the Dialog by folding on the dotted line and
twisting the wrist back and forth until you have memorized it. Recorte la quadra en las lneas
slidas. Memorize el Dilogo doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y
adelante a la prctica hasta que lo haya memorizado.

Card 2A
Module 2 Dialog Dilogo
Camilla: Do you know which days Sabe usted cules das tenemos las
we have our English classes? clases de ingls?

Ben: Yes, they are on Tuesday and S, son los martes y jueves de la
Thursday evenings. tarde.

Camilla: What time do they begin? A qu hora empiezan?

Ben: They start at 7:00 p.m. Empiezan a las 7:00 y terminan

and end at 8:30 p.m. a las 8:30.

Camilla: What month do they begin? En qu mes empiezan?

Ben: In September, September Empiezan el primero de septiembre.

1 (first).

Camilla: Thank you. Do you also Gracias. Tambin sabe la hora

know what time church que empiezan los servicios de la
services start on Sunday? iglesia el domingo?

Ben: Yes, they start at 9:00 a.m. S, empiezan a las 9:00 de la

every week and last until maana cada semana y terminan
12:00 p.m. (noon). al medio da.

29 Module 2
30 Module 2 2014
Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Vocabulario con Flash
Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Fold on the dotted lines and twist the wrist back and forth to
practice until you know the Vocabulary/ the Grammar/ and proper pronunciation. Recorte la quadra
en las lneas slidas. Aprenda el Vocabulario doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia
atrs y adelante a la prctica hasta que sepa que lo sepa.

Card 2B
Cardinal Ordinal
1 one uno 1st first primero

2 two dos 2nd second segundo

3 three tres 3rd third tercero

4 four cuatro 4th fourth cuarto

5 five cinco 5th fifth quinto

6 six seis 6th sixth sexto

7 seven siete 7th seventh sptimo

8 eight ocho 8th eighth octavo

9 nine nueve 9th ninth noveno

10 ten diez 10th tenth dcimo

Card 2C
Cardinal Cardinal
11 eleven once 22 twenty-two veintids

12 twelve doce 23 twenty-three veintitrs

13 thirteen trece 24 twenty-four veinticuatro

14 fourteen catorce 25 twenty-five veinticinco

15 fifteen quince 26 twenty-six veintisis

16 sixteen diecisis 27 twenty-seven veintisiete

17 seventeen diecisiete 28 twenty-eight veintiocho

18 eighteen dieciocho 29 twenty-nine veintinueve

19 nineteen diecinueve 30 thirty treinta

20 twenty veinte 31 thirty treinta y uno

21 twenty-one veintiuno

2014 Module 2 31
32 Module 2 2014
Greetings and Introductions
Present Tense
(4 classes with subsequent review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the
Spanish speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole
dialog. Then, they read two or three words and leave time for the
students to repeat the words until the students can pronounce them

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la

familia que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el
dilogo entero. Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para
que los alumnos las repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
John: Good morning, Sharon. How Buenos das, Sharon. Cmo est
are you? usted?
Sharon: I am fine, and you? Estoy bien. Y usted?
John: Great! This is my new friend, Fantstico! ste es mi nuevo
Sam. amigo, Sam.
Sharon: I am pleased to meet you. Es un placer conocerle.
Sam: It is nice to meet you, Es un gusto conocerle,
Sharon. Sharon.

Assistants should help intermediate students write and participate in greetings in various
settings. (Eg. school, church, workplace, supermarket etc.)

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 33

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.
-oo- good, hood, wood g _____ d h _____ d w _____ d
gr- great, grand, grow _____ eat _____ and _____ ow
sh- Sharon, shoe, show _____ aron _____oe _____ow
-ing morning, evening, being morn _____ even _____ be _____
y- you, your, yes _____ ou _____ our _____ es
-end friend, send, bend fri _____ s _____ b _____
a Sam, hat, man S ___ m h _____ t m _____ n
ee meet, feet, need m _____ t f _____ t n _____ d
-ew new, blew, crew n _____ bl _____ cr _____

V Vocabulary Practice: Listen, repeat, and write.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Escuche, repita, y escriba.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Related Words Writing Practice

good morning __________________ hello __________________
I __________________ me __________________
fine __________________ well __________________
great __________________ very good __________________
friend __________________ companion __________________
Im __________________ I am __________________
pleased __________________ happy __________________
to meet __________________ to know __________________
nice __________________ good __________________
my __________________ belongs to me __________________
this (person) __________________ that __________________
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

34 Module 3 2014
P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)
Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.

Word Rhyming Words

good hood wood stood should would could
fine dine line mine nine pine wine
and band brand hand land sand stand
meet beet feet sweet tweet sheet street
nice dice lice price mice rice twice

Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
V Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

nice to meet happy to meet

pretty good
well okay pleased to meet
nice great to meet good to meet
not bad
its a pleasure to meet

very good
excellent super

wonderful great

fantastic marvelous

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

2014 Module 3 35
V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Vocabulario (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Escriba las palabras que uni con lpiz.
good morning well good morning hello
Im hello ______________ ______________
fine good ______________ ______________
great to know ______________ ______________
my I am ______________ ______________
friend happy ______________ ______________
I belongs to me ______________ ______________
pleased very well ______________ ______________
to meet me ______________ ______________
nice buddy ______________ ______________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan y diganlas.

John: Good ___________________ , Sharon. ______________ are you?

Sharon: I _________ fine, and ____________ ?
John: Great! This ____________ my new friend, Sam.
Sharon: I am __________________ to meet ______________ .
Sam: It is nice _______________________ you, Sharon

36 Module 3 2014
Module 3
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Conversations at Home with the Children Answers

What do you learn in school? We learn about U.S. history
Do you like it? Yes, its fun.
What is your favorite class? My favorite subject is history.
Do you have a homework assignment today? Yes, a math assignment
How can I help you with your studies? I dont know, its algebra.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church
Are you married? Where do you attend Church?
Do you have a family? What do you like about Church?
How many children do you have? Do you like to pray?
Where do your children attend school? When do you read the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Do you work? Do you like to hike?
Where do you work? What are your favorite activities?
What do you do there? Who do you like to do this with?
What do you like about your work? Who are some of your friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be provided questions to ask and
answer in other tenses such as present progressive, future, conditional, past, and past
progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share some of
this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Asking and Answering Questions
(Present and Present Progressive Tenses)

Ask Yes/No questions with are/is Answer Yes/No

Are you sleeping? Yes I am (No I am not) sleeping

we ________ ing? Yes we are (No we are not) ________ ing
they _______ ing? Yes they are (No they are not) _______ ing
Is he __________ ing? Yes he is (No he is not) __________ ing
she________ ing? Yes she is (No she is not)__________ ing
it__________ing? Yes it is (No it is not) ___________ ing

Ask Yes/No questions with do/does Answer Yes/No

Do you work? Yes I (No I do not) work.

we _________? Yes we (No we do not) ________.
they ________? Yes they (No they do not) _______.
Does he _________? Yes he _______ s. (No he does not)_______.
She ________? Yes she _______ s. (No she does not) ______.
It __________? Yes it _______ s. (Not it does not) _______.

Ask content questions with are/is Answer content questions

What are you/we/they doing? I am, We/They are studying

is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing.
When are you/we/they coming? I am, We/They are ______ing on ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing on ______.
Where are you/we/they going? I am, We/They are ______ing to (in) ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing to (in) ______.
Why are you/we/they leaving? I am, We/They are ______ing, because ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing, because ______.
Who (whom) are you/we/they helping? I am, We/They are ______ing ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing ______.
How are you/we/they learning? I am, We/They are ______ing, by ______ ing.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing, by ______ ing.

Ask content questions with do/does Answer content questions

What do you/we/they believe? I/We/They believe the Bible

does he/she/it _______? He/She/It _______s _______
When do you/we/they work? I/We/They ________ on _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s on _______
Where do you/we/they live? I/We/They ________ at _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s at _______
Why do you/we/they pray? I/We/They ________, because _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s, because _______
Who (whom) do you/we/they help? I/We/They ________ ___________
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s ___________
How do you/we/they learn? I/We/They _________ by _________ing
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s by _________ing
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

Are you married? Where do you attend Church?
Do you have a family? What do you like about Church?
How many children do you have? Do you like to pray?
Where do your children attend school? When do you read the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Do you work? Do you like to hike?
Where do you work? What are your favorite activities?
What do you do there? Who do you like to do this with?
What do you like about your work? Who are some of your friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How do you learn English?
What do you do to learn English?
Do you like the Audio Practice?
How much do you use the Audio Practice?
Do you fill out the exercises at home?
How many English movies do you watch each week?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the present or other tenses, such as present progressive, future,
conditional, past, and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have
the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Greetings and Introductions
Present Tense
(4 classes with subsequent review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the
Spanish speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole
dialog. Then, they read two or three words and leave time for the
students to repeat the words until the students can pronounce them

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la

familia que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el
dilogo entero. Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para
que los alumnos las repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
John: Good morning, Sharon. How Buenos das, Sharon. Cmo est
are you? usted?
Sharon: I am fine, and you? Estoy bien. Y usted?
John: Great! This is my new friend, Fantstico! ste es mi nuevo
Sam. amigo, Sam.
Sharon: I am pleased to meet you. Es un placer conocerle.
Sam: It is nice to meet you, Es un gusto conocerle,
Sharon. Sharon.

Assistants should help intermediate students write and participate in greetings in various
settings. (Eg. school, church, workplace, supermarket etc.)

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 33

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.
-oo- good, hood, wood g _____ d h _____ d w _____ d
gr- great, grand, grow _____ eat _____ and _____ ow
sh- Sharon, shoe, show _____ aron _____oe _____ow
-ing morning, evening, being morn _____ even _____ be _____
y- you, your, yes _____ ou _____ our _____ es
-end friend, send, bend fri _____ s _____ b _____
a Sam, hat, man S ___ m h _____ t m _____ n
ee meet, feet, need m _____ t f _____ t n _____ d
-ew new, blew, crew n _____ bl _____ cr _____

V Vocabulary Practice: Listen, repeat, and write.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Escuche, repita, y escriba.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Related Words Writing Practice

good morning __________________ hello __________________
I __________________ me __________________
fine __________________ well __________________
great __________________ very good __________________
friend __________________ companion __________________
Im __________________ I am __________________
pleased __________________ happy __________________
to meet __________________ to know __________________
nice __________________ good __________________
my __________________ belongs to me __________________
this (person) __________________ that __________________
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

34 Module 3 2014
P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)
Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.

Word Rhyming Words

good hood wood stood should would could
fine dine line mine nine pine wine
and band brand hand land sand stand
meet beet feet sweet tweet sheet street
nice dice lice price mice rice twice

Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
V Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

nice to meet happy to meet

pretty good
well okay pleased to meet
nice great to meet good to meet
not bad
its a pleasure to meet

very good
excellent super

wonderful great

fantastic marvelous

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

2014 Module 3 35
V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Vocabulario (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Escriba las palabras que uni con lpiz.
good morning well good morning hello
Im hello ______________ ______________
fine good ______________ ______________
great to know ______________ ______________
my I am ______________ ______________
friend happy ______________ ______________
I belongs to me ______________ ______________
pleased very well ______________ ______________
to meet me ______________ ______________
nice buddy ______________ ______________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan y diganlas.

John: Good ___________________ , Sharon. ______________ are you?

Sharon: I _________ fine, and ____________ ?
John: Great! This ____________ my new friend, Sam.
Sharon: I am __________________ to meet ______________ .
Sam: It is nice _______________________ you, Sharon

36 Module 3 2014
Intermediate Challenge
Prepare a written conversation with someone you meet at Church.
Escriba una conversacion breve con alguien que conozca en la capilla.

Lalo con su Maestro Asistente para practicar la pronunciacin.

From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.

C Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.

Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. ( God / Good ) morning. _________________________________

2. How ( are / or ) you? _________________________________
3. Im ( find / fine ), and (you / your ) ? _________________________________
4. ( Grate / Great ) ! ( This / These ) is my _________________________________
new friend. _________________________________
5. I am pleased to ( meet / meat ) you. _________________________________
6. It is ( niece / nice ) to meet ( your / you ), _________________________________
Sharon. _________________________________

2014 Module 3 37
LF Language Focus: TO BE
Verbo irregular para ser y estar
<?xml <?xml <?xml
ver- John (Ud. es John y ver- Sharon ver- Sam
est hablando.)

Write and say this sentence in English.

ver- I am John. _________________________________

<?xml <?xml
ver- ver-
You are Sam. _________________________________

She is Sharon. _________________________________
He is Sam. _________________________________

<?xml <?xml
ver- ver-
They are Sharon and Sam. _________________________________
She He (She + He = They)

<?xml <?xml
ver- ver-
We are John and Sam. _________________________________
I you (I + You = We)

38 Module 3 2014
LF In Spanish there are two verbs for to be: ser and estar. In English there is only
one verb, to be.
En Espaol hay dos verbos que se usan para to be, ser y estar. En ingls slo
hay uno, to be.

Person Conjugation Sample Sentence

I am I am happy.
You/We/They are We are cold.
He/She/It is He is early.

TO BE with Contractions

I am = Im He is = hes You are = youre

She is = shes We are = were

It is = its They are= theyre

Assistants- please help your students follow the short format above for
C conjugating to be and create simple sentences using other vocabulary. An
example would be, I am sad. Encourage them to write below and say
sentences for other words like: tired, late, bored, busy, angry, hungry, funny,
silly, serious, etc.
Person Conjugate to be Adjective

I am I am happy.



2014 Module 3 39
LF Language Focus: Reduced Questions and Answers (Contractions)
Enfoque del Idioma: Preguntas y Respuestas Reducidas

Long Question Reduced Question Long Answer Reduced Answer

Pregunta larga Pregunta reducida Respuesta larga Respuesta reducida

How are you? Howre you?* I am fine. Im fine.

How is your dad? Hows your dad? He is fine. Hes fine.
How is he? Hows he? He is fine. Hes fine.
How is she? Hows she? She is fine. Shes fine.
How is it? Hows it? It is fine. Its fine.
How are you? Howre you?* We are fine. Were fine.
How are they? Howre they?* They are fine. Theyre fine.
* It is spoken like, Howre but it is generally written, How are.
Se dice, Howre, pero usualmente se escribe, How are.

In the left column, fill in the missing words (in pencil) using am, is, or are. In the right column, fill in the
blanks (in pencil) using Im, Youre, Hes, Shes, Were or Theyre.
Con lpiz, en la columna izquirda, escriba en los espacios las formas correctas: am, is, o are. Con lpiz, en la
columna derecha, escriba en los espacios las formas correctas: Im, Youre, Hes, Shes, Were, o Theyre.

Ex. I am fine. Im fine.

1. He _________ fine. _____________ fine.
2. They _________ fine. _____________ fine.
3. She _________ okay. _____________ okay.
4. How _________ you? _____________ you?
5. She _________ here today. _____________ here today.
6. He _________ my friend. _____________ my friend.
7. It _________ okay. _____________ okay.
8. I _________ pleased to meet you. _____________ pleased to meet you.
9. We _________ fine. _____________ fine.
10. You _________ pleased. _____________ pleased.

40 Module 3 2014
C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. How are things going? 2. Hello, Im Mary.

Pretty well, thank you. Glad to meet you.

3. Who is your friend? 4. Where are you from?

His/her name is _______ . Im from Arizona.

Expressions related to the dialog

V Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: Good morning.

Meaning: a way to greet someone.
Examples: Good afternoon, Good evening. Hello. Hi. How are you?

2. Expression: Its my pleasure.

Meaning: something nice that you like
Example: Its a pleasure for me.

2014 Module 3 41
LF Language Focus: 60 Common Verbs and Practice Present Tense
Read the sentences and ask the students to read them with you. Act some of these out with charades.

Verb I / You / We / They He / She / It Write the correct verb form.

Regular verbs: Drop the to Drop the to and add s
1. to answer: I answer him. He answers right away. She __________ correctly.
2. to arrive: I arrive on time. He arrives late. He __________ with me.
3. to ask: I ask for a lot. He asks a question. We __________ him again.
4. to begin: I begin today. He begins late. He __________ class this week.
5. to believe: I believe him. He believes you. She __________ it.
6. to bring: I bring food. He brings books. She __________ a friend.
7. to call: I call regularly. He calls every night. We __________ him on the phone.
8. to come: I come later. He comes tonight. We __________ home.
9. to drink: I drink water. He drinks milk. We __________ the soda.
10. to eat: I eat a lot. He eats well. He __________ everything.
11. to feel: I feel good. He feels bad. She __________ something soft.
12. to find: I find rocks. He finds lost coins. He __________ the address.
13. to get: I get tired. He gets busy. She __________ a bonus.
14. to give: I give donations. He gives him a dollar. He __________ it away.
15. to have (irr.): I have homework. He has too much work. She __________ to study.
16. to hear: I hear something. He hears a noise. You __________ the song.
17. to help: I help with school. He helps his friend. We __________ everyone.
18. to invite: I invite them. He invites him. We __________ everybody.
19. to know: I know the way. He knows English. We __________ the problem.
20. to laugh: I laugh a lot. He laughs at the joke. She __________ all the time.
21. to learn: I learn English. He learns a lot in class We __________ the verbs.
22. to leave: I leave late. He leaves early. They __________ at noon.
23. to like: I like the food. He likes the dinner. He __________ the class.
24. to listen: I listen in class. He listens carefully. They __________ to the teacher.
25. to look: I look tired. He looks right at him. He __________ crazy.
26. to love: I love the book. He loves the music. They __________ learning
27. to make: I make dinner. He makes it home. She __________ a cake.
28. to meet: I meet friends. He meets often. They __________ each other.
29. to need: I need some food. He needs to work. They ___________ to run.
30. to read: I read books. He reads all night. He __________ the book.
31. to remember: I remember him. She remembers to call. They ___________ the lessons.
42 Module 3 2014
32. to repeat: I repeat out loud. He repeats the dialog. She __________ the vocabulary.
33. to say: I say it out loud. He says it in English. She __________ they can go.
34. to see: I see him tonight. He sees her go. She __________ the accident.
35. to sing: I sing in the choir. He sings the song. They __________ well.
36. to speak: I speak English. He speaks Spanish. He __________ at Church.
37. to spell: I spell the verbs. He spells the word right. He __________ the word wrong.
38. to stay: I stay until Friday. He stays the night. They __________ too long.
39. to take: I take him home. He takes a long time. She __________ her book along.
40. to talk: I talk too much. He talks for an hour. She __________ during class.
41. to tell: I tell him. She tells stories. We __________ jokes.
42. to think: I think too much. He thinks a lot about it. He __________ about his mother.
43. to understand: I understand well. He understands the class. We __________ her English.
44. to visit: I visit relatives. She visits her grandmother. He __________ his grandmother.
45. to walk: I walk a lot. He walks for exercise. We __________ all day.
46. to want: I want to come. He wants to rest. They __________ to learn English.
47. to work: I work every day. He works too hard. She __________ on Saturday.
48. to write: I write books. He writes a letter. She __________ well.

Verbs ending in
o, s, sh, ch, or x Drop the to Drop the to and add es
49. to do: I do their work. He does their assignment. They __________ well.
50. to go: I go early today. He goes until 5:00 pm. She __________ home.
51. to cash: I cash the check. He cashes the check. He __________ the check.
52. to finish: I finish late. He finishes early. You __________ on time.
53. to teach: I teach English. He teaches classes. You __________ well.
54. to watch: I watch baseball. He watches T.V We __________ the game.

Verbs ending in y Drop the to Drop the to, change y to i, add es

55. to cry: I cry for help. He cries a lot. I __________ at night.
56. to fly: I fly here today. He flies a kite. We __________ to New York.
57. to study: I study every day. He studies for each test. They __________ all weekend.
58. to try: I try every day. He tries hard. You __________ to learn Spanish.

Irregular verbs: Drop the to and memorize irregular verbs

59. to be: I am busy. He is a good student. We __________ good students.
60. to be able to: I am able to eat. He is able to read. They __________ able to speak well.
can (alternate) I can do it. He can run fast. You __________ work hard.
2014 Module 3 43
C Teachers- ask questions of the students motioning whether your question is to a you,
we, they, he or she. Have them respond. Also, ask the students to create short
questions and sentences utilizing one of the verbs correctly conjugated based on the
subject selected by the student. Have them write their questions and sentences below.
Correct their written work and then have them gesture and share with other class
members their questions and sentences. You will want to first model such a sentence
for the students.

44 Module 3 2014
For use by intermediate students

It is the first Sunday of September, 2015. You and your wife arrive on time. You are outside the
Church when a new sister walks up to the door of the chapel and then her husband arrives. You and
your wife meet her and then say hello to the husband when he comes. You say that your name is
Sam and your wife is Maria-- you are the Perez family. It is cold outside so you invite them to come
into the building. You ask the new couple if this is their first time at church. He says yes and says his
name is Josh, her name is Susan. You try to understand them, but they are from Venezuela and speak
very rapidly. You listen closely. They walk inside the building. They ask you who the Bishop is.
Your wife says that the bishop is Bishop Lopez and that he has five children. You want to make them
comfortable. Maria writes your name and phone number on a piece of paper and gives it to Susan.
You ask them to call you if they need any help. You hear the bishop speak from the pulpit and you go
into the chapel to sing. Your friends like to sing, so does your wife. You and your wife love to meet
new people. You are friendly members of the Church.

Fill in the missing verbs and vocabulary from above and pronounce carefully with the help
of your Assistant Teacher.

It is the ________ Sunday of ________________, 2015. You and _________ wife ____________ on
time. You ________ outside the Church when a new sister _____________ up to the door of the
chapel and then her husband _______________. You and your wife _____________ her and then
_________ hello to the _____________ when he _____________. You ___________ that your
name ________ Sam and your wife is Maria-- you ___________ the Perez family. It _______ cold
outside so you ____________ them _______________ into the building. You __________ the new
couple if this _________ their ____________ time at church. He __________ yes and ___________
his name ________ Josh, her __________ _______ Susan. You _________ _________ understand
them, but they _________ from Venezuela and _____________ very rapidly. You ______________
closely. They _____________ inside the building. They __________ you who the Bishop is. Your
____________ _________ that the bishop __________ Bishop Lopez and that he __________ five
_______________. You ______________ to make them __________________.
Maria _____________ your name and _____________ _______________ on a ____________ of
____________ and _____________ it to Susan. You ___________ them _________ ____________
you if they _______________ any help. You ____________ the bishop __________________
from the pulpit and __________ _______ into the chapel ______ _______________. Your
_____________ _____________ to sing, so _____________ your wife. You and ___________ wife
_____________ to meet new _____________. You ___________ friendly members of the Church.

For more advanced students, after filling in these blanks, review it with your Assistant
Teacher for accuracy and then read it to him/her until you can do so with good

2014 Module 3 45
C Present Tense:
Sentence Practice- Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and say sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Once the student says a proper sentence with good
pronunciation, have the rest of the class say the same sentence. Again, help them practice
proper pronunciation.

At School/Class:

Optional Pronouns Verb conjugations Optional Prepositional

(answer, arrive, come, go, help, (before class, to class, in class,
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) learn, like, listen, speak, read, during class, after class, before
spell, talk, think, walk, write, school, to school, in school)

I walk to class.

I ____________________ ____________________

You/ We/ They ____________________ ____________________

He/ She ____________________ ____________________

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

fantastic fantstico defect defecto

excellent excelente exact exacto
event evento product producto

46 Module 3 2014
60 Common Verbs Practice Fold Cards
Cut out card and fold on dotted line

Card 3A
Infinitive Translation I / You /We / They He / She / It
1. to answer responder answer answers
2. to arrive llegar arrive arrives
3. to ask preguntar ask asks

4. to begin empezar begin begins

5. to believe creer believe believes
6. to bring traer bring brings

7. to call llamar call calls

8. to come venir come comes
9. to drink beber drink drinks

10. to eat comer eat eats

11. to feel sentir feel feels
12. to find encontrar find finds

13. to get conseguir get gets

14. to give dar give gives
15. to have tener have has

16. to hear or hear hears

17. to help ayudar help helps
18. to invite invitar invite invites

19. to know saber know knows

20. to laugh rer laugh laughs
21. to learn aprender learn learns

22. to leave partir leave leaves

23. to like gustar like likes
24. to listen escuchar listen listens

25. to look mirar look looks

26. to love amar love loves
27. to make hacer make makes

28. to meet encontrar meet meets

29. to need necesitar need needs
30. to read leer read reads

31. to remember recordar remember remembers

32. to repeat repetir repeat repeats

47 Module 3
48 Module 3 2014
60 Common Verbs Practice Fold Cards
Cut out card and fold on dotted line

Card 3B
Infinitive Translation I / You /We / They He / She / It
33. to say decir say says
34. to see ver see sees
35. to sing cantar sing sings

36. to speak hablar speak speaks

37. to spell deletrear spell spells
38. to stay quedarse stay stays

39. to take llevar / tomar take takes

40. to talk hablar talk talks
41. to tell decir/ contar tell tells

42. to think pensar think thinks

43. to understand comprender understand understands
44. to visit visitar visit visits

45. to walk caminar walk walks

46. to want querer want wants
47. to work trabajar work works

48. to write escribir write writes

49. to do hacer do does

50. to go ir go goes
51. to cash cambiar cash cashes

52. to finish terminar finish finishes

53. to teach ensear teach teaches
54. to watch mirar watch watches

55. to cry llorar cry cries

56. to fly volar fly flies
57. to study estudiar study studies
58. to try tratar try tries

59. to be ser / estar I am He/She/It is

You/We/They are

60. to be able to poder I am able to He/She/It is able to

You/We/They are able to
(can) I can He/She/It can
You/We/ They can

2014 Module 3 49
50 Module 3 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Memorize the Dialog by folding on the dotted line and twisting the wrist
back and forth until you have memorized it. Recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas. Memorize el Dilogo
doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la prctica hasta que lo haya

Card 3C
Module 3 Dialog Dilogo
John: Good morning, Sharon. How Buenos das, Sharon. Cmo est
are you? usted?

Sharon: I am fine, and you? Estoy bien. Y usted?

John: Great! This is my new friend, Fantstico! ste es mi nuevo
Sam. amigo, Sam.

Sharon: I am pleased to meet you. Es un placer conocerle.

Sam: It is nice to meet you, Es un gusto conocerle,

Sharon. Sharon.

2014 Module 3 51
52 Module 3 2014
Module 4
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Conversations at Home with the Children Answers

What do you learn in school? We learn about U.S. history
Do you like it? Yes, its fun.
What is your favorite class? My favorite subject is history.
Do you have a homework assignment today? Yes, a math assignment
How can I help you with your studies? I dont know, its algebra.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church
Are you married? Where do you attend Church?
Do you have a family? What do you like about Church?
How many children do you have? Do you like to pray?
Where do your children attend school? When do you read the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Do you work? Do you like to hike?
Where do you work? What are your favorite activities?
What do you do there? Who do you like to do this with?
What do you like about your work? Who are some of your friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be provided questions to ask and
answer in other tenses such as present progressive, future, conditional, past, and past
progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share some of
this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Asking and Answering Questions
(Present and Present Progressive Tenses)

Ask Yes/No questions with are/is Answer Yes/No

Are you sleeping? Yes I am (No I am not) sleeping

we ________ ing? Yes we are (No we are not) ________ ing
they _______ ing? Yes they are (No they are not) _______ ing
Is he __________ ing? Yes he is (No he is not) __________ ing
she________ ing? Yes she is (No she is not)__________ ing
it__________ing? Yes it is (No it is not) ___________ ing

Ask Yes/No questions with do/does Answer Yes/No

Do you work? Yes I (No I do not) work.

we _________? Yes we (No we do not) ________.
they ________? Yes they (No they do not) _______.
Does he _________? Yes he _______ s. (No he does not)_______.
She ________? Yes she _______ s. (No she does not) ______.
It __________? Yes it _______ s. (Not it does not) _______.

Ask content questions with are/is Answer content questions

What are you/we/they doing? I am, We/They are studying

is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing.
When are you/we/they coming? I am, We/They are ______ing on ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing on ______.
Where are you/we/they going? I am, We/They are ______ing to (in) ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing to (in) ______.
Why are you/we/they leaving? I am, We/They are ______ing, because ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing, because ______.
Who (whom) are you/we/they helping? I am, We/They are ______ing ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing ______.
How are you/we/they learning? I am, We/They are ______ing, by ______ ing.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing, by ______ ing.

Ask content questions with do/does Answer content questions

What do you/we/they believe? I/We/They believe the Bible

does he/she/it _______? He/She/It _______s _______
When do you/we/they work? I/We/They ________ on _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s on _______
Where do you/we/they live? I/We/They ________ at _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s at _______
Why do you/we/they pray? I/We/They ________, because _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s, because _______
Who (whom) do you/we/they help? I/We/They ________ ___________
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s ___________
How do you/we/they learn? I/We/They _________ by _________ing
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s by _________ing
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of class.
As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and those on
time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The content should usual-
ly be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.
Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster groups
of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour during your
Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a hard
copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the questions
below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.
Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church
Are you married? Where do you attend Church?
Do you have a family? What do you like about Church?
How many children do you have? Do you like to pray?
Where do your children attend school? When do you read the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Do you work? Do you like to hike?
Where do you work? What are your favorite activities?
What do you do there? Who do you like to do this with?
What do you like about your work? Who are some of your friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How do you learn English?
What do you do to learn English?
Do you like the Audio Practice?
How much do you use the Audio Practice?
Do you fill out the exercises at home?
How many English movies do you watch each week?
(Invent some of your own questions)
Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question and
answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions to ask and
answer in the present or other tenses, such as present progressive, future, conditional, past, and past
progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share some of this
conversation at the beginning of your class.
Directions Inside a Building
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the
Spanish speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole
dialog. Then, they read two or three words and leave time for the
students to repeat the words until the students can pronounce them
El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de
la familia que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean
el dilogo entero. Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo
para que los alumnos las repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Laura: Hi, pardon me. Where is the class? Hola, perdneme. Dnde est la clase?
Jerry: Its up the stairs, straight down Es por las escaleras, derecho por el pasillo
the hall and to the left. y a la izquierda.
Laura: Which door? Qu puerta?
Jerry: The fifth one. La quinta.
Laura: When does it start? Cundo comienza?
Jerry: Right now, at ten oclock. Ahora mismo, a las diez.
Laura: Do I need anything for class today? Necesito algo para la clase de hoy?
Jerry: No, I dont think so. No, creo que no.
Laura: Who is the teacher? Quin es el maestro?
Jerry: Mr. Kimball. El maestro es Sr. Kimball.
Laura: Excuse me, please. Disclpeme, por favor. Tengo
I have to get to class. Thanks. que ir a clase. Gracias.
Jerry: Youre welcome. Please go ahead. De nada. Pase, por favor.

For more practice on giving directions, go to Module 9 and 19, Final Resource Materials.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 53

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.
w- with, without, welcome ____ ith ____ ithout ____ elcome
wh- when, where, why, which _____ en _____ ere _____ y
wh- who, whole _____ o _____ ole
th- thanks, thin, think _____ anks _____ in _____ ink
-s* excuse, please, is, does excu ____ e plea ____ e doe ____
h- hi, hall, how, ahead ____ all ____ ow a ____ ead
-t left, right, start, what lef ____ righ ____ star ____
d- down, door, does, do ____ own ____ oor ____ oes
-ll hall, Kimball, tall, ball ha ____ ta ____ ba ____

*When a vowel comes before the s at the end of the word, the s sounds like a z.

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
hall wall tall call mall ball fall
start part art cart dart
class pass bass gas grass
think drink ink sink link pink
me be she we he
need deed feed seed heed weed
do to
is his

54 Module 4 2014
V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Vocabulario (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)
Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

Pardon me believe Pardon me Excuse me

right now no ______________ ______________
youre welcome Excuse me ______________ ______________
think immediately ______________ ______________
start begin ______________ ______________
nope good bye ______________ ______________
hi something ______________ ______________
first window ______________ ______________
nothing no problem ______________ ______________
door place ______________ ______________
where time ______________ ______________
when second ______________ ______________
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students.

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Escuche, repita y escriba.
Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice
Pardon me __________________ Excuse me __________________
right now __________________ immediately __________________
youre welcome __________________ no problem __________________
think __________________ believe __________________
start __________________ begin __________________
nope __________________ no __________________
hi __________________ good bye __________________
first __________________ second __________________
nothing __________________ something __________________
door __________________ window __________________
where __________________ place __________________
when __________________ time __________________
2014 Module 4 55
V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

create commence zero empty

open start begin
(verb) not not a thing
anything void
origin outset
before beyond
opening beginning
commencement forward
in front

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach
them to the other students.

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Laura: Hi, _________________ me. Where is the class?

Jerry: Its ____ the _______, __________ __________ the hall and to the left.
Laura: _________________ door?
Jerry: The _________________ one.
Laura: When does it _________________?
Jerry: Right _________________, at ten _________________.
Laura: Do I need _________________ for class today?
Jerry: _________________, I dont think so.
Laura: Who is the _________________?
Jerry: Mr. Kimball.
Laura: Excuse me, _________________. I have to _________________ to
class. _____________.
Jerry: Youre welcome. Please ____________ _______________.

56 Module 4 2014
C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. Where ( as / is ) the class? _________________________________

2. Its straight down the hall ( two / to / too ) the ______________________________
right. _________________________________
3. When ( does / do ) it start? _________________________________
4. What ( does / do ) I need? _________________________________
5. ( Whom / Who ) is the teacher? _________________________________
6. Excuse ( my / me ), please. _________________________________

Create a diagram of the inside of a building or use the diagram on the back of this page (distribute
copies or display it on a screen.) Describe how to go into the building, up or down stairs, down a
hall and to a particular room, then ask volunteers to give directions on how to arrive at
different places.

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.

Responda a las preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

Where is the class? It is

Which door?
When does it start?
What do I need?
Who is the teacher?
Excuse me, please. Where is the restroom?

LF Teachers-
Go back to Module 3 language focus for the 60 common verbs. Read the sentences and ask the
students to read them with you. Play charades by showing the action of the verb and motioning to
oneself for I, to a man for he, a woman for she, to two people for they, and all as a group for we.
Gesture the conjugations. Encourage the students to create some of their own sentences to share.

2014 Module 4 57
C Directions Inside a School


9 Girls
Room Restro
10 om

Room Restr
8 oom


Room Room

58 Module 4 2014
LF Language Focus: Wh- / How Questions

Wh-/ How Word What the Wh- / How Word Asks For (Lo que pide):

Who? Person
When? Time
Where? Place
Which? Choice
Why? Reason/Explanation
(Por qu)
How? Process/Condition
What? Item Description/Explanation
Question Answer What is Asked for
Who is the teacher? Mr. Kimball Person
What do I need? Nothing Description
When does it start? At 10:00 Time
Where is the class? Its down the hall to the left. Place
Why are you here? Im here to learn English Reason
Which door? The first door. Choice
How are you? Im fine. Condition

LF Teachers: Have the students practice asking some Wh questions.

Ask some questions, then ask for volunteers to do the same.

59 Module 4
LF Practice: Student, find the answer to a question. Then write the correct wh-/ How word for
each question, and then identify the type of information that the question is asking about.

Question Answer What is Asked for

1. Where is it? Its down the hall. place
2. is his name? His name is Mr. Kimball.
3. door is it? The first door.
4. does it start? It starts right now.
5. is he coming? Hes coming today.
6. is she? Shes fine.
7. is Joseph? Joseph is fine.
8. are you? We are here.
9. do you need? I need a book.

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados
y ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. I think our teacher is Mr. Kimball. 2. What do I need for class today?
Great! I had him last class. Some paper and a pencil.
Hes really nice.

3. Where is our classroom? 4. How do I get to class?

Its the second door on the right. Go down the hall and turn left.

2014 Module 4 60
V Expressions related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repetition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: No problem.
Meaning: A response to Thank you, like Youre welcome or I was
happy to help.
Example: Thanks for helping me.
No problem.
Meaning: Thanks for helping me.
Youre welcome. I was happy to help.
2. Expression: Go ahead.
Meaning: Do what you want, do what you plan to do.
Example: Excuse me. I have to leave.
Go ahead. See you later.
Meaning: Excuse me. I have to leave.
Okay, you can leave. See you later.
3. Expression: I have to run.
Meaning: I need to leave now.
Example: Sorry, I have to run. Bye!
Meaning: Sorry, I have to leave. Bye!

2014 Module 4 61
LF Teachers: This is an important stage at which to focus on sentences and questions
using to do, both in the affirmative and the negative. The negative often involves use
of the contraction dont for do not. Take some time to teach them the contraction
form.The following are some examples, and space is left for student use.

How do you feel? I feel fine. I dont (do not) feel well.

When do we have class? We have class tonight. We dont have class tonight.

When do you go to bed? I go to be at 10:00 pm. I dont go to bed until 10:00.

Where do you go to school? I go to Jordan High. I dont go to school.

Where do you go to church? I go to church on 7th Street. I dont go to church.

What sports do you like? I like soccer. I dont like soccer.

Do you like to swim? Yes, I like to swim. No, I dont like to swim.

Do you like to read books? Yes, I like to read books. I dont like to read books.

Do you want a glass of water? Yes, I want some water. No, I dont want water.

___________________________________? ___________________________________________

___________________________________? ___________________________________________

___________________________________? ___________________________________________

___________________________________? ___________________________________________

Please note that the students may not understand or easily create full sentences with correct
grammar. Help them learn model sentences and questions which they can use in

Assistant teachers should help the students become comfortable using to do in questions
and answers.

62 Module 4 2014
C Present Tense:
Sentence Practice- Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and speak sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Again, help them practice proper pronunciation.

At Work with Supervisor or Co-employees:

Optional Pronouns Verb conjugation Optional Prepositional

(arrive, come, go, help, learn, (before work, to work, at
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) listen, speak, talk, teach, think, work, during work, after
walk, write, study) work)

I walk to class.

I ____________________ ____________________

You/ We/ They ____________________ ____________________

He/ She ____________________ ____________________

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

excuse me excseme pardon perdn

class clase student estudiante

2014 Module 4 63
64 Module 4 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Memorize the Dialog by folding on the dotted line and twisting
the wrist back and forth until you have memorized it. Recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas. Memorize
el Dilogo doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la prctica hasta que lo
haya memorizado.

Card 4A
Module 4 Dialog Dilogo
Laura: Hi, pardon me. Where is the class? Hola, perdneme. Dnde est la clase?
Jerry: Its up the stairs, straight down Es por las escaleras, derecho por el pasillo
the hall and to the left. y a la izquierda.
Laura: Which door? Qu puerta?
Jerry: The fifth one. La quinta.
Laura: When does it start? Cundo comienza?
Jerry: Right now, at ten oclock. Ahora mismo, a las diez.
Laura: Do I need anything for class today? Necesito algo para la clase de hoy?
Jerry: No, I dont think so. No, creo que no.
Laura: Who is the teacher? Quin es el maestro?
Jerry: Mr. Kimball. El maestro es Sr. Kimball.
Laura: Excuse me, please. Disclpeme, por favor. Tengo
I have to get to class. Thanks. que ir a clase. Gracias.
Jerry: Youre welcome. Please go ahead. De nada. Pase, por favor.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Make a copy and cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Then fold on the dotted lines and twist the
wrist back and forth to practice until you know the Vocabulary/ the Grammar/ and proper
pronunciation. Haga una copia y recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas. Aprenda el Vocabulario
doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la prctica hasta que sepa que
lo sabe.
Card 4B
Wh / How ? Translation Question Answers
1. Who? Quin Who is the teacher? Mr.Kimball
2. When? Cundo When does it start? At 10:00 pm
3. Where? Dnde Where is the class? Its down the hall

4. Which? Cul Which door? The second door

5. Why? Por qu Why are you here? Im here to learn English
6. How? Cmo How are you? Im fine

7. What? Qu What do I need? Nothing

2014 Module 4 65
66 Module 4 2014
Module 5
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Conversations at Home with the Children Answers

What do you learn in school? We learn about U.S. history
Do you like it? Yes, its fun.
What is your favorite class? My favorite subject is history.
Do you have a homework assignment today? Yes, a math assignment
How can I help you with your studies? I dont know, its algebra.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church
Are you married? Where do you attend Church?
Do you have a family? What do you like about Church?
How many children do you have? Do you like to pray?
Where do your children attend school? When do you read the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Do you work? Do you like to hike?
Where do you work? What are your favorite activities?
What do you do there? Who do you like to do this with?
What do you like about your work? Who are some of your friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be provided questions to ask and
answer in other tenses such as present progressive, future, conditional, past, and past
progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share some of
this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Asking and Answering Questions
(Present and Present Progressive Tenses)

Ask Yes/No questions with are/is Answer Yes/No

Are you sleeping? Yes I am (No I am not) sleeping

we ________ ing? Yes we are (No we are not) ________ ing
they _______ ing? Yes they are (No they are not) _______ ing
Is he __________ ing? Yes he is (No he is not) __________ ing
she________ ing? Yes she is (No she is not)__________ ing
it__________ing? Yes it is (No it is not) ___________ ing

Ask Yes/No questions with do/does Answer Yes/No

Do you work? Yes I (No I do not) work.

we _________? Yes we (No we do not) ________.
they ________? Yes they (No they do not) _______.
Does he _________? Yes he _______ s. (No he does not)_______.
She ________? Yes she _______ s. (No she does not) ______.
It __________? Yes it _______ s. (Not it does not) _______.

Ask content questions with are/is Answer content questions

What are you/we/they doing? I am, We/They are studying

is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing.
When are you/we/they coming? I am, We/They are ______ing on ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing on ______.
Where are you/we/they going? I am, We/They are ______ing to (in) ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing to (in) ______.
Why are you/we/they leaving? I am, We/They are ______ing, because ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing, because ______.
Who (whom) are you/we/they helping? I am, We/They are ______ing ______.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing ______.
How are you/we/they learning? I am, We/They are ______ing, by ______ ing.
is he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It is ______ing, by ______ ing.

Ask content questions with do/does Answer content questions

What do you/we/they believe? I/We/They believe the Bible

does he/she/it _______? He/She/It _______s _______
When do you/we/they work? I/We/They ________ on _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s on _______
Where do you/we/they live? I/We/They ________ at _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s at _______
Why do you/we/they pray? I/We/They ________, because _______
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s, because _______
Who (whom) do you/we/they help? I/We/They ________ ___________
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s ___________
How do you/we/they learn? I/We/They _________ by _________ing
does he/she/it _______? He/She/It ________s by _________ing
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

Are you married? Where do you attend Church?
Do you have a family? What do you like about Church?
How many children do you have? Do you like to pray?
Where do your children attend school? When do you read the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Do you work? Do you like to hike?
Where do you work? What are your favorite activities?
What do you do there? Who do you like to do this with?
What do you like about your work? Who are some of your friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How do you learn English?
What do you do to learn English?
Do you like the Audio Practice?
How much do you use the Audio Practice?
Do you fill out the exercises at home?
How many English movies do you watch each week?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the present or other tenses, such as present progressive, future,
conditional, past, and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have
the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Responsibilities and Activities
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Son: What are your responsibilities? Cules son tus responsabilidades?
Father: What do you mean? Qu quieres decir?
Son: You know, things you have to do, Tu sabes, las cosas que tienes que hacer,
your duties. tus deberes.
Father: Oh, you mean my work and O, quieres decir mis responsabili-
home responsibilities? dades de empleo y de la casa?
Son: Yes, thats right. S, eso.
Father: I have to work every day. I also Tengo que trabajar todos los das.
help with the children. I like Tambin ayudo con los nios.
to play sports and to do hobbies. Me gusta jugar a los deportes y hacer
I also hope to learn English. mis aficiones. Tambin espero aprender
Son: So some are responsibilities that As que algunas son responsabilidades
you have to do, and others are que tienes que hacer, y otras son
activities that you like to do. actividades que te gusta hacer.
Father: Yes, I think responsibilities are S, creo que las responsabilidades
usually things you have to do. usualmente son cosas que uno tiene
que hacer.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 67

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-ea- mean, read, lead m _____ n r _____ d l _____ d

-ties duties, activities du _______ activi _______
-ike like, Mike, hike l _____ e M _____ e h _____ e
-bby hobby, lobby, Libby ho _______ lo _______ Li _______
wh- what, where, when, why _____ at _____ ere _____ en
-o- hope, rope, go, low h _____ pe r _____ pe l _____ w
pl- play, please, place _____ ay _____ ease _____ ace

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
mean bean clean lean Dean Jean
other brother mother smother
think drink sink blink pink wink link

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Vocabulario (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)
Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

responsibility hobby responsibility duty

activity action ______________ ______________
work must ______________ ______________
play assist ______________ ______________
have to duty ______________ ______________
every correct ______________ ______________
help job ______________ ______________
right each ______________ ______________

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.
68 Module 5 2014
V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

responsibility __________________ duty __________________
activity __________________ action __________________
work __________________ job __________________
play __________________ hobby __________________
have to __________________ must __________________
every __________________ each __________________
help __________________ assist __________________
right __________________ correct __________________

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

thats correct thats good

thats right
concepts thats okay
things correct
items matters thats true

chore duty frequently often

responsibility usually
work almost always typically
job task most of the time

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

2014 Module 5 69
Go back to Module 3 language focus for the 60 common verbs. Read the sentences and ask the
students to read them with you. Play charades by showing the action of the verb and motioning to
oneself for I, to a man for he, a woman for she, to two people for they, and all as a group for we.
Encourage the students to create some of their own sentences to share.

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Son: What are your ____________________ ?

Father: What do ______________ mean?
Son: You know, ______________ you _______________, your duties.
Father: Oh, you ______________ my ______________ and home _____________.
Son: Yes, ______________ right.
Father: I _______________ work every day. I have to ______________ with
the children. I also ______________ to play sports, to do _________, and I
also hope to ______________ English.
Son: So, some are ____________________ that you have to do, and others are
_________________ that you like to do.
Father: __________ , I think ________________ are usually ______________ you
have to do.

Teachers- tell the students what some of your responsibilities are, then ask them to
tell you in full sentences what their responsibilities are.
Tell the students what some of your hobbies are, then ask them to tell you in full
sentences what their hobbies are, or what they like to do.
Play charades with students in which they act out something that a person has to do
as a responsibility or likes to do and ask the students to describe in full sentences as
____________ is one of his responsibilities or ___________ likes to ______________.

70 Module 5 2014
C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. What are ( you / your ) responsibilities? _________________________________

2. What do ( you / your ) mean? _________________________________
3. You ( now / know ), things you _________________________________
( have / half ) to do, your duties. _________________________________
4. Oh, you ( men / mean ) my work _________________________________
( an / and ) home responsibilities. _________________________________
5. Yes, thats ( right / write ). _________________________________
6. I have to work every day. I have to help _________________________________
( with / which ) the children. I also _________________________________
( lick / like ) to play sports, to do hobbies, _________________________________
and I ( hop / hope ) to learn English. _________________________________
7. ( So / Sew ), some ( or / are ) _________________________________
responsibilities that you have to do, _________________________________
and others are activities ( that / those ) _________________________________
you like to do. _________________________________
8. Yes, I ( think / thing ) responsibilities are _________________________________
things you have to do. _________________________________

Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo.

What are your responsibilities? I have to

2014 Module 5 71
LF Language Focus: Helping Verbs + Infinitives(Verbos que ayuadan con infinitivos)
have, need, like, want, hope, get

HAVE have + infinitive verb (tener que _____________)

I have to go. I __________ _____ do the homework.

You have to study. You __________ _____ attend class.
You (all) have to study. You (all) __________ _____ go to work.
We have to learn English. We __________ _____ study every day.
They have to practice English. They __________ _____ read the book.
He/She/It has to attend class. He/She/It __________ _____ go to the

NEED need + infinitive verb (necesitar ______________)

I need to go. I __________ _____ go shopping.

You need to study. You __________ _____ cook dinner.
You (all) need to study. You (all) __________ _____ read a book.
We need to learn English. We __________ _____ go to class.
They need to practice English. They _________ _____ study every day.
He/She/It needs to attend class. He/She/It __________ _____ eat lunch.

LIKE like + infinitive verb (gustar _____________)

I like to eat. I __________ _____ learn new things.

You like to study. You __________ _____ read books.
You (all) like to study. You (all) __________ _____ go to class.
We like to learn English. We __________ _____ dance.
They like to practice English. They __________ _____ cook.
He/She/It likes to attend class. He/She/It __________ _____ play sports.

72 Module 5 2014
WANT want + infinitive verb (querer ____________)

I want to eat. I __________ _____ read a book.

You want to study. You __________ _____ study today.
You (all) want to study. You (all) __________ _____ eat lunch.
We want to learn English. We __________ _____ visit their family.
They want to practice English. They __________ _____ go to the store.
He/She/It wants to attend class. He/She/It __________ _____ dance.

HOPE hope + infinitive verb (esperar ____________)

I hope to learn a lot. I __________ _____ visit my family.

You hope to visit my son. You __________ _____ see the game.
You (all) hope to see you. You (all) __________ _____ have fun.
We hope to get a good job. We __________ _____ learn English.
They hope to learn English. They __________ _____ get a good job.
He/She/It hopes to pass the class. He/She/It __________ _____ learn a lot.

GET get + infinitive verb (tocar ________) (tiener la oportunidad

de ____________________)
I get to see a movie.
I __________ _____ visit New York.
You get to cook lunch.
You __________ _____ play soccer.
You (all) get to visit California.
You (all) __________ _____ read a book.
We get to read a book.
We __________ _____ cook dinner.
They get to play sports.
They __________ _____ see a movie.
He/She/It gets to go on vacation.
He/She/It __________ _____ go on

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

2014 Module 5 73
C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. What are your responsibilities? 2. What do you like to do?

I have to work every day and help I like to play sports and do hobbies.
with the children.

3. I hope to learn English. 4. You have a lot to do!

Thats wonderful! Yes, I do. I am very busy.

Expressions related to the dialog

V Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: Thats right

Meaning: yes, I agree, thats corrrect
Example: Yes, thats right!
Meaning: Yes!

2. Expression: You know

Pronunciation: Ya know
Use: filler phrase
Meaning: You understand, you can think about it, you know what I mean
Example: Oh, you know, those responsibilities.
Meaning: You know which responsibilities Im talking about.

74 Module 5 2014
C Present Tense:
Sentence Practice- Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and speak sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Again, help them practice proper pronunciation.

At Home with Family/Friends:

Optional Pronouns Verb conjugation Optional Prepositional

(arrive, come, go, help, learn, (to my/your/our/their/his/her
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) laugh, listen, read, speak, stay, home, at home, in the home, with
talk, teach, think, walk, write, family, to my/your/our/their/his/
her family, with my/your/their/his/
her family, with
my/your/our/their/his/her children,
to my/your/his or her wife/
husband, with my/your/his/her
wife/husband, to my/your/our/
their/his/her friends, with my/your/
our/their/his/her friends)

I eat with my family.

I ____________________ ____________________

You/ We/ They ____________________ ____________________

He/ She ____________________ ____________________

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

to plan planear responsibility responsabilidad

activities actividades occupation ocupacin
object objeto music msica

2014 Module 5 75
76 Module 5 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Memorize the Dialog by folding on the dotted line and twisting
the wrist back and forth until you have memorized it. Recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas. Memorize
el Dilogo doblando en la lnea quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la prctica hasta que lo
haya memorizado.

Card 5A
Module 5 Dialog Dilogo
Son: What are your responsibilities? Cules son tus responsabilidades?
Father: What do you mean? Qu quieres decir?
Son: You know, things you have to do, Tu sabes, las cosas que tienes que hacer,
your duties. tus deberes.
Father: Oh, you mean my work and O, quieres decir mis responsabili-
home responsibilities? dades de empleo y de la casa?
Son: Yes, thats right. S, eso.
Father: I have to work every day. I also Tengo que trabajar todos los das.
help with the children. I like Tambin ayudo con los nios.
to play sports and to do hobbies. Me gusta jugar a los deportes y hacer
I also hope to learn English. mis aficiones. Tambin espero aprender
Son: So some are responsibilities that As que algunas son responsabilidades
you have to do, and others are que tienes que hacer, y otras son
activities that you like to do. actividades que te gusta hacer.
Father: Yes, I think responsibilities are S, creo que las responsabilidades
usually things you have to do. usualmente son cosas que uno tiene
que hacer.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Make a copy and cut out the box(es) on the solid lines. Then fold on the dotted lines and twist the wrist
back and forth to practice until you know the Vocabulary/ the Grammar/ and proper pronunciation.
Haga una copia y recorte la quadra en las lneas slidas. Aprenda el Vocabulario doblando en la lnea
quebrada y gire la mueca hacia atrs y adelante a la prctica hasta que sepa que lo sabe.

Card 5B
Helping Verbs Translation
1. To have to _______________, tener que _____________________
2. To need to _______________, necesitar _____________________
3. To like to ________________, gustar _______________________

4. To want to _______________, querer _______________________

5. To hope to _______________, esperar ______________________
6. To get to _________________, tener la oportunidad de _____________________

2014 Module 5 77
Module 6
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

When are you going home? Where are you attending Church?
What are you doing with your family this weekend? What do you like about Church?
Are your children playing soccer? Do you like praying?
When are you going on vacation? Are you reading the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where are you working? Do you like hiking?
How long have you been working there? How often do you go hiking?
What kind of work are you doing? Who do you like hiking with?
When is he going to work? Are you good at making friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How is he learning English?
What are you doing to learn English?
Are you listening and repeating the Audio materials?
How is she using the Audio Practice?
Are you filling out the exercises at home?
How many English movies are you watching each week?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the present progressive or other tenses, such as future, conditional, past,
and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share
some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Making a Doctors Appointment
Present Progressive Tense
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teachers and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Juan: Hello, this is Juan Sanchez. I need Hola, soy Juan Snchez. Necesito
to make an appointment with the hacer una cita con el doctor.
Mary: Sure, what problem are you having? Claro, qu problema tiene?
Juan: I am having stomach aches and Tengo dolores del estmago y
headaches. de la cabeza.
Mary: Are you living in this area? Est usted viviendo en esta rea?
Juan: No, I am from Florida and I am No, yo soy de Florida y estoy
visiting my brother here in visitando a mi hermano aqu en
Salt Lake City for the week. Salt Lake City para la semana.
Mary: We can see you this afternoon Podemos verle esta tarde
at 3:00. a las 3:00.
Juan: How do I get there if I am Cmo llego all si estoy yendo en la
going north on Highway 15? direccin norte por la carretera
Mary: Get off at the 6th South exit, Bajarse en la salida 6th Sur,
and come to 150 East. y llegar a 150 Oriente.
See you at 3:00. Nos vemos a las 3:00.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 79

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-ll- hello, yellow, mellow he _____ o ye _____ ow me _____ ow

-ct- doctor, tractor, victor do _____ or tra _____ or vi _____ or
sh- shoe, should, shy _____ oe _____ ould _____ y
pr- problem, price, produce _____ oblem _____ ice _____ oduce
ch- stomach, ache stoma _____ a _____ e
v- visiting, travel, victory _____ isiting tra _____ el _____ ictory
th- this, these, those, the _____ is _____ ese _____ ose
th- thing, think, thank _____ ing _____ ink _____ ank
th- north, math, bath nor _____ ma _____ ba _____
-x- exit, excuse, exam e _____ it e _____ cuse e _____ am

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
make bake, cake, lake, take, brake, fake, snake
hello yellow, mellow, jello, fellow
cure pure, obscure, secure
north forth, orthodontist
come some

80 Module 6 2014
V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

pain hurt
visit arrangement
sore ache throb
spasm discomfort
consultation meeting

region boundary
near-by city neighborhood

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

make arriving make set

aches trouble, symptom ______________ ______________
doctor meeting ______________ ______________
problem set ______________ ______________
appointment region ______________ ______________
area residing ______________ ______________
living physician ______________ ______________
visiting depart, leave ______________ ______________
coming pain ______________ ______________
highway off ramp ______________ ______________
get off traveling ______________ ______________
exit freeway, interstate ______________ ______________

2014 Module 6 81
V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.
Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice
make __________________ set __________________
appointment __________________ meeting __________________
doctor __________________ physician __________________
problem __________________ trouble __________________
aches __________________ pain __________________
area __________________ region __________________
living __________________ residing __________________
visiting __________________ traveling __________________
coming __________________ arriving __________________
highway __________________ freeway __________________
get off __________________ depart __________________
exit __________________ off ramp __________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Juan: Hello, ________________ Juan Sanchez. I need to ________________ an

appointment with the doctor.
Mary: Sure, ________________ are you having?
Juan: I am having ________________ and ________________.
Mary: Are you ________________ in this ________________?
Juan: No, I am from Florida and am ________________ my brother here in Salt
Lake City for the ________________.
Mary: We can ________________ you this ________________ at 3:00.
Juan: How do I ________________ I am coming north on Highway 15?
Mary ________________ at 6th South, and come to 150 East.
________________________ 3:00.

82 Module 6 2014
C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las preguntas del dilogo con oraciones completas con lpiz.

1. What problem (symptoms) I have

are you having?
2. Do you have any aches or
3. Are you from this area?
4. How do I get to your office?
5. Are you coming from the
north or the south?

C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. ( Sure / Sir ), what problem are you ________________________________

( halfing / having ) ? ________________________________
2. I need to ( make / mack ) an appointment ________________________________
( with / want ) the doctor. ________________________________
3. Are you ( leaving / living ) in this ________________________________
( area / airy) ? ________________________________
4. I am having ( stomachs / stomach ) aches ________________________________
and headaches. ________________________________
5. We ( con / can ) see you ( these / this ) ________________________________
afternoon at 3:00. ________________________________
6. I am ( from / front ) Florida and ( are / am ) ________________________________
visiting my brother.

2014 Module 6 83
LF Language Focus: Calendar Concepts (Conceptos del Calendario)
Have students stand centered and say with them, Today is Tuesday. Then step left into the past and
say, Yesterday was Monday. Step further left into the past and say, The Day before yesterday was
Sunday. Then take two steps back to the present and repeat, Today is Tuesday. Then step right into
the future and say, Tomorrow is Wednesday. Take another step right and say, The day after
tomorrow is Thursday. Then repeat the whole process.

The day before Yesterday The day after

Today is Tomorrow will be
yesterday was was tomorrow is

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Do the same stepping and repeating process for each of the following time
sequences, starting with the center present:

The week The week after

Last week This week Next week
before last next

he was we were I have a class starts. the month

lot of
sick. here. ends.

The month The month after

Last month This month Next month
before last next

was was
is April. will be May. will be June.
February. March.

Year before last Last year This year Next year The year after next

was 2013. was 2014. is 2015. will be 2016. will be 2017.

Return to Module 2, project pages 21 and 22 on a white board and have students fill in their
notebook copies with answers.

84 Module 6 2014
LF Language Focus: Sample Calendar for One Month

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

First week 1 2 3 4 5 6

Second 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Third Week 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Fourth 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Fifth Week 28 29 30 31

LF Teachers-
Ask questions about first and last days of the week and month; if today is the 17th, what was
yesterday or what will tomorrow be? Help the students answer in complete

2014 Module 6 85
Language Focus: 60 Common Verbs and Practice -Present Progressive
LF (En el proceso de hacer algo) Have fun- act some of these out for the students with
charades. Then ask for volunteers while others join, e.g. He is listening or We are eating.
Verb I You / We / They He / She / It Fill in the Blank
1 Answer I am answering You are answering He is answering They ________________ him.
2 Arrive I am arriving You are arriving He is arriving She ________________ today.
3 Ask I am asking You are asking He is asking He ________________ a question.
4 Begin I am beginning You are beginning He is beginning You ________________ tomorrow.
5 Believe I believe* You believe* He believes* We ________________ you.
6 Bring I am bringing You are bringing He is bringing She ________________ a friend.
7 Cash I am cashing You are cashing He is cashing He ________________ the check.
8 Call I am calling You are calling He is calling They ________________ regularly.
9 Cry I am crying You are crying He is crying She ________________ at night.
10 Come I am coming You are coming He is coming I ________________ home.
11 Do I am doing You are doing He is doing You ________________ too much.
12 Drink I am drinking You are drinking He is drinking They ________________ a lot.
13 Eat I am eating You are eating He is eating You ________________ tomorrow.
14 Feel I feel* You feel* He feels* She ________________ sad.
15 Find I am finding You are finding He is finding He ________________ lost coins.
16 Finish I am finishing You are finishing He is finishing They ________________ on time.
17 Fly I am flying You are flying He is flying We ________________ to New York.
18 Get I am getting You are getting He is getting I ________________ tired.
19 Give I am giving You are giving He is giving You ________________ her help.
20 Go I am going You are going He is going They ________________ home early.
21 Have I have* You have* He has* You ________________ to study.
22 Hear I hear* You hear* He hears* You ________________ some music.
23 Help I am helping You are helping He is helping They ________________ tomorrow.
24 Invite I am inviting You are inviting He isi nviting We ________________ everybody.
25 Know I know* You know* He knows* You ________________ what to do.
26 Laugh I am laughing You are laughing He is laughing She ________________ all the time.
27 Learn I am learning You are learning He is learning We ________________ the verbs.
28 Leave I am leaving You are leaving He is leaving They ________________ at noon.
29 Like I like* You like* He likes* He ________________ the class.
30 Listen I am listening You are listening He is listening They ________________ to the lecture.
31 Look I am looking You are looking He is looking He _________________ tired.
32 Love I love* You love* He loves* They ________________ it.

86 Module 6 2014
33 Make I am making You are making He is making She ________________ a cake.
34 Meet I am meeting You are meeting He is meeting They ________________ each other.
35 Read I am reading You are reading He is reading He ________________ the book.
36 Repeat I am repeating You are repeating He is repeating She ________________ the dialog.
37 Say I am saying You are saying He is saying She ________________ it out loud.
38 See I see* You see* He sees* We ________________ him tonight.
39 Sing I am singing You are singing He is singing They ________________ in the choir.
40 Speak I am speaking You are speaking He is speaking He ________________ English well.
41 Spell I am spelling You are spelling He is spelling She ________________ the word right.
42 Stay I am staying You are staying He is staying We ________________ until Friday.
43 Study I am studying You are studying He is studying We ________________ every day.
44 Take I am taking You are taking He is taking It ________________ a long time.
45 Talk I am talking You are talking He is talking We ________________ .
46 Teach I am teaching You are teaching He is teaching He ________________ classes.
47 Tell I am telling You are telling He is telling They ________________ her the answer.
48 Think I think* You think* He thinks* He ________________ about his mom.
49 Try I am trying You are trying He is trying We ________________ hard.
50 Understand I understand* You understand* He understands* You ________________ well.
51 Visit I am visiting You are visiting He is visiting They ________________ relatives.
52 Walk I am walking You are walking He is walking They ________________ for exercise.
53 Want I want* You want* He wants* They ________________ to learn English.
54 Watch I am watching You are watching He is watching They _________________ baseball.
55 Work I am working You are working He is working She _________________ on Saturday.
56 Write I am writing You are writing He is writing You _________________ well.
57 Be I am* You are* He is* He _________________ good.
(can) I can* You can* He can* You _________________ speak more.
58 Be Able To I am able to You are able to He is able to You ________________ to speak more.
59. I need I need* You need* He needs* She ________________ to meet him.
60. I remember I remember* You remember* He remembers* They _______________ to talk often.

* When the verb conveys thought or feeling, one normally uses present rather than present progressive.

LF Teachers-
Return to this list and PLAY MORE CHARADES as a review before the next two modules.

2014 Module 6 87
LF Language Focus: Guidelines for Written Conjugation of Present
Progressive Tense
Verbs ending with e :
infinitive to arrive
1. drop to: = arrive
2. drop the e = arriv
3. add -ing = arriving
I am arriving. You/We/They are arriving. He/She/It is arriving.

Infinitive Verb +ing Infinitive Verb + ing__

To Arrive arriving To Write writing
To Invite inviting To Make making
To Come coming To Take taking
To Give giving To Leave leaving

Other Verbs :
infinitive to ask
1. drop to = ask
2. add -ing = asking
I am asking. You/We/They are asking. He/She/It is asking.

Infinitive Verb + ing Infinitive Verb + ing Infinitive Verb + ing

To Answer answering To Get getting To Read reading
To Arrive arriving To Give giving To remember remember*
To Ask asking To Go going To Repeat repeating
To Begin beginning To Have have* To Say saying
To Believe believe* To Hear hear* To See see*
To Bring bringing To Help helping To Sing singing
To Cash cashing To Invite Inviting To Speak speaking
To Call calling To Know know* To Spell spelling
To Cry crying To Laugh laughing To Stay staying
To Come coming To Learn learning To Study studying
To Do doing To Leave leaving To Take taking
To Drink drinking To Like like* To Talk talking
To Eat eating To Listen listening To Teach teaching
To Feel feel* To Look looking To Tell telling
To Find finding To Love love* To Think think*
To Finish finishing To Make making To Try trying
To Fly flying To Meet meeting To Understand understand*
To Need need* To Visit visiting

88 Module 6 2014
Verbs ending with -in or -et :
infinitive to begin
1. drop to = begin
2. double final consonant: = I am beginn
3. add -ing = I am beginning
I am beginning. You/We/They are beginning. He/She/It is beginning.
I am getting. You/We/They are getting. He/She/It is getting.

Infinitive Verb with in or et

To Begin beginning
To Get getting

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.
1. Hello, can I help you? 2. We have openings tomorrow at 11:00,
Hi. I need to schedule an 12:00, and 1:00. Which is best for you?
appointment. Can I come in at 11:00?

3. What seems to be the problem? 4. How do I get to your office if I am

I have stomach cramps. heading south on the highway?
Take exit 13 and take your first left.

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados por
1. Expression: make an appointment
Meaning: plan a time for a meeting
Example: We can make an appointment for Saturday.
Meaning: We can plan to meet on Saturday.

2. Expression: heading north

Meaning: driving/walking/riding toward the north
Example: Im heading north on State Street.
Meaning: I am driving my car on State Street toward the north.

3. Expression: Get off at

Meaning: exit from, turn off at
Example: Get off State Street onto Lumbar Road.
Meaning: Turn off of State Street and on to Lumbar Road.
2014 Module 6 89
C Present Progressive Tense:
Sentence Practice-Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and speak sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Again, help them practice proper pronunciation.

At School/Class:

Optional Pronouns To Be + Verb conjugation Optional Prepositional

(answer, arrive, come, go, help, (before class, to class, in class,
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) learn, like, listen, speak, read, during class, after class, before
spell, talk, think, walk, write, school, to school, in school)

I am walking to class.

You/ We/ They are ___________________ ____________________

He/ She is ____________________ ____________________

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir. Maestro, explique como se
pueden reconocer las traducciones y practique la pronunciacin. Listen and repeat. Escuche y

area rea problem problema

stomach estmago

90 Module 6 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash

Card 6A
Dialog Dilogo
Juan: Hello, this is Juan Sanchez. I need Hola, soy Juan Snchez. Necesito
to make an appointment with the hacer una cita con el doctor.
Mary: Sure, what problem are you having? Claro, qu problema tiene?
Juan: I am having stomach aches and Tengo dolores del estmago y
headaches. de la cabeza.
Mary: Are you living in this area? Est usted viviendo en esta rea?
Juan: No, I am from Florida and I am No, yo soy de Florida y estoy
visiting my brother here in visitando a mi hermano aqu en
San Lake City for the week. Salt Lake City para la semana.
Mary: We can see you this afternoon Podemos verle esta tarde
at 3:00. a las 3:00.
Juan: How do I get there if I am Cmo llego all si estoy yendo en la
going north on Highway 15? direccin norte por la carretera
Mary: Get off at the 6th South exit, Bajarse en la salida 6th Sur,
and come to 150 East. y llegar a 150 Oriente.
See you at 3:00. Nos vemos a las 3:00.

2014 Module 6 91
92 Module 6 2014
Card 6B
Verb I You / We / They He / She / It
1 Answer I am answering You are answering He is answering
2 Arrivve I am arriving You are arriving He is arriving
3 Ask I am asking You are asking He is asking

4 Begin I am beginning You are beginning He is beginning

5 Believe I believe* You believe* He believes*
6 Bring I am bringing You are bringing He is bringing

7 Cash I am cashing You are cashing He is cashing

8 Call I am calling You are calling He is calling
9 Cry I am crying You are crying He is crying

10 Come I am coming You are coming He is coming

11 Do I am doing You are doing He is doing
12 Drink I am drinking You are drinking He is drinking

13 Eat I am eating You are eating He is eating

14 Feel I feel* You feel* He feels*

15 Find I am finding You are finding He is finding

16 Finish I am finishing You are finishing He is finishing

17 Fly I am flying You are flying He is flying
18 Get I am getting You are getting He is getting

19 Give I am giving You are giving He is giving

* When the verb conveys thought or feeling, one normally uses present rather than present progressive.

2014 Module 6 93
94 Module 6 2014
Card 6C

Verb I You / We / They He / She / It

20 Go I am going You are going He is going
21 Have I am having You are having He is having
22 Hear I hear* You hear* He hears*

23 Help I am helping You are helping He is helping

24 Invite I am inviting You are inviting He is inviting
25 Know I know* You know* He knows*

26 Laugh I am laughing You are laughing He is laughing

27 Learn I am learning You are learning He is learning
28 Leave I am leaving You are leaving He is leaving

29 Like I like* You like* He likes*

30 Listen I am listening You are listening He is listening
31 Look I am looking You are looking He is looking

32 Love I love* You love* He loves*

33 Make I am making You are making He is making
34 Meet I am meeting You are meeting He is meeting

35 Need I need* You need* He needs*

36 Read I am reading You are reading He is reading
37 Remember I remember* You remember* He remembers*

38 Repeat I am repeating You are repeating He is repeating

39 Say I am saying You are saying He is saying
40 See I see* You see* He sees*

* When the verb conveys thought or feeling, one normally uses present rather than present progressive.

2014 Module 6 95
96 Module 6 2014
Card 6D
Verb I You / We / They He / She / It
41 Sing I am singing You are singing He is singing
42 Speak I am speaking You are speaking He is speaking
43 Spell I am spelling You are spelling He is spelling

44 Stay I am staying You are staying He is staying

45 Study I am studying You are studying He is studying
46 Take I am taking You are taking He is taking

47 Talk I am talking You are talking He is talking

48 Teach I am teaching You are teaching He is teaching
49 Tell I am telling You are telling He is telling

50 Think I think* You think* He thinks*

51 Try I am trying You are trying He is trying
52 Understand I understand You understand He understands

53 Visit I am visiting You are visiting He is visiting

54 Walk I am walking You are walking He is walking

55 Want I want* You want* He wants*

56 Watch I am watching You are watching He is watching

I am working You are working He is working
57 Work
I am writing You are writing He is writing
58 Write

I am You are He is
59 Be
I am able to* You are able to* He is able to *
60 Be Able To
(can) I can You can He can
* When the verb conveys thought or feeling, one normally uses present rather than present progressive.

Go back to Module 3 language focus for the 60 common verbs. Read the sentences and ask the
students to read them with you. Play charades by showing the action of the verb and motioning to

LF oneself for I, to a man for he, a woman for she, to two people for they, and all as a group for we.
This gesturing through the conjugations is extremely important to the learning process. Encourage
the students to create some of their own sentences to share.
2014 Module 6 97
98 Module 6 2014
Module 7
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

When are you going home? Where are you attending Church?
What are you doing with your family this weekend? What do you like about Church?
Are your children playing soccer? Do you like praying?
When are you going on vacation? Are you reading the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where are you working? Do you like hiking?
How long have you been working there? How often do you go hiking?
What kind of work are you doing? Who do you like hiking with?
When is he going to work? Are you good at making friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How is he learning English?
What are you doing to learn English?
Are you listening and repeating the Audio materials?
How is she using the Audio Practice?
Are you filling out the exercises at home?
How many English movies are you watching each week?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the present progressive or other tenses, such as future, conditional, past,
and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share
some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Buying Shoes
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Clerk: May I help you? Puedo sevirle?
Mr. Hobbs: Yes, were looking for some S, buscamos unos zapatos.
Clerk: For you or for your son? Para ud. o para su hijo?
Mr. Hobbs: For my son. Para mi hijo.
Clerk: What kind does he want? Qu clase quiere?
Mr. Hobbs: He wants blue sports shoes. Quiere zapatos deportistos azules.
Clerk: Do you know his size? Sabe su tamao?
Mr. Hobbs: Twelve! He has big feet! Doce! Tiene pies grandes.
Clerk: How do these feel? Cmo le sienten stos?
Brian: A little tight. Un poquito apretados.
Clerk: Try these. Prueba stos.
Brian: Theyre much better. Ill take Estn mucho mejor. Me los llevar.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 99

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-ay may, day, okay m _____ d _____ ok _____

-ize size, prize s ______ pr ______
y- yes, you, your _____ es _____ ou _____ our
tw- twenty, twelve, twist _____ enty _____ elve _____ ist
-oy boy, joy, toy b _____ j _____ t _____
-uch much, such m _____ s _____
-ind kind, find, behind k _____ f _____ beh _____
-ue blue, true, glue bl _____ tr _____ gl _____
-ake bake, take, cake, make b _____ t _____ c _____
kn- know, knife, knock _____ ow _____ ife _____ ock

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
may bay, day, gray, hay, lay, pay, play, pray, way
look book, brook, cook, crook, hook, nook, took
blue clue, due, glue, true
size prize
big dig, fig, pig, twig, wig
feet beet, meet, street, sweet, tweet
better letter, fetter
bake cake, fake, lake, make, rake, stake, wake
back black, crack, hack, jack, knack, lack, pack, rack, sack, tack, track

100 Module 7 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

type style
petite compact category
small sort
tiny variety
large huge

gigantic massive

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

little assist little small

tight large ______________ ______________
help firm ______________ ______________
kind improved ______________ ______________
big type ______________ ______________
may I test ______________ ______________
try length ______________ ______________
better blue ______________ ______________
color small ______________ ______________
size can I ______________ ______________

2014 Module 7 101

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

little __________________ small __________________
tight __________________ firm __________________
help __________________ assist __________________
kind __________________ type __________________
big __________________ large __________________
may I __________________ can I __________________
try __________________ test __________________
better __________________ improved __________________
color __________________ blue __________________
size __________________ length __________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Clerk: _______________ I help you?

Mr. Hobbs: Yes, were _________________ for ____________________ shoes.
Clerk: For _________________ or for _________________ son?
Mr. Hobbs: For my ____________________ .
Clerk: What ____________________ does ____________ want?
Mr. Hobbs: He wants blue ____________________ shoes.
Clerk: Do ________________ know his ____________________ ?
Mr. Hobbs: Twelve! He has ____________________ feet!
Clerk: How do these ____________________ ?
Brian: A ____________________ tight.
Clerk: ______________ these.
Brian: Theyre ____________________ better. Ill ____________________ them.

102 Module 7 2014

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. What kind of shoes does He wants

your son want?
2. How do they feel?
3. What size does he wear?
4. May I help you?
5. Are these better?
6. What color does he want?
7. What are you looking for?
8. Who are the shoes for?

C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. Were looking ( for / far ) ( some / same ) ________________________________

shoes. ________________________________
2. ( Far / For ) ( you / your ) or for _________________________________
( you / your ) son? ________________________________
3. For ( my / mine ) son. _________________________________
4. ( That / What ) kind ( do / does ) he _________________________________
( want / wont )? _________________________________
5. He wants blue ( chews / chose / shoes ). _________________________________
6. Do you ( no / now / know ) his size? _________________________________
7. He has ( bag / big / bug ) feet! ________________________________
8. How do ( this / these / the ) feel? _________________________________
9. A little ( right / tight ). _________________________________
10. ( Ill / Ill ) take them. _________________________________

2014 Module 7 103

LF Language Focus: DO, DOES (Se usa al hacer pregunta o para dar nfasis)
The verb do/does emphasizes the main verb of a sentence.

Regular main verb: want Do/Does emphasizes want

I want shoes. I do want shoes.

He wants shoes. He does want shoes.

conjugate conjugate base form

The verb do/does also asks and answers questions.

Do you want shoes? Yes, I do want shoes.

Yes, I do.
Does he want shoes? Yes, he does want shoes.
conjugate base form
Yes, he does.
conjugate base form

Do we get a lot of snow? Yes, we do get a lot of snow.
Yes, we do.
Does it have a lid? Yes, it does have a lid.
Yes, it does.

Write do or does to complete the sentences below.

Do/Does Conjugation
1. She _________ not have a cat. I do We do
2. We _________ like these shoes. You do They do
He does
3. _________ you want to watch a movie? She does
4. I _________ want to watch a movie. It does
5. _________ he like to run?
6. No, he _________ not. He likes to swim.
7. _________ they go to class?
8. Yes, they _________ go to class. Do not = Dont
9. _________ it have a lid? Does not = Doesnt
10. No, it _________ not have a lid.

104 Module 7 2014

LF Language Focus: AM / IS / ARE + DOING
Asking and answering questions with the verb to do.

How are you doing?

I am doing I am not doing great
too badly

I am
I am doing (really/very/pretty) great very good ver-
(really/very/pretty) well good
(pretty) good good
okay okay
all right okay <?xml
not so great badly

I am NOT doing (very) well

okay <?xml


am is are
I am doing well. He is doing well. You are doing well.
I am not doing well. He is not doing well. You are not doing well.
She is doing well. We are not doing well.
She is not doing well. They are doing well.
John is doing well. They are not doing well.
John is not doing well. We are doing well.
It is not doing well. It is doing well.
Everybody is doing well.

2014 Module 7 105

LF Language Focus: Practice Using AM / IS / ARE + DOING

Follow the model

Words Sentence (use doing) Meaning
I / well I am doing well. I am good.
We / not / bad We are not doing badly. We are good.
We / ok
It / great
She / alright
They / not / great
You / very well
He / not / very well
John / okay
Brad and Ben / well
She / not / okay

Mini-Conversations related to the dialog

C Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.Maestro, explique los significados y ayude
por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Do you need anything? 2. How are you feeling today?

No, thank you. I think I have Not great. Ive been better.
everything I need right now.
3. I think I just have a cold. 4. Good evening.
Oh, thats not good. Welcome. Please come in.

106 Module 7 2014

LF Language Focus: DO, DOES
Asking and answering questions with the verb to do

Question Answer
1. What kind of shoes does he want? He wants blue athletic shoes.

2. How do these feel? They feel a little tight.

3. Do you know his size? Yes, I know his size.

4. Does he have big feet? Yes, he has big feet.

Write the appropriate answer with do or does.

Question Answer
1. How do they feel? They feel good.
2. Do they feel good? They feel good.
3. What kind of shoes He wants blue athletic
does he want? shoes.
4. How do these feel? They feel a little tight.

5. Do they feel better? Yes, they feel better.

6. Do you want these? Yes, I want to take these.

7. Do they know his size? Yes, they know his size.

8. Do the shoes feel big? Yes, they feel big.

9. Do you want these Yes, we want these shoes.
10. Do athletes have big Yes, athletes have big feet.

2014 Module 7 107

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. How do those feel? 2. How may I help you?

They fit perfectly! Were looking for some shoes.

3. May I help you find something? 4. May I try this pair?

Oh, Im just looking, thank you. Sure, let me measure your feet.

5. How much are they?

Theyre on sale for 30 dollars ($30.00).

Expressions related to the dialog

V Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: take 3. Expression: feel

Meaning: buy, purchase Meaning: fit
Example: Ill take these. Example: How do they feel?
Meaning: Ill buy these. Meaning: How do they fit?

2. Expression: just looking

Meaning: I dont want help.
Example: May I help you? No, Im just looking right now.
Meaning: May I help you? No, I dont want help right now.

108 Module 7 2014

C Present Progressive Tense:
Sentence Practice-Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and speak sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Again, help them practice proper pronunciation.

At Work with Supervisor or Co-employees:

Optional Pronouns To Be + Verb conjugation Optional Prepositional

(arrive, come, go, help, learn, (before work, to work, at
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) listen, speak, talk, teach, think, work, during work, after
walk, write, study) work)

I am walking to work.

I ______________________ ____________________

You/ We/ They are ___________________ ____________________

He/ She is ____________________ ____________________

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

supermarket supermercado discount descuento

special especial color color
perfect perfecto athletic atltico

2014 Module 7 109

110 Module 7 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash

Card 7A
Module 7 Dialog Dilogo
Clerk: May I help you? Puedo sevirle?
Mr. Hobbs: Yes, were looking for some shoes. S, buscamos unos zapatos.
Clerk: For you or for your boy? Para ud. o para su hijo?
Mr. Hobbs: For my boy. Para mi hijo.
Clerk: What kind does he want? Qu clase quiere?
Mr. Hobbs: He wants blue athletic shoes. Quiere zapatos atlticos azules.
Clerk: Do you know his size? Sabe su tamao?
Mr. Hobbs: Twelve! He has big feet! Doce! Tiene pies grandes.
Clerk: How do these feel? Cmo te sienten stos?
Brian: A little tight. Un poquito apretados.
Clerk: Try these. Prueba stos.
Brian: Theyre much better. Ill take Estn mucho mejor. Me los llevar.

LF Teachers-
Go back to Module 6 and play charades and gesture the conjugations with the Vocabulary Flash Cards.

2014 Module 7 111

112 Module 7 2014
Module 8
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

When are you going home? Where are you attending Church?
What are you doing with your family this weekend? What do you like about Church?
Are your children playing soccer? Do you like praying?
When are you going on vacation? Are you reading the Bible?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where are you working? Do you like hiking?
How long have you been working there? How often do you go hiking?
What kind of work are you doing? Who do you like hiking with?
When is he going to work? Are you good at making friends?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How is he learning English?
What are you doing to learn English?
Are you listening and repeating the Audio materials?
How is she using the Audio Practice?
Are you filling out the exercises at home?
How many English movies are you watching each week?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the present progressive or other tenses, such as future, conditional, past,
and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned. Have the students share
some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Whos Who & Whats What
& Other Questions
2008 Glen W. Probst

Who is (Whos) . . . George Bush? the bishop? Pres. Monson? your best friend? the boss?
at home?
Whose . . . book is this? money is this? keys are these? purse is this? etc.
Who are (Whore) . . . they helping? we going with? you talking to? they planning to nominate?
Who do (whom). . . you like? they live with? you work with? you think will win? you trust?
you favor?
Who does (whom) . . . he, she like? the work around here? does the laundry? the cooking? she
work with? etc.
What is (Whats) . . . his, her name? the problem? the matter? the time? the hurry? the big
idea? Jim like?
What are (Whatre) . . . you doing? they thinking about? we going to do? they planning?
What does . . . he like? John do for a living? it matter? she look like? it mean? it take?
it need? it say?
When is (Whens) . . . the class? the party? the meeting? the test? the deadline? the
appointment? the game?
When are (Whenre) . . . they coming? you going to be here? we going home? John and Jill
getting married?
When do . . . you study? we go to church? they eat breakfast? you get up? you work?
they eat?
When does . . . the meeting begin? John study? Mary come home? it stop?
Where is (Wheres) . . . the church? the school? the door? the address? the restroom? the
office? the money?
Where are (Wherere) . . . the keys? you going? we working today? they headed? they planning to
Where do I (you, we, they, John and Mary) . . . shop? live? eat? go to church? work? go to school? study? find a job?
Where does he (she, one, it, John) . . . (same as above)
Why is (Whys) . . . John at the store? it so hard to do? it always raining? he absent?
Why are (Whyre) . . . you here? they crying? we waiting? you out of breath? we putting up
with this?
Why do I (you, we, they, John and Mary) . . . worry? go to church? work so hard? go to school? study? etc.
Why does he (she, one, it, John) . . . (same as above)
Which is (Whichs) . . . the right one? the smooth side? the best school? yours? mine? his?
hers? ours? theirs?
Which are (Whichre) . . . the right keys? the new parts? you planning to use, yours? mine? his?
hers? ours? theirs?
Which do I (you, we, they, John and Mary) . . . like? choose? want? use?
Which does he (she, it, John) . . . (same as above)
How is (Hows) . . . the weather? the job going? the family? the food? the activity going?
the sore?
How are (Howre) . . . you doing? we going home? they getting along? Jan and Jill doing in
school? you today?
How do (I, you, we, they, John and Mary) . . . say casa in English? like school? like Orem? like your neighbor?
How does he (she, one, it, John . . . (same as above)
Can I (you, we, they, John and Mary, she, one, it, John, everybody) . . . drive a car? play the piano? cook a meal? read a
Will I (you, we, they, John & Mary, she, everybody) . . . come to class? say your prayers? give me $100 dollars? help me?
Do I (you, we, they, John and Mary) . . . like oranges? like the teacher? like to study? want to play? have time?
Does he (she, one, it, John, everybody) . . . (same as above)
Did I (you, we, they, John & Mary, John, she, one, it, everybody) . . . like the teacher? like to study? want to play? have time?
Will I (you, we, they, John, John & Mary, she, one, it, everybody . . . go home? leave? be quiet? stay here? talk louder? listen?
help out??
Could, Would, Should (you, we, they, John, John & Mary, she, one, it, everybody, somebody, nobody . . . (same as above)
How Is The Weather?
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Sara: Its a beautiful day. Es un da hermoso.
Jorge: It sure is, nice and cool. Seguro que es, agradable y fresco.
Sara: Does it get cold here? Se pone fro aqu?
Jorge: Not really, it doesnt go below En realidad, no. No se enfra ms de.
twenty degrees. veinte grados.
Sara: How about the wind and rain? Qu tal el viento y la lluvia?
Jorge: We get a lot of wind in March Hay mucho viento en marzo y
and rain in July. lluvia en julio.
Sara: How hot does it get here? Cunto calor hace aqu?
Jorge: Around one hundred degrees, Ms o menos cien grados, pero es un
but its a dry heat. calor seco.
Sara: Sounds pretty nice. Were Parece bastante bien. Estamos
moving here from Florida. mudndonos de Florida para ac.

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.
-eau- beauty, beautiful b _______ ty b _______ tiful
tw- twenty, twin, twice _____ enty _____ in _____ ice
-oo- cool, pool, fool c _____ l p _____ l f _____ l
-ind find, kind, mind f _____ k _____ m _____
h- here, hot, how _____ ere _____ ot _____ ow
j- July, June, just, jump _____ uly _____ une _____ ump
-oes does d _______
-y dry, try, cry dr _____ tr _____ cr _____
-lly really, totally rea _____ tota _____
-ice nice, twice, dice n _____ tw _____ d _____
-nt doesnt, cant, wont does _____ ca _____ wo _____
ound sounds, around, pound s ________ s ar ________ p ________
-ow below, snow, blow bel _____ sn _____ bl _____
ow now, cow, how, brown n _______ c ________ h ________

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
nice dice lice mice price slice vice
rain drain gain main pain plain train
lots dots pots spots plots rots knots
dry cry fry pry try wry
heat beat meat neat seat treat wheat
sound bound found ground round

PB Module 8 2014
V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Vocabulario (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Escriba las palabras que uni con lpiz..

dry freezing dry wet

many wet ______________ ______________
cold points ______________ ______________
degrees lots ______________ ______________
______________ ______________
snow 100
______________ ______________
nice heat
______________ ______________
below pleasant ______________ ______________
around about ______________ ______________
one hundred rain ______________ ______________
wind breeze ______________ ______________
hot under ______________ ______________
Make a sentence using some of these words. Ask for volunteers.

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

beautiful _________________ nice ________________
sure _________________ certainly ________________
below _________________ less than, under ________________
around _________________ about ________________
nice _________________ good ________________
its _________________ it is ________________
lots _________________ many, a bunch of ________________
hot _________________ warm ________________
cool _________________ cold, chilly ________________
we get _________________ we have ________________
pretty nice _________________ very nice ________________

2014 Module 8 115

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

very fairly
cute pretty pretty
beautiful extremely quite
gorgeous lovely rather

pleasant pleasing

nice agreeable
fair moderate

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Sara: Its a ______________________ day.

Jorge: It _________________ is, nice and __________________.
Sara: Does it ______________ cold _________________ ?
Jorge: Not __________________ , it doesnt go __________________
twenty degrees.
Sara: How about the wind and rain?
Jorge: We get __________________ of wind in March and _______________
in July.
Sara: __________________ hot does it get here?
Jorge: Around one hundred degrees,
but its a ____________________ heat.
Sara: Sounds pretty nice. Were moving here from Florida.

116 Module 8 2014

C From the dialog, circle the correct word.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta.
Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. ( Its / Its ) a beautiful day. _________________________________

2. It ( shore / sure ) is, ( niece / nice ) and ________________________________
cool. _________________________________
3. ( Do / Does ) it get cold ( here / hear ) ? _________________________________
4. How about the ( wind / wand ) and _________________________________
( reign / rain ) ? _________________________________
5. How ( hot / hat ) does it get here? _________________________________
6. Around ( won / one / on ) hundred _________________________________
degrees. _________________________________
7. ( Were / Were ) moving ( hear / here ) _________________________________
from Florida.. _________________________________

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog or word webs.
Responda a las preguntas del dilogo o red de palabras con lpiz.

What kind of day is it? Its

Does it get cold here?
How about the wind?
How hot does it get here?
Where are you moving from? Were moving from
Does it go below ten degrees here?

2014 Module 8 117

LF Language Focus: Weather Expressions

Spring Summer Fall Winter

la primavera el verano el otoo el invierno
Florida warm hot hot warm
rain rain humid sunny
humid humid

Utah rain hot cool cold

wind dry crisp freezing
cool sunny cloudy snowy

Its sunny. Its rainy. Its windy.

(soleado) (lluvioso) (ventoso)

sun (sol) rain (lluvia) wind (viento)

Its cloudy. Its snowy. Its stormy.

(nublado) (nevoso) (tempestuoso)

clouds (nubes) snow (nieve) storm (tormenta)

Rewrite the following sentences according to the example. Use the words below.

cloudy freezing sunny nice stormy windy snowy chilly hot

The sun is shining. Its sunny.
The rain is falling. Its
There are many clouds.
The snow is falling.
The wind is blowing.
Its very cold outside.
The temperature is 100 degrees.
The temperature is 35 degrees.
Its a beautiful day outside.
Theres a storm today.

118 Module 8 2014

LF Language Focus: Verb Practice
Fill in the blanks. Assistants- help students prepare sentences using the verbs and calling on volunteers.

*conseguir, obtener, poder, llegar a tener o llegar a ser.

I get lonely. I __________ a new prize.
You get a new prize. You __________ together with friends.
You (all) get to go on vacation. You (all) __________ hungry.
We get together with friends. We __________ to attend class.
They get hungry in the morning. They __________ lonely.
He/She/It gets to attend class. He/She/It __________ to go on vacation.
*(to get) Palabra usada en muchas expresiones y tiene muchos significados diferentes en ingls
Other conjugations:
get I get lonely. will get They will get up early.
got He got the job. am/is/are getting She is getting married.
used to get We used to get hungry. have got I have got a cold.

TO VISIT visitar

I visit Mexico. I __________ the park today.

You visit your sister. You __________ with friends.
You (all) visit New York City. You (all) __________ the museum.
We visit with our family. We __________ Mexico tomorrow.
They visit the park today. They __________ their family.
He/She/It visits the museum. He/She/It __________ New York City.

TO FEEL sentir

I feel sick. I __________ nervous about today.

You feel excited about the job. You __________ like walking in the park.
You (all) feel nervous. You (all) __________ tired today.
We feel tired today. We __________ satisfied with the job.
They feel satisfied with it. They __________ excited.
He/She/It feels like eating ice cream.* He/She/It __________ sick today.
* meaning she wants to

2014 Module 8 119

TO BEGIN empezar

I begin studying at 8 a.m. I __________ preparing dinner.

You begin the presentation. You __________ listening to the music.
You (all) begin watching TV. You (all) __________ writing the letter.
We begin reading a new book. We __________ a new TV show.
They begin attending class. They __________ looking for a new job.
He/She/It begins snowing in December. He/She/It __________ a new job.

TO DO do + verb (for emphasis)

I do want shoes. I ________ want my money.
You do have athletic shoes. You ________ know the lesson.
You (all) do know your shoe size You (all) ________ study English.
We do feel big. We ________ like it here.
They do have small feet. They ________ need new shoes.
He/She does need new shoes. He/She ________ have big feet.
It does seem like a good It ________ get hot in the summer.

Remember that the verb to do is excellent for asking questions. Review some
of the following examples and create some of your own questions.

Do you get lonely? When does he visit Mexico? Where do they go on vacation?


Do you feel tired today? How does he feel? How do you like the food?


120 Module 8 2014

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. What is the weather like outside? 2. Is it always this windy here?

Its not very nice out. No, not usually.
Yes, all the time!

3. How about the winters? 4. I love the sunshine today.

It gets very cold and snowy. Yeah, its great.

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: Sounds ______ .

Meaning: It seems ______ . / I think its ______ .
Example: Sounds nice.
Meaning: I think its nice.

2. Expression: It gets ______ .

Meaning: It becomes ______ .
Example: It gets cold.
Meaning: It becomes cold.

2014 Module 8 121

C Present Progressive Tense:
Sentence Practice-Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and speak sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Again, help them practice proper pronunciation.

At Home with Family or Friends:

Optional Pronouns To Be + Verb conjugation Optional Prepositional

(arrive, come, go, eat, help, (to my/your/our/their/his/her home,
at home, in the home, with family, to
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) learn, laugh, listen, read, speak, my/your/our/their/his/her family, with
stay, talk, teach, think, walk, my/your/their/his/her family, with my/
write, study) your/our/their/his/her children, to my/
your/his or her wife/husband, with
my/your/his/her wife/husband, to my/
your/our/their/his/her friends, with
my/your/our/their/his/her friends)

I am eating with my family.

I ______________________ ____________________

You/ We/ They are ___________________ ____________________

He/ She is ____________________ ____________________

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

temperature la temperatura tornado tornado

thermometer el termometro conversation conversacin
humid hmedo

LF Teachers-
Return to the 60 Common Verbs in Module 6 and play more charades and gesture the conjugations
as a review before the next two modules.

122 Module 8 2014

Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 8A

Module 8 Dialog Dilogo

Sara: Its a beautiful day. Es un da hermoso.
Jorge: It sure is, nice and cool. Seguro que es, agradable y fresco.
Sara: Does it get cold here? Se pone fro aqu?
Jorge: Not really, it doesnt go below En realidad, no. No se enfra ms de.
twenty degrees. veinte grados
Sara: How about the wind and rain? Qu tal el viento y la lluvia?
Jorge: We get a lot of wind in March Hay mucho viento en marzo y
and rain in July. lluvia en julio.
Sara: How hot does it get here? Qu tanto calor hace aqu?
Jorge: Around one hundred degrees, Ms o menos cien grados, pero es un
but its a dry heat. calor seco.
Sara: Sounds pretty nice. We are moving Parece bastante bien. Estamos mudndonos
here from Florida. de Florida para ac.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Card 8B

Spring primavera clouds nubes

Summer verano cloudy nublado
Fall otoo storm tormenta
Winter invierno stormy tempestuoso
cool fresco wind viento
cold fro windy ventoso
warm caloroso snow nieve
hot caliente snowy nevoso
dry seco chilly friolento
humid hmedo temperature temperatura
rain lluvia degrees grados
rainy lluvioso
sun sol

sunny soleado

2014 Module 8 123

124 Module 8 2014
Module 9
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

When will your son graduate? Where will you be attending Church?
Where will he move? How will you be serving in your Church?
Do you think he will be happy? Who will pray this morning?
Will you visit him during your vacation? Will you please read the Bible with me?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where will you work? Will you go hiking with me?
How long will you plan to stay? Will we be going with another friend?
What kind of work will you do? What will the weather be like?
When will you be going to work? How will we make it back in time?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How will we learn English?
Will we be able to learn good English?
Will the Teacher help us?
Will you use the Audio practice materials?
Will the Teacher give us homework assignments?
When will we get to listen to English movies?
Where will we find the English movies with subtitles?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the future or other tenses, such as conditional, past, and past progressive.
Do not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those they have already
learned . Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Directions Outside-Future Tense
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
New Person: Excuse me, can you please Disclpeme, por favor, podria decirme
tell me where the Post Office is? dnde est la oficina de correos?
Local: Sure, you will go to the third Claro, usted ir al tercer semfaro
stop light, then you will turn parada, entonces usted gira a la
right and go two blocks north. derecha, y va dos cuadras al norte.
Youll find it on the left. Ud. la encontrar a la izquierda.
New Person: Thanks, I am also looking for Gracias, yo tambin estoy buscando una
a drugstore. farmacia.
Local: From the Post Office, you will Desde la oficina de correos, se cruza la
cross the street and go south calle y se dirige hacia el sur por la calle.
down the street. It will be on Estar a su derecha.
your right.
New Person: Thanks. And where is a good Gracias, y dnde esta un buen lugar
place to eat? I like pizza. para comer? Me gusta la pizza.
Local: There is a Round Table Pizza Hay una tienda de Round Table al lado
next to the drugstore. de la farmacia.
New Person: Great, Ill give it a try. Genial, lo voy a probar.
Thanks again. Gracias de nuevo.
Local: Youre welcome. De nada.

Module 9
P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

r- right, race, road, row ___ ight ___ ace ___ oad
l- light, lace, load, low ___ ight ___ ace ___ oad
str- street, strong, stretch _____ eet _____ ong _____ etch
sh- sheet, ship, shame, shack _____ ip _____ ame _____ ack
bl- block, blank, blood, black _____ ock _____ ank _____ ood
br- break, branch, brand _____ eak _____ anch _____ and
pr- pray, prayer, present _____ ay _____ ayer _____ esent
pl- place, play, pleasure _____ ace _____ ay _____ easure

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

excuse me turn left excuse me pardon me

Youre welcome pardon me ______________ ______________
tell me directly in front of ______________ ______________
third pharmacy ______________ ______________
turn right store ______________ ______________
across from No problem ______________ ______________
give it a try in this area ______________ ______________
street show me ______________ ______________
drugstore road ______________ ______________
around here do it ______________ ______________
shop 3rd

126 Module 9 2014

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)
Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
try fry, dry, cry

shop cop, crop, drop, hop, mop, top, stop

post ghost, host, most

block clock, dock, flock, knock, lock, mock, rock, sock

am dam, ham, lamb, Sam, yam

light bright, might, night, right, sight, slight, tight

third bird

could should, would

where there

turn burn

2014 Module 9 127

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

location area
Northwest North Northeast
setting spot
position West directions East

Southwest Southeast
nicest finest

foremost greatest complete
cease end
number one
halt finish
basic primary discontinue

dominant major

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

128 Module 9 2014

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice
excuse me __________________ pardon me __________________
youre welcome __________________ no problem __________________
tell me __________________ show me __________________
third __________________ 3rd __________________
turn right __________________ turn left __________________
right across from __________________ directly in front of __________________
give it a try __________________ do it __________________
street __________________ road __________________
drugstore __________________ pharmacy __________________
around here __________________ in this area __________________
shop __________________ store __________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

New Person: Excuse me, ______________ you please tell me where the
______________ ______________ is?
Local: Sure, you will go to the ______________ stop light, then you will
______________ ______________ and go two blocks north.
______________ find it on the left.
New Person: Thanks, I am also __________________ for a drugstore.
Local: From the Post Office, you will ______________ the street and go
south down the street. ______________ ______________ be on
your right.
New Person: Thanks. And where is a good ______________ to eat? I like pizza.
Local: There is a Round Table Pizza shop ______________ to the drugstore.

2014 Module 9 129

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. Where is the post office? It is

2. Where is the best place to
eat around here?
3. Do I turn right or left?
4. How many blocks is it to the
pizza place?
5. What are you looking for?
6. Is the drugstore past the third
7. Will you give it a try?

C Put a slash (/) between the words. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.

1. Could/you/tell/me/where/the/ Could you tell me where the

post/office/is? post office is?
2. Yes,gotothethirdstoplight.
3. Turnrightandgotwoblocksnorth.
4. Itsrightacrossthestreetfrom
5. Thanks.Imalsolookingfor
6. Whereisthebestplacetoeat
7. WelikethePizzaShopon
8. Great,Illgiveitatry.

130 Module 9 2014

C Teachers-
Create a simple map of a town or use the map below (distribute copies or display it on a
screen.) Describe how to give directions from one place to another in the town. Then ask volunteers
to give directions to you on how to go from one location to another. You may want to use a lazer
pointer to show your travel as the class gives you directions to get to the designated destination.
Involve the students as much as you can.

City Center
City Center

Laundro- City Hall English



Grocery Book Bank
Service Store Music Cafe
Store Station Store

Main Street

Shoe Barber
Park Library

Store Shop


Department Joes
Store Restaurant

Vocabulary/Phrases for outside directions:

Go: Turn: Take: Make: Around:
one mile/ two blocks/ to the left/ to the first exit/ the a u-turn at the block/ the
two lights/ three stop the right/ at exit for El the next light corner
signs/ four streets Main Street Camino/ next a left after
across the train tracks/ left at the exit the railroad
until the street dead first light/ a left at Main tracks
ends right on Easy Street/ a right at
straight/ around the Street the stop sign

You cant miss it= Ud. no puede perderse, pero realmente significa- yo no puedo darle direcciones claras.
Go back= vuelva
You have gone too far= Ha ido demasiado
Next to/ beside
In front of
Across the street is _______________.
Kitty corner= diagonal
Where is the nearest/ closest ______________?
2014 Module 9 131
LF Language Focus: The Future

will + verb
I will I will ask for help. I will watch TV in English.
YOU will You will see what I mean. You will read the book.
WE will We will read the dialog together. We will listen to the audio.
THEY will They will leave work at 5:00. They will be able to get help.
HE / SHE / IT will He will be ready for the next class. She will write a work report.

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

LF Language Focus: Contractions

Especially when speaking, people usually use a short form of the future tense. Look at the examples below and complete exercises.

I will Ill _________ eat with you.

You will Youll _________ like it.
We will Well _________ learn together.
They will Theyll _________ be very happy.
He will Hell _________ come at 3:00.
She will Shell _________ have a good day.

It will Itll _________ rain today.

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

132 Module 9 2014

LF Language Focus: Contraction Practice

Write a correct pronoun + will contraction in the blank boxes.

Ill Youll Well Theyll Shell Hell Itll
1. _________ visit his family soon.
2. _________ speak English well in the future.

3. _________ be the summer in a few months.

4. _________ start the party at 7pm.
5. _________ go to the store after class.
6. _________ get a better job next year.

7. _________ ride the bus to the libary.

LF Language Focus: Likes and Dislikes + Gerunds or Infinitives

When we want to talk about actions that we like or dont like (reading, running, thinking, studying) there are
two different forms we can use.

Infinitive Verb (Verbo Infinitivo) Gerund (verb+ing)

(leer) to read reading
(correr) to run running
(pensar) to think thinking
(estudiar) to study studying

We can say:
I like + Infinitive verb OR I like + Gerund
I dont like + Infinitive verb OR I dont like + Gerund
I like to read. I like reading.
I dont like to read. I dont like reading.
I like to run. I like running.
I dont like to run. I dont like running.

2014 Module 9 133

For the following chart, write the correct form of the sentences in the empty boxes.

Verb I like + I dont like +

Infinitive Gerund Infinitive Gerund Infinitive Gerund

I dont like to I dont like

to study studying I like to study. I like studying.
study. studying.

to talk
I like to talk with I like talking with
with talking
friends friends.

to visit I like visiting I dont like to visit

family family. family.

to go I like to go
shopping shopping.

to exer- I dont like to

cise exercise.

to cook I dont like

dinner cooking dinner.

LF Language Focus: Likes and Dislikes

Practice saying out loud, emphasizing the language principles on the proceeding page.

Positive Negative

I like broccoli. I dont like broccoli.

We like reading. We dont like reading.
She likes to sing. She doesnt like to sing.

134 Module 9 2014

For the following chart, write the correct form of the sentences in the empty boxes.

Verb I like + I dont like +

Infinitive Gerund Infinitive Gerund Infinitive Gerund

I dont like to I dont like

to study studying I like to study. I like studying.
study. studying.

to talk
I like to talk with I like talking with
with talking
friends friends.

to visit I like visiting I dont like to visit

family family. family.

to go I like to go
shopping shopping.

to exer- I dont like to

cise exercise.

to cook I dont like

dinner cooking dinner.

LF Language Focus: Likes and Dislikes

Practice saying out loud, emphasizing the language principles on the proceeding page.

Positive Negative

I like broccoli. I dont like broccoli.

We like reading. We dont like reading.

She likes to sing. She doesnt like to sing.

134 Module 9 2014

LF Language Focus: Practice Likes
Check if you like or dislike something. Then write it in a sentence.


popcorn I like popcorn.

cooking I dont like* cooking.
studying history



* Dislike is seldomly used.

2014 Module 9 135

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Where can I find a library nearby? 2. Are there any restaurants in this area?
There is one around the corner. There is an Italian restaurant and a
Mexican restaurant 2 blocks north.
3. Thanks for the information. 4. How can I get to the nearest bus stop?
Youre welcome, anytime. Its on Main Street next to the grocery

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: anytime
Meaning: used in response to thank you to mean youre welcome
Example: Thanks for the information.
Meaning: Thanks for the information!
Youre welcome!

2. Expression: catch the bus/a cab/the train

Meaning: find the bus/a cab/the train
Example: Where can I catch a cab?
Meaning: Where can I find a cab?

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

bus autobus taxi taxi

bus station estacin de autobuses train tren
office oficina vacation vacacin

136 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 9A
Module 9 Dialog Dilogo
New Person: Excuse me, can you please Disclpeme, por favor, podria decirme
tell me where the Post Office is? dnde est la oficina de correos?
Local: Sure, you will go to the third Claro, usted ir al tercer semfaro
stop light, then you will turn parada, entonces usted gira a la
right and go two blocks north. derecha, y va dos cuadras al norte.
Youll find it on the left. Ud. la encontrar a la izquierda.
New Person: Thanks, I am also looking for Gracias, yo tambin estoy buscando una
a drugstore. farmacia.
Local: From the Post Office, you will Desde la oficina de correos, se cruza la
cross the street and go south calle y se dirige hacia el sur por la calle.
down the street. It will be on Estar a su derecha.
your right.
New Person: Thanks. And where is a good Gracias, y dnde esta un buen lugar
place to eat? I like pizza. para comer? Me gusta la pizza.
Local: There is a Round Table Pizza Hay una tienda de Round Table al lado
next to the drugstore. de la farmacia.
New Person: Great, Ill give it a try. Genial, lo voy a probar.
Thanks again. Gracias de nuevo.
Local: Youre welcome. De nada.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Card 9B
go vaya (siga) go 2 miles vaya dos millas
then entonces then youll see entonces ver
right derecha to the right a la derecha
take a right tome una derecha make a right doble a la derecha
left izquierda to the left a la izquierda
take a left tome una izquierda make a left doble a la izquierda
straight derecho go straight siga derecho
straight til derecho hasta
street calle go two streets vaya dos cuadras
stop parada to the stop hasta la parada
signal semaforo to the signal hasta el semaforo
corner esquina around the alrededor de
kittycorner diagonal kitty corner to diagonal de
alongside al lado de beside(next to) al lado de
store tienda theater cine

2014 137
138 2014
Module 10
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

When will your son graduate? Where will you be attending Church?
Where will he move? How will you be serving in your Church?
Do you think he will be happy? Who will pray this morning?
Will you visit him during your vacation? Will you please read the Bible with me?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where will you work? Will you go hiking with me?
How long will you plan to stay? Will we be going with another friend?
What kind of work will you do? What will the weather be like?
When will you be going to work? How will we make it back in time?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How will we learn English?
Will we be able to learn good English?
Will the Teacher help us?
Will you use the Audio practice materials?
Will the Teacher give us homework assignments?
When will we get to listen to English movies?
Where will we find the English movies with subtitles?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the future or other tenses, such as conditional, past, and past progressive.
Do not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those they have already
learned . Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Buying a Dress
(2 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Mrs. Jones: Pardon me, were looking for a Perdn, estamos buscando un vestido
dress for my daughter. para mi hija.
Clerk: What type are you looking for? Qu tipo est buscando?
Mrs. Jones: Something medium-priced in Algo de precio medio en el tamao
size five or six. de cinco o seis.
Clerk: They would be over here. Estaran por ac.
Mrs. Jones: Could she try on this one? Podra probar ste?
Clerk: Sure, the dressing room is Por supuesto, el vestuario est
over there. por all.
Mrs. Jones: Thanks, well be right back. Gracias, estaremos de vuelta en

Mrs. Jones: Well take this one. Vamos a tomar ste.
Clerk: Will that be cash, Eso ser en efectivo,
credit or debit card? tarjeta de crdito o dbito?
Mrs. Jones: Cash. Efectivo.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 139

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-ry try, cry, fry t _____ c _____ f _____

-sh cash, fish, dish ca _____ fi _____ di _____
h- here, hello, help _____ ere _____ ello _____ elp
-x six, box, mix si _____ bo _____ mi _____
dr- dress, drive, dry _____ ess _____ ive _____ y
-re were, theyre, youre we _____ they _____ you _____
su- sure, sugar _____ re _____ gar
r- room, right, radio _____ oom _____ ight _____ adio
-ive five, alive, drive f _____ al _____ dr _____
-ack back, sack, pack b _____ s _____ p _____
-er daughter, over, water daught _____ ov _____ wat _____

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
five live, dive, survive, revive
would could, should, good
right bright, light, height, night, might, tight, sight
dress mess, less, confess, guess, bless
back stack, lack, sack, black, rack
type hype, Skype, stereotype, typewriter
over Dover, clover, rover

140 Module 10 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

of course definitely loving tender

caring kind unselfish

good thoughtful sensitive

go for it attempt
money dollar
try cash
test strive buck coin
take a chance cent
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other
students in your group.

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

Over here excuse me Over here This way

my anything ______________ ______________
something test ______________ ______________
surely This way ______________ ______________
daughter girl ______________ ______________
price belongs to me ______________ ______________
kind fit ______________ ______________
pardon me cost ______________ ______________
try on loving ______________ ______________
skirt certainly ______________ ______________
size dress ______________ ______________

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other
students in your group.

2014 Module 10 141

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

over here __________________ this way __________________
my __________________ belongs to me __________________
something __________________ anything __________________
sure __________________ certainly __________________
daughter __________________ girl __________________
price __________________ cost __________________
kind __________________ loving __________________
pardon me __________________ excuse me __________________
try on __________________ test __________________
skirt __________________ dress __________________
size __________________ fit __________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Mrs. Jones: Pardon ________________. Were ________________ for a

________________ for _____________ daughter.
Clerk: What ________________ are you looking ________________?
Mrs. Jones: Something ________________ priced.
Clerk: They ________________ be ________________ here.
Mrs.Jones: ________________ she try this one ________________?
Clerk: Sure, the ________________ room is over ________________.
Mrs. Jones: Thanks. Well be ________________ back.

142 Module 10 2014

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. What are you looking for? Were looking for

2. What type are you looking for?
3. Where is the dressing room?
4. Could she try this one on?
5. Where would size sixes be?
6. Who is this girl?

Have the students write questions with who, what, when, where, which, and why. Ask them some
questions and help them ask questions and answer them.

C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence and say it.
Escriba las oraciones completas y pronuncielas.

1. ( Were / Were ) looking for a dress. ________________________________

2. The dress is ( far / for ) ( mine / my ) ________________________________
daughter. ________________________________
3. What type ( our / are / or ) you looking ________________________________
for? ________________________________
4. ( Something / Same thing) in size six. ________________________________
5. They ( wood / would ) be ( over / oven ) ________________________________
6. ( Cold / Could ) she try on this ________________________________
( won / one )?
7. The dressing room is over ( their / there ). ________________________________
8. ( Well / Well ) be ( right / light ) back. ________________________________
9. Well take ( these / this ) one. ________________________________
10. ( Well / Will ) that be ( crash / cash )? ________________________________

Teachers- say one of the two or three alternative words and have the students identify which word you said. Help
them recognize the difference.

2014 Module 10 143

LF Language Focus: Contractions After WILL (to create future tense)

Long Form Short form (Contraction)

1. We are looking for a dress. Were looking for a dress.
2. We will be looking for a dress. Well be looking for a dress.
3. We are going to be right back. Were going to be right back.
4. We will be right back. Well be right back.
5. We are going to take this one. Were going to take this one.
6. We will take this one. Well take this one.

Long Short Long Short
I am Im I will Ill
he is hes he will hell
she is shes she will shell
it is its it will itll
you are youre you will youll
they are theyre they will theyll

Play more charades with the 60 Common Verbs future tense. Use the Module 6 list.

LF Language Focus: Practice Long and Short Forms (Contractions)

Underline the Long Form in each sentence. Then, rewrite each sentence using the short, or contracted, form.

1. He is studying English. Hes studying English.

2. He will study English. Hell study English.
3. She is a student.
4. She will be a teacher.
5. I am poor.
6. I will be rich.
7. You are young.

144 Module 10 2014

8. In the future, you will be old.
9. Right now, they are sad.
10. In the future, they will be happy.
11. Right now, it is cold.
12. In the future, it will be warm.
13. Right now, we are living in Utah.
14. In the future, we will live in New York.
15. Right now, they are strangers.
16. In the future, they will be friends.
17. Right now, you are small.
18. In the future, you will be big.
19. Right now, I am not hungry.
20. In the future, I will be hungry.
21. Right now, she is tired.
22. In the future, she will be rested.

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

LF Language Focus: Extra Practice

Imagine your life in 10 years. Write five sentences that describe who you will be in 10 years. Use the long form,
then rewrite each sentence using the short form.

Who will I be in 10 years? What will I be doing?

Long form: Short Form:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

2014 Module 10 145

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. How would you like to pay for that? 2. Do you accept checks?
With credit. Sorry, but we dont.

3. Would you like a dressing room? 4. What size do you wear?

Yes, please. I usually wear size 6.

5. Look at this one. 6. Would you like your receipt with you
Oh, its beautiful! Can I try it on? or in the bag?
In the bag is fine.

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition. Maestro, explique los significados y
ayude por demonstrar la pronunciacin.

1. Expression: Try on
Meaning: Put on to check size and appearance
Example: Ill try on this one.
Meaning: Ill put on this one to see if I like it.

2. Expression: Take it
Meaning: buy it / get it / purchase it
Example: Well take it.
Meaning: Well buy this one.

C Pair up the students and have them practice simple conversations about finding some clothes,
trying them on and buying them.

146 Module 10 2014

C Future Tense:
Sentence Practice-Have several students write on the projected white board or on a
separate page, and speak sentences using various subjects, proper conjugations and
appropriate prepositional phrases. Again, help them practice proper pronunciation.

At Home with Family or Friends:

Optional Pronouns To Be + Verb conjugation Optional Prepositional

(arrive, come, go, eat, help, (to my/your/our/their/his/her home,
at home, in the home, with family, to
(I/You/We/They/He/She/It) learn, laugh, listen, read, speak, my/your/our/their/his/her family, with
stay, talk, teach, think, walk, my/your/their/his/her family, with my/
write, study) your/our/their/his/her children, to my/
your/his or her wife/husband, with
my/your/his/her wife/husband, to my/
your/our/their/his/her friends, with
my/your/our/their/his/her friends)

I will arrive with John.

I will____________________ ____________________

You/ We/ They will ____________________ ____________________

He/ She will ____________________ ____________________

V Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita. Maestro, explique los significados y ayude por demonstrar la

medium mediano credit crdito

check cheque debit dbito

mom mam price precio

2014 Module 10 147

148 Module 10 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 10A
Module 10 Dialog Dilogo
Mrs. Jones: Pardon me, were looking for a Perdn, estamos buscando un vestido
dress for my daughter. para mi hija.
Clerk: What type are you looking for? Qu tipo est buscando?
Mrs. Jones: Something medium-priced in Algo de precio medio en el tamao
size five or six. de cinco o seis.
Clerk: They would be over here. Estaran por ac.
Mrs. Jones: Could she try on this one? Podra probar ste?
Clerk: Sure, the dressing room is Por supuesto, el vestuario est
over there. por all.
Mrs. Jones: Thanks, well be right back. Gracias, estaremos de vuelta en

Mrs. Jones: Well take this one. Vamos a tomar ste.
Clerk: Will that be cash, Eso ser en efectivo,
credit or debit card? tarjeta de crdito o dbito?
Mrs. Jones: Cash. Efectivo.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Card 10B

money dinero check cheque

cash efectivo cents centavos

dollar dlar credit card tarjeta de crdito

One dollar un dlar debit card tarjeta de dbito

Five dollars 5 dlares

Ten dollars 10 dlares

Twenty dollars 20 dlares

Fifty dollars 50 dlares

One hundred dollars 100 dlares

2014 Module 10 149

150 Module 10 2014
Module 11
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.

Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church

When will your son graduate? Where will you be attending Church?
Where will he move? How will you be serving in your Church?
Do you think he will be happy? Who will pray this morning?
Will you visit him during your vacation? Will you please read the Bible with me?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where will you work? Will you go hiking with me?
How long will you plan to stay? Will we be going with another friend?
What kind of work will you do? What will the weather be like?
When will you be going to work? How will we make it back in time?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How will we learn English?
Will we be able to learn good English?
Will the Teacher help us?
Will you use the Audio practice materials?
Will the Teacher give us homework assignments?
When will we get to listen to English movies?
Where will we find the English movies with subtitles?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the future or other tenses, such as conditional, past, and past progressive.
Do not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those they have already
learned . Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Buying Appliances
(2 classes with subsequent review)
<?xml version=1.0 encod-
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then, -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//
they two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the EN
words until the students can pronounce them well. DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd>
El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia <plist version=1.0>
que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero. <dict>
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las <key>URL</key>
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin. <string>https://

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Mrs. Nicholas: Hi, Im looking for a stove. Hola, estoy buscando una estufa.
Clerk: Do you want gas or electric? Desea gas o electricidad?
Mrs. Nicholas: Gas, and it cant be over Gas, y no puede ser de ms de
thirty inches wide. treinta pulgadas de ancho.
Clerk: Which color do you prefer? A usted qu color le gusta ms?
Mrs. Nicholas: White. Blanco.
Clerk: Here is a nice one... marked Aqu hay una buena...descontada.
Mrs. Nicholas: How much? Cunto cuesta?
Clerk: Three hundred and Trescientos cuarenta y nueve
forty-nine dollars. dlares.
Mrs. Nicholas: How much does it cost to Cunto es el costo de entregar?
Clerk: Nothing within the city Nada dentro de los lmites de la
limits. ciudad.
Mrs. Nicholas: When can you deliver it? Cundo se puede entregar?
Clerk: Tomorrow afternoon. Maana por la tarde.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 151

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-ove stove, rove, cove st _____ r _____ c _____

de- deliver, delay, delight _____ liver _____ lay _____ light
w- want, with, walk ____ ant ____ ith ____ alk
-rr- tomorrow, worry, sorrow tomo ____ ow wo ____ y so ____ ow
wh- which, white, when _____ ich _____ ite _____ en
-oo- noon, spoon, moon n _____ n sp _____ n m _____ n
-ark marked, bark, dark m _____ ed b _____ d _____
-ine nine, mine, fine n _____ m _____ f _____
c- city, circle, cell _____ ity _____ ircle _____ ell
c- cost, color, cup _____ ost _____ olor _____ up

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
thirty dirty, flirty
wide glide, hide, pride, ride, side, stride, tide
which rich, stitch, ostrich
white bite, kite, rite, site
mark bark, Clark, dark, park
three free, knee, Lee, see, spree, tree
cost lost, frost
city pity, activity, reality, ability

152 Module 11 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

desire select yellow white blue

prefer orange color green

want choose
red black
favor brown

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

city want city large town

inches large town ______________ ______________
electric color ______________ ______________
marked down measurement ______________ ______________
white range ______________ ______________
nice reduced ______________ ______________
stove power ______________ ______________
prefer fuel ______________ ______________
wide good ______________ ______________
gas big ______________ ______________

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct,
teach them to the other students in your group.

2014 Module 11 153

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.
Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice
stove __________________ range __________________
gas __________________ fuel (natural) __________________
electric __________________ power __________________
over __________________ more than __________________
inches __________________ measure of length __________________
wide __________________ broad, big __________________
which __________________ what one __________________
nice __________________ good __________________
marked down __________________ reduced, on sale __________________
thirty __________________ 30 __________________
white __________________ color __________________
prefer __________________ want, desire __________________
city __________________ large town __________________
afternoon __________________ from 12-6pm __________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Mrs. Nicholas: Hi, Im ________________ for a ________________.

Clerk: Do you want ________________ or ________________?
Clerk: Heres a ________________ one on ________________.
Mrs. Nicholas: How ________________ is ________________?
Mrs. Nicholas: When can you ________________ it?
Mrs. Nicholas: How ________________ does ________________ cost to deliver?

154 Module 11 2014

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. What are you looking for? Were looking for

2. What type are you looking for?
3. What color do you prefer?
4. How wide can the stove be?
5. Which stove is on sale?
6. How much does it cost?
7. How much does it cost to
8. Where do you live?
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students in your group.

C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.

1. ( High / Hi ), Im ( looking / lacking ) for a _________________________________

stove. _________________________________
2. ( Dew / Do ) you ( wont / want ) gas or _________________________________
electric? _________________________________
3. Which ( collar / color ) do ( you / youre ) _________________________________
prefer? _________________________________
4. ( Hear / Here ) is a ( niece / nice ) _________________________________
( won / one / on ). _________________________________
5. ( Its / Its ) marked ( done / down ). _________________________________
6. How ( munch / much / match )? _________________________________
7. ( Tree / Three ) hundred dollars. _________________________________
8. How much does it ( cast / cost ) to deliver? _________________________________
9. ( Nothing / no thing ) within the city limits. _________________________________
Teachers- say one of the two or three alternative words and have the students identify which word you said. Help
them recognize the difference.
2014 Module 11 155
LF Language Focus: Colors
Play a game by pointing to something in the room and asking the students to say the color, if they
can, in a full sentence.

yellow green blue purple red orange

brown white black pink grey

LF Language Focus: Measurements

Point to objects in the room; ask these questions, and answer these questions.

<?xml version=1.0 encod-

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple//
How high is it? What is the height?
DTD PLIST 1.0//EN http://www.ap- d How wide is it? What is the width?> ep
th How long is it? What is the length?
<plist version=1.0>
How deep is it? What is the depth?
for%20Design/oven3.psd?_subject_ Unit Abreviations Equivalent
k6u-tee38347AXu5MX3tTEmBf1vPqk- 1 inch 1 in. 1
1 foot 1 ft. 1 = 12 inches


1 yard 1 yd. = 3 feet


1 mile 1 mi = 5,280 feet


Note: When measuring boxes, length is the longer measurement and width is the shorter measurement. Height is always
vertical. Depth refers to the measurement extending inside the item from the users point of entrance, be it vertical or

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

156 Module 11 2014

LF Language Focus: Extra Practice

Common ways of asking questions regarding length, width, height and debt.
Question Answer with sentences
1. How long is the ruler? 12 The ruler is twelve inches long.
2. How long is the yardstick? 3 The yardstick is
3. How wide is the stove? 30
4. How high is the stove? 4
5. How deep is the oven? 28

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Can I help you? 2. Do you have any stoves that are 40

Yes, Im looking for an oven. inches wide?
Yes, we have several over here..

3. What color appliance are you 4. Excuse me, how deep is this oven?
looking for? Its about 25 inches deep.
Either black or white.

5. How much does delivery cost? 6. When can you deliver this stove?
Its free within city limits, and $50 We can deliver it this afternoon.
outside of the city.

2014 Module 11 157

V Expressions related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Expression: marked down

Meaning: reduced price, on sale, less expensive

Example: Do you have anything thats marked down?

Meaning: Do you have anything that is less expensive?

2. Expression: within city limit

Meaning: inside of the city

Example: Is there an appliance store within city limits?

Meaning: Is there an appliance store inside of the city?

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita.

oven horno refrigerator refrigerador

microwave microonda delivery entrega

measurements medicin

158 Module 11 2014

Prepositions of Place

On: I sit on the sofa. Across: I see the mailman across the street.

In: I have lived in Mountain View. Up: They are walking up the stairs.

To: I will travel to Mexico next week. Down: Come down from the tree!

At: I arrived at the airport last night. Onto: The cat jumped onto the sofa.

Near: She lives near the school. Off: She took off her sweater.

Under: The shoes are under the bed. Into: Tom climbed into bed.

Below: They live on the floor below. Out of: She is coming out of the beauty parlor.

Above: The picture hangs above the fireplace. In Front of: The teacher stands in front of the class.

Over The mouse ran over his foot. Next To Please sit next to him.

Around The library is around the corner. Against The man is leaning against the wall.

Through We walk through the park. Over The horse jumps over the fence.

Between It is between the cafe and the park. Towards I sit towards the back of the room.

Behind The book is behind you. Past: Go past the park and turn left.

2014 Module 11 159

160 Module 11 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 11A
Module 11 Dialog Dilogo

Mrs. Nicholas: Hi, Im looking for a stove. Hola, estoy buscando una estufa.
Clerk: Do you want gas or electric? Desea gas o electricidad?
Mrs. Nicholas: Gas, and it cant be over Gas, y no puede ser de ms de
thirty inches wide. treinta pulgadas de ancho.
Clerk: Which color do you prefer? A usted qu color le gusta ms?
Mrs. Nicholas: White. Blanco.
Clerk: Here is a nice one... marked Aqu hay una buena...descontada.
Mrs. Nicholas: How much? Cunto cuesta?
Clerk: Three hundred and Trescientos cuarenta y nueve
forty-nine dollars. dlares.
Mrs. Nicholas: How much does it cost to Cunto es el costo de entregar?
Clerk: Nothing within the city Nada dentro de los lmites de la
limits. ciudad.
Mrs. Nicholas: When can you deliver it? Cundo se puede entregar?
Clerk: Tomorrow afternoon. Maana por la tarde.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Card 11B
color color high alto
yellow amarillo wide ancho
green verde long largo
blue azul deep profundo
purple morado mile milla
red rojo yard metro
orange naranjado foot pie
brown moreno inch pulgada
white blanco
black negro
pink rosado
grey gris

2014 Module 11 161

162 Module 11 2014
Module 12
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of class. As stu-
dents arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and those on time in a warm-
up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The content should usually be based on the prior
class content. Make it fun and useful.
Pre Lesson 12 Warm Up Activity based on Lessons 9-11 Future Tense Content. You should probably have the
class form cluster groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.
Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a hard copy of this
page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the questions below for practice
and warm-up and for practice during the first half hour of class.
Regarding Family/Children Regarding Church
When will your son graduate? Where will you be attending Church?
Where will he move? How will you be serving in your Church?
Do you think he will be happy? Who will pray this morning?
Will you visit him during your vacation? Will you please read the Bible with me?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Work Regarding Friends/Activities

Where will you work? Will you go hiking with me?
How long will you plan to stay? Will we be going with another friend?
What kind of work will you do? What will the weather be like?
When will you be going to work? How will we make it back in time?
(Invent some of your own questions) (Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding English learning

How will we learn English?
Will we be able to learn good English?
Will the Teacher help us?
Will you use the Audio practice materials?
Will the Teacher give us homework assignments?
When will we get to listen to English movies?
Where will we find the English movies with subtitles?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question and answer
process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions to ask and answer in the
future or other tenses, such as conditional, past, and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet
learned, but help them use those they have already learned . Have the students share some of this conversa-
tion at the beginning of your class.
Words/Phrases Indicating a Time Frame
Past Present Future
Long ago, In the past, A while ago, Recently, Now, Soon, Later, In the future, Sometime

Follow the examples and form your own sentences. Prepositional Phrases re place
or location (in, on, at, to)
Long ago, there were Indian tribes that lived in America.
Long ago, _____________________________________________.
In the past, people used to help each other on their farms.
In the past, ___________________________________________.
A while ago, I was exercising at the gym.
A while ago, __________________________________________.
Recently, he was sick.
Recently, ____________________________________________.
Now, I am feeling better.
Now, _______________________________________________.
Soon, Spring will come.
Soon, ______________________________________________.
Later, I will rest at home.
Later, ______________________________________________.
In the future, we might move.
In the future, ________________________________________.
Additional Words Indicating a Time Frame
Before, After, During, While, Meanwhile, Next

Examples: Form your own sentences.

Before I left home, I studied business. Before __________________________________.
During my studies, I worked part time. During __________________________________.
After school, I moved to Santiago. After ___________________________________.
While I am on trips, I miss my wife. While___________________________________.
Meanwhile, I will live at home. Meanwhile,______________________________.
Next, I will take a Spanish class. Next, ___________________________________.
Buying Groceries 12
(2 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Brad: What do we need? Qu necesitamos?
Angie: Cereal for breakfast, bread Cereales para el desayuno, pan y
and lunch meat for lunch, carne de almuerzo para el
and something for dinner. almuerzo, y algo para la cena.
Brad: Here are the cereals. Do you Aqu estn los cereales. Quieres
want a large or small box? una caja grande o una peguea?
Angie: Large. We use it up fast. Grande. Lo consumimos
Please go get a gallon of milk rpidamente. Por favor, ve a
also. conseguir un galn de leche.
Brad: What type of lunch meat do Qu tipo de carne de almuerzo
you want? quieres?
Angie: I like ham. Now, what about A mi me gusta el jamn. Ahora,
dinner? qu hay para la cena?
Brad: Lets have hamburgers on the Vamos a comer hamburguesas a la
grill. parilla.
Angie: Good idea! Hamburgers and Buena idea! Hamburguesas y
fries. papas fritas.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 163

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

br- breakfast, bread, break _____ eakfast _____ ead _____ eak
gr- grill, great, groceries _____ ill _____ eat _____ oceries
l- lunch, large, library ___ unch ___ arge ___ ibrary
a- about, again, ago ___ bout ___ gain ___ go
-i- dinner, milk, grill d ___ nner m ___ lk gr ___ ll
-v- have, love, above ha ___ e lo ___ e abo ___ e
-ike like, bike, hike l _____ b _____ h _____
fr- fries, front, from _____ ies _____ ont _____ om
h- here, have, hamburger ___ ere ___ ave ___ amburger
wh- what, why, where _____ at _____ y _____ ere
-ow now, how, wow n _____ h _____ w _____

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)
Listen and repeat SLOWLY.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
bread dead, head, lead, spread, stead
lunch bunch, hunch, munch, punch
dinner winner, sinner
large barge, charge
use fuse, abuse, refuse, cruse
ham cram, dam, Pam, ram, Sam, slam, yam
now how, now, brown, cow, wow
grill drill, frill, fill, gill, hill, kill, ill, pill, sill, still, will
fries cries, dies, lies, pies, ties

164 Module 12 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

dinner meal purchase pick up

eat get
lunch snack
obtain buy

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

dinner big dinner meal

large meal ______________ ______________
french fries eat it ______________ ______________
use it up carton ______________ ______________
box noon meal ______________ ______________
lunch potatoes ______________ ______________
bread 4 quarts ______________ ______________
gallon loaves ______________ ______________
milk cooking tool ______________ ______________
grill drink ______________ ______________

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

2014 Module 12 165

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.
Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice
cereal __________________ grain __________________
breakfast __________________ morning meal __________________
lunch __________________ noon meal __________________
dinner __________________ evening meal __________________
bread __________________ loaves __________________
lunch meat __________________ prepared meat __________________
gallon __________________ 4 quarts __________________
ham __________________ smoked pork __________________
hamburger __________________ ground meat __________________
grill __________________ cooking tool __________________
french fries __________________ fried potatoes __________________
box __________________ carton __________________
use it up __________________ eat it, consume __________________
milk __________________ drink __________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Brad: What ____________ we ___________? Cereal for __________________.

Angie: Well have lunch _________________ for _________________.
Brad: Do you want a _________________ or _________________ box?
Angie: Please go _________________ a _________________ of milk.
Brad: Lets have _________________ and french _________________.

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

166 Module 12 2014

C Respond to the questions with full sentences in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las preguntas con declaraciones completas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. What do we need? We need

2. Where is the cereal?
3. What type of lunch meat do
you like?
4. Do you want a large or small
5. Whats for breakfast?
6. Whats for lunch?
7. Whats for dinner?
8. Do you like it hot or cold?

C Put a slash (/) between the words and write the complete sentence.

1. What/do/we/need?
2. Cerealforbreakfast,breadandlunchmeatforlunch.
3. Herearethecereals.Doyouwantalargeorsmallbox?
4. Large.Weuseitupfast.
5. Pleasegogetagallonofmilkalso.
6. Whattypeoflunchmeatdoyouwant?
7. Ilikeham.Now,whataboutdinner?
8. Letshavehamburgersonthegrill.
9. Goodidea!Hamburgersandfries.
10. Doyoulikegrilledhamburgers?

2014 Module 12 167

LF Language Focus: Amount by Quantity

A gallon of milk, juice, water <?xml version=1.0 encod-

A quart of milk, juice, water -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//
A pint of cream com/DTDs/PropertyL-
-rev lmx?<
-docne 0.1=nois
A half gallon of ice cream, milk, juice, water >?8-FTU=gni
tsilp EPYTCOD!<
A brick of cheese
<?xml version=1.0 en- //:ptth NE//0.1
A dozen eggs, cookies, donuts, rolls, buns coding=UTF-8?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUB-
A bunch of grapes, bananas, strawberries LIC -//Apple//DTD
PLIST 1.0//EN http:// - en en-
. 0
A head of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli PropertyList-1.0.dtd> = 1 >1.0
on n=? ?>
e rsi erTsFio-8 Fli-s8t ist
l v lvU UETp E pl
A slice of bread, ham, cheese xm ?nxm = =P P
< <di g iCnTg Y TY
co D coO OC
A loaf of bread <! <!D
<?xml ver-
sion=1.0 encod-
A pound of butter, cheese, beef ing=UTF-8?>
<!DOCTYPE plist
A pound of fish, meat, hamburger, chicken PUBLIC -//Apple//
A couple (2) of fish, cookies, bananas .0

o n =1 ?>
rsi -8 B-
m l ve =UTF ist PU
<? ding PE p TD l
A clove of garlic o
enc OCTY ple//D http://
! D Ap s/
I C -// .0//EN /DTD
A cob of corn L 1 m >

L I ST .0.dtd
P p 1 .0>
w.a ist-
ww ertyL on=1
p i
Some juice, milk, potatoes, apples, candy, etc. Pro st vers
l i
(not a specific amount) <p

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

168 Module 12 2014

LF Language Focus: Asking for Amounts
Teacher and Assistants- you may want to have pictures or items and have students come to a table.

Item Full Sentence:

1. lettuce I would like a head of lettuce.
2. milk
3. potatoes
4. cereal
5. pickles
6. bread
7. cheese
8. eggs
9. water
10. ham
11. chicken
12. rolls
13. peaches
14. noodles
15. tuna fish
16. bananas
17. flour
18. fish
19. jam
20. hamburger

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

2014 Module 12 169

LF Language Focus: Amount by Container

A jar of peanut butter, pickles, jam, jelly <?xml ver-

A box of oranges, apples, cereal

A carton of milk, eggs <?xml version=1.0

A bag of potatoes, apples, candy, nuts <!DOCTYPE plist
PUBLIC -//Apple//
A package of noodles, lunch meat, cookies
<?xml ver- com/DTDs/PropertyL-
sion=1.0 ist-1.0.dtd>
A can of shortening, soup, tuna fish encod-

A jug of water

A bottle of (soda) pop, water, lemon juice

<?xml version=1.0
A container of salt, pepper, spice <!DOCTYPE plist
PUBLIC -//Apple//
A bushel of apples, tomatoes, corn DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
A lug of raspberries, strawberries

A sack of flour, sugar, salt <?xml version=1.0

A basket of fruit, peaches <!DOCTYPE plist
PUBLIC -//Apple//
A case of strawberries, canned fruit
A cup of raspberries, strawberries, noodles

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

170 Module 12 2014

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. What should we buy? 2. How much milk do we need?

We need some fresh fruit. A few gallons.
3. Do we need a jar of pickles? 4. How about a loaf of bread?
No, we still have one at home. Yes. Get two loaves, please.
5. I love peaches.
Me too. They taste delicious.

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Expression: Use it up
Meaning: Eat it all. / Finish it.
Example: We used it up fast.
Meaning: We ate it all fast.

2. Expression: What about ___ ?

Meaning: What should we do for ____ ?
Example: What about breakfast?
Meaning: What should we do for breakfast?

2014 Module 12 171

172 Module 12 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 12A
Module 12 Dialog Dilogo
Brad: What do we need? Qu necesitamos?
Angie: Cereal for breakfast, bread Cereales para el desayuno, pan y
and lunch meat for lunch, carne de almuerzo para el
and something for dinner. almuerzo, y algo para la cena.
Brad: Here are the cereals. Do you Aqu estn los cereales. Quieres
want a large or small box? una caja grande o una peguea?
Angie: Large. We use it up fast. Grande. Lo consumimos
Please go get a gallon of milk rpidamente. Por favor, ve a
also. conseguir un galn de leche.
Brad: What type of lunch meat do Qu tipo de carne de almuerzo
you want? quieres?
Angie: I like ham. Now, what about A mi me gusta el jamn. Ahora,
dinner? qu hay para la cena?
Brad: Lets have hamburgers on the Vamos a comer hamburguesas a la
grill. parilla.
Angie: Good idea! Hamburgers and Buena idea! Hamburguesas y
fries. papas fritas.
Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash
Card 12B
Food/measurements Translation Food/measurements Translation
container contenedor slice of bread rebanada (pedazo) de pan
breakfast desayuno loaf of bread barra de pan
lunch almuerzo pound libra

dinner cena meat carne

box caja fish pescado
gallon galn cookies galletas

quart of milk litro de leche bananas pltanos o bananas

pint pinta cob of corn mazorca de maz
brick of cheese ladrillo de queso juice jugo

dozen eggs docena de huevos milk leche

bunch of grapes racimo de uvas potatoes papas
head of lettuce cabeza de lechuga apples manzanas
candy dulces

2014 Module 12 173

174 Module 12 2014
Module 13
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of class. As stu-
dents arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and those on time in a warm-
up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The content should usually be based on the prior
class content. Make it fun and useful.
Pre Lesson 13 Warm Up Activity based on Lessons 3-12 Future Tense Content. You should probably have the
class form cluster groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.
Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a hard copy of this
page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the questions below for practice
and warm-up and for practice during the first 20 minutes of class.

Regarding English Speaking Movies

Will English speaking movies help us learn English?

How do most of the Europeans learn American English?

Why do American movies help Europeans learn English?

How can we understand English speaking movies?

What are subtitles for movies?

Where will we find English speaking movies with subtitles in our language?


What does shadow talking mean?

How many English speaking movies will you watch each week?

(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question and answer pro-
cess. As your students progress, they will be provided other questions to ask and answer in other tenses, such
as conditional, past, and past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use
those they have already learned . Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your
Learning English from Films 13
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
Many Language teachers and learners agree that a most effective way to learn a
language is with videos and movies.Films provide easy access to language content
and settings. Watching films uses both audio and visual paths to learning language.
It presents language in full cultural context with real people and settings, providing a
whole-language experience. Both the verbal and nonverbal content are present,
focusing the learners attention on the actors, their language, and actions. Movies
lower the learners affective filter by capturing attention, increasing motivation,
instilling self-confidence, and reducing anxiety.

Feature films and videos, while highly interesting in content, allow for a pre-speaking
or listening phase, along with some limited reading. By presenting these passive skills
first, the student can ease into the language learning process in preparation for
developing the active skills of speaking and writing.

Next to real-life language experiences with native speakers, movies provide the best
exposure to language in a non-contrived context. In summary, movies give students
language on a silver platter.

Advance Organizer for Teaching ESL/EFL Using Video:
1. Give brief introduction to video: title, type (fact, fiction), setting, main characters, several inter-
esting or key points of the story: President Gordon B. Hinckley tells a story of an older boy and
his young companion.
a) The boys find an old coat and a badly worn pair of shoes by the roadside.
b) What happens with the shoes?
c) What is the farmers reaction?
d) How do the boys feel?
Explain that the video contains many of the common verbs.
2. Play Video:
a) Ask students for any new sound, word, phrase, or sentence they heard.
b) As students provide these, teacher puts them into context, gives a similar word
or briefly explains meanings, models them, and asks students to repeat the
words/phrases. (Do this expeditiously.)
c) Re-play the video.
C Ask for Student Responses (Do several of each type of question.)

Students respond to yes questions:

Tchr. Pres. Hinckley tells a story?......................... St.Yes. (Question main points.)

Students respond to no questions:

Tchr. Pres. Hinckley reads a story?....................... St. No. (Question main points.)

Students respond to fade-out

Tchr. Pres. Hinckley tells a . . . ?
St. story.

Students respond to inquisitive questions:

Tchr. What does Pres. Hinckley tell? .................... St. A story. (Question main points.)

Students respond to indirect questions:

Tchr. John, ask Mary what Pres. Hinckley tells. .... St. Mary, what does President
Hinckley tell.
(Mary answers.)
Tchr. John, what did Mary say? ........................... (John answers.)

Students respond to direct commands:

Tchr. John, tell Mary that Pres. Hinckley
tells a story. .................. John-Mary, Pres. Hinckley tells a
Tchr. Mary, what did John say? (Mary answers.)

176 Module 13 2014

Students, with teachers help, reconstruct a selected part or two of the video:
Do this sentence by sentence in correct order. Teacher prompts as necessary.
(For short parts, some individual students may be able to repeat entire part.)

Students respond to direct questions based on the story:

Tchr. What does Pres. Hinckley tell? (a story)
Tchr. Where did he find the story? (in a book his father had published)
Tchr. What did Pres. Hinckleys family do together? (sang, prayed, listened together)
Tchr. What stories did his mother read to them? (Book of Mormon stories)
Tchr. How did his father tell them stories? (out of his memory)
(NOTE: from here on, most, if not all, questions can be asked in past or present tense. It would be good
practice to go through story once in present tense and once in past tense and even alternate as seems

Tchr. Where are/were the two boys walking? (along a road)

Tchr. What do/did they find on the side of the road? (an old pair of shoes)
(Question all main points. Allow students to ask some of the questions.)

1. Re-play Video:

a) Give students a copy of the Homework Learning Activities. Read (normally)
each paragraph aloud, students listen and read script silently.
b) Next, students take turns reading aloud. (Do this expeditiously.)
c) Explain the Homework Learning Activities and assign students to
complete them.
2. Teacher; you may want to have students write a sentence or two as dictated by teacher.
Or, dictate several questions, students write the questions and their answers.
a) Ask two or three students to write their responses on the blackboard during
this exercise.
b) Teacher circulates and puts a check mark above any errors for students to
c) Finally, ask students to provide answers as needed.
3. Treat each paragraph in story with the steps outlined above. Obviously, a long story will take
a long time to treat each paragraph this way.
a) The teacher may choose to only treat one or two paragraphs of choice.
b) Students language levels should be accommodated and slightly challenged.

C Teacher- The learning process outlined above has been time-tested and works effectively.

2014 Module 13 177

P In-Class/ Homework Assignments

Preview of Video
President Gordon B. Hinckley tells a story of an older boy and his young companion.
The boys find an old coat and a badly worn pair of shoes by the roadside.

What happens with the shoes? What is the farmers reaction?

How do the boys feel?

P In-Class/ Homework Learning Activity

First: Watch video.

Second: Watch video and shadow talk what you hear.

Third: Listen to the video while reading the script below.

Fourth: Complete the learning activities below the script.

178 Module 13 2014

LF Story Script

We sang together. We prayed together. We listened quietly while Mother read

Bible and Book of Mormon stories. Father told us stories out of his memory.
I still remember one of those stories. I found it recently while going through a
book he had published some years ago. Listen to it.
An older boy and his young companion were walking along a road which lead
through a field. They saw an old coat and a badly worn pair of mens shoes by the
roadside. And in the distance they saw the owner working in the field. The
younger boy suggested that they hide the shoes, conceal themselves, and watch
the perplexity on the owners face when he returned.
The older boy thought that would not be so good. He said, This owner must be
a very poor man from the looks of his clothes.
So after talking the matter over, at his suggestion, they concluded to try
another experiment. Instead of hiding the shoes, they would put a silver dollar in
each one and see what the owner did when he discovered the money.
So thats what they did.
Pretty soon the man returned from the field, put on his coat, slipped one foot
into his shoe, felt something hard, took it out, and found a silver dollar. Wondrous
surprise shone upon his face.
He looked at the dollar again and again, turned around and could see nobody,
then proceeded to put on the other shoe, when to his great surprise, he found
another dollar.
His feelings overcame him.
He knelt down and offered aloud a prayer of thanksgiving, in which he spoke
of his wife being sick and helpless and his children without bread. He fervently
thanked the Lord for this bounty from unknown hands, and he invoked the
blessings of heaven upon those who had given him this needed help.
The boys remained hidden until he had gone.
Theyd been touched by his prayer and felt something warm within their
hearts. As they left to walk down the road, one said to the other, Now, really,
dont you have a good feeling?

2014 Module 13 179

V Vocabulary Study
Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the story script.

We _________ together. We __________ together. We __________ quietly while

________ read Bible and Book of Mormon ________. Father ________ us stories

out of his ________. I still ________ one of those stories. I ________ it recently while

________ through a __________ he had published some __________ ago. Listen to

An older ________ and his young companion ________ walking along a ________

which lead through a field. They ________ an old coat and a badly worn ________ of

mens shoes by the ________. And in the ________ they saw the ________ working in

the field. The younger __________ suggested that they ________________ the shoes,

conceal themselves, and ________ the perplexity on the owners ________ when he

returned. The older boy __________ that would not be so good. He ________, This

owner must __________ a very poor _________ from the looks of his ___________.

So after _________ the matter over, at his suggestion, they _________ to try another

________. Instead of hiding the shoes, ________ would put a silver ________ in each

one and __________ what the owner _________ when he discovered


So __________ what they ___________.

180 Module 13 2014

Pretty ________ the man returned ________ the field, put on his ________, slipped

one ________ into his shoe, felt something ________, took it out, and ________ a

silver dollar. Wondrous ________ shone upon ________ face. He ________ at the

dollar again and ________, turned around and could ________ nobody, then

proceeded to put on the ________ shoe, when to his great ________, he found

________ dollar. His feelings ________ him. He knelt ________ and offered aloud

a ___________ of thanksgiving, in which he ________ of his ________ being sick

________ helpless and his children __________ bread. He fervently _________ the

Lord for this bounty from unknown ________, and he invoked __________ blessings

of heaven upon those who had _________ him this needed ________. The boys

________ hidden until he had _____________. Theyd ________ touched by his

prayer and felt ________ warm within their ________. As ________ left to walk

________ the road, one said to the ________, Now, ________, dont you ________

a good feeling?

2014 Module 13 181

P Part A- Directions: Write your responses to the following questions.
Video: ___________________ Date: __________________________
1. Character Description
List your favorite character in this video and describe him/hergood, bad, funny,
serious, etc. Also, list any other characters you would like to include.
2. Interactions
Describe interactions/relationships between characters in this video.
3. Conflicts, Conditions, Obstacles
Describe any brave,noble acts, difficulties, or settings of the characters in the video.
4. Most Interesting Part
Describe the most interesting part of this video for you and state why you liked it.
5. Expressions/Idioms Meanings
List any expressions or idioms you found in this video. Write their meanings. (For
help, you can search for idioms at:
If available, you can also ask a native speaker of English.)
6. Your Personal Observations (Answer the following questions.)
A. Did you like this video? Why or why not?

182 Module 13 2014

B. What did you like most about this video?
C. How did this video make you feel?
D. What have you learned from this video?
E. Do you have any other comments on this video?

P Part B- Directions: Write your answers to these questions. Say the words
aloud as you write them. This will improve your listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and comprehension.

1. When President Hinckley was a boy, what did he and his family do together?
2. What did their Mother read to them?
3. Where did Pres. Hinckley find the story he tells in this video?
4. Where were the two boys walking?
5. What did they find on the side of the road?
6. What was the person they saw in the distance doing?
7. What did the younger boy suggest they do?

2014 Module 13 183

8. What did the older boy think about this suggestion or plan?
9. What did the older boy say about the owner of the clothes and shoes?
10. After talking it over, what did the two boys conclude?
11. What did the man do when he returned from the field?
12. What did he feel when he slipped one foot into his shoe?
13. What did he find when he took his foot out of the shoe?
14. What was his reaction, and what did he do?
15. What happened when he put on his other shoe?
16. What overcame him?
17. What did he do next?
18. What did he speak of in his prayer?
19. For what did he thank the Lord?
20. On whom did he invoke a blessing?
21. How did this experience affect the two boys?
22. As they walked away, what was the final comment the older boy made to the
younger boy?

184 Module 13 2014

C Part C

Teachers, encourage your students to follow this same process on their own with
other films available at
The Restoration
Mountain of the Lord
Other films listed on this website

There are beginning, intermediate, advanced levels, and additional learning

activities available.

Through self-access study, students can control their own learning pace
in an emotionally safe environment, where risk-taking is non-threatening.

2014 Module 13 185

186 Module 13 2014
Module 14
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first 20 minutes of class.

Regarding the Movie of the Two Boys and the Coins

What do you remember about the man in the field?
What do the boys discuss?
What do the boys decide to do?
How does their action affect the farmer?
What is the condition of the mans wife and children?
Do you like this movie?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the future or other tenses, such as conditional, past, and past progressive.
Do not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those they have already
learned . Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Getting a Ride-Conditional Tense
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Tom: Hi, this is Tom. Would you Hola, habla Tom. Me hara
do me a favor? un favor?
Richard: Sure, how can I help you? Por supuesto. Cmo puedo
ayudarle a usted?
Tom: My car is in the repair shop Mi coche est en el taller de
and I would like to go to the reparaciones y me gustara ir a la
meeting on Thursday night. reunin de jueves en la noche.
Richard: No problem. The meeting No hay problema. La reunin
starts at 7:00. What time do comienza a las 7:00. A qu hora
you think we should leave cree que deberamos salir de su casa
your house in order to be para llegar a tiempo?
on time?
Tom: I think 6:40 would be okay. Creo que sera bien salir a las
Does that work for you? 6:40. Est bien con usted?
Richard: Sure, see you then. S, nos vemos.

2014 Glen W. Probst and Von G. Packard 187

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

f- favor, free, face ___ avor ___ ree ___ ace

h- help, home, heat ___ elp ___ ome ___ eat
-ur- sure, fur, purr s _____ e f _____ p _____ r
c- car, court, care ___ ar ___ ourt ___ are
-air repair, pair, stair rep _____ p _____ st _____
m- meeting, mart, male ___ eeting ___ art ___ ale
st- start, stare, stop _____ art _____ are _____ op
-ve leave, save, brave lea _____ sa _____ bra _____

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

favor vehicle favor assistance, help

help assistance, help ______________ ______________
sure so that ______________ ______________
car depart ______________ ______________
repair shop serve, assist ______________ ______________
meeting okay ______________ ______________
start mechanic ______________ ______________
leave fit in your schedule ______________ ______________
in order to appointment ______________ ______________
work for you begin ______________ ______________

188 Module 14 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

support begin initiate

aid service commence first part

a good turn
mechanic garage

repair shop
technician repairman

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
favor flavor, savor, braver
sure pure, cure, assure
shop hop, drop, pop, cop
start heart, part, chart, cart
house mouse, spouse, louse
time crime, lime, dime

2014 Module 14 189

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.
Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Related Words Writing Practice

favor __________________ assistance, help __________________
help __________________ serve, assist __________________
sure __________________ okay __________________
car __________________ vehicle __________________
repair shop __________________ mechanic __________________
meeting __________________ appointment __________________
start __________________ begin __________________
leave __________________ depart __________________
in order to __________________ so that __________________
work for you __________________ fit in your schedule_________________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Tom: Would ________ ___________ __________ a ___________?

Richard: Sure, how can I ___________ ___________ ?
Tom: My ___________ is in the ___________ shop I ___________
___________ to go to the ___________ on Thursday ___________.
Richard: What ___________ do you ___________ we ___________ leave
your house in ___________ to be on ___________ ?
Tom: Does that ___________ for ___________?

190 Module 14 2014

C Respond with a full sentence to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. Can I ask a favor? Sure, what do you need?

2. Where is your car?
3. What time should we leave
your house?
4. When is the meeting?
5. If we leave at 6pm, does that
work for you?

C From the dialog, circle the correct word. Write the complete sentence in pencil.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta. Escriba las oraciones completas con lpiz.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. ( Should / Would ) you do me

a ( favor / flaver ) .
2. Sure, how can I ( help / heap ) you?
3. My ( car / care ) is in the repair
( shop / chop ) .
4. I would ( lake / like ) to go to the meeting
on Thursday ( light / night ).
5. The meeting ( stirs / starts ) at 7:00.
6. Does that ( ware / work ) for you?

2014 Module 14 191

LF Language Focus: Modals could, would, should, and might
Conditional Tense
I I could help if you need it.
could + verb You You could try a different book.
poder We We could watch a movie.
express capacity
(capacidad) They They could go for a walk.
He/She/It He could help another student.
would + verb I I would like a different one.
e.g. gustara, You You would enjoy the movie. Purpose:
hara We We would have a good time. express desire and
(deseo/ They They would like to go to a movie. intention
intencin) He/She/It She would learn a lot in the class.
I I should call them again.
should + verb You You should go to school today.
deber We We should talk to our neighbors.
express obligation
(obligacin) They They should be quiet.
He/She/It He should practice in the book.
I I might visit you today.
might + verb You You might try to be nice.
puede ser We We might go to a movie later.
express possibility
(posibilidad) They It will rain. They might get wet.
He/She/It He might go to Italy this summer.

LF Language Focus: Modals could and would

Circle could or would for each sentence.
Teachers- project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then
repeat the sentences after the teacher.

1. I ( can/could) give you a ride.

2. You ( could / would ) like the movie. It is really funny.
3. She ( could / would ) have a fun time at the party.
4. I ( could / would ) not go to school today because I was sick.
5. They ( could / would ) not like the book because it is not interesting.

192 Module 14 2014

LF Language Focus: Modals should and might
Write should or might for each sentence.

1. I ________________ go home now. It is 9:00 pm.

2. I dont know... he ________________ like that shirt. I think he likes that kind.
3. We ________________ go to a movie later, but we are not sure if we can.
4. She ________________ do her homework every day.
5. They ________________ go to Japan this fall if they can.

LF Language Focus: Role Play

With a partner, create your own conversation for the situations below. Use the correct modal in the
conversation. Perform your conversation in front of the class.

1. Your friend needs a ride to a meeting tomorrow. You have a car. Tell your friend that
you could give him/her a ride.
2. Your friend needs to talk to the doctor. He/she called yesterday, but the office was
closed. Tell your friend that he/she should call again.
3. You saw a movie last night and you liked it. Your friend wants to know if it was a
good movie. Tell your friend that he/she would like it.
4. Your friend went to a meeting yesterday at work, but he/she was confused about
the information. Tell your friend that he/she could talk to the boss or friend at work.
5. You are at a restaurant. You asked for a drink and you finished it. Your server asks if
you would like another drink. Tell the server that you would like a different one.

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Would you do me a favor? 2. I need a ride tomorrow morning to

Sure, what did you need? school. Does that work for you?
Of course! What time should we leave?
3. Could we leave around 8:30? 4. Do you need some help?
No problem. I will be at your Yes, could you please help me carry
house by 8:30 at the latest. this big bag?

2014 Module 14 193

V Expressions related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Expression: Do me a favor.
Meaning: I need your help.
Example: Would you do me a favor.
Meaning: She needs your help.

2. Expression: no problem
Meaning: yes, sure, I can do that.
Example: Could you help me?
No problem! What do you need?
Meaning: Yes, I can help you.

3. Expression: Work for you

Meaning: can you, are you able to, are you available to
Example: If we leave at 5, does that work for you?
Meaning: Are you available to leave at 5?

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita.

favor favor community communidad

repair reparacin technician tchnico
important importante

194 Module 14 2014

Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 14A
Module 14 Dialog Dilogo
Tom: Hi, this is Tom. Would you Hola, habla Tom. Me hara
do me a favor? un favor?
Richard: Sure, how can I help you? Por supuesto. Cmo puedo
ayudarle a usted?
Tom: My car is in the repair shop Mi coche est en el taller de
and I would like to go to the reparaciones y me gustara ir a la
meeting on Thursday night. reunin de jueves en la noche.
Richard: No problem. The meeting No hay problema. La reunin
starts at 7:00. What time do comienza a las 7:00. A qu hora
you think we should leave cree que deberamos salir de su casa
your house in order to be para llegar a tiempo?
on time?
Tom: I think 6:40 would be okay. Creo que sera bien salir a las
Does that work for you? 6:40. Est bien con usted?
Richard: Sure, see you then. S, nos vemos entonces.

Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Card 14B
All persons- I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We / They All persons- I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We / They

Verb Conditional Future

1. to answer would/could/should/might answer will answer

2. to begin would/could/should/might begin will begin
3. to make would/could/should/might make will make

4. to read would/could/should/might read will read

5. to speak would/could/should/might speak will speak
6. to take would/could/should/might take will take

7. to talk would/could/should/might talk will talk

8. to do would/could/should/might do will do
9. to teach would/could/should/might teach will teach
10. to try would/could/should/might try will try

LF Teachers and students-

Use the 60 common verbs found in Module 3 and gesture the conjugations to practice the
conditional tense and conjugations, then afterwards, the future tense and its conjugations.

2014 Module 14 195

196 Module 14 2014
Module 15
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first 20 minutes of class.

Regarding Helping a Friend

Dont you think you should help your friend?
How could you help him get to Church?
Would you give him a ride?
What time could you pick him up?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Your Work
When should you be at work?
How will you get to work?
What time could you leave for work?
When would you be willing to leave?
If you leave then, what time would you get to work?
Will you be at work on time?
(Invent some of your own questions)

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the conditional and other tenses, such as imperfect, conditional, past, and
past progressive. Do not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those
they have already learned . Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning
of your class.

Making a New Friend 15
(3 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read one or two words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Linda: Jody, tell me about yourself. Jody, cuenteme acerca de usted. En
Where were you born and dnde naci y en donde ha vivido?
where have you lived?
Jody: I was born in Philadelphia, Yo nac en Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Pennsylvania, but then we pero de all nos trasladamos a
moved to Tennessee where I Tennessee donde yo viva hasta tener
lived until I was fifteen. Then quince aos. Entonces nos trasladamos
we moved to Dallas, Texas a Dallas, Texas hasta que me fu a la
where I lived until I went off universidad en New York.
to college in New York.
Linda: What kind of sports do you like? A usted, qu deportes le gustan?
Jody: I used to play tennis until I had Yo jugaba al tenis hasta que me da la
a knee injury that put a stop to rodilla, y as tuve que dejar de jugar
that. How about you? al tenis. Y a usted?
Linda: I used to play golf, but now I Yo jugaba al golf, pero ahora me hace falta
dont have time. When I can I like tiempo. Cuando puedo, a m me gusta
to watch it. Do you like to hike? verlo. A usted le gusta la caminata?
Jody: Yes, and there is a great nature S, y hay un muy buen paseo de
walk in the county park nearby. naturaleza en el parque del condado
Would you like to go sometime? que est cerca. A usted le gustara ir
algn da?
Linda: Sure, how about a Saturday Claro, qu tal un sbado,tal vez este
maybe this Saturday morning? sbado?
Jody: Great, Ill plan to pick you up Bueno, pasar por su casa a las 9:00
at 9:00 a.m, if you like. de la maana, si est bien.
P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-a- plan, bad, band pl ___ n b ___ d b ___ nd

sp- sports, spin, spend _____ orts _____ in _____ end
-ck pick, pack, dock pi _____ pa _____ do _____
-teen fifteen, sixteen, canteen fif _____ six _____ can _____
kn- knee, knife, know _____ ee _____ ife _____ ow
-ime time, lime, chime t _____ l _____ ch _____
-ide side, hide, guide s _____ h _____ gu _____
-ive drive, five, alive dr _____ f _____ al _____
-tch patch, catch, match pa _____ ca _____ ma _____
-ure sure, pure, cure s _____ p _____ c _____
-ure injure, mature, nature in _____ ma _____ na _____
-v have, moved, leave ha ___ e mo ___ ed lea ___ e

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
pick chick, kick, lick, nick, quick, sick, slick, tick, thick
born corn, forlorn, horn, torn, worn
park bark, Clark, dark, lark, mark, shark,
hike bike, like, Mike, pike
sport abort, fort, port, short, sort

198 Module 15 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and similar words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

physical activity wild life scenery

games athletics nature
sports outdoors landscape
recreation pastime environment

enjoy adore
prefer love
appreciate be fond of

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

sports __________________ athletics __________________
sometime __________________ anytime __________________
pick you up __________________ give you a ride __________________
sure __________________ yes __________________
play __________________ do __________________
watch __________________ view __________________
injury __________________ hurt __________________
nature __________________ outside __________________
until __________________ before __________________
like __________________ enjoy __________________
went off __________________ left for __________________

2014 Module 15 199

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)
Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

sports give you a ride sports athletics

sometime athletics ______________ ______________
pick you up hurt ______________ ______________
sure do ______________ ______________
play before ______________ ______________
watch anytime ______________ ______________
injury enjoy ______________ ______________
nature view ______________ ______________
until yes ______________ ______________
like left for ______________ ______________
went off outside ______________ ______________
Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to the other students in your group.

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Linda: Jody, tell me ________________ yourself. Where were you born and
________________ have you lived?
Jody: I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but then we ________________
to Tennessee where I lived until I was fifteen.
Linda: What kind of ________________ do you like?
Jody: I ________________ play tennis until I had a knee injury. How about
Linda: I used to ________________ golf, but now I dont have time. When I can
I like to ________________ it. Do you like to hike?
Jody: Yes, and there is a great ________________ walk in the county park
nearby. ________________ ________________ like to go sometime?
Linda: ________________ , how about a Saturday maybe ________________
Saturday morning?
Jody: Great, Ill plan to ________________ you up at 9:00 a.m, if you like.

200 Module 15 2014

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. Where are you from? Im from

2. We should go hiking sometime.
3. How about Saturday morning?
4. What kind of sports do you like?

C From the dialog, circle the correct word.

Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta.

Linda: Jody, tell me about ( you / yourself ). Where were you born and where have
you ( lived / left )?
Jody: I was ( barn / born ) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but ( then / than ) we
moved to Tennessee where I lived until I was fifteen. Then we moved to
Dallas, Texas where I lived until I went off to college in New York.
Linda: What kind of sports ( do / does ) you like?
Jody: I ( used / used to ) play tennis until I had a ( key / knee ) injury that put a stop
to that. How about you?
Linda: I used to play golf, but ( now / know ) I dont have time. When I can I like to
watch it. Do you like to ( hick / hike )?
Jody: Yes, and ( there / these ) is a great nature walk in the county park nearby.
Would you ( lick / like ) to go sometime?
Linda: Sure, ( how / who ) about a Saturday ( many / maybe ) ( the / this )
Saturday morning?

2014 Module 15 201

LF Language Focus: Imperfect Verb Tense: used to + Verb
(The imperfect past is formed by placing the words used to in front of the infinitive of a verb)

Past Repeated Actions

The Imperfect Verb Tense is used for actions done repeatedly in the past before a
period of time but are done no longer.

Past Now Future
I used to ride my bicycle every day when I was a child. (I am not a child now.)
I used to exercise at the gym every Tuesday.
I used to visit my friends in Georgia every summer.

Past Facts
The Imperfect Verb Tense is also used for facts and generalizations that were true in
the past but are not true in the present.

Past Now Future

I used to live in California, but now I live in Utah.
Alicia used to be a student, but now she has a full-time job.
My sister used to live in Miami, but last year she moved to Boston.

Assistants- help students write and say sentences using a few of these words. When correct, teach them to
the other students in your group.

202 Module 15 2014

LF Language Focus: used to

I used to I used to go to school at the Junior college.

I _______________________ (eat) too much.
YOU used to You used to have blonde hair.
You __________________________ (have) fun playing soccer.
WE used to We used to see each other often.
We __________________________ (help) each other.
THEY used to They used to come to watch movies.
They __________________________ (study) together.
HE/SHE/IT used to He/she used to help the other students.
He/She __________________________ (learn) with fold cards.

LF Language Focus Practice: used to

Project the exercise. Have the students fill in the blanks in their notebooks and then repeat the
sentences after the teacher.

1. We used to go to the movies (every Tuesday / one time ) .

2. I _______________ visit my grandmother (every summer / last night).
3. He _________________live in Arizona (next year / as a child).
4. Maria _______________ want to be a nurse (when she was younger / on Sunday).
5. David _______________ exercise (yesterday / every day).
6. Olivia and Jordan _______________ date (a long time ago / last week).

C Create and share some of your own sentences with the imperfect tense using the words used to and
the infinitive of some of the 60 common verbs.

2014 Module 15 203

LF Language Focus Practice: used to

Practice: write sentences using the form used to and the words below.
1. Kaylee / work at the museum. Kaylee used to work at the Museum.
2. Tamara / work / every weekend.
3. We / live near the ocean.
4. They / study math / every day.
5. Ryan and Holly / watch TV /
every day.
6. Jeffrey / go to college.
7. David / visit his cousins /
once a month.
8. My brother / want to be a pilot /
when he was younger.

LF Review Simple Present and Imperfect Tense

The simple present tells us facts or generalizations about the present time.
Examples: Today is Thursday.
We live in Utah. They live in California. He lives in New York.
I work at Walmart. You work at the bank. She works full-time.
Everyone studies English. My brother studies mathematics. You study art.

The Imperfect tense tells us that the action was repeated in the past.
Part 1: Imperfect Part 2: Simple Present
My sister used to live in Florida, but now she lives in Louisiana.

C Play charades, you first, then students, acting out some of the action verbs and helping the students
describe what you, he, she or we used to do. Gesture the conjugations.

204 Module 15 2014

LF Review Simple Present and Imperfect Tense

1. My mother / live / Dallas // she / Denver

My mother used to live in Dallas, but now she lives in Denver.
2. The Vasquez family / own a restaurant // they / run a bakery
, but now
3. Alicia / study English // she / French
, but now
4. gas / cost one dollar per gallon // it / more than $3 per gallon
, but now
5. I / work part-time // I / work full-time
, but now

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. I visited Colorado last summer. 2. There are some great hiking trails nearby.
Thats neat! I used to live there. We should go together sometime.
3. Where are you from? 4. Before moving here, what did you
I have lived all over the place - used to do?
Pennysylvania, Tennesse, Texas I used to work for a bank, and on the
and New York. I used to go to the beach.
5. We should go sometime. Are you
free on Saturday?
I have some time in the morning,
say 9 oclock?

2014 Module 15 205

V Expressions related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Expression: pick (someone) up

Meaning: stop by and give you a ride
Example: Ill pick you up around 11:30.
Meaning: Ill stop by around 11:30 and give you a ride.

2. Expression: say (time)

Meaning: Does this (time) work for you?
Example: Can I stop by on Saturday? Say one oclock?
Meaning: Can I stop by on Saturday? Does 1 oclock work for you?

3. Expression: be a good sport

Meaning: be someone who does not get angry if they lose a game or
Example: He was a good sport after the game, even though he lost.
Meaning: He was not angry after the game, even though he lost.

4. Expression: went off (to a place)

Meaning: left to go (to a place)
Example: He went off to the Army when he was 18.
Meaning: He left to go to the Army when he was 18.

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita.

athletic atltico golf golf

park parque tennis tenis
nature la naturaleza activty actividad
mountain montaa

206 Module 15 2014

Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash

Card 15A

Module 15 Dialog Dilogo

Linda: Jody, tell me about yourself. Jody, cuenteme acerca de usted. En
Where were you born and dnde naci y en donde ha vivido?
where have you lived?
Jody: I was born in Philadelphia, Yo nac en Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Pennsylvania, but then we pero de all nos trasladamos a
moved to Tennessee where I Tennessee donde yo viva hasta tener
lived until I was fifteen. Then quince aos. Entonces nos trasladamos
we moved to Dallas, Texas a Dallas, Texas hasta que me fu a la
where I lived until I went off universidad en New York.
to college in New York.
Linda: What kind of sports do you like? A usted, qu deportes le gustan?
Jody: I used to play tennis until I had Yo jugaba al tenis hasta que me da la
a knee injury that put a stop to rodilla, y as tuve que dejar de jugar
that. How about you? al tenis. Y a usted?
Linda: I used to play golf, but now I Yo jugaba al golf, pero ahora me hace falta
dont have time. When I can I like tiempo. Cuando puedo, a m me gusta
to watch it. Do you like to hike? verlo. A usted le gusta la caminata?
Jody: Yes, and there is a great nature S, y hay un muy buen paseo de
walk in the county park nearby. naturaleza en el parque del condado
Would you like to go sometime? que est cerca. A usted le gustara ir
algn da?
Linda: Sure, how about a Saturday Claro, qu tal un sbado,tal vez este
maybe this Saturday morning? sbado?
Jody: Great, Ill plan to pick you up Bueno, pasar por su casa a las 9:00
at 9:00 a.m, if you like. de la maana, si est bien.

2014 Module 15 207

208 Module 15 2014
Vocabulary Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada de Vocabulario con Flash

Card 15B
I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We / They used to study _____________________.
to live _______________________.
to run _______________________.
to go ________________________.
to sing _______________________.
to work ______________________.

Card 15C
sports __________________ athletics __________________
sometime __________________ anytime __________________
pick you up __________________ give you a ride __________________
sure __________________ yes __________________
play __________________ do __________________
watch __________________ view __________________
injury __________________ hurt __________________
nature __________________ outside __________________
until __________________ before __________________
like __________________ enjoy __________________
went off __________________ left for __________________

2014 Module 15 209

210 Module 15 2014
Module 16
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first 45 minutes of class.

Conversations at Home with the Children Answers

What did you learn in school today? We learned about U.S. history
What will you be studying tomorrow? We will be studying geography.
What would you like to learn in school? Id like to become a dentist.
What is your favorite class? I like the sciences.
Did you get a homework assignment today? Yes, a math assignment.
How can I help you with your studies? I dont know, it is algebra.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Your Work Answers
What did you do at work today? I made a presentation
Did you talk with your boss? Yes, we planned the work for the week
What did he/she say? I said he was pleased with my work.
What will you be doing tomorrow? I will be meeting with my co-workers.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Conversation at Work with a Friend Answers
What did you do last weekend? I went to the beach
Where were you? We went to Capitola
How did you get there? We drove our car
How long did it take? It took about 45 minutes.
Did you like it there? Yes, we liked it, the sandy beach was nice to
(Invent some of your own questions) walk on.

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the past tense, as well as in the conditional, past, and past progressive. Do
not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those they have already
learned. Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Asking and Answering Questions
Past Tense)

Ask Yes/No questions with were/was Answer Yes/No

Were you reading? Yes, I was (No I am not) reading

we_________ ing? Yes, we were (No we are not)_________ ing
they _______ ing? Yes, they were (No they are not) _______ ing
Was he speaking? Yes, he is (No he is not) __________ ing
she ________ ing? Yes, she is (No she is not)__________ ing
it __________ing? Yes, it is (No it is not) ___________ ing

Ask Yes/No questions with do/does Answer Yes/No

Did you work? Yes, I worked (No, I did not work.)

we _________? Yes, we _____ed (No, we did not work.)
they ________? Yes, they _____ed (No, they did not work.)
Did he _________? Yes, he _____ed (No, he did not work.)
She ________? Yes, she _____ed (No, she did not work.)
It___________? Yes, it _____ed (No, it did not work.)

Ask content questions with are/is Answer content questions

What were you/we/they doing? I was studying. We/They were studying

was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing.
When were you/we/they coming? I was _______ing. We/They were ____ing on ______.
was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing.
Where were you/we/they going? I was _______ing. We/They were ____ing on ______.
was he/she/it ______ing? He/She/It was ______ing on _______.
Why were you/we/they leaving? I am, We/They were ______ing, because ______.
was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing, because ______.
Who were you/we/they helping? I was _______ing. We/They were ____ing on ______.
was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing. on ______.
How were you/we/they learning? I was _______ing. We/They were ______ing.
was he/she/it learning? He/She/It was ______ing.

Ask content questions with do/does Answer content questions

What did you/we/they he/she/it believe? I/We/They/He/She/It believed ____________.

When did you/we/they he/she/it work? I/We/They/He/She/It worked on ____________.
Where did you/we/they/he/she/it live? I/We/They/He/She/It lived in ____________.
Why did you/we/they/he/she/it pray? I/We/They/He/She/It prayed, because ___________.
Who did you/we/they/he/she/it help? I/We/They/He/She/It helped, because _____________.
Which did you/we/they/he/she/it stop? I/We/They/He/She/It stopped _______________.
How did you/we/they/he/she/it learn? I/We/They/He/She/It learned by ____________ing
Discussing the Day 16
(4 classes with subsequent Review)
The teacher and assistants, and English speakers at home, help the Spanish
speaker with this English Dialog. First, they read the whole dialog. Then,
they read two or three words and leave time for the students to repeat the
words until the students can pronounce them well.

El maestro de la clase y sus asistentes, tanto como los miembros de la familia

que hablan ingls, ensean con este dilogo. Primero, lean el dilogo entero.
Entonces, lean dos o tres palabras, dejando tiempo para que los alumnos las
repitan hasta que puedan pronunciarlas bin.

C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.

Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Mother: Hi, how was your day? What did Hola, cmo te fue este da? Qu hiciste?
you do?
Father: I prepared a presentation for Prepar una presentacin para el
work and spoke for about 30 trabajo y habl unos 30 minutos en
minutes at a meeting. una reunin.
Mother: How did it go? Cmo te fue?
Father: My boss said it went very well. Mi jefe me dijo que todo sali bien.
Mother: Great. Bien.
Father: How was your day? Cmo te fue este da?
Mother: I took the kids to school, and Llev a los nios a la escuela, y entonces
then I had to go shopping. I tuve que ir de compras. Compr
bought groceries for the whole comida para toda la semana. Tambin
week. I also read and practiced le y practiqu nuestras English Fold
our English Fold Cards. They Cards. stas me ayudan bastante.
really helped me.
Father: I will need to do that, too. Kids, Yo tambin necesitar hacer eso.
what did you do? Nios, qu hicieron ustedes?
Son: I played soccer with my friends Yo jugu al ftbol con mis amigos en la
in the street. Then I studied my calle. Luego estudi mis lecciones.
Mother: Good. Maybe we could watch a Bien. Quizs podramos ver una
special movie tonight, since you pelcula, juntos esta noche,
already did your homework. siendo que ya hicieron sus tareas.

2014 Module 16 211

P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

sp- spoke, speed, special ___ oke ___ eed ___ ecial
k- kids, kind, keep ___ ids ___ ind ___ eep
gr- grow, green, great ___ ow ___ een ___ eat
r- really, read, reply ___ eally ___ ead ___ eply
-o- soccer, shopping, rock s ___ ccer sh ___ pping r ___ ck
-ee- bee, deep, feed b ___ d ___ p f ___ d
-ll will, skill, bill wi ___ ski ___ b ___

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

boss __________________ supervisor __________________
practice __________________ study __________________
kids __________________ children __________________
great __________________ very good __________________
in the street __________________ outside __________________
30 minutes __________________ half hour __________________
together __________________ with each other __________________
maybe __________________ possibly __________________
too __________________ also __________________
whole __________________ entire __________________

212 Module 16 2014

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

around almost read review

close to about practically
learn about practice
approximately roughly
possibly perhaps


C Create and share a sentence using one or more of these words.

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
boss loss, moss, toss, floss, cross
whole pole, role, sole, mole, dole, stole
took look, book, cook, hook
school stool, tool, fool cool, spool, pool
fold old, cold, scold, gold, bold, told, hold, sold
spoke smoke, broke, joke, poke, stroke

2014 Module 16 213

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

boss children boss supervisor

practice supervisor ______________ ______________
kids possibly ______________ ______________
great outside ______________ ______________
in the street study ______________ ______________
30 minutes entire ______________ ______________
together half hour ______________ ______________
maybe very good ______________ ______________
too also ______________ ______________
whole with each other ______________ ______________

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.

Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Mother: Hi, ___________ ____________ your day? What did you do?
Father: I prepared a ___________ for work and I ___________ for about 30
minutes at a meeting.
Mother: How ___________ it go?
Father: My ___________ said it ___________ very well.
Mother: Great!
Father: How was your day?
Mother: I ___________ the kids to school, and then I had to go shopping. I
bought groceries for the ___________ week. I also read and practiced
our English Fold Cards. They really ___________ me.
Father: I will ___________ to do that, too. ___________ , what did you do?
Son: I played soccer in the street with my ___________ . Then I studied my
Mother: Good. ___________we could watch a special movie ___________
tonight, since you already ___________ your homework.

214 Module 16 2014

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.
Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. How was your day? It was

2. It went well.
3. What did you do?
4. I studied my lessons.

C From the dialog, circle the correct word.

Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta.

Mother: Hi, ( how / who ) was your day? What did you do?
Father: I prepared a presentation for work and I ( speak / spoke ) for about 30
minutes at a meeting.
Mother: How ( do / did ) it go?
Father: My boss said it ( want / went ) very well.
Mother: Great!
Father: How was your day?
Mother: I ( took / talk ) the kids to school and then I had to go shopping. I bought
groceries for the ( hole / whole ) week. I also read and practiced our
English Fold Cards. They really helped me.
Father: I will ( need / deed ) to do that, too. Kids, what did you do?
Son: I ( play / played ) soccer in the street with my friends then I studied my
Mother: Good. ( May / Maybe ) we could watch a special movie together tonight,
since you already ( do / did ) your homework.

2014 Module 16 215

LF Language Focus: 60 Common Verbs in the Preterite (Past) Tense

Sample preterite (past) tense verbs with sample sentences. Fill in the blank practice sentences after I, You, We,
They, He, She or It. Note that the past tense verb is the same for all persons. Use a pencil.

1. To Arrive: It arrived late. He with me.
2. To Believe: They believed you. She it.
3. To Hear: She heard a noise. You the song.
4. To Invite: You invited him. We them.
5. To Like: I liked the dinner. He the class.
6. To Love: We loved the music. They learning English.

7. To Ask: I asked a question. We him again.
8. To Answer: He answered right away. She correctly.
9. To Call: They called every night. We him on the phone.
10. To Cash: You cashed the check. He the check.
11. To Finish: It finished early. You on time.
12. To Help: She helped his friend. We everyone.
13. To Laugh: They laughed at the joke. I all night.
14. To Learn: I learned a lot. We the verbs.
15. To Listen: He listened carefully. They to the instructions.
16. To Look: You looked right at him. He crazy.
17. To Repeat: We repeated the dialog. She the vocabulary.
18. To Spell: She spelled the word right. He the word wrong.
19. To Stay: We stayed the night. They too long.
20. To Talk: You talked for an hour. He during class.
21. To Visit: I visited grandmother. She her friends.
22. To Walk: They walked for exercise. We all day.
23. To Want: It wanted to rest. They to learn English.
24. To Watch: He watched T.V. We the demonstration.
25. To Work: You worked too hard. We on Saturday.

26. To Cry: He cried a lot. She that night.
27. To Study: They studied for a test. We all weekend.
28. To Try: We tried hard. He to learn Spanish.

216 Module 16 2014

29. To Begin: It began late. He class this week.
30. To Bring: He brought our books. She a friend.
31. To Come: It came tonight. We home.
32. To Do: I did my assignment They well.
33. To Drink: They drank the water. We the soda.
34. To Eat: We ate well. He everything.
35. To Feel: They felt bad. She something soft.
36. To Find: I found the wallet. He the address.
37. To Fly: They flew out yesterday. We to New York.
38. To Get: He got ill. She better.
39. To Give: She gave him a dollar. I it away.
40. To Go: You went home. They away.
41. To Have: We had too much work. She too much money.
42. To Know: They knew the way. We the problem.
43. To Leave: I left early. They at noon.
44. To Make: He made it home. She a cake.
45. To Meet: She met the teacher. They each other.
46. To Need: I need to eat. She ___________________ to go to school.
47. To Read: We read all night. He the book.
48. To Remember: I remember her well. They ___________________ the story.
49. To Say: They said it in English. We they could go.
50. To See: I saw her go. She the accident.
51. To Sing: She sang the song. They well.
52. To Speak: We spoke Spanish. He at Church.
53. To Take: You took a long time. She her book along.
54. To Teach: I taught English classes. They well.
55. To Think: She thought a lot about it. He about his mother.
56. To Write: He wrote a letter. She well.
57. To Understand: I understood the class. We her English.
58. To Be: I / He / She / It was ill.
You / We / They were good. He good in English.
59. To Be Able To: I / He / She / It was able to eat.
You / We / They were able to read. She able to speak well.
60. (Alternate) I/You/We/They/He/She/It
could run fast They work hard.
Play charades, you first, then students, acting out some of the action verbs and helping the students describe what you, he,
she or we did.
2014 Module 16 217
LF Language Focus Practice: Preterite Tense Guidelines

Guidelines for this Verb List:

Verbs adding d : drop the to and add d for all persons
Verbs adding ed : drop the to and add ed for all persons
Verbs adding ied : drop the to and change the y to i and add ed for all persons
Irregular Verbs: drop the to and memorize the irregular verb forms (same for all persons)

Infinitive Verb + d Infinitive Verb + ed Infinitive Verb + ied Infinitive Irregular

To Arrive arrived To Ask asked To Cry cried To Begin began
To Believe believed To Answer answered To Study studied To Bring brought
To Hear heard* To Call called To Try tried To Come came
To Invite invited To Cash cashed To Do did
To Like liked To Finish finished To Drink drank
To Love loved To Help helped To Eat ate
To Laugh laughed To Feel felt
To Learn learned To Find found
To Listen listened To Fly flew
To Look looked To Get got
To Repeat repeated To Give gave
To Spell spelled To Go went
To Stay stayed To Have had
To Talk talked To Know knew
To Visit visited To Leave left
To Walk walked To Make made
To Want wanted To Meet met
To Watch watched To Read read**
To Work worked To Say said
To See saw
To Sing sang
* Pronunciation of heard: /herd/ To Speak spoke
** Pronunciation of read: /red/ To Study studied
To Take took
To Teach taught
To Tell told
To Think thought
To Write wrote
To Understand understood
Irregular Verbs (continued)
To Be I / He / She / It was You / We / They were
To Be Able To I / He / She / It was able to You / We / They were able to
(Alternate) I / you / We / They / He / She / It could

218 Module 16 2014

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. How was your day? 2. What did you do?

It was long. (great, boring, good). I went to English class.
3. How did class go? 4. I studied the English Fold Cards a lot.
It went well. I learned new Thats wonderful. I should study them, too.
vocabulary and grammar.
5. I finished my homework
Good for you!

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Expression: How did ______ go?

Meaning: How was ______ ?
Example: How did your presentation go?
Meaning: How was your presentation?

2. Expression: ______ went well / okay / poorly.

Meaning: ______ was good / okay / bad
Example: My presentation went okay.
Meaning: My presentation was okay.

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita.

study estudiar practice practicar

prepare preparar presentation presentacin
minutes minutos lessons lecciones
special especial

2014 Module 16 219

220 Module 16 2014
Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 16A

Module 16 Dialog Dilogo

Dialog Dilogo
Mother: Hi, how was your day? What did Hola, cmo te fue este da? Qu hiciste?
you do?
Father: I prepared a presentation for Prepar una presentacin para el
work and spoke for about 30 trabajo y habl unos 30 minutos en
minutes at a meeting. una reunin.
Mother: How did it go? Cmo te fue?
Father: My boss said it went very well. Mi jefe me dijo que todo sali bien.
Mother: Great. Bien.
Father: How was your day? Cmo te fue este da?
Mother: I took the kids to school, and Llev a los nios a la escuela, y entonces
then I had to go shopping. I tuve que ir de compras. Compr
groceries for the whole week. I comida para toda la semana. Tambin
also read and practiced our le y practiqu nuestras English Fold
English Fold Cards. They really Cards. stas me ayudan bastante.
helped me.
Father: I will need to do that, too. Kids, Yo tambin necesitar hacer eso.
what did you do? Nios, qu hicieron ustedes?
Son: I played soccer with my friends Yo jugu al ftbol con mis amigos en la
in the street. Then I studied my calle. Luego estudi mis lecciones.
Mother: Good. Maybe we could watch a Bien. Quizs podramos ver una
special movie tonight, since you pelcula, juntos esta noche,
already did your homework. siendo que ya hicieron sus tareas.

2014 Module 16 221

222 Module 16 2014
Card 16B
Verb Translation Preterite for ALL persons Sample sentence
Add d
1. To Arrive llegar arrived I arrived.
2. To Believe creer believed We believed.
3. To Hear sentir heard You heard.

4. To Invite invitar invited They invited.

5. To Like gustar de liked He liked. She
6. To Love amar loved loved.

Add -ed
7. To Ask preguntar asked It asked.
8. To Answer responder, contestar answered I answered.
9. To Call llamar called You called.

10. To Cash cobrar cheque cashed We cashed

11. To Finish terminar finished They finished.
12. To Help ayudar helped He helped.

13. To Laugh reirse laughed She laughed

14. To Learn aprender learned It learned
15. To Listen escuchar listened I listened

16. To Look mirar looked You looked

17. To Repeat repetir repeated We repeated.
18. To Spell leteriar spelled They spelled

19. To Stay quedarse stayed He stayed

20. To Talk hablar talked She talked
21. To Visit visitar visited We visited

22. To Walk caminar walked I walked

23. To Want desear wanted You wanted
24. To Watch fijarse watched We watched

25. To Work trabajar worked They worked

Change y to i and add -ed

26. To Cry llorar cried He cried.
27. To Study estudiar studied She studied.
28. To Try intenar tried I tried.

2014 Module 16 223

224 Module 16 2014
Card 16C
Verb Translation Preterite for ALL persons Sample sentence
Irregular (they do not follow a pattern)
29. To Be (I, he, she, it) estar, ser was I was happy.
He was happy.
She was happy.
It was cold.
30. To Be (you, they, we) estar, ser were You were happy.
They were happy.
We were happy.
31. To Be Able To poder was able to I was able to do it.
(I, he, she, it) He was able to do it.
She was able to.
It was able to.
(you, they, we) were able to You were able to.
They were able to.
We were able to.
alternate: Can could I could.
32. To Begin empezar began It began.
33. To Bring traer brought You brought it.
34. To Come venir came We came.

35. To Do hacer did They did it.

36. To Drink beber drank She drank.
37. To Eat comer ate He ate.

38. To Feel sentir felt I felt it.

39. To Find encontrar found You found it.

2014 Module 16 225

226 Module 16 2014
Card 16D

Verb Translation Preterite for ALL persons Sample sentence

40. To Fly volar flew We flew.
41. To Get obtener got It got cold.
42. To Give dar gave They gave it to me.

43. To Go ir went She went home. He

44. To Have tener had had it.
45. To Know saber knew I knew it.

46. To Leave salir left You left.

47. To Make hacer made We made it.
48. To Meet conocer met They met.

49. To Need necesitar needed I needed some.

50. To Read leer read She read.
51. To Say decir said He said it.

52. To See ver saw I saw it.

53. To Sing cantar sang You sang.
54. To Speak hablar spoke We spoke.

55. To Take tomar took They took it.

56. To Teach ensear taught She taught.
57. To Tell decir told He told me.

58. To Think pensar thought I thought.

59. To Understand entender understood You understood.
60. To Write escribir wrote We wrote.

2014 Module 16 227

228 Module 16 2014
Module 17
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first 45 minutes of class.

Conversations at Home with the Children Answers

What did you learn in school today? We learned about U.S. history
What will you be studying tomorrow? We will be studying geography.
What would you like to learn in school? Id like to become a dentist.
What is your favorite class? I like the sciences.
Did you get a homework assignment today? Yes, a math assignment.
How can I help you with your studies? I dont know, it is algebra.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Regarding Your Work Answers
What did you do at work today? I made a presentation
Did you talk with your boss? Yes, we planned the work for the week
What did he/she say? I said he was pleased with my work.
What will you be doing tomorrow? I will be meeting with my co-workers.
(Invent some of your own questions)

Conversation at Work with a Friend Answers
What did you do last weekend? I went to the beach
Where were you? We went to Capitola
How did you get there? We drove our car
How long did it take? It took about 45 minutes.
Did you like it there? Yes, we liked it, the sandy beach was nice to
(Invent some of your own questions) walk on.

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. As your students progress, they will be re-provided these same questions
to ask and answer in the past tense, as well as in the conditional, past, and past progressive. Do
not include tenses they have not yet learned, but help them use those they have already
learned. Have the students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Asking and Answering Questions
Past Tense)

Ask Yes/No questions with were/was Answer Yes/No

Were you reading? Yes, I was (No I am not) reading

we_________ ing? Yes, we were (No we are not)_________ ing
they _______ ing? Yes, they were (No they are not) _______ ing
Was he speaking? Yes, he is (No he is not) __________ ing
she ________ ing? Yes, she is (No she is not)__________ ing
it __________ing? Yes, it is (No it is not) ___________ ing

Ask Yes/No questions with do/does Answer Yes/No

Did you work? Yes, I worked (No, I did not work.)

we _________? Yes, we _____ed (No, we did not work.)
they ________? Yes, they _____ed (No, they did not work.)
Did he _________? Yes, he _____ed (No, he did not work.)
She ________? Yes, she _____ed (No, she did not work.)
It___________? Yes, it _____ed (No, it did not work.)

Ask content questions with are/is Answer content questions

What were you/we/they doing? I was studying. We/They were studying

was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing.
When were you/we/they coming? I was _______ing. We/They were ____ing on ______.
was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing.
Where were you/we/they going? I was _______ing. We/They were ____ing on ______.
was he/she/it ______ing? He/She/It was ______ing on _______.
Why were you/we/they leaving? I am, We/They were ______ing, because ______.
was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing, because ______.
Who were you/we/they helping? I was _______ing. We/They were ____ing on ______.
was he/she/it ______ ing? He/She/It was ______ing. on ______.
How were you/we/they learning? I was _______ing. We/They were ______ing.
was he/she/it learning? He/She/It was ______ing.

Ask content questions with do/does Answer content questions

What did you/we/they he/she/it believe? I/We/They/He/She/It believed ____________.

When did you/we/they he/she/it work? I/We/They/He/She/It worked on ____________.
Where did you/we/they/he/she/it live? I/We/They/He/She/It lived in ____________.
Why did you/we/they/he/she/it pray? I/We/They/He/She/It prayed, because ___________.
Who did you/we/they/he/she/it help? I/We/They/He/She/It helped, because _____________.
Which did you/we/they/he/she/it stop? I/We/They/He/She/It stopped _______________.
How did you/we/they/he/she/it learn? I/We/They/He/She/It learned by ____________ing
Catching Up
(4 classes with subsequent Review)
C The students should MEMORIZE the dialog in English.
Los alumnos deben aprender de memoria el dilogo en ingls.

Dialog Dilogo
Steve: Hi, Victor. Wow! Its been 20 Hola Vctor. Hace 20 aos que no nos
years since weve seen each other. hemos visto.
Victor: Yes. Its great to see you. How S. Es un placer verle. Cmo ha estado?
have you been?
Steve: Ive had some ups and some Algunas cosas buenas, otras no tantas.
downs. I received my degree Yo me titul de la universidad,
from the University. How about y usted?
Victor: I was able to study part time and He podido estudiar y trabajar a la vez.
work at the same time. Ive been He estado trabajando para LAN Chile
working with LAN Chile Airlines por 15 aos.
for 15 years.
Steve: Super! What are your Sper! Cules son sus
responsibilities? responsabilidades?
Victor: Ive worked as a ticket agent, and He trabajado como agente de boletos y
now I work as a flight attendant. ahora trabajo como auxiliar de vuelo.
Steve: Good, youve probably traveled Bueno, usted probablemente ha viajado
a lot. mucho.
Victor: Yes. By the way, what ever S. A la vez, qu le pas a su hermano,
happened to your brother Larry? Larry?
Steve: He moved to Los Angeles. I l se traslad a Los ngeles. No le he
havent seen him for several years. visto por varios aos. l ha escrito varios
He has written several books and libros y ha tenido mucho exito.
has done very well.
Victor: I havent seen them in print. Todava los he visto empresos. Tal vez,
Maybe I could contact him. yo pudiera ponerme en contacto con l.
Steve: Sure, Ive just sent you an email Seguro, yo acabo de enviarle a usted un
with his address. Lets keep in email con su direccin. Sigamos en
touch. contacto.
P Pronunciation Practice
RETURN to practice vowel and other sounds SLOWLY in Module 1.

Listen and repeat SLOWLY. Fill in the missing letters and say the sounds.
Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE. En los espacios escriba las letras que faltan, y pronuncie los sonidos.

-own down, drown, town d _____ dr _____ t _____

-v- several, travel, moved se ___ eral tra ___ el mo ___ ed
v- Victor, very, visit ___ ictor ___ ery ___ isit
-n seen, written, done see ___ writte ___ do ___ e
-rt part, dirt, shirt, start pa ___ di ___ shi ___

P Rhyming Words (usually starting from a word in the dialog)

Palabras con Sonido Similar (usualmente empezando con una palabra del dilogo)

Listen and repeat SLOWLY.

Escuche y repita LENTAMENTE.
Word Rhyming Words
print hint, lint, mint, stint
year ear, fear, gear, hear, near, rear, smear
wow bow, brow, cow, how, now, plow, sow
time chime, dime, grime, lime, mime, slime
seen keen, preen, queen, screen, teen

V Word Webs (with words from the dialog in the center and related words surrounding)
Red de Palabras (con palabras del dilogo y palabras relacionadas alrededor)

diploma visit explore

J.D. bachelors travel
journey vacation
doctorate masters
call email

communicate with contact get in touch with

get ahold of talk to

230 Module 17 2014

C Create and share a sentence using one or more of these words.

V Vocabulary Practice: Write the words in pencil.

Prctica del Vocabulario: Con lpiz, escriba las palabras.

Dialog Words Writing Practice Similar Words Writing Practice

each other __________________ one another __________________
wow __________________ amazing __________________
up __________________ high __________________
down __________________ low __________________
part-time __________________ not full-time __________________
receive my __________________ graduate __________________
degree __________________
several years __________________ a while __________________
Thats great. __________________ Thats wonderful. __________________
probably __________________ likely __________________

V Vocabulary Practice (starting with a word from the dialog, match to a related word)
Prctica del Idioma (empezando con palabra del dilogo, nala con palabra relacionada)

Match the words in pencil. Write the words you matched in pencil.
Con lpiz, una las palabras que se relacionan. Con lpiz, escriba las palabras que uni.

each other high each other one another

wow not full-time ______________ ______________
up one another ______________ ______________
down thats wonderful ______________ ______________
part-time likely ______________ ______________
several years a while ______________ ______________
thats great amazing ______________ ______________
probably low ______________ ______________
receive my degree graduate ______________ ______________

2014 Module 17 231

C Fill in the missing words in pencil from the dialog.
Con lpiz, escriba en los espacios las palabras del dilogo que faltan.

Steve: Hi, Victor. _______________ ! Its been 20 years since weve seen
_______________ _______________ .
Victor: Yes. Its great to see you. How _______________ you been?
Steve: Ive had some _______________ and some downs. I received my degree
from the _______________ . How about you?
Victor: I was able to study _______________ and work at the same time.
_______________ been working with LAN Chile Airlines for 15 years.
Steve: Super. What are _______________ responsibilities?
Victor: Ive _______________ as a ticket agent, and now I work as a flight
Steve: Good, _______________ probably traveled a lot.
Victor: Yes. By the way, what ever _______________ to your brother Larry?
Steve: He moved to Los Angeles. I _______________ seen him for several
years. He has written several books and has _______________ very well.
Victor: I havent seen them in print. Maybe I could _______________ him.
Steve: Sure, _______________ just sent you an email with his address. Lets
keep in touch.

C Respond to the statements or questions in pencil from the dialog.

Responda a las declaraciones o preguntas del dilogo con lpiz.

1. How have you been? Ive been

2. How about you?
3. What are your responsibilities?
4. Youve probably traveled a lot.

232 Module 17 2014

C From the dialog, circle the correct word.
Encierre con lpiz en un crculo la palabra correcta.

Steve: Hi, Victor. Wow! Its ( bean / been ) 20 years since weve ( seen / sin ) each
Victor: Yes. Its great to ( say / see ) you. How ( have / has ) you been?
Steve: Ive had ( same / some ) ups and some downs. I received ( me / my ) degree
from the University. How about you?
Victor: I was able to study part time and work ( on / at ) the same time. Ive been
working with LAN Chile Airlines ( for / fore ) 15 years.
Steve: Thats great. What ( is /are ) ( yours / your ) responsibilities?
Victor: Ive worked ( as / us ) a ticket agent, and ( no / now ) I work as a flight
Steve: Good, ( youve / youre ) probably traveled a lot.
Victor: Yes. By the way, what ( ever / even ) happened ( to / too / two ) your brother
Steve: ( He / She ) moved to Los Angeles. I havent seen ( him / her ) for several
years. He has written several books and ( has / have ) done very well.
Victor: I havent seen ( it / them ) in print. Maybe I ( cold / could ) contact him.
Steve: Sure, Ive just sent ( you / your ) ( an / a ) email with his address. Lets keep
( on / in ) touch.

2014 Module 17 233

LF Language Focus: Present Perfect Tense

To form the present perfect tense, use the simple present forms of the helping verb to have and the past parti-
ciple of the verb:

I / you / we / they + have + past participle

Example: They have finished the project.

She / he / it + has + past participle

Example: She has finished the project.

LF Language Focus: Guidelines for the 60 verb list

1. Verbs adding d drop the to and put I / You / We / They have

He / She / It has
Add d to the end of main verb
2. Verbs adding ed drop the to and put I / You / We / They have
He / She / It has
Add ed to the end of main verb
3. Verbs adding ied drop the to and put I / You / We / They have
He / She / It has
Add ied to the end of main verb
4. Irregular verbs drop the to and put I / You / We / They have
He / She / It has
Add irregular main verb (Memorize the irregular main verbs)

C Create and share some of your own sentences with the present perfect tense using have or has.

234 Module 17 2014

LF Language Focus: 60 Common Verbs Present Perfect Tense

1. Infinitive verb + d 2. Infinitive verb + ed 3. Infinitive verb + ied

to arrive have, has arrived to ask have, has asked to cry have, has cried
to believe have, has believed to answer have, has answered to study have, has studied
to hear have, has heard to call have, has called to try have, has tried
to invite have, has invited to cash have, has cashed
to like have, has liked to finish have, has finished
to love have, has loved to help have, has helped
to laugh have, has laughed
to learn have, has learned
to listen have, has listened
to look have, has looked
to repeat have, has repeated
to spell have, has spelled
to stay have, has stayed
to talk have, has talked
to visit have, has visited
to walk have, has walked
to want have, has wanted
to watch have, has watched
to work have, has worked

4. Infinitive Irregular verbs Infinitive Irregular verbs

to be have, has been to have have, has had
to be able to have, has been able to to know have, has known
to begin have, has begun to leave have, has left
to bring have, has brought to make have, has made
to come have, has come to meet have, has met
to do have, has done to read have, has read (pron.)
to drink have, has drunk to say have, has said
to eat have, has eaten to see have, has seen
to feel have, has felt to sing have, has sung
to find have, has found to speak have, has spoken
to fly have, has flown to teach have, has taught
to get have, has got, gotten to tell have, has told
to give have, has given to think have, has thought
to go have, has gone to understand have, has understood
to write have, has written

2014 Module 17 235

LF Language Focus Practice: Contractions (Reduced Forms)

We commonly use contractions for the Present Perfect Tense:

1. I have finished the project. I ________ finished the project.
Ive finished the project. I ____ finished the project.
2. You have finished the project. You ________ finished the project.
Youve finished the project. You ____ finished the project.
3. We have finished the project. We ________ finished the project.
Weve finished the project. We ____ finished the project.
4. They have finished the project. They ________ finished the project.
Theyve finished the project. They ____ finished the project.
5. He has finished the project. He ________ finished the project.
Hes finished the project. He ____ finished the project.
6. She has finished the project. She ________ finished the project.
Shes finished the project. She ____ finished the project.
It is ten minutes to twelve oclock. Its ten minutes to twelve oclock. It ____ ten minutes to twelve oclock.

For each verb below, write two sentences--one using the long form, and one using the short (contraction) form.

1. read She has read the book. Shes read the book.
2. study He ______________ the lesson.
3. understood We ______________ the problem.
4. repeat They ____________ the class.
5. finish I _______________ my homework.
6. bring John ___________ his friend.

236 Module 17 2014

LF Language Focus: Contractions Negative Forms

The negative form of the present perfect tense looks like this:

Negative Form Negative form with contraction

I have not finished the project. I havent finished the project
I _____________ finished the project.
She has not finished the project. She hasnt finished the project.
She _____________ finished the project.

Look at the sentences below. Re-write each sentence with the negative form. Then rewrite each negative form
with a contraction.
We have studied French. We have not studied French.
We havent studied French.
You have listened carefully.

They have cashed the check.

She has flown to the United States.

He has lived here for many years.

It has gotten cold here.

I have traveled to China.

C Play charades, you first, then students, acting out some of the action verbs and helping the
students describe what you, he, she or we has or have done. Gesture the conjugations.

2014 Module 17 237

C Mini-Conversations related to the dialog
Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. How is your family? 2. I finished my degree at the University.

They are fine, thanks for asking. Congratulations!

3. Lets keep in touch. 4. Whatever happened to your sister?

Definitely. Let me give you my Oh, she works in Salt Lake City as
contact information. an accountant.

V Expressions related to the dialog

Explain the meaning, then demonstrate and get repitition.

1. Expression: catch up
Meaning: talk about life since the last time you talked
Example: We should catch up soon!
Meaning: We should talk about our lives sometime soon.

2. Expression: Keep in touch / Stay in touch

Meaning: continue to contact each other
Example: Lets keep in touch!
Meaning: Lets continue contacting each other.

V Cognates
Cognados- palabras parecidas que se pueden reconocer y traducir.
Listen and repeat. Escuche y repita.
responsibility responsibilidad obligation obligacin
university universidad communicate comunicar
probably probablemente possibly posiblemente
graduate (verb) graduarse graduate (noun) graduado / licenciado
vacation vacacin explore explorar
contact (noun) contacto
contact (verb) contactar con (ponerse en contacto)

238 Module 17 2014

Dialog Flash Fold Card- Tarjeta Doblada del Dilogo con Flash
Card 17A
Module 17 Dialog Dilogo
Steve: Hi, Victor. Wow! Its been 20 Hola Vctor. Hace 20 aos que no nos
years since weve seen each other. hemos visto.
Victor: Yes. Its great to see you. How S. Es un placer verle. Cmo ha estado?
have you been?
Steve: Ive had some ups and some Algunas cosas buenas, otras no tantas.
downs. I received my degree Yo me titul de la universidad,
from the University. How about y usted?
Victor: I was able to study part time and He podido estudiar y trabajar a la vez.
work at the same time. Ive been He estado trabajando para LAN Chile
working with LAN Chile Airlines por 15 aos.
for 15 years.
Steve: Super! What are your Sper! Cules son sus
responsibilities? responsabilidades?
Victor: Ive worked as a ticket agent, and He trabajado como agente de boletos y
now I work as a flight attendant. ahora trabajo como auxiliar de vuelo.
Steve: Good, youve probably traveled Bueno, usted probablemente ha viajado
a lot. mucho.
Victor: Yes. By the way, what ever S. A la vez, qu le pas a su hermano,
happened to your brother Larry? Larry?
Steve: He moved to Los Angeles. I l se traslad a Los ngeles. No le he
havent seen him for several years. visto por varios aos. l ha escrito varios
He has written several books and libros y ha tenido mucho exito.
has done very well.
Victor: I havent seen them in print. Todava los he visto empresos. Tal vez,
Maybe I could contact him. yo pudiera ponerme en contacto con l.
Steve: Sure, Ive just sent you an email Seguro, yo acabo de enviarle a usted un
with his address. Lets keep in email con su direccin. Sigamos en
touch. contacto.

2014 Module 17 239

240 Module 17 2014
Card 17B
Subject Aux. Past Sample Sentences
Verbs Pronouns Verbs Participles
1. To Arrive I, You, We, They have arrived I have arrived on time.
He, She, It has She has arrived early.
2. To Ask I, You, We, They have asked You have asked a question.
He, She, It has He has asked many questions.
3. To Answer I, You, We, They have answered They have answered the door.
He, She, It has She has answered the phone.

4. To Be I, You, We, They have been I have been there.

He, She, It has It has been cold.
5. To Be Able To I, You, We, They have been able to I have been able to study. She
He, She, It has has been able to read. You have
6. To Begin I, You, We, They have begun begun to understand. He has
He, She, It has begun to study.

7. To Believe I, You, We, They have believed They have believed it.
He, She, It has She has believed the story. We
8. To Bring I, You, We, They have brought have brought the stuff. He has
He, She, It has brought it.
9. To Call I, You, We, They have called I have called before.
He, She, It has He has called his friend.

10. To Cash I, You, We, They have cashed I have cashed the check.
He, She, It has She has cashed the check. They
11. To Come I, You, We, They have come have come to school. She has
He, She, It has come home.
12. To Cry I, You, We, They have cried We have cried a lot.
He, She, It has It has cried sometimes.

13. To Do I, You, We, They have done I have done it before.

He, She, It has He has done a good deed .
14. To Drink I, You, We, They have drunk You have drunk the water.
He, She, It has She has drunk the water.
15. To Eat I, You, We, have eaten They have eaten breakfast.
They He, She, It has He has eaten breakfast.

16. To Feel I, You, We, have felt We have felt it.

They He, She, It has She has felt it.
17. To Find I, You, We, They have found I have found the place. She
He, She, It has has found the place. You
18. To Finish I, You, We, They have finished have finished the job. She
He, She, It has has finished the job.

2014 Module 17 241

242 Module 17 2014
Card 17C
19. To Fly I, You, We, They have flown They have flown a lot.
He, She, It has He has flown a lot.
20. To Get I, You, We, They have got, gotten I have got to go.
He, She, It has It has gotten cold.
21. To Give I, You, We, They have given I have given it to you.
He, She, It has She has given it to us.

22. To Go I, You, We, They have gone We have gone to the bank.
He, She, It has He has gone to the store.
23. To Have I, You, We, They have had They have had a good time.
He, She, It has She has had the test.
24. To Hear I, You, We, They have heard We have heard the news.
He, She, It has He has heard about it.

25. To Help I, You, We, They have helped I have helped them.
He, She, It has She has helped me a lot.
26. To Invite I, You, We, They have invited You have invited me.
He, She, It has He has invited them.
27. To Know I, You, We, They have known They have known about it.
He, She, It has She has known the answer.

28. To Laugh I, You, We, They have laughed We have laughed a lot.
He, She, It has He has laughed at it.
29. To Learn I, You, We, They have learned I have learned my lesson.
He, She, It has She has learned the piano.
30. To Leave I, You, We, They have left You have left the class.
He, She, It has It has left before.

31. To Like I, You, We, They have liked They have liked the program.
He, She, It has He has liked the class.
32. To Listen I, You, We, They have listened We have listened to the radio.
He, She, It has She has listened closely.
33. To Look I, You, We, They have looked I have looked at the car.
He, She, It has He has looked at the lesson.

34. To Love I, You, We, They have loved You have loved.
has She has loved the class.
35. To Make He, She, It have made I have made a good grade.
I, You, We, They has He has made a mistake.
36. To Meet He, She, It have met They have met.
I, You, We, They She has met the boss.
He, She, It has

37. To Need I, You, We, They have needed I have needed rest.
He, She, It has She has needed attention. We
38. To Read I, You, We, They have read have read the book.
He, She, It has He has read the lesson.

2014 Module 17 243

244 Module 17 2014
Card 17D
39. To Rememeber I, You, We, They have You have remembered a lot.
He, She, It has remembered He has remembered his childhood.
40. To Repeat I, You, We, They have repeated I have repeated the words.
He, She, It has It has repeated the noise.
41. To Say I, You, We, They have said You have said it.
He, She, It has She has said too much.

42. To See I, You, We, They have seen They have seen the movie.
He, She, It has He has seen the car.
43. To Sing I, You, We, They have sung We have sung the song.
He, She, It has She has sung in the choir.
44. To Speak I, You, We, They have spoken I have spoken to the teacher.
He, She, It has He has spoken in class.

45. To Spell I, You, We, They have spelled You have spelled it right.
He, She, It has She has spelled the word.
46. To Stay I, You, We, They have stayed They have stayed home.
He, She, It has It has stayed a long time.
47. To Study I, You, We, They have studied We have studied the lesson.
He, She, It has He has studied English.

48. To Talk I, You, We, They have talked I have talked to him.
He, She, It has She has talked to John.
49. To Take I, You, We, They have taken You have taken the test.
He, She, It has He has taken it.
50. To Teach I, You, We, They have taught They have taught the class.
He, She, It has She has taught well.

51. To Tell I, You, We, They have told We have told you.
He, She, It has She has told everything.
52. To Think I, You, We, They have thought I have thought about you.
He, She, It has He has thought about it.
53. To Try I, You, We, They have tried You have tried very hard.
He, She, It has She has tried to play.

have understood They have understood it.

54. To Understand I, You, We, They
has He has understood the plan.
He, She, It
have visited We have visited all day.
55. To Visit I, You, We, They
has She has visited many times.
He, She, It
have walked I have walked to school.
56. To Walk I, You, We, They
has It has walked all day.
He, She, It

57. To Want I, You, We, They have wanted You have wanted a rest.
He, She, It has She has wanted money.
58. To Watch I, You, We, They have watched They have watched the movie. He
He, She, It has has watched it.
59. To Work I, You, We, They have worked We have worked all day.
He, She, It has It has worked well.

60. To Write I, You, We, They have written I have written a letter.
He, She, It has She has written it.

2014 Module 17 245

Module 18
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for a half hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the first hour of class

Regarding English Hobbies and activities
What have you learned in this class? What are your favorite activities?
What has helped you the most in this class? Why do you like these?
How do you think English will help you and your family? Who do you do these with?

Careers and Work Schools and classes
What kind of work have you done in the past? What schools have you attended?
What kind of work do you now do? What classes have you taken?
What do you like or dislike about your work? Which classes were your favorites?
Would you like to do something different? Do you want to attend more schooling?
Will you need to attend college?

Your family Where you Live
Tell me about your family. Where have you lived in the past?
Are your parents still alive? Where do you live now?
Where do they live? How would you compare the two
How many brothers and sisters do you have? different places?
How many children do you have and what ages? Would you like to live somewhere
Are you married and for how long? else? And why?

Music and Art
What are your favorite kinds of music?
How often do you listen to them?
What is your favorite kind of art?
Where do you get to see it?

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. Have your students use as many different tenses as they can in both
questions and answers. This is the time to have fun with all of them. Have several of the
students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class.
Putting It All Together: Stories 18
(6 classes with subsequent Review)

T Advance Organizer for Reading or Telling a Story: (Annotated Teacher Card)

Card 0 Instructions
1. Brief introduction:
title, type (fact, fiction), setting, main characters, one or two interesting or key points of the story.
Explain that it uses many of the common verbs.

2. Read story aloud one paragraph at a time. Teacher talks, students listen.
a. Ask students for any new sound, word, phrase, or sentence they heard. As students provide these, teacher puts them into
context, gives a similar word or briefly explains meaning, models them, and asks students to repeat the word/phrase. (Do
this expeditiously.)
b. Put everything back into context by reading or telling paragraph again.

3. Ask for Student responses:

A. Students respond to yes questions:
Tchr. Von would like to share with you his story?
St. Yes. (Question main points.)
B. Students respond to no questions:
Tchr. Von would like to share with you his money?
St. No. (Question main points.)
C. Students respond to inquisitive questions:
Tchr. What would Von like to share with you?
St. His life story. (Question main points.)
D. Students respond to indirect questions:
Tchr. John, ask Mary what Von would like to share with us.
St. Mary, what would Von like to share with us? (Mary answers.)
Tchr. John, what did Mary say? (John answers.) (Do several of these.)
E. Students respond to indirect commands:
Tchr. John, tell Mary that Von would like to share his life story with us.
John Mary, Von would like to share his life story with us.
Tchr. Mary, what did John say? (Mary answers.)
(Do several of these.)
F. Students, with teachers help, reconstruct entire paragraph:
Do this sentence by sentence in correct order. Teacher prompts as necessary.
(For short paragraphs, some individual students may be able to repeat entire paragraph.)
G. Students respond to personalized questions based on the story:
Tchr. When was the first time you heard English?
Tchr. Have you tried to learn English before?
Tchr. Do you like to speak English?
Tchr. Is English difficult for you? (etc.)
H. Give students a copy of the story. Read (normally) each paragraph aloud, students listen and read.
Take turns reading. (Do this expeditiously.)

4. Teacher may want to have students write a sentence or two as dictated by teacher.
Or, dictate several questions, students write the questions and their answers.
Ask two or three students to do their responses on the blackboard during this exercise. Teacher circulates and puts a check mark
above any errors for students to correct. Finally, ask students to provide answers as needed.

5. Treat each paragraph in story with the steps outlined above.

Obviously, a long story will take a long time to treat each paragraph this way. The teacher may choose to only treat several of his/
her paragraphs of choice. Students language levels should be accommodated and slightly challenged.
T Additional Suggestions for the Teacher

Two or even three stories are okay. Teacher can take a couple of days (story a day with second-day followup)
or more to work the Advance Organizer process completely. After each completion, give students an assign-
ment to write their own story to hand in for teacher to read and make positive written comments in the mar-
gins. Teachers should not correct them. Also, do not use RED ink for your comments. Teacher may want to
make a list of the most common occurring errors and then treat them generally with the entire class. Students
can assess and correct their own papers.

Additional activities, including verb-focused questions, vocabulary, matching exercises, additional discussion
questions, and cloze exercises are presented at the end of each reading. You may do these for extra practice in
class, or assign them for homework.

R Reading 1: My Life Story

by Von Packard

I would like to share with you my life story of language learning, travel and Latin
American friends. My first exposure to Spanish and Latin America came when my
family used to live in Southern California. One summer, my family drove to San
Diego and south to Tijuana and Ensenada Mexico. I was only 11 years old. I met
Mexican children and wanted to be able to talk with them. I wanted to learn
what their life was like. I wanted to know what they studied in school. I wanted to
know what their families were like. But I couldnt understand anything they said. I
decided then and there that I was going to take Spanish classes.

My teacher was Seora Hernandez. She taught us about Mexican culture and
festivals. With her help, I also learned how to speak some Spanish. I even developed
a crush for a Mexican girl named Cathy Martinez. We used to play the game four
square together. She would hit the ball hard and get me out. All in all, I took Spanish
classes two years in middle school and two years in high school. Our high school
Spanish teacher was Mr. Rossbach. He was a weightlifter, a real muscle man. Once
he ripped a telephone book in half to impress us. I had never seen anything like that
before. I remember studying and practicing Spanish verb tenses and conjugations
under his teaching. I liked it a lot.
A few years later, I was asked to serve a mission for my Church in Argentina.
I had studied Spanish for four years, but when I arrived in Argentina, I could
hardly understand anything. It took me four months, and then I got used to not
understanding everything. I loved the food, the empanadas, the chorizos and

248 Module 18 2014

especially the people. There were a lot of Italian people and I was half Italian. When
they couldnt pronounce my last name, Packard, I took on my mothers maiden
name, Sarracino. This worked just fine.
After I got home, I found out why speaking Spanish in Argentina had been so hard.
I learned that the Argentine vocabulary was typically three times that of most
other Latin American countries. No wonder I had struggled. Since then, I have
been a minister to two Spanish speaking congregations, followed by a three-year
assignment with my family to Chile.
As I have looked back, I am amazed. I have learned my Spanish four or five times.
Each time, my skills have increased. I can read and write well in Spanish. I can even
understand the Argentines. I have made hundreds of friends from all over Latin
America. I have returned with my family to visit Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru,
Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and even Brazil. We are still enjoying Latin culture, food
and friends. And I am sure we will return to visit our friends many more times.

What a life! And it all began with a short visit to Tijuana, Mexico, and a desire to
make new friends!

T Post-Reading Activities: Content Questions

These questions focus on helping students understand the ideas in the passage.
When did the writer decide to take Spanish classes?
Why did the writer decide to take Spanish classes?
When did the writer go to Argentina? Why did he go to Argentina?
Do you think the writer is happy that he has learned Spanish? Why do you think that?
Was it easy for the writer to learn Spanish? How do you know?

2014 Module 18 249

V Vocabulary Practice: Matching

Directions to students: Look at the phrases used in the passage. Match the phrase from the passage on
the left with the best synonym on the right.

My first exposure wanted to make friends

A weightlifter I decided at that time
Desire to make friends The first time I heard
No wonder group of people, usually religious
I took on my mothers maiden name Someone who exercises with weights
I decided then and there I know
minister I used my mothers maiden name
congregation This life has been amazing
I am sure it is not a surprise
What a life! religious leader

LF Cloze Exercise
Directions to teachers. Read each complete passage aloud for the students. Students should cover the answers,
listen carefully, and write the correct words in the blanks as they hear them. You may need to read the passage
more than once. Add more passages as desired. Students check their answers.

A. Write the correct preposition from the story in the blanks below.
A few years later, I was asked to serve a mission _________ my Church _________
Argentina. I had studied Spanish _________ four years, but when I arrived in
Argentina, I could hardly understand anything.

B. Write the correct verb from the story in the blanks below (Note: not all verbs
are common-verb list verbs):
My teacher _________ Seora Hernandez. She _________ us about Mexican culture
and festivals. With her help, I also _________ how to _________ some Spanish. I even
developed a crush for a Mexican girl _________ Cathy Martinez. We _________ play
the game four square together.

250 Module 18 2014

A. Answers
A few years later, I was asked to serve a mission for my Church in Argentina. I had studied Spanish for four
years, but when I arrived in Argentina, I could hardly understand anything.

B. Answers
My teacher was Seora Hernandez. She taught us about Mexican culture and festivals. With her help, I also
learned how to speak some Spanish. I even developed a crush for a Mexican girl named Cathy Martinez. We
used to play the game four square together.

R Reading 2: Hiking to the Top of Mount Timpanogos

by Allison Probst

Directions to teachers and students: At this point, you may present the second example story below using the
steps outlined above. Pay close attention to the common verbs. You may also choose to skip this section and start
working on your own personal story.

Hi, my name is Allison. Im sixteen years old. I am a junior at Orem High School
in Utah. I would like to tell you about my hike up Mount Timpanogos. Mount
Timpanogos, or Timp as we like to call it, is a high mountain just five miles from
my home. It is almost 12,000 feet high and very steep. Its a beautiful mountain.
On Labor Day holiday this September, my brother-in-law, Mike, took me and my
brother Daniel, his friend Cameron, and my friends Marie and Brittany on a hike to
the top of Timp. We left at five oclock in the morning. We drove up Provo Canyon
to Aspen Grove where we began our hike up the mountain. The distance to the top
of the mountain was nine miles. Our round trip was over eighteen miles. We started
hiking at six-thirty and arrived at the top at one-thirty in the afternoon. It took us
seven hours to make the climb up. We rested and ate our lunch at the top by the
shack which was built there many years ago. We started down at three oclock in
the afternoon and arrived at the bottom by six oclock in the evening.

There are many interesting sights to see on this hike. One of the neat things we
saw was mountain goats. They live high on the mountain. One walked right in front
of us. We passed by a waterfall. I took a picture of Cameron standing in front of it.
There were many open meadows with lots of pretty wildflowers everywhere. About
halfway up the mountain we arrived at Emerald Lake. Its a beautiful clear lake with
a snow glacier running into it from the mountain above. When we got higher on the
mountain we could see the beautiful sunrise to the east of us. On top we could see
Deer Creek reservoir on the east side of the mountain, and the cities of Orem and

2014 Module 18 251

Provo and Utah lake on the west side. I could actually see where my house in Orem
was from the top of the mountain.

The highlight of the trip was our slide down the glacier above Emerald Lake. I took
a picture of Daniel sliding down it. Other high points were: arriving at the top and
looking in all directions for hundreds of miles, climbing with my family and friends,
seeing the beautiful scenery, looking at the wildlife, and the challenge of making
the trip.
If you ever take a hike like this, be sure to dress warmly, take plenty of water and
high-energy food. You should also wear good hiking boots and make sure you go
with someone who knows the trail. Mike has hiked Mount Timpanogos dozens of
times and knows what to do.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my hiking adventure. If you want to learn more
about hiking Timp, you can search for information on the Internet.

T Post-Reading Activities: Content Questions

These questions focus on helping students understand the ideas in the passage.
Who is the author of this story? What do you know about the author? (paragraph 1)
Who went on the trip with Allison? Who was the leader of the trip? (paragraph 1)
Why was he the leader? (paragraph 4)
What are some of the interesting things that the group saw on the hike? (paragraph 2 & 3)
If you are going to go on a hike, what should you do to prepare? (paragraph 4)
Where can you find more information about hiking Mt. Timpanogos? (paragraph 5)
Exercises from the website:

252 Module 18 2014

V Helpful Vocabulary

Word Definition
adventure an exciting activity or experience
arrived came to, reached
boots a type of shoes
challenge test, something to achieve
clear transparent, pure
climb go up, walk up, hike up
Deer Creek Reservoir name of a reservoir (lake)
directions the way something/someone faces, moves, etc.
distance space between two places or points
dozens (of) a lot, many
dress wear clothes
drove went by car
Emerald Lake name of a lake
feet plural form of foot. 1 foot = 12 inches = 0.348 meters
glacier large mass of snow & ice
high-energy with lots of power
highlight most interesting part
high points very interesting parts
hike walk in the mountains or countryside
information facts, details
junior a student in the year before the final year of high school
or university
Labor Day a U.S. holiday on the first Monday in September
meadows open fields or areas
mile 1 mile = 1760 yards = 1.609 kilometers
mountain goats wild goats (animals) that live in the western mountains
of North America
neat wonderful, great
plenty (of) enough, much
reservoir lake, especially manmade
round trip going and coming, total distance

2014 Module 18 253

Word Definition
scenery things to see in the outdoors
search (for) look carefully to find something
sights things you can see
sliding moving on his backside
steep almost straight up, high
took required, time used
trail a path across open country
waterfall water that falls down (especially from a river or a
wear put on, use on your body
wildflowers flowers that grow in natural conditions
wildlife animals and plants that grow in natural conditions

V Matching Vocabulary

_____ 1. arrived a. came to, reached

_____ 2. challenge b. almost straight up
_____ 3. clear c. wild animals
_____ 4. climb d. things to see
_____ 5. drove e. went by car
_____ 6. meadows f. great, wonderful
_____ 7. neat g. put on, use your body
_____ 8. plenty h. transparent
_____ 9. roundtrip i. enough, much
_____ 10. scenery j. test, something to achieve
_____ 11. sights k. things you can see
_____ 12. steep l. go up, walk up, hike up
_____ 13. wear m. going and coming, total distance
_____ 14. wildlife n. open fields or areas

254 Module 18 2014

LF Cloze Exercise
Directions to teachers. Read each complete passage aloud for the students. Students should cover the answers,
listen carefully, and write the correct words in the blanks as they hear them. You may need to read the passage
more than once. Add more passages as desired. Students check their answers.

A. Write the correct preposition from the story in the blanks below.
There are many interesting sights to see _________ this hike. One _________ the
neat things we saw was mountain goats. They live high _________ the mountain. One
walked right _________ front _________ us.

B. Write the correct verb from the story in the blanks below (Note: not all verbs
are common-verb list verbs):
If you ever _________ a hike like this, _________ sure to dress warmly, _________
plenty of water and high-energy food. You should also _________ good hiking boots
and _________ sure you _________ with someone who _________ the trail. Mike
________ ___________ Mount Timpanogos dozens of times and _________ what
________ _________ .

A. Answers
There are many interesting sights to see on this hike. One of the neat things we saw was mountain goats. They
live high on the mountain. One walked right in front of us.

B. Answers
If you ever take a hike like this, be sure to dress warmly, take plenty of water and high-energy food. You
should also wear good hiking boots and make sure you go with someone who knows the trail. Mike has hiked
Mount Timpanogos dozens of times and knows what to do.

2014 Module 18 255

V Crossword Puzzle

Across Down
2. came to, reached 1. put on, use on your body
6. wild anials 3. going and coming, total distance
8. go up, walk up, hike up 4. open fields or areas
9. went by car 5. things you can see
11. almost straight up, high 7. things you can see
8. transparent
10. great, wonderful
12. enough, much

256 Module 18 2014

LF Personal Story
Write your own story. You can write about where you have lived, your family, your education, your career and
jobs, your friends, your hobbies and activities, places you have traveled or visited, or a combination of any of
these. You can use the 60 Common Verbs, a dictionary, or a friend for help. When you have a draft, take it to
your Teacher or Assistant Teacher for review.

My ____________________________________________________
by _______________________________________

2014 Module 18 257

258 Module 18 2014
T Story 1: Additional Exercises - Verb Questions

Part A: For each sentence, ask the students to circle the common verb and identify the verb tense:

Sentence Verb Tense

1. I have learned my Spanish four or five times. Present Perfect
2. I loved the food.
3. There were a lot of Italian people.
4. I am sure we will return to visit our friends many more times.
5. I remember studying and practicing Spanish verb tenses.
6. We used to play four square.
7. We are still enjoying Latin culture, food and friends.
8. I was going to take Spanish classes.
9. I have made hundreds of friends from all over Latin America.
10. Our high school Spanish teacher was Mr. Rossbach.
11. I would like to share with you my life story of language learning, travel
and Latin American friends.
12. But I couldnt understand anything they said.
13. I had never seen anything like that before.
14. It all began with a short visit to Tijuana, Mexico.

2014 Module 18 259

Part B: For each of the sentences above, write a sentence that uses the same verb and verb tense, but that
talks about your own life.

Sentence from the passage Your Sentence

1. I have learned my Spanish four times. I have learned English once.
2. I loved the food.
3. There were a lot of Italian people.
4. I am sure we will return to visit our friends
many more times.
5. I remember studying and practicing
Spanish verb tenses.
6. We used to play four square.
7. We are still enjoying Latin culture, food
and friends.
8. I was going to take Spanish classes.
9. I have made hundreds of friends from all
over Latin America.
10. Our high school Spanish teacher was

Mr. Rossbach.
11. I would like to share with you my life story

of language learning, travel and Latin

American friends.
12. But I couldnt understand anything they

13. I had never seen anything like that before

It all began with a short visit to Tijuana,


260 Module 18 2014

T Story 2: Additional Exercises - Verb Questions

Part A: For each sentence, ask the students to circle the common verb and identify the verb tense:

Sentence Verb Tense

1. Mike has hiked Mount Timpanogos dozens of times. Present Perfect
2. There were many open meadows.
3. I would like to tell you about my hike up Mount Timpanogos.
4. One walked right in front of us.
5. The distance to the top of the mountain was nine miles.
6. When we got higher on the mountain, we could see the beautiful
sunrise to the east of us.
7. We left at five oclock in the morning.
8. My name is Allison.
9. We rested and ate our lunch at the top.

Part B: Choose 3 of the sentences above. Write sentences using that verb for each of the verb tenses.

Example: I had never seen anything like that before.

1. I see my classmates.
2. You saw the movie yesterday.
3. We used to see each other everyday.
4. They would see us if they came to class.
5. You could see me this weekend.
6. She will see the movie tomorrow.
7. They are seeing the show right now.
8. We have seen each other each week.
9. She has seen the movie 3 times.
10. I had seen him earlier.
11. I had not seen her before.

2014 Module 18 261

Part C: For each of the sentences above, write a sentence that uses the same verb and verb tense, but that talks
about your own life.

Sentence from the passage Your Sentence

1. Mike has hiked Mount Timpanogos I have learned English once.
dozens of times.
2. There were many open meadows.
3. I would like to tell you about my hike
up Mount Timpanogos.
4. One walked right in front of us.
5. The distance to the top of the mountain.
was nine miles.
6. When we got higher on the mountain,
we could see the beautiful sunrise to
the east of us.
7. We left at five oclock in the morning.
8. My name is Allison.
9. We rested and ate our lunch at the top.

262 Module 18 2014

T Common Verb Chart: Instructions and Overview

The following is a chart with all of the major tenses conjugated for the 60 Common Verbs
You have studied the 60 most commonly used verbs in English, and the major tenses and their conjugations.
Now it is time to help you feel more comfortable in moving from one tense to another as you conjugate these
verbs for the various persons. Lets review the chart together and note some obvious patterns. This will help us
put it all together.

The learning steps and points are as follows:

1. Memorize the meaning of all the 60 Common Verbs. Use the fold cards we are providing.

2. Note that for most of the tenses, the conjugations are very regular. Verbs are easier in English than in

3. For the Present Tense, the verb remains the same, except for 3rd person singular (He / She / It )
an s is added: arrive - arrives (usually the s sounds like a z)
an es is added: cash- cashes (usually the s sounds like a z)
an i replaces y, followed by es: cry - cries (usually the s sound like a z)
For the 58 common verbs there are only a few exceptions to these basic rules.

4. The Imperfect Past is easy, just place used to in front of the main verb used to arrive
Its the same for all persons I / You / We / They / He / She / It used to arrive.

5. The Future Tense is easy, just place will in front of the main verb will arrive
Its the same for all persons I / You / We / They / He / She / It will arrive.

6. The Conditional/Modals are easy, just place would , could or should in front of the verb would arrive
Its the same for all persons I / You / We / They / He / She / It would arrive (could / should arrive)

7. The Present Progressive is easy, just drop (remove) the e and add ing to the main verb arriving
The main verb does not change. The helping verb changes am, are, is
I am arriving.
You / We / They are arriving.
He / She / It is arriving.
If the main verb ends in a consonant, just add ing. Ex. talk talking
8. The Past Progressive keeps the -ing form of the word and adds the past tense of the helping verb --
was, were.
I was arriving
You/We/They were arriving
He/She/It was arriving
NOTE: Some verbs are generally not used in the present progressive tense because they describe general
emotional states that do not change easily. These verbs are called nonaction verbs and include know, like, love,
and want.

2014 Module 18 263

9. The Preterite Past Tense has three endings:
d is added to six of the verbs ending in e: I arrived.
ed is added to most of the verbs ending in a consonant: I asked.
ied is added to three of the verbs ending in ry or dy : I cried. ( an i takes the place of the y)
Many of the 60 common verbs are irregular in the Preterite Past Tense. You have to memorize these
forms. The good news is that the Preterite Past Tense of the verb does not change for the different persons.
The past tense of begin is began and sample sentences are:
I / You / We / They / He / She / It began.

10. The Present Perfect Tense is regular for about 1/3 of the common verbs.
Use the Present Tense helping verbs have or has
I / You / We / They have arrived.
He / She / It has arrived.
(Note that the past participle remains the same for all persons.) However, you have to memorize the many
irregular past participles.
As an example, the past participle of speak is spoken. For go, its gone, For write, its written, (etc.)

11. Remember the contracted forms for the different persons in the Present Tense:
I am Im You are Youre He is Hes
We are Were She is Shes
They are Theyre It is Its

12. Remember the contracted forms for the different persons in the Future Tense:
I will Ill He will Hell
You will Youll She will Shell
We will Well It will Itll
They will Theyll

13. Remember the contracted forms for the different persons and the negative form in the Present Perfect
I have Ive I have not I havent
You have Youve You have not You havent
We have Weve We have not We havent
They have Theyve They have not They havent
He has Hes He has not He hasnt
She has Shes She has not She hasnt
It has Its It has not It hasnt

264 Module 18 2014

T Instructions for teachers for introducing the verb chart:

Pass out:
This sheet with the Quick Reference List.
The full Common Verb chart; hole punched for immediate placement in the students notebooks.
Give the students a verb in English, and then ask them to find the verb on the chart.
Then give them one of the sample sentences below the verb on the chart. Use one of the easier tenses
(such as simple present, simple past, or simple future).
Read the sentence for the students, and then have the students say the sentence with you.
Next, ask them to find the conjugation that was used in the sentence immediately above on the verb
Repeat this several times with the other sample sentences for the same verb for increasingly challenging
tenses until the students know how to use the chart.
Be creative the goal is to help students know how to use the chart.

Quick Reference List

1. To Answer 16. To Feel 31. To Like 46. To Stay
2. To Arrive 17. To Find 32. To Listen 47. To Study
3. To Ask 18. To Finish 33. To Look 48. To Talk
4. To Be 19. To Fly 34. To Love 49. To Take
5. To Be Able (Can) 20. To Get 35. To Make 50. To Teach
6. To Begin 21. To Give 36. To Meet 51. To Tell
7. To Believe 22. To Go 37. To Need 52. To Think
8. To Bring 23. To Have 38. To Read 53. To Try
9. To Cash 24. To Hear 39. To Remember 54. To Understand
10. To Call 25. To Help 40. To Repeat 55. To Visit
11. To Come 26. To Invite 41. To Say 56. To Walk
12. To Cry 27. To Know 42. To See 57. To Want
13. To Do 28. To Laugh 43. To Sing 58. To Watch
14. To Drink 29. To Learn 44. To Speak 59. To Work
15. To Eat 30. To Leave 45. To Spell 60. To Write

2014 Module 18 265

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditi
I/You/We/They answer am/are answering was/were answering would an
He/She/It answers is answering was answering
contestar/responder I answer. She is answering. They were answering. They would

I/You/We/They arrive am/are arriving was/were arriving would ar
He/She/It arrives is arriving was arriving
llegar/chegar You arrive. I am arriving. I was arriving. He would arr

I/You/We/They ask am/are asking was/were asking would
He/She/It asks is asking was asking
pedir/pedir We ask often. He is asking for me. He was asking for me. She would a

4. TO BE
I/You/We/They am/are am/are being was/were being would
He/She/It is is being was being
ser, estar/ser, estar He is happy. We are being fast. They were being slow. I would b

I/You/We/They am/are able -- -- would be
He/She/It is able -- --
poder/poder, ser capaz de I am able to study. -- -- He would be
I can study. come

I/You/We/They begin am/are beginning was/were beginning would b
He/She/It begins is was beginning
empezar, comenzar/ We begin today. It is beginning to rain. It was beginning to rain. They would

266 Module 18 2014

gressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

nswering would answer used to answer will answer answered have answered
wering has answered
nswering. They would answer. We used to answer. He will answer. You answered. I have answered.

arriving would arrive used to arrive will arrive arrived have arrived
iving has arrived
riving. He would arrive next. They used to arrive She will arrive We arrived. It has arrived.
early. tomorrow.

asking would ask used to ask will ask asked have asked
king has asked
ng for me. She would ask for it. You used to ask I will ask for help. We asked. They have asked for
questions. you.

e being would be used to be will be was/were have been

eing was has been
eing slow. I would be sad. It used to be cold. You will be fluent. We were bored. He has been there.
She was late.

would be able used to be able will be able was/were able have been able
was able has been able
He would be able to We used to be able I will be able to go. You were not able to He has not been able
come. to do it. be there. to visit.
He could study.

eginning would begin used to be able will begin began have begun
inning was has
ing to rain. They would begin. We used to begin She will begin He began yesterday. We have begun
on Mondays. tomorrow. school.

2014 Module 18 267

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They believe -- -- would be
He/She/It begins -- --
creer/crer, acreditar I believe you. -- -- He would be

I/You/We/They bring am/are bringing was/were bringing would b
He/She/It brings is bringing was bringing
traer/trazer I bring good news. They are bringing their They were bringing their You could
car. car. drink

I/You/We/They cash am/are cashing was/were cashing would c
He/She/It cashes is cashing was cashing
cobrar/descontar They cash checks She is cashing the check She was cashing the check. They should
here. now.

I/You/We/They call am/are calling was/were calling would c
He/She/It calls is calling was calling
llmar/chamar, telefonar He calls every day. She is calling now. She was calling. He could ca

11. TO COME (venir) (vir)

I/You/We/They come am/are coming was/were coming would co
He/She/It came is coming was coming
venir/vir I always come home. We are coming today. We were coming, but we She could
stopped. soone

12. TO CRY (llorar) (chorar)

I/You/We/They cry am/are crying was/were crying would c
He/She/It crying is crying was crying
llorar/chorar I cry sometimes. They are crying. He was crying. They would c
13. TO DO
I/You/We/They do am/are doing was/were doing would
He/She/It does is doing was doing
hacer/fazer I do my homework. I am doing the work. I was doing the work. You would
He does his job. They are doing well. They were doing well.

268 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

would believe used to believe will believe believed have believed

has believed
He would believe it. They used to believe You will believe He believed in Santa I have believed be-
it. me. Clause. fore.

bringing would bring used to bring will bring brought have brought
nging has brought
nging their You could bring We used to bring it. He will bring She brought the He has brought the
. drinks. dessert. paper. money.

cashing would cash used to cash will cash cashed have cashed
hing has cashed
ng the check. They should cash it. He used to cash We will cash it You cashed it today. Have you cashed it
checks every week. tomorrow. yet?

calling would call used to call will call called have called
lling has called
calling. He could call now. They used to call We will call soon. You called me? Have you called them
often. yet?

coming would come used to come will come came have come
ming has come
ing, but we She could come You used to come He will come later. It came early. She has come already.
ed. sooner. often.

crying would cry used to cry will cry cried have cried
ying has cried
rying. They would cry about We used to cry. I am crying right You cried a lot. We have cried earlier.
it. now.

doing would do used to do will do did have done

oing has
the work. You would do it. We used to do that They will do it. He did it yesterday. I have done it already.
oing well. work.

2014 Module 18 269

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They drink am/are drinking was/were drinking would d
He/She/It drinks is drinking was drinking
tomar, beber/beber She drinks water. They are drinking water. We were drinking water. I would drin

15. TO EAT
I/You/We/They eat am/are eating was/were eating would
He/She/It eats is eating was eating
comer/comer I eat early. I am eating now. I was eating. She should

I/You/We/They feel am/are feeling was/were feeling would f
He/She/It feels is feeling was feeling
sentir/sentir I feel good. I am feeling okay. I was feeling okay. It would fee

I/You/We/They find am/are finding was/were finding would fi
He/She/It finds is finding was finding
encontrar/encontrar I find it easy. He is finding it difficult. He was finding it difficult. I would fi

I/You/We/They finish am/are finishing was/were finishing would fi
He/She/It finishes is finishing was finishing
acabar/acabar, terminar I finish at noon. She is finishing. She was finishing the job. It would fin

19. TO FLY (volar) (voar)

I/You/We/They fly am/are flying was/were flying would
He/She/It flies is flying was flying
volar/voar You fly to Montreal. They are flying tonight.. We were flying last night. He would fl
20. TO GET
I/You/We/They get am/are getting was/were getting would
He/She/It gets is getting was getting
conseguir, obtener/conse- I get lonely. She is getting married. I was getting tired. You could g
guir, obter
To get usado em muitas
expresses e tem muitos sig-
nificados diferentes em ingls)

270 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

drinking would drink used to drink will drink drank have drunk
nking has drunk
king water. I would drink juice. He used to drink a She will drink it. We drank juice. He has drunk all of it.

eating would eat used to eat will eat ate have eaten
ting has eaten
ating. She should eat it. He used to eat We will eat now. You ate my food! She has already eaten.

feeling would feel used to feel will feel felt have felt
eling has felt
ng okay. It would feel good. He used to feel bad. She will feel it. They felt sad. He has felt good.

finding would find used to find will find found have found
ding has found
g it difficult. I would find it. They used to find They will find it We found the key. Have you found it?
these. soon.

finishing would finish used to finish will finish finished have finished
shing has finished
ing the job. It would finish last. We used to finish He will finish We just finished. She has finished
late. soon. already.

e flying would fly used to fly will fly flew have flown
ying has
g last night. He would fly there. They used to fly. She will fly soon. We flew yesterday. He has flown before.

getting would get used to get will get got have got
tting has got
ng tired. You could get tired. We used to get They will get up He got a job. I have got a cold.
hungry. early.

2014 Module 18 271

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They give am/are giving was/were giving would g
He/She/It gives is giving was giving
dar/dar I give up. We are giving gifts. They were giving food. The would gi

22. TO GO
I/You/We/They go am/are going was/were going would
He/She/It goes is going was going
ir/ir I go to school. I am going now. We were going home. They should

I/You/We/They have am/are having was/were having would h
He/She/It has is having was having
tener, haber/ter I have a dream. We are having company. They were having fun. They could h

I/You/We/They hear am/are hearing was/were hearing would h
He/She/It hears is hearing was hearing
or/ouvir I hear you. She is hearing things. He was hearing something. We could n

I/You/We/They help am/are helping was/were helping would h
He/She/It helps is helping was helping
ayudar/ajudar I always help. They are helping us. They were helping us. He should

I/You/We/They invite am/are invited was/were inviting would in
He/She/It invites is inviting was inviting
invitar/convidar He invites everyone. She is inviting us. He was inviting us. I would inv

I/You/We/They know -- -- would kn
He/She/It knows -- --
saber, conocer/saber, She knows you. -- -- He would kn

272 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

giving would give used to give will give gave have given
ving has given
ving food. The would give more. We used to give a I will give a dollar. You gave money. They have given
lot. already.

e going would go used to go will go went have gone

oing has gone
ng home. They should go later. You used to go visit We will go now. She went home. She has gone home
them. already.

having would have used to have will have am having have had
ving has had
aving fun. They could have one. We used to have a He will have it. She has had a cold.

hearing would hear used to hear will hear heard have heard
aring has heard
g something. We could not hear He used to hear They will hear the You heard me. We have heard this.
you. better. music.

helping would help used to help will help helped have helped
ping has
elping us. He should help. I used to help. She will help us. We helped them. He has helped us

inviting would invite used to invite will invite invited have invited
iting has invited
iting us. I would invite you. You used to invite They will invite I invited them to She has invited us.
me. everyone. stay.

would know used to know will know knew have known

has known
He would know me. I used to know the You will know They knew it. She has known for a
number. soon. long time.

2014 Module 18 273

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They laugh am/are laughing was/were laughing would la
He/She/It laughs is laughing was laughing
rer/rir You laugh a lot. He is laughing now. We were laughing. She should n

I/You/We/They learn am/are learning was/were laughing would le
He/She/It learns is laughing was laughing
aprender/aprender, ficar We learn English. We are learning together. He was learning to read. He could lea
sabendo nese

I/You/We/They leave am/are leaving was/were leaving would le
He/She/It leaves is leaving was leaving
salir/sair You leave early. I am leaving now. We were leaving. We should

I/You/We/They like -- -- would l
He/She/It likes -- --
gustar/gostar de She likes you. -- -- He would

I/You/We/They listen am/are listening was/were listening would li
He/She/It listens is listening was listening
escuchar/escutar I always listen. She is listening now. He wasnt listening. We could

I/You/We/They look am/are looking was/were looking would lo
He/She/It looks is looking was looking
mirar, parecer/parecer, You look fine. They are looking around. I was looking for it. I would loo

I/You/We/They love -- -- would l
He/She/It loves -- --
amar/amar I love you. -- -- We could l

274 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

aughing would laugh used to laugh will laugh laughed have laughed
ghing has laughed
aughing. She should not laugh. They used to laugh We will laugh with I laughed at him. We have laughed a
more. you. lot.

aughing would learn used to learn will learn learned have learned
ghing has learned
ng to read. He could learn Chi- She used to learn I will learn how to They learned a We have learned a lot
nese. Korean. do it. lesson. today.

leaving would leave used to leave will leave left have left
ving has left
eaving. We should leave They used to leave I will leave tomor- I left my bag. She has left.
sooner. at 8am. row.

would like used to like will like liked have liked

has liked
He would like it. We used to like She will like it. I liked the movie. They have liked their
that. studies.

istening would listen used to listen will listen listened have listened
ening has listened
istening. We could listen. They used to listen. I will listen. We listened care- I have listened all day.

looking would look used to look will look looked have looked
oking has looked
ng for it. I would look there. We used to look She will look older. It looked good. I have looked for it.

would love used to love will love loved have loved

has loved
We could love it. He used to love it. She will always They loved each I have loved it.
love chocolate. other.

2014 Module 18 275

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They make am/are making was/were making would m
He/She/It makes is making was making
hacer/fazer I make money. He is making a cake. We were making a lot. They would

I/You/We/They meet am/are meeting was/were meeting would m
He/She/It meets is meeting was meeting
conocer/conhecer I meet her every day. He is meeting with them. They were meeting him I would mee

I/You/We/They need -- -- would n
He/She/It needs -- --
necesitar/precisar She needs to rest -- -- I would need

I/You/We/They read am/are reading was/were reading would r
He/She/It reads is reading was reading
leer/ler He reads the book. You are reading now. He was reading a book. I could r

I/You/We/They remember -- -- would rem
He/She/It remembers -- --
recordar/lembrar I remember math. -- -- He could

I/You/We/They repeat am/are repeating was/were repeating would re
He/She/It repeats is repeating was repeating
repetir/repetir I repeat the words. They are repeating it. He was repeating me. They would r

41. TO SAY
I/You/We/They say am/are saying was/were saying would s
He/She/It says is saying was saying
decir/dizer We say the words. She is saying so. I was saying that. They would

276 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

making would make used to make will make made have made
aking has made
king a lot. They would make it. He used to make it. We will make a lot You made it work. I have made it.
of money.

meeting would meet used to meet will meet met have met
eting has met
eeting him I would meet early. We used to meet They will meet We met yesterday. Have you met them?
day. often. sometime.

would need used to need will need needed have needed

has needed
I would need to study. I used to need help. He will need They needed time. He has needed work.

reading would read used to read will read read have read
ding has read
ng a book. I could read. They used to read She will read it. We read a story. He has read the book.
a lot.

would remember used to remember will remember remembered have remembered

has remembered
He could not I used to remember. He will remember She remembered He has remembered
remember. us. her childhood. the story.

epeating would repeat used to repeat will repeat repeated have repeated
eating has repeated
ating me. They would repeat it. You used to repeat He will repeat the She repeated the We have repeated it.
him. course. mistake.

saying would say used to say will say said have said
ying has said
ng that. They would say it. You used to say a He will say this. I said yes. I have said that many
lot. times.

2014 Module 18 277

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
42. TO SEE
I/You/We/They see am/are seeing was/were seeing would s
He/She/It sees is seeing was seeing
ver/ver It sees everything. They are seeing it. He was seeing them. She could

I/You/We/They sing am/are singing was/were singing would s
He/She/It sings is singing was singing
cantar/cantar I sing a song. They are singing now. He was singing. You could

I/You/We/They speak am/are speaking was/were speaking would sp
He/She/It speaks is speaking was speaking
hablar/falar We speak English. He is speaking Spanish. They were speaking a lot. We should

I/You/We/They spell am/are spelling was/were spelling would s
He/She/It spells is spelling was spelling
deletrear/soletrar I spell many words. They are spelling it cor- We were not spelling it. He could spel

I/You/We/They stay am/are staying was/were staying would s
He/She/It stays is staying was staying
quedarse/ficar They stay late. We are staying here. They were staying there. We could sta

I/You/We/They study am/are studying was/were studying would st
He/She/It studies is studying was studying
estudiar/estudar I study a lot. They are studying here. We were studying. You could

I/You/We/They take am/are taking was/were taking would t
He/She/It takes is taking was taking
tomar/tomar, levar I take the bus. We are taking it easy. He was taking a long time. We would t

278 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

seeing would see used to see will see saw have seen
eing has seen
ng them. She could see it. She used to see I will see it. You saw the movie. I have seen it before

singing would sing used to sing will sing Sang have sung
ging has sung
inging. You could sing it. She used to sing in We will sing it. He sang a tune. I have sung it.
the choir.

peaking would speak used to speak will speak spoke have spoken
aking has spoken
eaking a lot. We should speak They used to speak He will speak now. She spoke quickly. We have spoken
more. German. already.

spelling would spell used to spell will spell spelled have spelled
elling has spelled
spelling it. He could spell it right. You used to spell it I will spell it for We spelled it right. I have spelled it for
incorrectly. you. you.

staying would stay used to stay will stay stayed have stayed
ying has stayed
aying there. We could stay there. They used to stay She will stay. We stayed away. They have stayed
here. longer.

studying would study used to study will study studied have studied
dying has studied
tudying. You could study. She used to study. He will study. We studied a lot. I have studied a lot.

taking would take used to take will take took have taken
king has taken
a long time. We would take the We used to take it. He will take some. You took the train. It has taken a long
bus. time.

2014 Module 18 279

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They talk am/are talking was/were talking would t
He/She/It talks is talking was talking
hablar/falar I talk every day. She is talking now. He was talking. We could tal

I/You/We/They teach am/are teaching was/were teaching would te
He/She/It teaches is teaching was teaching
ensear/ensinar I teach every day. She is teaching now. They were teaching us. They would
I/You/We/They tell am/are telling was/were telling woud t
He/She/It tells is telling was telling
decir/dizer,contar I tell you this. We are telling the truth. He was telling the truth. She should
(No sentido de contar
uma estria)

I/You/We/They think am/are thinking was/were thinking would th
He/She/It thinks is thinking was thinking
pensar/pensar We think so. He is thinking about it. We were thinking about it. She would t

53. TO TRY
I/You/We/They try am/are trying was/were trying would
He/She/It tries is trying was trying
intentar, tratar/tentar, You try hard. He is trying hard. We were trying to go. I would t

I/You/We/They understand -- -- would unde
He/She/It understands -- --
entender, comprender/ We understand -- -- She could no
entender, compreender English. stand

I/You/We/They visit am/are visiting was/were visiting would v
He/She/It visits is visiting was visiting
visitar/visitar We visit often. I am visiting my parents. He was visiting you. I would visi

280 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

talking would talk used to talk will talk talked have talked
king has talked
alking. We could talk more. They used to talk. She will talk later. You talked a lot. I have talked.

eaching would teach used to teach will teach taught have taught
ching has taught
aching us. They would teach I used to teach I will teach today. We taught yesterday. I have taught before.
kids. there.

telling woud tell used to tell will tell told have told
ling has told
g the truth. She should tell us. He used to tell us. I will tell you now. He told you that. She has told us.

hinking would think used to think will think thought have thought
nking has thought
ing about it. She would think so. We used to think I will think more. You thought about They have thought a
that. it. lot.

trying would try used to try will try tried have tried
ying has tried
ing to go. I would try it. She used to try They will try it We tried to stop. I have tried it already.
hiking. again.

would understand used to understand will understand understood have understood

has understood
She could not under- I used to under- They will under- I understood. They have
stand. stand math. stand soon. understood.

visiting would visit used to visit will visit visited have visited
iting has visited
ting you. I would visit often. They used to visit They will visit I visited her yester- You have visited Italy.
often. today. day.

2014 Module 18 281

Infinitive Present Present Progressive Past Progressive Conditio
I/You/We/They walk am/are walking was/were walking would w
He/She/It walks is walking was walking
andar, caminar/ I walk alone. I am walking now. We were walking there. We should
andar, caminar careful

I/You/We/They want -- -- would w
He/She/It wants -- --
querer/querer I want to study. -- -- I would wa

I/You/We/They watch am/are watching was/were watching would w
He/She/It watch is watching was watching
ver, mirar/olhar, mirar I watch tv. She is watching tv. He was watching it. I should w

I/You/We/They work am/are working was/were working would w
He/She/It works is working was working
trabajar/trabalhar You work hard. I am working. We were working. She could wo

60. TO WRITE (escribir) (escrever)

I/You/We/They write am/are writing was/were writing would w
He/She/It writes is writing was writing
escribir/escrever He writes letters. I am writing a book. She was writing it down. They would

282 Module 18 2014

ressive Conditional Imperfect Past Future Preterite Past Present Perfect

walking would walk used to walk will walk walked have walked
lking has walked
king there. We should walk He used to walk I will walk with We walked here. I have walked a lot.
carefully. home. you.

would want used to want will want wanted have wanted

has wanted
I would want to. They used to want We will want to go. He wanted a car. You have wanted to
that. go.

watching would watch used to watch will watch watched have watched
ching has watched
tching it. I should watch it. They used to watch We will watch a You watched tv. I have watched this.
them. movie.

working would work used to work will work worked have worked
rking has worked
working. She could work here. We used to work I will work on it They worked on it He has worked on the
there. soon. yesterday. project.

writing would write used to write will write wrote have written
iting has written
ng it down. They would write a He used to write to They will write You wrote a letter to I have written a book.
lot. her. soon. me.

2014 Module 18 283

284 Module 18 2014
Module 19
As Students Arrive, Pre-Class & Class Learning Activity
Teacher/Assistant Teachers: Plan to be at your teaching post 15-20 minutes before the start of
class. As students arrive, do not lose this valuable time. Regularly engage the early students and
those on time in a warm-up learning activity before and during the first part of class. The
content should usually be based on the prior class content. Make it fun and useful.

Pre-Class Warm-Up and During Class Activity. You should probably have the class form cluster
groups of 4-6 students around an Assistant Teacher and continue this practice for an hour
during your class.

Write on the white board one of the following subjects and proposed questions. Or provide a
hard copy of this page on the chair of the students. Have the early students ask and answer the
questions below for practice and warm-up and for practice during the hour of class

Regarding English Hobbies and activities
What have you learned in this class? What are your favorite activities?
What has helped you the most in this class? Why do you like these?
How do you think English will help you and your family? Who do you do these with?

Careers and Work Schools and classes
What kind of work have you done in the past? What schools have you attended?
What kind of work do you now do? What classes have you taken?
What do you like or dislike about your work? Which classes were your favorites?
Would you like to do something different? Do you want to attend more schooling?
Will you need to attend college?

Your family Where you Live
Tell me about your family. Where have you lived in the past?
Are your parents still alive? Where do you live now?
Where do they live? How would you compare the two
How many brothers and sisters do you have? different places?
How many children do you have and what ages? Would you like to live somewhere
Are you married and for how long? else? And why?

Music and Art
What are your favorite kinds of music?
How often do you listen to them?
What is your favorite kind of art?
Where do you get to see it?

Teacher and Assistant Teachers: Circulate among the students to help them with this question
and answer process. Have your students use as many different tenses as they can in both
questions and answers. This is the time to have fun with all of them. Have several of the
students share some of this conversation at the beginning of your class. These are the kinds of
questions that will be on their certification exam.
Preparation for the OPIc Certification Exam
from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages (ACTFL)
(10 or more classes as needed with 1 Assistant Teacher per every 2 students. )

T Notes to the Teacher (to be shared and explained to the students in detail)

The OPIc is a listening and speaking test offered by the American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Its the gold standard of tests. To help students prepare to score
well, it is strongly recommended that the teacher review the information on this page with
them approximately one month prior to their taking the OPIc exam. With an Intermediate or
better score, your students will be able to show their Certificate to help them get a better job in
many fields.

OPIc Preparation

The Oral Proficiency Interview by computer (OPIc) begins with a survey to identify subjects
about which the student has some experience. The actual interview then focuses on these
subjects, such as

their family
their home
the classes they have taken and liked
the schools they have attended
the cities where they have livedmake comparisons
the hobbies or activities they enjoy
the kind of music they like
their friends and things they do together
the foods they like or dislike
a career they might like to have, and so forth
their job

Students might be asked to describe what these things are like in their home city or country.
They might also be asked to compare them with other cities where they have lived or visited. If
they do not know much about a particular subject, they should be prepared to respond in an
appropriate fashion such as, I dont know that much about (living) in (Los Angeles), but I can
say that (Dallas is a friendly city).
Students should spend approximately one month preparing for the OPIc by describing things
and activities (like those mentioned above) in detail, comparing their understanding and
experiences from one city or location or friend to another, or from one time in their life to
another. They must understand that they will likely be asked to describe an interesting
experience on a walk with a friend, a class that they particularly enjoyed and why, their favorite
activity/hobby and the favorite activity of their friends, and so forth. The ability to narrate, or
recount events using the correct past tense verb conjugations is important.

OPIc Prerequisites

The student must qualify to take the OPIc by doing the following:
Attend at least 80% of the EFY Now classes (after including make up classes if needed).
Complete the study and practice of the first 19 modules in English For You Now.
Complete all of the exercises in Modules 1-19.
Be able to pronounce well all the words in the initial sections of Module 1.
Be able to read fluently, with good pronunciation, all of the dialogs in Modules 1-19.
Have mastered the usage in sentences, along with good pronunciation, of the 60
Common Verbs and the various tenses found in Module 18.
Be able to read, understand and use, with good pronunciation, the descriptive words
and phrases in Modules 18 and 19.
Be able to fluently describe and compare the subjects described above, because some
of them are very likely to come up on the OPIc exam. Everything else in these modules
will help you prepare for this. This is the most critical part of the OPIc preparation.
The students should prepare draft responses, which should be reviewed and
edited by the Teacher/Assistant Teacher. Then the students should practice hearing
questions on the subjects and giving appropriate responses with good
pronunciation. This is critical to their success.

286 Module 19 2014

Class Exercises and Homework

Teachers/Assistant Teachers should pass out the following sheets to the students and help them fill out one or
two of them during each class. Then, two more should be given to them as homework. This should continue
until the students have filled out a complete, flowing and appropriate response with good grammar for each
of the questions, all with the Teacher/Assistant Teachers help. Each answer should contain at least 4 or 5 well
structured sentences.

1. Tell me about your family.

2. What is your home like?

2014 Module 19 287

3. Where do you live, and do you like your town? And why?

4. Tell me about the schools you have attended.

288 Module 19 2014

5. What classes have you taken, and which were your favorites?

6. What cities have you lived in or visited, and how would you compare them?

2014 Module 19 289

7. What are your favorite hobbies or activities?

8. What kind of music do you like?

290 Module 19 2014

9. Tell me about your friends and the things you like to do with them.

10. Do you go on walks with your friends? Where and what do you talk about?

2014 Module 19 291

11. What foods do you like or dislike?

12. Tell me about your work (job), and what you like or dont like about it.

292 Module 19 2014

13. What career would you like to eventually have and why?

14. What do you like to do outside and why?

2014 Module 19 293

15. How do you think English will help you?

Instruction: Practice asking these questions and similar questions and having the
students respond appropriately with excellent pronunciation. In addition, have each
student know how to ask a similar question of the computer. This will likely be part of
the oral proficiency interview, namely asking the question back to the computer.

294 Module 19 2014

Study and practice the attached Supplemental Resource Materials. They will help you to
prepare appropriate responses to the above questions and any others that might arise on the
Certification exam. Spend meaningful time in class and at home practicing the following

Describing Yourself and Others

Describing Others
Describing a location
Making Excuses and Refusing
Giving Apologies, Making Excuses, and Promising
Some Common Excuses
Stating and Asking Opinions
Talking about Seasons and Weather
Describing the Weather
Telling Your Story (for some example responses)

Some Language Notions and Functions

Many standard tests, including the ACTFL-OPIc will test you on descriptions which
may include the attached materials.

Recommended Plan for Mastery: Study / Practice / Role Play

Week Assignment(s) Topic Assignments
1st Week 1 1. Describing Yourself & Others (pp. 2-4)

2nd Week 1, 2 2. Describing Location & Giving Directions (pp. 5-7)

3rd Week 2, 3 3. Making Excuses & Refusing (p. 8)

4th Week 3, 4 4. Making Apologies, Excuses & Promising (p. 9)

5th Week 4, 5 5. Stating & Asking Opinions (p. 9)

6th Week 5, 6 6. Talking about Seasons & Weather (p. 10)
7th Week 6, 7 7. Describing the Weather (p. 11)
8th Week 7, 8 8. Telling Your Story (p. 12)

2014 Module 19 295

Describing Yourself and Others

Alan, will you help me with this form?

I dont understand some of the questions. Sure. Which questions?

Well, it says marital status here. Are you married?

No. Im single. OK. Your marital status is single.

What does birthplace mean? Where were you born?

In Nagoya, Japan. Then Nagoya, Japan, is your place

of birth or birthplace.

Oh. One more question. What does Well, Im from Canada, so Im

nationality mean? Canadian. Youre from Japan, right?

Yes, So, I just write Japanese? Uh-huh. Is that all?

Yeah. Thanks for your help. You bet. Anytime.

Im from the USA. Im American.

Were Brazil. Were Brazilian.
Hes Japan. Hes Japanese.
Shes Germany. Shes German.
Theyre Mexico. Theyre Mexican.
Kims Korea. Kims Korean.
Pepes Guatemala. Pepes Guatamalan.
Youre England. Youre English.
France. French.
Italy. Italian.
Sweden. Swedish.
Russia. Russian

Practice describing yourself to another person.

296 Module 19 2014

Describing Others

Shes Cute. Hes ugly.

Hes Handsome. Shes beautiful.

Mr. Bradleys old. Susies young.

Alans single. Rob and Amy

are married.

Perrys strong. Jeffs weak.

Practice describing others to someone.

2014 Module 19 297
Describing Others (Continued)

Ellens friendly. Stans blond.

(She has many friends.) (He has blond hair.)

Theresas brunette. Rustys red-headed.

(She has brown hair.) (He has red hair.)

Keith is bald. Stacy has straight, black hair.

(He has no hair.)

Kimberly has short, curly hair. Marty has long hair and a beard.

Stuart wears glasses and has blue eyes. Gary has a mustache and hazel eyes.

298 Module 19 2014

Describing Where Things Are

Describing a Location
Its ity.
war . Its Its in the c
m. ace
g pl nic
a bi
t in
the Its p
Its mer.
sum Ther
the ever are tre
Its in ins. ywh e
ta ere. s

How far is it to your school? Its about fifteen blocks.

How do you get there? Sometimes I walk, but I usually go by car.
Do you drive? No, my friend gives me a ride.
How often do you walk? Once or twice a week.
How long does it take to get there? About half an hour.
Is it in a nice place? Yes, there are a lot of trees.
Are there other buildings around it? Yes, theres a Dairy Queen and a park.
Whats it like in the winter? Its cold with lots of snow.

Practice describing the location of items and places to another person.

2014 Module 19 299

Giving Directions
Asking Questions
Answering Questions

Where can I buy some shoes? There are two shoe stores near Bettys Cafe on Crosby Road.
Ones across Main Street and the others around the corner.
Lets eat lunch at Bettys after I buy my shoes. That sounds good. then what?
Well, I need to get some books for my classes. OK. theres a good bookstore between the service station and
Maxfields Music Store.
Wheres the library? I need some books from
there, too. Its kitty-corner from the music store.
Oh, and I need to get some postage stamps. The post office is right behind the library. Anything else?
Yeah. Isnt there a bank by Bettys Cafe? Yes. Why?
Because I have to get a loan before I can
buy anything. City Center




Store City Hall
Grocery Book Cafe Bank
Store Service Store Music
Station Store

Main Street


Library Store Barber



Questions Write your answers

1 . Wheres the bookstore?

2 . Wheres the movie theater?

3 . Wheres the laundromat?

4 . Wheres the department store?

5 . Wheres the barbershop?

6 . Wheres the bank?

7 . Wheres the grocery store?

Using the above diagram, practice asking and giving directions to another person.

300 Module 19 2014

Giving Directions Inside a Building
Jim: Hi. Pardon me. Where is the class?
J e r r y : Its down the hall to the left.

Jim: Which door?

J e r r y : The first door.

Jim: When does it start?

J e r r y : Right now at ten oclock.

Jim: What do I need?

J e r r y : Nothing.
Jim: Who is the teacher?
J e r r y : Mr. Kimball.

Jim: Thanks. Excuse me, please.

J e r r y : Go ahead. Youre welcome.

More Directions
Practice giving directions inside buildings to another person.
Wheres the Drivers License Division? Its on the third floor. Take the elevator, turn
right, and its the second door on your left.
Where are the restrooms? Theyre just down the hall to your right.
Pardon me, could you tell me where
the delicatessen is located? Yes, its straight ahead and to your left.
Im looking for the Photo Shop. Yes, its in the next building. Go in the front
Could you direct me to it? door, and its right there. You cant miss it.
Could you direct me to the sports Take the escalator, turn left, and youll be able
department? to see it.
I cant seem to find the main office. Yes. Take the stairs, go up one floor, turn to your
Could you please help me? your right, and go two doors down. Its on the left.
Other Related Vocabulary
signal Turn right at the first signal light and go straight ahead for three blocks.
stop sign See that stop sign? Turn left there and go about one mile. Its across the railroad tracks.
block(s) Drive three blocks south to find the Post Office.
mile(s) Go approximately one mile and you will see the tall building that is the Court House.
left, right To get to the Bus Station, go left two blocks and then right for three blocks.
straight ahead If you go straight ahead, youll see the sign marking the exit.
behind The gas station is directly behind the big old house.
in front of Youll find the Police Station right In front of the city offices.
across from The Dairy Queen is across from the new high school.
next to Maceys is located right next to Main Street on 5th South, behind the bus stop.
beside Theres a car parked beside the curb next to the city garden.
2014 Module 19 301
Making Excuses & Refusing
Practice with another person making excuses and refusing.

Can I offer you some wine? Thank you, but I dont drink.
Would you care for some
crackers with cheese? No, thank you.
Would you like some candy Thanks, that sounds delicious,
or some chocolate mints? but I cant eat chocolate.

Well, dont you want anything? How about a peanut butter

A peanut butter sandwich? Yes, with jam if you dont mind.
Yes, uh . . . uh, OK. Anything else?
A glass of milk perhaps? Yes. thats fine, thank you.

I love . . . I like . . . Its OK. I dont like . . . I hate . . .

Theyre OK.

Do you like popcorn? I love popcorn.

What about chips? I like chips.
Do you like cheese? Crackers? Its OK. Theyre OK.
Do you like cabbage? I dont like cabbage.
Do you like broccoli? I hate broccoli.

Someones at the Door

Teenager: Im selling magazines to make money
for the school band.
Parent: No, thank you.
We dont need any.

Teenager: Theyre only twenty dollars each,

and you can choose from this list.
Parent: We really dont read that kind of stuff.
Teenager: If you tried it, you might like it.
Parent: No, thanks. Were not interested.
Teenager: If you change your mind, give me a call.
302 Module 19 2014
Making Apologies, Making Excuses, and Promising

Could you help me with my homework? Sorry, I dont have time now. Ill do it later.
Please come by this afternoon. Sorry, I cant. I have to work. But I can tonight.
Why dont you get better grades? I guess I dont study enough. Ill try to do better.
Lets go take a break. Im too busy right now. How about later?
Lets meet tomorrow at 10:00. Im sorry, but I have another commitment.
How about 11:00?
I didnt see you at school yesterday? I wasnt there. I didnt feel well. Hopefully, Ill be
there tomorrow.
Would you handle this problem for me? Im sorry, but Im afraid Id make a mistake.
How come you dont hang out anymore? Sorry. I have too much work to do.
Lets go to a movie. Im sorry. I have homework. How about later?
I didnt see you at the rally last week. I apologize for my lack of support. Ive just been
really busy. Maybe next time.
Why did you say that? Im sorry if I hurt your feelings or offended you.
Ill try to be more sensitive.

Some Common Excuses

I'm too stressed out. I don't believe I can. I can't do it alone.
I don't have the time. Im too tired. I don't have the energy.
The weather was bad. I didnt have any other choice. I'm too emotional.
I'll always be the way I am. I'm too sick. I'm too skeptical.
It wasnt helping me. I dont like it. Im too busy.

Stating and Asking Opinions

What do you think about religion? I think that religion is important for people.
What do you think about politics? I believe that Congress has many problems.
What is your opinion about the economy? In my opinion, I think it is a mess.
Do you agree that . . . ? Yes, I agree. No, I disagree. In my opinion . . .
How do you feel about your work? I like it.
How do you feel about the project? I feel it is going well.

2014 Module 19 303

Talking about Seasons and Weather

Winter Spring Summer Fall

Dec.-Feb. Mar.-May June-Aug. Sept.-Nov.
(months of the seasons in the northern hemisphere)

The weatherman says were going to When does winter weather usually
have a long, cold winter. begin here?

It normally starts in December, but

sometimes it starts in November. How long does it last?

About three months. Spring usually

starts in March. Whats spring like?

Its warmer, and it usually rains a lot. In my country, we only have two seasons
rainy and dry. When does it get hot here?

Summer begins in June, but July and

August are the really hot months. So autumn begins in September?

Right. We usually have fall through

September and October and most of
November. Its my favorite season. Really? Why?

I like the cool weather and the

brightly colored leaves.

Practice describing the weather in detail to another person.

304 Module 19 2014

Describing the Weather

Some Weather Expressions



Its very

Its raining cats and

Rewrite the Following According to the Example

1. The sun is shining. Its sunny.

2. The rain is falling.
3. There are many clouds.
4. The snow is falling.
5. The wind is blowing.
6. Its very cold outside.
7. The temperature is 100 degrees.
8. The temperature is 35 degrees.
9. Its a beautiful day outside.
10. Theres a storm today.

Practice these Expressions of Time

Yesterday it was raining. There are never hurricanes here.
Now Its sunny. I rarely see rainbows.
Later it will be windy. We often go out in the snow.
Tomorrow is the beginning of spring. It is always cloudy.
Next week it will be cloudy. Last night it rained.

2014 Module 19 305

Telling Your Story
1. What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite singer? Group?

My Answer:
I listen to the "Oldies But Goodies" songs of the 50s and 60s. I also listen to the Tabernacle Choir. My favorite
artist is Chet Atkins. He's a famous guitar player. When I was at BYU, I played guitar in an orchestra on
campus. This was back in 1959-61. I also played trombone in the BYU Marching Band in 1955-56.

2. What's your favorite radio station or television channel? Why?

My Answer:
I don't listen to the radio very much. My favorite TV channel is probably Channel 77 (cable). I like to watch
the old shows, such as Andy Griffith, Gunsmoke, and Bonanza. I also watch BYU Channels 11 and 21.

3. Can you recommend any movies to rent or see? Why do you like those films?

My Answer:
Some movies I recommend are: Shane, The Other Side of Heaven, Till the Clouds Roll By, Showboat, Seven
Alone, and there are others. Most of these are older shows. The movie Shane is a classic western and probably
the most popular western of all time. I like these movies because they have good values, and I like the
settings--mostly western. The movies "Till the Clouds Roll By" and "Showboat" are older musicals. The
former one is about the life of Jerome Kern, a famous song writer. The latter one is a musical history of
show business life on a Mississippi river boat.

4. What do you like to do outside? Why?

My Answer:
The thing I like to do most is go to the desert and look for mineral crystals. I spend a lot of time at Topaz
Mountain in southwestern Utah. I also like to go fishing in the mountains, hiking, and backpacking. When I
was younger, I went skiing and snow shoeing a lot. I like to be outdoors and breathe the fresh air and see the
beautiful scenery. Out on the desert you can see for forty to fifty miles in any direction and find no one.

5. What's you favorite sport? Why?

My Answer:
My favorite participator sport is fishing. I like it because it gets me outdoors and in beautiful country. My
favorite spectator sport is American football. I like it because every play is like a mini drama. Each player
has his role or part to play, and this makes it interesting.

6. Do you have a favorite season of the year? Why?

My Answer:
Yes, my favorite season is summer. I like the warmth. I don't like the cold. I can do many more outside
activities in the summer. My favorite summer activity is gardening. I raise a fairly big garden in my
backyard each summer. I also very much like spring and fall. This is when I go to the desert because it's not
so hot.

7. Where did you go to grade school?

My Answer:
I went to a rural grade school in the country. There were about ninety kids in the entire school. There were
eight grades. We didnt have kindergarten. The schoolhouse was built of native rock, and it had a large bell
tower on top. There was no grass on the playground. I lived a mile from the school and rode the bus each day.

Practice telling a story with a lot of detail to another person.

306 Module 19 2014
Module 20
Introduction to Career English
Instructions: Teachers and Assistant Teachers, please provide a copy of this module to
students and review it all with them.

Congratulations on completing the first 19 modules of English For You Now! You are now
ready for Module 20, entitled Career English. You are encouraged to select, study and
practice the modules FOR THE CAREERS OF MOST INTEREST TO YOU, along with the
corresponding Vocabularies in the back of Career English. Hopefully, you will be able to do
this before you take the ACTFL English Certification Test. This will assist you in achieving a
higher score on the test. However, it is not expected that you will study all of the modules, nor
all of the vocabulary in this Career English section.

Module 20 is designed to help you develop the English capacity that will assist you to obtain
employment or advance in careers that require English. The careers currently covered are as

Airlines Tourism Business

Hotels Banking Import/Export

The dialogs for each of these career modules identify a set of Business Vocabulary in the back
of the book that corresponds to that career. In addition, Basic Vocabulary and Basic Verb
study sections are also included.

Other skills that would be useful for your employment:

Over the last several years, the LDS Church has done studies and concluded that, in addition
to English skills, basic working computer skills could help large numbers of our
people obtain and improve their employment. In turn, this would allow them to
support their families and better serve in the Church in their own countries.
On an ever-increasing basis, many careers require good working computer skills on
Windows, Microsoft Word, and sometimes Excel and PowerPoint, as well. Training
courses in such skills are offered by various technical schools and sometimes financed by
your government. We encourage you to go to the Church Employment Centers, the PEF-Self
Reliance Centers in your area and Stake, your country government sources, and local
educational institutions to identify such possible courses in computer skills.
Instructions for Career Module and Vocabulary Practice
Career English modules and materials can be found online at
From the home page, click on the Materials Center tab. On the Materials Center page, scroll to the bottom to
select Book 3 - Career English. This book is available as a pdf.

Table of Contents
Students study and practice the modules and vocabulary for the careers that most interest them. Using the
table below, the Teacher/Assistant Teacher should ask what careers the students are interested in studying.
Then, they create breakout mini-classes for the students interested in each career. In these mini-classes, the
Teacher/Assistant Teacher projects/distributes the corresponding modules and practices those modules with
the group of interested students.

1. Job Interview with the Airlines...3
2. Airline Ticket Agent Dialog...7
3. In-Flight Conversation...11

7. Hotel Job Interview...27
8. Restaurant Hostess Dialog...31
9. Restaurant Waitress Dialog...34
10. Bellhop Dialog...37

11. Tourist Guide Job Interview...42
12. Tourist Guide Dialog...46

13. Bank Teller Job Interview...51
14. Bank Teller Dialog...55

15. Business Job Interview...59
16. Company Receptionist Job Interview...62
17. Receptionist Dialog...66
18. Administrative Assistant Dialog...69
19. Executive Secretary Job Interview...72
20. Executive Secretary Dialog...76

308 Module 20 2014

Import/ Export...80
21. Import/ Export Job Interview...81
22. Import/ Export Dialog...85

Business Vocabulary...89
1. Advertising...90
2. Air Travel...97
3. Banking...104
4. Budget and Accounting...110
5. Business...118
6. Resum...133
7. Correspondence...141
8. Employment...144
9. Insurance...148
10. Money Matters...151
11. Presentations...154
12. Sales and Selling...158

Basic Vocabulary Study...163

1. Feelings and Descriptions...164
2. Hows the Weather...166
3. Buying Groceries ...168
4. Applying for a Job ...171
5. Giving Directions...173
6. The Body...176
7. Map of USA...178
8. Word Constructs...179
9. Word Categories...180
10. Word Webs...181

Daily Routines...183

In addition, on the website, you will find a basic english grammar workbook.
First click on Material Center, then click on Basic English Grammar. This workbook will provide you very valu-
able practice and continued important learning. You should use a pencil as you work with it so you can make
corrections with the help of your teacher or a native English speaker.

2014 Module 20 309

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