Review On Design Basics of Industrial Application Gear Box
Review On Design Basics of Industrial Application Gear Box
Review On Design Basics of Industrial Application Gear Box
Selecting a gearbox can be quite difficult.
Customers have a variety of gearboxes to choose from that Figure 1.1.1. Gear Box
are capable of fulfilling diverse requirements. A wrong Gearboxes, also known as enclosed gear drives or speed
reducers, are mechanical drive components that can control
decision could result in the purchase of a more ex- pensive
a load at a reduced fixed ratio of the motor speed. The
gearbox. The power transmission industry may need a
output torque is also increased by the same ratio, while the
gearbox that will support overhung loads while the motion
horse- power remains the same (less efficiency losses.). For
control or servo industry may need a gearbox that will
handle dynamic motion. example, a 10:1 ratio gearbox outputs approximately the
same motor output horsepower, motor speed divided by 10,
One of the first problem areas for sizing arises
and motor torque multiplied by 10.
from sizing to the motor versus sizing to the load. Sizing to
the motor may be simpler and result in a gearbox that II. Necessity of Gear Box in an Automobile
works, but it will result in the purchase of a larger gearbox
than is needed. This gearbox will also be overqualified for 1. The gear box is necessary in the transmission system
the application. However, sizing to the load will ensure a to maintain engine speed at the most economical value
under all conditions of vehicle movement.
gearbox fits the application and is more cost-effective as
2. An ideal gearbox would provide an infinite range of gear
well as potentially a smaller footprint.
ratios, so that the engine speed should be kept at or near
that, the maximum power is developed whatever the speed
of the vehicle.
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 5, Issue 10, Oct 2016)
In this type of gearbox, all the gears of the main shaft are in
III. Function of Gear Box constant mesh with corresponding gears of the
1. Torque ratio between the engine and wheels to be varied countershaft. The gears on the main shaft which are
for rapid acceleration and for climbing gradients. bushed are free to rotate. The dog clutches are provided
2. It provides means of reversal of vehicle motion. on main shaft. The gears on the lay shaft are, however,
3. Transmission can be disconnected from engine by fixed. When the left Dog clutch is slide to the left by
neutral position of gear box means of the selector mechanism, its teeth are engaged
4. To increase the torque. with those on the clutch gear and we get the direct
5. To increase the speed. gear. The same dog clutch, however, when slide to
6. To convert the single input speed to multiple output speeds. right makes contact with the second gear and second gear
IV. Type of Gear Boxes is obtained. Similarly movement of the right dog clutch
A. According to relative position of input and output shafts: to the left results in low gear and towards right in
Parallel Axes Gear Boxes, Co- Axial Gear Boxes, reverse gear. Usually the helical gears are used in constant
Intersecting Axes Gear Boxes mesh gearbox for smooth and noiseless operation.
B. Non-intersecting and perpendicular Axes Gear Boxes:
a) According to number of stages : Single Stage Gear Boxes,
Multi-stage Gear Boxes
a) According to number of speed ratio : Single speed gear
boxes, Multi speed gear boxes
The multi speed gear boxes are further classified into three
types: Sliding mesh gear boxes, Constant mesh gear boxes,
Synchromesh gear boxes
4.1 Sliding Mesh Gear Box :
It is the simplest and oldest type of gear box. The
clutch gear is rigidly fixed to the clutch shaft. The clutch
gear always remains connected to the drive gear of
countershaft. The other lay shaft gears are also rigidly fixed
with it. Two gears are mounted on the main shaft and can
Figure 4.2.Constant Mesh Gear Box.
be sliding by shifter yoke when shifter is operated. One
4.5 Synchromesh Gearbox :
gear is second & top speed gear and the other is the
This type of gearbox is similar to the constant mesh
first and reverse speed gears. All gears used are spur
type gearbox. Instead of using dog clutches here
gears. A reverse idler gear is mounted on another shaft and
synchronizers are used. The modern cars use helical gears
always remains connected to reverse gear of counter shaft.
and synchromesh devices in gearboxes, that synchronize
the rotation of gears that are about to be meshed
synchronizers. This type of gearbox is similar to the
constant mesh type in that all the gears on the main shaft
are in constant mesh with the corresponding gears on the
lay shaft. The gears on the lay shaft are fixed to it while
those on the main shaft are free to rotate on the same. Its
working is also similar to the constant mesh type, but in
the former there is one definite improvement over the
latter. This is the provision of synchromesh device
which avoids the necessity of double-declutching. The
parts that ultimately are to be engaged are first brought
into frictional contact, which equalizes their speed,
after which these may be engaged smoothly.Figure.4 shows
the construction and working of a synchromesh gearbox.
Figure 4.1 Sliding Mesh Gear Box In most of the cars, however, the synchromesh devices are
4.2 Constant Mesh Gear Box : not fitted to all the gears as is shown in this figure.They are
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 5, Issue 10, Oct 2016)
fitted only on the high gears and on the low and reverse with an approved oil and working at a maximum oil
gears ordinary dog clutches are only provided. This is temperature of 100C for normal application lubricant
done to reduce the cost. equivalent to ISO VG 320 should be used. When a unit
transmits less than catalogue rating, its life is increased. If
running time is more than 8 hours per day a service factor
from Table of Mechanical Service Factor ensure selection
of a unit which transmits less than the catalogue rating, its
life is thus increased consistent with the increased daily
running time. Catalogue ratings allow 100% overload at
starting, braking or momentarily during operation, up to 10
times per day. The unit selected must therefore have a
catalogue rating equal to, or greater than half the maximum
overload. If the unit is subjected to sustained overloads or
to shock loads, these must be reflected in the chosen
service factor. If overloads can be calculated or estimated
then the actual loads should be used instead of a factor.
6.2 Thermal Ratings :
Thermal ratings measure the unit's ability to
Figure 4.5 Synchromesh Gearbox dissipate heat. If they are exceeded the lubricant may
V. Basic consideration in Selection of Gear Box overheat and break down, with consequent life failure.
Before starting the preliminary design, the following Both mechanical and thermal ratings are given on next
factors must be known : page. Thermal ratings are effected by ambient temperature
The type, powers and speeds of the prime mover. and not by mechanical consideration such as increased
The overall ratio of the gearbox. running time or shock loads. Catalogue ratings assume
The types of unit required parallel or angled 20C running temperature, the oil temperature then rising
drive. as the unit transmits power and generate heat.
Any abnormal operating conditions. If the ambient temperature is more than 20 C, a
The disposition of the input to output shaft. lower temperature rise is allowed therefore less power may
The direction of rotation of the shafts. be transmitted. Similarly in cooler temperatures the thermal
Any outside loads that could influence the unit, ratings may be exceeded. When selecting unit use a service
e.g. overhung loads, brakes, outboard bearing etc. factor from Table of Thermal Service Factor to calculate
The type of couplings to be fitted. equivalent loads.
Application For unit sizes 40 to 200, the relevant mechanical
Space required and thermal service factors are selected from tables and
VI. Selection of Gear Box whichever is higher is applied to find out the equivalent
For Good performance of Gear Box, The right output power and output torque. For unit size 200 to 350,
selection is very important. The Gear Unit Selection is mechanical service factor should be applied to mechanical
made by comparing actual transmitted loads with catalogue ratings and thermal service factor should be applied to
ratings are based on standard set of load conditions, which thermal ratings. Higher of these should be considered for
invariably changes for different conditions. Therefore selection of the unit.
service factor must be used to calculate a theoretical Thermal ratings assume fan cooling which is
transmitted load or equivalent load, before comparing the standard feature of all Speed Reduction Units.
same, apply the formula : For intermittent running with ample cooling time
during rest periods, thermal ratings may be exceeded
Equivalent Load = Actual Load x Service Factor without overheating and since fan it ineffective, it can
6.1 Mechanical Ratings : usually be removed.
Mechanical ratings measure capacity in terms of life 6.3 Service Factor
and / or strength, assuming 10 hours per day continuous Before sizing an application, the customer should
running under uniform load conditions, when lubricated determine the service factor. Service factor can be
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 5, Issue 10, Oct 2016)
6.11 Gear Ratio Bevel gears are used for drives requiring the input
Gear ratio is nothing but the correlation between the shaft to be at an angle, usually 90 to the output shaft. They
numbers of teeth of two different gears. Commonly, the can be cut with either straight teeth, where the same
number of teeth of a gear is proportional to its comments as for spur gears apply, or they can be cut spiral
circumference. This means the gear with larger which correspond to the helical type of parallel gearing.
circumference will have more gear teeth, therefore the Gearboxes can be designed using the same type of
relationship between the circumferences of two gears can gearing throughout, or a combination depending on powers,
also give an accurate gear ratio. E.g. If one gear has 36 speeds and application.
teeth while another has 12 teeth, the gear ratio would be 6.13 Speed Reducer Selection.
3:1. (1) Service Factor
Table 6.11 .Different gear ratio. From Table 1 select the service factor applicable
to the drive.
Sr.No Gear Type Ratio
(2) Design Power
Single stage spur / Multiply the absorbed power (or motor power if
1 6:1
Helical absorbed power not known) by the service factor chosen in
Two stage spur / step (1).
2 35:1
Helical (3) Unit Selection
Three stage spur / Using the value from step (2) refer to the power rating
3 200:1
Helical standard tables and select the correct size of unit.
(4) Output Speed & Pulley Diameters
4 Bevel gear 6:1
Read across from the chosen output speed to
obtain both driving and driven pulley pitch diameters,
5 Worm gear 70:1
groove section and the appropriate number of belts.
(5). Centre Distance & Hub Bore Size
6.12 Basic Size and Cost Belt length and centre distance can be found by give data.
The two types of tooth that can be used for both Refer to the output hub dimensions given table.
parallel and angled drives are straight or helical (spiral). (6). Gearbox Input Shaft Speed
Spur gears are easier to manufacture and inspect than Multiply the gearbox output speed by the exact
helical gears, and they can be rectified more easily at the gear ratio to obtain the gearbox input shaft speed.
assembly stage if required. The main disadvantage of a VII. Conclusion
spur gear compared with a helical, is in the tooth To achieve the best gearbox solution, customers
engagement process. The whole of the spur tooth enters should size from the load. This will ensure they receive
engagement at the same time, and therefore any pitch cost- effective solution that fits the application. The service
(spacing) error will cause interference and noise. Spur factor, environment, ambient temperatures, shock load,
gears are generally used for pitch line speeds below 10 m/s output style, and hours of service are all important aspects
in drives that are not loading the teeth to their maximum for sizing. The more information the customer provides, the
allowable limits. They are also used where gears are more accurate the sizing process. This will ultimately yield
required to slide axially in and out of mesh. a solution that matches the customers requirements! There
Helical gears can be manufactured on most modern are numerous sizing programs available that can help
gear cutting machines. They will probably take longer to determine what gearbox is most appropriate for your
machine because of the relative wider face, and hence be application.
more expensive than an equivalent size spur gear.
Double helical gearing has the same characteristics as
the single helical but with the elimination of end thrust, as
the two helices producing the thrust are cut with opposite
hands. This type of gearing is also useful where the
pinions are of small diameter, as the equivalent face to
diameter ratio is only half that of a similar net face single
helical gear.
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 5, Issue 10, Oct 2016)
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