Owning A Car Flier - Aug 2015

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International visitors to CU-Boulder generally find that 3. Pass the vision, written, and road performance tests.

ance tests. Vehicle title & registration, license plates

using public transportation to get around the Denver/ Vision Test: You will be asked to look into a device that You must apply for a Colorado title (shows that you are the
Boulder metropolitan area is easy. However, many projects images, and identify letters, numbers or pictures in owner of the vehicle) and registration (shows vehicle
international visitors who are here for an extended period the frame. If you cant read all of the frames, it does not details, such as make, model, engine capacity, color, and
may find it difficult without owning a car. You may find it mean you failed the vision test. The drivers license the vehicle identification number, and keeps a record of
convenient to have a Colorado drivers license. Before you employee who administers the vision test will recommend information about the current owner, such as name and
can get an instruction permit or drivers license, you must that you have an eye examination to see if you need address) within 30 days from establishing Colorado
learn Colorado traffic laws and pass a vision test, written corrective lenses. residency. License plates (the metal plate on both the front
exam, and a driving test. If you buy a car to drive while you Written Examination: This is a comprehensive exam and rear bumpers) and the vehicle registration is done at
are here, you will need to have the car registered and to that covers the rules and regulations of Colorados driving the Motor Vehicle Division of the Boulder County Clerk and
obtain automobile insurance. This flier is intended to give and traffic laws. Before you attempt the written test, study Recorders Office. The address is 1750 33rd Street, Suite
you a basic understanding of what is involved with owning the Drivers Handbook very thoroughly. Download the 100 (East of Boulder Police Department). Telephone:
and driving a car in Colorado. handbook (it is in sections) from their website, or pick up a 303-413-7710; hours, Monday Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
paper copy at a drivers license office. After passing the
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), under the written exam, you will be fingerprinted, photographed and Fees for license plates, title and registration are accepted
jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Revenue, is the then issued an instruction permit. Cost is $16.80. in cash or check only, no credit cards are accepted. For
state office that issues Colorado drivers licenses, permits Driving Test: If you are issued an instruction permit, more details, see: http://www.co.boulder.co.us/clerk/
and state ID cards. Visit their web site for more detailed you will be required to take a driving test. Bring your car
information: https://www.colorado.gov/dmv. and proof of insurance. It is a good idea to practice driving To register a newly purchased vehicle with a Colorado title,
in Boulder before you attempt to get your license. A you need to submit six things:
The DMV office in Boulder is located at 2850 Iris Avenue, drivers license staff member will conduct the driving test by
Unit F, at the northeast end of 28th Street and the Diagonal riding with you and will ask you to demonstrate your driving 1. The Colorado title, properly signed off by the seller.
Highway in the Diagonal Plaza shopping center (telephone skills. You will be scored on how well you drive and follow 2. The Odometer Disclosure, required only if the vehicle
303-442-3006). You can take the Bolt bus to the 28th traffic rules. Driving tests are by appointment only. is older than 10 years. The odometer shows how many
Street and Highway 119 stop. Schedule an appointment at: miles are on the vehicle.
https://www.colorado.gov/apps/jboss/dor/online/appointme 3. The Bill of Sale, listing the purchase price. Sales taxes
Colorado Drivers License/Permit/ID Card nt/scheduling/index.xhtml. After passing the driving test, are collected at the time of titling and/or registration.
An international student or scholar can obtain a Colorado you will be fingerprinted, photographed and then issued a 4. An ORIGINAL Security Agreement if your car is
drivers license, instruction permit or identification card after drivers license. Cost is $25.00. financed through a lending institution.
arrival in the US. You may drive using your current, valid If you have a drivers license from another state in the 5. Emission Test that shows your car passes state
drivers license issued by your country of residence for 90 United States or Canada which has not been expired emission standards. There is one ENVIROTEST location
days, after which you must obtain a Colorado drivers for more than one year, you will be required to take the in Boulder at 5655 Airport Boulevard; one in Longmont at
license. For more info about your situation: 303-205- vision test and provide your drivers license and proof 4040 Rogers Road, and one in Broomfield at 11609 Teller
5600.To apply for a license, instruction permit, or a of address to get your Colorado drivers license. Street. Hours of operation and costs vary from time to
Colorado identification card, you will need to: time, so look at their web site before you go:
Automobile Insurance http://www.aircarecolorado.com/ or call the ENVIROTEST
1. Present the following at a drivers license office: Colorado law requires car owners to have automobile hotline: 303-456-7090.
Original DS-2019, or original I-20 AB, or I-797, or H1B insurance. Insurance protects you if you are involved in 6. Proof of Insurance: You must provide proof of
approval notice and; an accident. If you are involved in an accident and you do insurance before you can register your vehicle. You may
Valid passport and; not have insurance, you will be responsible for related use your insurance card, a copy of your insurance policy,
US Visa and; expenses, sometimes thousands of dollars. Also, driving a or a letter from your insurance company (on the company's
Current I-94 and; car that is not properly insured is illegal, and you could letterhead paper), as proof of insurance.
2. Supply a Colorado residence address and proof of that spend some time in jail. The cost of car insurance can
address (rent agreement, official tuition bill, vehicle range from $500 to $1,000 per year, depending upon how
registration, bank statement, etc). [Nothing hand written!] old your car is, how much it cost when you bought it, how
old you are, and risk factors, etc.
Buying a Car example). He/she will ask you to roll down your window,
You can buy a used car from a private owner, and both and ask to see your drivers license, car registration, and
new and used cars from car dealerships (see Auto proof of insurance. Keep your license in your wallet - keep
Dealers in the internet Yellow Pages). You are the registration and proof of insurance in the glove
encouraged to negotiate the price when buying a used or compartment. When you speak with the officer, always
new car. For a comprehensive listing of reviews, ratings, stay calm and do not become agitated.
and cost evaluations of every car, truck or motorcycle ever
manufactured, look at the Kelly Blue Book, The officer will take your license and registration back to
http://www.kbb.com/. his/her car to do two things: First, verify that the license
plates are yours and that the car belongs to you; and
If you have decided to buy a used car, it is worth the second, that you are not wanted by the law for a crime. If
money to have it evaluated by a reputable mechanic who you are being pulled over because the officer suspects you
can tell you if the car has anything wrong with it before are driving while alcohol-impaired, he/she will have you
you buy it. Also note that the seller of a used car is perform a road sobriety test. If it is deemed you are drunk,
responsible for providing a recent Envirotest at the time of you will be taken to jail. If you have violated the law to a
sale (private sellers often don't know this). minimal degree or if it is your first moving violation, you
may be issued a warning and the officer will let you go. If
Responsible and Safe Driving your violation is more serious, you may be issued a ticket.
Wear your seatbelt! It is the law in Colorado! The officer will explain why you were pulled over and the
procedures for paying the fine that comes with being
You will find that the rules of the road in the United States ticketed. You will be asked to sign the ticket, but this does
are very different from what you are used to at home. It is not mean that you are admitting guilt. Your signature
everyones responsibility to know the laws and make good simply verifies that you have read it.
decisions while driving.
A note of caution: In the United States, do not ask an
Colorado law enforcement officers strictly enforce drunk- officer to take money as payment for the ticket. The officer
driving laws. All international visitors should know that it is may think that you are trying to buy your way out of the
a criminal offense to drink and drive. It is also a criminal ticket. That is called bribery, and trying to bribe a police
offense to ride your bicycle while alcohol-impaired. For officer is against the law.
certain "crimes of moral turpitude" such as driving under
the influence (DUI), there can be very serious When the officer gives you permission to do so, you may
consequences for internationals, e.g. inability to get new start your car, turn off the emergency flashers, and pull
visa! Such violations are stored in a national database. safely away from the side of the road to re-enter traffic.

If you are caught by a law enforcement officer for a moving

violation, here are some tips that are not in the book: You
will see red and blue lights flashing in your rear-view mirror
and hear a siren. This is the officers way of asking you to
pull over and stop. Put your right blinker on, pull safely off
to the right side of the road, put your car in park, turn off
your ignition, and put on your flashing hazard lights. Do not
get out of the car! Keep your hands on the steering wheel
Driving a car in Colorado
(do not unfasten your seat belt) until the officer has come _______________________________
to your drivers side window. Do not reach for anything
until the officer asks you to, because he/she might feel
threatened by your movements (reaching for a weapon, for

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