Prosecutor's Letter To Director Lebrato March 26

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25 Kirkpatrick Sreet, 3d Floor

Andrew C. Carey New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Chrlstopher L. C. Kuberiet
Counly Proseculor 7 32-145-1300
l"' Assist.trrt Proseuttot
[email protected]
Gerrrd P. McAleer Deputy l" Assistants
Chiel of Counn Inwstiga,ors Cbristle L. Bevscq!s
Brl8n D. Gillet
March 26, 2018

Kenneth Lebrato
Director, Carteret Police Department
230 Roosevelt Avenue
Carteret, New Jersey 07008

Dear Police Director Lebrato:

In my capacity as County Prosecutor and ChiefLaw Enforcement Officer for Middlesex

County, I am granting you, as Police Director ofthe Carteret Police Department (CPD), the
express permission to conduct and direct others to conduct internal affairs investigations which
involve possible criminal activity for all police personnel of the Carteret Police Department.
This express authorization wilI commence as ofthe date of this letter and will end in six months.
Prior to the expiration ofthat period, I may choose to extend the period of authorization.

This extraordinary measure is being taken for multiple reasons. First, there have been
recent serious allegations made against members ofCPD with regard lo certain matters including
the improper issuance of firearms documents to civilians, as well as serious complaints of
excessive use of force. Second, while the duties regarding supervising internal affairs would
normally fall to the highest ranking swom law enforcement officer ofa police department. in the
case ofCarteret, thal person who is now the Deputy Chief, is ineffective in executing his official
duties. Third, it's otherwise quite apparent that lhe Carleret Police Depa(ment is in need of
efl'ective leadership at the highest level. As such, the duties associated with intemal affairs must
fall to another.

You are uniquely well qualified to assume these additional duties relating to internal
alfairs as a Director. You have recently retired in good standing fiom Middlesex County
Prosecutor's Office after serving many years as a well-respected Assistant Prosecutor. During
your time as an AP, you served under my leadership as the Section Chiefofthe Cuns, Cangs,
and Drugs Task Force. You are a seasoned trial attomey, have supervised others including many
swom police officers, and are well versed in the policies and procedures of intemal affairs
Thank you for taking on this very important additional responsibility. Ifyou have any
questions or concems, please let me know. In addition, I will make MCPO supervisory staff
available to you at any time to provide assistance.


Middlesex County Prosecutor

cc: Honorable Daniel J. Reiman

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