01 Handout 1

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IV. Figurative Language Literature as an Enduring Expression

1. Alliteration - This is a very common figure of speech that involves using words that
I. Defining
begin with Literature
the same sound. to Vinuya, (2011), literature is mans vehicle for self-expression: a form of
catharsisFor instance, Sally sells seashells by the seashore is alliteration and try saying it
(relief) and
fast to feelings
see of friendship. It is the preserver of the culture of a nation that preserves
it; thehow difficult it is! It is often used in advertising slogans to create something catchy
showcase of peoples national upheavals (struggles); and, more importantly, it is a means
that more
or 2. Anaphora
a tool
people will - This figure of speech uses a specific clause at the beginning of each
forsentence or
cultural transmission. It is through literature (along with other arts) that the cultural
pointofto make a statement.
Prose Good night and good luck is an example of the beginning word being
people is passed on from one generation to the next. Of course, the primordial aim of
the same.
The more it is used, the more of an emotional effect it can evoke from those who are
is to entertain.
This text is writtenfrom
Another example This textis is "Mad
written world! Mad kings! Mad composition!" King John, III by
sentences or
3. Assonance -by
William Shakespeare. sentences or
the phrase Both I Like
text Ike? It was a very
paragraph and
common phase for those
who paragraph and express intended to be read.
supported Dwight intended Eisenhower
to be read. during his presidential run. This is a figure of speech that
focuses on the Thisvowel
text sounds in a and phrase, repeating them over and over to create a great
This text
4. Hyperbole - communicates
effect. It was as big or as a mountain!
patriotism It was faster than a cheetah! It was dumber
than a delivers its
or simply
casually as if its
message just discussing
rock! This figure of speech makeslove things seem
for the much bigger than they really are by
using the words
figuratively like a
using poem. country communicatively
grandiose depictions of everyday things. Hyperbole orisdeliberately. often seen as an exaggeration
adds - This figure of speech tries to use a word in a literal sense that debunks what has
a bit of humor to a story.
been said. Gentlemen, you cant fight in here! This is the War Room! from Dr.
is a great example. It is often used to poke fun at a situation that everyone else sees as
6. Metaphor - The use of metaphor compares two (2) things that are not alike and finds
a very
III. Forms
serious Genres
about them Forms to pertain
make them to the structure or the way a piece was published. (short story,
novel, My heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill from a book by William Sharp is
poem, drama, or play)
Literary example
a metaphor.
to the Some
category writers try to use
determined bythis
thestyle to create
technique something
of the author in
7. Simile
out of -comparing
his content In this figure
(Comedy, twoofthings
Tragedy, thattwo (2) Fiction,
Horror, things are
to have compared
Fantasy, that
at all
Mystery, are not really
common. the
same but
are used to make a point about each other.
Life is like a box of chocolates;(Major you Forms)
never know what youre going to get is a famous
Short Story, Poem, Novel, Drama or Play
line (Genres)
from the movie Forrest Gump that illustrates the simile. This is often used to make an
emotional FictionNon-Fiction
Comedy, Tragedy, Horror, Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Mythology, History, Musical, Epic/Action
point about something. The difference between simile and metaphor is that you can
8. Metonymy
obviously -ProsePoetry
In this figure of speech, a word that has a very similar meaning can be used
for see words "like" in the sentence. Poem, Haiku, Ballad, Sonnet
Short Story,Using
another. Parable,the Fable,
word Novel, Essay,for
crown News,royalty or lab coats for scientists are two (2)
examples. In some ways, it can be seen (Note that any literary work that uses
as a nickname forrhyme,
something else; for instance,
Drama, Magazine
The rhythm, measurements and/or written in lines,
White House
Encyclopedia said doesnt
(Reference Materials)actually mean the White House said it (a house cant speak!)
but stanzas, and verses are considered under this
that the andPresident
non-Fiction said
it. Myth, Folktale
However, we all understand the meaning, and so the words
are(anything written in sentences and paragraphs)
01 Handout 1 *Property of STI
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