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low-voltage motors
Efficient and powerful up to 5,000 kW
the most comprehensive
range of motors

The history of todays most comprehensive range of motors worldwide started about 150 years ago in 1866 as
Werner von Siemens developed the dynamo-electric principle. This principle allowed powerful electric motors
to be designed and built, therefore creating the basis for their widespread use in industry today. Since then,
motor development has been a core business of the company, and with far more than 100 years of experience,
Siemens sets the pace when it comes to innovative motor technology. Today, millions of Siemens motors are effi-
ciently powering machines and equipment in industrial facilities around the world. In all sectors, applications
and power classes. Starting from energy-efficient low-voltage motors through motion control motors with a
high dynamic performance up to powerful high-voltage motors and well-proven DC motors. Motors that have
proven themselves in use, and are attractive as a result of their quality, efficiency and compactness. The only
thing that was missing up until now was a name reflecting their overall performance. We now have a name:

Low-voltage motors for line and frequency converter operation

General Purpose Severe Duty Explosion-protected Definite Purpose Flexible Duty Trans-standard High Torque

IEC: 0.0945 kW IEC: 0.09315 kW IEC: 0.091,000 kW IEC: 0.09315 kW IEC: 2001,800 kW IEC: 2005,000 kW
IEC: 1502,100 kW
NEMA: 120 HP NEMA: 1400 HP NEMA: 1300 HP 3250 HP NEMA: 200800 HP

Pumps, fans, Pumps, fans, General industrial Marine applications, Pumps, fans, com- Pumps, fans, Paper machines,
compressors with compressors, applications with for example transport pressors and conveyor compressors, mixers, slow-running pumps,
specific requirements marine applications, special requirements and working roller belts with higher extruders in the crushers, shears for
relating to low weight offshore, mixers, relating to explosion tables, ventilating power ratings, as well chemical and petro- steel, bow thrusters,
crushers, extruders, protection in zone 1, tunnels, parking as cranes, extruders chemical industry, winches or main
rolling mills with 2, 21 and 22, e.g. in garages, shopping and bow thrusters in paper machines, drives for marine
special requirements the process industries malls, port cranes, the following sectors: mining, cement, applications
regarding the rugged- container terminals water and wastewa- steel industry,
ter, chemical industry, marine applications
ness, especially in the as well as customized
fiber industry, oil and
chemical and petro- motors, adapted for
gas, marine, cement
chemical industries special applications
industry, mining and

SIMOTICS stands for

150 years of motor production

the most comprehensive range of motors worldwide
optimum solutions in all sectors, regions and power classes
innovative motor technology with the highest quality and reliability
highest dynamic performance, precision and efficiency, with an optimum degree of compactness
integration of the motors in the drive train to create an overall system
the global network of skill sets and worldwide service around the clock

Motion control motors DC motors High-voltage motors

Servomotors Main motors Linear motors Torque motors


Servomotors Servo geared motors

IEC: 0.0534.2 kW IEC: 0.57 kW IEC: 2.81,340 kW IEC: 1.781.9 kW IEC: 1.7380 kW IEC: up to 1,610 kW IEC: 150 kW100 MW
and more
NEMA: 200135,000 HP
and more

High dynamic performance and high preci- Rotary axes with Linear motion ap- Rotary axis applica- Drive applications in all Pumps, fans,
sion applications, for example handling a high dynamic plications with the tions with the high- industrial areas and in the compressors, extruders,
systems, storage and retrieval machines, performance and highest demands est demands placed infrastructure mills, crushers, conveyor
wood, glass, ceramic and stone processing, precision, e.g. main placed on high dy- on precision and belts, refiners, open-cast
packaging, plastics and textile machines, drives in presses, namic performance force, e.g. extrud- mining excavators, main
machine tools printing machines, and precision, e.g. ers, winders, roller drives for ships, main
roller drives and machining centers, drives, rotary axes rolling mill drives
winders in foil turning, grinding, in machine tools, ro-
machines and other laser machining, tary indexing tables,
converting applica- handling and in tool magazines
tions, main spindle the machine tool
drives in machine domain

low-voltage motors:
from large to small and
from standard to customized
New drive tasks are always fascinating. This is because every one of them is different. However, some things
always remain the same: the call for a profitable, safe and especially an integrated and seamless solution. We
can offer you this solution with our Integrated Drive Systems: from gearboxes through couplings up to frequency
converter and control systems. Our seamless range of low-voltage motors is a central component here: three-
phase motors, which already fit most requirements as standard, as well as customized versions. Motors for every
sector and application for use worldwide. Moreover, motors that are unrivaled in terms of innovation.

Always the optimum power and performance Environmentally compatible production

With a power range from 0.09 to 5,000 kW, our low-volt- Our motors are manufactured employing the latest, envi-
age motors simply drive everything there is to drive. ronmentally-friendly technologies. Here, we place a lot of
Depending on the particular requirements, we can offer emphasis on an environmentally compatible production
you efficient motors in different efficiency classes for a environment that carefully uses valuable resources with
positive energy balance, and according to different local solvent-free impregnation and paint for the motors. High-
standards, explosion-protected motors for the highest quality materials are combined to achieve maximum effi-
safety standards, motors with high power and power den- ciency. Put briefly: You obtain a compact, reliable motor.
sity and sector as well as customized motors. All are
equipped as standard with the widest range of features Efficiency for a high degree of cost-effectiveness
for the highest cost-effectiveness. And all of this with an Whether low or high power ratings, all of our motors have
attractive price-performance ratio. We are there locally for one thing in common: high efficiency with a high power
you around the globe with production, sales and ser- density. The compactness of the motors simplifies
vice. machine design, the efficiency reduces operating costs
and lowers CO2 emission.

Ideal for standard and
special applications:
Motor production employing the latest technologies for high
Environmentally compatible production to reduce environmental
Seamless portfolio with motors for global markets and different
efficiency standards
Well-conceived design for maximum flexibility to address the
widest range of applications and sectors
Leading partner in automation and drive technology with global


Lightweight design for

General Purpose applications
Motors with aluminum frame are suitable for a wide range of standard drive tasks in the industrial environment.
As a result of their low weight, they are predestined for applications such as pumps, fans and compressors.
However, they are also admirably suited for conveyor technology and cranes.

Little space, lots of power One enclosure, different technologies

Motor versions designed for line operation are available The VSD10 Line motors for converter operation are invest-
with IE1 up to IE4 efficiencies. The different efficiency ment-optimized induction motors employing a proven and
classes have the same shaft height, and in fact, in some well-known design. An especially efficient drive system is
instances, the same enclosure. This is a huge advantage created by teaming up a synchronous reluctance motor
when retrofitting. If the motor must be very compact, as (VSD4000 Line) with a SINAMICS G120 converter. Especially
there is not sufficient space for a conventional standard in the partial load range, the reluctance technology results
motor, then motors with increased power could be the in significantly lower operating costs.
solution. Power ratings of a standard motor in the next
smaller shaft height can be realized with these motors. Maximum flexibility, minimum costs
Motors optimized for line operation can be optionally Our motors are designed to achieve maximum flexibility
operated with a converter. As a consequence, every and minimum installation costs: Integrated lifting lugs,
customer requirement can be addressed. mounting feet that can be bolted on and easy-to-access
terminal boxes are just some of the features that ensure
One motor, many options that the motors can be simply handled.
Motors drive machines all around the globe. We offer
export versions certified according to ABNT, China Energy
Label, Kemco, UL-S, CSA-S, DoE, CSA-E.

Features of General Purpose motors

Light motors place low requirements on the statics of
the foundation
The motors optimized for line operation (DOL) are available
with efficiency classes IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4 and as export lines in
NEMA Energy Efficiency and NEMA Premium Efficiency.
Compact motors where the shaft height does not change
between the efficiency classes facilitate a fast changeover or a
simple retrofit to optimize the energy efficiency of the system
or plant and the CO2 footprint
Premium and Super-Premium efficient motors with optimized
efficiency noticeably reduce operating costs
Positive eco-balance of the high-efficiency and premium
efficiency motors environmentally friendly as a result of the
CO2 reduction
Easy to modify using modular retrofit kits
Motors optimized for line operation are also suitable
for converter operation.
VSD10 Line converter versions for investment-optimized
operation or the VSD4000 Line for highly energy-efficient
operation in the partial load range

Data, facts, details General Purpose motors

Shaft height 63 to 225

Power range 0.09 to 45 kW
No. of poles 2/4/6/8
Motor/material Frame: aluminum,
Terminal box: aluminum
Fan cover: plastic or sheet steel (depending on version)
Efficiency classes IE1 = Standard Efficiency NPE = NEMA Premium Efficiency
IE2 = High Efficiency
IE3 = Premium Efficiency
IE4 = Super Premium Efficiency
Versions Standard motors in IE1, IE2, IE3 and IE4 Separately ventilated without an outer fan
Increased Power Line in IE1, IE2 and IE3 and fan cover
US export line (Eagle Line) in NPE Naturally cooled without external fan
Asia Pacific Export Line (APAC Line) in IE3
Marking Classification according to DIN IEC 60034-30: IE1; IE2; IE3; IE4; 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-pole
Degree of protection IP55
Voltages All of the usual voltages from 230 V up to 690 V
Frequency 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Type of construction All of the usual types of construction
Cooling method Surface-cooled (TEFC)
Temperature class 155(F) utilized to 130(B)
Insulation system DURIGNIT IR 2000, free of solvents and resistant to moisture
Modular mounting Rotary pulse encoder, brake, external fan or prepared for components to be mounted
Standard series Cast mounting feet on the frame, can be optionally bolted and changed over,
concept diagonally split terminal box that can be rotated in 90 steps
Bearings are identical at the DE and NDE, optional bearing size 63


The heavyweights for

Severe Duty applications
Motors with cast iron frames are especially rugged. This makes them the first choice for applications in tough
and harsh ambient conditions. They master dust and vibration in crushers and mixers just the same as aggres-
sive atmospheres in the petrochemical industry. Their design supports optimum motor cooling and offers the
same handling as for our General Purpose versions.

Compact design Power efficiency

For machines, frequently the size of a motor plays a The increased power Severe Duty motors can be the solu-
significant role. This is the reason that our new cast iron tion if there is not enough space for a standard motor. The
motors are optimized to achieve optimum compactness. reason for this is that these motors have the same power
IE2, IE3 and IE4 motors have the same shaft height. rating, but in the next smaller shaft height. They are the
This means that the mechanical interface to the driven solution where space is especially restricted and for retro-
machine always remains constant. As a consequence, it fit projects.
is easy to upgrade the motor efficiency without having
to adapt the mechanical design of a machine. Export Different technologies for converter operation
versions certified according to ABNT, China Energy Label, VSD10 Line motors designed for converter operation are
Kemco, UL-S, CSA-S, DoE, CSA-E are available. optimized from an investment perspective and available in
the well-known and proven induction motor technology.
The synchronous-reluctance motors belonging to the
VSD4000 Line together with SINAMICS G120 converters
represent an especially efficient drive system. The reluc-
tance technology reduces the energy requirement, espe-
cially in the partial load range.

Features of Severe Duty motors

Especially rugged motors for use in aggressive
ambient conditions:
Basic Line with cast iron frame, bearing size 62 and plastic
fan cover
Performance Line with an especially rugged design, with
cast iron frame, bearing size 63, steel fan cover, high service
factor and 36 months warranty
Compact series facilitate a fast changeover or a simple retrofit
to optimize the energy efficiency and the CO2 footprint
Positive eco-balance of the high-efficiency and premium effi-
ciency motors environmentally friendly as a result of the CO2
Easy to modify using modular retrofit kits
Up to 460 V frequency converter-proof as standard,
up to 690 V dedicated versions available
Motors optimized for line operation are also suitable for
converter operation
VSD10 Line converter versions for investment-optimized
operation or the VSD4000 Line for highly energy-efficient
operation in the partial load range

Data, facts, details Severe Duty motors

Shaft height 71 to 315

Power range 0.09 to 315 kW
No. of poles 2/4/6/8
Motor/material Frame: cast iron,
Terminal box: cast iron
Fan cover: plastic or sheet steel (depending on the version)
Efficiency classes IE1 = Standard Efficiency NPE = NEMA Premium Efficiency
IE2 = High Efficiency
IE3 = Premium Efficiency
IE4 = Super Premium Efficiency
Versions Basic Line in IE1, IE2, IE3 and IE4 Asia Pacific Export Line (APAC Line) in IE2 and IE3
Performance Line in IE2, IE3 and IE4 Separately ventilated without an outer fan and fan cover
Increased Power Line in IE2, IE3 Naturally cooled without external fan
US export line (Eagle Line) in NPE
Marking Classified according to DIN IEC 60034-30: IE1; IE2; IE3; IE4; 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-pole
Degree of protection IP55
Voltages All of the usual voltages from 230 V up to 690 V
Frequency 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Type of construction All of the usual types of construction
Cooling method Surface-cooled (TEFC)
Temperature class 155(F) utilized to 130(B)
Insulation system DURIGNIT IR 2000, free of solvents and resistant to moisture
Modular mounting Rotary pulse encoder, brake, external fan or prepared for components to be mounted
Standard series concept Cast mounting feet on the frame, can be optionally bolted and changed over, diagonally split terminal box
that can be rotated in 90 steps, bearings are identical at the DE and NDE, optional reinforced bearings


Explosion-protected motors:
maximum safety extremely rugged
In hazardous areas such as in the chemical and petrochemical industry or in gas works, motors have to meet
maximum safety standards for the protection of man, machine and the environment. With our explosion-
protected motors, you can depend on maximum safety.

Our explosion-protected motors for the IEC market
are developed, produced and certified in accordance
with explosion protection directive 94/9/EC (ATEX).
Further, they are tested and certified from a nomi-
nated European testing body (PTB, DEKRA EXAM,
FTZU). As a consequence, they offer certified relia-
bility and efficiency for each and every drive
Extremely long lifetime
Explosion-protected motors are extremely rugged, have
a long service lifetime and operate without any distur-
bances, even when subject to the harshest conditions.
This has been proven hundreds of thousands of times over
in operation around the world. And not only that: Our
range of explosion-protected motors is comprehensive
and covers all requirements with maximum safety and
efficiency in operation.

Extremely safe, even in converter operation

Explosion-protected motors are used in environments with
explosive gases or dusts. Depending on the particular
requirement, motors are available with aluminum or cast
iron frame, suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 or 22. For special IEC type spectrum
locations, which have potentially explosive dust as well as Our explosion-protected motors fulfill the
gas atmospheres, motors with double protection for Zones explosion protection directive 94/9/EC (ATEX):
2 and 22 or 1 and 21 are the ideal solution.
In addition to SIMOTICS, with the LOHER CHEMSTAR Motors in type of protection
motors, we can provide special solutions adapted to the Increased safety e (Ex e IIC)
particular application. Special mechanical and electrical Flameproof frame d (Ex de IIC)
versions up to a combination of Ex d and Ex e types of Non-sparking nA (Ex nA IIC T3)
protection can be implemented. Dust explosion protection t
SIMOTICS XP motors are suitable for frequency converter (Ex tb IIIC / Ex tc IIIB, Zone 21/22)
operation, and are available in different efficiency classes Seamless series of explosion-protected motors
up to efficiency class IE3 without any change in the VIK version, IECEx, NEPSI and EAC optionally possible
shaft height.

An overview of the technical data

Zones Gas Zone 1 Gas Zone 2 Dust Zone 21/22

Type of protection Ex e Ex d Ex nA Ex tb, Ex tc
Power range 0.12165 kW 0.25460 kW 0.091,000 kW 0.091,000 kW
Voltage range All of the usual voltages
Shaft height 63 M315 L* 71 M355* 63 M450* 63 M450*
Type of construction All of the usual types of construction
Rated speed 7503,600 rpm
Torques 0.68,090 Nm
Application areas Pumps, fans, compressors and centrifuges in the chemical and petrochemical Woodworking, plastics,
industries, oil and gas agriculture

* Higher power ratings are available in SIMOTICS TN, SIMOTICS FD and the LOHER CHEMSTAR and VARIO motors.

Customized motors for precisely

fitting solutions with low
lifecycle costs
Every sector has its own particular requirements when it comes to drive technology. As full liner with many years
of experience, we precisely understand these requirements. Our engineers are in a position to clearly under-
stand your individual requirements when it comes to drive technology: When all is said and done, standard
drives from Siemens are at home in almost every sector around the world. And not only that: We are always on
the search for innovative solutions to achieve optimum cost effectiveness. As a consequence, to complement our
standard motors, we also offer our Definite Purpose motors. These completely comply with special sector
requirements therefore guaranteeing the highest efficiency.

Customized motors for precisely fitting solutions Compact motors in one motor platform
with low lifecycle costs We develop motors to address your special requirements
We also supply a wide variety of motors tailored to your over a wide range of power ratings, as they are based on
special requirements. Examples include mechanically the well proven and established platform for 1LE1 stan-
adapted mounting flange, special types of construction dard motors. They can be manufactured with aluminum or
up to motors completely integrated in the driven machine. cast iron enclosure, and can be adapted to perfectly sat-
The electrical parameters can also be adapted, for isfy your specific requirements. As a result of the high
example, the power peaks or special efficiencies such as power density, compact as well as special high-efficiency
Super Premium Efficiency. Together with you, we can versions up to IE4 in IEC standard shaft heights can be
develop a series of motors that specifically address your specified.

Examples for customer-specific adaptations

Electrical adaptations
Special service factors
Special power densities
Adaptations regarding frequency converter
Especially high efficiencies, e.g. IE4
Mechanical adaptations
Special mounting flanges
Special types of construction and mounting
Special mounting interfaces up to motors
completely integrated in a machine
Special shafts and special bearings for
specific types of load

Sector motors: tested
for the toughest of
Ship motors: Full speed ahead
Salty air and high humidity expose electrical equipment
installed on ships and in coastal regions to extreme condi-
tions. This is why renowned ship classification societies
have strict requirements regarding the additional qualifi-
cation of motors.
Our marine motors comply with the specifications of
leading classification societies (DNV, GL, BV, LRS, RS, Marine motor
KR, ABS, RINA) and have EC-type examination certificates
up to BG315L. They are always adapted to the higher Winches (anchor and mooring winches, lifting gear)
ambient temperatures on board ships. When specified, Compressors
they can also be individually accepted by representatives Bow thruster drives
of the ship classification societies.
On-deck motors
Below-deck motors Drive systems on ship decks have to withstand wind and
Our marine motors with EC type examination certification weather. They must not be affected by spray, flooding and
are available for normal environmental conditions as well icing. LOHER special on-deck motors are precisely
as for hazardous zones. They have been specifically designed for these application conditions and continue to
designed for use below deck on ships and for offshore run undisturbed even when completely submersed. A spe-
applications, for example on oil rigs. cial offshore paint finish ensures additional corrosion pro-
Drives for ships: tection. Further, specifically designed fan covers and an
Fans (e.g. for air conditioning and cooling systems) ice-proof design are available.
Pumps (for firefighting, cooling water, fuels, oils)

Features of marine motors

Manufactured and type-approved in accordance with the
regulations of the leading international marine classification
societies DNV (Det Norske Veritas, Norway), GL (Germanischer
Lloyd, Germany), BV (Bureau Veritas, France), LR (Lloyds
Register, Great Britain), RS (Russian Maritime Register of
Shipping), KR (Korean Register of Shipping), RINA (Registro
Italiano Navale, Italy), ABS (American Bureau of Shipping, USA)
When classified as Essential Services, individual acceptance
tests are not required up to a maximum power of DNV < 300 kW;
GL < 50 kW; BV < 100 kW; LR < 100 kW; RS < 20 kW; KR < 7.5 kW;
RINA < 100 kW; ABS < 100 kW
Special versions are possible on request


Individual requirements,
precisely fitting solutions

Smoke extraction motors:

Reliable ventilation even at high temperatures
When accidents occur in buildings with smoke detection
systems, the ventilation and cooling systems have their
work cut out for them. Because then, upmost priority
must be given to ensure that ventilation is maintained as
long as possible to keep escape routes free of smoke and
improve the chances of survival. Our certified low-voltage
motors for smoke extraction fans reliably master even
high ambient temperatures. They reduce the thermal
stress placed on buildings and reliably ensure smoke-free
escape and access routes.

Application areas Smoke extraction

They are used in highly frequented public buildings such motor
as night clubs, shopping malls, movie theaters, airports,
enclosed car parks as well as industrial buildings, stair-
cases, tunnels, etc.

Features of smoke extraction motors

Motor series in accordance with EN 12101-
3/2002 certified for operation under emer-
gency conditions
Power ratings 0.37 kW up to 200 kW
Efficiency class IE2 and IE3
F200/300, 200/300 C for 120 minutes
Safe and reliable ventilation in case of
Motors operate longer than specified in the
relevant standards
Axial or radial fan drive possible
Smoke-free access routes for appropriate fire-
fighting measures and rescue operations
Reduced consequential fire damage
Can be used in already certified systems
without testing
Frequency converter operation is possible
(normal operation, however, not in the case of
a fire)

Crane motors:
Maximum power even when things get stormy
Just the same as ship motors, crane motors are often
exposed to extreme weather conditions and at the same
time, high operational requirements. They have to with-
stand high humidity, salty air and high wind speeds while
ensuring a high overload capability and a wide speed con-
trol range. Our crane motors are protected by special paint
finishes as well as seals to reliably protect them against

Application areas
Our rugged cast iron motors are particularly suitable for
harsh crane operation under adverse operating conditions Crane motor
for indoor and outdoor applications, e.g. in harbor facili-
ties for rubber-tired gantry cranes, rail-mounted gantry
cranes and automatic stacking cranes.

Features of crane motors

Torque reserves permit high surge loads
For ambient temperatures up to 50 C, optionally also higher
Protected against 100 % humidity and salty atmospheres
As accelerating drives, they have an overload capability of up to 230 %
One motor version covers all of the usual duty types (e.g. S2, S3)
Generously dimensioned terminal box
Corrosion protection inside the motor (winding, frame, bearing shields)
As option, especially rugged mounting feet and flanges made of
torsionally stiff spheroidal iron
Optionally available with mounted rugged rotary pulse encoder
Travel gear motors in rugged, non-ventilated design
Together with the installed encapsulated and seawater-proof disk
brakes, the brake motors form a compact unit and serve as ideal travel
gear motor for modern frequency converter-fed crane systems
Special versions on request


Extremely rugged for demanding


Steel Plant motor

Powerful and rugged: Steel Plant motors Applications

Our Steel Plant motors have been specifically designed for Transporting steel to the heating furnace or steel plates to
applications in the steel industry with high requirements the cooling bed, drives for shears, beam lines and dis-
placed on vibration and shock levels according to Class charge roller tables. They can also be used for other met-
3M4 (EN 60721-3-3). They offer an optimized solution als, such as aluminum slabs to be heated up and trans-
from both technical and economic perspectives to address ported for rolling.
a wide range or transport tasks in the steel manufacturing
process or in steel production plants where no scale dust
occurs. They can be operated directly on the line supply
with a fixed speed, or partnered up with SINAMICS S120
to address processes demanding a high dynamic

Features of Steel Plant motors

Shaft heights 112 to 280
Torque range: 20 Nm to 578 Nm
4- and 6-pole
Efficiency class for line motors: IE3
Converter motors also have a high efficiency
Versions as line motors or converter motors in conjunction with
the SINAMICS S120 family
2 versions available: ventilated (IC411) and non-ventilated
24-month warranty

Roller table motor

Roller table motors: Powerful and extra rugged Application areas

Today, operational roller tables in reversing rolling mills The rugged, non-ventilated roller table motors are
are almost exclusively equipped with directly driven roll- especially suitable for operation in tough environments
ers. Extremely high requirements are placed on the drives such as rolling mills with extreme application conditions,
mechanical design. To meet these requirements, we in working and transport roller tables, at high ambient
developed our three-phase roller table motors for fre- temperatures, high air humidities and in the presence of
quency converter operation. They are totally enclosed scale dust.
three-phase induction motors with a housing made of
spheroidal graphite iron, ring ribs and reinforced bearing

Features of roller table motors

The torsionally stiff frame manufactured out of spheroidal iron is
especially rugged to withstand mechanical stress
In addition, the ring-structured rib housing prevents the accu-
mulation of scale dust
Torque reserves allow for high surge torques of up to 400 %
One motor version covers all of the usual duty types (e.g. S2, S3)
Frequency converter-proof up to a line supply voltage of 460 V,
optionally available with special insulation up to 690 V
Optimum utilization when fed from a frequency converter
by adapting the winding to the particular voltage/frequency
Optionally available with mounted rugged rotary pulse encoder
Versions as foot- or flange-mounted motor
Special versions on request


Flexible Duty motors increased

flexibility for powerful motors

In the power range from 200 kW up to 1,800 kW, SIMOTICS FD is the basis for a cost-effective complete drive sys-
tem comprising a motor and frequency converter with high power density. The cast iron frame means that the
motor is rugged and durable. The water-cooled motor versions signify that a wide range of applications can be
addressed. Thanks to its many different types of construction, the motor can be used in the widest range of
applications, including pumps, fans, compressors, conveyor belts, and in sectors such as water and wastewater,
marine, plastics industry and oil and gas.

Modular system for a high degree of flexibility Looks different and packs a lot more
The intelligent, modular system is what makes SIMOTICS FD sports a compact motor design without any
SIMOTICSFD motors so flexible. Motors are available with outer ribs. The laminated core surface allows efficient
air or water cooling in a total of six different versions. cooling directly in the frame close to the source of heat.
Based on these various different cooling methods and The motors have low envelope dimensions and are
types of construction, the motor can be optimally adapted attractive as a result of their powerful performance. Fur-
to the particular application. This is also true as external ther, they can be individually adapted to specific sectors
fan units, terminal boxes and monitoring systems can be and customer applications as a result of the wide range of
simply connected and mounted, for instance. options.

Features of Flexible Duty motors

Modular principle for a higher degree of flexi-
bility: 6 different cooling methods 4 with air
cooling and 2 with water cooling
Increased system capability as optimized for
SINAMICS: lower losses as the motor is opti-
mized for the converter
Higher efficiency through variable-speed
Higher reliability based on global service
Can address more applications as a result of a
wide range of formats:
various mounting positions and versions for
external fans and water cooling
flexible terminal box position

An unbeatable team
The combination of SIMOTICS FD and SINAMICS G120P, This avoids having to overdimension the converter, and
G130, G150, S120 or S150 low-voltage converters is espe- the voltage is optimally utilized with lower noise when
cially cost-effective as the motor and converter are pre- operated with SINAMICS G and SINAMICS S converters.
cisely harmonized with one another. The rated motor cur-
rents are adapted to the converter output currents, and
the motor is designed for the rated pulse frequency of the

An overview of the technical data Flexible Duty motors

Enclosed air-cooled Water-cooled Open air-cooled

Cooling method Self-ventilated Force-ventilated Water jacket Air-water Self-ventilated Force-ventilated
IC 411 IC 416 cooling heat exchanger IC 01 IC 06
IC 71W IC 86W

Power range 200 1,200 kW 2001,500 kW 2001,800 kW

Shaft heights 315, 355, 400, 450

Versions Motor optimized for operation with SINAMICS frequency converters or motor for line operation (only IC 71W)
Efficiency classes Line motors: IE2 and IE3 to 375 kW
Line voltages 50 Hz line supplies: 400 / 500 / 690 V
60 Hz line supplies: 460 / 575 V (other voltages on request)
Rated speeds 7503,600 rpm
Motor/material Frame: cast iron; terminal box: cast iron
Degrees of IP23, IP55, IP56 non-heavy sea, IP65
Types of IM B3, IM B 35, IM B5 with supporting foot, IM V1, IMV15, IM V5, IM V6 acc. to DIN EN 60034-7
Temperature class Converter motors: 180(H) utilized to 155(F); line motors: 180(H) utilized to 130(B)
Insulation system DURIGNIT IR 2000
Modular mounting Prepared for rotary pulse encoder, brake, condition monitoring system or other mounted components


The versatile range of

trans-standard motors
Especially rugged motors are demanded for applications where power ratings above 200 kW are required, and
where ambient conditions are predominantly harsh. This is where our trans-standard motors come into play.
A comprehensive range of motors with a wide range of options addresses applications in the widest variety of
sectors: Chemical, oil and gas, cement, mining, paper, water/wastewater, steel and marine engineering are just a
few examples.

Designed and built for a long lifetime Cost-effective in operation

Our trans-standard motors are designed and built so that The uniform cooling ensures a long motor service life,
they fulfill the highest technical demands. Further, they high power density and longer maintenance intervals for
are attractive as a result of their reliability and long ser- economic operation.
vice life. This comes from our many decades of experience
in building motors, and as a result of a very rugged design
with cast iron bearing end shields and frames, high corro-
sion resistance, the winding insulation system and the
squirrel-cage rotor manufactured out of die cast alumi-

Features of trans-standard motors

Especially rugged motors with inner and outer ribbing for
high strength
Two-circuit cooling system: An additional inner cooling circuit
ensures even temperature distribution in the active motor area
and reduces the thermal load
High power in a small space permits compact, space-
saving equipment
Long lifetime with corrosion protection for resistance
against aggressive environments, e.g. high air humidity,
high temperatures or dust- and salt-laden air
The terminal box that can be rotated is generously
dimensioned, therefore simplifying commissioning
Quiet operation as a result of the aerodynamically optimized
air guidance paths
High voltage strength of the insulation system for line and
frequency converter operation

Data, facts, details trans-standard motors

Shaft height 315560

Power range 2005,000 kW
No. of poles 2/4/6/8
Motor/material Frame: cast iron, terminal box: cast iron
Efficiency class IE2, IE3 to 375 kW
Versions Line motors specifically optimized for line operation
converter motors specifically optimized for converter operation
Marking Classified according to IEC 60034-30 up to 375 kW: IE2, IE3, 2-, 4-, 6-pole (line motors), classified
according to IEC 60034-25: 2- to 8-pole (converter motors)
Degree of protection Standard: IP23, IP55, optional: IP56 non-heavy sea, IP65
Voltages 400 V to 690 V
Frequency 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Type of construction IM B3, IM B 35, IM V1, IM V5, IM V6 acc. to DIN EN 60034-7
Cooling method Surface-cooled (IC411) Open-circuit-cooled (IC01)
Force-ventilated (IC416) Water-jacket-cooled (IC71W)
Temperature class Line motors: 155(F) utilized to 130(B),
converter motors: 155(F) utilized acc. to 155(F);
a class 180(H) system is optionally available
Insulation system DURIGNIT IR 2000, standard insulation: Rated voltage 500 V
Special insulation: rated voltage > 500 V up to 690 V
Modular mounting concept Prepared for optional rotary pulse encoder, brake, external fan or other mounted components
Standard series concept Terminal box, rotatable in 90 steps, converter motors: NDE bearings are insulated as standard


Low operating costs and highest

availability with high-torque
With gearless high-power torque motors, you can depend on a high degree of cost effectiveness and low costs
over the complete product lifecycle. SIMOTICS HT series HT-direct is being used in many applications, which
require a very powerful drive without gearbox even at low speeds. Paper machines, presses and roller drives as
well as applications in the steel industry are just some examples. It is precisely here that you can fully leverage
the advantages of permanent-magnet synchronous motors.

High torques without gearbox Save energy using direct drives

In many cases, permanent-magnet synchronous motors Depending on the particular plant or system configura-
allow a gearbox to be eliminated, therefore reducing the tion, a drive train utilizing direct drives from the HT-direct
costs over the complete lifecycle of the plant or system series has on the average a 3 % higher overall efficiency
when compared to conventional drive concepts: From than conventional systems. As a consequence, a signifi-
planning through installation, commissioning and opera- cant amount of energy can be saved. The overall effi-
tion up to maintenance. In all phases of the plant or sys- ciency is increased as gearbox losses are eliminated and
tem lifecycle, a coordinated low-voltage system compris- thanks to the higher motor efficiencies, especially in the
ing SINAMICS converters and HT-direct motors is able to partial load area.
reduce operating costs.

Features of High-Torque motors

Gearless, therefore:
Higher overall efficiency when compared to drive systems
with gearbox
Lower maintenance costs
No failures as a result of gearbox damage
Space-saving arrangement as a result of the direct drive
Lower installation and commissioning costs
Long service intervals as a result of the long bearing service life
Many years of experience with permanent-magnet motor
Standard and seamless product series up into the high power
Coordinated system comprising HT-direct motor and SINAMICS
frequency converter

Low maintenance and environmentally friendly with a Powerful in many applications
high degree of availability The motors have proven themselves in many applications
Eliminating the gearbox also means that expensive main- as they are quiet, powerful and require little maintenance.
tenance is not required and there is no oil involved. This Application examples include presses in paper machines,
not only results in lower maintenance costs, but also sig- roller drives, shears and edgers in the steel industry, bow
nificantly longer maintenance intervals. Further, direct thrusters, winches and main drives in ships and mills/
drives not only reduce the operating costs, but also reduce crushers in the mining and cement industry.
the stress on the environment as there is no spent oil to
be disposed of and energy usage is lower. Gearbox dam-
age can result in non-scheduled plant downtimes. The
production failures and the resulting costs are a thing of
the past when using HT-direct motors. The high availabil- Data, facts, details High-Torque motors
ity increases the productivity and cost effectiveness of the
Shaft height 400, 450, 500 mm in a solid shaft version
plant or system.
Power 1502,100 kW
Torque 6,00042,000 Nm
Speed 0800 rpm
Voltages 400 V to 690 V
Protection IP55
Cooling Rib-cooled, water-jacket-cooled with forced
Frame Steel or cast iron


Motors according to
NEMA standard
In addition to IEC motors, this comprehensive range of motors also includes motors produced according to NEMA
for the North American marketplace. They comply both electrically as well as mechanically to NEMA MG1.
A complete range of SIMOTICS GP, SD, XP and DP motors are available.

Especially efficient Can be easily modified for versatility

Energy-saving motors with the NEMA Premium efficiency Specially designed bolt-on mounting feet on aluminum
class comply with US EISA legislation (Energy Indepen- frames and 8-hole feet for cast iron frames allow mount-
dence and Security Act) for minimum efficiencies. In some ing flexibility. This allows them to be flexibly used and
instances, Siemens NEMA motors have a higher efficiency reduces stocking costs for the machine manufacturer
than NEMA Premium. as well as for service and maintenance.

In addition to the minimum efficiencies specified in the Typical application areas

US, these motors also comply with minimum efficiency NEMA motors are suitable for a wide variety of industries
requirements in Canada (CSA) and Mexico (NOM). and trades, in sectors such as textiles, printing, chemical,
oil and gas as well as in higher-level applications, for
A design that addresses each and every requirement instance conveyor technology. General Purpose motors
A precise fit for every application, the motors are available are preferably used for HVAC applications as they are very
in a lightweight aluminum design or a rugged cast iron light. As a result of their ruggedness, Severe Duty motors
frame. are suitable, for instance, in the pulp and paper industry.
The Severe Duty motor version SD100 IEEE 841 even sur-
passes the demanding IEEE 841 standards for use in the
oil and chemical industry.

An overview of the technical data NEMA motors

SIMOTICS General Purpose SIMOTICS Severe Duty SIMOTICS Explosion Proof SIMOTICS Definite Purpose
GP100A / GP10 SD100 / SD100 XP100 / XP1000 ID1 Vertical Solid Shaft,
IEEE8414 / SD661 HP100 / LP100
Efficiency NEMA Premium, NEMA MG1, Table 12-12
Frame Aluminum / cast iron Cast iron
Power range GP100A (aluminium): 1400 HP 1300 HP 3250 HP
120 HP
GP100 (cast iron):
1200 HP
Voltage range 208230/460 V, 460 V, 575 V 230/460, 460, 575 V 230/460, 460, 575 V
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 60 Hz
NEMA shaft height GP100A (aluminium): 140440 180440
140250 HP
GP100 (cast iron):
140440 HP
Rated speed 900/1,200/1,800/3,600 rpm 4,200/1,800/3,600 rpm
Torques/Thrust Torques Torques Torques Down thrust:
2883 Ib-ft 1.51,776 Ib-ft 1.51,772 Ib-ft 73124,910 Lbs,
Up Thrust: 7385,221 Lbs
Degree of protection TEFC TEFC, IP55
Certification CE, CSA, RU, ee, cc UL, CSA, RI, ee, cc CE, CSA, ee, cc
Applications/ Pumps, compressors, fans, Chemical and Class I, Group D, Class II, Centrifugal pumps for
type of protection conveyor technology, petrochemical industry, Groups F&G Division 1 chemical and petro-
general industrial mining industry, paper Hazardous Zones chemical industries, water
applications and printing industries, and wastewater / Class I,
Class I, Division 2 Division 2

Tools for efficient engineering over
the complete product lifecycle
Our tools support you in all phases of the lifecycle of your drive solution, from calculating the payback time of
energy-efficient motors, through selecting, dimensioning and engineering products and drive systems including
comprehensive documentation all the way up to ordering.

SIMOTICS EE-COMPARATOR DT Configurator selecting and configuring drive tech-

The SIMOTICS EE-COMPARATOR App simply determines nology products
just how quickly a higher line or converter motor effi- For the wide range of motors and options, the DT Configu-
ciency pays off. Using just a few parameters, you can rator is the tool that optimally supports you when select-
determine by how much you can reduce your operating ing the optimum motor for your particular application.
costs. The MEPS module lists the minimum efficiency Configuration is convenient and fast using focused navi-
requirements for over 15 countries. gation based on selection menus or products can be
And this can be simply done using the SIMOTICS directly selected by entering the article number. Compre-
EE-COMPARATOR App: hensive documentation, from the datasheet and opera- ting instructions up to 2D dimension drawings, 3D models
and certificates, can also be called up. You can directly
SinaSave: submit your order by transferring a parts list into the
Simply and quickly determine energy saving potential industry mall shopping basket. The optimum motor can
Using the SinaSave web-based tool, you can find out just also be found for retrofit projects even if the motor pre-
how quickly an investment in a more efficient motor or viously used has an efficiency class that may no longer be
new drive solution pays off. Based on individual operating supplied as a result of the latest efficiency legislation.
characteristics and plant/system parameters, SinaSave cal- More information on this topic is available at
culates and compares the energy usage of drive products
and systems. Further, SinaSave calculates the energy
saving potentials for products and systems according to
EN 50589-2. As a result, you obtain the expected amorti-
zation time and its monetary evaluation, and, further-
more, the graphically displayed energy saving potential.
You can find SinaSave here:

Android iOS



SIZER WEB ENGINEERING flexible, individual and SIZER for Siemens Drives fast and simple drive
user-friendly drive engineering engineering
The web-based tool supports you when it comes to select- The SIZER for Siemens Drives engineering tool supports
ing and dimensioning products and drive systems. Using you when engineering the components that are required
integrated query functionality, SIZER WEB ENGINEERING for a particular drive application. The tool guides you
also offers customized special solutions for those applica- through all of the engineering steps from the line sup-
tions that cannot be addressed using standard products. ply through the motors to the drive components and con-
In addition to low-voltage products, you can also config- trol systems. More information is available on this topic at
ure high-voltage motors, medium-voltage systems and
DC converters. Comprehensive documentation such as
data sheets, starting calculations, dimension drawings
is a fixed element of the tool.
SIZER WEB ENGINEERING is your tool of choice if several
different drive tasks have to be handled in one project.
Your team of specialists is supported by the integral proj-
ect management using central documents and data man-
agement. This allows the data to be accessed at any time
and work to be carried out in parallel. The result: individ-
ual solutions for all your drive tasks from low-voltage up
to high-voltage technology.
This is where you start


Find out more:

Experience how
Integrated Drive
Systems can boost the
competitiveness of
production plants and
entire companies
in every sector.

The advantages
of Integrated
Drive Systems
at a glance

Article No.: E20001-A100-P531-V3-7600

Dispo 21503
D&M WS 04162.0
Printed in Germany
Siemens AG 2016

Subject to changes and errors. The information

given in this document only contains general
descriptions and/or performance features which
may not always specifically reflect those described,
or which may undergo modification in the course
of further development of the products. The re-
quested performance features are binding only
when they are expressly agreed upon in the con-
cluded contract.

All other designations in this document may repre-

sent trademarks whose use by third parties for
their own purposes may violate the proprietary
rights of the owner.

Follow us on: Siemens AG Process Industries and Drives Large Drives
P.O.Box 4743
Contact person closest to you 90025 NUERNBERG GERMANY

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