CAD Integration
CAD Integration
CAD Integration
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. iii
CAD Integration
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration Overview
ANSYS Workbench is a CAD-neutral environment that supports bidirectional, direct, and associative
geometry interfaces (plug-ins (p. 121)) with CAD systems as well as non-associative interfaces (readers)
that generally do not require the CAD be installed. The readers (p. 121) and associative geometry inter-
faces (p. 121) are not interchangeable. The specific import options that are supported can be viewed at
Geometry Preferences (p. 9).
The plug-ins support import/update without translation to the intermediate geometry formats. The as-
sociative geometry interfaces allow you to make parametric changes in a CAD system or drive those
changes from within ANSYS Workbench and when the geometry is updated assigned scopings will
persist if the topology is present in the updated model. The Named Selection Manager (p. 22), available
in most integrated CAD systems, provides a means to create custom selections within the CAD systems
for use in modeling, meshing, and analysis.
Readers, with the exception of the CAPRI interface, do not require the CAD system to be present to
import geometry files. These interfaces however, are not associative, nor bi-directionally parametric.
ANSYS CAD integration supports the Smart CAD Update, where supported by the CAD, and Selective
Update of CAD parts instead of updating an entire model. All interfaces can update the model using
Compare Parts on Update (p. 19) and those parts that are not modified will maintain their existing
mesh so it does not need to be generated.
CAD Readers
ACIS (*.sat, *.sab) (p. 30)
Autodesk Inventor Reader (*.ipt, *.iam) (p. 36)
CATIA V4 Reader (*.model, *.exp, *.session) (p. 41)
CATIA V5 Reader (*.CATPart, *.CATProduct) (p. 43)
CATIA V6 Reader (*.3dxml) (p. 49)
Creo Parametric Reader (*.prt, *.prt.*, *.asm, *.asm.*) (p. 54)
GAMBIT (*.dbs) (p. 68)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1
Geometry Export
IGES (*.igs, *.iges) (p. 70)
ANSYS MAPDL (*.anf )
Monte Carlo N-Particle (*.mcnp) (p. 74)
Parasolid (*.x_t, *.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin) (p. 81)
STEP (*.stp, *.step) (p. 98)
Introduction (p. 2)
Geometry Interface Support (p. 3)
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration (p. 8)
Mixed Import Resolution (p. 21)
CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21)
Named Selection Manager (p. 22)
Caveats and Known Issues (p. 24)
CAD Integration Installation and Licensing (p. 25)
CAD Integration File Format Support (p. 29)
CAD Integration SpaceClaim (p. 109)
CAD Integration Frequently Asked Questions (p. 115)
CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
CAD Integration Glossary (p. 121)
CAD Integration Updates (p. 123)
With the understanding that all engineering simulation is based on geometry to represent the design,
there are several methods of accessing CAD models within ANSYS Workbench, depending upon the
level of integration and the interface products licensed at your site.
For Geometry access via Workbench-integrated applications ANSYS DesignModeler or ANSYS SpaceClaim
Direct Modeler, right-click to select New Design Modeler Geometry or New SpaceClaim Direct
Modeler Geometry, or browse to a geometry file.
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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometry Interface Support
For Geometry access via CAD system with Associative reader, or CAD system with plug-in (p. 121), right-
click to select Import Geometry, then Browse to a geometry file OR select a model from the active
For Geometry access via CAD file with reader (p. 121), right-click to select Import Geometry, then
Browse to a geometry file.
ANSYS Workbench will open and automatically create a new Geometry system on the Project
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3
Information about past, present and future platform support is viewable via the ANSYS, Inc. website
(Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Matrices for supported CAD systems on ANSYS Workbench at the time of release:
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4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometry Interface Support
Reader/Plug-In Versions of CAD Package Operating System
Red Red SuSE SuSE
Hat 6 Hat 7 Linux Linux
ES 11 Enterprise
Supported Platform
Linux 64 (Intel EM64T, AMD64)
ACIS 2016 1.0
Autodesk 2016
CATIA V4 4.2.4
CATIA V5 V56R2015
CATIA V5 V56R2013, V56R2014, V56R015
CATIA V6 R2014x
Creo Parametric Creo Parametric 3.0
GAMBIT 2.4.6
IGES 4.0, 5.2, 5.3
Autodesk 2016
JT 10.0
Monte Carlo
NX 10
Parasolid 27.0
Rhinoceros V5.020
SketchUp V2014
Solid Edge ST8
SolidWorks 2015
Autodesk 2014
AutoCAD 2013
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5
= supported
Reader/Plug-In Versions of CAD Operating System
Package Windows 7 Windows 8.1 Windows 10
Supported Platform
Intel EM64T, AMD64
ACIS 2016 1.0
Autodesk 2016
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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometry Interface Support
Autodesk 2014 5
AutoCAD 2013
Creo 19.0
Elements/Direct 18.1 6
Creo Parametric 3.0
Creo Parametric Creo Parametric 2.0 7 7
Wildfire 5.0 3
Autodesk 2016
Inventor 2015
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7
= supported
8. requires NX 8.5.3
Material Processing
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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration
Geometry Preferences
The following geometry preferences are accessible at the locations named below and vary in name
depending on the location.
Workbench Options: Accessible via Workbench> Tools> Options> Geometry Import to set the default
values of the preferences. A checked box indicates enable or yes, an unchecked box indicates disable
or no.
Workbench Project Schematic: Right-click the Geometry cell and choose Properties.
Mechanical application: Read-only indications of the settings are shown in the Details View of the
Geometry object.
When DesignModeler or SpaceClaim are configured in add-in mode, most of the import preferences
listed below are hidden. Except for the analysis-specific preferences, Analysis Type and Compare Parts
on Update, all the applicable model data in the applications is transparently transferred,
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 9
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10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration
ACIS Reader
Autodesk Inventor Associative Geometry Interface an
CATIA V4 Reader
CATIA V5 Associative Geometry Interface and Reader
Creo Parametric Associative Geometry Interface and
NX Associative Geometry Interface and Reader
Solid Edge
SolidWorks Associative Geometry Interface and Read
CAD Attrib- Attributes CAD Attribute Pre- This field can have any number of prefixes with each pre
utes> Filtering fixes semicolon. By default the filter is set to DS;DDM. If the fi
Prefixes (text field) string all applicable entities will be imported as CAD sys
(text field)
Named Selec- Named Selec- Named Selection Creates a named selection based on data generated in t
tions tions Processing the DesignModeler application. You must set the value in
Prefixes field (described below) to the desired value. Up
(check box) (check box) updating, a Named Selection branch is added to the tre
appears in the drop down display within the Named Sel
maintained as a CAD named selection unless the branch
added or deleted, selection renamed). After updating, CA
are deleted and replaced with named selections that are
updated model.[2 (p. 12)] The default is No. The preference
ACIS Reader
CATIA V4 Reader
CATIA V5 Associative Geometry Interface and Reader
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling
Creo Parametric Associative Geometry Interface and
Autodesk Inventor Associative Geometry Interface an
NX Associative Geometry Interface and Reader
Solid Edge
SolidWorks Associative Geometry Interface and Read
Named Selec- Named Selec- Named Selection (Displayed only when Named Selection Processing is set
tions> Filtering tion Key Prefixes View.) Allows you to set the named selection processing
Prefixes is NS. This field can have any number of prefixes with ea
(text field) by a semicolon (for example: NS_ForceFaces;NS_Fi
(text field) ports;NS_BoltLoaded). By default the filter is set to
to an empty string all applicable entities will be importe
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 11
[1] These preferences are on a per part basis. Parts with solid bodies and surface bodies will result in
an attach failure if both import type preferences are selected. For assemblies however, where different
components are solely solid body or surface body, import of each part will be successful.
If you use a CAD system filter for entities, you must be able to create entities with names that correspond
to the filter.
Named selection sets should contain entities of only a single dimension (for example, faces, edges).
Refer to the Named Selection Import based on Entities (p. 23) table to determine the CAD system
support for the various entities (vertex, edge, face, body).
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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration
Autodesk Inventor
Geometry Interface
Geometry Interface
Creo Parametric
Geometry Interface
(always ON)
NX Associative
Geometry Interface
Solid Edge
Geometry Interface
Coordinate Sys- Import Coordin- Import Coordin- Specifies whether
tems ate Systems ate Systems coordinate systems created
in the CAD application
(check box) (check box) should be imported into the
ANSYS Mechanical
application. The default is
No. The preference applies
to the following:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 13
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration
Geometry Interface
NX Associative
Geometry Interface
Geometry Interface
Import Using Import Using Import Using Processes a CAD model by
Instances Instances Instances honoring its part instances
to produce faster attach
(check box) (check box) times and smaller database
sizes. The default is Yes. The
preference applies to the
Creo Parametric
Geometry Interface
NX Associative
Geometry Interface
Parasolid Reader
Solid Edge
Smart Update Smart CAD Up- Do Smart Up- Speeds up refresh of models
date date that have unmodified
(check box) components. If set to Yes
(check box) and changes are made to
other preferences, these will
not be respected if the
component is smart
updated. The default is Yes.
The preference applies to
the following:
Autodesk Inventor
Geometry Interface
Creo Parametric
Geometry Interface
Solid Edge
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 15
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16 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration
Decompose Decompose Decompose The preference applies to
Disjoint Disjoint Disjoint the following:
Geometry Geometry Geometry
Creo Parametric
(check box) (check box) Associative
Geometry Interface
(for use with faces
Autodesk Inventor
Geometry Interface
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 17
Solid and Surface
Surface and Line
The default is None which
means that if there are
bodies of mixed dimension
in a multibody part, nothing
is transferred to the ANSYS
Mechanical application. Sol-
id means only solid(s) from
the part are transferred to
the ANSYS Mechanical
application. Surface means
only surface(s) from the part
are transferred to the ANSYS
Mechanical application. Line
means only line(s) from the
part are transferred to the
ANSYS Mechanical
application. Solid and Sur-
face means only solid(s) and
surface(s) from the part are
transferred to the ANSYS
Mechanical application.
Surface and Line means
only surface(s) and line(s)
from the part are transferred
to the ANSYS Mechanical
application. This option is
controlled by the feature in
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18 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Compare Parts on Update
This processing becomes significant after handling the basic import options (e.g. if a part is Solid-Surface-
Line, if only Import Solids is selected, then only solid bodies would be imported) regardless of the Mixed
Import Resolution (p. 21).
However, when transferring the model from the ANSYS DesignModeler application to the ANSYS
Mechanical application for a 3D Analysis, the basic import options and Mixed Import Resolution (p. 21)
option are not applicable. All unsuppressed bodies/parts in the model will be transferred to the ANSYS
Mechanical application.
In the case of a 2D analysis, you should suppress all solid bodies in DesignModeler for a
successful transfer.
Post-Import Script
A script that will be executed after the completion of the attach of an active geometry when using the
Workbench button in the ANSYS menu inside the CAD system. This extensible functionality allows you
to create and import into a specified system, set geometry import preferences for the import and execute
other scriptable functionality. Simple example scripts can be found in ANSYS_InstallDir\aisol\Common-
The option compares the existing geometry and updated-to geometry to determine if any bodies/parts
remain unmodified. When you choose the Refresh Geometry context menu option (right-click on the
Geometry tree object or anywhere in the Geometry window), if no changes to the body are detected
(found to be unmodified), then the body/part does not need to be remeshed after the update has oc-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 19
The option can be set or modified before any update in the ANSYS Mechanical editor or ANSYS Meshing
and the subsequent updates will utilize that option.
For more information, see Compare Parts on Update in the Advanced Geometry Options table at
Geometry Preferences in the CAD Integration section of the ANSYS Help.
The Non-Associative setting for Compare Parts on Update depends on the entities from
the updated model being in the same order as the original model. If that order changes at
any level, that part will be marked as modified. For most CAD systems if the CAD session
remains open the order is more likely maintained then if the CAD is shut down and the
model reopened. For those geometry imports that support associativity the associative option
for Compare Parts on Update is the preferred mechanism.
The Compare Parts on Update feature is not supported for line bodies.
If the final existing instance of a part is modified such that it is no longer instanced, an associative
Compare Parts on Update may result in both the un-modified and the modified part being marked
as un-meshed, due to a change in the transformation matrix of the un-modified part.
From the Tools menu in ANSYS Workbench, select Options to display a dialog box and then, select
Geometry Import. The Advanced Options category includes the Compare Parts on Update option.
No (default): No post-update comparison will be attempted and all bodies/parts included in the update
will be marked as dirty and needing remeshed.
Associatively: Searches through the part data to find appropriately matching entities for comparison
based on their associative data. This option is slower because of that search but provides the best
option if parts or bodies are reorganized or added to or deleted from. The Associatively option is
the recommended comparison option and should be used exclusively if the model utilizes merged
topology from the DesignModeler application.
Non-Associatively: Generates a faster comparison but only does comparison on entities of a corres-
ponding index (body 1 original -> body 1 updated). If bodies are not reorganized or added to or
deleted from this method should be adequate, as long as the original topology is preserved. You
should not use the Non-Associatively option when using merged topology options (Automatic or
Imprints) from the DesignModeler application.
Tight (default): the Tight setting identifies updates geometry with only very small deviations as unchanged.
Normal: the Normal setting allows a 100 times greater deviation than tight.
These deviations are intended to account for modest internal deviations that can sometimes be generated
in computational values or in the mathematical representation of some geometry. It is not intended to
hide true geometric modifications.
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20 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Configuration Manager
For more information about Mixed Import Resolution, see the tables in Geometry Preferences (p. 9).
For platform specific information to use the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
ANSYS, Inc. Windows Installation Guide> Configuring CAD Products> Using the CAD Configuration
ANSYS, Inc. Linux Installation Guide> Configuring CAD Products> Using the CAD Configuration Manager
on Linux
NX Configuration
If the help for the CAD Configuration Manager does not load into your default browser, set the BROWSER
environment variable to the path of your HTML viewer (such as Mozilla or Firefox) and restart the CAD
Configuration Manager.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 21
This mechanism is activated by selecting the Named Selection Manager menu item from the current
ANSYS release menu inside the CAD system (with the exception of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling and
The Named Selection Manager displays groups created only in this tool but the Plug-in (p. 121) will
continue to support those previously imported in earlier ANSYS releases. The Named Selections are always
listed alphabetically. The Named Selection Manager supports defining Name Selection Groups within
CAD through the following operations.
Create: Pre-select entities to designate for the NS Group, click on Create button and designate a name
for the group. Some CAD systems (e.g. Solid Edge and NX) allow the selection between the Create and
Naming operations.
Delete: Select a group from the Named Selection Manager list followed by clicking the Delete button.
The Delete option allows you to delete the chosen named selection. Note that a confirmation dialog
box does not appear before that deletion.
Rename: Select an entry from the Named Selection Manager group list, click on the Rename and
supply a new group name. The Rename option allows you to change the name of the selected group.
Replace: Pre-select entities to compose the Named Selection, click on Replace. The newly selected
set will replace the entities in the Named Selections. No previous entities will remain except those which
were selected at the time of the Replace operation.
Select/Deselect: Help tools which allow for verification of a Named Selection Groups contents.
Note that in the case of NX, the geometry selection dialog box will prompt you when to click the Select
option. To modify a named selection, select the entry in the list and click the Replace option. The
geometry selection dialog box will pop up again to let you modify the selection created earlier.
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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Named Selection Manager
1. From an active CAD session, select the element (e.g. faces) of the model to which you want to apply a
named selection to the Named Selection Manager.
2. Select Named Selection Manager from the ANSYS drop down menu to display a dialog box.
4. Enter a name for the selected element. Select OK to list the name in the ANSYS Named Selection dialog
5. Highlight the Named Selection to activate the Select, Replace, Rename, and Delete options in the dialog
box. Choose an option, and select Close.
6. Import the active model into the desired application making sure to set the Named Selections preference
on and the Named Selections Key matching the desired sets for import.
7. Select Workbench from the ANSYS drop down menu to start an ANSYS Workbench session.
8. The CAD system icon in the Geometry cell of the Project Schematic indicates the model is loaded. Right-
click the Geometry cell to select Edit, or double-click cell.
9. Choose desired length in the Units dialog box, and select OK. An object named Attach1 appears in the
tree outline.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 23
11. In the Details View, the Named Selection Key must match the CAD system prefix.
12. Select Generate on the 3D features toolbar to complete the Attach feature. The Named Selection created
in the CAD system appears under the Attach1 object in the tree outline.
Length Units When Changing Geometry Sources The length units of loads and boundary conditions
are based on the unit of the imported model in Mechanical. When the source geometry is changed to
another model which uses a different length unit than the first, then loads, boundary conditions, and
non-associative coordinate systems in Mechanical will scale to match the new length unit of the imported
geometry. This may be observed when importing a model into Mechanical, then later choosing to edit
the geometry in DesignModeler. If the DesignModeler session's length unit is different than the original
CAD model's length unit, then any existing loads or boundary conditions in Mechanical that were
defined for the original CAD model may get scaled.
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24 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration Installation and Licensing
Because the individual CAD systems are listed with the other components during the product installation,
you can select the CAD systems that you wish to install.
Some product components, including CAD programs, require administrative permissions to register. If
you install with non-administrative privileges, you must follow the post-installation procedures as an
administrator for your product to ensure that all components are successfully registered.
For CAD-related installation prerequisites, see Table 13 (Product Support) in the following sections:
For licensing information, see the Product Variable Table in the ANSYS Licensing Guide.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 25
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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration AIM Interoperability
ANSYS AIM is a single, end-to-end multiphysics solution for simulation. Geometry can be imported from
a CAD system to begin an analysis, or ANSYS AIM can be launched from specific supported CAD systems.
The supported systems include:
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling (*.pkg, *.bdl, *.ses, *.sda, *.sdp, *.sdac, *.sdpc) (p. 51)
select the AIM button, located in either the ribbon menu or drop-down menu depending on the CAD
AIM is launched with the model loaded in the Geometry cell, and marked as out of state until updated.
AIM Help
ANSYS AIM Help is viewable via the ANSYS Help Viewer.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 27
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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration File Format Support
Within ANSYS Workbench, the CAD files can be attached in either Plug-In or Reader mode.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling (*.pkg, *.bdl, *.ses, *.sda, *.sdp, *.sdac, *.sdpc) (p. 51)
Rhinoceros (*.3dm) (p. 83) : support is limited to use via SpaceClaim (*.scdoc) (p. 96)
SketchUp (*.skp) (p. 84): support is limited to use via SpaceClaim (*.scdoc) (p. 96)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 29
File Format Support
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the ACIS system be installed.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ACIS (*.sat, *.sab)
Associativity No
Coordinate Systems Yes
Work Points Yes
Reader Save File No
Instancing No
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution No
Decompose Disjoint Geometry Yes
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit You should specify the length unit of the parts retrieved from the ACIS file in the Details
View. You can verify length units by checking the details of the Geometry or Part, which shows the
part's bounding box size. You should verify dimensions before solving. See Solving Overview.
Assembly Although the ACIS geometry format does not have an assembly entity, the application
supports ACIS files containing one or multiple bodies.
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in ACIS are skipped automatically by this interface.
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Publication" or any number
of prefixes with each prefix delimited by a semicolon (for example: "NS_ForceFaces;NS_FixedSup-
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to
"Publication" or any number of prefixes with each prefix delimited by a semicolon (for example:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 31
File Format Support
See the ACIS Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 118) section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
for detailed information.
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the AutoCAD system be installed.
The interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
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32 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
AutoCAD (*.dwg, *.dxf )
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in AutoCAD are skipped automatically by this in-
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 33
File Format Support
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")
See CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117) for detailed information.
See the CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21) for usage information.
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
34 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
AutoCAD (*.dwg, *.dxf )
Coordinate Systems No
Work Points No
Reader Save File No
Instancing Yes
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution Yes: for parts that include more than one body type (solid,
surface, line) with these selected for import.
Decompose Disjoint Geometry No
AutoCAD LT is not supported; you must have the full version of the product to perform an
Entities which belong to layers which are invisible, frozen or turned off will be skipped during import.
AutoCAD mesh bodies, of type Polygon Mesh and Polyface Mesh, are not supported for import. Note
that when exporting Revit models to DWG the default solid type is Polyface. To generate a DWG file
with Workbench importable bodies, it is required that the Revit user select "ACIS Solids" in the Solids
tab of the DWG/DFX Export Setup dialog.
Color Processing AutoCAD bodies can be automatically grouped in Named Selections based upon
their color by adding the keyword "Color" to the Named Selection Key list. The resultant selection groups
will be named with the form, Color:R.G.B. Here R, G and B are values ranging from 0 to 255, which
represent the amount of color saturation of Red, Green and Blue color components. For example Col-
or:0.0.0 is black, Color:255.255.255 is white, and Color:255.0.0 is red.
Within the Mechanical application, body colors can be visually altered to match what is displayed in
the AutoCAD session by executing the following steps:
3. After attach/refresh is complete, within Mechanical perform Tools->Run Macro and designate this
script to be run: <install dir>\v170\aisol\DesignSpace\DSPages\macros\BodyCol-
Layer Processing AutoCAD entities can be automatically assigned to Named Selections based upon
their layer assignment. This can be accomplished by enabling the Named Selection preference, and
adding the keyword "Layer" to the Named Selection Key list. Subsequent attach/refresh actions will
import with selection groups named with the form, Layer:<AutoCAD Layer Name>.
Localization Considerations To change the ANSYS Ribbon to match Workbench localization follow
these steps:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 35
File Format Support
5. Run AutoCAD.
Alternatively the Workbench.cuix file can be manually loaded from path to Workbench>\aisol\CAD-
Integration\DWG\Language\<localization> from AutoCAD's user interface customization
Reader Attach/Refresh When importing and no active session of AutoCAD is running, ANSYS Work-
bench will automatically launch the last run version of AutoCAD for the current user account. Import
will fail if the current user has never launched AutoCAD. In this case launching the CAD system one
time will resolve the failure.
Units AutoCAD does maintain an internal length unit scale factor. However, by default the length
unit is undefined for all layouts Block Table Records such as Model Space and Paper Space. This conflicts
with the model unit specification within the drawing file. To reconcile the potential discrepancy the
geometry interface will interpret AutoCAD models as if they have the same length unit system specified
within ANSYS Workbench, with no conversion attempted.
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the Autodesk Inventor system be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
36 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt, *.iam)
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in Autodesk Inventor are skipped automatically
by this interface.
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 37
File Format Support
Assembly level features are not supported. For example, an instance can be marked as suppressed (that is,
not visible) in an Inventor assembly. Because the reader does not support reading suppressed information,
suppressed instances are translated.
No Support for Sketches. The reader currently does not support sketches from Inventor files.
Limited Entity Support for Inventor. The reader currently does not support some specific entities
resulting from advanced feature Inventor operations such as Lofting.
No Support for Layers. The reader does not support translating layer information.
No Support for Hidden Flags. The reader does not support filtering hidden bodies. Thus, all hidden
bodies are translated as well.
No Support for Welding Symbols. The reader does not support Weld symbols from Inventor Files.
BREP Color Limitation. Body colors are not supported for parts having multiple bodies with the
same number of faces. No color support for files created in a local, non-English Inventor Modeler.
Only isotopic material properties and metric standard units (MPa, Kg, J) are supported.
Currently material properties for default Inventor material (that is,Generic shown in Inventor Modeler) are
not supported.
No Support for Free Form Surface. The translator does not support Free Form Surface (T-Splines).
No known issues have been identified in the CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117) section.
The existence of the Plug-in (p. 121) is recognized by Autodesk Inventor based on registry entries. If the
Plug-in (p. 121) is not available in the add-in manager in Autodesk Inventor you will need to run the
CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
38 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt, *.iam)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
The Autodesk Inventor geometry interface also supports the Selective Update feature.
Assembly parts and sub-assemblies that are hidden, suppressed or disabled in Autodesk Inventor are
automatically excluded from import into ANSYS Mechanical and DesignModeler.
ANSYS Workbench automatically locks the length unit in the part or assembly to centimeters, which is
the unit used internally by Autodesk Inventor. No adjustment of length unit is necessary or possible.
The ANSYS Mechanical application user can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS Mechan-
ical application data.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 39
File Format Support
Large models (up to 499999m from the origin in any direction) created in Autodesk Inventor 2015 and
2016 can be imported to the DesignModeler application. Note that the DesignModeler application reports
the bounding box of 500 km for such entities; i. e. the tolerance for Autodesk Inventor 2015 and 2016
is 1 m.
Autodesk indicates that Shrinkwrap of Inventor native assemblies can produce non manifold bodies. In
this case the Inventor body can display normally in the CAD's model tree, but is not expected to import
cleanly into DesignModeler due to gaps where small faces were removed.
Bodies imported into Inventor from external sources can produce non-manifold solids, which load into
DesignModeler with less than okay status and missing faces. Right clicking on these bodies within In-
ventor will provide access to the Body Repair tools offered within the CAD. These utilities can be used
to identify and heal errors in the Inventor geometry, which in turn can improve translation into
Import and Mesh Efficiency To improve import and mesh efficiency with Inventor models, starting
with ANSYS Release 16.0, a modification was made to support part instancing. This preference is active
by default. As result a break in associativity is expected when performing an update for models from
versions of Workbench earlier than 16.0. The work-around is to disable the Instancing preference prior
to refreshing the geometry from CAD, with the downside of losing out on the performance improvements
yielded via Instancing.
Name Selections Restrictions The Autodesk Inventor Plug-in (p. 121) does not support the creation
of Named Selections beginning with numeric characters, containing spaces, the slash (/) or backslash
(\) characters.
Plug-In Availability Considerations Due to the architecture of the CAD's Add-In manager, the
Autodesk Inventor geometry interface will automatically load into the Inventor sessions of all users
when any administrative user has configured the geometry interface only to be available for their account.
This is the case even when the user has not configured the geometry interface for himself/herself and
a global configuration has not been performed to enable the plug-in to run for all users. When encoun-
tering such a state it may be possible to import geometry from an active Inventor session, but any at-
tempts to attach or refresh geometry without Inventor running will fail.
Reference Key If, upon attaching, you receive the message Failed to get reference key, the attaching
process will continue, but an associative relation during update cannot be guaranteed.
See the Autodesk Inventor Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 119) section in CAD Integration
Troubleshooting (p. 117) for detailed information.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
40 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CATIA (*.model, *.exp, *.session, *.CATPart, *.CATProduct)
This is a stand-alone Reader (p. 121) which does not require that the CATIA V4 system be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 41
File Format Support
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in CATIA are skipped automatically by the geometry
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")
Unsupported CATIA file formats Does not provide the functionality to read CATIA assembly (*.asm)
and CATIA drawing files (*.drw).
Model history information Does not provide the functionality to read the modeling history maintained
VIEW or DITTO layers A layer belonging to VIEW or DITTO is not read. The layer filters for VIEW and
DITTO are different and are not supported. The layer 255 is meant only for DITTO, which is not supported.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
42 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CATIA (*.model, *.exp, *.session, *.CATPart, *.CATProduct)
See the CATIA Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 119) section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
for detailed information.
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the CATIA V5 system be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) and Linux (p. 5)
platform is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 43
File Format Support
Associativity No
Coordinate Systems Yes (Windows)
No (Linux)
Work Points Yes (Windows)
No (Linux)
Reader Save File No
Instancing No
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution No
Decompose Disjoint Geometry Yes (Windows)
Selective Update (Windows) This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Selective Update (Linux) This interface does not support the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The application automatically locks the length unit in the model to millimeters. No ad-
justment of length unit is necessary or possible. You can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS
Mechanical application data.
Hidden parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in CATIA V5 are skipped automatically by this in-
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Publication" or any number
of prefixes with each prefix delimited by a semicolon (for example: "NS_ForceFaces;NS_FixedSup-
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to
"Publication" or any number of prefixes with each prefix delimited by a semicolon (for example:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
44 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CATIA (*.model, *.exp, *.session, *.CATPart, *.CATProduct)
CATIA V5 R8 and earlier files are not supported CATPart files created in V5R8 or earlier that have
been opened and re-saved in a later version of CATIA V5 are not supported.
How to convert CATIA V5 R8 and earlier files to a newer supported version which will import with
CATIA V5 Reader.
2. open new Part then Paste special with as result option in part
File Names. The reader supports reading file names only within the ISO-646 subset of characters with
the following limitations (file names with the following special characters are not supported):
* (asterisk)
: (colon)
(quotation mark)
? (question mark)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar)
/ (slash)
The Reader reads file names having their full path. The reader cannot read the file by file name only , or by
using a relative path (for example,...\ or .\).
No Support for Transparency from an Assembly File. The reader does not support reading trans-
parency values in assembly (CATProduct) files.
No Support for Captures from an Assembly File. The reader does not support reading captures
from assembly (CATProduct) files. Currently, support for captures is limited to part (CATPart) files only.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 45
File Format Support
No Support for Captures to InterOp Generic Components. The reader does not support reading
captures from both Parts and Assemblies to Generic.
Small Scale Small Scale models require the CATIA V5 Geometry Scale to be set to Small Scale. To
change the scale setting to allow the import of Small Scale models:
8. Now start ANSYS Workbench and the CATIA V5 model will import correctly. Note: replace
"C:\Users\MyAccount\AppData\Roaming" with your %appdata% value
Body Naming Body hierarchy information is not available in all models. In some models, a generic
label will appear in the tree.
See the CATIA Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 119) section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
for detailed information.
The interface can be configured during ANSYS installation if the prerequisites are installed, or by using
the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
The CATIA V5 associative geometry interface requires that the following software be installed and running:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
46 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CATIA (*.model, *.exp, *.session, *.CATPart, *.CATProduct)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
This is a Pseudo-Reader (p. 121) in ANSYS Workbench. There will be no ANSYS pull-down menu in the
CATIA V5 program. It is not possible to update from the Active CAD file in CATIA V5.
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The application automatically locks the length unit in the model to millimeters. No ad-
justment of length unit is necessary or possible. You can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS
Mechanical application data.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 47
File Format Support
Hidden parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in CATIA V5 are skipped automatically by this in-
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Publication" or any number
of prefixes with each prefix delimited by a semicolon (for example: "NS_ForceFaces;NS_FixedSup-
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to
"Publication" or any number of prefixes with each prefix delimited by a semicolon (for example:
Parameter names contain the entire CATIA Assembly Name and Part Name.
Parameters are shown at the assembly level, under the Details of Geometry branch in the ANSYS
Mechanical application.
Embedded spaces should not be used in the Assembly Name or the Part Name to ensure compatibility
with theDesignModeler Parameter Manager.
Attach to Active CAD Geometry Option The Attach to Active CAD Geometry option in ANSYS
DesignModeler is unavailable from CATIA.
Material Properties Must be assigned to the PartBody or GeometricSet to be imported. If you right
mouse and move the Material Property under the PartBody or GeometricSet then they will be imported.
WorkPoints Only standard coordinate-defined points are supported (on Surface, on Line, etc. are not
Small Scale Small Scale models require the CATIA V5 Geometry Scale to be set to Small Scale. To
change the scale setting to allow the import of Small Scale models:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
48 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CATIA (*.model, *.exp, *.session, *.CATPart, *.CATProduct)
8. Now start ANSYS Workbench and the CATIA V5 model will import correctly. Note: replace
"C:\Users\MyAccount\AppData\Roaming" with your %appdata% value
Parameter Units. Parameter Units (Millimeter, Inch...) are controlled by the CATIA V5 CATSettings.
5. Select and change the Units for each of the parameters you want changed (example: Length)
7. Now start ANSYS Workbench and the CATIA V5 model will import parameter values using the specified
CATIA V5 Units.
The CATIA V5 Units are saved in the CATSettings which are located at CSIDL_APP-
DATA\DassaultSystemes\CATSettings and referenced by CAPRI using the variable
CATUserSettingPath which is setup in the CAPRI environment file (example:
CAPRI_CATIA_P3.V5R22.B22.txt). To use a non-default CATSettings directory, change the
CATUserSettingPath setting in the CAPRI environment file.
See the CATIA Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 119) section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
for detailed information.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 49
File Format Support
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the CATIA V6 system be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling (*.pkg, *.bdl, *.ses, *.sda, *.sdp, *.sdac, *.sdpc)
Selective Update This interface does not support the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The application automatically locks the length unit in the model to millimeters. No ad-
justment of length unit is necessary or possible. You can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS
Mechanical application data.
Hidden parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed are skipped automatically by this interface.
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Only supports CATIA V6 - 3DXML with Authoring There are two types of 3DXML files which can
be generated and exchanged. The 3DXML with authoring (which include the export of geometry and
meta-data) is supported by the CATIA V6 Reader. The 3DXML for review is not supported by the CATIA
V6 Reader.
Body Naming Body hierarchy information is not available in all models. In some models. a generic
label will appear in the tree.
See the CATIA Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 119) section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
for detailed information.
Updated CAD system on ANSYS Workbench compatibility information is viewable via the ANSYS, Inc.
website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 51
File Format Support
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platforms is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Document import supported by interface: *.pkg, *.bdl, *.ses, *.sda, *.sdp, *.sdac, *.sdpc,
Table 10: Import Preference Support for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling geometry interface:
The Creo Elements/Direct geometry interface also supports the Selective Update feature.
Parts that are hidden or suppressed in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling are not skipped automatically,
because of a limitation in the CAD's API.
Due to a limitation in the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling API, mixed import resolution will fail to correctly
filter multi-body parts when one body type is owned by another body type.
SES files are not portable between different versions of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. They should
be limited to use on a single machine.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling (*.pkg, *.bdl, *.ses, *.sda, *.sdp, *.sdac, *.sdpc)
Color Processing Creo Elements/Direct Modeling does not expose body color directly, but the Plug-
in (p. 121) can capture part color and automatically group each body into Named Selections which match
their part color. This can be accomplished by adding the keyword "Color" to the Named Selection Key
list. The resultant selection groups will be named with the form, Color:R.G.B. Here R, G and B are values
ranging from 0 to 255, which represent the amount of color saturation of Red, Green and Blue color
components. For example Color:0.0.0 is black, Color:255.255.255 is white, and Color:255.0.0 is red.
Within Mechanical body colors can be visually altered to match what is displayed in the Creo/Elements
Direct session by executing the following steps:
3. After attach/refresh is complete, within Mechanical perform Tools->Run Macro and designate this
script to be run: <install dir>\v170 [version]\aisol\DesignSpace\DSPages\mac-
The Plug-in (p. 121) will import all parts in the model based on body type import filters. Active CAD
session models imported from Creo Elements/Direct Modeling can only be updated from an active
session unless the model is re-linked to a specified file. A model imported based on its file can only be
updated from the file unless re-linked to an active session. Attempting to import a Creo Elements/Direct
Modeling file from disk when a session of the CAD is opened will fail so as to not corrupt the active
The absence of an ANSYS 17.0 section in the Add-In Modules fly-out menu indicates that the Creo Ele-
ments/Direct Modeling Plug-in (p. 121) is not loaded. To load the Plug-in (p. 121) into Creo Elements/Direct
18.1 or 19.0, you must first open Creo Elements/Direct Modeling 18.1 (or 19.0) and select Modules under
the File Ribbon Tab. Select the Add-Ins item and check the box for ANSYS17.0; this will load the plug-
in for the current session. To have the plug-in loaded on start-up of subsequent sessions select the
Startup button, highlight ANSYS 17.0 and select Add. The Add-In manager will then list ANSYS 17.0 in
the Startup Sequence. Note that because the ANSYS 17.0 menu does not appear after installing the
plug-in, you must use the preceding steps for loading on start-up. If the plug-in is not available in the
Creo Add-In manager you will need to run the CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21).
If a ".NET initialization failed" error message is seen while activating the ANSYS 17.0 module, follow the
steps below to fix it:
1. From a command prompt navigate to the Creo Elements/Direct installation directory. There will be a
bin <platform> underneath that, cd into it. Then type the following command: SolidDesigner.exe
Configuration Considerations
Due system registry restrictions with Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, the CAD Configuration Man-
ager (p. 21)'s option to configure for "current user" will impact the Geometry Interface's availability for
all other users if the current user is the admin.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 53
File Format Support
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/ENGINEER) system
be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the and Windows (p. 6) platform is
accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Document import supported by interface: Part (*.prt, *.prt.*) and Assembly (*.asm, *.asm.*)
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
54 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Parametric (*.prt, *.asm)
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in Creo Parametric are skipped automatically by
this interface.
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific
Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Layer"
or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3")
Limited Support for Layer Information Only layers in Creo Parametric faces are read; Creo Parametric
bodies and edges do not have layer information. Layer information is not supported for Pro/E Wildfire
Limited Support for 2D Sketch, Cosmetic Groove and Curve Features The Creo Parametric features
2D sketch, cosmetic groove and curve using equation and local push are not supported.
Limited Support for Suppressed Entities Suppressed entities are not supported at Part level.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 55
File Format Support
LCS from Only Part Files are Translated LCS from only "Part" files (.prt files) is translated and
written to corresponding .sat files while reading assembly files by XML route. However, LCS of "Part"
files is not translated while reading assembly files by flatten route.
User Defined Attributes The Reader will not support user-defined attributes created under Feature,
Inherited, Annotation element, Quilt, Surface, Edge, Curve, Composite curve, and Material level.
Limited Support for Material Properties The custom system of Unit is not supported. The local
modification (independent of file level) in a unit of material property is not supported.
Reading Manufacturing Information from Assembly Files The Reader does not support reading
PMI data and Hole feature from assembly files.
Limited Support for Assembly Cut Feature The Reader supports the assembly cut feature for sub-
traction operations only.
Limited Support for Simplified Representation The Creo Parametric Reader does not support part
level Simplified Representation. The default SimpRep cannot be used when Derived Exclude rep is used
at the part level in a user-defined rep at the sub-assembly level.
Limited Support for Assembly Color and Transparency Property The Creo Parametric Reader does
not support root assembly level Color and Transparency property.
Limited Support for Hidden Entity The Creo Parametric modeler allows for hiding merge features,
but the Creo Parametric viewer does not update that information. Hence, the reader does not guarantee
correct translation for this hidden feature. The reader will not support user-defined attributes with
Unicode characters.
See the Creo Parametric Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 119) section in CAD Integration
Troubleshooting (p. 117) for detailed information.
The interface works in both a Plug-in (p. 121) and a Pseudo-Reader (p. 121) on Windows.
The existence of the Plug-in (p. 121) is recognized by Creo Parametric based upon an entry in the con-
figuration file ( referencing a Pro/Toolkit registry file located in the ANSYS Workbench install-
ation (WBPlugInPE.dat). This is configured during the installation process whenever you select Creo
Parametric as a geometry source, but can be modified to enable/disable the Plug-in (p. 121) by using
the CAD Configuration Manager. The CAD Configuration Manager can also be used to change the Creo
Parametric installation utilized by the Plug-In. If Creo Parametric was not selected in the original install-
ation then the Associative Plug-In will not be available for configuration. In this case you can run the
installer and select Creo Parametric under ANSYS Geometry Interfaces to make the Associative Plug-In
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
56 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Parametric (*.prt, *.asm)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support> ANSYS 17.0 - CAD Support). See ANSYS Platform
Table 12: Import Preference Support for Creo Parametric geometry interface
The Creo Parametric geometry interface also supports the Selective Update feature.
Assembly parts and sub-assemblies that are hidden or suppressed in Creo Parametric are automatically
excluded from import into ANSYS Mechanical and DesignModeler.
If you switch between the Master and simplified representations of your geometry in Creo Parametric,
you must use the Erase Not Displayed option in Creo Parametric to remove the geometry not
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 57
File Format Support
shown in Creo Parametric window (but resident in memory) before attaching or refreshing in the ANSYS
Mechanical or DesignModeler application.
To improve our associativity with Creo Parametric models, prior to ANSYS Release 11, a modification
was made to vertex processing that will yield a "break" in associativity for most vertex loads and
boundary conditions upon update. You will be required to reattach/redefine those loads that are lost,
but should expect associativity to be maintained from that point forward.
Importing Feature Types as Line Bodies The following feature types can be imported from Creo
Parametric into ANSYS Workbench's Mechanical or DesignModeler application as line bodies:
Datum Curve
Length Unit The length unit specified in the Creo Parametric part or assembly is transferred into
ANSYS Workbench. Assemblies and their component parts should all be constructed using the same
length unit. Models with mixed units imported into the ANSYS Mechanical application will trigger a
warning indicating the mixed unit, and potentially not display or mesh as desired.
PTC provided a workaround for Creo Parametric 1.0 and later. This enhancement allows a user to make
all parts and sub-assembly components have the same units as the root assembly. To achieve consistent
units, perform the following steps:
1. Add a line to your stating: allow_multiple_units_conversion yes (This is not required for
Creo Parametric 2.0 M070 and later)
4. Specify the desired units by choosing Change Units, then select the desired unit type and check Include
5. Upon finalizing unit choice via the Set button, accept the required field informing you that the
Convert Dimensions option is being used.
When using an assembly's offset as a parameter, a negative value will cause the direction of the offset
to flip and the value will be returned with a positive sign.
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58 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Parametric (*.prt, *.asm)
In addition, the list of coordinate systems is not updated after refreshing the import operation.
Updating Instances
Model Instances If you wish to update a particular instance of a model, it is necessary that the active
model in Creo Parametric be the desired instance, otherwise a generic version of the instance will be
used for the update.
Part Instances Within the Creo Parametric assembly, any component impacted by any assembly level
feature will not be processed as an instance (p. 121), but the full geometry will be imported. Note that
for models where an assembly feature was modified so that component(s) are no longer impacted, you
may still be required to update the intersection information manually otherwise the Plug-in (p. 121) will
not be able to process them as instances. The following procedure describes the process of manual
update of intersection data:
1. Make the assembly feature visible in the model tree via Settings> Tree Filters> Select Features for
2. Right click on the assembly level feature which was modified and select Intersect,
4. Select All,
5. Remove,
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 59
File Format Support
Material Data
Material data can be transferred into ANSYS Workbench provided one or more of the material properties
are defined for the Creo Parametric material. The properties for a Material are Density, Poisson's Ratio,
Young's Modulus, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Specific Heat Capacity and Thermal Conductivity.
File Versions
Multiple versions of Creo Parametric files are designated with a .# extension that is appended to the
.prt or .asm extension (for example, wrench.prt.1, wrench.prt.2 are names of two Creo
Parametric file versions). You can access a specific version of a Creo Parametric file through the ANSYS
Workbench Project Schematic.
You are strongly advised to avoid stripping the version numbers from Creo Parametric files for the fol-
lowing reasons:
If you open a stripped version of the file in Creo Parametric and import the file via the Plug-in (p. 121),
it will indicate the wrong version if there is any other version of that part file in the same directory.
If you attempt to load a stripped version of the file by using the Pseudo-Reader (p. 121), the highest file
version of that model will be loaded.
Regarding the updating of Creo Parametric file versions, updating will be version specific if you use the
reader or if you do not open a copy of that model with the same name in a Creo Parametric interactive
session. However, if you open one version of a model in Creo Parametric and you request the same
model, but a different version for attach or update, the currently active version will be assumed to be
the one that you want. This assumption is necessary for the following reasons:
Creo Parametric does not allow two different versions of the same part to be active at one time, using
the same name.
If you save a model in a Creo Parametric session, its version is incremented (for example, if you attach
via the Plug-in (p. 121) with version 3, then save the model in Creo Parametric , the version of the active
model would be version 4).
Configuration Considerations
If an active Creo Parametric file does not appear under Active CAD Files, either Creo Parametric is not
running or the ANSYS Workbench Plug-in (p. 121) for Creo Parametric is not loaded. For this last condition,
run the CAD Configuration Manager. See Using the CAD Configuration Manager in the ANSYS, Inc.
Windows Installation Guide for detailed information.
On some Windows systems, where the Plug-in (p. 121) was configured for only the current Administrator,
the ANSYS Geometry Interfaces to Creo Parametric are not loaded as expected after being selected for
install. This is because Creo Parametric is not detecting the required configuration file in the user's login
folder (either %HOME% or %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%). Work-around: Copy the file named
from your login directory to Creo Parametric start-up directory which can be determined by either ex-
amining the properties for the shortcut used to launch Pro/E or by running <path to pro/engineer
On the Windows platform, users without write access to their ANSYS Workbench installation may en-
counter the following error when attempting to import Creo Parametric models without an active CAD
session: "No write access, please choose another start-up directory for trail file creation". This issue can
be addressed by specifying an alternate location for Creo Parametric to create trail files. The trail_dir
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
60 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Parametric (*.prt, *.asm)
directive for the file is the mechanism offered by PTC. For example, adding the line trail_dir
$TEMP to the file will force Creo Parametric to create trail files in the location referenced by
the TEMP environment variable.
Administrative users should avoid configuring the Creo Parametric Associative Geometry interface both
for All Users and Current User. Non-Administrative users should avoid configuring the interface for
the same Creo installation that an Administrator has already setup for All Users. When a non-Admin-
istrative user configures for a Creo version different than that already configured for all users, that users
import will work normally for only the CAD version specified by the non-admin user.
Creo Parametric can potentially leave behind the ANSYS ribbon tab after unconfiguring the Plug-In. In
this case, the ribbon tab can be manually removed by deleting %APPDATA%\PTC\ProENGINEER\
Wildfire\.wf.\Settings\creo_parametric_customization. ui. In cases where the directive load_ui_customization_run_dir is set to yes this file will instead be located in the
Creo start in directory.
Geometry Attach/Refresh
Performing Geometry Attach/Refresh using reader mode with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0, maintenance
releases M040 and earlier, will result in improper shutdown due to a fault in the Pro/Toolkit API. The
work around is to either add the following line to your file:
last_session_retrieval no
or, upgrade to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 M050 or later, where the problem has been corrected. This
issue does not apply to Creo Parametric 2.0 or 3.0.
Associativity will be maintained for sub-faces as long as the edges composing the external contour are
static. Adjusting the sketch elements from which the external contour is defined, such that their internal
identifiers change, will likely result in lost associativity.
DesignModeler Considerations
When a Creo Parametric model does not attach in the DesignModeler application but does attach in
the ANSYS Mechanical application,
1. A possible cause is a Round or Fillet radius in Creo Parametric that is failing to translate. You may find
the cause by suppressing some or all of the Rounds or Fillets in the Creo Parametric model and then
try to attach in the DesignModeler application.
2. Creo Parametric Model tolerance (Accuracy) is too loose. You may be able attach the model successfully
by setting Creo Parametric to use Absolute Accuracy along with a tighter tolerance.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 61
File Format Support
1. In, add:
enable_absolute_accuracy yes
accuracy_lower_bound 1.0e-7
For example, if the Absolute Accuracy Value is [1.2000e-03 mm], then try entering a new value
that is 0.5 times that [0.6000e-04 mm]
Future Creo Parametric models can be created with tighter tolerance from the start (two orders of
magnitude tighter than default) although may result in increased memory use and diminished perform-
ance. Note that after tightening a models tolerance it can fail to regenerate. If so, you can attempt less
restrictive values until you find the one that will regenerate and translate into the DesignModeler ap-
plication. However, not every model can regenerate at a tight enough tolerance to successfully translate.
In cases where adjusting the absolute tolerance does not work, you may need to defeature parts of the
model until it imports successfully.
Parametric Updates
There is a known problem performing parametric updates of Pro/Engineer models which contain
parameters with "locked" access. The Pro/Engineer API does not provide information regarding the access
state of parameters and the Creo/Toolkit does not detect assembly parameter relationships driven by
dimensions. This can result in refresh failure. Work-around: Ensure that locked parameters do not have
a prefix/suffix corresponding to the existing parameter filter to prevent their import.
Model regenerations will fail when you have the configuration setting regen_failure_handling set to
resolve_mode. This setting must either be left undefined or given the value no_resolve_mode for suc-
cessful parametric updates.
Smart Update
In order for the Geometry Interface to effectively identify and skip retrieval of unchanged assembly
components the following requirements must be met:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
62 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Parametric (*.prt, *.asm)
3. Model must be saved before being retrieved using Reader mode (Creo Parameteric session is not
active at time attach/refresh is initiated).
Either: File> Prepare> Model Properties> Mass Properties> Change > Specify Density
Value -> Generate Report. Then accept the prompts for each component to which the
value is to be applied.
Or: Defining a model parameter MP_DENSITY and specifying the value in the column
next to each component. The model parameter can be created from Setting Menu>
Tree Columns> Type: Model Params> Name: MP_DENSITY> Click right arrow to move
into Displayed Column.
2D Analysis Considerations. Some surfaces which appear eligible for 2D analysis in Creo Parametric
may be filtered during import, because their Z extent is beyond tolerance from the XY plane. Tolerance
is considered to be 10e-5 multiplied by the surfaces diagonal length.
Incorrect Surface Area for 2D Analysis There is a known problem with Surface Area values for
models imported with 2D Analysis type. Each face which has a single external contour will have its
area counted twice. The behavior is the same for faces with multiple external contours imported with
the Decompose Disjoint Geometry preference disabled. When the fore-mentioned preference is enabled,
surfaces which have N external loops, where N > 1, will have only the Nth surface's area counted twice
the others will be counted only once as desired. In cases where faces are thickened, volumes will be
incorrect since that is the product of thickness and surface-area.
Interface load failure A regression was introduced to Creo Parametric 2.0 M150 and Creo Parametric
3.0 M040 which prevents the ANSYS plug-in from automatically loading into the CAD. PTC has resolved
this problem in Creo Parametric 2.0 M170 and Creo Parametric M050. If you are running one of the
effected versions it is recommended that you upgrade to the newer maintenance release. If you are
unable to move from the effected versions, an alternate work-around is to copy
%AWP_ROOT170%\CADIntegration\ProE\ProEPages\config\WBPlugInPE.dat to your Creo Parametric
start-in folder.
Mixed Unit Support All parts and sub-assemblies should be in the same unit. Models with mixed
units imported into the ANSYS Mechanical application will trigger a warning indicating the mixed unit.
Note that Siemens NX and PTC Creo are the only CAD systems that can provide mixed unit assembly
data correctly to ANSYS Workbench.
Parameter Value Out of Allowable Range There is a known problem performing model update
when one or more parametric values are outside the CAD's allowable range for a given dimension or
parameter. In such cases the geometry interface will retrieve the model with parameter value matching
the last successful regeneration in Creo, but the Workbench Project page will indicate the parameter's
value to be the last requested value (out of range). This behavior is only observed with Creo Parametric
3.0. Updates performed with Creo Parametric 2.0 and Wildfire 5 will clearly indicate "Regeneration
Failure" when supplied with a parameter which is out of range.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 63
File Format Support
Simplified Model Reps On occasion Simplified Model Representations opened in Creo Elements/Pro
5.0 can incorrectly indicate a fully regenerated status. In such cases import is susceptible failure. The
work-around is to make a change to the model causing an automatic, full regeneration. For example,
suppress a feature or part and resume it again. This problem has been corrected in Creo 2.0 and later.
Web Homepage It has been occasionally observed that setting Wildfire 5.0 to load certain webpages
at startup, via the directive web_browser_homepage, can invalidate import of arc type edges.
This issue can result in mesh failures within Mechanical and non manifold geometry in DesignModeler.
To resolve this issue you can either update to the latest datecode of Wildfire 5.0 or remove the
web_browser_homepage from your file.
The ANSYS Mechanical application will fail to construct a part when an associated face without geometry
is found and will report an error.
The ANSYS DesignModeler application will construct parts excluding faces without geometry. A solid
or surface body in the CAD system or file with such faces detected will result in surface bodies being
constructed. The constructed surface bodies are generated from the faces with geometry and will consist
of the faces that are connected by shared edges. If the Line Bodies property is set to "Yes" (enabling
import of line bodies), then line bodies will be constructed from edges only belonging to faces without
geometry that have been removed. A warning message indicating a partial import will be generated
for all parts that have been imported in ANSYS DesignModeler with faces without geometry having
been removed.
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64 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS DesignModeler (.agdb)
Shown above is a body with two faces highlighted for which geometry is not constructed during
Shown above is a body in the ANSYS DesignModeler DesignModelerapplication where two faces are
not being transferred.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 65
File Format Support
Shown above is a body in the ANSYS DesignModeler application where two faces are not being
transferred and the Line Bodies property is set to yes.
Attaching Geometry
Unlike other CAD systems, filtering of bodies during import from DesignModeler to the ANSYS Mechan-
ical application is not done through import options. All unsuppressed bodies in ANSYS DesignModeler
will be transferred to the ANSYS Mechanical application.
Any planes in the ANSYS DesignModeler application that are flagged to be exported will appear in the
ANSYS Mechanical application as a local Cartesian coordinate system upon attachment and will be in-
serted into the ANSYS Mechanical application tree. The automatic creation of the coordinate system
occurs during attachment and is updated during a refresh.
Any enclosures defined with a model in the ANSYS DesignModeler application will be retained upon
attaching. Once in the ANSYS Mechanical application, the enclosure has the following characteristics:
A transparency value of 0.1 (subdued) is assigned to the enclosure to assist in the visualization of the model
items inside the enclosure.
A default field material of Air is automatically assigned to the enclosure. You can change the default field
material in Engineering Data. A field material is used in any open domain simulation where an artificial
boundary such as an enclosure is used to surround the model. Any fields extending from the model to the
edges of the enclosure experience the field material.
You can control whether Coordinate Systems and Enclosures that are created in the DesignModeler
application files are imported in the ANSYS Mechanical application by checking the Advanced Geometry
Options (p. 12), specifically:
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66 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS DesignModeler (.agdb)
If you import a model that has multibody parts (that is, parts that include multiple bodies within them
as a group), then the model will be imported using shared topology so that no contact is required and
meshes on the volume interfaces will match.
The ANSYS DesignModeler application parameters are all set at the model level. Since ANSYS Design-
Modeler publishes its own parameters to the project schematic, its parameters are not displayed in the
ANSYS Mechanical application under the Geometry branch.
For line body properties that appear in the ANSYS Mechanical application, the values shown are for the
raw cross section, that is, the offset type and/or user defined offset from the ANSYS DesignModeler
application's body properties have no bearing on the calculations shown in the ANSYS Mechanical ap-
plication. They are taken directly from the cross section without applying any offset.
Surface body thicknesses and material properties are transferred from the ANSYS DesignModeler applic-
ation to the ANSYS Mechanical application.
If you are using the ANSYS DesignModeler application as a reader, the ANSYS Mechanical application
will maintain associativity with the ANSYS DesignModeler application model. If you modify parameters
in the ANSYS Mechanical application, the ANSYS DesignModeler application model will change upon
Models that have fatal errors when regenerating in the ANSYS DesignModeler application will not be
able to be imported via the reader mode into the ANSYS Mechanical application. Before importing, first
open the model in the ANSYS DesignModeler application to resolve the regeneration failures.
When the ANSYS Mechanical application is first attached to an ANSYS DesignModeler application, the
Fluid/Solid property associated with all DesignModeler solid bodies will be transferred to a Material
Assignment property for all associated solid bodies in the Mechanical application. However, when re-
freshing all data in the Mechanical application, following an initial attach to DesignModeler, the Mech-
anical application Material Assignment property for solid bodies will not be updated further.
Length Unit
The ANSYS Mechanical application automatically sets the length unit to match the units used in the
ANSYS Workbench project itself, not the length unit of the model in the ANSYS DesignModeler.
Specific to SpaceClaim
SpaceClaim does not support the import of non-manifold geometry. If the DesignModeler geometry
contains shared topology, it will be rolled back to the state just before the shared topology was created
before transferring it to SpaceClaim.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 67
File Format Support
GAMBIT (*.dbs)
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the GAMBIT system be installed.
Supports GAMBIT volumes, faces, edges, and vertices (excluding stand-alone vertices).
The GAMBIT Reader in ANSYS Workbench processes GAMBIT volumes along with stand-alone (no upper
topology) faces and edges. Stand-alone vertices are not processed. GAMBIT non-manifold topology is
supported. Multiple volumes sharing common faces will form a single part. When the GAMBIT database
is imported into the ANSYS Mechanical application, shared faces will not be duplicated. When importing
into the ANSYS DesignModeler application, solid bodies in a multi-body part will be separate forming
a manifold model (shared GAMBIT faces will be duplicated for each body). Stand-alone faces sharing
common edges will form surface bodies and stand-alone edges sharing common vertices will form line
Beginning with release 14 of ANSYS Workbench, GAMBIT real and non-real (virtual, faceted, CAD) geo-
metry may be processed. Prior to release 14 of ANSYS Workbench, only GAMBIT real geometry (including
hidden real geometry) would be processed. By processing real and non-real geometry, the GAMBIT
geometry can be more accurately represented in ANSYS Workbench. However, processing of non-real
geometry may be problematic, especially for complex surfaces (for example, as may occur in biomedical
models). See Face Geometry Transfer (p. 64) for further details.
When importing a GAMBIT database into the ANSYS Mechanical application, real and non-real geometry
will be processed. Note that an ANSYS Workbench project created prior to release 14involving the
import of a GAMBIT database into the ANSYSMechanical applicationmay result in a different geometric
model in release 14 of ANSYS Workbench or later.
When importing a GAMBIT database into the ANSYS DesignModeler application, you will be able to
specify either Real and Non-real or Real Only geometric processing, using a GAMBIT Geometry
property. You may find that a more optimal import may result by selecting a specific geometric processing
The option is located in the DesignModeler Geometry Options section of the Details View.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
68 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
GAMBIT (*.dbs)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Versions: up to 2.4.6
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 69
File Format Support
Instancing No
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution No
Decompose Disjoint Geometry No
GAMBIT Geometry Real and Non-real
ANSYS DesignModeler Compatibility The ANSYS DesignModeler application allows you to import
legacy GAMBIT databases into ANSYS Workbench for editing. Real and non-real (virtual, faceted, CAD)
geometry may be read from the database. GAMBIT mesh data, boundary or continuum zones, coordinate
systems and other objects are not read. If no editing is needed, the model may be directly imported
into the ANSYS Mechanical application.
Assembly Although the GAMBIT geometry format does not have an assembly entity, the application
supports GAMBIT files containing one or multiple bodies.
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in GAMBIT are skipped automatically by this interface.
Length Unit The application automatically locks the length unit in the model to millimeters. No ad-
justment of length unit is necessary or possible. You can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS
Mechanical application data.
Non-manifold Topology The GAMBIT Reader in Workbench processes GAMBIT volumes along with
stand-alone faces and edges. Non-manifold topology is supported (for example, two blocks sharing a
common face and lower topology vertices and edges).
Real and Non-Real Geometry The GAMBIT Reader supports real (ACIS) geometry and non-real (Vir-
tual, Faceted and CAD) GAMBIT geometry.
Selective Update This interface does not support the Selective Update feature.
The existence of the Plug-in (p. 121) is recognized by IGES on registry entries. If the plug-in is not available
in the add-in manager in Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt, *.iam) (p. 36) you will need to run the CAD Configur-
ation Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
70 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
IGES (*.igs, *.iges)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
IGES imports sets of surfaces that enclose a region to create a solid body.
IGES models cannot be imported if they contain bodies that extend beyond 500 meters in any direction
from the world origin, even when the Large Model Support option is enabled. For IGES imports to be
successful, the model must fit inside the base 1 km^3 size box.
Similar in behavior to IGES files exported from ANSYS Mechanical APDL, IGES models that do not have
a defined unit system in the file will be interpreted as inch units upon import into ANSYS DesignModeler
and/or ANSYS Workbench; i.e. 1.0 = 1 inch.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 71
File Format Support
Part and Assemblies Files IGES files containing parts or assemblies are supported by the ANSYS
Mechanical application. IGES files can use the extensions .igs or .iges.
Length Unit The ANSYS Mechanical application automatically sets the length unit in the part or as-
sembly to meters. No adjustment of length unit is necessary or possible.
Body Instancing If the Import Using Instances property is enabled, then body instances will be
generated in Mechanical/Meshing for any IGES file with body instances.
JT Reader (*.jt)
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the JT system be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
72 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
JT Reader (*.jt)
Selective Update This interface does not support the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The application automatically locks the length unit in the model to millimeters. No ad-
justment of length unit is necessary or possible. You can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS
Mechanical application data.
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed are skipped automatically by this interface.
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
JT Tessellation-only data files are not supported. JT Reader requires that the JT file contains
Boundary Representation (B-rep) data.
Body Naming. Body hierarchy information is not available in all models. In some models, a generic label
will appear in the tree.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 73
File Format Support
See the JT Errors Related to CAD Integration in the CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117) section for
detailed information.
The application supports Monte Carlo N-Particle files as Reader (p. 121).
This is a stand-alone reader that does not require an installation of the Monte Carlo N-Particle CAD program.
No CAD associativity.
No CAD Parameters.
The MCNP format contains solid bodies only. Surfaces and lines will be ignored.
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
This is a stand-alone reader, which does not require an installation of the Monte Carlo N-Particle software
or a Monte Carlo N-Particle license.
Monte Carlo N-Particle database files can only be read into ANSYS DesignModeler (p. 64). They cannot
be imported directly into the ANSYS Mechanical application.
Monte Carlo N-Particle database files must be updated with the Generate option prior to proceeding
with an analysis.
When importing an MCNP file, the solid body representing the outside world body is automatically
NX (*.prt)
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
74 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
NX (*.prt)
NX Reader (*.prt)
The interface works in a Reader (p. 121) mode.
This is a stand-alone reader that does not require the NX system be installed.
This interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Versions: 11NX 10
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 75
File Format Support
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution No
Decompose Disjoint Geometry Yes
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden, blanked or suppressed in NX are skipped automatically by this
Import CAD Color as Named Selections To import an object's Color as Named Selections in ANSYS
Workbench, specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color" or a
list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Import CAD Layer as Named Selections To import objects that are assigned a Layer as Named Se-
lections in ANSYS Workbench, specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections
Key" to "Layer" or a list of specific Layers delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Layer:0;Layer:1;Layer:3").
Tool Body Used for cut. Reader does not distinguish between the tool body and target bodies.
Limited Support for Assembly Attributes. Translation of layer and show/no-show information in
assembly files are not supported.
Limited Support for Coordinate Systems. WCS present in the part files will be translated only if
they are referred through Reference Sets that to be included in the assembly instances. For example,
in the default 'Part' Reference Set does not contains WCS. Hence, WCS will not get translated with 'Part'
Reference Sets when included in the assembly files. This matches with the NX Modeler behavior.
Hole Feature. Hole name will not match the feature name in NX. For example, in NX the feature
name in a feature tree may be SIMPLE HOLE (3), however, reader outputs it as SIMPLE HOLE (1). Hole
top face information is not supported. Pattern of Hole feature is not supported.
Datum Target. Orientation_Position_1 and Orientation_Position_2 values for all Datum Targets are
not supported.
Important: Non-semantic Datum Target without datum reference is not supported. Semantic
Datum Target Type Arbitrary Shape is not supported.
Name Attribute for Sketches. As for sketches, the name attached to a sketch is not translated, but
the name attached to the curve or point of a sketch will be translated.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
76 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
NX (*.prt)
Material Properties. If a material property has multiple values, then only the first value in the table
is given as the value for that property. Only isotropic materials from the NX material library are translated.
In material properties, only the Unit systems available in an NX Modeler are supported. Custom Unit
systems are not supported.
No known issues have been identified in the CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117) section.
The existence of the Plug-in (p. 121) is recognized by NX based on the UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE
environment variable. If the variable points to a text file, NX reads the text file and interprets each line
as a directory containing a NX third party Plug-in (p. 121). NX loads the ANSYS NX geometry interface
from the appropriate directory specified in the file.
In Linux, however, the plug-in mode for the ANSYS geometry interface is not supported. The reader
mode uses a client-server implementation of the ANSYS NX geometry interface.
After launching NX, if the ANSYS (version specific) menu is not displayed, run the CAD Configuration
Manager with NX selected for configuration (Start->Workbench->Utilities->CAD Configuration Manager
in Windows or ansys_inc/v(version specific)/commonfiles/CAD/bin/linx64/Ans.CadInt.CADConfigUtility-
GUI.exe in Linux).
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 77
File Format Support
Named Selection Processing and prefix Yes - from ANSYS Named Selection Manager (p. 22) and
programmatically created attributes, user attributes, colors,
Material Processing Yes
Analysis Type 3D - Yes
2D - Yes; only surface bodies in only the xy plane will
be imported
Associativity Yes
Coordinate Systems Yes - including visible WCS
Work Points Yes
Reader Save File Yes
Instancing Yes, except lines
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution Yes - for parts that include both solid and surface bodies AND
the Import Solid and Import Surface preferences are set to
Decompose Disjoint Geometry No
NX Color Attributes NX color attributes can be imported using the 'Color' key in the list of attribute
or the named selection keys. Once the attribute or named selection import is enabled in the WB2 geo-
metry properties window, append the 'Color' key in the list of keys, separated by semicolons, to import
the NX color attributes. Note that, beginning with Release 14.5, the option for 'NX Color Processing' is
not supported and is removed from the CAD configuration.
Load Options Load options for a part can be specified during the import. The Plug-in (p. 121) will
first attempt to load the options from the options file specified using the UG_LOAD_OPTIONS environ-
ment variable. If it fails, an attempt to load the load_options.def file from the part directory is made. If
both the attempts fail, a third attempt is made to load the options from %HOME%\load_options.def,
where HOME is an environment variable pointing to the user's home folder. See the NX documentation
for more information on the usage of load options.
Part Units in an Assembly All parts in an assembly must have the same unit for a successful import.
Use the ug_convert_part command to convert all parts in an assembly in the same unit. To do this,
launch the NX command prompt from the programs menu. For NX 8.0 the command prompt can be
found in Programs > Siemens NX 8.0 > NX Tools > Command Prompt. Type 'cd< Directory>' to change
to the directory containing the assembly. Run the command 'ug_convert_part -mm -d -s -y' or
'ug_convert_part -in -d -s -y', without the quotes to change the unit to millimeter or inch, respectively.
See the NX documentation on the ug_convert_part command for more information.
Using Multiple Versions of NX If you have multiple versions of NX installed, you must make sure
that the UGII_BASE_DIR and UGII_ROOT_DIR environment variables point to the correct version of NX
when running the ANSYS Mechanical application in Reader (p. 121) mode.
The NX reader will use the version of NX set by these variables when processing the attach or updates.
Parts files are saved in the format designated by the above two variables. In Linux, the environment
variable can be set in the shell configuration file to achieve this.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
NX (*.prt)
If you do not save the parts files, during an update after the initial attach, the loads and supports could
disappear or be applied to the wrong entities.
You should avoid setting Reader Save Part File to Yes on Linux platforms if a CAD file is open. Doing
so can result in an unexpected behavior.
Facet Smoothness Control The geometry faceting obtained by the ANSYS NX geometry interface is
view-dependent. That means the facet smoothness of the imported geometry depends on how the
object is displayed on the screen. Although the default settings are generally acceptable for most of
the cases, these may not be adequate for a geometry needing smoother facets. The facet smoothness
in such cases can be controlled by the ANS_UG_FACET_AFFINITY environment variable.
The variable can be set to any floating point number from 1e-8 to 1e+8. The higher the value is, the
finer the facet will be and the longer it will take to import the geometry. If the variable is absent or
outside the acceptable range, 1.0 will be assumed as the default value for it.
Note that this environment variable may get removed entirely or replaced by a more user friendly variation
in the future release.
Using the Teamcenter Import Double-click on the NX part file in the Teamcenter Portal. This will
open the part file in NX. Attach the model into the ANSYS Mechanical application using ANSYS 17.0 >
Workbench menu item and optionally perform one or more analyses.
Save the project archive file into the Teamcenter database using File> Save to Teamcenter in the ANSYS
Workbench project page. It will prompt you for the Teamcenter user name and password and other
information. Provide your credentials to check-in the project archive.
For detailed information, see CAD Integration ANSYS Teamcenter Connection (p. 101) (Workbench
help> CAD Integration > ANSYS Teamcenter Connection).
Imported Body Size All NX bodies must be within a 1000 x 1000 x 1000 meter cube, centered about
the origin of the absolute coordinate system.
Initial Launch After installation of ANSYS Workbench, importing an NX model using the Reader (p. 121)
mode requires the CAD be launched one time. Otherwise, the first attempt to import will fail, but sub-
sequent attempts will work normally.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 79
File Format Support
Large Number of Named Selections In an assembly or a part with a large number of named selections,
close to about a thousand, NX might close unexpectedly when you try to add more than 10 named
selections at a time in the list. To avoid the problem, add few named selections at a time, close the
named selection manager and save the part. This problem does not affect a list of named selections
less than about a thousand, and the workaround is not needed for such cases.
Length Unit The ANSYS Mechanical application automatically sets the length unit in the part or as-
sembly to match the unit saved in the NX file. No adjustment of length unit is necessary or possible.
Linux Issues Linux uses a client-server implementation of the NX reader. Currently, there is no Plug-
in (p. 121) version of the feature. For this reason, some of the features that require direct communication
with NX, are not supported by the Linux version. For example, the associativity support and Teamcenter
import are not available in Linux.
If a problem is observed during an import in Linux, you should use the corresponding Windows version
for it. The saved project can then be opened in Linux version of the ANSYS Workbench for further pro-
Missing BSpline Geometries in DesignModeler Some solids, surfaces and lines containing Bspline
geometries may not import correctly into the DesignModeler application, but should import correctly
in the ANSYS Mechanical application. Since these Bspline geometries do not conform to the Parasolid
standard, they do not import correctly into the DesignModeler application. Newer geometries containing
Parasolid-friendly Bsplines can be imported into the DesignModeler application without any problem.
Mixed Unit Support All parts and sub-assemblies should be in the same unit. Models with mixed
units imported into the ANSYS Mechanical application will trigger a warning indicating the mixed unit.
Note that Siemens NX and PTC Creo are the only CAD systems that can provide mixed unit assembly
data correctly to ANSYS Workbench.
Multibody Parts For multibody parts, the bodies are grouped together and placed under part node
in the ANSYS Mechanical application. If the multibody part is also multi-dimensional (i.e. contains both
surface and solid bodies), this may cause a meshing problem. Bodies with different dimensions in the
same part cannot be meshed in ANSYS Mechanical. An assembly, instead of a multi-dimensional multibody
part, can solve the problem in such cases.
Named Selection Delete Problem with Wave Linked Features Features containing wave linked
geometries may not show the correct number of named selections after some of the named selections
are deleted. For example, if an "Extracted Face" feature is created from a solid body and a named selection
is created containing both the geometries, deleting that named selection may not delete it from the
list. To fix the problem, close the Named Selection Manager (p. 22) and update the geometry using
Edit> Feature> Playback or Tools> Update> Update for external change. The named selection manager
should reflect the correct number of named selections after the update.
Parameter Update Fails Instead of Displaying a Warning Message The NX plug-in performs an
undo operation when it encounters an error or a warning during a parametric update. The undo oper-
ation allows the user to change the parameter back to a correct value. Please fix the error or the
warning message in NX before performing a parametric update on such a part. Alternatively, set an
environment variable called UGII_UPDATE_FAIL_OPTION with a value ACCEPT or ACCEPT_ALL without
the quotes and unset the variable once the parameter update is done. This will allow the import to
work even if there is a warning or a failure.
Promoted and WAVE Linked Instances If the instanced bodies are promoted, they will be treated
as independent bodies. The algorithm to avoid duplicate copies of instanced bodies will skip promoted
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
80 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Parasolid (*.x_t, *.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin)
bodies. Thus, if there are assembly-level operations on the promoted instances, the modified bodies
from those operations will get imported correctly. The same is true for WAVE linked instances as well.
Surface Body with Thickness If your NX surface body model has a thickness defined and it does not
get transferred to the ANSYS Mechanical application, this could mean that you do not have an NX
Scenario (Structural) license. Moreover, only the mid-surfaces created using the offset command can
have thickness property and are imported correctly. Mid-surfaces created using face pair or user defined
methods cannot have a thickness and cannot be imported. In addition to that, any thickness assigned
on the surfaces inside the Advanced Simulation application cannot be imported in ANSYS either.
Unique Parameters Name When you transfer NX expressions/parameters into the ANSYS Mechanical
application, make sure that all feature parameter names are unique within a part and all non-feature
parameter names are unique within an assembly. The non-feature parameters could be from one or
more components of the assembly.
See the NX Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 120) section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117)
for detailed information.
This is a stand-alone reader that does not require an installation of the Parasolid software or a Parasolid
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Versions: 27.0
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 81
File Format Support
The DesignModeler application allows neutral binary Parasolid files (x_b and xmt_bin) and text Parasolid
files (x_t and xmt_txt) to be imported and exported.
Both text and neutral binary Parasolid files are platform independent.
Binary neutral Parasolid files (xmt_bin, x_b) are compressed but are not human readable.
Text Parasolid files are human readable but take up more space than their respective neutral binary
The default Parasolid file setting for the DesignModeler application is text.
Faceting Limitation Generalized (non-manifold) bodies from Parasolid will not have facets with
smoothly matching edges. The model will appear to have gaps; however, this is a limitation only in the
faceting capabilities from Parasolid and does not affect meshing or accuracy.
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Length Unit The ANSYS Mechanical application automatically sets the length unit in the part or as-
sembly to meters, which is the unit used internally by Parasolid to dimension solid parts. No adjustment
of length unit is necessary or possible.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
82 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Rhinoceros (*.3dm)
Part and Assemblies Files Parasolid files containing parts or assemblies are supported by the ANSYS
Mechanical application. Parasolid files can use the extensions .x_t or .xmt_txt (text) and .x_b or
.xmt_bin (binary neutral).
Body Instancing If the Import Using Instances property is enabled, then body instances will be
generated in Mechanical/Meshing for any Parasolid file with body instances.
See the Parasolid Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 120) section in CAD Integration Troubleshoot-
ing (p. 117) for detailed information.
Rhinoceros (*.3dm)
The interface works in a Reader (p. 121) mode.
This is a stand-alone reader, which does not require that Rhinoceros be installed to the system.
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platforms is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 83
File Format Support
Analysis Type 3D
Associativity No
Coordinate Systems No
Work Points No
Reader Save File No
Instancing No
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution No
Decompose Disjoint Geometry No
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit You should specify the length unit of the parts retrieved from the Rhinoceros file in the
Details View. You can verify length units by checking the details of the Geometry or Part, which shows
the part's bounding box size. You should verify dimensions before solving. See Solving Overview.
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in Rhinoceros are skipped automatically by this
No Rhinoceros errors related to CAD Integration appear in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117).
SketchUp (*.skp)
The interface works in a Reader (p. 121) mode.
This is a stand-alone reader, which does not require that SketchUp be installed to the system.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
84 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SketchUp (*.skp)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platforms is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit You should specify the length unit of the parts retrieved from the SketchUp file in the
Details View. You can verify length units by checking the details of the Geometry or Part, which shows
the part's bounding box size. You should verify dimensions before solving. See Solving Overview.
Hidden Parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in SketchUp are skipped automatically by this in-
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 85
File Format Support
No SketchUp errors related to CAD Integration appear in CAD Integration Troubleshooting (p. 117).
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the Solid Edge system be installed.
The interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Document import supported by interface: Part (*.par), Assembly (*.asm), and Sheet Metal (*.psm).
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Solid Edge (*.par, *.asm, *.psm, *.pwd)
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in Solid Edge are skipped automatically by this
Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific
Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color"
or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Coordinate Systems. Translation of coordinate systems (WCS) from Solid Edge is not supported.
Work Planes. Translation of work planes from Solid Edge is not supported.
Attributes. Translation of User Defined Attributes, both Part level as well as Assembly level, is not
supported for Solid Edge Reader.
Material Properties. Translation of Material Properties is not supported for Solid Edge Reader.
Layers. Reading and translation of Layer information for any of the entities is not supported.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 87
File Format Support
Colors. Translation of assembly definition and assembly instance color is not translated.
See the Solid Edge Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 120) section in CAD Integration Troubleshoot-
ing (p. 117) for detailed information.
Solid Edge based on registry entries recognizes the existence of the plug-in. After opening a document
in Solid Edge, if the ANSYS (version specific) menu is not displayed in the Solid Edge menu bar, check
if ANSYS (version specific) is listed in the Available Add-Ins list box of the Add-in Manager dialog
box (Applications> Add Ins> Add-In Manager). If it is listed but not checked, check the box in front
of it and click OK. If it is not listed, run the CAD Configuration Manager with Solid Edge selected for
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Windows: Configuring CAD Products> Using the CAD Configuration Manager in the ANSYS,
Inc. Windows Installation Guide.
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
The ANSYS Solid Edge interface supports Solid Edge part, assembly and sheet metal, both in traditional
and synchronous formats, and traditional weldment documents.
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Table 22: Import Preference Support for Solid Edge geometry interface
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
88 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Solid Edge (*.par, *.asm, *.psm, *.pwd)
Associativity Yes
Coordinate Systems No
Work Points No
Reader Save File No
Instancing Yes
Smart Update Yes
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing No
Mixed Import Resolution Yes
Decompose Disjoint Geometry No
Closed Surface A closed surface body will be imported as a solid body since Solid Edge considers
this body as a solid.
Interpart Copies The interpart copies of a part should be hidden in the part level to avoid importing
it in the assembly.
Line Body Types The following feature types can be imported from Solid Edge into ANSYS Workbench
as line bodies:
Curve by Tables
Project Curves
Derived Curves
Cross Curves
Contour Curves
Simplified Model For a part that has a simplified model (if the model is displayed in Solid Edge), you
will need to have the Simplify menu displayed to get the simplified model in the ANSYS Mechanical
Parameters Parameters have limited precision associated with Solid Edge models. By default, Solid
Edge only shows two digits of precision past the decimal point. Therefore when you input 41.012 for
example, and refresh, the precision value will appear in ANSYS Workbench to be 41.01 after the update
completes. If you increase the display precision in Solid Edge, you will then see the more precise para-
meter values in ANSYS Workbench.
Selection Filter Toolbar A toolbar named ANSYS Selection Filter is available in Solid Edge to pick
entities like vertex, edge and face for Name Selection creation. This toolbar becomes active only when
the Named Selection Manager (p. 22) dialog is open.
Using Named Selection After the Named Selection dialog box is launched from the ANSYS toolbar,
the ANSYS selection filter bar will be activated. First select a filter, e.g. face filter, then select the faces
with the shift key pressed. Click the Create button to finish creating a Named Selection with the selected
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 89
File Format Support
faces. To modify a Named Selection, start by selecting it from the list and highlight it by clicking the
Select button. Shift + click to add to or right click to remove from the selected faces. Click the Replace
button to complete the modification.
Part documents should contain only one body, otherwise a duplicate set of parameters and variables
may be imported.
When the attributes flag is on and the DDM prefix is specified, attributes are created for each entity to
allow import of motion loads.
The Part length unit within the ANSYS Mechanical application is meters independent of the unit system
displayed in Solid Edge. The Length Unit displayed under Details of Geometry in the ANSYS Mechan-
ical application cannot be changed.
To import motion loads from Solid Edge models to the ANSYS Mechanical application, you will need
to use the motion load files generated from the same version of Solid Edge that you are running. If the
load files were generated from a different version of Solid Edge, the loads will not be imported properly.
When the attributes flag is on and the DDM prefix is specified, attributes are created for each entity to
allow import of motion loads.
Import Solid Edge Construction Objects Control The Solid Edge geometry interface does not import
construction objects by default. The import of construction objects can be enabled by the
ANS_SE_IMPORT_CONSTRUCTION_OBJECTS environment variable. Possible values are:
Large Model The import of large Solid Edge models with a maximum length over 1 kilometer cannot
be imported due to Parasolid precision, that is, all parts of a body must lie inside the Parasolid size box.
This box is 1000 units on each side and is centered at the origin. It represents the whole of the model
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
90 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SolidWorks (*.sldprt, *.sldasm)
Multiple Named Selection Filter Menu After Changing ANSYS Language After language setting
is changed in ANSYS, multiple menu for the named selection may appear in the Solid Edge ANSYS
Toolbar. To fix the problem unconfigure the plug-in using CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21) (CCM)
and open Solid Edge files one of each type, such as part (*.prt), assembly (*.asm), sheet metal (*.psm)
and weldment (*.pwd). Close Solid Edge and reconfigure using CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21) to
fix the issue.
Plug-In Availability Considerations Due to the architecture of the CAD's Add-In manager, the Solid
Edge geometry interface will automatically load into the Solid Edge sessions of all users when any ad-
ministrative user has configured the geometry interface only to be available for their account. This is
the case even when the user has not configured the geometry interface for himself/herself and a
global configuration has not been performed to enable the plug-in to run for all users. When encoun-
tering such a state it may be possible to import geometry from an active Solid Edge session, but any
attempts to attach or refresh geometry without Solid Edge running will fail.
When the Solid Edge plug-in is configured as part of a network install (see Using the CAD Configuration
Manager) unconfiguring it on the local, client machine will (a) remove the ANSYS menu from Solid Edge,
and (b) disable the ability to import geometry from an active Solid Edge session. However, import of
Solid Edge models when the CAD is not active may continue to work until the interface is unconfigured
on the server machine.
Unlocked Parameters for Synchronous Features The parameters created during synchronous
modeling are not locked by default. As a result the geometry cannot be modified by changing the un-
locked parameters. For the same reason, any parametric modification from ANSYS would fail to generate.
To fix this problem, hold the cursor on the unlocked parameter label in Solid Edge and click on the lock
icon on the dialog box that pops up. Alternatively, the lock status can be modified from the Solid Edge
Tools > Variables list. After locking the parameter, the geometry can be modified by changing it and
can be driven by parametric update from ANSYS.
Solid Edge Part Name. The Solid Edge plug-in uses the part name as the identifier for the associativity
mechanism to work. Renaming the part after import may break the associativity. The part can be renamed
in Solid Edge and refreshed to reflect the changes.
See the Solid Edge Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 120) section in CAD Integration Troubleshoot-
ing (p. 117) for detailed information.
This is a stand-alone reader which does not require that the SolidWorks system be installed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 91
File Format Support
The interface can be configured during ANSYS installation or by using the CAD Configuration Manager.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Versions: 98 2015
Selective Update This interface fully supports the Selective Update feature.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
92 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SolidWorks (*.sldprt, *.sldasm)
Length Unit The length unit specified in the part or assembly is transferred into ANSYS Workbench.
If a unit system is not provided you should specify the length unit of the imported file in the Details
Hidden parts Parts that are hidden or suppressed in SolidWorks are skipped automatically by this
Import CAD Color as Named Selections To import an object's Color as Named Selections in ANSYS
Workbench, specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color" or a
list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").
Limited Support for Reading Units in Part or Assembly Files. Reading unit information from
SolidWorks parts of assembly files is only supported for file version Sw2001 through the latest and
currently supported SolidWorks version; for earlier versions, the unit is assumed as meter. Also, unsup-
ported units such as feetandinch and angstrom are assumed as meter.
No Support for Assembly Features. Only the data in the B-rep section of a file is read.
No Support for Attributes Show, No-Show and Hidden for Versions Prior to Sw2004. Attributes
show, no-show and hidden are supported from version Sw 2004 through the latest and currently sup-
ported SolidWorks version.
No Configuration Support for Assemblies and Sub-Assemblies for Versions Prior to Sw98. Con-
figuration support is present for version Sw98Plus through the latest and currently supported SolidWorks
No Support for Writing Actual Instance Names The reader does not supports actual instance names
for separate parts and sub-assemblies in XML write.
Part Configuration Support. SolidWorks part files can contain different configurations for the same
feature. Each configuration has separate geometry and topology data. The reader extracts the B-rep
data stored in the .SLDPRT file. SolidWorks stores B-rep data corresponding to each configuration in
separate streams of the .SLDPRT file. To support reading of configurations, reader requires the B-rep
data of that configuration. Typically, a SolidWorks part file when re-saved in a higher version does not
contain B-rep data for all configurations in the file. Hence, the reader cannot translate these files com-
pletely. In such cases, open the part in SolidWorks, activate each configuration and save the part.
No Support for Translation of Hidden and Suppressed Bodies/Features in Part. Reader does not
support translation of hidden and suppressed bodies/features in part. Those features will simply be
translated as they are ignoring their hidden or suppressed status in the part file.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 93
File Format Support
See the SolidWorks Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 120) section in CAD Integration Troubleshoot-
ing (p. 117) for detailed information.
The existence of the Plug-in (p. 121) is recognized by SolidWorks based on registry entries. After opening
a document in SolidWorks, if the ANSYS (version specific) menu is not displayed in the SolidWorks
menu bar, check if ANSYS (version specific) is listed in the Available Add-Ins list box of the Add-in
Manager dialog box (Tools> Add Ins).
If listed: but not checked, check the box in front of it and click OK.
If not listed: run the CAD Configuration Manager with SolidWorks selected for configuration
(Start->Workbench->Utilities->CAD Configuration Manager). Select the ANSYS/Workbench
product and then the SolidWorks interface. Click the Next button and then Configure Selected
Plug-Ins. The output window should indicate success. (This requires administrative privileges
on the machine.) If it fails or trouble persists, re-install the SolidWorks plug-in component or
contact your technical support service representative.
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
94 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SolidWorks (*.sldprt, *.sldasm)
Named Selection Processing and Yes - From ANSYS Named Selection Manager (p. 22) and
prefix programmatically created attributes
Material Processing Yes
Analysis Type 3D - Yes
2D - Yes- Only surface bodies in the xy plane will be imported
Associativity Yes - Some data is stored in the SolidWorks model file and needs to
be saved AFTER attach to maintain persistence. The Reader Save File
option will need to be turned ON if imported in "reader" mode or you
will need to save the file in an active SolidWorks session otherwise.
The associative mechanism consumes a good part of the attach/update
time when importing models from SolidWorks. If associativity is not
necessary turning this option off will typically speed up the
import/refresh time substantially, especially on larger models. The use
of named selections can also be used as a persistence mechanism and
does not require the associativity option be turned on.
Coordinate Systems Yes - Part and assembly local coordinate systems
Work Points Yes - Part and assembly local work points
Reader Save File Yes
Instancing No
Smart Update No
Enclosure and Symmetry No
Mixed import Resolution Yes - For parts that include both Solid and Surface bodies AND the
Import Solid and Import Surface preferences are set to Yes
Decompose Disjoint Geometry No
The SolidWorks geometry interface also fully supports the Selective Update feature.
ANSYS Workbench automatically locks the length unit in the part or assembly to meters, which is the
unit used internally by SolidWorks. No adjustment of length unit is necessary or possible. The ANSYS
Mechanical application user can change the unit system for display of the ANSYS Mechanical application
Parts that are hidden or suppressed in SolidWorks are skipped automatically by the geometry interface.
If more than one document is open in SolidWorks, the top-most document, which is the active document,
will be processed by the interface.
Lightweight components (marked with a feather icon in the feature tree) of a SolidWorks assembly
must be set to resolved prior to attaching into the ANSYS Mechanical application.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 95
File Format Support
volution is modified to or from 180 degrees. If this situation arises you will need to reapply loads and/or
boundary conditions.
Databases in which loads and/or boundary conditions are attached to surface body part entities are
subject to a loss of associativity if created and saved prior to release 12.0. Once the loads are reattached,
associativity should be maintained.
Plug-In Availability Considerations A scenario can occur where Attach/Refresh Geometry from active
SolidWorks session works correctly, however Attach/Refresh Geometry without SolidWorks running fails
with "Geometry Interface Not Found."
This can occur if you run the CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21) as Administrator, and select Configur-
ation Actions apply to: Current User.
The architecture of the CAD's Add-In manager will however display the ANSYS plug-in for All Users of
the machine, even if the "All Users" configuration has not been performed to enable the plug-in to run
for all users. If this is done, the current user configuration of ANSYS Workbench is not made aware of
the SolidWorks file types, and the interface is not found.
Workaround: Run the CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21) as Administrator, select "All Users", and
configure the SolidWorks plug-in.
Global Parameters Global parameters that contain only numeric data in the equation field are pro-
cessed. Equations which include units are skipped.
See the SolidWorks Errors Related to CAD Integration (p. 120) section in CAD Integration Troubleshoot-
ing (p. 117) for detailed information.
SpaceClaim (*.scdoc)
For more information, see:
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
96 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SpaceClaim (*.scdoc)
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 97
File Format Support
For detailed installation information about the CAD Configuration Manager, see:
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux (p. 5) and Windows (p. 6)
platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
You cannot import STEP files containing models with bounding box greater than 500 cubic meter in
any direction from world origin even with "Enable Large Model Support" option turned on. For STEP
imports to be successful the model must fit inside the base 1 km^3 size box.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
98 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
STEP (*.stp, *.step)
Part and Assemblies Files STEP files containing parts or assemblies are supported by the ANSYS
Mechanical application. STEP files can use the extensions .step or .stp.
Length Unit The ANSYS Mechanical application automatically sets the length unit in the part or as-
sembly to meters. No adjustment of length unit is necessary or possible.
Body Instancing If the Import Using Instances property is enabled, then body instances will be
generated in Mechanical/Meshing for any IGES file with body instances.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 99
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100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration ANSYS Teamcenter Connection
Teamcenter Connection
Teamcenter can be configured using the CAD Configuration Manager during installation. The Teamcenter
installation from this location is used by the ANSYS Teamcenter connection to check-in the project. To
check-in a project into Teamcenter Select File > Save To Teamcenter option on the project Window. If
this option is not available on the File menu, you might not have an ANSYS Teamcenter connection li-
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Windows (p. 6) platform is accessible
via Geometry Interface Support (p. 3).
Information about post-release CAD system compatibility with ANSYS Workbench is viewable via the
ANSYS, Inc. website (Support> Platform Support). See ANSYS Platform Support.
Creating ANSYS Dataset Type for Teamcenter Unified The Business Modeler deployment package
can be used for installing the ANSYS dataset definition in the Teamcenter Unified server. The package
is located in ansys_inc\v(version specific)\aisol\CADIntegration\Teamcenter\an-
stcpackage for Teamcenter 8.x and anstcpackage09x for Teamcenter 9.x. Copy this package to
the Teamcenter Unified server where you need to install the dataset. Start the Teamcenter Environment
Manager (tem) from the start menu programs list. In the Environment Manager wizard, select 'Perform
maintenance on an existing configuration' and select your configuration. Select 'Add/Remove Features'
on the 'Feature Maintenance' window. Click the 'Browse' button on the 'Select Features' window and
select the 'feature_ansysworkbench.xml' from the anstcpackage or anstcpackage09x copied earlier. Select
'ANSYSWorkbench' under the 'Extensions' list. Proceed with the default option for the rest of the wizard.
After the installation is complete, you can now start using the Teamcenter plug-in. For more information
on installing a template, refer to the Teamcenter Business Modeler IDE help documentation on 'Installing
a Template using TEM'.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 101
ANSYS Teamcenter Connection
Dataset Type Creation Frequency The dataset type creation is needed only once and must be created
on all the Teamcenter servers you need to work with. Also, if you already have a dataset type installed
you don't need to install it again for a new version of ANSYS.
Operations The output text box lists all the output generated during the Teamcenter check in process.
To start the check in process click the "Start" button. After the archiving operation is complete, the
dialog box will close, allowing you to continue to work on the project. One the process is complete it
will post message in the messages panel in Workbench.
You can close the ANSYS Teamcenter Connection by clicking the "Exit" button.
Saving Project A new project can be saved into Teamcenter using the "Add" option.
To revise a saved project, double click the dataset in Teamcenter to open the project in ANSYS 17.0.
Make any necessary changes and click save on the project page to save the project. Since Teamcenter
monitors for changes in any open dataset, simply saving the project will check in the project into
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102 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Login Tab
User: The user name for the Teamcenter login. This must be provided for the check in to be
Password: The password for the Teamcenter login. This must be provided for the check in to
be successful.
Group: The optional group name for the Teamcenter login.
Role: The optional user role for the Teamcenter login.
Server: Select one of available Teamcenter servers from the specified installation.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 103
ANSYS Teamcenter Connection
Dataset Tab
Item name: The item name under which the dataset should be checked in. This is optional. If
no item name is provided and "Add " is selected in the option the dataset will be created.
Item revision: The item revision number for the item specified. Item revision is optional, but
it must be provided if item is specified.
Sequence: Optional, user defined sequence number for the dataset. It is used to identify the
multiple copies of the same dataset.
Dataset name: The dataset name used for the check in. This is auto-generated by the ANSYS
Teamcenter Connection. To override, simply enter your preferred name. The maximum length
of the Dataset name is 32 characters.
Dataset revision: Options for dataset revision. This contains the following choices: Add and
Revise. The " Revise" option is the default if the project contains one or more imported
geometry from NX-Teamcenter connection. Otherwise, the first option is default.
Description: The optional text entered in the Description field will appear in the Teamcenter
object description. Maximum length of text is 240 characters.
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104 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Archive Tab
During the check in process a copy of the archived project is checked in.
The first three options can be used to control what files will be archived together for the check in. The
less items you pick, the smaller the file size will be.
If your project needs to be repaired, the archive operation will not succeed. To force the archive oper-
ation in such cases, select the "Archive project, even if it needs to be repaired " option.
If you opened an already archived project (WBPZ files), either from the disk or directly from Teamcenter,
all you changes will get saved into the archived project. In this case you do not need to archive it again
during the check in. But if you prefer, you can force the archive operation by selecting the "Archive
project again, even if it is already archived " option.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 105
ANSYS Teamcenter Connection
Persistent Fields The following fields in the Teamcenter check in window are persistent between
sessions. They are saved upon exit from the dialog and retrieved during startup. These options are
'Item', 'Item Revision', 'Sequence', 'Description', 'Group', 'Volume', 'Dataset Revision', and 'Selected Server'.
Combination of Different Dataset Revision Options and Item Name There are two dataset revision
Add, and
After specifying the dataset option you can either specify an item name or leave it blank. The item you
specified may or may not exist in Teamcenter.
These options produce a combination of six usable cases. What happens for each of these cases are
enumerated below.
The dataset will be created under the item name. If there is already a copy of the dataset, a new copy
will get created.
CASE 2 Item: specified but does not exist, Dataset Option: Add
The dataset will be created under the "Newstuff" (2Tier). If there is already a copy of the dataset, a new
copy will get created.
For 4Tier, a new item with the given item name will be created under the home directory.
See case 2.
The dataset will be created under the item name. If there is already a copy of the dataset, the copy will
get revised.
CASE 5 Item: specified but does not exist, Dataset Option: Revise
A new item with the specified item name will get created in the "Newstuff" (2Tier) or Home (4Tier)
directory first. The dataset will be created under this newly created item name.
This case does not work. The interface will ask if the Add option should be selected instead. If you
choose 'Yes', the Add options get selected and case 3 executes.
Teamcenter Discriminator A unique identifier can be used to grant or revoke the access to the
Teamcenter server for the ANSYS SOA application. This can be set by running the CAD Configuration
Manager (p. 21) (CCM).
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106 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Caveats and Known Issues
License requirements ANSYS Teamcenter connection license is needed for the ANSYS Teamcenter
check-in. ANSYS Teamcenter license and ANSYS UG plug-in license are both needed for Teamcenter NX
geometry import.
Teamcenter Installation During install CAD Configuration Manager (p. 21) (CCM) asks for Teamcenter
installation directory and creates either TC_ROOT or IMAN_ROOT depending on Teamcenter version. If
both TC_ROOT and IMAN_ROOT are defined TC_ROOT will be used. The install location will be saved
in the registry during the first run and will be used subsequently, ignoring the environment variable.
ANSYS Session from Teamcenter When ANSYS is launched from Teamcenter, either directly by
opening an ANSYS dataset from Teamcenter or from an NX manager session initially spawned from
Teamcenter, it will obtain the environment variables values from that Teamcenter sessions. Make sure
that the environment variable values are set to the expected values if you have any trouble with the
ANSYS Teamcenter Connection.
Finding the Checked in Dataset If your item exists select the item node and click refresh to see the
checked in item. Also, you can refresh the "newstuff" (2Tier) or home (4Tier) folder for finding the
FMS_HOME Make sure your FMS_HOME points to the correct version of Teamcenter. Also, make sure
you can check in a part file from NX, before you try to check in the part from ANSYS.
Length of Dataset Name Teamcenter allows only 32 characters or less for the dataset name and
item names. Sometimes for larger item name the auto-generated dataset name may exceed 32 characters.
Rename the dataset name manually from the options page to avoid the problem.
Length of the Description The length of the description must not exceed 240 characters.
New Item Creation with Empty Names in Teamcenter 9.1 A check-in with an empty or new item
name may fail with Teamcenter 9.1. In such case, ANSYS may incorrectly report success. To avoid this
problem, please create a new item in Teamcenter 9.1 and use this name during the check-in. This
problem does not affect the Teamcenter 10.1 and Teamcenter 9.1.3 on Windows 8.1.
Project Archive Size The project file size can grow quickly during a 'solve' in ANSYS. It can slow down
the check in process. Use the archive options carefully to include/exclude results, external files and user
files to resolve the issue.
Also, you can save a copy of the project locally before the solve operation and check in the project
once the work is done. In this way, the slow save process over the network can be avoided during the
intermediate save operations.
Teamcenter Rich Client Install The current implementation of the ANSYS Teamcenter plug-in (p. 121)
only works with a 2-tier or a 4-tier rich client install. Over the Web (OTW) or any other type of Teamcenter
installation will not work with the plug-in.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 107
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108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration SpaceClaim
ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (SCDM) is available in ANSYS Workbench. Unlike ANSYS DesignModeler
which is a history-based parametric application, SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is a direct modeling applic-
ation. Access and use of SpaceClaim Direct Modeler requires you have an existing SpaceClaim Direct
Modeler license.
SpaceClaim topics:
Import Procedure
You can select your preferred geometry editor in the Options panel via the Tools menu in ANSYS
Workbench. Select Geometry Import.
SpaceClaim Direct Modeler allows you to import a clean instance of a 3D model from a CAD system
without history-based parameters. However you cannot conduct a parametric study using the same
parameters that are defined in the native CAD model, and after an analysis, update the model through
the same set of parameters automatically.
Within the ANSYS Workbench environment, four options exist for SpaceClaim depending when the
work flow commences.
Importing External CAD Files into SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (SCDM) using ANSYS Workbench (p. 109)
Importing External CAD Files into SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (SCDM) using
ANSYS Workbench
1. Start ANSYS Workbench
3. Right click on geometry cell and select Import Geometry->Browse. Specify the CAD file name in the file
open dialog.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 109
4. Make sure the geometry file name is set in the geometry cell properties.
You do not need to close a running instance of SpaceClaim Direct Modeler to import
SpaceClaim geometry into ANSYS DesignModeler.
2. Open an existing .scdoc file (or) create geometry in SpaceClaim and save into a .scdoc file.
5. Launch ANSYS DesignModeler using the right mouse button on the Geometry cell; select New Design-
Modeler Geometry.
6. Inside ANSYS DesignModeler, select the menu item File->Attach to Active CAD Geometry. The "Source"
property of Attach feature should be set to the .scdoc file.
7. Click the Generate button. The SpaceClaim geometry is imported into ANSYS DesignModeler.
The following steps can be used to bring SpaceClaim geometry in to ANSYS DesignModeler using the
SpaceClaim Plug-in (p. 121). The following steps will not use SpaceClaim Add-in.
Using ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler If geometry in ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is not
saved to a .scdoc file:
1. Start ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler and create geometry, but do not save.
2. Starting ANSYS Workbench using the 17.0 button in the Prepare tab will create a geometry system in the
project schematic.
3. The geometry file name" property of the geometry cell will be empty.
4. The "CAD Plug-in" property will be set to "SpaceClaim[]" if geometry in SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is not
saved in to a .scdoc file.
5. As soon as ANSYS Workbench is started, the SpaceClaim Direct Modeler editor will behave in add-in mode
and the you can transfer geometry to Mesh/Mechanical.
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110 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1. If geometry in ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is saved to a .scdoc file before starting ANSYS Work-
bench, then the geometry in name property is set to the saved .scdoc file name.
2. As soon as ANSYS Workbench is started, the SpaceClaim Direct Modeler editor will behave in add-in mode
and the you can transfer geometry to Mesh/Mechanical.
Using SpaceClaim Engineer you should save the geometry in SpaceClaim Engineer to a .scdoc
file before starting ANSYS Workbench.
1. If the geometry in SpaceClaim Engineer is saved into a scdoc file before starting ANSYS Workbench,
then "geometry file name" property is set to the saved scdoc file name and CAD Plug-in property
as "SpaceClaim[]".
4. If you do not save the geometry in to .scdoc file, user could not attach geometry.
6. If the you attach a saved .scdoc file in the geometry cell, the SpaceClaim Direct Modeler editor will
behave in add-in mode.
3. Right click on the geometry cell and select Import Geometry -> Browse to assign a .scdoc file or ex-
ternal CAD file.
6. Refresh the Mechanical APDL cell to execute a transfer from SpaceClaim Direct Modeler as an exported
.anf file.
SpaceClaim support for prior versions of Workbench is limited to ANSYS 15.0 or newer.
Related Topics:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 111
The ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler included in the 17.0 installation can only be configured to link
with the 17.0 Workbench components. Links to prior versions of Workbench are no longer supported.
The CAD Configuration Manager utility will present the configuration options according to the supported
versions it detects. Support for configuring SpaceClaim Engineer will only be visible in the CAD Config-
uration Manager utility if a valid ANSYS Workbench 17.0 connection plugin is detected within its install-
Only one SpaceClaim product can be configured with ANSYS Workbench at a time.
If SpaceClaim Engineer is installed prior to the ANSYS Workbench installation and the CAD
Configuration Manager utility can detect a supported connection plugin it will be automat-
ically configured to be active.
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112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SpaceClaim Pre-16.1 Installation Guidelines
If desired, ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler can be configured manually, following the removal of
previously installed versions.
To configure manually, execute the AnsConfigSpaceClaim.exe from the following ANSYS installation
location: <INSTALL_PATH>\common files\configs\winx64\config\
ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler 16.1 cannot be linked to prior versions of ANSYS Work-
Installing SpaceClaim products released prior to Workbench 16.0 is not supported. Doing so will result in
unexpected behaviors. The 16.0 version of SpaceClaim Direct Modeler can be disabled to allow prior versions
of SpaceClaim products to assume the linked connection to Workbench by executing AnsUnconfigSpace-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 113
Once the 16.0 version of ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler has been unconfigured, prior
SpaceClaim product versions can be installed/re-installed.
All SpaceClaim Engineering products released with or after Workbench 16.0 have modified
their installations to automatically unconfigure the 16.0 version of ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct
Modeler if it is detected.
A geometry cell can be edited by one editor at a time (either ANSYS DesignModeler or ANSYS
SpaceClaim Direct Modeler).
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration Frequently Asked Questions
See the Geometry Interfaces section via the Products tab of the ANSYS website for a list of On Demand
webinars related to CAD integration.
The ANSYS Knowledge Resources section of the ANSYS Customer Portal includes a database of frequently
asked questions for such general topics as CAD Connections. Listed under the Online Support heading
on the ANSYS Customer Portal, the ANSYS Knowledge Resources section also includes best practices
and examples.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 115
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration Troubleshooting
Categorized below by CAD systems is a list of error messages and the cause of the error. The ANSYS
Knowledge Base (accessible via the ANSYS Customer Portal) allows you to perform solution and defect
searches. You must register and create a password to access the ANSYS Customer Portal via the ANSYS
website (
Solutions Search: The ANSYS Solutions Search allows you to search the ANSYS Knowledge
Base for a wide variety of technical topics. The Knowledge Base is continuously updated by
the support organization with new solutions, best practices, examples, etc.
Defects Search: The ANSYS Defect Search allows you to search the help defects files for selected
ANSYS, Inc. products.
To view the ANSYS Knowledge Resources, navigate to Online Support> Knowledge Resources on the
ANSYS Customer Portal.
General Errors Related to CAD Integration
ACIS Errors Related to CAD Integration
Autodesk Inventor Errors Related to CAD Integration
CATIA Errors Related to CAD Integration
Creo Parametric Errors Related to CAD Integration
NX Errors Related to CAD Integration
Parasolid Errors Related to CAD Integration
Solid Edge Errors Related to CAD Integration
SolidWorks Errors Related to CAD Integration
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 117
CAD Geometry Fails to Import If you attempt to import geometry and the Plug-in (p. 121) or Read-
er (p. 121) fails to load properly or the geometry fails to load, or if DesignModeler fails to start, the CAD
configuration may not have been completed properly during the ANSYS Workbench installation process.
Although the product installation and CAD configuration steps can be done as a non-administrative
user, administrative rights are required to fully configure several ANSYS CAD products, including the
ANSYS Workbench Plug-Ins for Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt, *.iam) (p. 36), Creo Elements/Direct Modeling,
Solid Edge, and SolidWorks. NX in Reader (p. 121) mode also requires administrative rights to configure.
If these products were not configured as administrator, the registration may not have completed
properly and you could see CAD-related errors. See Using the CAD Configuration Manager in the ANSYS,
Inc. Windows Installation Guide for detailed information on configuring these CAD products properly.
If you ran a silent prerequisite installation, you may need to reboot your machine to complete the
prerequisite installation before you can successfully import a geometry.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Parametric Errors Related to CAD Integration
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 119
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration Glossary
The following terms define nomenclature that is unique to ANSYS, Inc. or specialized in meaning.
Associative Geometry Interface The general term for all plug-ins and pseudo-readers.
Instances When multiple copies of the same assembly-part are present in the CAD this preference
allows time and memory savings by importing only the first instance of the part within the assembly
and creating references to the first part for subsequent instances.
Pseudo-Reader CAD system is started by ANSYS Workbench in batch mode and shuts it down after
attach/update is completed.
Additional Glossaries
Application-specific glossaries are available for the following. Select Add to Favorites in the Favorites
menu of the ANSYS Help Viewer to more easily navigate to the paths shown below.
ANSYS, Inc. Installation and Licensing Guide: ANSYS Help System> Installation and Licensing Docu-
mentation>ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide> Glossary
ANSYS CFX: ANSYS Help System> CFX> CFX Reference Guide> Glossary
ANSYS Mechanical: ANSYS Help System> Mechanical> Appendices> Glossary of General Terms
ANSYS FLUENT: ANSYS Help System> FLUENT> Getting Started Guide> Glossary of Terms
ANSYS Workbench User's Guide: ANSYS Help System> Workbench> ANSYS Workbench User Guide>
Systems> Glossary
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 121
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Integration Updates
For updated CAD-related information, see the customer portal section of the ANSYS, Inc. website. For
example, there you can access CAD special versions, standard versions, and archived versions. First-time
users of the customer portal must register to create a password. To view additional documentation in-
formation and late changes, navigate to Product Information> Product Documentation> Readme files
and late document changes.
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 123
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
124 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling
Index product support, 51
Creo Parametric
A file versions, 54
ACIS installation notes, 54
platform/operating system support, 1 product support, 54
product support, 30 updating instances, 54
assembly Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/ENGINEER)
support for Autodesk Inventor, 36 named selection import, 1
support for CATIA V5, 43, 46 platform/operating system support, 1
support for CATIA V6, 49
support for Creo Parametric , 54 D
support for DesignModeler, 64 DesignModeler
support for IGES, 70 product support, 64
support for Parasolid, 81 documents
support for Solid Edge, 86 supported in Solid Edge, 86
attaching geometry supported in SolidWorks, 91
from Autodesk Inventor, 36
from DesignModeler, 64 F
AutoCAD facet limitation in Parasolid, 81
platform/operating system support, 1 file versions in Creo Parametric, 54
product support, 32
Autodesk Inventor G
named selection import, 1 GAMBIT
platform/operating system support, 1 product support, 68
product support, 36 geometry
CAD interface platform/operating system support,
C 1
CAD Integration preferences when attaching, 1
File Format Support, 29 Geometry Interface Support
Frequently Asked Questions, 115 Linux, 5
Glossary, 121 Windows, 6
Installation and Licensing, 25
Overview, 1 I
SpaceClaim, 109 ids - maintaining associativity of persistent ids in NX ,
Teamcenter Connection, 101 74
Troubleshooting, 117 IGES
Updates, 123 platform/operating system support, 1
CAD systems product support, 70
geometry interface platform/operating system sup- importing
port, 1 variables from Solid Edge, 86
geometry preferences when attaching, 1 instances - updating Creo Parametric, 54
list of supported systems, 29
material property transfer, 1 J
named selection import, 1 JT Reader
CATIA product support, 72
platform/operating system support, 1
product support for V4, 41 L
product support for V5, 43, 46 length unit
product support for V6, 49 ACIS, 30
components AutoCAD, 32
naming in Solid Edge, 86 Autodesk Inventor, 36
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 125
CATIA V4, 41 P
CATIA V5, 43, 46 parameters
CATIA V6, 49 processing CAD, 1
Creo Parametric, 54 Parasolid
DesignModeler, 64 platform/operating system support, 1
IGES, 70 product support, 81
NX, 74 part
Parasolid, 81 support for Autodesk Inventor, 36
Solid Edge, 86 support for CATIA V5, 43, 46
SolidWorks, 91 support for CATIA V6, 49
support for Creo Parametric, 54
M support for DesignModeler, 64
material processing transfer from CAD system , 1 support for IGES, 70
material properties - from NX, 74 support for Parasolid, 81
MCNP support for Solid Edge, 86
product support, 74, 83-84 platform support - CAD systems, 1
Monte Carlo N-Particle Plug-In Ribbon
product support, 74, 83-84 AutoCAD, 32
motion load Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integration
import from Solid Edge, 86 Geometry Preferences, 9
import from SolidWorks, 91
multiple file versions R
in Creo Parametric, 54 reader attach/refresh
in NX, 74 AutoCAD, 32
Named Selection Manager, 22 Solid Edge
named selections component naming in assemblies, 86
CAD input based on entities, 1 importing variables, 86
NX motion load import, 86
material properties, 74 named selection import, 1
multiple versions, 74 platform/operating system support, 1
named selection import, 1 product support, 86
persistent ids, 74 supported documents, 86
platform/operating system support, 1 SolidWorks
product support, 74 motion load import, 91
re-registering, 74 named selection import, 1
Teamcenter database, 74 platform/operating system support, 1
product support, 91
O supported documents, 91
operating system support - CAD systems, 1 SpaceClaim
Overview ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (SCDM) Behavior
CAD Configuration Manager, 21 in the Project Schematic, 114
Caveats and Known Issues, 24 starting the Mechanical Application from Creo Paramet-
Compare Parts on Update, 19 ric, 54
Geometry Interface Support, 3 supported CAD systems, 29
Introduction, 2
Mixed Import Resolution, 21 T
Named Selection Manager, 22 Teamcenter database - use with NX, 74
Project Schematic Presence Related to CAD Integra- Troubleshooting
tion, 8 ACIS Errors Related to CAD Integration, 118
Autodesk Errors Related to CAD Integration, 119
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
126 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CATIA Errors Related to CAD Integration, 119
Creo Parametric Errors Related to CAD Integration,
General Errors Related to CAD Integration, 117
NX Errors Related to CAD Integration, 120
Parasolid Errors Related to CAD Integration, 120
Solid Edge Errors Related to CAD Integration, 120
SolidWorks Errors Related to CAD Integration, 120
updating instances of Creo Parametric, 54
importing from Solid Edge, 86
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 127
Release 17.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.