ACP Intro 2020R1 WS06.1 Kiteboard
ACP Intro 2020R1 WS06.1 Kiteboard
ACP Intro 2020R1 WS06.1 Kiteboard
1 – Kiteboard
Introduction to
ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Release 2020 R1
• In this workshop, we model a kiteboard.
Lay-up Information
• Overall dimensions approx. 1.4 m long and 0.4 m wide
• The curvature is neglected in this model although the board has a small curvature
• The impact resistant edge and inserts are also neglect
• The lay-up from the bottom upwards is:
• [-45°, 0°, 45°] carbon plain woven Results shown in these workshop
• foam core of variable thickness, max. 17.5 mm instructions may differ from the
results displayed in your model
• [-45°, 0°, 45°] carbon plain woven depending on material data.
1. Start ANSYS Workbench and open the archive
2. Save the Workbench project
Engineering Data 2
Engineering Data 1
1 2 3
Use the Engineering Data toolbox to define the following material behavior: 2
1. Define a new material with orthotropic elastic properties for the core
Ex = Ey = Ez = 60 MPa
vxy = vyz = vxz = 0.35
Gxy = Gyz = Gxz = 23 MPa
2. Specify the Ply Type as Orthotropic Homogenous Core
3. Define Stress Limits Zt =1.1 MPa, Sxz = 0.8 MPa, Syz = 0.8 MPa
(the remaining stress limits can be defined as zero)
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6. Kiteboard
Engineering Data
43 1
1. Switch to the Engineering Data Sources tab and select
Composite Materials as Data Source
2. Choose Epoxy Carbon Woven (230 GPa) Prepreg, press the
symbol to add the woven material to Engineering Data
3. Press the Engineering Data Sources tab to return to
Composite Materials is a repository with many typical (UD, woven,
Engineering Data core, resin and fiber) materials already prepared to be used in ACP
workflows. Note that these materials should be considered ONLY
4. Return to the Project schematic for educational purposes.
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6. Kiteboard
Project Schematic
1 2
1 1
1. Specify a dummy thickness of 1 mm and a dummy material for the kiteboard
The thickness definition and the material assignment will be replaced by ACP-Pre later on! Parts defined according to a
composite lay-up as specified later in ANSYS Composite PrepPost will replace these dummy values, whereas correct
material data for eventual non composite parts and not specified in ACP-Pre must be defined here
Meshing in Mechanical
1. Add Sizing in Mesh Control
2. Assign a body sizing of 10 mm
3. Right Click on Mesh and select Generate Mesh
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6. Kiteboard
Project Schematic
1. Update Model
2. Refresh Setup and open ANSYS Composite PrepPost
(Right mouse button on Setup → Edit)
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6. Kiteboard
ACP Setup Fabrics
1 3
2 3
1. Select MPA Units
2. Right mouse button on Fabrics → Create Fabrics opens Fabric Properties window
3. Select the woven material for the fabric and rename the fabric for better identification
4. Define a thickness for the single layer (t = 0.2 mm)
1. In addition to the UD Fabric define a core fabric, specify a thickness value of 15.2 mm,
this value will change later with an imported core geometry
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6. Kiteboard
• We will use a (-45°, 0°, 45°) stackup for the bottom and top plies.
• Using stackups reduces the number of layers we have to lay down significantly since the
complete stackup is placed as one material.
• The downside of using stackups is that we can not modify the stackup structure itself
anymore. Ply angles of the fabrics used in the stackup are predefined.
1. Switching to the Analysis tab in the Stackup Properties window allows to check the
definition of the Stackup and gives the mechanical properties in a polar plot
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6. Kiteboard
1. Check the Element Sets in the model. The Element Sets have been defined based on the
Named Selections
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6. Kiteboard area
1 2 Press CTRL
2. Click in the Element Set selection area
3. Select the Element Set All_Elements
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6. Kiteboard
Oriented Selection Sets
2 1
1. Select Minimum Angle as Selection Method
(The selection method only comes into play for multiple Rosettes. Different options are
explained in the OSS lecture)
2. Select the Rosette generated before
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6. Kiteboard
In ACP, the approach is model-as-you-build-it. Each ply of the laminate is directly applied on
shell mesh as if it were the mold. Foam core laying
between the woven mats
Application of 45 deg woven glass fiber mat over a wooden
before lamination:
core followed by saturation with epoxy resin:
We will define section cuts to check the lay-up defined for the kiteboard: section cuts show
the layers of the lay-up in the section plane. The location and direction of the section cut
plane can either be specified by defining an origin and a normal direction or interactively by
dragging and rotating
Section Cuts
3 2
1. To modify location and direction of the section cut by dragging and rotating select interactive
plane in the section properties window
2. Click on section cut normal and drag normal to rotate section cut
3. Click on section cut plane and drag plane in normal direction to modify the location of the plane
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6. Kiteboard
• Highlight Ply and Click on the Show • Click on the Show Reference Direction icon
Orientations icon in the scene toolbar in the scene toolbar
• If orientations for the ply are not shown • If reference directions for the ply are not
reselect the ply in the tree shown reselect the ply in the tree
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6. Kiteboard
Core Thickness can be defined using CAD data in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
1 11
1. In the ACP tree create a Virtual Geometry selecting the previous CAD Geometry as Sub
1 4
1. Hide Geometry
2. Select the first Stackup Modeling Ply in the Modeling Groups section → Right mouse button →
Create Ply after
3. Select Oriented Selection Set containing all elements and the defined core fabrics as ply material
4. Switch to tab Thickness
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6. Kiteboard
1. Switch Type to From Geometry
2. Select the Virtual Geometry created before as Core
3. Update the model to see the new layer in the section cut
2 4 3
2. Click in the Oriented Selection Sets selection area
3. Select the Oriented Selection Set created at the beginning,
this step defines the top layers covering the core material
4. Select the Stackup as Ply Material and update the model
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6. Kiteboard
2 1
1 1
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6. Kiteboard This load scenario corresponds to a person of 105 Kg
landing on its rear foot after a jump
2 1 2
1 2
1. Use Remote Displacement to fix the rear binder
2. Apply a vertical force acting on the kiteboard
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6. Kiteboard
1 2 3
Insert the Composite Failure Tool to the Mechanical Tree
Select Composite Failure Tool
3. Choose Maximum Stress and Core Failure
4. Configure Maximum Stress and Failure toolboxes
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6. Kiteboard
1. Drag and Drop an ACP (Post) component system onto ACP (Pre) and link the Solution of
Static Structural to the Results of ACP (Post)
2. Open the results in ANSYS Composite PrepPost (Right mouse button on the ACP (Post)
Results → Edit
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6. Kiteboard
2 2 2
1. Evaluate Failure Criteria Ply Wise and
select Inverse Reserve Factor
2. Select Analysis Plies in the Modeling Ply Group
section to evaluate failure criteria layer by layer
1. Click on Failure.1 and unselect Ply Wise evaluation
2. Select Show Failure Mode Plot and Critical Layer
3. Highlight Annotation (cf(4) indicates failure of layer number 4 according to
core failure criterion). See all failure criteria terms on next slides
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6. Kiteboard
Min. Default Failure Criteria = 0 Min. Value defined by minimal occurring value User Defined value as min. value
• Contour Settings are modified in the Legend tab of the Plots under
Solution. Default maximum and minimum values are not the
same for all results (stresses, strains, failure criteria …).
Failure Modes:
Sampling Points
1 3
1. Create a sampling point by Right Mouse Button on Sampling Points → Create Sampling
2. Select one of the element to fill in the sampling point position
3. Choose the shown sampling direction
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Sampling Points
2 32 3
1. Switch to tab Analysis and adjust core scale factor for visualization purposes
2. Select information to show through the element
3. Add Stress plot through the layers of the selected element
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6. Kiteboard
• A sandwich structure in the shape of a kiteboard is modeled.
• The variable thickness of the core is defined with CAD geometry
• The structure is analyzed under a load case that mimics a landing scenario.
• The critical failure mode is core failure.
• Core failure is driven by off-plane shear stresses.
• Discuss in class what could be done to reduce the highest inverse reserve factor!