International Status of Thermal Error Research (1990) : Ca/Usa
International Status of Thermal Error Research (1990) : Ca/Usa
International Status of Thermal Error Research (1990) : Ca/Usa
Summary: This paper is the result of a cooperative effort of STC "M" and STC ' Q to review the field of
thermal error research since the previous keynote paper was delivered in Ann Arbor in 1967. In spite of
some excellent research, not much has changed in industry. Computers, laser interferometers, diamond
turning machines, and hi-speed, error corrected, CMM's have all been introduced in this period and close
tolerance capability has improved, but thermal effects are still the largest single source of dimensional errors
and apparent non-repeatability of equipment. Ignorance of the cost and nature of thermal errors continues
to be the rule, but this era may now be ending. There seems to be a new sense of awareness of the problem,
particularly among companies who are planning new facilities. There also seems to be a resurgence of
interest in academic research
"the problems for machine tools are different from those of It should be clear from the above discussion that some error
measuring machines, so the thermal problems concerning will exist when measuring or machining operations are carried
coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) should be dealt out at temperatures other than 20 deg. C. The problem
with separately, although the relations between cause and resolves itself into balancing the cost of temperature control
effect are the same as for machine tools" versus the magnitude of possible error. The difficulty is that
errors resulting from uncertainity of nominal differential
Uniform Temperatures Other Than 20 deg. C. expansion (UNDE) and from -or -0 f
nominal differential expansion (NDE) corrections are hard to
Background prove.
A meter is the distance between two fixed points in space. A
meter does not vary with temperature and never has. This In addition to making the proper choice of shop temperatures,
fact is obscured because the lengths of the more common management faces a second problem of how to make NDE
representation of the meter such as gage blocks, lead screws, corrections if they become necessary. According to McClure's
and scales do vary with temperature. The lengths of most of survey of American industry (51) , most organizations leave
materials we deal with also change with temperature. On the problem of differential expansion correction up to the
Wednesday, April 15. 1931. The International Committee of individual inspector or machinist. My own experience
Weights and Measures meeting in Paris (0.4) agreed that indicates that this is inadequate. The problem is particularly
henceforth when we describe the length of an object we severe if a shop normally works with ferrous materials and
automatically mean its length when it is at a temperature of steel scales and corrections are not usually necessary. The
20 deg. C. habit of reading measuring instruments directly to establish
dimensions is so ingrained that even the most skilled
This agreement was preceeded by years of debate, study and workman will often forget that corrections are necessary
negotiation. The previous standard in Great Britain was 62 when dealing with non-ferrous materials. The responsibility
deg. F (16 2/3 deg. C. which was the average working involved in changing important drawing dimensions to a
temperature in shops through the year (0.2) different value, by hand, is another factor leading to the
According to Rolt (3.1) 1952: possibility that corrections will not be made.
"A 300 mm gage had to be shortened by 11 microns to Some of the new CMM's have the necessary temperature
bring it to true size at 20 deg. C. British industry sensors and computer capability of making NDE corrections
weathered this change without too much trouble in 1931, automatically. This is a welcome development that is long
but with the general all around improvement in accuracy in overdue. We must keep in mind, however, that these
latter years, to effect a change of that magnitude today corrections are not exact because of the existence of UNDE
would bring a number of difficulties in its train" errors, and the effects of Non-Uniform Temperatures
discussed in the next section.
If dimensions are only correct at 20 deg. C how has the world
been getting by all these years by measuring at warmer The Thermal Error Index
temperatures? The answer is that if the work is steel and the The choice of average shop temperatures can be put on a
scale is steel. the two expand together and the resultant errors rational basis by using the Thermal Error Index. This index
tend to cancel. If. however, the work is another material, such presents the estimated overall thermal error as a percentage
as aluminum, the errors are different and they do not cancel. of the working tolerance. Overall thermal error is the sum of
We refer to this error as 'differential expansion'. the error caused by Average Temperatures Other Than 20
deg. and Temperature Variation Error (TVE) Temperature
Knowledgeable machinists have sometimes made differential variation errors are discussed in the next section.
expansion corrections. The thing that is often overlooked,
however, is that these corrections are not exact. Our That portion of the Thermal Error Index which results from
knowledge about average coefficients of expansion is meagre average temperatures other than 20 deg. C is determined by
and we can never know the exact coefficient of each part. taking the sum of the estimated uncertainty of expansion of
This inexactness is called "Uncenainity of Nominal Differential the part and scale, and the value of nominal differential
Expansion (UNDE) expansion, if corrections are not made, and taking this sum as
a percentage of the working tolerance of the part. For
This uncertainity is zero when the temperature is 20 deg. C.. example, a 254 mm. long aluminum part having a tolerance of
and increases according to the thermal distance from 20 deg.C. 25 microns is being inspected at 22 deg. C. A steel height
Its magnitude varies for different materials. It is at least 5 gage is being used. No corrections are made because the
per cent for gage block steel and on up to 25 per cent for inspector has never been told that they are necessary.
other materials. Differences between the actual thermal Assuming the uncertainty of coefficient of aluminum to be
expansion and the 'nominal' expansion occur because of 20% and the steel 10%. the index comes out to be 31%. To
experimental errors, anisotropy, and because of determine the suitability of the 22 deg. C. environment for
dissimilarities between the test material and the material of this case, management asks itself if it can afford to give up a
the workpiece. possible 31% of the working tolerance to this one source of
error. The index also lends itself to the adoption of a general
According to Peters and Boyd. (0.1),1920: institutional policy of maintaining a thermal error at some
fixed percentage of the working tolerance.
"Another property which must be recognized when
considering true accurate length of gages is the thermal The index has the desirable feature of responding to each of
expansion of the material. A one inch long (25.4 mm) steel the variables that affect the need for 20 deg C. These are: (1)
gage block increases in length about 13 ppm per deg. C rise amount of tolerance, (2) size of work. (3) coefficient of work
in temperature. The temperature at which the actual and master, (4) how well the coefficients are known, and (5)
length of the gage equals the nominal length must whether or not nominal differential expansion corrections are
therefore be specified and is usually taken as 20 deg. C. At made.
25 deg C. the length of a gage which is one inch (25.4mm)
at 20 deg. is about 1.00065 inches (25.4016 mm). If a gage The Thermal Error Index concept, first proposed in (42), has
be measured at a higher temperature its length at 20 deg. been incorporated in ANSI 8-89.6.2 Temperature and
C. may be computed if the expansion coefficient is known. Humidity Environment for Dimensional Measurement (62)
If high precision is desired, it is not rood DOlicv to use 1973. This standard, like many standards, has unfortunately
w s i o n coefficients eiven in t a b l a because our not yet "trickled down" to working engineers in industry.
measurements show that the expansion coefficient of steel
may vary from 10.5 to 13.5 ppm depending on the By contrast, ANSI 8-89.1.12. Methods for Performance
hardness and composition". Evaluation of Coordinate Measuring Machines (76) 1985, has
become a working document for the buying and selling of
CMMs. All provisions of B-89.6.2 are automatically
incorporated in this standard. In addition, B-89.1.12 calls for
mandatory corrections of nominal differential expansion 2) It is too late to make a change. Almost every gage block,
between the scale of the machine and whatever standards of leadscrew, micrometer, height gage, measuring machine
length are used for testing, (laser interferometer, gage blocks, and machine tool in the world would become out of
step gages etc.) The manufacturer is also required to provide tolerance.
a statement indicating the effective coefficient expansion of
the machine scales for the purpose of making the NDE 3) "Factories of the future" (see below) will be arranged so
correction. that there is a mimimal exposure of people to the 20
deg. environment through the use of boxes equipped
Another special feature mandates the value of UNDE to be two with air or liquid showers. (Fig. 2)
parts per million per deg. C. of thermal offset from 20 deg.
(one ppm for the scale and one ppm for the gage) I have conducted a small survey of opinion in the U.S. on the
Furthermore, the Thermal Error Index. which now consists of question and have found no one who feels strongly enough
the value of UNDE plus the value of Temperature Variation about the benefits to lead a campaign for change. The subject
Error (TVE) divided by the working tolerance, is required to should, however, be raised and debated in the STC 'Q" as well
be less than 50% at the time of acceptance testing. If this as other forums around t h e world.
condition cannot be met. the working tolerance is
automatically relaxed to give a TEI value of 50%. Factories o f the Future
It is my own belief that factories of the future will be
Full Scale Dilatometers designed to the same standards as offices, airports and
The benefits of more exact coefficients of expansion should be shopping malls (approx. 23 deg. plus or minus 2 deg.)
clear from the above discussion. Actual coefficients are Machine tools and measuring machines that require better
affected by slight changes in alloy, heat treatment, and temperature control will be enclosed in special boxes
amount of cold work. The only way to establish more accurate equipped with air or liquid showers that will be provided by
coefficients is to measure them on each part or family of puts. the machine manufacturer.
The 1967 keynote paper suggested that research should be
conducted on the design of full scale dilatometers for this The feasability of special boxes has been demonstrated on
purpose. Unfortunately, nothing has happened in 23 years. It liquid showered diamond turning machines (60) 1972. the
now seems that it will be cheaper and simpler to manage the liquid showered production machines at Renishaw (87)1987,
UNDE error by simply controlling the excursion from 20 deg. and for air showered diamond turning machines (73)1985.
C., as necessary. in order to keep the Thermal Error Index Loewen, (67) 1978 has used air showered boxes to hold
within a reasonable value. temperitures constant within 0.001 deg, C. on his ruling
engines for weeks at a time. Integrated circuit steppers (Leitz.
Knapp (*) agrees: "Instead of building full scale Nikon. GCA, for example). are now equipped with air showered
dilatometers, it could be at least as useful to think of methods boxes that are capable of holding 20 deg. C. within a few
of temperature control and of construction principles that hundredths of a deg. C.
make the offset from 20 deg. negligible"
Some of the above examples have used temperature
Should a Change to the International Standard controlled boxes within temperature controlled rooms. The
of 20 deg. C. be Considered? question then arises; how well would these boxes perform in
an airport? My own feeling is that most of the dcterioration
According to comfort charts published by the American
Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, (62) (pg.13). 20 can be corrected by the use of additional insulation on the
deg. is mareinallv comfortable in the summer (30% of the outside of the box. In critical cases, it may be necessary to use
population will think it is comfortable) at an air velocity of 25 the traditional approach of installing the box within a room.
ft./min (7.6 mctcrslmin.) and a humidity of 70%. In the
winter, 90% of the population will think it is comfortable.
These charts also show, however, that if the air velocity is
increased to 400 ft./min (122 meterslmin) the apparent
temperature will be 7 deg. F. cooler (4.4 deg. C.) ANSI B-
89.6.2 recommends that air velocities be maintained at a
maximum velocity of 20 ftlmin (6.1 meterslmin) for human
The concept of having measuring machine and machine tool element system is crucially important in evaluating the
boxes controlled to 20 deg. and factories controlled to the effectiveness of different proposed solutions. It is helpful to
same standards as airports and shopping malls (somewhere visualize each of the three elements made of Zerodur, one at a
between 21 and 25 deg.) creates a Temperature Variation time, or in pairs, or all together. If, for example, the frame,
problem because of "Thermal Memory from a Previous scale, and part were all Zerodur we would have a 100%
Environment" (Soak Out). This problem is already of concern solution and temperature would no longer matter at all.
for JIT and FMS concepts of manufacturing and will be
discussed later. It is sufficient to say here that the problem of If, however, the part is made of a high coefficient or
Soak Out can be solved in most cases by pre-washing the part anisotropic material, and the frame and scale are unaffected
with a liquid shower or high velocity air shower immediately by temperature, we may have a small or negative
before it is moved to the gage or machine tool box. improvement to show for our investment. We must still
provide high quality temperature control for the part and
C h a r l t o n (*) supports the idea of the Factory of The Future must wait for the part to soak out at 20 deg. C. The three-
but is pessimistic about when it might be implemented. He element system must be considered at all times. This
thinks we may see some examples within five years, but situation has not been recognized in some recent CMM
widespread adoption may take twenty years. advertising.
"Among all the material properties which are important for 1. Control of heat flows into the three-element system.
the accuracy of length measurements, the temperature-
proportional expansion in length is the most important one. 2, Redesign of the frame and scale to reduce their
According to the international standard of 1931, the sensitivity to heat flow.
reference temperature is 20 deg. C."
3. Compensation through controlled relative motions
"For discussion of accuracy limits it is important to know withinhetween the frame or scale.
that a temperature of 20 deg. c. can be realized only with
an uncertainty of 0.2 mK. Steady State Gradients
"It is of interest to know that a change to the International Good Progress Since 1967
Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS-68) was recently agreed Encouraging progress has been made since 1967 in dealing
upon (1989) which establishes a new standard called the with the problem of gradients. Finite Element Analysis
International Temperature Scale-1990 (ITS-90) which will programs have been developed that can do a reasonable job of
result in the reference temperature of 20 deg. C. being calculating the effect of steady state gradients.
changed by -0.005 deg. C. (colder) effective Jan. 1, 1990.
This change of definition will (has) lead to an overnight Trapet a n d Waldele (106) 1989, have made a major
increase in the length of all objects made of steel (11 contribution to an understanding of gradients. They
ppm/deg.C.) by about 5.5 x 10-8 or 0.55 microns in 10 deliberately induced gradients in a measuring machine located
meters. in a special, adjustably bad, roombox at PTB and then showed
excellent agreement between analytical calculations and actual
"In addition to the uncertainty of temperature scales error as measured by the new 2-D, calibrated, Zerodur,
discussed above, the uncertainty of temperature ballplate method being proposed by Kunzman et a1 ( 1 1 1)
measurement% and their effect on the accuracy of length 1990. They used 56 temperature sensors with an accuracy of
measurement must be considered. Under very good .03 deg. C. as the basis for their calculations. In the future,
conditions, an optimistic assessment allows a measurement they plan to compensate the machine for gradients in real
uncertainty of 0.001 deg. C. to be attained in the time.
measurement of instrument and workpiece temperatures.
As an answer to the problem of "how do we know that the
"From this it follows that for materials having a coefficient sensors are calibrated and functioning during the life of the
on the order of 1 x 10-5 /deg. C (some steels) the present machine without the necessity of removing them". they
limit of uncertainty of length measurements must be propose the possibility of "back calculating" the correct sensor
assumed to be on the order of 1 x 10-8 which corresponds readings based on periodic mechanical accuracy testing using
to 0.01 microns/meter. the new ball plate method.
"In most cases, the uncertainty of temperature TrapetIWaldele (106) also call our attention to the fact that
measurement is greater than 0.01 deg. C. and the actual there is no mechanical stress in a beam, made of homogenous,
values of the coefficients of thermal expansion of the isotropic material, subjected to a uniform gradient. This
workpiece andlor the instrument are not known. For conclusion is not new, but has come as a surprise to many
materials having a coefficient on the order of people, including myself. It means that we should avoid using
1 x IO-S/deg. C. , a realistic uncertainty of length the term "thermal stress" on a casual basis. "Thermal
deformation" is a better term. Deformation may or may not
measurement is about 1 x 10-7 or 0.1 micronslmeter."
be associated with a stress.
ITS-90 defines temperatures in the range of zero deg. C to 30 Another recent development (Zeiss. Sheffield, for example) is
deg. C. as a specially defined, curvilinear interpolation the use of aluminum beams for the slideways of measuring
between the triple point of water (0.0100 deg. C) and the machines. The high conductivity of the aluminum minimizes
melting point of gallium (29.7646 deg. C.)
the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the
beam (when subjected to a given gradient) which in turn
Non-Uniform Temperatures minimizes the thermal distortion and consequent angular
motion and Abbe error.
The thermal effects diagram Fig. 1 shows that the three TrapetlWaldele (106) also report on the effectiveness of
element system, consisting of the part, the scale, and the insulation on sensitive elements of the machine such as the
machine frame is affected by steady-state and dynamic column supports.
temperature differences originating from the six principal
sources of thermal disturbance. Recognition of the three
The use of insulation is an example of solution # I , (control of corrections were able to compensate for 65 to 75% of the
heat flow into the frame.) The use of aluminum is an example errors. The magnitude of corrected errors was more than 100
of solution #2, (redesign of the frame to reduce sensitivity to times the resolution of the machine (0.1 micron). The
heat flow.) The use of temperature sensors and software gradients, induced by a 2 kw panel about one meter away,
correction is an example of solution #3, (compensate) were as high as 10 deg. C. per meter. Rotations of the part
with respect to the machine and rotations within the machine
Lingard e t a l (102) 1989 have induced thermal gradients of (squareness errors) were the largest source of uncorrected
up to 9 deg. C. across a Leitz PMM-866 measuring machine of errors. The large gradients were for experimental purposes
granite construction. They report a surprisingly small and were not intended to simulate expected operating
influence of one micron per deg. C. of machine gradient when conditions.
measuring the apparent change of length of a 250 mm.
Zerodur ball bar at different positions within the machine Sartori (*) believes that: "Software thermal compensation of
volume. CMMs only makes sense where high accuracies are required.
It can therefore be assumed that environmental conditions are
The studies by T r a p e t l W a l d e l e and L i n g a r d both used reasonably good":
Zerodur workpieces. This is understandable for the purposes
of their experiments on the effect of gradients on the scale "(1) the average temperature should be 20 deg. C. , (2)
and frame of the machine. The results of these experiments temperature variation should be less than plus or minus 2
must be carefully interpreted, however, because of the deg. (3) thermal gradients along any direction should be
absence of real parts and consideration of the three element less than 2 deg./m. and (4) temperature variations with
system. TrapetlWaldele (106) acknowledge this point: time should be such that "quasi-stationary conditions
should be achieved with reference to the thermal time
"Without any doubt, in the future, temperature-related constants of the machine"
errors will be reduced by combined approaches comprising
numerical correction and thermomechanically advanced Sartori (*) is also of the opinion that the design of the
construction. These measures, however, will only be machine should be optimized before compensation:
effective if the thermomechanical behavior of the
easured obiects can be mastered." "All the precautions and the methods described in the
literature should be adopted in order to reduce thermal
A better understanding of the influence of gradients has also effects. This is a very important point. It is in fact
been achieved in the granite surface plate industry. The U.S. deceptive to believe that real-time correction for thermal
Govt. standard GGG-P-463c (1973). (64) includes a graph, deformations can eliminate design defects connected with
developed by R. McClure, which shows the magnitude of thermal phenomena.
non-flatness for different dimensions of the plate and thermal
gradients. A two meter long plate, 1/3 meter thick will have. "Thermally symmetric structures, circulating temperature-
for example, a flatness error of 10 microns for each degree C. controlled fluids, appropriate disposition and screening of
of gradient. (It is also of some interest to realize that the heat sources. structures capable of uniform and rapid
radiation from normal shop lighting can create a one deg. distribution of the heat they produce, these, as well as
temperature rise on the surface of black granite.) others, are the essential prerequisites for defining software
procedures for thermal deformation correction"
Temperature Variation analytical solution is available for this problem which can be
used as a test of the FEA code. The results were in serious
General disagreement (with respect to the accuracy needed for
The problem of temperature variation is much more machine tools and measuring machines) and did not tend to
complicated than that of gradients. It is not now possible by converge as a finer and finer mesh was used. H a r a r y
any means to determine the sensitivity of a machine to believes. however, that the FEA method can make an
temperature variation before it has been built and tested. important contribution in deciding where the temperature
sensors should be initially located.
Environmental Temperature Variation
The environment (room temperature or box temperature) It would seem that a CIRP cooperative effort should be
affects the three-element system in a way that is not readily organized to determine if all FEA codes fail the sphere test
apparent. There would be no consequence of temperature and if so, 'why'. Such a project has the advantage that no
variation if all portions of the three-element system had experimental equipment or errors would be involved. Our
exactly the same coefficient of expansion, the same volume- colleague, A. Clement, has already agreed to conduct such a
to- surface ratio, and the same density and specific heat. This test.
is not the case in real systems. Thin sections having small
volume-to-surface ratios will respond faster than thick D.E.A (*) HickslStrangelRaholCuarini have also had poor
sections. Temperature variation affects the length of every results with FEA codes: "The finite element method is a very
object in a different way. This effect is called dimensional good means of predicting mechanical stress. However, for
response. It is a function of the frequency of temperature thermal deformations, we believe it is only able to predict
variation. The difference in response between any two objects about 20% of the deformation."
is called differential response. Differential response reaches a
maximum at some particular frequency of temperature Environmental Drift Check
variation in a manner that is analogous to resonance in An environmental drift check consists of recording the
vibration work. The magnitude of differential response readings of a differential transformer (or other) gage head
between part and master, part and frame, and scale to frame installed between the tool and part, during a representative
determines the sensitivity that a given machining or time period. when the machine is not being operated. A total
measuring procedure will exhibit to environmental of three gage heads may be necessary for three axis machines.
temperature variation. Every procedure has a different After soak out, any changes in gage head readings are the
sensitivity which is dependent on the length of time that result of changes in the environment.
elapses between mastering and measuring (mastering cycle
time) and on the frequency of temperature variation. The drift check is a simple but extradinarily powerful tool for
Geometrical as well as size errors can result from temperature evaluating the influence of the environment on machines of
variation. any size or complexity. It can provide concrete justification for
the need for improvements and can support the effectiveness
Grand, (3).1952 and (7) 1955 was the first to explain the of procedural solutions such as working at night. It can
exact way in which the frequency of temperature variation provide proof of the influence of sunshine and the dramatic
affects dimensional measurements. Most of his work was benefit of shielding machines from the sun. It can be used to
theoretical, but he conducted some experiments on a SIP demonstrate the influence of heat created by People near the
measuring machine to confirm his calculations. machine. The effect of room lighting is easy to measure by
simply turning the lights on and off and observing the
Internal Influences resultant drift.
A quote from the contribution of G. Spur (*) to this keynote
The drift check has been incorporated in ANSI B-89.6.2
paper provides an w e r i e n c e d and realistic assessement of
the situation regarding internal (as well as environmental) (62) as the method to be used for determining the
influences: Prof. S p u r has been working on thermal effects, Temperature Variation Error (TVE) portion of the Thermal
on a continuous basis, as long or perhaps longer than any Error Index.
other academic researcher.
Drift of High Speed CMM's
"Optimizing the design of the machine tool is the most The high speed measurement capability of modem CMMs is
effective solution, considering energy and additional an important step forward in minimising the consequence or
components. Design measures alone are insufficient. drift. It reduces the "Mastering Cycle Time" which is always
however, to completely avoid thermal displacements. desirable. D.E.A (*) agrees that speed tends to overcome
Compensation techniques are necessary for increasing the drift, with two exceptions:
working accuracy especially of numerically controlled
machine tools. Methods using correlation functions "Machines with rotary tables and machines with two arms
between locally measured temperatures and displacements are still vulnerable to drift. In the first case, the drift
only permit description of the displacements for machine affects the position of the center of rotation of the table
components in steady state. These formal relations relevant to the machine axes with an error magnification
between temperatures and displacements d o not deliver when a work piece is measured with two positions of the
satisfying results for rotating components such as spindles, table. In the case of dual arm machines, a similar effect
because the temperature field causing their displacement takes place with respect to the relationship between the
cannot be obtained from temperature measurements at two arms."
steady state. The use of a signal proportional to the
average temperature in the direction of displacement gives Functional Drift Check
better results. Such a signal may be obtained by using After an environmental drift check has been completed, the
resistance thermometers as integrated measuring sensors." same setup can be used to demonstrate the influence of other
thermal sources of error that are present during the
"According to our experience, numerical alogorithms such functioning of a machine. These include the errors caused by
as the finite element (FEA) or differential method, are only Memory From Previous Environment such as inadequate soak
suitable for a qualitative description of the thermal out time on the part, and moving the elements of large
behavior of machine tools. Empiric equations have to be machines from one location to another in the presence of
used for calculating the amount of thermal energy as well gradients. The functional drift check can also be used to
as the convective coefficients, as these values cannot be demonstrate the influence of internal heat sources such as
calculated using analytical methods." friction from spindle bearings, drive motors, electrical
cabinets, and coolant flow by turning these sources on and off.
H.Harary (*) reports on his experience in using a particular Memory From A Previous Environment
FEA code to determine the temperature and displacement of When an object is moved to a different environment, a certain
an imaginary metal sphere with an incremental temperature amount of time must pass before it reaches thermal
suddenly imposed on the outer skin of the metal. An equilibrium with the new environment. During this soaking
time, the object may suffer temporary geometrical distortion. Machine frame distortion can be angular as well as linear.
and serious size errors can result if attempts are made to use Angular distortion is more difficult to correct. Machine frame
the object as a portion of a three-element system during its distortions caused by friction are both dynamic and static.
soak-out period. The effect is always dynamic and its location During warm-up the effect is dynamic: after warm-up, it is
on the diagram (Fig.1) reflects this fact. The part is the most static, Steady-state distortion of the frame is not necessarily a
likely part of the three-element system to be moved, but complete solution because heat flows, resulting from
there are many situations where the scale is moved and a few temperature gradients may, in turn, affect the part. or the
where the frame is moved. A simple example is the case of a scale, either dynamically or statically.
machinist who keeps his micrometer in his pocket.
The problem of heat flow from the face of the spindle into the
The soak-out problem is well-known, but frequently forgotten part (in the case of a lathe), is often overlooked. For example,
under the press of business. It can become a critical if we had a machine frame and scale made entirely of Zerodur
production bottleneck in the FMS and JIT concepts of modern the measured spindle growth would be zero, despite the fact
manufacturing. It is also an issue in the Factory of The Future that the spindle face was at a temperature of say. 60 deg. C.
where the factory is visualized as having an airporthhopping because of bearing friction. An aluminum part 300 mm. long
mall environment and all of the critical machines are in 20 fastened to this spindle could still grow more than 100
deg. boxes. A number of respondents to this survey, ( D E A , microns. The same comment applies to spindle growth
Timken, Weck, Knapp, KegglKline a n d Thwaite) h a v e compensation by temperature measurement of the frame and
expressed concern. A quote from DEA (9, software correction. It also applies to design solutions that use
HickslStrangelRaholGuarini is as follows: dissimilar materials to balance the growth in opposite
directions. The use of insulation between the face of the
"The time required for 'presoak' may be reduced by the use of spindle and the part, or the use of ceramic spindles can help
a prewash set to the nominal ambient temperature. The reduce the rate of heat flow into the part.
prewash may be a liquid (used to remove chips and cutting
coolant) or a high velocity air stream" The common practice of pre-warming a machine cannot be
considered as a satisfactory solution because of spindle face
KegglKline (*) have a similar idea: temperature rise, extra wear during warm-up, wastage of
power, and the need to shut down the spindle to load work,
"We believe soakout time is very important for workpieces change tools, measure, etc.
and advocate this practice at Milacron and for our customers.
We have thought about exploring the use of liquid soakout Spur, et al, (631, (69). (72). (79). (81), (84), (88h (89).
methods to speed the process. For example, on machine tools, (90). (91). (92), (98). (99) have justifiably concentrated their
temperature controlled cutting fluid could be used for this efforts on the spindle friction problem. In his 1988 CIRP paper
purpose. At a CMM installation, water showers or tanks could S p u r (92) describes the application of all three of the
be used prior to measuring." available approaches to reduce thermal error: (1) design to
ANSI B-89.6.2 (62) pg. 10.11. includes a coolant reduce sensitivity to heat flow, (2) control of heat flow, and
effectiveness chart for air vs. water in natural and forced (3) compensation. A simplified model was constructed to
convection for metal thicknesses varying from 0.1 to 100 study spindle friction. Electrical heaters were used to simulate
inches. (2.5 mm to 2540 mm) This chart, originally drawn by friction. Calculations were compared to experimental data to
R. McClure, shows that the film coefficient for natural gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of the
convection in air is about 1.0 BTU/Hr./ sq. ft. /deg. F. (1.7 problem.
wattslsq. meterldeg. C.( and that it can be increased by
several orders of magnitude using forced convection. It also A real ball bearing spindle was then constructed that
shows that natural convection in still liquid can achieve permitted the substitution of different materials such as
another order and for forced convection of liquids it can reach carbon fibre, reaction bonded silicon nitride. and steel.
four orders. The chart shows, however, that the internal Spindle growth was reduced from 30 microns for steel to 2
resistance to flow in metals will become equal to the film microns for carbon fibre at 5000 rpm. Another equally
resistance when the thickness approaches one inch (25 mm) successful approach was the use of heaters to keep the spindle
and the film coefficient is 800 Btu/sq.ft./deg.F. (2.800 W/m/C) at the same temperature regardless of the speed. A third
This is the point at which an increase in the film coefficient approach was the measurement of average temperatures and
begins to produce diminishing returns. There is of course, a software compensation. These techniques all appear to give an
significant difference between the conductivity, density, and order of magnitude improvement. It would be a welcome
specific heat of different metals, but this chart is intended to surprise if they become commercially available in the near
give order of magnitude values. future.
chips. Opitz (55). was one of the first to recognize the
BryanlDonaldsonlClouserlBlewett (61) 1973 used the advantage of slant bed lathes to prevent contact of the chips
approach of pumping large quantities of oil (160 literslmin.) with the bed of the machine.
directly through the spaces between the tapered rollers on a
500 mm. dia. Monarch lathe and a 750 mm. dia LeBlond lathe. McMurtry(87), would like to see a production situation in
The axial growth was reduced from 100 microns to 2.5 which the roughing cut and the finishing cut are one and the
microns and the time to reach thermal equilibrium was same. He uses his Renishaw probe to touch off on each
reduced from 5 hrs. to one minute at 1000 rpm. The spindle finished part while it is still on the machine to establish
face temperature was within a few tenths of a degree of the repeatability of the process "Footprinting" (deterministic
oil temperature which can be held to 20 deg. +I- .01 deg. C. manufacturing) and uses corrected N.C. programs to
The only serious disadvantage of this approach is high power compensate for heat from the cutting process, tool wear, and
consumption. deflection of the machine structure.
H. Sato et al (94) 1988 describe the use of portland cement Developments In The Design Of Temperature
concrete as the frame of a large milling machine. The concrete Controlled Rooms
has the advantage of economy, low conductivity, and low
Buying, selling, and constructing temperature controlled rooms
coefficient of thermal expansion. They also describe the use of is still a primitive business. There is relatively poor
a heat pipe to remove heat from the spindle bearing zone. A communication between the buyer and seller about the
functional drift check made with the gage head at the top of quality of the product. There are many conflicting theories
the column (1.5 meters above the table top) showed a total about design principles. There is a wide range of costs for the
drift of SO microns for a repeated duty cycle of 1000 rpm. same product, and the average cost is higher than it should be.
increasing to 5000 rpm over a 2 hr. time period for a total of 8 In house designed and built rooms can be very good or
hrs. This is a very severe test of any machine. The use of heat disastrously bad. This situation is in contrast to the buying,
pipes seems to be a very attractive option. selling and construction of clean rooms. The clean room
industry is now a mature business, with good standards,
J. Janeczko, (97) 1988 has had good results in compensating methods of test, and design principles. There is good
for spindle growth on a large horizontal boring machine as competition and good value for money.
well as a vertical spindle milling machine. He uses a two
sensor input thermometer to provide the data for 2- axis Some progress has been made in recent years. The clean room
software compensation. The system updates on a 10 sec. time industry is just begining to understand the requirements for
cycle and is able to correct for 95% of the original growth. The precision engineering. The need for 20 deg. C. and the air
approach used was to position the sensor as close as possible velocity limition of 20 ft./min. (6 m/min) for creature comfort
to the spindle besring outer races, and use t h e time constant conflicts with the standard clean room requirement of 100
feature of the compensating algorithm to account for thermal ftlmin air velocity (30 mlmin). Some clean room companies
delay between the bearing temperature and spindle growth. are now able to provide good temperature control but it is
The system is now commercially available. generally overpriced.
D. hlchfurtry (87) 1987 believes that: The use of hanging plastic strips (similar to those found in
some supermarkets) for the walls of temperature controlled
"Thermal drift causes the largest reoeatabl ilitv errors, enclosures has been pioneered at Livermore by D a n
which include linear dimensional changes along the
machine axis due to lead screw thermal growth. This Thompson and others . These walls are now referred to as
growth may he checked by a repeatability test using the "soft walls". They are economical and effective. Evans(*)
(Renishaw) probe. reports that they are very efficient for blocking the influence
of infra-red radiation.
Coolant, at a constant temperature is sprayed inside the
machine enclosure to cover all the structural elements. The Y-12 plant of Martin-Marietta has recently developed a
This ensures that the structure of the machine remains at a double soft wall design. The return air is pulled from the
constant temperature and virtually eliminates all thermal annular volume between the walls. This design should be
effects associated with slideway distortion." quite effective in the airport/mall environment visualized for
the Factory Of The Future.
"The main thermal error is soindle erowth. This can easily
be corrected by using a spindle mounted probe, and re- Side&(*) has provided some insight on the current cost of
datuming on a datum object located on the now thermally permanent, temperature controlled rooms in the western part
stable bed." of the U.S.A. His experience is that the average cost of new
officellaboratory buildings is $125/sq.ft. ($1345/sq. m.) Of
Use of a touch-trigger probe to reference off the spindle or the that overall cost, $100 is for the building and $25 is for
finished part is a very cost effective means of dealing with the heating, ventilating and air conditioning required for human
enormous errors associated with spindle displacement. This comfort, normally 23 deg. +/- 2 deg. C. If high quality
technique is equivalent to reducing the "Mastering Cycle Time" temperature control is required for precision engineering
which is a powerful weapon for dealing with thermal drift. activities, typically 20 deg. +/- 0.2 deg. C.. the cost of HVAC is
Correction for angular drift of the spindle has not yet been between two and three times as much or $50 to $75 per sq. ft.
reduced to practice, but i t is feasable. This additional cost is primarily for the additional air flow,
and uniform air distribution that is required. (fans, ducts,
Heat From The Cutting Process false ceilings, and extra refrigeration for cooling the extra fan
The significance of this effect depends on the rate of stock horsepower.) The cost of better controls is a relatively minor
removal. An important fact tending to minimize the problem expense.
is that the finish cut is usually light and is the only one that
counts as far as accuracy is concerned. Any temperature rise KegglKline(*) report that their experience at Milacron
in the work caused by roughing cuts will, however, have an indicates a current cost of $45/sq. ft. for temperature control
influence on accuracy. As our colleague, J. Tlusty (55). has of new factories and $65/sq. ft. for upgrading existing
often emphazised, the heat released from the cutting process facilities.
in high production work completely dominates all other
thermal effects. Why worry about 20 deg. C. when 100 My own experience indicates that general purpose. manned,
horsepower is being pumped into the workpiece? temperature controlled rooms of the best quality available are
nnLpood e n o u to do justice to a large percentage of the
The principle solution to this problem continues to be massive world's existing precision engineering equipment. Air or
flow of coolant which can amount to 300 galslmin. (1200 liquid showered boxes are necessary to allow the potential
I./min. for the new creep feed grinders. Another solution is repeatablility of this equipment to be revealed and exploited.
the use of high speed machining and grinding techniques Boxes use less energy. They are cheaper than rooms and can
which divert a higher percentage of power to heating the be moved with the machine if necessary. Boxes of the future
will be provided by the machine builder. who will then be in a 0.1 Peters, C. and Boyd, H., The calibration and
position of single responsibility. dimensional changes of precision gage blocks. A m e r i c a n
Machinisf, Ocf. 7, (1920)
D e v e l o p m e n t s I n The Design Of Temperature 0 . 2 Rickersteth, R., Temperature of adjustment for
C o n t r o l l e d Boxes industrial standards of length. Machine,:v. F'eh 7.
When does a box become a room or visa-versa? My own (1 929)
definition is that a box, regardless of its size, is an enclosure, 0.3 The Editor, Special issue, commemorating Prof.
generally unmanned, built for one machine. A room is an Schlesinger's 15th anniversary as professor at the
enclosure built for a variety of machines and activities. Technische Hochschule in Berlin, Loeive-Nofizen. vol 14,
p 82. July (1929) transl. to Eng. by Dr. E.l.oewen (1900)
Box design is still as primitive as room design. Most boxes are 0.4 Comite International Des Poids Et .Mesures,
built by machine designers as an after- thought. They are Proces-Verbaux Des Seances Deuxieme Serie-
ugly, heavy, hard to take apart, and have poor accessability. Tome XIV Session De 1931 Lihraires du B u r e m D e s
If they are designed to contain coolants, they often leak. Longitudes, D e L'Ecnle Poiyterhnique S.S. Quai de.r
Optimization of the ergonomics, aesthetics, maintainability, Grands-Airxustines, 55 Paris ( 1 9 3 1 1
cost, and quality (of temperature control) will be a challenge 0.5 Hackman, A., Kessler, D., Therninl and moisture
for the future. There is one company ( B e h r , Stuttgart. expansion studies of some domestic grariiten .I. Rcs.
Germany) that specializes in designing and building boxes for Nat'l Bur. Stds 44 ( 1 950)
machine tools. Perhaps they can be encouraged to take on this 1. Breev, B. T., The influence on accuracy of heat
challenge. generated in grinding machines Stanki fnslrrcm. 72. No
4 (1951); translated to English in Machs Tcol.
Developments in Instrumentation 2,. Kronenberg, M. Die Beeinflussung der
Werkzougmaschine durcli Crwarmung und Belastung
Schellekens(*) reports that:
sowie durch Schwingungen. Indusfriell C'rq 20, No J I
"TUE uses Pt-10 and Pt-100 resistance thermometers for 3. Grand, P., Contrihotiotr a la meiropole indurtrielle des
their stability and nearly linear behavior in an important
longueurs. Rev gen Mec 36. .Yos. 4/.42,45. (1952)
temperature range (15-40 deg. C.) Thermistors can also be
used, but they are strongly non-linear and need a very 3.1 Roll. F.. The development of enginecring metrology.
accurate calibration. However, they show a very good
lnstitufe of Producrinn Engineers I , (1952)
reproducibility. The Pt-10 sensors are mostly used as 4. Smirnov, V., The effect of the thermal defwmations
on the accuracy of machine tools. S m i k i lnrtritm 5 2 . 15.
reference standards for calibration of 100 ohm standard
resistors in simple electronic circuits. The measurement ( I 963)
stations are based on multipoint measurement like a 5 Maushake, Versuche zur Errnittlung der
Keithley system type 196 together with a 100-point Erwarmungsursachen i n einer FrRsspinilPllaScrunp.
scanner type 706. Also 16 point GSSE PP2 stations and Werkst. Befr. 87. No. 11 (19.54)
homebuilt stations are used" 6. Moore, R., and Victory. F. Holes. Contours, and
Surfaces. pp 61-63, Moore Special Tnol r i - ) . Rridgeport.
Roblee(*) prefers to use thermistors because of their small Conn. (1955)
size and high sensitivity (30 microdegrees). 7. Grand. P., Jnfluence. de la temperauture sur
I'etalonnage des jauger. Rev gen. Mer 39 NOT.
Timken(*) prefers to use thermocouples because of their 74,79,83,84, (1955); 40, Nos. 86.88 (1956)
general availability and low cost. 8. Sokilowski, A. Prazision in der Metnllbearbeirung.
Verlag Technik (1955)
My own preference is the use of thermistors calibrated with 9. Gorskijh, A. Thermal conductivity coefficients for
quartz crystal thermometers that are periodically checked calculating the working cycles i n transfer lines. S f a n k i
against triple point of water cells. Triple point cells are Insfrum, 27, No 3 (1957)
relatively inexpensive ($1000). They are the principle anchor 10. Timinskij. .I. The thermal deformation of the lathes.
point for temperature measurement and should be available Masgis 1956. Zestkost, Tocnos i vibraci p i s; 169-191
wherever and whenever absolute temperature measurements meh. obr. (19.56)
are being made. 1 1 . Pahlitzsch, C . TemperaturverhaltniPse an einer
Rundschleifmaschine. Microfechnic 10. N o . 5 f 1956)
Schellekens(*) reminds us that one of the most important 12. Rreev, B. Thermal deformations i n machine tools and
advances in instrumentation in the field of thermal error their reduction. Stanki Insfrum No 3 14 ( 1956)
research in the past 23 years is the development of the 1 3 . Mottu, A., Arbeitsgenauigkeit von
Werkzeugmaschinen am Reispiel von
Koordinatenbohrmaschinen. U'erksr. B e f r . 90 No. 3
Cogdell(*) calls our attention to an innovative technique for ( 1957)
measuring the temperature of a rotating workpiece . The 14 Sokolow, J. Formanderungen der Cehaiise vnn
method depends on "floating" a thermocouple bead on the Werkzeugmaschinen als Folge von Erwarmung. S t a a k i
hydrodynamic oil film adhering to the workpiece. The Instrum. 28 No. JO (1957)
thermocouple is mounted on a cantilever beam of very low 15 Baur, H., Klimatisierung irn
spring rate that is allowed to "trail" the workpiece on the side Schwerwerkzeugmaschinenbau Rationnlisierrtnp 8 . iVo.
away from the tool or wheel. The spring force is critical but 8 (1957)
can easily be determined by watching the temperature 16. Cugma, J. rhermal deformation of the tool while
readout. If the spring force is too great, the bead will break cutting. Vest. Mashinosf. No. 3 , 44 (1957)
through the film and touch the part. The resulting friction will 17. Kans, N., Effect of temperature conditions and
show an immediate rise in temperature. The method has been coefficient of thermal expansion on axurate gaging. Ind.
reliably used for many years with oil as the coolant. Cogdell Qual. Control, Sept. (1958)
believes that water based coolants might work, but more 18 Wolfbauer, R., Der Warmeeinfluss bei
research would have to be done. Feinbearbeitungs maschinen am Beispiel einer
Koordinatemaschine. Maschinemarkt 64, No. 19 (. 1958)
Conclusion 19. Peklenik, J., Zur Fertigungsstabilitat rnessgesteuerter
Werkzeugmaschinen. Industrie-Anzeiger. No 54 ( 1959)
In spite of some excellent research, not much has changed in 20. Kripjakevic, R. Investigation of the compensation
industry over the past 23 years. There is. however, some methods of the thermal errors of the automatic
basis for optimism about the future. Industry is just begining dimensional measurements. Automaticeski Kontrol i
to waken from its long sleep. There are many signs that things izmer, technika. Vipusk 2, A.N. 1lkrainskoj.Kiev (1959)
are changing. Progress in the next five years will very likely 21. Daetwyler, A. Linfluence de la temperature Fur la
be greater than during the past twenty three years. precision . Indiisfriellc Org. 29, No 2 (1960)
22. Meier, B., Deformationsprobleme angrossten 51. Bryan, J. and McClure, E., A survey of thermal
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23. Mottu, A., Guidages et paliers de machinesoutils. 50194 (1967)
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31. Zudov, B.. Belgorodski, S. The influence of heat practical solution to the thermal stability problem in
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