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Type Name and Address YP of Your Organization 8-Aug 0324 Continiuous Beam Analysis

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type name and address Project: Engineer: YP Project #

of your organization Date: 8-Aug 0324


Length units: ft Cantilever left end No. of points in span: 20

Force units: kip
Modulus Elasticity, E: 1 kip/ft Cantilever right end Maximum No. of spans: 9

Span No. 1 2 3
Length, ft 5 10 10
Moment Intertia, ft^4 144 144 144

Support No. 1 2 3 4
Support coordintate, ft 0 5 15 25
Spring constant, kip/ft
Settlement, ft -1 -1

Static Loads positive: h h

Type kip and ft kip/ft ft ft Influence Line at X = 10 ft
Linear -5 -2 1 25
P -5 8
M 12 12

Moment Max Min Area Area(+) Area(-)
Rotations 0.03515 -1.1789 -12.701 0.02727 -12.7281
Deflections, ft
12 3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
X Shear Moment Deflections Rotations X R
0 0 0 -0.782146 0.229022 0 0
0.000001 0 0 -0.782146 0.229022 5 44.40525
0.25 0 0 -0.72489 0.229022 15 36.0895
0.5 0 0 -0.667635 0.229022 25 8.50525
0.75 0 0 -0.61038 0.229022
1 0 0 -0.553124 0.229022
1.25 -1.246094 -0.155924 -0.495874 0.228931
1.5 -2.484375 -0.622396 -0.438703 0.228301
1.75 -3.714844 -1.397461 -0.381814 0.226592
2 -4.9375 -2.479167 -0.325542 0.223271
2.25 -6.152344 -3.86556 -0.270357 0.217807
2.5 -7.359375 -5.554688 -0.216861 0.209674
2.75 -8.558594 -7.544596 -0.165786 0.198346
3 -9.75 -9.833333 -0.117997 0.183304
3.25 -10.93359 -12.41895 -0.074487 0.164031
3.5 -12.10938 -15.29948 -0.036377 0.140012
3.75 -13.27734 -18.47298 -0.004919 0.110738
4 -14.4375 -21.9375 0.018512 0.075701
4.25 -15.58984 -25.69108 0.03241 0.034399
4.5 -16.73438 -29.73177 0.035147 -0.01367
4.75 -17.87109 -34.05762 0.02497 -0.069002
4.999999 -19 -38.66665 1.321E-07 -0.132089
5 -19 -38.66667 0 -0.132089
5.000001 25.40525 -38.66667 0 -0.132089
5.5 23.17087 -26.52394 -0.096015 -0.244944
6 20.96775 -15.49058 -0.238239 -0.317567
6.5 18.79587 -5.550979 -0.407515 -0.353783
7 16.65525 3.3105 -0.586583 -0.357363
7.5 14.54587 11.10948 -0.760058 -0.332023
8 12.46775 17.86158 -0.914397 -0.281426
8.000001 7.467746 17.86159 -0.914397 -0.281426
8.5 5.420875 21.08244 -1.038599 -0.213519
9 3.40525 23.28767 -1.126347 -0.136196
9.5 1.420875 24.4929 -1.173809 -0.052956
10 -0.53225 24.71375 -1.178891 0.032755
10.5 -2.454125 23.96585 -1.141208 0.117546
11 -4.34475 22.26483 -1.062055 0.198081
11.5 -6.204125 19.62631 -0.944384 0.271078
12 -8.03225 16.06592 -0.792772 0.333308
12 -8.032254 4.065909 -0.792772 0.333308
12.5 -9.829125 -0.400729 -0.623817 0.339931
13 -11.59475 -5.758 -0.455685 0.329494
13.5 -13.32913 -11.99027 -0.297677 0.298932
14 -15.03225 -19.08192 -0.160609 0.245234
14.5 -16.70413 -27.01731 -0.056792 0.165442
15 -18.34475 -35.78082 -5.67E-08 0.056655
15 -18.34475 -35.78083 0 0.056655
15 17.74475 -35.78083 0 0.056655
15.5 16.13538 -27.3121 -0.000224 -0.052649
16 14.55725 -19.64025 -0.047979 -0.133935
16.5 13.01038 -12.74965 -0.129946 -0.189943
17 11.49475 -6.624667 -0.234157 -0.22336
17.5 10.01038 -1.249688 -0.349979 -0.236816
18 8.55725 3.390917 -0.468076 -0.232888
18.5 7.135375 7.312771 -0.580391 -0.2141
19 5.74475 10.5315 -0.680111 -0.182919
19.5 4.385375 13.06273 -0.761647 -0.14176
20 3.05725 14.92208 -0.820602 -0.092983
20.5 1.760375 16.12519 -0.853745 -0.038894
21 0.49475 16.68767 -0.858986 0.018256
21.5 -0.739625 16.62515 -0.835346 0.076269
22 -1.94275 15.95325 -0.78293 0.133003
22.5 -3.114625 14.6876 -0.702904 0.186368
23 -4.25525 12.84383 -0.597463 0.234331
23.5 -5.364625 10.43756 -0.469804 0.274911
24 -6.44275 7.484417 -0.324104 0.306181
24.5 -7.489625 4.000021 -0.165487 0.326271
25 -8.505248 8.505E-06 -3.33E-07 0.333362
25 -8.50525 2.22E-15 0 0.333362
Max Min Area Area(+) Area(-)
Shear 25.40525 -19 12.0546684 115.9634 -103.9087
Moment 24.71375 -38.6666667 13.5719142 182.085 -168.5131
Deflections 0.03514709 -1.17889128 -12.70086 0.027274 -12.72813
Rotations 0.339931 -0.35736336 0.78807548 2.857078 -2.069003
Reactions 44.40525 0

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