Research and Conference Oriented Titles:: Project Code Title Year
Research and Conference Oriented Titles:: Project Code Title Year
Research and Conference Oriented Titles:: Project Code Title Year
ECM03 I2C Based Power Plant Monitoring System.
ECM04 I2C Based Environmental Monitoring System.
ECM05 CAN Based Encrypted Communication System.
ECM06 Implementation Of 3 Node Communications With RS 485.
ECM07 Database Maintenance System With Mini SD Card.
ECM08 Data Communication Between Two Ethernet Nodes.
ECM09 College Bell Automation.
ECM10 Can Based Automobile Monitoring System.
ECM11 I2C Based Multi Zone Thermal Monitoring.
ECM12 Wireless Controller For Textile Motors.
ECM13 USB Based Data Acquisition System.
ECM14 ZIGBEE Based Secured Communication With RSA Encryption.
ECM15 ZIGBEE Based Speed Control Of AC/Induction Motor.
ECM16 ZIGBEE Based Power Plant Monitoring System.
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IEEE Projects In Embedded System
ECM17 ZIGBEE Based Smart Home.
ECM18 ZIGBEE Based Intelligent Water Level Controller.