Abcs of Kindergarten 2017

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ABCs of Kindergarten

Your childs regular attendance is important to his/her success in school. Please view
school as a top priority, and make sure your child attends every day except in cases
of an illness or an emergency. If your child is absent, you must send a written note in
order for the absence to be excused.
Please make this a separate note- do not write it in the agenda.

We use agendas to record daily behavior and messages from the teacher. If your
child met expectations for the day, he/she will receive a stamp in the agenda. If your
childs behavior did not meet expectations, a note will be written to inform you of
what happened. Your child will keep his/her agenda in his/her binder for the entire year
and will need to bring it to school daily. Agendas must be signed nightly.
Please send any notes to me in the agenda.

School begins at 8:00. Doors open at 7:15 for bus and car riders. When children arrive
before 7:45, they will sit with their class outside of the classroom or go to the
cafeteria for breakfast.

Our art teacher is Mrs. Hedgepath.

We use Class Dojo school-wide for classroom management.
Dojo is a website/app. that provides students with immediate feedback on their
behavior- positive and negative. Students work hard to earn a set amount of points
each 9 weeks to attend the ROAR Party (a celebration for good behavior).

Students start each day with a ticket our class calls Tweety. Tweety serves as a
tangible reminder for behavior. When excellent choices in behavior are made, students
are awarded positive Dojo points.

If a child needs redirection or reminders throughout the day, he/she will lose Tweety.
Continued reminders after a child has lost Tweety, will result in the loss of Dojo points
and a note home in the agenda.

When an expectation is not met, the following consequences apply:

1st Offense: Verbal Warning & Loss of Tweety
2nd Offense: Loss of Dojo Points & 5 Minute Loss of Free Time
3rd Offense: Loss of Dojo Points & 10 Minute Loss of Free Time
4th Offense: Loss of Dojo Points & Loss of All Free Time
I will let your child choose between walking laps and sitting out.
In extreme cases (ex: endangering another person),
students will be sent directly to the office.

Students that keep their Tweety all day will earn a small treat at the end of the day.
Keep in mind that students have had several reminders before losing Dojo points.
It is important to have a system in place at home to reinforce school behavior

Behavior Tracking Key

The behavior tracking key will be used with your childs agenda. This is a school wide
discipline plan. If your child loses Dojo points, the explanation in the agenda will follow
the key. If a child receives 6 conduct marks for the same offense in one week, he/she
will receive a visit from our principal. The loss of Dojo points counts as a mark.
OT= Off task behaviors, inattention; school/classroom rule broken
T= Loud, inappropriate or disruptive talking
DP= Disrespectful to other people or oneself

DT= Disrespectful to thing; school or personal property
R= Responsibility for class supplies; books, AGENDA (brought and signed)
H= Homework or classwork not completed AND brought to class
G= Gum
L= Late, unexcused

**Bird Binder**
Students will bring home their Bird Binder each day. Bird Binders will contain your
childs agenda (see above), newsletters, completed class work, and any class work not
finished that will need to be completed for homework and returned the next day.
Please check your childs binder every day, and remove any completed work!

Birthdays are special occasions for young children, and we are happy to celebrate! If
you wish, you may send a special snack for the class on your childs special day. This
snack must be store bought (county policy prohibits homemade goods). Please do not
send cake as we do not have the utensils in the classroom to cut/distribute it. Due to
time constraints we cannot have families down to the room for birthdays. If you
would like for your child to pass out birthday invitations at school, each classmate
must receive an invite per school policy.

Book Orders
I will send home Scholastic Book order forms with your child once a month. This is a
chance for you to buy quality books for your child at low prices. Plus, as an added
bonus, our class earns credit for each dollar spent! Please make all checks payable to
Scholastic Book Clubs. You can also order online! Our class code is: MFKPK
It is also listed under Web Links on our class webpage. Cash will not be accepted.

Breakfast is served from 7:15-7:45. Your child must be in line in the cafeteria before
7:40. Breakfast costs $1.25 per day or $6.25 for the week.

We will have several celebrations throughout the year, such as our Winter Breakfast,
Valentines Day, and the 100th Day of School.

Your child will be involved in activities that require jumping, running, and playing. In
class, students will be painting, using markers, glue, working with Play-doh, and other
messy activities. Please select clothing that is both comfortable and appropriate for
these activities. Now is the time to start practicing tying shoes. The school handbook
has more information regarding school appropriate clothing.

Please keep an extra set of seasonally appropriate clothes

in your childs backpack at all times!

Computer Lab
Our computer lab teacher is Mrs. Field.

Dismissal will begin at 3:00. Car riders should be picked up, on time, from the
dismissal line, accessed from the Parsons Road entrance. Please do not exit your car.
If your child needs assistance once in the car please continue to the parking area. This
is a very busy time for teachers and staff. Your cooperation with the dismissal
procedures is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure the safety of our students.

**Drop Off**
Morning drop off begins at 7:15. Car rider students should be dropped off through
the car rider line, accessed from the Parsons Road entrance. Students will enter
through the double glass doors. Please do not drop off in front of the school; this
area is reserved for buses.

You can contact me at [email protected].

**Extra Practice**
Extra practice homework assignments will be sent home on Monday and are due on
Friday. Please spread the extra practice assignments out through the week; they are
not intended to be completed in one night. Each assignment should take 10-15 minutes to

complete. If your child does not finish an assignment at school, it will be sent home for
completion and should be returned the next day. You will need the following supplies at
home for extra practice: crayons, scissors, pencils, and glue sticks.

Field Trips
Throughout the year, we will schedule field trips to enhance our curriculum. Permission
slips will go home as field trips are approaching. Parents are welcome to join us! This is
your kindergartners time to shine, so we ask that you not bring siblings on field trips.
Thanks for making arrangements for younger siblings!

Go Noodle
We use a free website in our classroom called Go Noodle to stay active, get our
wiggles out, reduce stress, stay motivated, and much more! Go Noodles 3-5 minute
videos are a lot of fun! You may hear your child singing some of the songs when they
come home!

Guidance Counselor
We will have a new Guidance teacher joining us this school year.

Please let me know if I can be of any help to you during the year. I am always happy
to answer questions, offer ideas, or give suggestions.

Ice Cream Words
As we learn to read, students will keep a list of Ice Cream Words in their agendas.
This is a supplemental sight word mastery system we use in addition to reading folder
sight words. Ice Cream Words allow children to learn extra sight words at their own
pace. Each time students master a list (20 words) they receive a scoop of ice

cream on our wall. Our class will earn surprise ice cream parties as students fill up our
Ice Cream Wall. More information will be sent home when I feel our class is ready
to study these extra words.

If your child is ill please keep them at home reduce exposure to others. Children
should be fever free, without fever reducer, for 24 hours before returning to school.

It is completely normal for students to have the jitters. They may experience this
on the first day of school, but sometimes it doesnt begin until a few weeks after
school has started. Students are experiencing lots of firsts and new demands that
can be overwhelming. Please be patient with your child, and let me know if I can be of
assistance in any way.

We will have a lot of fun throughout the year!

We treat all of our friends with kindness and respect.

In our library you will find Mrs. Smith (librarian) and Mrs. Sullivan (library E.A.).
Kindergarten students are allowed to check out one book at a time.

Our lunch time is 10:30-10:55. Your child can bring a lunch from home or buy a tray
lunch from the cafeteria. Lunch prices are $2.50 per day or $12.50 for the week.
Guest lunches are $3.75. Ice cream can be purchased on Fridays for $0.50- $1.00 and
should be reserved as a reward for good behavior all week.

Please send your childs cafeteria money in a labeled envelope. You can also pay online
through Using Meal Pay Plus allows you to track your childs
cafeteria account. If you would like to pay online let me know, and I will give you your
childs ID number. The free and reduced program is available
if you would like to apply for assistance.
Visitors are welcome to join students for lunch after Labor Day. If you are joining
your child for lunch, you must sign in through the front office. Our cafeteria has a
special table set aside for parent visitors. When lunch is over, students must return
with their class, and you must sign out through the office. Parents may not walk
students back to the classroom. It is much easier to give hugs and kisses goodbye as
we line up to return to class. Thanks for your cooperation with this.

When sending money to school, please send it in an envelope with the following
information: students name, teachers name, amount of money,
and what money is for.

John Doe
Ms. Nugent

Our music teacher is Mrs. Polson.

Newsletters will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Newsletters will include
weekly sight words, letter(s) of the week, and math and reading skills.
A Related Arts calendar will also be sent home.
This information can also be found on our class website.

Our school nurse is Ms. Andrea Cain, RN. If your child requires medicine (including
cough drops) while at school, it must be brought in by an adult and signed in with the
nurse. Medicine will be administered by the office personnel.
Do not send medicine to school with your child.

Outdoor Recess
We will be going outside every day unless it is raining or under 40. Please keep this in
mind when helping your child dress for the day.

Parent Conferences
We will have parent conferences on October 17th and March 20th. However, please feel
free to set up an appointment at any time if you have any concerns.

Physical Education
We have two P.E. teachers, Mr. Todd and Mr. Faulkner.
Your child must wear tennis shoes on P.E. days.

With your permission, I will take pictures and videos of classroom activities
throughout the year. I will use several of these photos for your childs memory book
and on classroom publications. I will also share photos and videos on Class Dojo.

Our principal is Mrs. Templeton, and our assistant principal is Mr. Bogan.

Progress Reports
Academic Progress Reports will go home at the mid-point of each nine weeks.
Please sign and return these promptly.

Quick Goodbyes
Quick goodbyes will leave drier eyes.

**Reading Folder**
Your child will bring a reading folder home every Monday containing a sight word
reader, sight word flash cards, and a parent signature log in the folder. Please sit
down for a few minutes every day, and let your child read his/her book to you. The
books your child will be bringing home are used to reinforce the sight words that we
are learning each week as well as decoding skills we will be learning in class. It is very
important that your child practices his/her sight words cards.
I will also send home supplemental readers for additional practice-I have a limited
number of these books, so please take care of them, and make sure they do not get
lost or damaged. You will write the date, title, and initial each time your child reads
his/her book(s) to you. This lets me know that your child has practiced the book and
the sight words. Reading folders need to be returned each Friday.
It is very important to be involved in this!

This year our class will use a text reminder application that allows me to send out
classroom and school reminders. To participate in receiving text messages, simply text
@Nugent123 to 81010. Please sign up to use this system, so you do not miss out on any

Report Cards
Students will receive report cards that evaluate their progress academically and
socially each nine weeks of school. Please sign and return your childs report card
promptly. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your childs

Kindergarten students are responsible for independently packing and unpacking their
backpacks, bringing agendas daily, returning homework, and handling bathroom and
clothing needs.
**Response to Intervention (RTI)**
Throughout the school year, students will rotate to other kindergarten classrooms for
skill reinforcement and enrichment.

We are a WHOLE BRAIN classroom
Our classroom rules are:
1. Follow directions quickly
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak
3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
4. Make smart choices
5. Keep your dear teacher happy

For behavior codes, please refer back to the Behavior section of this packet.

We will be ordering class shirts to wear for field trips and special events. Each
kindergarten class will have a different color shirt in order to easily identify students.
Shirts are also available for parents to purchase if you would like one.

**Snack Tub**
Please send 20, individually wrapped snacks, for our class snack tub the first week of
each month. Keep in mind that we try to encourage healthy snack choices (granola
bars, cheese crackers, gold fish, and pretzels are always enjoyed by the students).
Please let me know if your child has any food allergies ASAP!

We are a team working together to help your child become successful in school.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child this
year. Throughout the school year I will be communicating with you through notes,
phone calls, newsletters, progress reports, report cards, parent-conferences, and,
most importantly, the agenda.

Please talk with your child about the way they will be going home. If they ride a bus,
help them to learn the bus number. I will place a transportation badge on your childs
backpack. Please do not remove this badge. This helps teachers and bus drivers ensure
that our friends make it home! We MUST have a note from a parent or guardian if
there will be any changes in transportation.
Please make these arrangements before school!

Units of Study
Each week we will work on skills in reading, writing, language, science and social studies.
These skills will be listed on the monthly newsletter.

We love having volunteers help us in the classroom or from home! Volunteering may
include: making copies, tracing and cutting items for upcoming lessons, assisting
classroom celebrations, working with students, etc. School policy prohibits you from
bringing siblings into the building while volunteering. This not only allows your full
attention to be focused on the class, it allows for your Kindergartner to feel that
some special time has been devoted to him/her.
Thank you for making arrangements for younger siblings.

My website has information about what we are learning, pictures, helpful tips, and
much more. You can get to the site by going through the schools website
(; click on Directory, and select my name (Kristin Nugent).

X-tra Clothes
Please keep an X-tra set of clothing in a Ziploc bag in your childs backpack at all
times. Please make sure the clothing is season appropriate. Dont forget to include
socks and underwear!

You can help make sure your child feels successful this year by reading every night
with them. This encourages them to become good readers. Remember to discuss
their day with them. Ask open-ended questions like, What story did you read
today? or What did you learn today? Ask about new friends, music, art, P.E.,
library, or the computer lab.

It is so important to make sure your child is getting a good nights sleep. Establish a
bedtime routine that allows your child to get plenty of sleep each night.


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