Inter Nationalization

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1. Introduction

There are multiple effects of internationalization on growing nations. Internationalization has

resulted in increased mutual reliance and rivalry among the nations’ economies. This gets
manifested in the exchanged of items and products and the shifts in finances, work and
atmosphere. Consequently, local financial trends of growing nations are not decided only by
local laws and market realities. On the contrary, they are greatly affected by local and
international trends such as ease of using other markets and increased technical shifts from
relatively advanced nation. These trends augur well for enhanced results and better operations.

The impacts of globalization on developing nations:

Trade and industry 

The liberals perceive internationalization in buying as an overall encouraging trend. The pattern
of globalization they feel will enable profits for all involved and will not result in any party
losing out. If feel that the globalization in trade would not benefit anybody-even those who are
perceived as winning would actual be at a loss. In all scenarios involving communication, there
have to be some winning parties and other who are at a loss.

Labour and employment 

The apprehension of less international investments has induced the regimes in growing nations to
compete for loosening controls on their market to lure foreign direct investment and global firms.
This race has been spoken of by some as competition to get to the bottom since when regimes
loosen control, salaries and taxes both do not increase. (Woods, 2000, p. 7). 

Intellectual property right 

When growing nation compete in globalization, they have to enter in IPR collaborations as per
which a great deal of money which is essentially profit gained from being the only seller is
shifted from developing nations to advanced nations to stay within the boundary of property right


The campaigners for the environment or the green are worried that since globalization is spurring
increased financial development, extreme consumerism and assembly line monetary tasks, there
is serious damage to renewable and non-renewable assets. (Helleiner, 1996, p. 62). 

2. Case Study: Fiji

Fiji’s finance scenario has two main aspects-one is survival based and the other is money based.
The second aspect is related mainly to the producing of items for export. Fiji relies mainly on
agriculture, though travel and production have added a great deal to the GDP. As opposed to
other South Pacific island countries, Fiji has decently progressive facilities and also has fauna,
natural resources and a lot of fishery which prop up the financial growth of the nation.

Financial development has not been fast in Fiji owing to a number of factors such as political
uncertainty, spiralling quantities of internal and international debts, territorial seclusion,
expensive transport, dependence on limited assets and heavy reliance of restricted exports. Fiji
experimented with a host of measures since the defence takeovers of 1987. These comprise,
deregulating trade, improvements in the public sector, improvement in labour, FDI and
international money assistance which have supported the economy. In an age, where foreign
assistance is coming down, there is a lot of interest in luring international and regional money.
Just like other growing nations, Fiji too has experimented with its local laws to factor in
internationalization. Thus, one major aim of the financial programme is attracting more capital
flows for monetary expansion and growth.

However one must not forget to factor in the issue of if nations which are taking in more capital
flows and have changed their framework to lure capital are profiting from such the incoming

3. Conclusion

In order to benefit from internationalization of selling practices and purchases and to derive
maximum gains, I assert that the governance of growing nations could try and protect themselves
somewhat. Firms in growing nations do not have much scope of taking on veteran and
experienced companies situated in advanced nations. Multi national companies in advanced
nations have seen the industry more and in the course of time have been successful in enhancing
output. They possess extreme benefits with regard to aptitude, attributes and manpower. Hence
they are successful in pricing their product at a lower rate in foreign destinations and continue to
make profits. Younger firms in growing nations hence do need some security before they
become robust and powerful enough to function without security. Several have asserted that this
was the exact growth technique which was adopted by nations such as the United States,
Germany and Japan at the time of their quick growth ahead of the twentieth century. They
resorted to charging increased rates at the time of undergoing industrial shifts. These rates
assisted in securing new firms from UK based rivals which were better functioning and was
needed to induce financial development.

Gaining security for important firms will permit growing nations to continue with their little
value enhanced output such as unprocessed farm items and natural assets rather than items with a
lot of added value. The dissemination of technology in a growing country will be quicker if
regional growing firms also participate in it.

1. Helleiner, E. (1996), “The international political economy and the greens”, New Political
Economy, Journals Oxford Ltd, Oxford, Vol. 1. No. 1.
2. Woods, N. (2000), The Political Economy of Globalization, Macmillan, Basingstoke.

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