RA9275 Clean Water Act

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Definition of Terms

Water-bearing rock located underground that
transmits water in sufficient quantity to supply
pumping wells or natural springs
Aquatic life
All organisms living in freshwater, brackish and
marine environment
Beneficial of Use

Classification/Reclassification of Philippine Water

Definition of Terms
Beneficial of Use
Domestic purposes
Municipal purposes
Water for irrigation
Water for power generation
Water for fisheries
Water for livestock raising
Water for industrial purposes
Water for recreational purposes
Definition of Terms
Classification/Reclassification of Philippine Water
Existing quality of the body of water
Size, depth, surface area covered, volume, direction,
rate of flow, and gradient of stream
Most beneficial existing and future use of said
agricultural, aquacultural, commercial, industrial,
navigational, recreational, wildlife conservation and
aesthetic purposes
Vulnerability of surface and groundwater to
contamination from pollutive and hazardous wastes,
agricultural chemicals and underground storage tanks
for petroleum products
Definition of Terms
Civil Society
NGOs and POs
Cleaner Production
Clean-up Operations
Removal of pollutants discharged or spilled into a
water body and its surrounding areas, and the
restoration of the affected areas to their former
physical, chemical and biological stae or conditions
Definition of Terms
Act of spilling, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying,
releasing or dumping into a water body or onto land
from which it might flow of drain into said water
Drinking water
Unauthorized or illegal disposal into any body of
water or land of wastes or toxic or hazardous material
Not discharge
Definition of Terms
Effluent standards
Limitations on quantities, rates, and/or
concentrations or any combination of water
quality parameters
Environmental management
Environmental management system
Definition of Terms
Less than 500 ppm dissolved common salts
Groundwater vulnerability
Relative ease with which a contaminant located at or near the
land surface can migrate to the aquifer or deep well
Groundwater vulnerability map
Identified areas of the land surface where groundwater quality is
most at risk from human activities and shall reflect the different
degrees of groundwater vulnerability based on a range of soil
properties and hdro geological criteria to serve as guide in the
protection of the groundwater from contamination
Definition of Terms
Hazardous waste
Industrial waste
No commercial value
Integrated water quality management
Landward and outer limiting edge adjacent to the
border of any water bodies or a limit beyond where
beyond where saturation zone ceases to exist
National water quality status report
Definition of Terms
Non-point source
Point source
Pollution control technology
Potentially infectious medical waste
Definition of Terms
Surface water
Toxic amount
Water pollution
Water quality
Water quality guidelines
Water quality management area action plan
Presidential Decree 984
Pollution Control Decree of
Coastal waters open body of water
along the countries coastline starting
from the shoreline (MLLW) and
extending outward up to 200 meters
isobath or 3 kilometer distance.
Inland waters an interior body of
water such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers,
streams, creeks,etc that has beneficial
usage other than public water supply
or primary contact recreation. Tidal
affected rivers or streams are
considered inland waters.
Water Usage Classification
Fresh Surface Waters (rivers, lakes,
reservoir, etc.)
Class AA- Public water supply class I.
Primarily intended for waters having watersheds
which are uninhabited, other wise protected and
which require only disinfection to meet the
Class A Public water supply II. This requires
complete treatment (coagulation, filtration, and
disinfection) in order to meet the NSDW
Class B Recreational water class I. For
primary contact recreation such as bathing,
swimming, skin diving, etc.
Water Usage Classification
Fresh surface waters (rivers,
lakes, reservoir, etc.)
Class C Fishery water for fish propagation,
recreational water class II (boating), industrial
water supply class I (manufacturing process
after treatment)
Class D Water for agriculture, livestock.
Industrial water supply class II (cooling), and
other inland water by their quality belong to this
Water Usage Classification
Coastal and Marine Waters
Class SA- Waters suitable for propagation,
suvival, and harvesting of shellfish for
commercial purposes, tourist zones, national
parks and reserves established under
Proclamation No. 1801, coral reef parks and
reserves designated by law and concerned
Class SB Recreational water class I, use d
for bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc., Fishery
water class I (spawning areas for bangus, etc.)
Water Usage Classification

Coastal and Marine Waters

Class SC Recreational water class II
(boating), Fishery water class II (commercial
and sustenance fishing), Marshy, mangrove
areas, wildlife sanctuaries.
Class SD Industrial water supply class II
(cooling, etc.), other coastal-marine waters by
their quality belong to this classification.
Water Quality Criteria

Minimum water quality parameters

Dissolved oxygen
Biochemical oxygen demand
Total coliform organisms
Water Quality Criteria
All surface waters shall be free from:
Domestic, industrial, agricultural, or other
man-induced non-thermal components of
discharges which alone or in combination with
other substances or in combination with other
components of discharges (thermal or non-
That settle to form putrescent deposits, float
as debris, scum, oil, produce color, odor,
taste, turbidity, acutely toxic, present of
carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic to
human beings, pose danger to public health
safety and welfare
Water Quality Criteria
Thermal components of discharges
which alone or in combination with
other discharges or components of
discharges (thermal or non-thermal):
That produce conditions so as to create
nuisance, or
That increase the temperature of the
RBW so as so to cause substantial
damage or harm to aquatic life or
vegetation therein.
Water Quality Criteria

Water Quality Criteria for Conventional

and Other Pollutants Contributing to
Aesthetic and Oxygen Demand for Fresh
Water (Class AA, A, B, C, D)
Parameters such as color, temperature,
pH, DO, 5-day BOD, TSS, TDS,
surfactants, oil and grace, nitrate,
phosphate, Phenols, total coliform, fecal
coliform, chloride and copper.
Water Quality Criteria

Water Quality Criteria for Toxic and

Other Deleterious Substances for Fresh
Water class AA, A, B,C,D and for Coastal
Marine Waters for class SA, SB, SC,SD
for the following parameters:
Arsenic, Cd, Cr, CN, Pb, total Hg,
organophosphate, aldrin, DDT, dieldrin,
heptachlor, lindane, toxaphane,
methoxychlor, chlordane, endrin, PCB.
Water Quality Criteria

Water Quality Criteria for Conventional

and Other Pollutants Affecting Aesthetic
and Exerting Oxygen Demand for
Coastal Marine Water class SA, SB, SC,
and SD for parameters:
Color, temperature, pH, DO, BOD, TSS,
surfactants, oil/grease, phenol, total
coliform, fecal coliform, copper.
Effluent Standards
Effluent standards for Toxic and Other
Deleterious Substances class AA and SA,
class A,B and SB, class C, class SC and
class SD for parameters :
As, Cd, Cr, CN, Pb, total Hg, PCB, and
Effluent standards for Conventional and
other Pollutants in Protected Waters
category I (class AA, SA) and II (class
A,B,SB) and Inland Water class C
Effluent Standards
for parameters : color, temperature, pH,
COD, SS, BOD, TSS, TDS, surfactants,
oil/grease, phenol, total coliform,
Effluent standards for Conventional and
Other Pollutants in Inland class D, Coastal
waters class SC and SD and other coastal
waters not yet classified for parameters:
color, temperature, pH, COD, BOD, TSS,
TDS, surfactants, oil/grease, phenol and
total coliform.
Effluent Standards for Industries
Producing Strong Wastes
3000 to 10,000 mg BOD/L 130 mg/L or
98% removal class C and D, and 200
mg/L or 97% removal class SC and SD
10,000 to 30,000 mg BOD/L 200 mg/L
or 99% removal class C and D, and 600
mg/L or 97% removal class SC and SD
30,000 mg BOD/L or more 300 mg/L or
99% removal class C and D, and 900
mg/L or 97% removal class SC and SD
Mixing Zone Requirements

No mixing zone shall be allowed to significantly

impair any of the designated uses of RBW
A mixing zone shall not include existing drinking
water supply intake if it impair the purpose for
which the water supply is utilized;
A mixing zone in rivers, streams etc shall not
create barriers to the free migration of fish and
aquatic life;
A mixing zone shall nor include a nursery area
for indigenous aquatic life;
Mixing Zone Requirements

The length of the mixing zone or plume in

rivers or similar waterways shall be short
and the width preferably not more that
the width of the waterway
Discharging of hot effluents from major
industries, the mixing zone shall be
determine through modeling
The mixing zone should not be used as
substitute for WWF
Prohibitions and Restrictions

No industrial or domestic sewage effluent shall

be discharged into class AA and SA waters;
No new industrial plant with high waste load
potential shall discharge into body of water
where the assimilative capacity is insufficient to
maintain its prescribed water quality according
to its usage.
No person is allowed to discharge partially,
wholly untreated/inadequately treated industrial
effluent directly into bodies of water through by-
pass canal, pumps or other unauthorized means
except upon approval by the government.
Prohibitions and Restrictions

All wastewater control facilities shall be

properly maintained and operated
No industrial establishment shall be
operated without the WWF, and capacity
is beyond the limit of operations
No person is allowed to construct systems
if the purpose of which is to conceal or
dilute an effluent discharge.
enacted on March ,
Philippine Clean 2004
Water Act published on April 21
(RA 9275) took effect on May 6,

Implementing approved by the

Rules and Secretary on May 16,
Regulations of published on May 26,
the PCWA of 2005 under DAO 2005-
10 series of 2005

To protect countrys water bodies from pollution from

land-based sources such as:
Commercial establishments
Community/household activities

To provide comprehensive and integrated strategy to

prevent and minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral
and participatory approach involving all the stakeholders.
Sec. 3

Coverage of the Act

All water bodies.

Primarily applies to abatement and control

of pollution from land-based sources.
Sec. 4
Definition of Terms
Idustrial waste - any solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste material with no
commercial value released by a manufacturing or processing plant.

Septage - means the sludge produced on individual onsite waste water

disposal systems, principally septic tanks.

Sewage - means water-borne human or animal wastes, excluding oil or oil

removed from residences, buildings, institutions, industrial and commercial
establishments together with such groundwater, surface water and storm water
as maybe present including such waste from vessels, offshore structures, other
receptacles intended to receive or retain wastes, or other places or the
combination thereof.

Sewerage - includes, but is not limited to, any system or network of pipelines,
channels, or conduits including pumping stations, lift stations and force mains,
service connections including other constructions, devices, and appliances
appurtenant thereto, which involves the collection, transport, pumping and
treatment of sewage to a point of disposal.
Sec. 7
Management Programs for wastewater
DPWH prepare national LGUs program on sewage
and septage to serve as basis as allotment of funds.
provide sewerage and sanitation facilities

DOH formulate guidelines and standards for the

collection, treatment, disposal of sewage, and operation
of centralized sewage treatment system.
set, revise, and enforce drinking water quality

MWSS provide water supply and sewerage facilities.

LGUs provide:
Raise funds for operations and maintenance
Sec. 7

The roles of other key government agencies

Philippine coast guard enforce water quality standards

in marine waters, specifically from offshore sources

Dept. of Agriculture formulate guidelines for re use of

wastewater for agricultural uses

DOST evaluate and develop pollution prevention and

cleaner production technologies

DepEd, CHED implement a comprehensive and

continuing public education and information program
Sec. 8
Domestic Sewage Management

Manila Water

Draft: Mandate is for domestic wastewater. Problem with mixing of

industrial/commercial wastewater in sewer collection system.

IRR 2005-10: Wastewater from commercial industrial WW.

Sec. 16

Clean-up operations

Draft: Mechanism on how to claim the clean up cost.

IRR 2005-10: Perpetrator of pollution should shoulder clean-up

Sec. 13
Wastewater Charging System
Wastewater discharge fee
computed based on the net waste load
-- established on the basis of payment to
government for discharging wastewater into the water
-- based on net waste load (diff. Of initial load of
abstracted water to waste load of discharged effluent)
Sec. 13
Wastewater Charging System
WDF = Ln x R
R = rate per kilogram (PhP/kg) P5.00 per kilogram for priority
pollutant parameter
Ln = net waste load (kg/year),
Ln (BOD5/TSS)= [( Cf Ca ) (Qf x Nf )] x 0.001
Cf = average daily effluent concentration limit (mg/l) for priority
pollutant parameter (BOD or TSS);
Qf = average daily volumetric flow rate measurement or final
discharge effluent (m3/day)
Nf = total number of discharge days in a year (days/ year).
Ca = average water quality concentration limit for priority
pollutant parameter (BOD or TSS) of abstracted or intake
water (mg/l).
Sec. 13

R13.3 Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation and other

agricultural purposes
The DA ,through its implementing agencies and
bureaus shall provide guidelines for the safe reuse of
waste water for irrigation and other
agricultural purposes.

Such guidelines shall form the basis for the

department to set standards for disposal on land and
computation of waste water discharge fee.
Sec. 13

R13.5 Discharge for surcharge

New sources of pollution subject to the non-attainment
provisions will be assessed a 20% surcharge on the
annual discharge fee for the pollutant for which the
area is designated non-attainment.
Sec. 14

Discharge Permits





Sec. 14

Discharge Permits
Wastewater Discharge Permit shall specify the
quantity and quality of effluents that the permittee is
allowed to discharge as well as the validity of the

Who may apply for a Discharge Permit any person

that shall discharge in any manner wastewater into
Philippine water and /or land

Discharge fee surcharge new sources subject to

non-attainment provisions will be assessed 20%
Sec. 14

Grounds for Suspension or Revocation of Permits

a) Non-compliance with or gross violation of any provision of the Act,
these rules and regulations and/or permit conditions;

b) Deliberate or negligent submission of false information in the

application for permit that led to the issuance of the permit;

c) Deliberate or negligent submission of false monitoring data or

report required in the discharge permit;

d) Refusal to allow lawful inspection conducted by the Department

thru the Bureau of duly authorized personnel;

e) Non-payment of the appropriate wastewater discharge fees within

a 30-day cure period from the such payment is due; and

f) Other grounds provided by law.

Sec. 15

Financial Liability for Environmental


a) Environmental Guarantee Fund

b) Additional Costs

c) Risk Assessment
Sec. 16

Clean Up Operations
a) Determination of Liability for clean up

b) Use of Environment Guarantee Fund

c) Reimbursement for clean up cost

Sec. 27

Prohibited Acts

Discharging any water pollutant to the water body, or such

which will impede natural flow in the water body

Discharging, injecting into the soil anything that would

pollute groundwater

Operating facilities that discharge regulated pollutants

without permits

Disposal of potentially infectious medical wastes into sea

by vessels

Unauthorized dumping into waters of sewage, sludge or

solid waste
Sec. 27

Prohibited Acts contd.

Non compliance of the LGU with the Water Quality Framework and
Management Area Action Plan

Refusal to allow entry and access to records by the DENR

Refusal or failure to submit reports and designate pollution control

officers as required by DENR

Tampering water supply to alter or impair water quality

Operate facilities that discharge prohibited chemicals listed under RA


Operating wastewater treatment/sewerage facilities in violation of PD

Sec. 28

Fines and Penalties Imposed on Polluters

Discharging untreated wastewater into any water body

Fine Php 10,000 to Php 200,000
Failure to undertake clean up operations willfully
Imprisonment from two (2) to four (4) years
Fine Php 50,000 to Php 100,000 per day of violation
Failure or refusal to clean up which results in
irreversible water contamination
Imprisonment - 6 years and 1 day to more than 12
Fine Php 500,000/day
In cases of gross violation
Fine Php 500,000 to php 3,000,000 per day
Criminal charges may also be filed

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