Lightroom Magazine Issue 29 2017

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Even with a wide-gamut display, you cant always see all Learn how to re-create the Hollywood look in your images
the colors in an image. The solution? The HSL panel. p10 using the Split Toning panel. p16

Watch How Zach Got the Shot

The Rapid Box Duo

Portable Speedlight Modifier

Chicago, IL | 04.10.17 Livonia, MI | 04.11.17

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Scott Kelby, Editor-in-Chief
Chris Main, Managing Editor
Kim Doty, Associate Editor
Jessica Maldonado, Art Director is the co-author of Photoshop Masking & Compositing,
Margie Rosenstein, Senior Graphic Designer Real World Digital Photography, and The Creative Digital
Angela Naymick, Senior Web Designer Darkroom. He leads workshops on digital photography,
Photoshop, and Lightroom. Learn more at
Adam Blinzler
Kleber Stephenson is a photographer with a background in commercial studio
Melissa White photography. Hes also an experienced technical reviewer,
who has over the last two decades authored 25 books on
WEB Photoshop and Lightroom.
Adam Frick
Aaron Westgate is the author of The Indispensable Guide to Lightroom CC.
Based in Galway, Ireland, he shoots subjects from musicians,
models, and actors to landscapes and architecture. Learn more
Scott Kelby, Publisher
Kalebra Kelby, Executive V.P.
Jean A. Kendra, Business Manager
ADVERTISING: is a cityscape and landscape photographer who hosts a weekly
Jeanne Jilleba, Advertising Coordinator show where he shares his best photography tricks and postprocess-
800-201-7323 ext. 152 ing techniques. He specializes in HDR, black-and-white, and long-
exposure photography of some of the nicest cities in the world.
U.S. Mail: 1 18 Douglas Road East RICK SAMMON
Oldsmar, FL 34677-2922 is a Canon Explorer of Light, has 14 classes on KelbyOne, and teaches
Voice: 813-433-5000 Fax: 813-433-5015
at Photoshop World. He has also published 36 books, including HDR
Customer Service: [email protected]
Photography Secrets, Exploring the Light, and Digital Photography
Letters to the Editor: [email protected]
Secrets. Learn more about Rick at
Help Desk:


Lightroom Magazine was produced is the Lightroom Help Desk Specialist for KelbyOne, on staff at the
using Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 and Digital Photo Workshops, and author of Taming Your Photo Library
Adobe InDesign CC 2017. Roboto was used for with Adobe Lightroom and Lightroom 5: Streamlining Your Digital
headlines and subheads. Frutiger LT Std for text. Photography Process. Learn more at

An official publication of KelbyOne

This seal indicates that all content provided herein is produced by KelbyOne, LLC
and follows the most stringent standards for educational resources. KelbyOne is
the premier source for instructional books, DVDs, online classes, and live seminars for
creative professionals.

All contents COPYRIGHT 2017 KelbyOne, LLC. All rights reserved. Any use of the contents of this publication without
the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Lightroom Magazine is an independent journal, not affiliated
in any way with Adobe Systems, Inc. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, and Photoshop
Cover photo: are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other
trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. Some of the views expressed by contributors may not be the
Rick Sammon representative views of the publisher. ISSN 2470-7031 (online)
Developing the Shot
Martin Evening

Lightroom Laboratory
Serge Ramelli



Under the Loupe
Rob Sylvan


Maximum Workflow
Sean McCormack


Photography Secrets
Rick Sammon



Questions & Answers
Scott Kelby


Tips & Tricks
Sen Duggan

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Okay, so do you know what has happened since last issue? seminar to address those areas to get Lightroom users
Plenty! First, Adobe released a major update to Lightroom started on a happy journey. My next stops are in Chicago
Mobile, one in which they took the same technology that on April 10 and the Detroit area on April 11, then its off
they use in Lightroom on the desktop for creating HDR to Minneapolis and Indianapolis in May. I hope Ill get a
images, and added that to the built-in camera feature for chance to meet you in person in one of those cities. (Tickets
phones that can capture RAW images, such as the iPhone 7. are available on kelbyonelive.comits just $99 for the
So now you can shoot HDR right from within the app to full day of training, including my detailed workbook, and
capture an incredible range of detail, and then you can its only $89 if you sign up early!)
edit it right there as a single image in Lightroom Mobile. I also released a brand-new class, my 7-Point System for
Pretty awesome when you think about it. Plus, you can Lightroom, and the feedback from KelbyOne members
sync these RAW images back to Lightroom on the desktop, has been off the charts. Im thrilled to see that its helping
or you can save them to the Camera Roll. so many Lightroom users out there. You can watch the
There were a few other little tweaks added, as well, course right nowjust click on the link above. Note: The
such as a new Force Touch pop-up on iOS devices, a new RAW files I use in the class are available for you to down-
Notification Center widget to make it quicker and easier load so you can follow right along with the same images
to open the built-in camera, and lots of updates to the An- I use in the class; then, after youve applied these techniques
droid version of LR Mobile, including the Radial and Linear to my images, you can use them on your own. I hope you
gradient tools. But the big feature was definitely the ability find that helpful.
to shoot HDR from right within the app. There was also a Of course, Photoshop World is right around the corner
regular maintenance update to Lightroom on the desktop, (just a couple of weeks from the publication of this issue) in
with lots of new camera and lens support, along with the Orlando, Florida, at the Orange County Convention Center
usual round of bug fixes, but no new features yet. (April 2022), and were excited about the Lightroom train-
I went on the road with my first full-day Lightroom ing track that runs all three daysthe entire conference
seminar tour in seven years. Its called Lightroom On Tour, long. There are lots of great classes from our instructors,
and I was psyched to be out there sharing my latest work- including Matt Kloskowski, Serge Ramelli, Terry White, Rob
flow and how to get your photo library really organized. Sylvan, and yours truly (among others). Hope Ill see you
We kicked it off in Boston and Philadelphia, and between there (ya know, since this is your conferenceits created
the two cities, more than 650 photographers came out for for, and by, KelbyOne members). Its not too late if you
the day. It was not only a great way to launch the tour but want to join us.
I also learned first-hand what photographers are struggling What a great time to be a Lightroom user. Thanks for
with in their Lightroom life, and Ive already tweaked the checking in, and I hope you enjoy the issue!

All my best,

Scott Kelby
KelbyOne President & CEO
Editor & Publisher, Lightroom Magazine 7
Lightroom Magazine

Benefit Spotlight


Did you even know these discounts existed? If not, stop Creative Cloud subscription yet. New Adobe Creative
what youre doing right now and explore how much Cloud customers can subscribe to the Creative Cloud
money you could be saving on everything from camera Photography Plan for only $7.99 a month for the first
gear to office supplies. We have special discounts from yearthats a 20% savings. Thats Photoshop, Light-
Adobe, B&H, Mpix, Triple Scoop Music, Tether Tool, and room, and a whole lot more for less than two cups of
many moreeven discounts on hotels and rental cars. coffee a month (if you drink the fancy stuff, that is).
Thats the power of being part of KelbyOne. We negotiate So if youre still using Photoshop CS6 or Lightroom 6,
special deals just for our members. Some members have now is the perfect time to upgrade and get access to
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

even saved enough money through our discount program all the latest features in these two amazing programs!
to make their cost of membership practically free. So what are you waiting for? Log in now to see how
Theres one special discount that wed like to point much you can save, especially if youre about to invest in
out to members who havent updated to an Adobe some new camera gear or some Photoshop plug-ins. n

Discuss this Issue

Developing the Shot | BY MARTIN EVENING


A few years back, I traveled with fellow photographer,
Jeff Schewe, on a photo tour of the southwestern states,
where one of the highlights was an overnight stay at Oljato-
Monument Valley in Utah. As the sun began to set, we
couldnt help clashing tripods with all the other photogra-
phers who were there photographing the Mittens, all in a
frenzy of activity as the light changed from a golden glow
to a deep, fiery red. If youve never been, do gothe view
there is fabulous and you wont be disappointed!
Lightroom Magazine

The next day, we were due to of the display. Even when using a wide-gamut display, you cant always expect to
head to Page, Arizona, but before see all the colors that are contained in a capture image. As I started working on the
leaving, we got up really early tone contrast, the brighter colored areas tended to flatten out, and I was losing the
to photograph the sunrise from texture of the rocks. The solution was to use the HSL/Color/B&W panel controls to
down in the valley. It was there modify the luminance and saturation for the targeted colors. This allowed me to
that I took this photograph of tame the out-of-gamut colors and thereby reveal color detail that would otherwise
John Ford Point, named after the have remained hidden.
filmmaker, who made some of his
best-known westerns in Monu- Step One: In Lightroom, I went to the Library module and selected two expo-
ment Valley. I was fortunate to sures from the scene that had been shot several stops apart. I then went to the
capture this photo as the sun had Photo menu and chose Photo Merge>HDR (Control-H [PC: Ctrl-H]).
just started breaking through the
clouds, and I kept on shooting
as the light gradually changed.
An hour or so later, our cards
were once again stuffed with
gigabytes of photos. As Jeff
accurately pointed out, You
may only visit a location like this
once, but you have the rest of
your life to process the images.
So youd better make sure you
capture it right!
Ultimately, my goal was to Step Two: This opened the HDR Merge Preview dialog. Now, although these pho-
achieve a processed image where tographs had been shot with the camera mounted on a tripod, Id noticed a slight
the tone contrast matched what shift in camera position between the two exposures. This is something thats always
Id seen that morning, but at first worth checking before you do an HDR Photo Merge, as you never know. Because
sight, the freshly imported RAW of this, I turned on the Auto Align checkbox. I then clicked on each of the Deghost
photos looked disappointing. The Amount options below. These indicated there was no subject movement to worry
drama and contrast of the scene, about, so I selected the None option and clicked Merge.
as I had remembered, was just
not there. This was something
I had encountered elsewhere
when photographing the sand-
stone rocks of the southwest.
Basically, at sunrise or sunset,
the rock formations reflect really
intense red colors. Now, although
the camera sensor is capable of
capturing these colors, they arent

always apparent when you edit

the pictures in the Develop mod-
ule. The reason for this comes
down to the color gamut limits
Lightroom Magazine

Step Three: The photograph

was shot using an ultra wide-
angle lens with the camera
pointing slightly up. This result-
ed in the verticals converging
slightly. To correct this, I went
to the Transform panel in the
Develop module, and applied
a negative Vertical Transform
adjustment. I followed this by
selecting the Crop Overlay tool
(R) and cropping the photo-
graph more tightly.

Step Four: Youll notice that

at the HDR Photo Merge stage
(Step Two), I had left the Auto
Tone checkbox turned off.
Sometimes this option can be
helpful in auto-setting the Basic
panel Tone sliders. With this
particular photograph, I didnt
think the Auto Tone was par-
ticularly useful, so I manually
adjusted the sliders to achieve
the desired amount of tone
contrast before adding further
Lightroom adjustments.
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

Lightroom Magazine

Step Five: I did as much as

I could using the Basic panel
controls, because I always find
it best to use the Basic panel
sliders to carry out the heavy-
lifting tone editing. Tone
Curve panel adjustments are
only necessary if you need to
make further, refined tweaks
to the tone contrast. Here,
I added more contrast to
the highlights.

Step Six: In this step,

I selected the Radial Filter tool
(Shift-M) and added a number
of Radial Filter adjustments.
The filter adjustment you can
see selected here added a
positive Exposure adjustment
combined with more Contrast
and Clarity. This lightened and
enhanced the rock texture.
With the Invert Mask option
turned on, the adjustments
affect the inside area of the
Radial Filter.

Lightroom Magazine

Step Seven: I now wanted

to fine-tune the colors in the
scene. To do this, I went to the
HSL/Color/B&W panel, where
I first selected the Luminance
tab, and then selected the
Targeted Adjustment tool (cir-
cled). I positioned the tool over
the rocks and dragged down-
ward to darken them. I then
placed the cursor over the sky
and dragged downward, as
well, to darken the sky colors;
however, this also increased
the blue saturation. I there-
fore clicked on the Saturation
tab and clicked-and-dragged
downward on the sky to make
the sky color less intense, plus
I dragged downward on the
rocks to mute the orange and
yellow colors slightly.

Step Eight: In this final step,

I selected the Graduated Filter
tool (M) and added a filter
adjustment on top of the sky,
where I lowered the Exposure
to darken it. I also applied a
negative Highlights setting to
bring out more highlight detail
in the clouds, and increased
the Clarity to create more
cloud contrast. Finally, I add-
ed a second filter adjustment
at the bottom to darken this
shaded area.
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Lightroom Magazine

HSL Adjustments and Color Gamut

As I explained at the beginning, where colors fall outside the gamut
of the display (and the printer for that matter), what you see on the
screen isnt always the complete picture. But just because you cant see
detail on the screen doesnt mean its not there. This diagram highlights
the problem. Here, I exported the Step Six version of the image and
used ColorThink to plot the pixel colors as points on a 3D color graph
relative to a wireframe shape of my computers display profile. What
I want readers to focus on here are the orange points plotted outside
the wireframe shape. These represent the out-of-gamut colors that the
display was unable to show. Consequently, these were all displayed in
Lightroom using the nearest in-gamut colors. In this instance, therefore,
the color detail had to be compressed when rendered on the screen
while being viewed in Lightroom.
This next diagram shows the final image plotted against the same
computer display profile wireframe shape. Here, you can see that fewer
colors now fell outside the gamut limits of the display. Mind you, not all
the pixels were constrained; because it wasnt possible, or even necessary,
to constrain the color of every pixel.
If Id been able to do so, the image could have ended up looking
rather flat and boring. This comparison is designed to help you visualize
the effect that HSL luminance and saturation adjustments can have
on an image and how they can improve the color rendering of tricky,
saturated colors. n

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Lightroom Laboratory | BY SERGE RAMELLI


The Hollywood look is a color theory used in movies. If you
look closely, youll see that in a lot of movies, two colors usu-
ally stand out: a mix of blue/green and orange.
Lightroom Magazine

Let me explain further. Take a look at the color above. When the picture. If you have too many colors in your frame, it will
you have two complimentary colors together, they stand out be distracting for the eye. Heres how you can apply that

from each other. (Complimentary colors are directly oppo- look in your photos!
site of each other on the color wheel.) And, because human
skin is usually around lighter or darker orange tones, it works Step One: This is a photo I took in Monaco, in front of a
very well with blue. The idea is for an actor to stand out in casino. It felt like a movie scene to me.
Lightroom Magazine

Step Two: First, lets do a basic retouch. I reduced the Highlights to 100,
opened up the Shadows to +100, moved my Whites to +31 and my Blacks
to 47, and finally, I added a bit of Clarity (+38). This isnt the Hollywood
look, just the basic retouching.

Step Three: Theres a bit of noise in this photo, so I went to the Develop mod-
ules Detail panel and applied my usual formula of around 50 for Luminance Noise
Reduction, 25 for Color Noise Reduction, and then 50 for Sharpening Amount.
I also added some Sharpening Masking (50).

Step Four: Well get the Hollywood look in the Split Toning panel. First, lets
make the Shadows a blue/green tone. Theres no formula here; you just have to
do it by eye. I set the Shadows to 219 for the Hue and 85 for the Saturation.
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Lightroom Magazine

Step Five: Now, lets make the Highlights more orange. For that, you can do
the same thing you did for the Shadows and pick a color that looks good to you.
Here, I set the Highlights Hue to 38 and the Saturation to 74.

Step Six: Use the Balance slider to make the colors even and find what works for
you. I ended up with my Balance set to 24, and I lowered the Highlights Satura-
tion to 60. Moving the Balance slider to the left puts the emphasis more on the
shadow colors, which is blue in this case.

Step Seven: Here in the final image (below), you can see that weve created the
movie look.

Step Eight: Now, you can even make a preset with these settings, and use it
as a starting point to re-create this Hollywood-look effect. Just click on the plus
icon to the right of the header in the Presets panel to open the New Develop
Preset dialog.

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and that youll Discuss this Issue
create a movie scene of your own with it! n


Under the Loupe | BY ROB SYLVAN

A lesser known, but increasingly powerful companion to the
Creative Cloud (CC) experience is called Lightroom Web.
No, not the Web module in Lightroom desktop, but rather
a component of Lightroom Mobile that you can access
through any Web browser.
Lightroom Magazine

Lightroom Web provides a browser-based means to access scroll down and see all of whats offered here. You can
all photos synced through Lightroom Mobile, plus the ability jump to your synced photos by clicking the Photos tab at
to manage and create collections, upload additional photos, the top, or by clicking any of the links to your photos or
download copies of synced photos, make adjustments, and collections displayed on the Welcome screen.
more. Lets take a closer look at what we can do.
Manage Collections
Access Synced Collections All of the photos youve added to synced collections through
To get there, point your Web browser to lightroom.adobe your Lightroom desktop catalog, as well as any youve
.com and login with the same Adobe ID and password imported directly into Lightroom Mobile are visible on the
you use for your CC subscription. Once logged in, youll Photos screen.
be greeted by the Welcome screen, which serves as a sort Along the left, youll find your collections arranged in
of dashboard for your synced files, as well as providing alphanumeric order and, depending on whether youre in
access to the latest Lightroom Web news, tutorials, new All Collections view or All Photos view, youll see either your
features, and your photos. Its worth taking a moment to collections or your photos in the main area. You can switch


Lightroom Magazine

between those two views by clicking their respective buttons the arrow provides direct access to the sharing options, while
at the top of the Collections list. Were starting out in All the gear icon takes you right to the general collection set-
Collections view. tings. Lets go through the Steps of creating a new collection,
Any collections that are shared publicly will display a small adding currently synced photos to that collection, editing its
globe icon on the left side of the collection thumbnail. You settings, and uploading new photos from the desktop to
can quickly view only publicly shared collections by clicking explore these options.
the globe icon to the left of the Collections list. In the main
area below each collection are three icons and, if you hover Step One: Click the + (plus sign), at the top of the Collec-
your cursor over each, a tooltip will appear indicating the tions list, or where it says Create Collection near the top of
icons function. The + (plus sign) provides the ability to upload the screen, to see the Create a New Collection dialog. Here,
new photos directly to a given collection, the rectangle with you can enter a name and click Create.

Step One

Step Two
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

22 Step Three
Lightroom Magazine

Step Four

Step Two: When you create a new collection, it will conve- Step Four: Click-and-drag the selected photos to the Col-
niently appear at the top of the Collections list at first to help lections list on the left. As you do, the collections will
you find it (once you change views, it will drop into alpha display a white border indicating that theyre potential
numeric order). You can add photos by dragging-and-drop- targets, but when your desired collection highlights in blue,
ping them from the main area to the collection on the left. you can release the mouse to add the photos to it.
I have some photos I captured on my phone, so Ill select my Note: We just fostered, and then adopted a puppy, so
phone collection to view the synced photos I want to add. apologies for all the puppy photos.
Note: I have an exclamation point at the beginning of my
phones camera roll collection (!RobiPhone), so that it always
appears at the top of the Collections list for easy access. Upload New Photos
Ive added some previously synced photos to my new collec-
Step Three: While viewing the contents of a collection, tion, but I also have some photos in a folder on my laptop
youll see all of the synced photos within it. As you move that Id like to upload directly to this collection. This will,
your cursor over each photo, a checkmark appears in the in turn, cause them to be synced to my Lightroom desk-
upper-right corner. Click that checkmark to select the photo. top catalog and automatically downloaded to my primary
This activates the management options along the top for the storage location. This functionality allows the potential
selected photos. to leave your computers at home. And, if youre going
Youll have the ability to set that photo as the cover for somewhere with a computer that has Web access, you can
the current collection, remove it from the collection, delete it upload photos while on the go.

from Lightroom Mobile, copy it to another collection, move

it from the current collection to a different collection, or Step One: Select the collection to which you want to upload
share the selected photos. Go on to select as many photos the photos or, if youre in All Collections view, click the +
as you wish to add to the new collection. (plus sign) icon under the collections cover photo.
Lightroom Magazine

Step Two: Click Add Photos along the

top of the main area, and navigate to
the location on your computer where
the photos are stored.

Step Three: Select all the photos you

want to add and click Open. In this
example, Im uploading 10 NEF files.
The speed of your Internet connec-
tion is potentially a limiting factor, but
Im excited about the freedom that
comes from being able to add new
photos to my catalog from any con-
nected computer in the world.

Edit in Your Browser

This Web interface also offers a limited
set of adjustment tools; simply click
on a photo to see it in Loupe view.
In this view, you can apply flags and
ratings using the icons along the bot-
tom, which is also where youll find the
option to download or share the pho-
to. In this case, because Id uploaded
a NEF file, I can download the full NEF
file or the smaller smart preview JPEG-
size copy. On the top-right side, you
can enable the Photo Info view or the
Activity view. (Check out Scotts Light-
room Workshop column in Issue 25
to learn more about this feature.) In the
upper-left corner is the Edit this Photo
button, which will take you to the edit-
ing options.
In edit mode, theres a similar set
of adjustments to whats found in
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

Lightroom Mobile, such as cropping,

applying presets, making basic tonal
adjustments, white balance, B&W con-
versions, and more. Remember, this
was a RAW file I uploaded moments
ago, and now Im adjusting tonal val-
ues and tweaking white balance in my
Web browser. Amazing!
Lightroom Magazine

Switching to the Crop tool, you can choose

from the usual common aspect ratios, as well as
straighten, rotate, and flip, as youd expect. Ive
also enabled a new feature referred to as a Tech-
nology Preview, which Ill circle back to in a bit. The
Technology Preview for cropping provides me with
a series of automatically generated cropping
suggestions based on the content of the photo.
In this example, under the 3:2 aspect ratio, I have
three suggested crops. Clicking the 3:2 button
will cycle me through the suggestions.
When the editing is done, click the Save & Exit
button in the upper-left. You can return to Grid
view by clicking the X in the upper-right of Loupe
view, or just press the G key. (Yes, theyve incor-
porated some of the same keyboard shortcuts
into the Web interface that were used to using
in Lightroom Desktop.) While in Loupe view, P,
U, and X correspond to Pick, Unflag, and Reject;
pressing 1 through 5 applies the corresponding
star rating. While in Edit view, W triggers the

White Balance Selector tool, and R switches to

the Crop function. Whichever view youre in,
press the ? key to see a complete list of shortcuts
for that view.
Lightroom Magazine

Technology Previews
I mentioned the suggested crop Technology Preview, so I writing, there are two: the Suggested Crop and Search. We
wanted to re-visit what these previews are, where to find looked at the crop function already, so lets look at Search.
them, and how to turn them on. Switching back to the This Search function doesnt rely on keywords, but rather
Welcome screen (and possibly scrolling down), youll find image-analysis technology that analyzes the contents of
the Technology Previews section, and Open Technology your photos and allows you to find certain images based on
Previews button. Click that button to access the means to their content. For example, once enabled, switch back over
enable/disable the available features. At the time of this to Photos view and youll see the Search field at the top of
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

Lightroom Magazine

the Collections list, which goes through all synced photos. to provide feedback about your experience to help improve
I entered Dog in the field (since I have plenty of those pics), this feature over time.
and I got back 241 results. Scrolling through the results, Theres a lot of power packed into this Web interface, and
I did find some misfires near the end (like a horse, a roasted the best part is that it just keeps evolving and improving. I still
turkey, and a raccoon puppet!), but overall it did a pretty primarily rely on the Lightroom Mobile app when Im out in
good job of pulling together photos that had at least one the world, but I like having the additional functionality and
dog. Because this is a work in progress, youre encouraged larger screen that I can access from any computer. n

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Maximum Workflow | BY SEAN MCCORMACK

Athentech are busy-beavers, working hard to bring the best version
of their Perfectly Clear plug-in to you. As with the jump from ver-
sion 1 to version 2 (the Complete plug-in), the jump to version 3 is
like getting a new plug-in. With older versions, you could expand
the dialog for a larger view, though the text was a little small. Ver-
sion 3 is very different, as it looks more like a typical current plug-in.
The new interface is full screen and is now a dark gray, similar to
most other plug-ins. While some may argue that it makes it look
generic, Id argue that familiarity helps you get to grips with the
plug-in much faster. In other words, I really like this change.
Lightroom Magazine

Perfectly Clear now has a new Apps Manager. This helps
keep the program and preset packs up-to-date. To install,
run the Apps Manager package from the Athentech folder
in Applications (PC: Program Files). This will show your avail-
able products. At the top right of the Perfectly Clear panel
is a cog. Click this to enter your serial number and email to
activate the product.
Restart Lightroom to load the plug-in. You can access it
from the presets section of the Photo>Edit In pop-up menu.
Assuming youve already made changes in Lightroom, choose
the Edit a Copy with Lightroom Adjustments option, in the
Edit Photo dialog. For the best quality, choose 16 bit, ProPhoto
RGB, and TIFF, in the Copy File Options section.


Lightroom Magazine

Getting Around
The plug-in interface now looks a little more familiar to 4. Main image area: This previews what the presets or
anyone using plug-ins, or even Lightroom for that matter. sliders are doing to your photo.
Heres the skinny on the layout:
5. Presets Bar: Presets are duplicated here. From the
1. Zoom and view: Control the zoom level of the photo, pop-up menu on the left, select a preset group, and
or use the icons to go from Full View to Double View the individual presets appear in the Presets Bar as icons
or Split View, or use a slider to drag between a before rather than just names, like in the Presets panel.
and after in 50/50 Split View. 6. Histogram panel: Preview the range of tones in the
2. Navigator panel: Use this to zoom in/out, and choose image, here. By turning on the checkboxes in the top
the area visible in the main image area (4) by dragging left and right of the histogram, you can preview shadow
the red rectangle around when zoomed in. and highlight clippinguseful for keeping the image
in check, so youre not blowing out highlights. Clipped
3. Presets panel: The heart of the app. For speed, use shadows show as blue, while clipped highlights show as
the available presets. Each preset group can be clicked
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

red. Directly below the histogram is the Strength slider,

to open and show the contained presets. Use the which lets you reduce or boost the plug-in effects.
buttons at the bottom of the panel to add groups or
7. Tools panel area: This is where you have control over
add/edit a preset. Using the other buttons near the
the settings for the plug-in effects. You can change any
bottom of the panel, you can import other presets,
of the settings from any applied preset here.
export yours for sharing, or buy commercially avail-
able presets. You can hide this panel (or any of the 8. Status Bar: At the bottom left of the window, you can
other panels) by clicking on the disclosure triangle in see the name of the current file and what number in
the header of the panel. the batch of images it is for batch processing. Use the
Lightroom Magazine

arrows to the right to move between files, and use the Exposure controls the brightness of the photo. Its a patented
Sync Settings button to apply current settings to the process, so its not the same as Lightrooms Exposure setting.
whole batch. The app version is visible in the center. Low/Med/High are intervals on the slider that represent the
(Note: Im using a beta version, here.) Finally, the base aggressiveness of the effect, but the slider offers fuller
preset being used is highlighted on the right. If you edit control. You can monitor for highlight clipping with this
the settings, this changes to Custom. Clicking the + in the Histogram panel. Face Aware will correct for faces
(plus sign) on the far right, opens the Save Preset dialog. found in the photo. And, Black Point sets the richness of
the blacksuse this with shadow clipping to see whats
being affected.
Depth is a modified contrast control in two varieties:
High Contrast and High Definition. The latter has more
shadow and highlight detail than the former. Skin & Depth
Bias helps remove redness from skin and improve the
background in the photoit comes in Normal and Bright
versions. And, Light Diffusion is Perfectly Clears version of
negative clarity, but its far more controlled when working
on skin to flatter the subject.

By default, the Intelligent Auto preset is selected, but you can
choose something specific from a preset group that suits your
image. Ultimately, any preset can have settings applied that
werent in the original preset. So, for our purpose here, well
run with this and look at the panels in the Tools panel area.

The Image Ambulance option is a gamma correction tool to
fix under- or overexposure. Athentech recommends you do
these corrections in your RAW processor first. Corrective Filter
allows you to add the look of traditional lens filters, such as a
Neutral Density or Warming Filter, to your photo.

Version 2s Vibrancy control has become the Color Restore
tool, helping restore washed-out color. A new, more tradi-
tional vibrance tool has been added with Color Vibrancy. Try

it with lower settings first. Fidelity maps camera colors to

colors as seen by the eye. It also has a Vivid option for more
intense color. Tint Correction automatically detects and fixes
color casts.
Lightroom Magazine

The new Sky and Foliage Enhance Strength options

are great for landscapes. Ive used Sky Enhance here
to boost colors from the gels used in this shot. As the
controls change the photo contrast, as well as color,
Ive gone back and tweaked the Tone settings, as well.

Details and Eyes

The Details panel was called Clarity in version 2,
and you can check out how to work with this panel,
along with the Eyes panel, in my article on version 2
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

in Issue #22.

Face Selection
This shows the face(s) selected automatically, but you
can add other faces by clicking the Manually Add Face
button and drawing a face. If youre not happy with the
face selection, you can manipulate the control points
with the Show & Adjust Control Points checkbox.
Lightroom Magazine

Face and Skin

The Portrait panel from version 2 has morphed
into the Face and Skin panels in version 3. In
the Face panel, Face Slimming has become
Face Contouring, and is a great way to slim
a face without making it look fake, espe-
cially at lower settings. Teeth Whitening
improves tooth color, and Lip Sharpening
enhances the lips, with options for Fine,
Medium, and Coarse.
The skin is selected automatically, so the
sliders in the Skin panel only affect selected
areas. Apply Perfectly Smooth to the Face
Only or Full Body, and choose between a
Subtle, Default, or Super Smooth Smoothing
Type. Blemish Removal will reduce blemishes
on the skin. Infrared Removal fixes redness
due to the addition of infrared captured by
cameras compared to what our eyes see, and
Shine Removal tones down highlights in oily
skin, often caused by using flash. The settings
target skin tones, so the gel side of the face
in my photo isnt getting as much treatment.

Skin Toning allows you to change the base
color of the skin, acting like foundation
in makeup, and Blush adds a tone to the

cheeks. By clicking on the little triangles to

the right of the Color swatches, you can
open up more swatches, which act like a
virtual makeup palette.
Lightroom Magazine

The final panel contains a set of color and B&W looks to give
your image a finished look. Choose from B&W Films, Color
Film Stock, Color Grading, or Stylized Color groups for your
look. Use the Strength slider to control the level of effect on
your image. I dont think this particular image needs a look,
but if youve read this column before, you know Im more
than happy to use them!

Clear as Day
The larger preview area, coupled with the new tools, make
Perfectly Clear even better than its predecessor. The skin
smoothing, eye, and face contouring options are great
for those who dont want to go to Photoshop, especially
when saved as a preset and used in batch modea joy for
wedding and portrait photographers. n

Discuss this Issue

L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9



Need some quick tips for your photography? Head over to the KelbyOne YouTube channel
and watch as professionals such as Scott Kelby, Peter Hurley, Matt Kloskowski, and others
show you how to become a better photographer and photo editor.

Lightroom for Beginners: How to Use Collection Sets (and Why They Rock)

Photo Tip Friday: Scott Kelby Lightroom Custom Print Template #4

Off Camera Flash for Wedding Photo Albums

Lightroom Tips | Photoshop Tutorials | Photography Tips

Photo Tip Friday Quick Tips | Online Class Trailers | Full Episodes of The Grid
Photography Secrets | BY RICK SAMMON

Im often asked, Whats the most difficult subject to photo-
graph? The answer, of course, is It depends. For example,
photographing a stranger in Mongolia can be difficult, due in
part to the language difference. Photographing underwater
can be difficult, too, because the subject is often moving and
youre movingthrough a liquid thats 800 times denser than
air. But photographing birds in flight, a.k.a. BIF photos, is the
first thing that comes to mind when Im asked this question.
In this article, Ill share with you my top tips for BIF pho-
tographs, tips Ive learned after making many out-of-focus
BIF pictures when I started shooting birds, so to speak.
Lightroom Magazine

Sharp-Eye Shots
The opening image for this article, taken in Alaska, Two more things to consider about auto focus: (1) Try
illustrates my basic BIF photo philosophy: If the eyes back-button focus, a technique (available on most mid-
arent in focus and well lit, youve missed the shot. For and high-end digital SLRs) in which you set the focus
a higher percentage of sharp-eye shots, set your cam- by pressing a button on the back of the camera, and
era on the focus-tracking AF mode. In this mode, the then take the picture by pressing the shutter release
camera tracks the subject right up to the moment of button. This technique, popular among many bird pho-
exposure, as opposed to the one-shot AF mode, which tographers, separates focus from picture taking. (2) Set
locks in the focus before you can shoot and could the focus points on the subject, rather than having the
result in an out-of-focus subjectespecially when that camera search for a focus point. This technique will give
subject is a bald eagle that can fly up to 90 miles an you a higher percentage of in-focus images.
hour. That being said, its still a good idea not to shoot The focus-tracking mode is especially important
with your lens set at the maximum aperture, which when the subject is flying directly toward you, as was
offers the least depth of field of all the apertures. the case when I photographed this gull in Alaska. Both
I suggest stopping down a stop or two, which will of the photographs were taken from a boat, which was
offer a bit more depth of field. rocking gently on the water.


Lightroom Magazine

Set Your Shutter Speed

This bald eagle photograph has some
thing in common with the two previous
photographs: its a handheld image.
When handholding a long lens and
striving for a sharp shot, using Image
Stabilization or Vibration Reduction is
of the utmost importance, because, as
with binoculars, long lenses exaggerate
shake. The basic rule for handholding a
lens is to use a shutter speed at or faster
than the focal length of the lens. For
example, youd use a shutter speed of
1/400th of a second, if a 100400mm
IS lens was set at 400mm. That rule
apples to non-IS and non-VR lenses,
which let you shoot at two or three
(and sometimes more) shutter speeds
below the shutter speed/focal length
rule; although I usually go for an even
faster shutter speed to get a steady
shotand to freeze the action, as well.
This image was taken with my Canon
400mm f/4 DO lens on my Canon 5D
Mark III (full-frame image sensor cam-
era) at a shutter speed of 1/2000th of
a second. For a bit more depth of field,
I set the aperture to f/6.0.

Go for Gesture
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

Taking a break from tech talk, this

photograph illustrates something that
Photoshop World instructor Jay Maisel
stresses: the importance of gesture in a
photograph. When photographing BIF,
look for gesture. Also, look for gesture
when youre picking your best shots
from a series of images.
Lightroom Magazine

Think RFA (Rapid Frame Advance) Expose for the Highlights

Gestures change in a split second, as can the background. In BIF photography, you often need to deal with high-
To capture all of the subtle changes in BIF photography, contrast scenes. And, when it comes to bald eagle photog-
you must set your camera at the highest possible frame raphy, you also have to deal with trying to capture the detail
rate. If you plan to take a lot of BIF photographs, you in the dark and light feathers. To capture the detail, and
probably want to invest in a pro-level camera with a very to preserve the highlights, shoot with your cameras high-
high frame rate. Shooting at a high frame rate with my light alert activated and histogram displayed. After you
Canon 5D Mark III let me capture this image of a gull, take a shot, check these displays (which are basically your
which shows the shadow of the gulls head on its wing in-camera light meter) to ensure a good exposure. Also,
as well as the expression on the gulls face as it drops always shoot RAW files, which are more forgiving (when
its catch. photographing high-contrast scenes) than JPEG images.


Lightroom Magazine

Seek Separation
When photographing several BIF, seek separation; that is, have
some space between the subjects. This technique lets each bird
stand out in the frame, as illustrated by this sunset picture of
three sandhill cranes that I photographed at the Bosque del
Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico.

Luck is Key
Ive taken a lot of dumb luck shots in my life, and this photo-
graph, also taken at Bosque, is near the top of the list. Yes, its
a lucky shot taken at sunrise. But, luck does favor the prepared
photographer. After photographing the spectacular sunrise
in front of me, I turned around to see what was happening
behind mefollowing the tip: always look back. I got off one
shot just as these snow geese flew past the setting moon.

Choose Your Lenses Wisely

The top image on the next page is the spectacular sun-
rise scene I was photographing before I took my moon/
snow geese shot. This is why photographers from all over
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

the world travel to Bosque del Apache in November and

December. Its the time of year when thousands of sandhill
cranes and snow geese fly into Bosque and take off each
morning for whats called the blastoff. Again, I was lucky
with the light and birds. Ive been there when the light was
dull and the birds were in other nearby locations.
I took this picture with my Canon 24105mm IS lens mounted
on my Really Right Stuff tripod and ball head. At the same time,
Lightroom Magazine

on a Black Rapid strap, I had my Canon 100400mm lens the birds, while keeping the background in focus. To blur
on another full-frame camera bodyso, I prepared to take the movement of the snow geese taking off at sunrise
both telephoto and wide-angle shots. In BIF photography, I in the image at the bottom of the page, I used a shutter
recommend this two-camera setup. Theres no one best speed of 1/15th of a second. That shutter speed worked
lens for BIF photography, but if I had to choose one lens, in this situation, but I suggest that you experiment with dif-
it would be a 100400mm IS lens. The lens is versatile and ferent slow shutter speeds to get your desired effect. Also,
made even more so, if you add a 1.4x teleconverter. always use a tripod when shooting at slow shutter speeds.
Blurring the action removes some of the reality from a
Slow it Down scene; so does converting an image to black and white.
So far weve been looking at sharp shots. Another option When you remove the reality from a scene, a picture can,
is to use a slow shutter speed to blur the movement of but not always, look more creative and artistic.


Lightroom Magazine

Keep an Eye on ISO

Id like to leave you with another Bosque sunrise blastoff level), I like to know the ISO at which Im shooting. That
image, taken a few years before I took the previous blast- way, I can think about possible noise in a photograph,
off image. Its a handheld shot taken with my 24105mm and be ready to reduce it in Photoshop or Lightroom.
IS lens set at 75mm. Although the scene looks relatively If you go to Bosque del Apache, which can be below
bright, the light level was relatively low. To stop the action freezing in winter, make sure you have the right cloth-
of the flying birds, I set my ISO at 640, which gave me a ing. Doing a Web search on the weather can help you be
shutter speed of 1/800th of a second. The idea here is prepared. And, finally, have fun! Yes, BIF photography
to choose an ISO that will give you the shutter speed/ is challenging, even for the seasoned pro. But man-o-
aperture combination that will help you capture your cre- man, when you get a great shot, your effort results in a
ative vision. On that note, although some bird photogra- very rewarding feeling. As my dad used to say, Onward
phers like to shoot on auto ISO (due to the changing light and upward. n


L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

Register Today At | 800.201.7323
Photoshop World
THE Annual Conference
Is In Orlando This Year
Photoshop World is an exciting mix of peoplecreative professionals, soccer moms, artists, educators, students,

hobbyists, bloggers, photographers, videographers, and morewho all come to immerse themselves in three

days of incredible in-depth training, creative inspiration, and fun! The whole event is about losing yourself in a

flood of new ideas and techniques while meeting other creatives just like yourself, including Photoshop users,

photographers, graphic designers, social media marketers, and Lightroom fanatics. Theyre all there and theyre

all ready to learn and network. It doesnt matter if youre a beginner, intermediate or an advanced user, theres

something for everyone. Basically its a bunch of really cool, really fun, creative people like you!

Three Days Of Non-stop Photoshop,

Lightroom And Photography Training
Wed. April 19 | In-Depth Workshops Separate registration & fee required, Meet-Up

Thurs. April 20 | Keynote, Sessions, After-Hours Party, Partner Pavilion

Fri. April 21 | Sessions, Photo Shootout, Live Natural Light Shoots, Partner Pavilion, Midnight Madness

Sat. April 22 | Sessions, Guru Awards, Wrap-Up Ceremony

View all the Photoshop World 2017 highlights

Get Ready To Learn From The Best
We all know the difference a great teacher can make and thats why only the worlds best instructors are
invited to speak at Photoshop World. Its a team of the most talented, passionate and gifted teachers
on the planet. All here to share their latest techniques and tricks of the trade to help make you faster,
more efficient, and more creative so you can have more fun while youre doing it. Here are some
of this years all-star instructors:

Scott Kelby Joe McNally Terry White Lindsay Adler Joel Grimes

Tim Wallace Moose Peterson Kaylee Greer Matt Kloskowski Kristina Sherk

Dave Black Jeremy Cowart Frank Doorhof Julieanne Kost Corey Barker

View all of this years Photoshop World instructors at
Instructors, classes and class materials may change without prior notice. Visit for the latest schedule and information
In-Depth Workshops After-Hours Party
Come a day early and dive deep into one of our Enjoy live music, drink, dine, and mingle with
pre-conference workshops. Photoshop World instructors and fellow attendees.

Partner Pavilion Hands-On Labs

Get face-to-face with the industrys leading Work on your own project but with the professional
companies, and take advantage of major discounts. guidance of our own PSW instructors.

Live Natural Light Shoots Midnight Madness

Have fun in our shooting bays and capture everything Enjoy a hilarious evening of surprises, laughter,
from food to flowers to a model shoot. prizes, games and fun.

Portfolio Reviews Guru Awards

Have an in-depth review with candid appraisals, A contest created to honor and recognize the design,
valuable business insights and real world, practical advice. photography, and creativity of our attendees.

The day before our conference kicks off, we hold in-depth workshops. These workshops provide a deep
dive into the topics you want to learn most with small class sizes, live shoots and hands-on training.
Separate registration & fee required.

Photo Safari | Moose Peterson Commercial Food & Product

Photography | Joe Glyda
Location Lighting Shootout | Erik Valind
Sit! Stay! Snap! On-Location Dog
Photograph Like a Thief: From Concept to Photography Shoot | Kaylee Greer
Print & Everything Between | Glyn Dewis
Jaw Dropping Images on a Low
Posing to Flatter Anyone | Lindsay Adler Budget | Frank Doorhof
Live Shoot: Lighting a Car for Maximum
Lightpainting Classic Cars | Dave Black
Effect | TIm Wallace

Seamless Multi-Platform Workflow First Time Attendee Orientation

A Live Shoot | Bryan ONeil Hughes Larry Becker

color coded
Customize Your Learning Experience
One of the best things about Photoshop World is that you can build a custom training experience thats just right for
you, choosing from over 100 classes in 9 different learning tracksall open to you with a full conference pass.
Choose your own schedule and even change tracks or sessions any time you want. We also color-coded each track
so you can easily identify the ones you want to follow.



View the entire Photoshop World 2017 schedule at

Attend conference sessions in any track and move between them as you like. Instructors, classes and class materials may change without prior notice.
Visit for the latest schedule and information.
DAY 1 (04.20.17) SCHEDULE

Getting The Most Out Of The Creative Cloud Bryan ONeil Hughes
Photography Plan (LR + PS + Mobile) | Creative Cloud

Lightpainting Step by Step Dave Black


Organizing Your Images with Lightroom

Terry White
12:00pm -
See Like an Artist: How to Shoot Extraordinary Jeremy Cowart
Photos in Ordinary Situations | Photography

Master the Art of Magazine-Quality Skin Retouching: Kristina Sherk

The Fundamentals | Photoshop A

The Art of Winning Joel Grimes


Portfolio Tim Wallace


Intro to Illustrator | Creative Cloud Dave Cross

Getting Started with Strobes

Erik Valind

Getting Creative with Lightroom Preset

Matt Kloskowski
4:00pm -
5:00pm The Wildest Subject of All: How To Get the Shot in Moose Peterson
Wildlife Photography | Photography

Photoshop CC: Extending Your Creativity Julieanne Kost

Photoshop A

A Town Hall Meeting Hour One Joe McNally


How to Land a $100,000 Ad Campaign Joel Grimes


Getting Started with InDesign Dave Clayton

Creative Cloud

Creative Studio Lighting to Blow Your Mind Lindsay Adler


Lightroom Tips & Tricks | Lightroom Scott Kelby

5:15pm -
The Way to Perfect Exposures Kevin Ames
6:15pm Photography

Landscape and Light | Photoshop A Matt Kloskowski

A Town Hall Meeting Hour Two Joe McNally


How to Contribute to Adobe Stock and Make Money Terry White

from Your Photography | Business
DAY 2 (04.21.17) SCHEDULE
Three Ways to Create & Update Your Portfolio with Terry White
Adobe CC | Creative Cloud

Tack Sharp! Sharpening in Lightroom Daniel Gregory


A Photographers Guide to Posing: Techniques to Lindsay Adler

Flatter Everyone | Photography
8:00am -
Compositing: Dont Get Stuck, Get Creating! Glyn Dewis
9:00am Photoshop A

Master the Art of Magazine-Quality Skin Retouching: Kristina Sherk

Advanced Techniques | Photoshop B

Creating A Lifes Masterpiece: What Does It Jeremy Cowart

Actually Take? | Inspiration

Sharing Your Photos with the World Scott Valentine

Adobe Mobile Apps

Improv Photoshop & Illustrator Hour Corey Barker

Creative Cloud

Cityscape Master Class Serge Ramelli


The Secrets to Creating the Best Dog Kaylee Greer

Photos Ever | Photography
9:15am -
10:15am Master Class: Selections and Cutouts Glyn Dewis
Photoshop A

Evolution of an Image: Transform In-Camera Images Rick Sammon

to Images with Impact | Photoshop B

A Year in the Life of a Photographer Joe McNally


A Modern Photo Workflow Bryan ONeil Hughes

Adobe Mobile Apps

The Power of Using Photoshop, Illustrator and Dave Cross

InDesign Together | Creative Cloud

Creating Unique Styles & Looks in Lightroom & Rob Sylvan

Lightroom for Mobile | Lightroom

Creating Magic with Less (Live Shoot) | Photography Frank Doorhof

10:30am -
Lets Edit | Photoshop A Matt Kloskowski

Retro Down & Dirty Tricks Corey Barker

Photoshop B

Creativity Class
Joe Glyda

Making the Best Images with Your Phone Scott Valentine

Adobe Mobile Apps
DAY 2 (04.21.17) SCHEDULE

Location Lighting with Speedlites Dave Black


Black & White Today & Yesterday Serge Ramelli


50 Things You Need to Know to Succeed As a Stella Kramer

Professional Photographer Part 1 | Photography
3:00pm - DSLR Video Basics
4:00pm Justin Wojtczak

Selections & Masks Demystified Dave Cross

Photoshop B

A Primer on Mobile Apps Bryan ONeil Hughes

Adobe Mobile Apps

Conquering Crappy Lighting Lindsay Adler


Everyday Portrait Retouching in Lightroom Kristina Sherk

4:15pm -
5:15pm 50 Things You Need to Know to Succeed As a Stella Kramer
Professional Photographer Part 2 | Photography

Snapshot Videos Small Videos that Create Large Justin Wojtczak

Opportunities | Video

Photoshop Lighting Effects for Photographers Glyn Dewis

Photoshop B

Unlocking the Power of Lightroom for Mobile Matt Kloskowski

Adobe Mobile Apps

Master the Light Joel Grimes


The Lightroom Ecosystem: Working in Lightroom Rob Sylvan

Across All Devices | Lightroom

5:30pm - Portrait Photography: Choosing the Right Lens and Erik Valind
Light for Anyone | Photography
DSLR Interviews: Setting Up and Coaching Your Justin Wojtczak
Subject to Tell the Most Impactful Story | Video

Essentials of Designing with Type Scott Kelby

Photoshop B

Creating Photo Collages On the Go Scott Valentine

Adobe Mobile Apps

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Photoshop, LIghtroom, Creative Cloud are all registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Images courtesy of Brad Moore, Kevin
Newsome, Kathy Porupski, Jeff Leimbach, Rob Foldy and Randy Van Duinen.
DAY 3 (04.22.17) SCHEDULE
Illustrator Tips & Tricks Dave Cross
Creative Cloud

Live Car Shoot Tim Wallace


Creating Beautiful Books in Lightroom Scott Kelby

9:15am - Lightroom
Think Before You Press the Shutter Dave Black

Fine-Art Printing From Photoshop Daniel Gregory

Photoshop A

Quick Tricks & Fixes to Make Photoshop More Fun Rick Sammon
Photoshop B

Social Media Best Practices for Photographers Lindsay Adler


Ten Tips & Tricks for InDesign Dave Clayton

Creative Cloud

Taming Natural Light, No Strobes Required Erik Valind


All The Other Stuff: HDR, Panos, Video, History, Terry White
10:30am - Snapchat and Customizing | Lightroom
Light on the Land: Bring Your Landscape Moose Peterson
Photography to Life | Photography

Creating 3D Composites in Photoshop Corey Barker

Photoshop A

Fixing Common Image Problems in Dave Cross

Photoshop & Lightroom | Photoshop B

Silencing the Critics Joel Grimes


Intro to Adobe Muse CC Terry White

Creative Cloud

21st Century Speedlites Joel Grimes


Working with Photoshop Serge Ramelli

1:00pm - Lightroom
Travel Photography Essentials Rick Sammon

Photoshop Power Hour Glyn Dewis

Photoshop A

Modern Photo Restoration Bryan ONeil Hughes

Photoshop B

Let There be Light: Licensing, Copyright and Usage Tim Wallace

Its All About the Extras
Make your Photoshop World experience EXTRA special with one of our fun events. Whether you enjoy
learning or connecting with other artists more, we have the thing for you. Our Pre-Con Workshops provide
you with hands-on learning while the After Hours Party lets you cut loose with 500 other creatives! Want
the best of both worlds? Try the Pro Passgets you front row seating in any class you attend, some
Photoshop World gear, and a bookstore coupon for $25. PLUS your Pro Pass includes an After Hours Party
ticket. Looking for something a little more personal and one-on-one? Try the Portfolio Reviews. Theyre an
invaluable opportunity to have an in-depth review with candid appraisals, business insights, and practical
advice all catered to you and your work!

To Register Or Inquire About Discounts/Group Pricing

Visit or Call 1.800.201.7323
Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. To qualify for the alumni discount, you must have attended a previous Photoshop World (your name must be in our database). **Proof of educator or
student ID required at conference check-in. To qualify for the KelbyOne member discount you must provide your username & password at checkout.

Stay Where All The Action Is!

Hyatt Regency Orlando | 9801 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819
Our home for Photoshop World is the beautiful Orange County Convention Center conveniently located on
International Drive. Placed within walking distance to Pointe Orlando with dozens of beautiful shops, exciting
eateries, and nightclubs, its the ideal location for a conference and best of all, its connected to our host hotel.

Special Event Rate Per Night: $159 plus resort package fee and current Orange County room tax of 12.5%
(subject to change). To reserve your room visit
Lightroom Magazine

Questions &Answers

Q. I plugged in a brand-new external hard drive, but To create a smart preview, you can do it upon import
when I go to the Import window, Lightroom doesnt (just turn on the Build Smart Previews checkbox near the
see it. I can see it on my desktop, but I dont see it top right of the Import window), or you can do it in the
in Lightroom. Why doesnt it show up since I know Library moduleselect all the images for which you want
its mounted? to make smart previews, then go under the Library menu,
A. Its just that Lightroom doesnt recognize the drive. All under Previews, and choose Build Smart Previews.
you have to do is go to Lightrooms Folder panel in the
Library module, and from the drop-down menu (click
the + icon to the right of the header in the Folders
panel), choose New Folder. Create a new empty folder
on your external drive, and Lightroom will now recog-
nize the drive (youll see it listed in your Source panel in
the Import window).

Q. If I dont use Lightrooms Tone Curve to create

contrast, why would I ever have a reason to use it?
A. Besides contrast, one of the things people do with the
Tone Curve is adjust individual channels to create cross-
processing effects (ranging from the popular looks you
see in fashion photography to the looks of Instagram
filters). These are done by going to the individual Red,
Green, and Blue channels and editing the curve on a
per channel basisadding in more or less of a particular
color. (Note: If you dont see the Channel drop-down
menu in the Tone Curve panel, click the little curve icon
in the bottom-right corner of the panel.)

Q. I hear a lot about smart previews. Should I be Lightroom Mobile uses smart previews, too, but
using them? you dont have to deal with converting them (that part
A. Well, that depends. The idea behind smart previews (in happens under the hood).
the desktop version of Lightroom) is to create a much
smaller version of your file (usually around 1 MB) thats Q. Ive created a new 2017 copyright metadata tem-
saved within Lightroom so you can still edit your images plate. How do I remove my old 2016 copyright
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

in the Develop module (including making panos and metadata template? When I go to the Metadata
HDR images) without having the original RAW images panel and choose Edit Presets from the Presets
with you. This helps when youre taking your laptop on drop-down menu, the Edit Metadata Presets dia-
the road and dont (or cant) bring your external drive log shows my preset and only two other choices:
with your photo archive on it. So, you pretty much have Save Current Settings as New Preset and Restore
the same capabilities with a smart preview that you do Default Presets. But theres no delete choice.
as if you had the original RAW file with you (and chang- Am I just stuck with my old one?
es you make to the smart previews automatically update A. Luckily, youre not. In that same Edit Metadata Presets
54 when you plug in the drive with your original files). dialog, start by choosing your copyright preset from
Lightroom Magazine

the Presets drop-down menu, then go under the same Once your list it formatted the way you want, go to the
menu again and youll see a new menu item for Delete Library module, and from the Metadata menu up top,
Preset, followed by the name of your preset. Thats all choose Import Keywords. Navigate to your Plain Text docu-
there is to it, but its a little tricky to find since that Delete ment and import it. Those keywords will now appear in the
choice doesnt appear until you actually choose the pre- Keyword List panel.
set you want to delete to make it active.
Q. How do I make an edge-to-edge print (in the Print
Q. Once Ive synced some of my collections to Light- module) where the image goes all the way to the
room Mobile, how can I see these collections in edge of the page? I dragged all the Margin sliders
a Web browser so I can share them with other to 0 inches in the Layout panel, but theres still a
people online? white margin all the way around my imageits
A. In Lightroom, go under the Help menu up top and not borderless. What do I need to do?
choose View My Synced Collections on the Web, A. To get an image to go all the way to the edges (like the
and it will launch your Web browser and take you one you see below), you first need to create a custom
to Lightroom Web. Once there, youll need to page whose margins are actually set to zero on all sides
sign in with your Adobe ID (the same one you use at the paper size level. You do this by clicking on the Page
for Lightroom Mobile), and then youll see all your Setup button in the bottom-left corner of the Print mod-
collections. You can share any collection from there ule. This brings up the Page Setup (PC: Print Setup) dia-
by clicking the Share button. log. Click on the Paper Size pop-up menu, and choose
Manage Custom Sizes from the bottom of the menu.
Q. Im moving to Lightroom from another photo edit- Next, click the little + (plus sign) near the bottom-left of
ing package, and I have a lot of keywords that I the dialog to add a new custom page. Now enter 0 in
need to enter into Lightroom. I started adding the (zero inches) for the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom, as the
list (its a long one) and its taking a really long time page margins. Lastly, double-click the name of your new
entering them one by one. Is there a faster way? page size preset so you can rename it to something more
A. If you have a list in a text document, you might be able descriptive than Untitled, and click OK to save your
to import the entire list all at oncebut there a few new page, which will let you actually go edge-to-edge
things you need to do first. with your image. (Note: On a PC, these options may be
Make sure you convert the document to Plain Text found under your Print Setups Properties options.) n
and not Rich Text, which is the default for text edi-
tors such as Microsoft Word or Apples TextEdit.
2. T hen, simply put a return after each keyword in
the plain text document.
3. If you want to create nested keywords (like Travel,
then under that main keyword, Paris, New York,
London, etc.), follow the return with the Tab key
for each nested you keyword that you want to add.
4. T o create a nested keyword under a nested key-
word, hit the Tab key twice after you add a return,
and then enter those keywords.



Lightroom Magazine

Tips &Tricks

In this issue's column, were going to take a look at differ- caches can be quite large, but nowhere near as large as
ent ways to take a catalog, or parts of a catalog with you, bringing all of the actual image data with you. Or, you
if you need to do some Lightroom on your laptop during could make smart previews of only the images you need-
your travels. ed to work with on the trip. Theres an option to create
smart previews when you import photos, or you can simply
One Lightroom Catalog for select a group of images and choose Library>Previews>
Multiple Computers Build Smart Previews. For a more detailed overview of
If you need to take your full Lightroom catalog, as well working with smart previews, check out my column in
as all of the image files with you on the road, you can do Issue #26.
this with an external hard drive. Both the catalog and the
images would be stored on this drive. Of course, whether
or not this is feasible, depends on how many terabytes of
image data you have (if you have too much data to travel
with, then theres another option, which Ill cover below).
This type of setup lets you simply plug the drive into
any computer that has Lightroom installed, and you can
work with your catalog as normal. Before you hit the road,
however, its critically important to make sure you have a
fresh backup of both the catalog and all your image files,
in case the external drive is damaged, lost, or stolen dur-
ing the trip. I frequently bring my main catalog and image
archive with me when I travel, but I only do so knowing
that I have two other recent backupsone at my studio
and the other stored off-site.

Travel with Your Main Catalog,

Leave the Image Files at Home
In many situations, even if you need the full catalog, you
probably dont need access to all of your image files. This
is where smart previews come in very handy! A smart
preview is a smaller, compressed DNG version of the file
that allows you to access the RAW information in the file Use a Separate Travel Catalog
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

and apply Develop module adjustments, even if the actu- If you dont need to travel with your main Lightroom cata-
al full-size image file is back home on your main image log, another approach you can use for photo trips and other
archive drive. travel is to create a trip-specific catalog. That catalog, and
If you wanted, you could create smart previews of all the photos you shoot while on the trip, can be stored on a
the photos in your catalog, and then travel with just the small external hard drive (and backed up to another drive, of
catalog (and its related preview cache files, which are course!). I frequently use this method when I travel because
stored in the same folder as the catalog file) and leave the I can work on the images Ive been shooting, create collec-
original image files at home. In a big catalog, the preview tions, and add useful keywords during my travels.
Lightroom Magazine

Import from Another Catalog and choose Export This Collection as a Catalog. (You can
When I return home, I plug the small travel drive into my also do this with collection sets.)
main computer and merge that catalog with my main In the subsequent dialog, you can choose whether
Lightroom catalog. To do that, choose File>Import from to export the negative files (i.e., make copies of the
Another Catalog. Select the catalog file on the external original photos) or build and export smart previews.
travel drive (the .lrcat file), and in the File Handling section If you wont need the full-size images, then export-
of the subsequent dialog, choose how you want to import ing only smart previews should be fine. The exception
the new image files. You can either import them at their to this would be if youre using the Book module for
current location (i.e., leave them on the travel drive and a project and will be sending the book to Blurb for
move them later from within Lightroom), or you can copy printing while youre away; for that the full size files
them to a location on your main image archive drive. are needed.

Traveling with Project-Specific Catalogs

Another approach if you need to take work with you but
dont need (or want) to travel with your entire catalog (even
if youre using smart previews) is to create a project-specific
catalog. With a project catalog containing only the imag-
es you need (or think youll need) to work on, for a book
project for instance, you can do your work while youre
away from home and then re-integrate this catalog with
your main catalog when you return, using the Import from
Another Catalog method mentioned earlier.

Export a New Catalog from a Collection

To create a project-specific catalog, gather the images into
a collection. Then Right-click on the name of the collection

Lightroom Magazine

Re-Import Project Catalog

with Metadata Only
When you merge the project catalog back
into your main catalog, in the Import
From Catalog dialog, the images may be
dimmed because they already exist in the
main catalog. Whether the images are
dimmed depends on whats chosen in the
Changed Existing Photos section of the
dialog. If Replace is set to Nothing, theyll
be dimmed (grayed out).
If you click on this menu and choose to
replace the Metadata and Develop Settings
Only, then the images wont be dimmed.
This is a good choice to use in these cases,
since the actual image files are already in
your main catalog and all you want to do
is bring in the new Develop settings (if any)
and any other new metadata associated
with the image (such as a new book collec-
tion, keywords, ratings, etc.). If you choose
this option, then you can also choose to
preserve the old settings in a new virtual
copy of each file.
If you choose to Replace Metadata,
Develop Settings and Negative Files, then
theres another option to replace only non-
RAW files (i.e., PSD, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG
files). This would make sense if you had
generated non-RAW derivatives from any
original negative files you had exported
into the new project catalog. The RAW
files already exist in your main catalog, so
youd only need to bring in the metadata
and the new derivative files. n
L I G H T R O O M M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 2 9

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Extend the Power of What You Do

in Lightroom on Your Mobile Device

The best-selling Lightroom book author of all time is back to show you, step by step,
how to unlock the power of Lightroom Mobile, and extend the power and reach of
what you do in Lightroom on your desktop. Scott Kelby gets straight to the point to
show you how to get up and running fast, how to make the most out of Lightroom
Mobiles amazing capabilities, and even how to use it to do things that Lightroom
for the desktop cant do. Youll learn all about organization, editing, and sharing
the entire process. And, youll be up and editing like a boss in no time.

Scotts been working with Lightroom Mobile and teaching people how to use it
from the very beginning, so he knows first-hand which parts of the process users
struggle with and where they get confused, and he knows exactly how to get you
past those stumbling blocks and really enjoying the newfound freedom editing on
a mobile device can bring. Get your copy today from your favorite bookseller.

fuel for creativity



An official publication of KelbyOne

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