Communicating Inside and Out
Communicating Inside and Out
Communicating Inside and Out
inside and out
Make sure your crisis
key stakeholders
hile every business crisis and corresponding set of
affected stakeholders are unique, there are some groups
with which organizations must communicate in order
to protect their reputation, brand equity and the bot-
tom line during times of crisis. A successful response to a business crisis
demands making and communicating far-reaching and emotionally dif-
ficult decisions while under pressure and perhaps lacking complete or
fully accurate information. To overcome the communication challenges
that crises present, management must enable effective communication
with three key stakeholders: employees, reporters from traditional news
media, and social media users.
munication channels helps prevent how you work with journalists and
and overcome employee uncertainty, other media representatives:
and encourages continuous and con-
structive dialogue. Be ready when a journalist calls.
Because reporters may be unable to
Breaking news wait until the company has gathered,
Organizations that are unprepared verified and officially communicated
to work with traditional news media crisis-related facts (What happened?
during a crisis often experience intense Where? When? Why? Who is affected?
media scrutiny and negative coverage What are the relevant concerns? What
that can easily lead to unfavorable is being done about it?), they may turn
stakeholder perceptions and lasting to unofficial and less reliable sources.
reputational and economic damage. Quickly coordinating the manage-
It is the medias job to report crisis- rial, operational and communication
related news, illuminate relevant issues, response to a crisis is critical, but
influence issue portrayal and propose only designated spokespersons should
solutions. While journalists gener- address the media.
ally seek to report news in an objec-
tive, fact-based and balanced manner, Build long-term relationships with
todays media environment is highly relevant journalists. Mutual familiarity
competitive, and reporters must gen- and trust will increase the likelihood of
erate relevant information fast in order fact-based and non-sensational report-
to meet deadlines and stay ahead of ing if a crisis does occur.
the competition.
As you develop or update your cri- View media interviews and news
sis communication plan, keep in mind conferences as valuable opportunities