Guia Ciefectiva Crisis
Guia Ciefectiva Crisis
Guia Ciefectiva Crisis
Employees are a key stakeholder group that must be communicated with during a business
crisis. Any company that fails to do so puts the entire crisis response at risk. The following
tips are designed to help decision makers at all levels manage potentially crippling adversity
and actively preserve and even enhance the company’s reputation and competitiveness.
Develop, implement and continuously improve a crisis communication strategy and matching
crisis communication plan tailored to the company’s needs. Assign responsibilities and
thoroughly train the designated employees and their back-ups. Put communicators on the
corporate and, if applicable, the regional and local crisis management teams. Conduct
vulnerability audits and use the findings to build realistic crisis scenarios upon which
recurring media training and crisis management drills are based.
If employees are used to regular communication through certain channels, use them in times
of crisis along with communication tools that were developed for specific crisis situations.
Whichever method of internal crisis communication a company may choose, the more
upfront management is about what is happening, the better-informed and more entrusted
employees feel. Those employees who are communicated with in an open, timely and
truthful way are not only able, but also often willing to represent their company and support
its goals internally as well as externally. This is especially true in a crisis.
4. Eradicate uncertainty
Underestimate the importance of effective employee communication during a crisis and you
may suffer significant economic damage due to, among other factors, a lack of trust, low
morale and the subsequent loss of trained and dedicated employees.
In a crisis situation, it’s necessary to increase the internal communication frequency since
employees have a high demand for updated information as well as the desire to provide
continuous feedback. Ask these questions before communicating with employees during a
crisis and as part of the post-crisis evaluation and ongoing crisis preparedness planning:
Ask these questions after communicating with employees during a crisis and as part of the
post-crisis evaluation and ongoing crisis preparedness planning:
Especially in cases where the company may be responsible for any harm to employees and
their loved ones, consider communicating regret and empathy as well as a clear explanation
of the steps the company is taking to deal with the situation and to prevent recurrences.
However, don’t base the messages on the views of management alone. Be sure to take into
account the perceptions, opinions and expectations within the different stakeholder groups.
Also bear in mind any legal and other restrictions on the dissemination of certain information
relating to the crisis.
Guide employees in their effort to speak up for the company. Empowering employees to take
charge in times of crisis creates valuable communication allies who reinforce messages
internally and also carry them into the community.
Remember that despite the wealth of technology at the disposal of today’s communicator,
face-to-face communication between supervisors and their direct reports remains one of the
most effective tools.
7. Be consistent in messaging
With the goal of coherent messages and simultaneous communication in mind, many
companies implement a one-voice-policy: It means only appropriately trained and designated
employees, who are electronically linked with senior management and one another, may act
as company spokespersons.
The one-voice-policy may be difficult to uphold in times of crisis because employees have a
natural tendency to talk about stressful work-related events with family and friends, perhaps
criticizing management’s handling of the situation.
A disgruntled employee talking to the media may, however, pose a much more serious risk.
Not only would this behavior sabotage the company’s one-voice-policy, but it may also
threaten the entire crisis response.
• Employee feedback allows you to track whether messages have reached the intended
groups of employees and achieved the desired results.
• It enables you not only to track employees’ opinions, perceptions and expectations, but
also may reveal what colleagues and external stakeholders are saying to employees.
• Employee feedback often contains valuable information and suggestions for minimizing
damage, seizing opportunities and preventing future crises.
Comunicación Interna en Chile
Aside from communicating with employees through traditional channels, intranet-based crisis
blogs are becoming increasingly popular. Executive or CEO blogs are an excellent listening
tool that allows senior managers instant two-way communication with employees around the
globe. They can aslo easily be updated during a crisis and create an intranet-based record of
opinions and facts that helps to control rumors and speculation.