Ed Up 3053 Lesson Plan
Ed Up 3053 Lesson Plan
Ed Up 3053 Lesson Plan
Learning Standards: 2.3.1 Able to read simple text with guidance b) Non-fiction
Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Read the simple text with guidance about the animals on the farm.
2. Write the simple text with guidance about the animals on the farm.
Steps / Phase
Time Content Teaching Learning Activities Remarks
Set Induction Gaining pupils attention to 1. Teacher greets and asks the
(5 mins) the lesson by asking pupils well-being.
questions. 2. Teacher asks the pupils on what
they know about animals on a
Presentation: Giving input as much as 1. Teacher writes a short story of Teaching aids:
(25 mins) possible about animals on Pak Atan Had A Farm on a A short story
the farm. whiteboard. of Pak Atan
2. Teacher shows a diorama of Had a
animals on the farm
A diorama of
3. The teacher asks the pupils to animals on
pay attention to the listening the farm.
activity. An audio of
4. The pupils listens to the audio Pak Atan
based on the short story while Had a
looking at the teacher showing the Farm.
animals on the diorama.
5. Teacher repeats the audio and
the pupils are required to follow
after the audio on reading the text
with correct pronunciation.
6.Teacher asks simple WH-
questions and explains about the
simple text about animals on the
Practice: Eliciting students 1. The pupils whom volunteers gets Teaching aids:
(10 mins) performance by asking them the chance to read the text of their - Diorama of
to read with correct own choice. animals on the
pronunciation while showing 2.The pupils read the sentences one farm.
-Short story of
the correct animals from the by one with correct pronunciation
Pak Atan Had
diorama. and guidance while showing the A Farm.
correct animals from the diorama.
3. Good reading is praised by the
teacher. The pupils are called
randomly (weak ones) to allow
them to have a chance to read the
text of their choice with guidance
while showing the correct animals
from the diorama.
4. Simple WH- questions are asked
along the way.