Lesson Plan Farhan Nabilah (Final MT)

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KAB3023 (Teaching English for Young Learners)

Lesson Plan

Prepared by:
Farhan Nabilah binti Abdul Aziz

Matric Number:

Checked by:
Puan Azila binti Alias

Class : 6 Sunflower Date : 3rd November 2022

Day : Thursday Time : 9:30-10:00 am (30 minutes)

Age :6 Number of : 20
Theme : Animal Subtheme : Wild Animals

Strand (KSPK) : Communication (English Language)

Learning Standard (KSPK) : BI 1.3.3 Listen to and respond to oral text
Development Stage (KPN) :-
Prior Knowledge : Children know the names and sounds of
wild animals
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, children can:
1. State 5 names of wild animals
2. Distinguish 5 animals by name and
sound correctly.
3. Count the number of animals
Learning Materials : Video “Walks in the zoo”, Animal’s
picture, Worksheet.
Teaching And
Content Remarks
Learning Activities
Induction Exploring 1. Teacher shows a video of • Video “Walks in the zoo”
Set - presentation a walk in the zoo. • Questions:
using video. 2. Teacher questions and “What animals can you see in the
answers with the video?”
children related to the
video they watched.
3. Children watch videos
shown by the teacher.
4. Children answer the
teacher's questions
Step 1 - Introduce 1. Teacher shows 5 pictures • Skills: Identify.
animal’s of wild animals. • 5 pictures of wild animals.
picture to 2. Teacher asks the children (Elephant, Giraffe, Lion,
children to name 4 animals Snake)
according to the picture.
3. Children identify the
pictures of animals
shown by the teacher.
4. Children say the names
of 4 wild animals
Step 2 - Read short 1. Teacher shows pictures • Skills: Identify, count.
sentence. of animals. • Worksheet, animal’s picture.
- Picture of 2. Teacher asks the children
wild animals to make a sound of the
in the forest. animals according to the
3. Children say the names
of 4 wild animals
4. Children imitate the
sounds of wild animals
according to the picture.

Step 3 - Worksheet 1. Teacher distributes • Skills: Cooperation (identify).

(count) worksheets.
2. Teacher asks the children
to count the number of
animals in the picture.
3. Children count the
number of animals in the
4. Children perform tasks
correctly in groups with
the teacher’s guidance.
Closure - Presentation 1. Teacher sings a song • Responsibility.
and themed on the sounds of • Questions:
repetition. wild animals. “What is the sound of
2. Teacher repeats the elephant/lion/snake/giraffe/hippo?”
learning content.
3. Children follow the song
sung by the teacher.
4. Children say the names
and sounds of wild
animals that have been
learned correctly.
Teaching Aids
Teaching sessions

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