Dräger Polytron 7000 Fixed Gas Detector: Intuitive Operation Communication Interfaces

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The document discusses the Dräger Polytron 7000 gas detector, its features such as intuitive operation, intelligent sensors, communication interfaces, and software/accessory options.

The Dräger Polytron 7000 has an intuitive interface, can detect over 100 gases, has various communication options like HART, Fieldbus, etc., and has a rugged housing.

The Dräger Polytron 7000 uses specifically designed sensors that are able to detect over 100 different gases. The embedded sensor memory contains all relevant sensor data.

Drger Polytron 7000

Fixed gas detector

The Drger Polytron 7000 is a gas detector that can satisfy all
toxic and oxygen gas measurement applications on a single plat-
form. It is meeting the requirements of the compliance market as
well as the high specification requirements of customized solu-

The software menu of the Drger Polytron With the Drger Polytron 7000 the com-
7000 was designed in partnership with munication to the central control system
our customers making it simple and easy can be selected between 4 to 20 mA or
to use. The large graphical display uses digital options as: HART, FOUNDATION
icons and plain text to show the status of fieldbus H1, PROFIBUS PA or LON-
the instrument, and guides the user WORKS*. With the digital options, the

through calibration and configuration. Drger Polytron 7000 can be integrated

into any LONWORK*, PROFIBUS or
INTELLIGENT SENSORS FOUNDATION fieldbus system architec-
Drger Polytron 7000 is able to detect ture. Offering the advantage of reduced Drger Polytron 7000
Intrinsically safe gas detector for toxic
over 100 different gases. Specifically wiring cost and enabling the remote diag-
gases and oxygen in ambient air.
designed for the demanding requirements nosis and predictive maintenance func-
of a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year sta- tionality for a reliable and flexible commu-
tionery gas detection system, the larger nication network.
DrgerSensor are renown for their long
life times and superior performance. The SOFTWARE OPTIONS
embedded sensor memory contains all A number of software dongles with differ-
relevant sensor data. All this enables the ent software functionality will customize
use of pre-calibrated sensors, which the transmitter to specific application
makes the Drger Polytron 7000 ideal for needs.
a virtually maintenance free transmitter.
Sensor Test Dongle
With this dongle, the Drger Polytron
7000 performs many patented sensor
tests to ensure reliability and functionality
of the sensor and the gas detection sys-

Large Display
34 x 62 mm, 64 x 128 pixel 1.3" x 2.4"

Quick Lock mechanism

One half turn lockedt

Simple 3 button operation and navigation

Graphics, icons and real text descriptions

Polytron Docking station

Durable GRP housing


All sensors have a certain life time which The Drger two component concept of a The Drger Polytron 7000 can be
can be affected by factors such as gas Docking Station and a Drger Polytron equipped with a relay module to make it a
exposure, temperature exposure and the 7000 electronics saves time and money. stand alone device with two gas alarms
age of the sensor. Now, with the new sen- The Docking Station can be pre-installed and one fault relay. The relay module
sor diagnostic function in the dongle mounting and wiring it into place sepa- forms a part of transmitter, so there is no
(including Sensor Test), the stress and rately while protected by a rain and dust additional installation cost or wiring to be
remaining life of the sensor is evaluated, cover until commissioning. At commis- done. For general purpose use only.*
and it is possible to predict and plan for a sioning, the Drger Polytron 7000 elec-
maintenance and replacement cycle. tronics is fixed by quicklock mechanism PUMP MODULE
into the Docking Station, the sensor An internal pump for sampling the gas mix-
Data Dongle inserted and the system is ready for oper- ture to the sensor is also a module option.
Datalogger and eventlogger options are ation. The pump fits inside the Drger Polytron
implemented in this dongle, which stores 7000 with no additional need for extra
gas values and events such as faults and RUGGED HOUSING wiring and mounting space. For general
alarms. Using an IR link with the PDA The design of the compact durable GRP purpose use only.*
m515-Ex, the data can be downloaded and housing of the Drger Polytron 7000 is
evaluated on a PC with the GasVision dust and water proof with an IP66/67 and ACCESSORIES / REMOTE SENSOR
software. By pushing one button, a graph- NEMA 4 rating. It is verified to SIL 2 spec- The remote sensor is easy to install on the
ical 15 minute history of the gas concen- ification with unsurpassed RFI resistance. wall or, using the duct adapter, onto ducts
tration will be displayed on the transmitter and pipes.
screen, for quick evaluation of the current
and past situation.


Drger Polytron 7000 with 4 to 20 mA output and Sensor Diagnostic Dongle 83 17 980

Drger Polytron 7000 variations

4 to 20m A HART Relay Pump

83 17 610

83 17 636*
83 17 637*
83 17 638*
Drger Polytron 7000
83 17 710 With internal pump.*
83 17 776*
83 17 777*
83 17 778*


PA fieldbus H1
83 17 810*
83 17 816*
83 17 817*
83 17 818*
83 19 430

83 19 427*
83 19 436*
83 19 438*
83 19 440 Drger Polytron 7000
83 19 428* With integrated relays.*
83 19 437*
83 19 439*

Drger Polytron Docking Station one required per transmitter 83 17 990

Pump Module 83 17 350
Relay Module 83 17 360
Relay Connector 18 90 086
Software Dongles
Data Dongle 83 17 618
Sensor Test Dongle 83 17 619

Sensor Diagnostic Dongle 83 17 860

Remote Sensor Adapter 83 17 275
Remote Cable and plug 5 m / 16 ft. 83 17 270 Drger Polytron 7000
Remote Cable and plug 15 m / 49 ft. 83 17 998 With remote sensor and remote
cable up to 30 m / 100 ft.
Remote Cable and plug 30 m / 100 ft. 83 17 999
Remote duct adapter 83 17 617
Duct Mounting Kit 83 17 150
Cable Entry Set M20, with cable gland and connector for multi-drop 83 17 282
Calibration Adapter, electrochemical sensors 68 06 978
Pump Adapter for DrgerSensor AC L 83 17 976
Calibration Adapter, DrgerSensor AC L 68 09 380
Drger GasVision, data display software 83 14 034
Drger CC-Vision GDS, calibration and configuration software 68 11 989
IR data cable, USB DIRA 83 17 409
PDA m515-Ex 83 17 995

90 44 797 | 05.09-1 | Marketing Communications | GM | PR | DW | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | 2009 Drger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

Typ Intrinsically safe transmitter for electrochemical sensors

Gases and Ranges Toxic gases and oxygen, ranges user adjustable, see sensor data sheet
Display Large graphic display, 34 x 62 mm, 64 x 128 pixel 1.3" x 2.4"
Menu structure and messages in real text, 3 button navigation
Output Analog 4 to 20 mA
Warning signal, configurable default: warning signal every 10s for 1s
Maintenance signal, configurable 3.4 mA constant or 4 mA 1 mA, 1 Hz modulation
Fault signal < 3.2 mA
Power Supply 16,5 to 30VDC 2-Wire, 3-Wire for Pump module* and relay module*
Pump Module* Tubing up to 30m / 100ft. @ 0.5 l/min with 4mm / 3/16" inner diameter
Relay Module* Two alarm relays, one fault relay, SPDT, user programmable
Rating 5A 240VAC, 5A 24VDC
Ambient Conditions Transmitter only, for sensors see separate sensor data sheet
Temperature 40 to +65 C / 40 to +150 F
Pressure 700 to 1300 hPa / 23.6 to 32.5 inch Hg
Humidity 0 to 100 %RH, non condensing
Enclosure GRP, IP 66/67, NEMA 4, M20 cable gland
Size (h x w x d) 166 x 135 x 129 mm, 6.54 "x 5.32" x 5.08" ft.
Weight Approx. 900 g / 2 lbs.
SIL Level SIL 2 verified
Approvals ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T6/T4, 40 to + 40 / + 65 C / II 3G EEx nL IIC T6, 25 to + 40 C / II 3D IP6x T65C
EN50104:2002+A1:2004 O2 measuring function for explosion protection (inertization)
IEC Ex ia IIC T6/T4, 40 to + 40 / + 65 C
UL Class I, Div 1, Group A, B, C, D, Class II, Div 1, Group E, F, G
CSA Class I, Div 1, Group A, B, C, D / Ex ia IIC T6/T4, 40 to + 40 / + 65 C
CE-mark electromagnetic compatibility (directive 89/336/EEC)
low voltage directive (72/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC)

HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation

LONWORKS is a registered trademark of the Echelon Corporation
FOUNDATION fieldbus is a registered trademark of the Fieldbus Foundation

* General purpose use only. The transmitter does not have any approval, but the CE-mark
when used with LON. a pump or relay module.

Drger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Revalstrasse 1
23560 Lbeck, Germany



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