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101-116 Berger
101-116 Berger
M B Berger
1 Introduction
Refractories are used for demanding conditions and need to be sound, robust and capable.
This presentation describes the importance of interactions between density, porosity,
permeability and pore size for refractories, and describes how each of these is measured.
These properties are an indication of the manufactured quality, and during service they
influence strength, slag resistance, flow of gases and liquids, thermal conductivity and thermal
shock resistance of the refractory. Understanding these properties and their interactions will
help users to understand the performance of these materials better.
2 Refractories
2.1 Description
Refractory literally means Stubborn to withstand not only heat but in many cases chemical
attack, abrasion, thermal shock and rough handling (Hloben, 2000).
2.2 Applications
The commonest duty of refractories is to contain high temperatures: to erect a solid barrier
between hot inside and ambient or tolerable outside. Mechanical loads must be borne
at the service temperature and often through repeated temperature cycles. in most uses,
as thermal insulator; less frequently, as a conductor of heat. But the greatest challenge to
refractories occurs as they face hot, corrosive fluids. usually rapidly flowing erosion
many such fluids carry entrained particulates abrasion (Carniglia & Barna, 1992).
Applications include all forms of metallurgical and heat treatment furnaces, heat exchangers,
glass tanks, ceramic kilns, foundry moulds, coke ovens and incinerators.
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The high temperature capabilities required of refractories are governed primarily by chemical
composition, and other capabilities required (strength, thermal shock resistance, conductivity,
permeability, heat capacity and corrosion resistance) are governed also by physical properties
related to density and porosity.
One day, while getting into his bath the Greek inventor and mathematician Archimedes
noticed water spilling over the sides. In a flash he realised the relationship between the water
that had fallen out and the weight of his body - in other words he discovered why some
objects float and some sink! Archimedes was so excited with his discovery that he hopped out
of the bath, and rushed naked into the street yelling triumphantly, 'Eureka!' 'Eureka!' (Greek
word for 'I have found it!), as shown in Figure 1.
Density and porosity (AP, BD and ASG) can be measured of refractory materials using the
Archimedes buoyancy technique with dry weights, soaked weights and immersed weights in
water (mercury, xylene or denatured alcohol if the refractory is water sensitive) (Figure 2).
Various standard test methods are based on this procedure (ISO 5017, ASTM C20, BS 1902-
308, and SANS 5905 using mercury).
Figure 3 shows the makeup of a porous body with solid, open pores and closed pores, and
how water absorbed into the open porosity (by vacuum or boiling) presents when weighed
either suspended or soaked. The Apparent Porosity, Bulk Density and Apparent Specific
Gravity are calculated from the Dry, Soaked and Suspended weights as follows:
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B Berger
green = solid
white = open pores
yellow = closed pores
green = solid
blue = water and water filled open pores
yellow = closed pores
green = solid
blue = water filled open pores
yellow = closed pores
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B Berger
3.5 Pycnometers
Pycnometers are vessels with accurate volumes which can be used to measure liquid (or gas)
volume displaced by a solid material (in powder, granular or bulk form), and thereby the
density of the material.
Pycnometers come in many types, the most common being the SG Bottle which is often used
for measuring SG of finely milled powders. These are also used for measuring Relative
Density of liquids whereby a liquid weight is divided by the weight of an equal volume (using
the same vessel) of water. Liquids other than water can be used in these pycnometers when
water is a problem, the most common being xylene. Figure 4 shows SG Bottles on the right
and a large Bulk Pycnometer on the left. The Bulk Pycnometer can be used for measuring
BD, ASG or SG of larger pieces or chips using a similar procedure to that of the SG Bottle.
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The Rees Hugill flask shown in Figure 5 is another type of pycnometer which uses xylene
generally to displace a set weight (normally 100 g) of fine powder, and allows one to read off
SG which is inscribed in a corresponding range onto the elongated neck (SANS 5902).
Xylene is used because it has low surface tension with most powders, and for this has good
penetration of fine open porosity. Different powder weights can be used with mathematical
corrections for those powders with SG values which fall outside of the inscribed range. These
flasks can be used with water to measure Grain (Bulk) Density of water soaked chips or
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B Berger
The Beckmann pycnometer shown in Figure 6 works on a similar principle to SG Bottles, but
displaces helium gas instead of water or xylene. The advantage of using helium is that its
molecules are extremely small and can more completely enter even the tiniest of open pores.
Similar gas pycnometer apparatuses use nitrogen gas as the displacement medium.
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The mercury pycnometer shown in Figure 7 works on a similar principle to SG Bottles, but
displaces mercury around the Bulk Volume of a solid lump or of chips to measure Bulk
Density or Grain Density (ISO 8840 and SANS 5904). This can also be used to measure Bulk
Density of green clay body chips which would with other techniques break down under water
or xylene.
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The Tap Density apparatus shown in Figure 8 is used to measure Tap Density of aggregate,
grain or powder. This allows measurement of the settled Bulk Density of such materials
which are often important measures affecting performance, and which relate to packaging and
transport volumes. This involves measuring the final settled volume of a known weight of
such material, and from this the calculation of its Tap Density (ASTM D1895).
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Nitrogen porisometry works in a similar way by measuring the adsorption of nitrogen onto the
surfaces of open pores.
Log Diff intr (ml/g)
-0.2 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Pore size (nm)
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3.7 Permeability
Permeability is the measure of flow through porosity within a body, and in the case of
refractories is measured as the flow of either air or nitrogen. Permeability measured of dense
refractories gives an indication of how well that refractory will stand up to slag, melt or gas
penetration during service (low permeability = better slag, melt or gas penetration resistance).
Figure 10 shows a Ridsdale permeability apparatus, which is used for measuring the flow of
air through preformed foundry green sand samples.
Permeability P = v x h / p x a x t
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Foundry green sand has relatively high air flow for low pressures (<10 cm of water pressure),
and permeability of refractories requires higher pressures to obtain more meaningful results.
Figure 11 shows such an apparatus which measures the flow of nitrogen gas at pressures of up
to 6 bar (EN 993-4).
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Figure 12 shows the different stages of sintering (from loose powder, through initial stage and
intermediate stage to the final dense product), and Figure 13 shows the microstructure of a
fully dense alumina body. Density and porosity measurements show a manufacturer whether
his product has densified correctly (not in the intermediate stage for example), and they show
a user whether the product he has purchased matches with its specification.
Density, porosity and permeability measurements show whether a body is fully dense (as in
Figure 13), and whether therefore it can be expected to stand up to aggressive slag attack
and/or penetration by process gases. The type of porosity present in a body (closed or open)
has also an influence because a small amount of closed porosity will not translate into
permeability as would open porosity.
Density and porosity measurements can indicate whether a refractory is likely to be strong in
service (higher density = higher [strength / Youngs Modulus / abrasion resistance / knock
resistance]). High temperature creep is reduced / RUL is increased with higher density.
A degree of porosity can influence the thermal shock resistance of a refractory (more porosity
= better thermal shock resistance).
The density, porosity and pore size distribution of a refractory will influence its thermal
conductivity (more porous = more insulating), (finer closed porosity = more insulating) and
(fully dense = more conducting).
The density, porosity and pore size distribution of a refractory will influence its electrical
resistivity (higher porosity = higher electrical resistivity).
The density and porosity of a refractory will influence its heat capacity (higher density =
higher heat capacity) and (highly porous insulating = low heat capacity).
The density and porosity of a refractory will influence its PLC at high temperatures (higher
porosity refractory = higher PLC).
Some fine porosity can increase the toughness of a refractory by terminating propagating
Balanced (or Zoned) furnace linings use different grades of the same refractory with more or
less density (less or more porosity) for use in areas of greater or lesser (hence cheaper)
requirements respectively.
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4 Conclusions
Archimedes principle
Pycnometer types
measurement of Permeability
This presentation shows how important density, porosity, pore size distribution and
permeability are to the performance of refractories of various types, and why it is necessary
always to measure these of a refractory.
Carniglia, S.C., and Barna, G.L. (1992). Handbook of Industrial Refractories Technology,
ISBN: 0-8155-1304-6, Noyes Publications, United Staes of America.
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The Author
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