Spirituality Export Article
Spirituality Export Article
Spirituality Export Article
So begins the international trade with Indigenous peoples around The Department of Foreign
agreement signed by Canadian the world, including Bolivia, Affairs and International Trade
Aboriginal organizations and and Papua New Guinea. Four (DFAIT) has supported the work
leaders o the Otomi Nation Directions International was of Four Worlds for the past year,
during a trade mission to created in 1995 to fund the particularly in Mexico, where
Mexico in May 1999. Not the organization's non-profit officials continue to help
rhetoric, the words summarize humanitarian work. facilitate the implementation of
the guiding principles, and the trade agreement.
underpin the profound vision The trade agreement in DFAIT's Senior Advisor and
and success, of the Canadian Mexico with the Otomi, Circumpolar Affairs Division,
Aboriginal organization that representing more than 100,000 Laurent Charette, says, Four
facilitated the signing - Four indigenous peoples, points to Worlds had already done most
Worlds International Institute potential investment and profit- of the leg work. "This trade
for Human and Community making opportunities for mission was the right timing for
Development - and it's economic Canadian Aboriginal businesses Four Worlds; it gave them high
arm FOUR DIRECTIONS and communities. The include visibility in Mexico. But they
INTERNATIONAL. the production and export of had been meeting and consulting
organic coffee and herbal with potential partners there for
Four Worlds' success stems medicines for re-export, the the past seven years."
from its unique focus on the distribution of environmental The mission, sponsored by the
importance of culture and and information technologies, Assembly of First Nations,
spirituality in all dimensions of and the provision of technical Contigo of Canada, was the
human and community assistance in sustainable forestry first-ever Canadian Aboriginal
development. practices. Four Directions trade mission to Mexico.
already has a North American-
An internationally recognized wide distribution system in Charette feels that while Four
leader in human and community place through its partnership Worlds has all the elements of a
transformation, Four Worlds with U.S.-based Lotus Light modern trade organization, it's
International has roots going Inc., a joint venture with integration with the native
back 30 years, when it's founder Canadian information spiritual tradition is "one of the
Phil lane Jr. (who serves as Four technology company Syntec, keys to developing long-lasting
Worlds' International and a distribution agreement relationships with Indigenous
Coordinator and Four with the U.S, environmental peoples around the world."
Directions' President) began technology firm PolleyTech
working at the grass-roots level Corporation. WWW.FWII.NET