Y4PT Idearium 10 Years Report 2005 2015 Version 1
Y4PT Idearium 10 Years Report 2005 2015 Version 1
Y4PT Idearium 10 Years Report 2005 2015 Version 1
Y4PT Projects 37
Acknowledgements 63
Youths Of Y4PT 76
Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board (on behalf of UITP)
Y4PT Foundation
[email protected]
Introduction What happened in the world since
the UITP youth project started in
Around the world, an innovation revo-
lution for young group of people is growing
– often in the most unexpected places – and
increasingly led by young people themsel-
ves. Fueled by creativity, connectivity and • The Kyoto Protocol which is intended to 5
collaboration, new ways of solving problems cut global emissions of greenhouse gas
are emerging – in tech design studios and came into effect, without the support of Aus-
university laboratories, in development tralia and of President George W. BUSH; at
organizations and corporations, and in “tech the G8 Summit he told other leaders he
kitchens” and community centers. would not support legally binding reductions
on carbon emissions.
YOUTH FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT (Y4PT), • Pope John Paul II died and over 4 million
the IDEARIUM 2005-2015: REPORT ON people travelled to the Vatican to mourn him;
THE 1ST DECADE OF Y4PT meant to show- his communication skills and ability to reach
case briefly some of the numerous activities a huge part of the world will be always
of those last ten years, the work of some remembered.
remarkable young innovators who are
already reinventing the future and some of • Although his triumphs were controversial,
the valuable UITP members activities in the Lance ARMSTRONG made millions of bikers
field that everyday are contributing to act and cyclists happy winning a record seventh
for a better sustainable world through straight Tour de France editions before his
young people. scheduled retirement.
We invite the world to join this rising move- • Group of eight industrial nations pledge to
ment aimed at advancing the rights of every double aid to Africa to $50 billion a year by
young people in the world and to promote 2010, cancel the debt of many poor coun-
their positive, creative, imaginative tries, and open trade.
approach to sustainable mobility.
• Two women on the top of leadership:
Angela MERKEL, elected as Germany's first
female Federal Chancellor, and Ellen
JOHNSON-SIRLEAF, became Africa's first
female Head of State (Liberia).
• Hurricane Katrina wreaks catastrophic Most analysts believe this will be an arduous
damage on the Gulf coast; more than 1,000 task, to say the least.1
die and millions are left homeless. Ameri-
cans are shaken not simply by the magnitu- An arduous task that could be
de of the disaster but by how ill-prepared all solved by our new generations:
levels of government are in its aftermath.
“Never again is there likely to be such poten-
And the UITP Youth Project has just star- tial for economic and social progress,” the
6 ted: to involve hundreds of youths around report states. But the authors warn that this
the world to be part of one big family, the demographic surge could also have the
one promoting a real sustainable mobility potential to destabilize nations unless young
and attitude in the lifestyle of millions of people can secure access to health services,
people. education and jobs.
10 Years have passed now since then, and The challenges are most acute for less deve-
the global young population in between the loped countries, where nearly 9 out of 10 of
ages of 10 and 24 has grown from 1.03 the world’s young people reside. India alone
billion (18% of the people inhabiting the has a youth population of 356 million.
Earth) to a 1.8 billion around the world, a
historic peak. (Source: UNICEF The State of We urge Governments, Donors and Mentors
the World’s Children 2015) to invest in worldwide youth population’s
education, employment and health:
The world is continuing to warm up, sea
levels are raising more, and more ice caps “International support can unlock the poten-
are melting. Most experts believe the clima- tial of the next generation of innovators,
te change negotiations which will take place entrepreneurs, change agents and leaders”
in Paris in the last months of 2015 represent 2020 is our closest target: since 2005, our
our last chance to reach a binding interna- first young supporters are joining the Adult
tional deal to ensure carbon emissions are world and becoming the Decision-Makers of
curbed and global temperatures do not tomorrow. (Source: UNFPA The State of
increase a in the near future by a catastro- World Population 2014 Report)
phic 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
To achieve this goal, rich countries will have Y4PT is aiming to continue to be a reference,
to provide about USD 100 billion a year to an inventive actor, concrete and recognized
help poor nations to deal with the changes for CHANGE, this important part of the
that lie ahead while also agreeing to tight Population, in a world where everything is
and binding cuts in the greenhouse gas out- changing so fast. Y4PT is willing to change
puts from factories and cars. the behavior of this fundamental segment
and to make sustainable mobility their
1. http://data.unicef.org/corecode/uploads/document6/uploaded_pdfs/corecode/SOWC_2015_Summary_and_Tables_210.pdf
2. http://data.unicef.org/resources/the-state-of-the-worlds-children-report-2015
3. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
4. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
5. http://www.citylab.com/housing/2015/03/where-millennials-are-moving-now/388748/
6. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
7. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
In this IDEARIUM, you will find the voices of
our Y4PT young inventors, innovators,
artists and others to talk about the projects
they made, see, and needs which are
helping to drive. Many of their stories are
included and presented here.
...a better one.
Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT) - It was conceived to promote the develop-
www.y4pt.org - is a Belgium-based interna- ment of demand for public transport by
tional youth-led pro-sustainable-mobility young people during their lifetime
non-profit non-governmental organization (generational change) and to close the
(iNGO) created by International Association "communication gap" between them and
of Public Transport (UITP) - www.uitp.org - the UITP members, and thus, to change
acting as its "Parent Organization" and sus- their perception on public transport.
tained by Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM)
S.p.A. - www.fnmgroup.it - acting as its From the beginning Y4PT has succeeded
"Honorary Founding Member". after the UITP backing, but also thanks to
the voluntary work of committed and quali-
Y4PT encourages the active participation fied youth around the world. Among other
of young people to advocate sustainable possibilities, by establishing the Y4PT
mobility by promoting the integrated use of Foundation, UITP members and other mo-
public transport along with other means bility stakeholders worldwide will be able to
and modes of transport, in order to seek a develop their mission of corporate social
greater welfare and a better quality of life responsibility (CSR).
for all people throughout the world, espe-
cially young people. From now the relationship between UITP
and Y4PT must be regarded as "an organi-
Y4PT advocates and communicates on sus- zation within another organization": UITP
tainable mobility from a youth approach. will of course remain the "parent organiza-
Furthermore Y4PT fosters employment, tion" of Y4PT and it will be recorded in
education and participation opportunities history as the one who bounded for its
for young people in the transport-related creation. In this regard, the creation of the
mobility sector worldwide. Y4PT Foundation was unanimously
decided by the "UITP Policy Board" met on
Y4PT was thought up and is supported by October 24, 2012 in London (United King-
UITP and is sponsored by its members and dom, Europe).
other stakeholders around the world.
Y4PT Foundation was legally established
HISTORY on 21 March 2013 in Brussels-Capital Region
(Belgium, Europe) and was officially
Created by decision of the "UITP Policy launched on 27 May 2013 in Geneva
Board" met on November 25, 2005 in (Switzerland, Europe) at the 60th edition of 11
Amman (Jordan, Middle East), the "UITP the "UITP World Congress and Mobility &
Youth Project" acted under the name City Transport Exhibition" by UITP and
"Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT)” - Roads & Transport Authority of the Emirate
www.y4pt.org - since June 11, 2009 after of Dubai (RTA Dubai) - www.rta.ae – as the
the 58th edition of the "UITP World Con- "1st Honorary Founding Member". In 2014,
gress and Mobility & City Transport Exhibi- Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) S.p.A. became
tion" held in Vienna (Austria, Europe). a “Honorary Founding Member”.
SOCIAL GOAL • "THE" world youth forum on sustainable
mobility, to exchange arguments and ideas
Y4PT focuses all its activities for achieving on “how is” (positive view) and “how should
a sustainable development (sustainable be” (normative view) sustainable mobility
mobility in particular) for all inhabitants of around the world;
the planet, through the promotion of public
transport along with other modes and • "THE" world center of "young knowledge"
means of transport, which solve accessibil- on sustainable mobility, to preserve and
ity issues and needs (to essential goods and disseminate (universalize) knowledge and
services), for the most disadvantaged and experiences (such as best practices, lessons
excluded people, especially youth, and learned, know-how, etc.) generated by
thus, ensuring them a greater welfare and young people on sustainable mobility and
quality of life. related issues. In this sense, Y4PT promotes
research and innovation initiatives to pro-
For doing that Y4PT strives and is meant to vide doable (feasible) solutions for
be "THE" main channel of promotion, com- transport-related mobility problems
12 munication, education, employment and throughout the world.
participation for youth on transport-related
mobility issues. As such, it acts as: • "THE" global bank of opportunities for
youth in the transport-related mobility
• "THE" global pro-sustainable-mobility sector, to act as a mediator in providing job
youth movement, by tracing a global grow- (either as entrepreneurs or workforce) and
ing trend in using (demanding) sustainable education (including training) opportuni-
modes and means of transport (particularly ties in the transport-related mobility sector,
those public-transport-centered) as main at different geographic levels, for qualified
mobility alternatives; young people with will of excelling. There-
fore Y4PT contributes to the "development
• "THE" global youth spoke-person & "THE" (building) capacity" of young people
global youth platform on sustainable mobil- around the world.
ity, for claiming the decisive role of youth in
building the current public transport One of the Y4PT’s main goals is to ensure
(including other modes and means of trans- that young people have legitimate and
port) since future generations will inherit it. effective rights to deliberate and vote on
And also for ensuring them a better visibil- transport-related mobility issues at all levels
ity in all scenarios and for facilitating their and in all scenarios, since they are currently
communication with other stakeholders an important category of public transport
related to sustainable mobility around the users (mobility actors above all) and they
world; are heirs of all decisions taken by adults at
• "THE" global pro-sustainable-mobility present time.
youth network, to bring together young
people from all over the world who share a Y4PT addresses issues in two ways:
genuine and mutual interest in sustainable
mobility; • On the one hand, from the “demand side”
and hence “consumers”: How can young young people dwell on sustainable mobility.
people's ideas help to improve sustainable Also to encourage virtual discussion spaces
mobility? by using current information and communi-
cation technologies (ICTs) such as Internet
• On the other hand, from the “supply side” ("Y4PT Website: www.y4pt.org" and "Foru-
and therefore “producers”: How can sus- matter Website: www.forumatter.org").
tainable mobility turn people’s lives
(especially youth’s ones) more affordable? • To reward and prize best ideas and prac-
tices involving young people as agents of
VISION change in favor of sustainable mobility
("Y4PT Youth Awards").
“Building better means and modes of trans-
port from a youth approach, and thus, con- • To create and strengthen cooperation
tributing to a sustainable mobility around agreements ("partnership for develop-
the world. “ ment") with local, regional and international
organizations focused on sustainable mo-
MISSION bility and/or youth ("Y4PT Youth Advocacy
For Sustainable Mobility").
“Developing real opportunities through
which young people from all over the world • To promote training programs for young
can carry out their ideas on sustainable mo- people for turning them into better mobility
bility.” actors ("Y4PT Youth Training on Sustain-
able Mobility").
• To foster the production and dissemina-
Y4PT is an international, civil, youth-led, tion of knowledge on sustainable mobility
non-for-profit (non-profit), non-governmental, from the creative and innovative point of
voluntary, charitable, transparent, pluralist, view of youth ("Y4PT U-TH Know-How," 13
altruistic, solidary, autonomous, indepen- and "Y4PT Youth Labs on Sustainable
dent and educational organization, with Mobility").
cooperative identity and non-political gen-
eral interest, which does not discriminate in • To promote academic and professional
terms of race, color, creed, religion, nation- exchange programs at any geographic level
ality, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. for qualified young people with real interest
in sustainable mobility ("Y4PT Youth Job
Bank": www.employouth.org ).
• To perform “spare-time” activities as a
To achieve its social goal, Y4PT may, among more effective way to spread youth’s mes-
others, carry out the following activities: sage on sustainable mobility ("Y4PT Flash
Mobs " and "Y4PT caPTureIdeo Contest").
• To organize on-site/face-to-face parlia-
ments ("Y4PT Youth Parliaments"), where
• To participate at different third-party-
organized events around the world cen-
tered on sustainable mobility and/or youth.
Y4PT World Youth Meetings Series
From its roots as a small gathering, among a
handful of young people from different profiles
but all related with the transport-related mobil-
ity sector, the Meetings today calls youth
delegates from all over the world.
World meeting objectives:
• To implement our worldwide youth-led
movement in favor of sustainable mobility
through public transport promotion.
• To act as an international platform for
young people to put forward their ideas on
sustainable mobility, by exchanging and
20 disseminating knowledge.
• To be a worldwide network in connecting
young people from different profiles and
with keen and genuine interest in sustain-
able mobility issues.
• To raise transport-related mobility stake-
holders attention on Y4PT initiatives to
make them possible.
Y4PT has adopted the Flash Mobs as a way During our two editions, in 2010 and 2011,
to express Public Transport and Sustainable we reached a maximum number of 10 and
Mobility concerns. We have been the first 20 cities in the world acting on the slogans:
international group performing worldwide
Flashmobs related to the Public Transport - 2010: Public Transport makes us feel like
and Sustainable Mobility subjects. home 25
- 2011: Public Transport makes us free
What makes us different is that our Y4PT
Flashmobs are not happening just in one
The idea is to get to the street, reach and Mostly every city in the world acts the
involve street people preaching and pro- same: particularly the developing countries
moting a change on the Mobility sector, are willing to go through the phase of the
because it is only there, where real people car in order for then returning to the stage
can produce real change. Attract the atten- of public transport. Can we invert this ten-
tion of the Authorities and Media in order dency?
to possibly create a buzz on Public Policies
and possibly reach concrete results to have Special thanks goes to all the cities’
concrete local changes on the Public trans- Authorities, Public Transport’s Companies
portation systems. and people that ignited, so far, our Y4PT
Flash Mobs:
The tasks aimed at educating the popula-
tion, to create public awareness that Beirut, Bogota, Brussels, Dubai, Dusseldorf,
enables a change. People should realize Guadalajara, Helsinki, Kathmandu, Karl-
the car is not an instrument of power and sruhe, Lima, Melbourne, Monterrey, New
the achievement of a life: instead, public Delhi, Paris, Perugia, Rome, Salvador de
transport becomes a way of living, a sus- Bahia, Sao Paulo, Sohar, Taipei, Ekaterin-
tainable and useful transportation alterna- burg, amog others.
tive regardless of socioeconomic level of
Are you
ready to
get on
board for
the next
Did you know that Y4PT Youth Awards young people; they are an effective way to
were the precursors of the UITP Awards? share best practices and lessons learned,
and to transfer meaningful knowledge and
The editions of Y4PT Youth Awards have experience- among the wide range of
been and are opportunities to showcase transport-related mobility stakeholders.
youth ideas and projects from the stake-
holders of the public transport world.
3 Winners
Land Transport Authority (LTA)
(Gauteng Province, South Africa)
2011 ategorie
e C sf
With this contest, Y4PT brought the youth 29
to focus on new creative and innovative
These were
ways to think about Public Transport that Education
can help improve the urban world. Design and Art
Sustainable Energies
tos a
Technology and ITS
Tags and Slogans.
30 videos
on 3 Winners:
Grand Prize Photo Award:
Héctor Romero from Mexico, for the 5
different categories.
Grand Prize Video Award:
Michele Cazzaniga, Italy with
“Place for good meetings”
Special Award
“We believe in YOUth” to Yong Qi hin Lee,
Wai Pan Tam and Siu Ming Wong from
MTR Hong Kong.
Stadium Project transport and its integration with feeder
services consisting of auto rickshaws. The
bus services will be monitored in real time
via interfaces with GPS positioning systems.
Y4PT participated as Focus Group at the
Delhi demonstration and workshop, that
took place before the Games, representing
the users’ category,
34 ds/Theme_B_Session_2_CB-I/324-paper-t Y4PT has cooperated with AEGEE in the
ransedAbstract00051.pdf second edition of the project “Europe on
Track - Capture the future of Europe!”
winner of the European Charlemagne Youth
Other EU-funded Prize in 2013.
To raise awareness on the importance of
Projects: using sustainable modes of transport to
reduce EU greenhouse emissions
Y4PT is currently participating in: Building upon the findings of the first
edition, Europe on Track 2 became once
• Zero Emission Urban Bus System (ZeEUS)
again a communication channel between
Project (coming soon)
young people and decision makers. Six par-
• EU Horizon 2020 Call (applying)
ticipants have been traveling across the
continent from Western Europe, through
central-eastern Europe, touching the
Balkans and some of the EU neighboring
countries, like Belarus and Ukraine.
Y4PT has been responsible for organizing In Prague more than 55% of all the journeys
and monitoring the sustainability aspect of are done via public transport: as long as the
the project - being one of the core values of system functions properly young people
Europe on Track. will be more prone to use trams, busses and
metro thus limiting their usage of the
The Y4PT Ambassadors has encouraged private cars.
the use of sustainable means of transport
such as trains, buses, metros and bicycles
where available and shared their experience
on using the different modes of transport.
The carbon footprint of the entire travel of
the ambassadors has been calculated to
raise awareness on the importance of our
everyday decisions in shaping the future
The idea is the one of a unique worldwide
platform linking Transport-related Mobility
sector and Youth seeking jobs opportuni-
ties in that field.
we all dream of living in - for ourselves and
for others? It is nearly two centuries since
French writer Jean-Baptiste ALPHONSE
KARR’s famous epigram ‘the more things
Change or perish is the new motto which is
unlikely to be seriously challenged for a
long time to come.
such thing as change is to invite ridicule. At
the same time, change means disturbing
the comfort zone, which is a stress. Most of
us tend to get worked up about any
change, either anticipated or current, and in
the bargain fail to deal with it and assimilate
it properly. The paradoxical trick lies in
turn our world upside down is a stress
buster which will enable us to handle the
stress of change with a better balance of
Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT)
[email protected]
Mr. Mattar Mohammed AL-TAYER
1st Honorary Founding Member of Y4PT Foundation (2013-2015)
Current Chairman of the Board and CEO of RTA Dubai
Autograde Industries LLC
We would like to thank all of you that participated to the birth of this Foundation that is
Y4PT and encourage you to continue in this wonderful activity of making the life of millions
sustainable and natural, in tune with the rhythm of our Planet.
A big cheer to you, volunteers, passionate supporters, colleagues for your daily actions all
over the world.
To end, at the edge of our 10 years of life and just at 2-year time from our future 6th Y4PT
World Youth Meeting (Y4PT Montreal 2017), we are willing to remind you at a glance and
numbers, all our actions so unique and special, so well merging emotion and technology,
quite a rare combination at this Time.
Y4PT in numbers
1. Y4PT Youth Parliament series (15 editions)
How many Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all editions? More than 300 young people from all
over the world, producing fifteen (15) Y4PT Youth Parliament Reports. 67
How many projects in total, all editions? More than 15 innovative projects tackling a wide
range of transport-related issues.
68 How many of Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all presentations? More than 30 young people
from all over the world.
54 How many Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all editions? More than 100 young people from all
over the world.
7. Y4PT International Youth Awards series (3 editions):
a. Africa
i. Y4PT South Africa in Johannesburg
b. America
i. Y4PT Bolivia in La Paz
ii. Y4PT Brazil in Curitiba
iii. Y4PT Brazil in Rio de Janeiro
iv. Y4PT Brazil in São Paulo
v. Y4PT Canada in Montreal
vi. Y4PT Canada in Vancouver
vii. Y4PT Colombia in Bogotá 69
viii. Y4PT El Salvador in San Salvador
ix. Y4PT Mexico in Guadalajara
x. Y4PT Panama in Panama City
c. Asia
i. Y4PT Bahrain in Manama
ii. Y4PT China in Shanghai
iii. Y4PT China in Shenzhen
iv. Y4PT India in Bangalore
v. Y4PT India in New Delhi
vi. Y4PT Iran in Tehran: http://old.y4pt.org/?p=3320
vii. Y4PT Kuwait in Kuwait City
viii. Y4PT Lebanon in Beirut
ix. Y4PT Nepal in Kathmandu
x. Y4PT Pakistan in Peshawar
xi. Y4PT Oman in Sohar
xii. Y4PT Qatar in Doha
xiii. Y4PT Taiwan in Taipei
xiv. Y4PT Turkey in Istanbul
xv. Y4PT United Arab Emirates in Dubai
d. Europe
i. Y4PT Austria in Vienna
ii. Y4PT Belgium in Antwerp
iii. Y4PT Belgium in Brussels & EU
iv. Y4PT England in London
v. Y4PT Finland in Helsinki
vi. Y4PT France in Paris
vii. Y4PT Germany in Karlsruhe
viii. Y4PT Greece in Athens
ix. Y4PT Italy in Florence
x. Y4PT Italy in Milan
xi. Y4PT Italy in Rome
70 xii. Y4PT Netherlands in Delft
xiii. Y4PT Russia in Moscow
xiv. Y4PT Spain in Madrid
e. Oceania
i. Y4PT Australia in Melbourne
12. Y4PT on Internet and major social networking websites (as of 21-May-2015):
a. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/250503794992509
i. Page Likes: 2309 likes
ii. Page Review Score: 5 of 5 Stars
b. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Y4PT
i. Profile Followers: 1036 followers
c. LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/Y4PT
i. Company Followers: 115 followers
d. YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Y4PT
i. All-videos Views: 1328 views
e. Google+: http://plus.google.com/102522216748813359915/
i. Page Views: 17132 views
f. Y4PT Website: http://www.y4pt.org
i. Website views: 33745 views (1-year period: from 20-May-2014 to 20-May-
We named this book IDEARIUM – the geni-
tive plural of idea.
The reason:
Julia LILA (Finland)
Malcolm LESLEY (United Kingdom)
Ruby MAHDI (Lebanon)
Muhammad MANDOORI (Pakistan)
Ali MURAD (Oman)
Heyder RIBEIRO (Brazil)
David ROJAS ENRÍQUEZ (Colombia)
Priya RAWAT (India)
Dirk SEMPER (Germany)
Federico SPANO (Italy)
Mark SPITERI (Australia)
Bruno STOCKEL (Italy)
Thiago TAVARES (Brazil)
Anna TOKAREVA (Russia)
Artiom TSAREV (Russia)
Mikael UDDSTRÖM (Finland)
Oliver WITTMAIER (Germany)
Hannes WUTZEL (Austria)
There are various tailored options; what role fits you better?
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• PARTNER: Create synergies along with Y4PT to tackle different issues that
are challenging the way forward to a sustainable world.