Y4PT Idearium 10 Years Report 2005 2015 Version 1

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‘cause we believe in YOUth

Copyright © by Youth for Public Transport All rights reserved.

Rue Saint Marie 6, Brussels, Belgium 1080
First Edition published in May 2015 by UITP
Designed by Alfredo Barba Uribe Printed in Mexico
Introduction 5

What Y4PT Foundation Is Now? 10

Our Organization Structure At A Glance 15

The World Of Y4PT Chapters 16

Y4PT Fundamentals - The Stepping Stone 18

Youth World Meetings
Youth Parliaments
Youth Laboratories

Y4PT - Enabling The Change 24

Flash Mobs
Youth Awards And Contest
caPTure Contest

Y4PT And The European Projects 31

Y4PT Projects 37

Y4PT The Exhibit 43

Youth Forces - Extraordinary Stories Of Young Innovators 47

Acknowledgements 63

Conclusions - Y4PT In Numbers 67

Youths Of Y4PT 76

How To Get Involved In Y4PT 77

As one of the 12 Members of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki
–Moon’s High- level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport,
whose objective is about “promoting accelerated implementa-
tion of sustainable transport, aligned closely with the objectives
of inclusive and equitable growth, social development, protec-
tion of the global environment and ecosystems, and addressing
climate change”, I am very happy to introduce you to the world
of Y4PT.

After 10 years of Y4PT pioneering a new field , the one of Youth

and Public Transport, this Book is presenting the activities of
our Youth Global NGO, aiming at fundamentally transforming
how the world looks at Public Transport and Sustainability,
through the Youth.

In 10 years, we have touched the lives of thousands of young

people; in 10 years, we have invested in 20 countries willing to
change the vision of Public Transport and in those ten years, we
set up ambassadors and branches all over those countries
where they Volunteer daily, act, change and promote a sustaina-
ble life.

I am pleased to introduce some of the people that made this

Foundation possible and to present some of their ideas, dreams
and actions to transform positively the world.

Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board (on behalf of UITP)
Y4PT Foundation
[email protected]
Introduction What happened in the world since
the UITP youth project started in
Around the world, an innovation revo-
lution for young group of people is growing
– often in the most unexpected places – and
increasingly led by young people themsel-
ves. Fueled by creativity, connectivity and • The Kyoto Protocol which is intended to 5
collaboration, new ways of solving problems cut global emissions of greenhouse gas
are emerging – in tech design studios and came into effect, without the support of Aus-
university laboratories, in development tralia and of President George W. BUSH; at
organizations and corporations, and in “tech the G8 Summit he told other leaders he
kitchens” and community centers. would not support legally binding reductions
on carbon emissions.
YOUTH FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT (Y4PT), • Pope John Paul II died and over 4 million
the IDEARIUM 2005-2015: REPORT ON people travelled to the Vatican to mourn him;
THE 1ST DECADE OF Y4PT meant to show- his communication skills and ability to reach
case briefly some of the numerous activities a huge part of the world will be always
of those last ten years, the work of some remembered.
remarkable young innovators who are
already reinventing the future and some of • Although his triumphs were controversial,
the valuable UITP members activities in the Lance ARMSTRONG made millions of bikers
field that everyday are contributing to act and cyclists happy winning a record seventh
for a better sustainable world through straight Tour de France editions before his
young people. scheduled retirement.

We invite the world to join this rising move- • Group of eight industrial nations pledge to
ment aimed at advancing the rights of every double aid to Africa to $50 billion a year by
young people in the world and to promote 2010, cancel the debt of many poor coun-
their positive, creative, imaginative tries, and open trade.
approach to sustainable mobility.
• Two women on the top of leadership:
Angela MERKEL, elected as Germany's first
female Federal Chancellor, and Ellen
JOHNSON-SIRLEAF, became Africa's first
female Head of State (Liberia).
• Hurricane Katrina wreaks catastrophic Most analysts believe this will be an arduous
damage on the Gulf coast; more than 1,000 task, to say the least.1
die and millions are left homeless. Ameri-
cans are shaken not simply by the magnitu- An arduous task that could be
de of the disaster but by how ill-prepared all solved by our new generations:
levels of government are in its aftermath.
“Never again is there likely to be such poten-
And the UITP Youth Project has just star- tial for economic and social progress,” the
6 ted: to involve hundreds of youths around report states. But the authors warn that this
the world to be part of one big family, the demographic surge could also have the
one promoting a real sustainable mobility potential to destabilize nations unless young
and attitude in the lifestyle of millions of people can secure access to health services,
people. education and jobs.

10 Years have passed now since then, and The challenges are most acute for less deve-
the global young population in between the loped countries, where nearly 9 out of 10 of
ages of 10 and 24 has grown from 1.03 the world’s young people reside. India alone
billion (18% of the people inhabiting the has a youth population of 356 million.
Earth) to a 1.8 billion around the world, a
historic peak. (Source: UNICEF The State of We urge Governments, Donors and Mentors
the World’s Children 2015) to invest in worldwide youth population’s
education, employment and health:
The world is continuing to warm up, sea
levels are raising more, and more ice caps “International support can unlock the poten-
are melting. Most experts believe the clima- tial of the next generation of innovators,
te change negotiations which will take place entrepreneurs, change agents and leaders”
in Paris in the last months of 2015 represent 2020 is our closest target: since 2005, our
our last chance to reach a binding interna- first young supporters are joining the Adult
tional deal to ensure carbon emissions are world and becoming the Decision-Makers of
curbed and global temperatures do not tomorrow. (Source: UNFPA The State of
increase a in the near future by a catastro- World Population 2014 Report)
phic 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
To achieve this goal, rich countries will have Y4PT is aiming to continue to be a reference,
to provide about USD 100 billion a year to an inventive actor, concrete and recognized
help poor nations to deal with the changes for CHANGE, this important part of the
that lie ahead while also agreeing to tight Population, in a world where everything is
and binding cuts in the greenhouse gas out- changing so fast. Y4PT is willing to change
puts from factories and cars. the behavior of this fundamental segment
and to make sustainable mobility their

1. (Source: Robin MCKIE, Science Editor at The Guardian)

everyday choice, the so-called “business as and to contribute in fulfilling the right of
usual” but “normality” in a new embraced young people to participate in shaping this
lifestyle, positive and healthy. world with clear roles for young people at all
levels and in all countries.
During all these 10 years developing Y4PT,
we did our best to induce more and more We are willing to follow the migrations of
young people to engage, take action and young people and brains; because unders-
become conscious about the situation; from tanding where these migrations are happe-
a few dozen to some hundreds and then to ning will have a deep impact on the future of
thousands of them, these are the youth the cities, will reshape them and change the
forces that are now aware and participating geography of nations.4,5
to what Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT)
is now: a Foundation whose mission is to We are willing to continue to make imagina-
advocate, communicate, create actions, and tive proposals on sustainable mobility, edu-
educate all over the world, keeping the cation, employment, health, environment,
girls and young women security, the full and
fundamental issue of sustainable mobility as
effective participation of youth in the life of
its principle goal.
society and in decision-making. Without
forgetting that peace and personal security
We call for brave and fresh thinking; we call
are the new issues of this time.
for innovation and for the best and brightest
solutions coming from each person, young We are going to flag the HEALTHY MOBILI-
or older, for the purpose of scaling it up for TY over time, by introducing an holistic
the benefit every human being. Our goal is vision, comprehensive of different issues,
to create an interconnected worldwide among them, food education and food-
system of problem solvers that crosses sec- related disorders and diseases.
tors, generations and countries, adapting 7
local solutions to new challenges. And pro- We will discuss ways in which Y4PT can shift
mote sustainable development and mobility. from the Millennium Development Goals to
sustainable development (SDGs).6,7
Our future from now until 2020
We are willing to strengthen the participa-
tion, particularly of those most marginalized
young people, to improve our event outputs

1. http://data.unicef.org/corecode/uploads/document6/uploaded_pdfs/corecode/SOWC_2015_Summary_and_Tables_210.pdf
2. http://data.unicef.org/resources/the-state-of-the-worlds-children-report-2015
3. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
4. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
5. http://www.citylab.com/housing/2015/03/where-millennials-are-moving-now/388748/
6. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
7. http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/youth2015/pdf/background_note.pdf
In this IDEARIUM, you will find the voices of
our Y4PT young inventors, innovators,
artists and others to talk about the projects
they made, see, and needs which are
helping to drive. Many of their stories are
included and presented here.

We invite you to join this conversation,

share your own ideas and experience, and
create connections that might just bring
about exponential change for the most
disadvantaged young people.

Who knows what ideas you might inspire,

what actions you might inform, what colla-
borators you might find, what change you
might make.

Don’t think of this just as a publication by

Y4PT. Think of it as a shared one, to take
inspiration, collaborate with us and make
this human world...

...a better one.
Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT) - It was conceived to promote the develop-
www.y4pt.org - is a Belgium-based interna- ment of demand for public transport by
tional youth-led pro-sustainable-mobility young people during their lifetime
non-profit non-governmental organization (generational change) and to close the
(iNGO) created by International Association "communication gap" between them and
of Public Transport (UITP) - www.uitp.org - the UITP members, and thus, to change
acting as its "Parent Organization" and sus- their perception on public transport.
tained by Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM)
S.p.A. - www.fnmgroup.it - acting as its From the beginning Y4PT has succeeded
"Honorary Founding Member". after the UITP backing, but also thanks to
the voluntary work of committed and quali-
Y4PT encourages the active participation fied youth around the world. Among other
of young people to advocate sustainable possibilities, by establishing the Y4PT
mobility by promoting the integrated use of Foundation, UITP members and other mo-
public transport along with other means bility stakeholders worldwide will be able to
and modes of transport, in order to seek a develop their mission of corporate social
greater welfare and a better quality of life responsibility (CSR).
for all people throughout the world, espe-
cially young people. From now the relationship between UITP
and Y4PT must be regarded as "an organi-
Y4PT advocates and communicates on sus- zation within another organization": UITP
tainable mobility from a youth approach. will of course remain the "parent organiza-
Furthermore Y4PT fosters employment, tion" of Y4PT and it will be recorded in
education and participation opportunities history as the one who bounded for its
for young people in the transport-related creation. In this regard, the creation of the
mobility sector worldwide. Y4PT Foundation was unanimously
decided by the "UITP Policy Board" met on
Y4PT was thought up and is supported by October 24, 2012 in London (United King-
UITP and is sponsored by its members and dom, Europe).
other stakeholders around the world.
Y4PT Foundation was legally established
HISTORY on 21 March 2013 in Brussels-Capital Region
(Belgium, Europe) and was officially
Created by decision of the "UITP Policy launched on 27 May 2013 in Geneva
Board" met on November 25, 2005 in (Switzerland, Europe) at the 60th edition of 11
Amman (Jordan, Middle East), the "UITP the "UITP World Congress and Mobility &
Youth Project" acted under the name City Transport Exhibition" by UITP and
"Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT)” - Roads & Transport Authority of the Emirate
www.y4pt.org - since June 11, 2009 after of Dubai (RTA Dubai) - www.rta.ae – as the
the 58th edition of the "UITP World Con- "1st Honorary Founding Member". In 2014,
gress and Mobility & City Transport Exhibi- Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) S.p.A. became
tion" held in Vienna (Austria, Europe). a “Honorary Founding Member”.
SOCIAL GOAL • "THE" world youth forum on sustainable
mobility, to exchange arguments and ideas
Y4PT focuses all its activities for achieving on “how is” (positive view) and “how should
a sustainable development (sustainable be” (normative view) sustainable mobility
mobility in particular) for all inhabitants of around the world;
the planet, through the promotion of public
transport along with other modes and • "THE" world center of "young knowledge"
means of transport, which solve accessibil- on sustainable mobility, to preserve and
ity issues and needs (to essential goods and disseminate (universalize) knowledge and
services), for the most disadvantaged and experiences (such as best practices, lessons
excluded people, especially youth, and learned, know-how, etc.) generated by
thus, ensuring them a greater welfare and young people on sustainable mobility and
quality of life. related issues. In this sense, Y4PT promotes
research and innovation initiatives to pro-
For doing that Y4PT strives and is meant to vide doable (feasible) solutions for
be "THE" main channel of promotion, com- transport-related mobility problems
12 munication, education, employment and throughout the world.
participation for youth on transport-related
mobility issues. As such, it acts as: • "THE" global bank of opportunities for
youth in the transport-related mobility
• "THE" global pro-sustainable-mobility sector, to act as a mediator in providing job
youth movement, by tracing a global grow- (either as entrepreneurs or workforce) and
ing trend in using (demanding) sustainable education (including training) opportuni-
modes and means of transport (particularly ties in the transport-related mobility sector,
those public-transport-centered) as main at different geographic levels, for qualified
mobility alternatives; young people with will of excelling. There-
fore Y4PT contributes to the "development
• "THE" global youth spoke-person & "THE" (building) capacity" of young people
global youth platform on sustainable mobil- around the world.
ity, for claiming the decisive role of youth in
building the current public transport One of the Y4PT’s main goals is to ensure
(including other modes and means of trans- that young people have legitimate and
port) since future generations will inherit it. effective rights to deliberate and vote on
And also for ensuring them a better visibil- transport-related mobility issues at all levels
ity in all scenarios and for facilitating their and in all scenarios, since they are currently
communication with other stakeholders an important category of public transport
related to sustainable mobility around the users (mobility actors above all) and they
world; are heirs of all decisions taken by adults at
• "THE" global pro-sustainable-mobility present time.
youth network, to bring together young
people from all over the world who share a Y4PT addresses issues in two ways:
genuine and mutual interest in sustainable
mobility; • On the one hand, from the “demand side”
and hence “consumers”: How can young young people dwell on sustainable mobility.
people's ideas help to improve sustainable Also to encourage virtual discussion spaces
mobility? by using current information and communi-
cation technologies (ICTs) such as Internet
• On the other hand, from the “supply side” ("Y4PT Website: www.y4pt.org" and "Foru-
and therefore “producers”: How can sus- matter Website: www.forumatter.org").
tainable mobility turn people’s lives
(especially youth’s ones) more affordable? • To reward and prize best ideas and prac-
tices involving young people as agents of
VISION change in favor of sustainable mobility
("Y4PT Youth Awards").
“Building better means and modes of trans-
port from a youth approach, and thus, con- • To create and strengthen cooperation
tributing to a sustainable mobility around agreements ("partnership for develop-
the world. “ ment") with local, regional and international
organizations focused on sustainable mo-
MISSION bility and/or youth ("Y4PT Youth Advocacy
For Sustainable Mobility").
“Developing real opportunities through
which young people from all over the world • To promote training programs for young
can carry out their ideas on sustainable mo- people for turning them into better mobility
bility.” actors ("Y4PT Youth Training on Sustain-
able Mobility").
• To foster the production and dissemina-
Y4PT is an international, civil, youth-led, tion of knowledge on sustainable mobility
non-for-profit (non-profit), non-governmental, from the creative and innovative point of
voluntary, charitable, transparent, pluralist, view of youth ("Y4PT U-TH Know-How," 13
altruistic, solidary, autonomous, indepen- and "Y4PT Youth Labs on Sustainable
dent and educational organization, with Mobility").
cooperative identity and non-political gen-
eral interest, which does not discriminate in • To promote academic and professional
terms of race, color, creed, religion, nation- exchange programs at any geographic level
ality, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. for qualified young people with real interest
in sustainable mobility ("Y4PT Youth Job
Bank": www.employouth.org ).
• To perform “spare-time” activities as a
To achieve its social goal, Y4PT may, among more effective way to spread youth’s mes-
others, carry out the following activities: sage on sustainable mobility ("Y4PT Flash
Mobs " and "Y4PT caPTureIdeo Contest").
• To organize on-site/face-to-face parlia-
ments ("Y4PT Youth Parliaments"), where
• To participate at different third-party-
organized events around the world cen-
tered on sustainable mobility and/or youth.

52 For Y4PT is a core issue to contribute with

global sustainable development, particu-
larly sustainable mobility from youth
approach, often undervalued and rejected.
14 Y4PT sees in young people a great dormant
potential, that adults have not taken com-
plete advantage for solving current prob-
lems of modern life. Y4PT will be socially
profitable but also financially viable at the
same time to carry out all its activities
(achieving balance between both sides is a

Y4PT is aware of the transversality of the

concept of mobility in the framework of
sustainable development and thus, it may
incidentally deal with other issues such as
social inclusion and cohesion, inter-
culturalism, conservationism, architecture,
urban planning, gender equality, good gov-
ernance, employment, active citizenship,
health, food security, climate change,
humanitarian assistance, trade fair, among
other priorities of current life.
Our Organization Structure At A Glance
Y4PT Foundation is managed by a Board of • Mr. Alfredo BARBA, Co-Founder
Directors (BOD) made of five (5) members:

• Mr. Alain FLAUSCH (on behalf of UITP),

Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board

• Mr. Kubilay ALTUN, Co-Founder

• Mrs. Alessandra GORINI, Co-Founder & Execu-

tive Director

In order to carry out the multiple activities of

• Mr. Sebastián PERNET, Co-Founder & Treasurer the Y4PT Foundation, the Y4PT Board of Direc-
tors (BOD) is supported by an Operational
Board (OPB) (around fifteen (15) members, by 15
providing support in organizational functional
areas such as finance, ICT, human resources,
marketing, among others) plus all the General
Coordinators of each city-level-based Y4PT
Chapter around the world.


Y4PT World Youth Meetings Series
From its roots as a small gathering, among a
handful of young people from different profiles
but all related with the transport-related mobil-
ity sector, the Meetings today calls youth
delegates from all over the world.

This is a special moment of celebration and

networking of young people that have only
met via the Internet but works together on our
sustainable mobility cause.

World meeting objectives:
• To implement our worldwide youth-led
movement in favor of sustainable mobility
through public transport promotion.
• To act as an international platform for
young people to put forward their ideas on
sustainable mobility, by exchanging and
20 disseminating knowledge.
• To be a worldwide network in connecting
young people from different profiles and
with keen and genuine interest in sustain-
able mobility issues.
• To raise transport-related mobility stake-
holders attention on Y4PT initiatives to
make them possible.

The five editions of the Y4PT World Youth

Meeting series have taken place:

• 1st Y4PT World Youth Meeting Vienna 2009

• 2nd Y4PT World Youth Meeting Dubai 2011
• 3rd Y4PT World Youth Meeting Geneva 2013
• 4th Y4PT World Youth Meeting Dubai 2014
• 5th Y4PT World Youth Meeting Milan 2015
Y4PT Youth
Parliaments Series
Y4PT is sensitizing young people all
through the world organizing parliaments:
in practical, whenever a UITP member is
ready to engage on a different perspective
of mobility, it collaborates to find, through
a university or its own organization, a
group of young people that will debate,
discuss and propose their vision for a
different and sustainable mobility.

This is a unique exercise permitting to

identify common concerns of youth and
problems where youth can actively con-
tribute proposing different solutions for
the possible changes.

In the meanwhile, it extends the knowl-

edge of the world of mobility to the impor-
tant voices of the youth all throughout the

Subsequently, follow up of the Parliament’s 21

initiatives are undertaken by local Y4PT
Chapter Representatives to:

• Pursue local long term’s actions with

• Create attention through different kind of
actions, including event organization,
Facebook pages, etc.
• Generate press conferences on the issues
• Presentations at universities
• Presentations at industries, operators
and authorities
So far, Y4PT has organized fifteen Y4PT It is a slow process but a steady one: all the
Youth Parliaments around the world involv- youth delegates are continuing to take
ing more than 300 young people on the action for a better world since 2005 where
debate for a new sustainable mobility: we have generated a new movement, which
has being “copied” by important interna-
2008: Karlsruhe (Germany), Istanbul tional actors: we are proud of it, of being the
(Turkey), Johannesburg (South Africa), engine, the catalyst, and the innovators of a
Vancouver (Canada), Guadalajara (Mexico), new culture, the one that the youth of this
Milan (Italy); 2009: Taipei (Taiwan), Vienna world is feeling to develop a culture of
(Austria), Bogota (Colombia); 2010: New healthy and durable planet.
Delhi (India), Karlsruhe (Germany); 2011:
Sohar (Oman), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); 2011:
Bangalore (India); 2013: Sohar (Oman).
Y4PT Youth Lab Series (YL)
The Youth Labs are designed to empower Ask them to create a marketing strategy, or
the youth through the creation of original to design a product, create a new techno-
skilled projects: they are a factory and logic device…they will always come up with
repository of youth insight, of multi- innovation.
talented and various background youth, can
be discovered and selected in your city and So far, Y4PT has organized three Y4PT
country. Youth Labs around the world involving
more than 60 young people on innovation
The Youth Labs are helping in creating for a new sustainable mobility, by putting
dialogues with the main actors of transport forward more than 15 innovative projects
and related sectors. tackling a wide range of transport-related
enabling the change
Y4PT Flash Mobs Series
A Flash Mob is a group of people who place and one city: our characteristic is to
assemble suddenly in a public place, per- join the most possible number of actors and
form an unusual and seemingly pointless cities all over the world at the same hour,
act for a brief time, before quickly dispers- same day.
ing. The Flash Mobs are often used for the
purposes of entertainment, satire or artistic Particularly many times they have been
expression and are organized via telecom- performed during the International Mobility
munications, social media, or viral emails. Week period.

Y4PT has adopted the Flash Mobs as a way During our two editions, in 2010 and 2011,
to express Public Transport and Sustainable we reached a maximum number of 10 and
Mobility concerns. We have been the first 20 cities in the world acting on the slogans:
international group performing worldwide
Flashmobs related to the Public Transport - 2010: Public Transport makes us feel like
and Sustainable Mobility subjects. home 25
- 2011: Public Transport makes us free
What makes us different is that our Y4PT
Flashmobs are not happening just in one
The idea is to get to the street, reach and Mostly every city in the world acts the
involve street people preaching and pro- same: particularly the developing countries
moting a change on the Mobility sector, are willing to go through the phase of the
because it is only there, where real people car in order for then returning to the stage
can produce real change. Attract the atten- of public transport. Can we invert this ten-
tion of the Authorities and Media in order dency?
to possibly create a buzz on Public Policies
and possibly reach concrete results to have Special thanks goes to all the cities’
concrete local changes on the Public trans- Authorities, Public Transport’s Companies
portation systems. and people that ignited, so far, our Y4PT
Flash Mobs:
The tasks aimed at educating the popula-
tion, to create public awareness that Beirut, Bogota, Brussels, Dubai, Dusseldorf,
enables a change. People should realize Guadalajara, Helsinki, Kathmandu, Karl-
the car is not an instrument of power and sruhe, Lima, Melbourne, Monterrey, New
the achievement of a life: instead, public Delhi, Paris, Perugia, Rome, Salvador de
transport becomes a way of living, a sus- Bahia, Sao Paulo, Sohar, Taipei, Ekaterin-
tainable and useful transportation alterna- burg, amog others.
tive regardless of socioeconomic level of
Are you
ready to
get on
board for
the next

Did you know that Y4PT Youth Awards young people; they are an effective way to
were the precursors of the UITP Awards? share best practices and lessons learned,
and to transfer meaningful knowledge and
The editions of Y4PT Youth Awards have experience- among the wide range of
been and are opportunities to showcase transport-related mobility stakeholders.
youth ideas and projects from the stake-
holders of the public transport world.

The Y4PT Youth Awards are meant to pro-

vide deep inspiration for taking further
actions in favor of sustainable mobility and


Second Edition 2008

First Edition 2007 40 Projects from 6 continents
35 projects from 5 continents 16 regional nominees
15 Nominees for Region 6 Winners

3 Winners
Land Transport Authority (LTA)

Haagsche Tramweg Maatschappij (HTM)

(The Hague, Netherlands)

(Gauteng Province, South Africa)
2011 ategorie
e C sf
With this contest, Y4PT brought the youth 29
to focus on new creative and innovative

These were
ways to think about Public Transport that Education

can help improve the urban world. Design and Art
Sustainable Energies

tos a
Technology and ITS
Tags and Slogans.


30 videos
on 3 Winners:

Grand Prize Photo Award:

Héctor Romero from Mexico, for the 5
different categories.

Grand Prize Video Award:
Michele Cazzaniga, Italy with
“Place for good meetings”

Special Award
“We believe in YOUth” to Yong Qi hin Lee,
Wai Pan Tam and Siu Ming Wong from
MTR Hong Kong.

Stadium Project transport and its integration with feeder
services consisting of auto rickshaws. The
bus services will be monitored in real time
via interfaces with GPS positioning systems.
Y4PT participated as Focus Group at the
Delhi demonstration and workshop, that
took place before the Games, representing
the users’ category,

Y4PT Delhi’s representatives, managed to

involve many young people from universi-
ties to evaluate the benefits of the solution,
practically on the spot, during the Delhi
demonstration and through questioning
hundreds of young people in the city.

• The importance of STADIUM DEMO

STADIUM Project has been funded by the
7th Framework Programme for Research
and Development of the European
ITS applications can be adopted in any
Commission’s DG Research.
other city in the daily services, providing
similar positive results:
32 It stands for Smart Transport Applications
Designed for large events with Impacts on
o Better information
Urban Mobility.
o Better public transport
o Attraction of more passengers
STADIUM is part of the demonstration on
o Reduction of congestions
Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applica-
o Sustainability
tions at three major events:
o Accessibility: the day to day duties of
public transport in Indian cities.
• The South Africa World Cup (2010)
• The India Commonwealth Games (2010)
It showcased the benefits of multimodal,
(STADIUM itself) and
integrated information to public transport
• The London Olympics (2012).
users to plan and make their trip efficiently.
The Indian demonstrator has been
deployed and tested during the XIX Com-
monwealth Games, through the planning of
Public Transport services, in particular bus
EBSF, bus system of Y4PT campaigned to promote the project
and created a contest online to receive the
the future. best expression of novelties as pictures.

EBSF aims at developing a new generation

of urban bus system adapted to the speci- Y4PT Paper Series
ficities of the European cities. EBSF acts 1ST ISSUE (2012) - "PUBLIC TRANSPORT
therefore as a driver to increase the attrac- OPTIONS FOR YOUTH WITH DISABILITIES:
tiveness and raise the image of the bus A REVIEW OF NEEDS, CHALLENGES, AND
systems in urban and suburban areas, by INITIATIVES"
means of developing new technologies on
vehicles and infrastructures in combination Venue: New Delhi, India (South Asia)
with operational best practices. Event: 13th International Conference on
Mobility and Transport for Elderly and
o Innovative high quality bus system; Disabled Persons (TRANSED New Delhi
o Breakthrough design of vehicles; 2012)
o Infrastructures and operations;

To achieve its mission, EBSF has carried out

a deep analysis of the needs of today and
tomorrow of the main stakeholders of Bus
Systems: users, operators and authorities.
The project is identifying all requirements
of Bus Systems and their components
(vehicle, infrastructure, operation).

Prototypes of sub-systems, demonstrator

buses and infrastructures, and new opera-
tions is now tested and validated in seven
European cities.
EBSF demonstrates the full potential of the
new "European Bus System" bus concept,
producing a final handbook to guide and
recommend authorities and operators,
giving crucial keys on implementing the
new generation of bus networks.
Despite the importance of ensuring mobil-
ity options and public transport access to
Europe On Track 2
all, relatively little is known about the provi-
sion of public transport options for young
-Carbon Footprint-
people with disabilities.Y4PT is interested
by accessibility and mobility contexts expe-
rienced by all young people. This paper acts
as a synthesis, a state of the art on what is
currently achieved to strengthen the con-
nection between offering sustainable public
transport options and meeting the travel
needs of disabled youth.

34 ds/Theme_B_Session_2_CB-I/324-paper-t Y4PT has cooperated with AEGEE in the
ransedAbstract00051.pdf second edition of the project “Europe on
Track - Capture the future of Europe!”
winner of the European Charlemagne Youth
Other EU-funded Prize in 2013.
To raise awareness on the importance of
Projects: using sustainable modes of transport to
reduce EU greenhouse emissions
Y4PT is currently participating in: Building upon the findings of the first
edition, Europe on Track 2 became once
• Zero Emission Urban Bus System (ZeEUS)
again a communication channel between
Project (coming soon)
young people and decision makers. Six par-
• EU Horizon 2020 Call (applying)
ticipants have been traveling across the
continent from Western Europe, through
central-eastern Europe, touching the
Balkans and some of the EU neighboring
countries, like Belarus and Ukraine.

The travellers have presented and discuss

the main topics of the project (Mobility and
Europe - with a special focus on the Euro-
pean Parliamentary Elections in 2014),
encouraged young people to get involved
as active citizens, and captured possible města Prahy, is to make travelling acces-
ways of participating in the construction of sible and most of all comfortable for the
the European Project. passengers.

Y4PT has been responsible for organizing In Prague more than 55% of all the journeys
and monitoring the sustainability aspect of are done via public transport: as long as the
the project - being one of the core values of system functions properly young people
Europe on Track. will be more prone to use trams, busses and
metro thus limiting their usage of the
The Y4PT Ambassadors has encouraged private cars.
the use of sustainable means of transport
such as trains, buses, metros and bicycles
where available and shared their experience
on using the different modes of transport.
The carbon footprint of the entire travel of
the ambassadors has been calculated to
raise awareness on the importance of our
everyday decisions in shaping the future

Y4PT developed a Carbon Emission Calcu-

lator that helped the followers of the
Europe on Track group, to track the impact
their journey had on environment. In the
Czech capital Y4PT organized a visit to the 35
oldest Depot of Prague –Kačerov to experi-
ence first-hand how does the maintenance
of the city’s transport centre looks like and
why do people in Prague prefer to use
public transport.

Metro Depot Kačerov provides services for

more than 50 trains on the red line of the
Prague’s metro system and is one of the
biggest in the Czech Republic. Passengers,
hardly ever think about how much effort
and resources is put into maintaining and
keeping Public Transport safe. One of the
main goals of the Dopravní podnik hlavního
Smart Cruise Project Today, the SmartCruise-idea is an official
part of Deutsche Bahn PT-strategy and the
team that started it is now working on
A Phone application named Smart Cruise, making their dreams come true.
developed as a real project, by Deutsche
Bahn, originally coming from our first Y4PT
Youth Lab in Karlsruhe in 2010.
Y4PT Black Milk
In February 2010 ,in Karlsruhe, nine young
members of the Y4PT Youth Parliament,
started the story of “SmartCruise”. It took Trying to own the top spot in the global
them only three days to outline a project food chain has put humans at highest risk
that will totally change the experience of of bio-accumulation.
public transport in Germany. The basic idea
is as simple as genius: “We need the 91% of CO2 emissions are caused from
“SmartCrusers” to know more about their Fossil Fuels (and Cement) for a
public transport possibilities and the trans- 757,895,000: Pollution is one of the biggest
port providers have to know more about global dangers, affecting over 100 million
their travelers, their needs and wishes in people. That’s comparable to global
return. Information interchange is the key. diseases like malaria and HIV. For every
passenger-mile traveled, public transporta-
To realize this, the SmartCruise concept tion produces 95 per cent less carbon mon-
describes a bunch of Smartphone applica- oxide. The species called “Homo sapiens” is
tions that will help the travelers to make as much at risk as any other species it may
their journey more comfortable and even try to save.
fun. With those apps in the pocket no one
will have to worry any longer about connec-
tions, safety and billing. It will be all easy
and up to date.”, says Dirk, one of the young
“SmartCruise” creators. With these ideas in
mind, four members of the SmartCruise 37
Team went to Deutsche Bahn and pre-
sented their vision to the management, as
the UITP Youth Parliament members are
asked to, to be the Ambassadors of a new
PT: the idea was overwhelmed, and
Deutsche Bahn Systel made of it a Pilot
Project of his strategy!
GeCo Card
The Y4PT GeCo Program Project, aim to be
a social marketing tool willing to build an
image of an ecologically sensitive and envi-
ronmentally aware community of individu-
als, organizations and companies.

The GeCo-Card is part of a loyalty program

that supports your everyday greener living.
Get the bus get a point. Make use of it for a
cup of coffee in a partner organic shop. Use
the car sharing service of your town and get
points you might spend on parts, accesso-
ries or clothing in your local cycles shop.
You can even use your collected points for
an environmental project.

GeCo-Card brings together greener busi-

nesses, from the local public transport
operator to the coffee shop next to the

It rewards people for eco-friendly living,

38 helps green business to be identified and
reached and as a result creates a sustain-
able community with conscious consump-

BlackMilk is an illustration, a reminder of the It is a new approach to loyalty programs

contamination every life form, including since it does not focus on the product but it
humans, takes in their bodies and environ- focuses on a social movement, a state of
ment: everyday, everywhere. mind, a position in an important global
Y4PT is willing to bring this Campaign all
over the world creating a special event in Y4PT Developers in 2011: Kubilay Altun,
2016. The Campaign will need to be spon- Germany; Rashi Saxena, India.
Click For Solutions
In light with the PTx2 strategy of UITP that
aspires to increase global use of public
transport, smart and effective innovations
ClickforSolutions is a ‘signature project’
devised by members of Youth for Public
Transport in London, England combining
and promoting ideas conceived from the

The youth-led online portal allows everyone

to support and/or propose solutions related
to public transport. It promotes activism
and most importantly concrete solutions
encouraging improvements to public trans-
port on a global platform.
The allows thousands of individuals to pro-
pose a transport related solution (even
small and simple), as well as sign up for
ideas already suggested – ‘click’ for a solu-
tion striving to make our daily lives easier.
Y4PT Meaning Of One We want to give world a sense of belonging
and connection, and spread a positive mes-
Campaign sage for people in the world through this
spot. The spot will be realized by an inter-
national recognized artist and will partici-
pate in festivals all around the world, a won-
40 derful opportunity to spread our Y4PT
message in different artistic communities

Now, why One Symbolic dollar?

Because, while we are becoming protago-

nists, we do not forget the ones that cannot
have our quality of life. And we want to
start our actions, helping the less fortunate
An International Casting Call on line to build
people as a first of future actions of chari-
One Project, One Spot, with One dollar.
table contribution from our side around the
One symbolic act to collaborate in chang-
ing this world, collecting hundreds of
Think about it. One of the classic flaws of
photos of involved Young people around
most charitable organizations is that
the world.
people are not tempted to donate any
money because they think that “just one
Each face captured will be a memory of
dollar won’t make a difference”. However, if
how all of you are participating and will par-
you knew that if you donated a dollar so
ticipate in impacting our world.
would one million other people, wouldn’t
that make you want to donate just one
There are a number of projects on the
internet collecting faces, but, in this case, all
your faces will become one voice and the
So get on board and be fast to send the
protagonists of a Change.
most representative face of PUBLIC
TRANSPORT in the world!!!
Of all the photos we will receive, we will
select the 10 most representatives to be our
Why ONE?
movie’s regional protagonists, but we will
not neglect all the other ones that will be
“One” represents unity, the first, the best,
part of a huge video collage, marking our
the only, it has no divisors, no factors, no
spot. Just as if we were One.
components, and it is universal, whole and
complete. One is independent of all other directly to jobs worldwide specifically
numbers, is the source of all other numbers. related to transport sector.
In this sense it represents the beginning and
the end, the prime impulse, the source of You will receive alerts when new jobs are
posted, Job bidders will have the privileges
“One” excludes all differences for there is of browsing the CV database of young
no second with which it can either harmo- people seeking jobs in the transport sector.
nize or conflict. Thus one can also represent
harmony, unity, peace. They will be able to share their organization 41
profiles allowing young people to get intro-
“One” is unity, a million faces become one, duced to your company.
but without being or becoming the equal-
izer that ignores the differences.
They’ll be able to find ideal candidates for
We are proud to have so many different their organizations; Fees will apply for job
people, with different backgrounds from bidders.
different places on earth, sharing the same
ideas and becoming One!

The idea is the one of a unique worldwide
platform linking Transport-related Mobility
sector and Youth seeking jobs opportuni-
ties in that field.

Job seekers will have the privilege of post-

ing and modifying their Curriculum Vitae’s
allowing transport employers to contact
candidates directly.

You’ll be able to browse through current

available jobs worldwide (some types of
jobs could even be sponsored) and apply
To increase the awareness of public Trans- The Exhibit has been part of the Global
port through the medium of Art, mixed with Youth Service Day, an annual Campaign
the idea of a new Public Transport world, to that celebrates and mobilizes millions of
support the challenge of the PTX2 Strategy children and youth who improve their com-
of UITP to double the market share of PT in munities each day of the year through
2025, Y4PT has created a first Expo, to service and service-learning
document all the actions undertaken in the
first 7 years of activities. Established in 1988, the Global Youth Ser-
vice Day is the largest service event in the
world, and the only day of service dedi-
cated to children and youth.

GYSD is celebrated each year in over 100

countries. Each year, millions of children
and youth around the world work together
with schools, youth organizations, nonprof-
its, community and faith-based organiza-
tions, volunteer and national service pro-
grams, government agencies, faith commu-
nities, and other individuals to address the
world’s most critical issues and change
their communities on Global Youth Service 43

The exhibition has been an opportunity to

promote Y4PT, among Public Transport
Members and visitors at the UITP main
office in Brussels in 2012.With this Exhibit,
we want to address all active Public Trans-
port stakeholders to encourage other mem-
bers and supporters to bring a future
Exhibit to other Public Transport communi-
ties all over the world, adding a touch of
cultural and educational experience to their
daily activities.
Stories We are all born with the power to imagine
what does not yet exist. What if we used
this power to bring the change in the world

we all dream of living in - for ourselves and
for others? It is nearly two centuries since
French writer Jean-Baptiste ALPHONSE
KARR’s famous epigram ‘the more things

Creativity, change, the more they stay the same’ (plus

ca change, plus c’est la même chose)

Change or perish is the new motto which is
unlikely to be seriously challenged for a
long time to come.

and Against this backdrop, does Alphonse

Karr’s epigram make sense today? To deni-
grate change or to imply that there is no

such thing as change is to invite ridicule. At
the same time, change means disturbing
the comfort zone, which is a stress. Most of

us tend to get worked up about any
change, either anticipated or current, and in
the bargain fail to deal with it and assimilate
it properly. The paradoxical trick lies in

Inspire internalizing Alphonse Karr’s epigram of

sameness while leveraging the change out-
side. Knowing that change is not going to

turn our world upside down is a stress
buster which will enable us to handle the
stress of change with a better balance of

Here, we recommend the reader to realize

the “CHANGE” our youth forces have tried
to bring in their countries. Y4PT proudly
associates with these youth who has a
vision to volunteer for a CAUSE.
ALESSANDRA GORINI Whether writing, giving a speech at a forum
ITALY or congress, sitting down for a radio or tele-
vision interview, connecting people through
social media or sharing her story with
donors or volunteers, she is an enthusiastic
communicator and thinker: she has an
impact through her art of communication
and her ability to prepare with focus, deliver
with clarity and speak with power.

Her past experience has been in teaching,

science, public relations, journalism, com-
munication and advocacy.

Innovation and technology, love for nature,

Co-Founder and Executive Director sustainability, empathy and art are pro-
Y4PT Foundation foundly infusing her motivational and men-
[email protected] toring movement creating worldwide
ambassadors of a new vision of life.
“Emotions are not a barrier, but a crucial
component of decision making” She is bringing her knowledge and charm
to the attention of decision-makers world- 45
Alessandra, a Doctorate in Biology, is the wide to produce the changes for an innova-
Head of Y4PT. tive and sustainable lifestyle.

Throughout her career, rich of unconven-

tional approaches to sustainable living,
Alessandra believes in challenging the
Status Quo.

Alessandra has been always interested in

spreading more ideas, inventing new
formulas, connecting more people, so to
drive more action in the world. Most of the
projects she drew were delivering stunning
and inspiring results: their success can be
traced back to herself, who possess that
rarest combination of business savvy and
cultural sensitivity.
ALFREDO BARBA Design. During his studies, he participated
MEXICO in an academic exchange program to Uni-
versidad del Bío-Bío in Concepción, Chile.

Since his first participation in the first Youth

Parliament in Guadalajara in 2007, Alfredo
has been proactive in creating the cohesion
among all the youth willing to generate
what Y4PT is actually.

Alfredo was an active member, writer and

contributor of “Una Ciudad Alterna”, a proj-
ect aiming to be a space of opinion and
reflection on various issues affecting Gua-
dalajara, such as transit, politics, urban mo-
Co-Founder bility, ecology, art, design and architecture.
Y4PT Foundation
[email protected] “Una Ciudad Alterna” was listed as a Promi-
nent Civic Organization by Plataforma
“I thoroughly enjoyed myself being part of Urbana, an internationally recognized blog
the public campaign to raise awareness of about urban planning in Chile.
the importance of BRT in Mexico, where the
authorities invited Y4PT to assist the pro- In 2009, along with María Camarena and
motion of the project. I believe Y4PT is pro- Juan Pablo Guerrero, and for the fist time
posing a change in the world by taking little they brought the voice of Y4PT to the “Sus-
concrete steps towards a better future” tainable Urban Mobility in Guadalajara
Workshop”, where they discussed issues
Alfredo Barba is Y4PT’s Lead Graphic and actions to be taken to promote mobility
Designer. He created the actual Y4PT logo and improvement of the historic downtown
and all the graphics for each Campaign, of Guadalajara. 47
project and event of Y4PT. Alfredo has
started volunteering at the very beginning He is an engaged volunteer in Mexico, also a
of the Y4PT adventure, and now he is one passionate climber, hiker and skier; having
of the 5 Co-Founders. the credit of creating his own outdoors
travel club, IceAndSea, to bring the Youth
He works as a freelance graphic designer to discover mountains and nature all over
and photographer. He obtained his bach- Mexico, USA, South America and Europe.
elor degree with honors in Industrial Design
in 2001 and has a diploma in Graphic
SEBASTIÁN PERNET 2009 when he participated at Y4PT Youth
COLOMBIA Parliament held in Bogotá, D.C. (Colombia,
South America).

He is also a freelance consultant, by provid-

ing advice on transport-related issues to
different stakeholders, lately to the Inter-
American Development Bank (IDB) in
Washington, D.C. (United States, North
America), by contributing to the freight
transport and logistics project pipeline in
Latin America and the Caribbean.

He holds a B.Sc. in Economics and a M.Sc.

(c) in Transport Engineering from the
Co-Founder National University of Colombia at Bogotá,
Y4PT Foundation D.C. (Colombia, South America).
[email protected]
Sebastián became one of the promoters of
the Y4PT Foundation and he’s actually one
“Transport is a mean for achieving an end: of the five Co-Founders, serving as Trea-
This is how he also describes himself. Serv- surer at the same time.
ing as a long-lasting volunteer at Y4PT has
been a unique and worthy experience for Sebastián is responsible for all our
bridging opportunities for today's young organization’s administrative issues as well
people and future generations from all over as he is leading the Y4PT Foundation’s
the world by advocating and envisioning all “research/academic/technical” side by
together not only an environmental-friendly coordinating projects such as Y4PT World
mobility, but also one that treats human Healthy Mobility Campaign, Y4PT Breath-
beings in a horizontal way, wide-ranging able Cities Challenge, Y4PT Papers issues,
48 and accessible to everyone.”. the involvement of Y4PT in EU-funded proj-
ects, among others.
Sebastián is a “hidden hero”. A person
actively and silently involved in volunteer-
ing: he is fundamentally infusing his per-
sonal life together with his mission.

"Juanse" (as he is kindly called by us, his

friends) has been involved in Y4PT since
KUBILAY ALTUN Siemens as a management consultant, in
GERMANY the fields of advanced transport ticketing
and payment, multi-modal urban mobility
management, as well as IT solutions for
road and rail transport.

A the other Co-Founder of Y4PT Founda-

tion, Kubilay has been active with Y4PT
since 2010 to be influential and make an
outstanding contribution to the public
transport sector, its image as an important
service provider and its development as an
exciting sector to work for.

He has been Executive board member of

Co-Founder the German-Turkish students and graduates
Y4PT Foundation platform a promoter of networking and
[email protected] career development initiatives for migrant
youth in Germany, participant to mentoring
programs, school and university
“Our world is in constant motion. Distances cooperation’s, cultural, social, political and
are shrinking, expectations growing – and economic dialogue.
with them, awareness that goals cannot be
achieved unless all resources are used effi- 49
ciently and sustainably.”

Kubilay is born and raised up in the 5.2

Million Ruhr Metropolis in Western Ger-
many. A computer science and communica-
tions engineer, he was involved in transport
related research projects at the University
of Duisburg, at University of South
Australia’s Transport Systems Centre and at
the Universiteit Twente’s Dept. of Civil Engi-
neering and Management. Since 2007,
Kubilay worked for BLIC, a leading German
planning consultancy specialized in IT
related topics in public transport and road
transport and from 2013 is working in
JUAN PABLO GUERRERO He is an entrepreneur. He understands that
SPAIN integrity and experience are necessary to
lead any project to succeed. He always
looks for the balance between profitability
and creativity in order for each project we
get involved to be beneficial.



Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT)
[email protected]

“When I think about public transport, the

50 first thing that comes to my mind is “P.T. for
all”, the idea to be able to conceive it as the
engine of connectivity around the world
where all the people are willing to use a Y4PT Chapter Representative
worthy and admirably transport but above Y4PT Canada in Montreal
all, an effective and sustainable one.” [email protected]
Juan Pablo, a bachelor in Design and Indus-
trial Design Engineering is a Designer and “If you think you can improve the world just
Product Manager, actually working in Spain. do what you think is best. It will always be
better than whining and it will for sure bring
He was our Leader video maker from 2007 you to greater adventures!!”
to 2012. He’s been our web designer for 3
years. Actually is collaborating intermit-
Anne Louise Chauvette is a Master student
tently with Y4PT through the Company he
is working for, and remains one of our stron- in Urban Studies, she always tried to define
ger supporters and friends. her future career in Public Transport and it
was not an easy thing since she was spe-
He acknowledges Y4PT as “full of people cialized in political science .During the first
seeking to achieve a global vision of public CUTA Youth Summit in Vancouver, she met
transport and spreading those thoughts Alessandra Gorini from UITP. She found the
around the world.”
opportunity to discover that activism and positive impact on environmental and
was introduced to the wonderful world of social issues and improve the economy:
public transit advocacy. Public Transit is the solution to a real sus-
tainable development of our cities.
Anne Louise Chauvette started to build
projects and attended conferences to raise
awareness on public transit issues in Mon- MARIE-CHRISTINE
treal. At the same time, she stayed in touch DESHARNAIS
with youth from around the world inter- CANADA
ested in Mobility with the support of UITP
and Alessandra’s Leadership and became
part of the group composed of young
Canadians, Mexicans, Colombians and 51
Europeans who, later, founded Youth for
Public Transport (Y4PT).

Three years later, she joined the Quebec

Municipalities Association and the Interna-
tional Relations Director; Martine Painchaud
showed her the ways to build international
coalition among Mayors to strengthen her
position. She had the opportunity to lead a Y4PT Chapter Representative
coalition of Canadian and American Mayors. Y4PT Canada in Montreal
In March 2014, she was in Washington with [email protected]
a very strong woman, the Mayor of Lac-
Mégantic and others to demand improve- “Take responsibility for what you love. This
ments in rail safety to the US Department of happens by standing up for what you
Transportation’s Secretary Anthony Fox. By believe. If you feel you are neither contribut-
fortuity, she met the former Marketing ing nor learning where you are, use your
Director of Nova Bus, Nadine Bernard, in two feet and go somewhere else. The only
her flight. Currently she works for Nova Bus person responsible for your experience is
to raise public awareness and convince you.” (Holman, Devane and Cady, 2007 –
The Change Handbook)
governments to invest in Public Transit.
In Montreal, Canada, a Civil Engineer with a
All these great women have inspired her,
Master Degree in Transportation Planning
coached her and made her realize that and a Ph.D. (c) in Civil Engineering Trans-
women have the power to improve the port Planning on paratransit, Marie-
state of the world. She strongly believes she Christine has been one of the pillars of
chose the best industry to have a strong Y4PT in its early stage.
She has been involved in the Task Force for Her work has a strong commitment on sus-
the Youth Summit on Sustainable Transpor- tainability production process and materi-
tation organized by CUTA and she has been als, high quality and handcraft skills. She
the creator of Trajet a website informing recently was one of the 4 finalists for a sus-
young people in Quebec on transportation. tainable design of chairs for the Battery
Park Chair Competition in 2013.

MARÍA CAMARENA She participated in “Una Ciudad Alterna”, a

MEXICO project aimed to be a space of opinion and
reflection on various issues affecting Gua-
dalajara, such as transit, politics, urban mo-
bility, ecology, art, design and architecture.

On the same issues, she has been part of

many different projects related to a sus-
tainable mobility in her city, form 2007 till
the date of her departure from Mexico.


Y4PT Chapter Representative

Y4PT Mexico in Guadalajara
[email protected]

Graduated in Industrial Design in 2008 in

Guadalajara, Mexico and currently studying
52 a MFA in Furniture Design at Rhode Island
School of Design, Maria volunteered for 4
years and was one of the first persons
involved continuously on Y4PT. Later, in
2013, she started her own studio as Furni-
ture Designer in New York, after being
working as Design Manager in different Y4PT Chapter Representative
design manufacturers companies. Y4PT India in New Delhi
[email protected]
Maria develops design and artworks market
oriented both for mass productions and
one of a kind pieces.
“I've given quite some of my most honest TARUN MANN
and creative best while working with you all, INDIA
and have received learning and memories
that I'd cherish till last”.

Rashi Saxena is a creative Marketing profes-

sional and a graduate Electronics & Instru-
mentation engineer, with experience in
Business Development. With Y4PT, she has
been growing and managing organizational
presence and participation in India, broadly
in the following functions:

• Public Relations: Manage organizational

communication, publicity and media inter- Y4PT Chapter Representative
action. Y4PT India in New Delhi
• Project Management: Ideation and execu- [email protected]
tion of grass-root and international cam-
paigns. “I am a fun loving person who loves to cher-
ish every moment”.
After many years on board with us, this
Marketing specialist has taken new chal- Through public transport, I have created a
lenges, but she is still in touch with Y4PT. chain of reactions and observed real con-
crete changes in behavior of the people
Always interested in natural environments, around me.
animal welfare, development and educa-
tion, she is willing to initiate some new proj- Tarun has a B.E in Information technology
ects with a multidimensional aspect that and an MBA in Business Sustainability. He
could make sense in her city. started being part of Y4PT through the first
Youth Parliament held in Delhi in 2010 and
Rashi has been involved as an Y4PT leader has been involved since then in local and
on the Y4PT Flash Mobs, GeCO card project international actions for Y4PT, included the
and Black Milk Campaign just to mention worldwide Flashmobs in 2010 and 2011.
On a personal level, as many other Y4PT
Chapter Representatives, he promotes the
use of public transport among his family
and friends and he has minimized private 53
transport and use public transport where
ever is possible. Living in Delhi and Mumbai Through his organization "Heart-beat"
it has been a challenge for him. http://heart-beat.org/, he has been working
in educating and empowering street chil-
54 Tarun is a great communicator and passion- dren of Nepal for years, to reintegrate them
ate speaker. into society. Now, his organization is in the
TOP 50 of Youth Nepal Organizations.

JUJU MAHARJAN He contacted Y4PT through Facebook in

NEPAL 2011 and created a Y4PT Group in Kath-
mandu organizing hundreds of events to
bring the Y4PT cause around Nepal. Par-
ticularly, with the help of the activists
Manish Maharjan and Renuka Tiwari, even in
remote villages reached putting at risk their
own life.

His best projects, School on Wheels and

Pedal for Equation, are linking Education of
Children with Public Transport.

He generated a concrete interest on Public

Transport among the Authorities and he
Chapter General Coordinator (CGC) continues to develop a Cycling attitude in
Y4PT Nepal in Kathmandu the entire Country. He is a winner of much
[email protected] recognition: among them, the ECO RIDERS
AWARD in 2014.
“My dream is to feed my kids, each child
getting food, education, house, love and Since 2011 he is cycling, he lost 15 kilos and
care by adding a smile on their face...” thanks to Y4PT, his personal lifestyle has
Juju Kaji Maharjan is an adored name in the
field of social work in Nepal. It's been more He is an active member of the US embassy
than a decade that Juju has been engaged on the Youth Advisory Council and Nepal
in social work. He started through art (a Kala Prithasan. Through the medium of art,
sculptor, painter freelance writer, theatre he campaigned on hunger, AIDS, drug,
and event manager in Kathmandu) and now orphanage and food rights, youth and chil-
he has completely dedicated his life to dren. One of his personal highlight was his
street children. art display for Hunger free at the 62nd Gen-
eral Assembly of the United Nations with
Malvika Subba in New York City, but also his A Civil Engineer, with a master’s degree (c)
awards by different NGOs and INGOs as in Transport Engineering from the National
Youth Ambassador for Peace by UPF in University of Colombia at Bogotá, he
2008. started his career at the same university by
working on urban planning and transport
Projects. Daniel is the Founder of the trans-
DANIEL PÉREZ portation research group “SEMTyT” (Grupo
COLOMBIA de Investigación en Movilidad, Tránsito y
Transporte), and the co-founder and
trustee of the Colombian transport man-
agement consulting firm “Ecomoving”.

Currently he is working as a strategic plan-

ner on transportation infrastructure proj-
ects at the Bogotá’s Transport Authority.

Daniel is responsible of the new action

created within the Y4PT World Healthy
Mobility Campaign, the “Y4PT Breathable
Cities Challenge” in Bogotá. 55

Chapter General Coordinator (CGC)

Y4PT Colombia in Bogotá
[email protected]

“For me, public transport stands as a main

pillar of sustainable mobility and urbanism
-and I see Y4PT as the right tool of adopting
behavioral changes that gives us the free-
dom to express a positive vision of public
transport. I am convinced that we, ‘young
people’ we are the “chip” required by soci-
eties in order to improve life in urban

Dani (as we friendly call him) started enthu-

siastically to study urban topics and work-
ing in areas of sustainable mobility in
NABEEL FARAZ Nabeel Faraz is a Management professional
INDIA got “infected” by the message of Public
Transport, when he was a student pursuing
his Master’s in Business administration –
decided to be contagious. Nabeel is looking
to partner the idea with individuals who are
interested to come forward with flair to par-
ticipate and promote it to the city level in
“Not everyone is good at everything. But
the drive to do your best keeps life interest-
ing and worth living and makes every
breath worth the while. In a decade time till.
Y4PT has instigated a real change in his life
and huge perceptional change towards
Y4PT Chapter Representative Public Transport has been possible at the
56 Y4PT India in Bangalore Indian Scenario – A country aims to be
[email protected] developing. Y4PT became a huge inspira-
tion in his life.
Nabeel Faraz Says “CONTAGIOUS” is a right
word even in the times of life taking Around him in India, he see an ever-
diseases caused by Ebola in the counties. increasing whirligig of NGO’s who brand
He aims to infect people, with the message their work with flair, and market their USP
of Public Transport being the choice. “Our aggressively to stand apart from the
laughter is contagious, our inspiration is ‘generic’ me-toos so that they can com-
contagious, Why not the thoughts?? Why mand a premium, in the crowded country
not the concern for our Planet??” like India with so many issues to target
(Child labour, Women protection, Educa-
He projected the idea to educate the Indian tion… many to name!!).
schools with the message to frame impor-
tance of Public Transport in growing minds Related to the Indian-ness is the domain of
and contribution towards a healthy commu- Ideas, the ever-burgeoning population of
nity. Demonstrating the idea to go green, to his country is overwhelmed by people’s
save the planet by using mobility, car shar- different choices to commute. But he feels
ing, promoting alternate modes of trans- there is a mismatch between People’s
port like bicycle lane in his city. That’s where choices and the concern towards this
he was taken ahead to involve more and planet, Motivation, communication, team
more children to be the protagonist. Suc- work, promotions, conferences. All are fine
cessfully, he tries keeping the schools but they all mean different things at differ-
engaged in such activities in the city. ent stages of understanding for people.
The Volunteering Journey at Y4PT has filled ment at the École Nationale des Ponts et
him with a great sense of humility: to pro- Chaussées ParisTech (France) and École
tect the world with his actions, his thoughts, Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
his choice to Travel in Public Transport, his (Switzerland); and Urban Mobility at the
choice to be healthy through the Healthy Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universi-
Mobility Challenge, his choice to be ‘conta- dad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain).
gious’ and with a future plan to “Share the
mobility for Care” involving the generic After 5 years of experience as a senior stra-
tegic consultant in charge of DOYMO office
concepts of Carpooling and reduced CO2.
in Madrid, he is actually working as project
Nabeel Faraz proudly associates himself TIONAL, Operations Projects Department
with Y4PT, aims to be a protagonist and in Paris.
inspire the youth to take up the challenge.
In addition to my know-how in the supply 57
chain, transport and mobility sectors,
ALFONSO LETÓN Alfonso is very interested in sustainability:
SPAIN for this reason he became an editor of
ecomovilidad.net (more than 1 million visits
per year), and he is our Spanish representa-
tive since 2013, when he first started our
First Edition of the Y4PT World Modal Shift

Chapter General Coordinator (CGC)

Y4PT Spain in Madrid
[email protected]

“I have been always interested in the social

and environmental dimension of mobility”

A civil engineer, studying two master’s

degrees in Supply Chain Design & Manage-
VIVEK SRIVATSA VAIDYA He enchased the opportunity after getting
INDIA close to Y4PT.

Vivek lately created with friends Fine Tune

Training Solutions; they take up Training for
students and Corporate: he heads the
Learning and Development sector.

He has been proactively associated with

Youth for Public Transport for more than 2
years during which he has created Videos
and Photographs to promote Public Trans-
port and participate in all the international
actions of Y4PT. He continues to create
awareness towards a sustainable public
Y4PT Chapter Representative transport world.
[email protected]
“I think of video-making as a support for

58 Vivek Srivatsa Vaidya is a pro-amateur pho-

tographer and video maker. In the past he
has been associated with National Geo-
graphic to work for a cause relating to wild-
life conservation, which provided him a
great experience. His way of volunteering
has been linked to his passions. Vivek think
of video making as a support for volunteer-
ing which needs a huge understanding of
the Cause.
Chapter General Coordinator (CGC)
Since his college time, he was passionate to Y4PT Bahrain in Manama
volunteer with an organization which [email protected]
believes to save the Planet, which works for
a Green and healthier Environment. Omar is a very active Civil Engineer working
as General Engineer for the Ministry of
Transportation –Land Transportation in the during the international Y4PT Laboratories,
Planning & Studies Directorate. particularly in the MENA Region as an
expert of the problems and possibilities of
He has been involved in many volunteer the Region itself.
activities such as: the Presidency of Engi-
neering College Society at University of Lately in 2014 he has started a Y4PT
Bahrain, the Membership of the Student Regional Newsletter to witness in the Mena
Council of the same University, Representa- Region all the local and international
tive of University of Bahrain in the twenty actions and projects of Y4PT. The newslet- 59
first students’ Meeting in UAE. ter had greater impact in the Region, were
views rose by 40% from the first edition of
Youth volunteering and creativity have the publication, in December 2014.
been the themes of many Conferences
where Omar has given his voice.
• He has been the Representative of the ITALY
Kingdom of Bahrain in the Student Cultural
Forum in KSA On the selection of Makkah,
the capital of Islamic culture in the past
• He participated in many training programs
in development, innovation and leadership
and attended the Junior Achievement
(skills of success) in the same year.
• He won the 13th Bahrain Grand Competi-
tion of the holy Qur’an Representative of
the University of Bahrain and arrived
second at the competition of Gulf Univer-
sity about the Career Expo in2006
• He won the Cultural Competition for the Y4PT Chapter Representative
Central Government in 2003 and The Y4PT England in London
Science Competition for the Central Gov- [email protected]
ernment (3rd place]
"We are what we eat, but I believe we also
Omar has been involved in Y4PT since 2011; are what we travel on. And if our public
because of he believes the Youth can create transport systems can be made cleaner,
a better sustainable world. more sustainable and more efficient, so will
we, the users"
At Y4PT he is involved in facilitating actions
Lorenzo, a land economist and a master ALI EL-DOUS
student in Competition, has a deep volun- QATAR
teer activism that is seeing him engaged as
an active member of the Youth Advisory
60 Board of UN Habitat. He has also been a
Climate Change Research Consultant for
UNICEF as the Author of a toolkit adapta-
tion best-practice to climate.

He has been a Leading Youth Facilitator at

UN COP15 in Copenhagen in charge of man-
aging and coordinating workshops with 160
young people from 34 countries, training
young people and delivering high-level
contributions to the summit, and Econom-
ics tutor for Lanterna Education in London, Y4PT Chapter Representative
developing time-management and ability Y4PT Qatar in Doha
to achieve high levels of clarity and under- [email protected]
standing among students.
“I aims to make people’s lives better espe-
cially in Middle East region, where I try to
Lorenzo has been an author of bilingual
break the stereotype of local Qataris not
articles for theGiornal.eu, an online newspa-
travelling/commuting by Public Transport in
per on British economic, environmental and
their daily lives. The number of cars is
cultural issues that would interest and increasing dramatically in Middle East,
Italian audience. especially in Qatar, and everyone tends to
have his own car!”
So far he is a Transport Consultant for the
Firm Steer Davies Gleaves, developing a A Student pursuing his 4th year Computer
strategy for public transport investment. Science has a deep interest in activities
related to engaging Computing and Tech-
Lorenzo is engaged in Y4PT participating nology into people’s life; he was elected as
as a Facilitator during our International a vice president for Qatar University Com-
Y4PT Labs, believing that empathy and puting Club for two years.
volunteering among Youth can really
change the world. He is a proactive sup- He had the privilege to participate in two
porter of our Y4PT international cam- international conferences:
· Youth involvement in Changing the
World(Global Youth Summit BYND2015, change in the people’s daily lifestyle.
Costa Rica),
· The 2014 International Conference Math- He plans to create more awareness and
ematics and Computers in Sciences and campaigns for the people in Qatar. The cen-
Industry held in Bulgaria (September 13-15, tral idea of his campaign is to make people
2014). realize the harm to the environment if each
one has their own private car.
To his kind concern towards Environment,
he has participated in a “hackathon” during Ali thanks Y4PT for enlightening him with
the period of the first conference; he the strong message of Public Transport as a
worked with a group of people to come up catalyst to save this planet. And he is glad
with solutions using existing technologies that Y4PT had their first ever lab in the
to reduce CO2 emission of cars. The project State of Qatar where local youth engaged
was an alert mobile app, which tracks the in objective projects in public transporta-
peoples’ movements and based on that it tion. Finally, he believes that the establish-
gives statistics on how much a person is ment of a local chapter for Y4PT organiza-
harming and affecting the environment, tion will certainly bring continues change in
which increase the awareness of green local and regional public transportation. 61
environment and public transportation

Lifestyle and healthy environment dream:

The main transportation method in his

country is by car. He has a vision to demon-
strate people lives to get better by reducing
the CO2 Emission and increase the aware-
ness of public transportation benefits for
peoples’ health and environment.

The awareness will be more effective in the

coming few years, as few Middle Eastern
countries are keen to have Metros, trams,
Busses reducing the Taxis. For example,
Saudi Arabia has Metro Services; Oman
planning for Metro, Dubai has a solid one. In
Qatar, by 2017 the first metro will be
lunched, which will create a dramatic
Throughout these years, countless, outstanding and restless you have supported Y4PT,
raised or donated money, and dedicated time to volunteer all around the world: we thank
you all for your will of support, honesty, transparency, respect and love for our planet and
humankind and particularly to your devotion to the cause of sustainable mobility.

Our special thanks and mentions are going to:


“Initiator” of UITP Youth Project (2005)
Former UITP President (2005-2009)

Mr. Patrick VAUTIER

“Architect” of UITP Youth Project (2005)
Former Chairperson of the UITP Marketing and Product Development Commission
Current RATP Dev Marketing and Innovation Director

Mr. Hartmut SCHICK

Main Sponsor of Y4PT (2009-2011)
Current Head of Daimler Buses & CEO of EvoBus GmbH

Mr. Jürgen GRESCHNER 63

Main Sponsor of Y4PT (2011-2013)
Current Chief Sales Officer (CSO) of INIT AG
Former UITP Special Projects Senior Director


Current Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of Y4PT Foun-
Current UITP Secretary-General

Mr. Mattar Mohammed AL-TAYER
1st Honorary Founding Member of Y4PT Foundation (2013-2015)
Current Chairman of the Board and CEO of RTA Dubai

Mr. Mohamed MEZGHANI

Current UITP Deputy Secretary-General

Without you, Y4PT would have never seen the light.


Daimler Buses and EvoBus GmbH


International Association of Public Transport (UITP)

Innovation In Traffic Systems (INIT) AG


Roads & Transport Authority of the Emirate of Dubai


Autograde Industries LLC

Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) S.p.A.


A special thanks goes to Michele Passamani

Responsabile Relazioni Esterne e Comunicazione
FNM for his moral support and engagement with
the Y4PT Foundation.
SUPPORTERS IN TIME which organized events and presentations for Y4PT:

• Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel (InnoZ) (Germany)

• Kennisplatform Verkeer en Vervoer (KpVV) (Netherlands)
• Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) (India)
• Associazione Trasporti (ASSTRA) (Italy)
• Mowasalat (Qatar)
• Qatar Foundation (Qatar)
• Our Future Mobility Now (OFMN)
• Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) (Canada)
• Empresa de Transporte del Tercer Milenio (TransMilenio) (Colombia)
• Universidad de la Salle en Bogotá, D.C. (Colombia)
• Secretaria Distrital de Movilidad de Bogotá, D.C. (Colombia)
• State University of Management – Moscow (Russia)
• Sohar University (Oman)
• Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (Taiwán)
• Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Turkey)
• Jalisco State Government (Mexico)
• Associação Nacional de Transportes Públicos (ANTP) (Brazil)
• Gautrain (South Africa)
• Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy)
• Wiener Linien (Austria)
• European Commission (EC)
• United Nations (UN) System
• Tehran Urban and Suburban Railway Operation Company (TUSROC) (Iran)
• Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy / Prague Transport Company (Czech Republic)
• Ministry of Youth Policies of the Italian Republic (Italy)

We would like to thank all of you that participated to the birth of this Foundation that is
Y4PT and encourage you to continue in this wonderful activity of making the life of millions
sustainable and natural, in tune with the rhythm of our Planet.
A big cheer to you, volunteers, passionate supporters, colleagues for your daily actions all
over the world.
To end, at the edge of our 10 years of life and just at 2-year time from our future 6th Y4PT
World Youth Meeting (Y4PT Montreal 2017), we are willing to remind you at a glance and
numbers, all our actions so unique and special, so well merging emotion and technology,
quite a rare combination at this Time.

Y4PT in numbers
1. Y4PT Youth Parliament series (15 editions)

a. 1st Y4PT Youth Parliament Karlsruhe 2008

b. Y4PT Youth Parliament Istanbul 2008
c. Y4PT Youth Parliament Johannesburg 2008
d. Y4PT Youth Parliament Vancouver 2008
e. Y4PT Youth Parliament Guadalajara 2008
f. Y4PT Youth Parliament Milan 2008
g. Y4PT Youth Parliament Taipei 2009
h. Y4PT International Youth Parliament Vienna 2009
i. Y4PT Youth Parliament Bogota 2009
j. Y4PT Youth Parliament New Delhi 2010
k. 2nd Y4PT Youth Parliament Karlsruhe 2010
l. 1st Y4PT Youth Parliament Sohar 2011
m. Y4PT Youth Parliament in Rio de Janeiro 2011
n. Y4PT Youth Parliament Bangalore 2012
o. 2nd Y4PT Youth Parliament Sohar 2013

How many Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all editions? More than 300 young people from all
over the world, producing fifteen (15) Y4PT Youth Parliament Reports. 67

2. Y4PT Youth Lab series (3 editions)

a. 1st Y4PT International Youth Lab Dubai 2011

b. 2nd Y4PT International Youth Lab Dubai 2014
c. Y4PT International Youth Lab Doha 2014
How many Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all editions? More than 60 young people from all
over the world.

How many projects in total, all editions? More than 15 innovative projects tackling a wide
range of transport-related issues.

3. Y4PT Youth-led Presentation series (2 presentations)

a. Y4PT International Youth Projects Showcase Geneva 2013

b. Y4PT Youth Presentation Doha 2013

68 How many of Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all presentations? More than 30 young people
from all over the world.

4. Y4PT Youth Checkup series (1 edition)

a. Y4PT International Youth Checkup Milan 2015

5. Y4PT Quest Game series (3 editions)

a. Y4PT Quest Game Karlsruhe 2014

b. Y4PT Quest Game Dubai 2014
c. Y4PT Quest Game Milan 2015

6. Y4PT World Youth Meeting series (5 editions)

a. 1st Y4PT World Youth Meeting Vienna 2009

b. 2nd Y4PT World Youth Meeting Dubai 2011
c. 3rd Y4PT World Youth Meeting Geneva 2013
d. 4th Y4PT World Youth Meeting Dubai 2014
e. 5th Y4PT World Youth Meeting Milan 2015

54 How many Y4PT Youth Delegates in total, all editions? More than 100 young people from all
over the world.
7. Y4PT International Youth Awards series (3 editions):

a. 1st Y4PT International Youth Awards Helsinki 2007

b. 2nd Y4PT International Youth Awards Vienna 2009
c. 3rd Y4PT International Youth Awards Milan 2015

8. Y4PT Chapters (covering 41 cities around the world): http://www.y4pt.org/chapters/

a. Africa
i. Y4PT South Africa in Johannesburg
b. America
i. Y4PT Bolivia in La Paz
ii. Y4PT Brazil in Curitiba
iii. Y4PT Brazil in Rio de Janeiro
iv. Y4PT Brazil in São Paulo
v. Y4PT Canada in Montreal
vi. Y4PT Canada in Vancouver
vii. Y4PT Colombia in Bogotá 69
viii. Y4PT El Salvador in San Salvador
ix. Y4PT Mexico in Guadalajara
x. Y4PT Panama in Panama City
c. Asia
i. Y4PT Bahrain in Manama
ii. Y4PT China in Shanghai
iii. Y4PT China in Shenzhen
iv. Y4PT India in Bangalore
v. Y4PT India in New Delhi
vi. Y4PT Iran in Tehran: http://old.y4pt.org/?p=3320
vii. Y4PT Kuwait in Kuwait City
viii. Y4PT Lebanon in Beirut
ix. Y4PT Nepal in Kathmandu
x. Y4PT Pakistan in Peshawar
xi. Y4PT Oman in Sohar
xii. Y4PT Qatar in Doha
xiii. Y4PT Taiwan in Taipei
xiv. Y4PT Turkey in Istanbul
xv. Y4PT United Arab Emirates in Dubai
d. Europe
i. Y4PT Austria in Vienna
ii. Y4PT Belgium in Antwerp
iii. Y4PT Belgium in Brussels & EU
iv. Y4PT England in London
v. Y4PT Finland in Helsinki
vi. Y4PT France in Paris
vii. Y4PT Germany in Karlsruhe
viii. Y4PT Greece in Athens
ix. Y4PT Italy in Florence
x. Y4PT Italy in Milan
xi. Y4PT Italy in Rome
70 xii. Y4PT Netherlands in Delft
xiii. Y4PT Russia in Moscow
xiv. Y4PT Spain in Madrid
e. Oceania
i. Y4PT Australia in Melbourne

9. Y4PT Milestones (Foremost Dates) (4 dates)

a. Launch of the UITP Youth Project (2005)
b. Creation of Y4PT Initiative (2009)
c. Establishment of Y4PT Foundation (2013)
d. Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Y4PT (2015)

10. Y4PT Youth Ambassadors

a. How many of them in total? More than 500 young people from all over the world.

11. Y4PT Chapters Representatives: http://www.y4pt.org/get-

a. How many of them? More than 40 young people from all over the world.

12. Y4PT on Internet and major social networking websites (as of 21-May-2015):
a. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/250503794992509
i. Page Likes: 2309 likes
ii. Page Review Score: 5 of 5 Stars
b. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Y4PT
i. Profile Followers: 1036 followers
c. LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/Y4PT
i. Company Followers: 115 followers
d. YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Y4PT
i. All-videos Views: 1328 views
e. Google+: http://plus.google.com/102522216748813359915/
i. Page Views: 17132 views
f. Y4PT Website: http://www.y4pt.org
i. Website views: 33745 views (1-year period: from 20-May-2014 to 20-May-

13. Honorary Founding Members of Y4PT Foundation (2 organizations)

a. RTA Dubai as 1st Honorary Founding Member (2013-2015)
b. FNM as Honorary Founding Member (2015-Present)

14. Y4PT Papers issues (1 issue)

a. 1st Issue (2011) - "Public Transport Options For Youth With Disabilities: A Review Of
Needs, Challenges, And Initiatives"

15. Y4PT World Flash-Mob series (2 editions)

a. 1st Y4PT World Flash-Mob 2010: Public Transport Make Us Feel Like Home!
b. 2nd Y4PT World Flash-Mob 2011: Public Transport Make Us Free!

16. Y4PT caPTureIdeo Contest series (2 editions)

a. 1st Y4PT caPTureIdeo Contest 2011
b. 2nd Y4PT caPTureIdeo Contest 2013

17. Y4PT Special Projects

a. Y4PT Youth Charter engagements (1 signatory)
i. Associazione Trasporti (ASSTRA) (Venice, Italy, 2011)
b. Y4PT Breathable Cities Challenge series (1 city)
i. Bogotá, Colombia, 2015
c. Y4PT World Modal Shift Challenge series (2 editions)
i. 1st Edition – 2014
1. How many countries? Replies?
ii. 2nd Edition – 2015
1. How many countries? Replies?
d. Forumatter - Y4PT Online Forum on Transport-related matters
e. EMPLOYOUTH - Y4PT Youth Job Bank

18. Y4PT Campaigns (3 campaigns)

a. Y4PT Meaning of ONE Campaign
b. Y4PT Black-Milk Campaign
c. Y4PT World Healthy Mobility Campaign

19. Y4PT Exhibition Stands (3 exhibitions)

a. Y4PT Permanent Exhibition at UITP Headquarters in Brussels (2012-Present)
b. Y4PT Exhibition Stand at UITP MENA Dubai 2014
c. Y4PT Exhibition Stand at UITP Milan 2015

20. Involvement of Y4PT in EU-funded Projects (4 projects)

a. Smart Transport Applications Designed for large events with Impacts on
Urban Mobility (STADIUM) Project (2010)
b. European Bus Sytem of the Future (EBSF) Project (2012)
c. Zero Emission Urban Bus System (ZeEUS) Project (2015)
d. EU Horizon 2020 Call (applying)

21. Y4PT as supporter of external causes

a. “Una Ciudad Alterna” 80-day cycling journey from Alaska (United States) to Gua-
dalajara (Mexico) to promote non-motorized sustainable means of transport (2010)
b. TransAID 340-km cycling journey from London (UK) to Brussels (Belgium) to raise
funds for the development of Africa (2014)
c. Y4PT Appeal for 2015 Nepal Earthquake Relief and Recovery
d. Major global campaigns endorsements:
i. United Nations International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understand-
ing (2010-2011)
ii. 10th Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10) (2011)
iii. United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020
iv. European Mobility Week series

22. Other Y4PT-related actions:

a. Y4PT Youth Delegates promoting sustainable mobility in Tehran Metro during the
Tehran Clean Air Week (Tehran, Iran, 2011)

23. Y4PT taking part of networking events:

a. Y4PT at the Espacio USA: Vanguardia Latina Workshop on “The Americas: A Hemi
sphere in Motion” (Washington, D.C., USA, 2008)
b. Y4PT Presentation for the Transport Knowledge Resource Centre (KpVV) (Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2009)
c. Y4PT Presentation to the Italian Minister of Youth Policies, Mrs. Giorgia MELONI, at
the 7th ASSTRA National Conference (Rome, Italy, 2010)
d. 2-Week Networking Period in Bogota (Colombia) and Guadalajara (Mexico), 2010
e. Y4PT Presentation for the United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC)
(Brussels, Belgium, 2013)
f. Meeting between Y4PT Foundation and Novia Salcedo Foundation on Youth Unem
ployment (Brussels, Belgium, 2014)

24. Involvement of Y4PT in external events 73

a. Y4PT at the 1st NMC World Youth Meeting for Sustainable Development (Bari, Italy,
b. Y4PT at Our Future Mobility Now (OFMN) events:
i. Y4PT at the Launch of ACEA Youth Project: Our Future Mobility Now
(OFMN) (Brussels, Belgium, 2011)
ii. Y4PT at the Our Future Mobility Now (OFMN) High-Level Roundtable: “Inno
vation for Europe, Skills for the Future” (Brussels, Belgium, 2012)
c. Y4PT at the 18th InnoZ Mobility Fair - “Mobility of Young People” (Berlin, Germany,
d. Participation of Y4PT in major United Nations events (7 times):
i. United Nations High-Level Meeting on Youth 2011 (New York City, USA)
ii. 64th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference: Sustainable Societies; Responsive
Citizens (Bonn, Germany, 2011)
iii. World Urban Youth Assembly at the 7th UN Habitat World Urban Forum
(Medellin, Colombia, 2011)
iv. Participation of Y4PT in the UNESCO Youth Forum series (4 times in
Paris, France)
1. 5th UNESCO Youth Forum 2007
2. 6th UNESCO Youth Forum 2009
3. 7th UNESCO Youth Forum 2011
4. 8th UNESCO Youth Forum 2013
e. Y4PT as jury in the State University of Management (SUM) Youth Contest on Best
Student Projects for Advancing Public Transport series (3 times in Moscow, Russia)
i. 2010 edition
ii. 2012 edition
iii. 2014 edition

We named this book IDEARIUM – the geni-
tive plural of idea.

The reason:

Y4PT has been flooded with numerous

ideas and events, a flagship promoter to
public transport utilising the power of
youth. This makes the youth to fill this
world collectively with so many ideas and
proudly uphold Idearium 2005-2015:
Report on the 10th Anniversary of Y4PT.
We would like to thank all the youth that
participated to this great adventure that is
Y4PT and encourage them to continue in
that wonderful activity of making aware
hundreds of people of the needs of our

Each person, each activity, each continu-

ous effort is so unique and special, we are
proud each of you is part of Y4PT and we’d
like you to join our cheers and our involve-
ment throughout the world, every day.

Contribute to this book by buying a page

to show case your activities, taking part in
giving ideas , innovations and visions for a
definitive change of our human lifestyle.

Never the world has needed it so strongly.

Youths of Y4PT:
Maryam AL-AMRI (Oman)
Yahya AL-DAHHLI (Oman)
Abdullah AL-QURAINI (Oman)
Gustavo BALIEIRO (Brazil)
Some of them for reason of
Jorrit BAKKER (Netherlands) life, have chosen to follow
Mathias BERKTOLD (Austria) other paths.
Vanessa BLANDÓN HURTADO (Colombia)
Eduard BOGEANU (Romania)
Renato CARVALHO (Brazil) Some of them intermittently
76 Heiko DAUB (Germany) continue to collaborate, and
Areena DAVID (United Kingdom) they have been fundamental
Fernando DE CAIRES BARBOSA (Brazil)
Jaime ESCOBAR (El Salvador)
sensible actors for the birth of
Bianca FARAGAU (Romania) Y4PT.
José Enrique GARCÍA AVENDAÑO (Colombia)
Geomon GEORGE (India)
Alex GRECENIUC (Romania)
They live caring about the
Gorav GULATI (United Arab Emirates) Planet and the Beings living on
Sebastian HELLWIG (Germany) it, they bring forward their
Alexandra HERR (Germany) commitment and Y4PT have a
Michelle-Emma JAMES (Australia)
Jerome KISIELEWICZ (Belgium)
special place in their lives.
Clément LÉOCADIE (France)
Danny LERCH (Germany)

Julia LILA (Finland)
Malcolm LESLEY (United Kingdom)
Ruby MAHDI (Lebanon)
Muhammad MANDOORI (Pakistan)

Ali MURAD (Oman)
Heyder RIBEIRO (Brazil)
David ROJAS ENRÍQUEZ (Colombia)
Priya RAWAT (India)
Dirk SEMPER (Germany)
Federico SPANO (Italy)
Mark SPITERI (Australia)
Bruno STOCKEL (Italy)
Thiago TAVARES (Brazil)
Anna TOKAREVA (Russia)
Artiom TSAREV (Russia)
Mikael UDDSTRÖM (Finland)
Oliver WITTMAIER (Germany)
Hannes WUTZEL (Austria)

There are various tailored options; what role fits you better?

Be a:

• DONOR: Generosity is one of the most outstanding features of human

beings. Your disinterested contributions to Y4PT will make more easier to 77
accomplish our social goal.

• SPONSOR: Boost your organization’s visibility by financially supporting any

of our activities and projects: http://www.y4pt.org/projects/

• PARTNER: Create synergies along with Y4PT to tackle different issues that
are challenging the way forward to a sustainable world.

• PATRON: Devote your fame to morally support the causes championed by

Y4PT around the world.

• VOLUNTEER: Engage yourself, deploy all your enthusiasm, share your

knowledge and experience, to make part of the Y4PT Global Youth Network
(GYN) by joining an existing Y4PT Chapter in your city of residence or start-
ing a new one. More info at http://www.y4pt.org/chapters/

Further information on how to get involved in Y4PT at

This Idearium has been the joint
effort of the core group of Y4PT,
of these 4 people that are cher-
ishing every day the Mission and
the People that are the essential
part of Y4PT and brings together
with energy and passion for this
Organization: Alessandra Gorini,
Sebastian Pernet, Alfredo Barba
and Nabeel Faraz.

Without their commitment and

believes this adventure wouldn’t
have seen the light.

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