Functional Description
About this Documentation NC Compiler
Rexroth MTC 200
NC Compiler
Type of Documentation Functional Description
Purpose of Documentation This documentation describes the functions and the operation of NC
Validity The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not
be deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract.
All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.
NC Compiler Contents I
1 NC Compiler 1-1
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Activation of the NC Compiler....................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Chamfers and Roundings ............................................................................................................. 1-3
Chamfers and Roundings (Example) ...................................................................................... 1-4
Axis Definition with ACHS_DEF .............................................................................................. 1-6
1.4 Macro Technique .......................................................................................................................... 1-7
Macro Technique (Example) ................................................................................................... 1-7
1.5 Modal Function ............................................................................................................................. 1-9
Modal Function: Drilling Holes................................................................................................. 1-9
Modal Function: Rounding and Chamfering.......................................................................... 1-10
1.6 Enhanced Look-Ahead Function, ............................................................................................... 1-12
1.7 Bosch Rexroth Compiler............................................................................................................. 1-18
3 Index 3-1
II Contents NC Compiler
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-1
1 NC Compiler
1.1 Overview
NC compiler The NC compiler, which is integrated into the user interface, provides a
preliminary translation of NC programs. The existing Bosch Rexroth NC
compiler implements the following functions:
Chamfers and roundings,
Enhanced look-ahead function,
Macro technique and
Modal function
Furthermore, user-developed compilers can be tied in.
1-2 NC Compiler NC Compiler
The dialog for activation of the NC compiler also offers the possibility to
enter a user compiler and global compiler variables. See the chapter
Enhanced Look-Ahead Function for a detailed explanation of these
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-3
Fig. 1-2: Inserting chamfers and roundings between linear and circular contours
1-4 NC Compiler NC Compiler
Contiguous movement blocks Chamfers and roundings should only be inserted between contiguous
movement blocks. There may be a maximum of twenty blocks without
movement between two movement blocks that shall be interconnected
by a chamfer or rounding.
The preceding and the subsequent movement blocks must contain
either a linear or a circular movement.
The command for inserting a chamfer or rounding must be written
either in the first movement block or after it, but always before the
second movement block. If the compiler encounters the insertion
command for a chamfer or rounding in the second movement block, it
inserts the chamfer or rounding between the second and the
subsequent movements.
If the instruction for inserting a chamfer or rounding is written in a
separate NC block, the immediate preceding NC block must contain
the related linear or circular movement.
Movements that are outside the active working plane cannot be
interconnected by chamfers or roundings.
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-5
Invalid commands Chamfers or roundings cannot be inserted between two movement blocks
if one of the following functions is selected or deselected:
NC Compilers - Chamfering and Rounding - Invalid Commands
G code
valid G function
05 modal G15, G16 Radius / diameter programming
02 modal G17, G18, G19, G20, G21, G22 Level change
17 modal G30, G31, G32 Transformation functions
04 modal G52 ... G59 Zero shifts and
16 per block G50, G51 twists
09 modal G70, G71 Unit: inch/mm
18 modal G72, G73 Mirror function
16 per block G74 Homing of axes
Travelling against hard stop
16 per block G75, G76
Cancellation of all prestressing of axes
16 per block G77 Repositioning and re-approach
19 modal G78, G79 Scaling function
06 modal G90, G91 absolute/incremental size notation
BNE, BPL, BRA, BRF, BSR, Jump instructions and program branching
.xxxxxx x = 0..9, A..Z, a..z Jump marks
1-6 NC Compiler NC Compiler
Syntax ACHS_DEF(A1,A2,A2...)
Example: ACHS_DEF(X,Z1,C,6)
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-7
Global / local macros Besides the local macros, which the user may define within an NC program
and employ subsequently, the machine manufacturer can store global
macro definitions in the NC editor in the "Extras/Macro definition" menu
item. In contrast to local macro definitions, global macro definitions are valid
in all NC programs and in MDI operation of the graphic user interface.
A macro name may have up to 20 characters.
The instruction pertaining to a global macro can have up to 65
With a local macro, the compiler interprets all NC instructions that fol-
low the AS key word as the instruction sequence that must be inserted
instead of the macro name. It follows that no other NC command may
be programmed within an NC block after a DEFINE instruction.
Nesting macros is not permitted. This means that there may not be
any further macros within an instruction sequence that is to be in-
Example: DEFINE M86 AS M86 M3 S10
Key words may not be super-defined by macros.
1-8 NC Compiler NC Compiler
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-9
Explanation The string STRI, transferred in parentheses with the modal function,
may contain up to 80 characters.
It is inserted in all subsequent blocks with axis movements.
The modal function is deselected using the MODF_OFF key word.
The instruction concerned is executed immediately in the NC blocks in
which the user writes a modal instruction using MODF_ON.
The MODF_OFF instruction deactivates the modal instruction in the
block in which it is programmed.
It must be noted that the modal function (such as MODF_ON(RD 2))
does not have an effect on blocks without axis movements (i.e. without
feed axes).
N0000 T6 M6
N0001 G54 G0 X-10 Y-10 Z50 S3500 M3
;Pre-assign standard drilling cycle G83
1-10 NC Compiler NC Compiler
;******************* G83 - deep hole drilling chip removal *******************
N0002 @171=-20.0 ;depth (abs)
N0003 @172=6.0 ;chip depth (inc)
N0004 @173=2.0 ;safety distance (abs)
N0005 @174=0.5 ;cutter distance (inc)
N0006 @175=0.0 ;dwell time
N0007 @176=250.0 ;feed
N0008 X100 Y100 Z10 MODF_ON (BSR .*G83)
N0009 X200
N0010 X300
N0011 X400
N0012 Y200
N0013 X300
N0014 X200
N0015 X100
N0017 T0 M6
N0018 G0 G53 X570 Y490
N0019 M30
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-11
N0017 X100
N0018 Z160 MODF_ON (RD2.5)
N0019 X120
N0020 Z120
N0021 X140
N0022 Z80
N0023 X160
N0024 Z40
N0025 X180
N0027 G0 G40 X182 Z1
N0028 X184
N0029 Z450
N0030 M5
N0031 M70
N0032 M62
N0033 G53 G90 G47 M5
N0034 M30 [ ]
1-12 NC Compiler NC Compiler
Using the enhanced Using the enhanced look-ahead function is always expedient if an NC pro-
look-ahead function gram is to be executed that consists of very short NC blocks, and if the in-
ternal block look-ahead function proves insufficient.
With non-tangential block transitions, the NC always reduces the velocity
to zero at transitions that are crossed with G6 or G8. In order to be able to
stop in the last block, this process frequently requires continuous decel-
eration across several blocks. With very short NC blocks, the internal
MTC look-ahead function, however, usually does not recognize the end of
the polygon blocks, or an NC block that is too short, or a non-tangential
block transition in time. Consequently, the NC does not induce the
deceleration process in time, aborts NC program execution during the
deceleration process, and issues the error message Braking distance too
Using the enhanced look-ahead function enables the compiler to adjust
the velocity profile of certain program sequences within the NC program
to the maximum velocities and the acceleration capability of the individual
axis. During acceleration and deceleration processes, the compiler
therefore splits the NC blocks into sub-blocks of different F values
wherever this is necessary.
Global variables Global variables have been introduced that are used as transfer
parameters for the enhanced look-ahead function. Usually, the user can
employ these variables without modification. Some of them ( parameters
1-3 ) can be pre-assigned in the NC editor in the Extras/Compiler
settings menu item. Then, they are valid for all NC programs. If required,
the parameters 4-6 can also be used in the NC program.
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-13
1-14 NC Compiler NC Compiler
N0005 TL_RADIUS[1234567,1]=24.995
N0006 TL_RADIUS[923,3]=20.31
N0007 TL_RADIUS[9,9]=29.89
If the tool radius path correction of the enhanced look-
ahead function is employed (TRC <> 0), the tool radius
that, using the pre-defined TL_RADIUS[T no., E no.],
has been specified in the NC program during
CAUTION compilation must exist during machining.
The tool radius compensation is limited to cutting tool of
compensation type 3.
Axis Definition with ACHS_DEF The ACHS_DEF command selects the axes which are currently available
in the process. For a description of the command, see the above chapter
1.3, Chamfering and Rounding.
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-15
Contiguous motion blocks Within the to be optimized program sequence, may only those NC blocks
exist, which contain G1,G2 and G3 movements, event instructions (SE,RE),
speed definitions (F), acceleration limits (ACC_EFF) and quick assisting
function outputs (MQxxx, QQxxx ans Sxxxxx.xx, if S was parameterized as
a quick assisting function).
No variables The end points may not be determined by variables in those NC blocks in
which the speed profile is to process the look-ahead function.
Tool administration The tool change, including the pertaining T function and the cutter
selection, is to be performed before the enhanced look-ahead function is
activated or after it has been deactivated.
Percentile path acceleration In certain program sequences and, if applicable, depending on the tool or
compensation the workpiece weight, the resulting path acceleration must be reduced.
ACC_EFF ;change effective resulting path acceleration
Axis-related velocities Besides programming the path velocity via the F value, axis velocities may
also be programmed during the look-ahead function.
To specify an axis velocity, the F must immediately (without a blank) be
followed by the axis name.
Syntax: F<axis name>=<axis velocity in mm/min>
Example: :
N0045 G01 X 2034 Z1 421 FZ1=4500 ;axis-related velocity
for Z1:
Access to current data The command ccess to current data ACD_COMP[...] permits access to
in the controller current controller data (currently only NC variables) during compilation.
1-16 NC Compiler NC Compiler
Fig. 1-6: Velocity curve of a polygon that is to be optimized for grinding needles
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-17
1-18 NC Compiler NC Compiler
Compiler settings The Bosch Rexroth compiler can be activated and de-activated in the NC
editor in the Extras/Compiler settings menu item. As the GUI calls up
the Bosch Rexroth compiler only during a download process, this
compiler setting is significant for all former applications, above all
considering the time aspect. If you do not require the above mentioned
compiler functions, the Bosch Rexroth compiler should not be activated.
The default setting does not activate the compiler.
Status bits The GUI shows the following status bits in the parts program directories:
NC Compiler NC Compiler 1-19
NC Compiler User Compiler (Option) 2-1
Entry of a user compiler Before and after the Bosch Rexroth compiler, the user can insert a
maximum of two user compilers each in the NC editor in the
Extras/Compiler settings menu item. To this effect, the respective DLL
designation must be entered at the required location:
User compiler ...... . ...
User compiler 2 ...... . ...
Bosch Rexroth compiler
User compiler 3 ...... . ...
User compiler 4 ...... . ...
Syntax check
Preconditions for running the The GUI only calls up the Bosch Rexroth compiler for an NC program if
compiler all the following conditions are met:
Download of an NC program or cycles has been commanded,
The compiler setting Compiler has been activated in the NC editor in
the Extras/Compiler settings menu item,
At least one of the keywords or macros has been programmed or
modified in the respective program,
The program has been newly created or edited, and
The program has not been compiled yet (status bit N in the parts
program directory).
At each download of NC program or cycles, the GUI will call up the user
compilers entered by the machine manufacturer by defining the program
designation and by activation of the compilers. The GUI will also call up
the user compilers if there are no Bosch Rexroth keywords within the
respective NC program.
2-2 User Compiler (Option) NC Compiler
Controlling The compiler call-ups are controlled by means of the Files Download.ini in
the compiler call-ups the ...\Indramat\MTGUI\Project_000\CustomData\Resource directory.
NC Compiler Index 3-1
3 Index
ACC_EFF 1-15
Access to current data - ACD_COMP[...] 1-15
Access to current data in the controller 1-15
ADTRC 1-14
Axis-related velocities 1-15
BBTRC 1-13
Block buffer for tool radius compensation - BBTRC 1-13
Chamfers and roundings
Contiguous movement blocks 1-4
Invalid commands 1-5
Chamfers and roundings 1-3
Chamfers and roundings
No variables 1-5
Syntax 1-3
Compiled program 1-1
Compiler settings 1-18
Controlling the compiler call-ups 2-2
Enhanced look-ahead function 1-12
BBTRC (block buffer for tool radius compensation) 1-13
Contiguous motion blocks 1-14
Global variables 1-12
METB (minimum execution time for one block) 1-12
No variables 1-15
Syntax 1-12
TL_RADIUS[T no., E no.] 1-13
TRC (tool radius correction for look-ahead function) 1-14
Use options 1-12
VFBT (velocity factor for block transition) 1-13
Enhancend look-ahead function
ADTRC (approach distance for tool radius compensation) 1-14
Entry of a user compiler 2-1
INDRAMAT compiler
Call-up 1-19
INDRAMAT compiler
Tasks 1-18
INDRAMAT Compiler 1-18
Loading distance to establish the tool radius compensation - ACTRC 1-14
Lowest run time of an NC record - METB 1-12
Macro technique
Macro 1-7
Macro technique
Global macros 1-7
Macro Technique
Syntax 1-7
3-2 Index NC Compiler
NC Compiler 1-1
Object file 1-1
Percentile path acceleration compensation 1-15
Preconditions for running the compiler 2-1
Source program 1-1
Specify tool radius - TL_RADIUS 1-13
Status bits 1-18
Tool administration 1-15
Tool radius compensation - TRC 1-14
TRC 1-14
User compiler
Directory 2-1
User Compiler 2-1
Velocity factor for block transition - VFBT 1-13
VFBT 1-13
NC Compiler Service & Support 4-1
4.1 Helpdesk
Unser Kundendienst-Helpdesk im Hauptwerk Lohr Our service helpdesk at our headquarters in Lohr am
am Main steht Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Main, Germany can assist you in all kinds of inquiries.
Sie erreichen uns Contact us
4.2 Service-Hotline
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4.3 Internet
4-2 Service & Support NC Compiler
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97816 Lohr am Main / 97803 Lohr von 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr von 17:00 - 07:00 Uhr - extended office time -
Kompetenz-Zentrum Europa
from 5 pm - 7 am nur an Werktagen
from 7 am 6 pm + SA / SO - only on working days -
Tel.: +49 (0)9352 40-0 Tel.: +49 (0)172 660 04 06 von 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Tel. +49 (0) 9352 40 50 60
Fax: +49 (0)9352 40-4885 oder / or - from 7 am - 6 pm -
[email protected] Tel.: +49 (0)171 333 88 26 Tel. +49 (0) 9352 40 42 22
NC Compiler Service & Support 4-3
Sweden - Schweden Switzerland West - Schweiz West Switzerland East - Schweiz Ost
Bosch Rexroth AB Bosch Rexroth Suisse SA Bosch Rexroth Schweiz AG
Electric Drives & Controls Av. Gnral Guisan 26 Electric Drives & Controls
Ekvndan 7 1800 Vevey 1 Hemrietstrasse 2
254 67 Helsingborg Tel.: +41 (0)21 632 84 20 8863 Buttikon
Tel.: +46 (0) 42 38 88 -50 Fax: +41 (0)21 632 84 21 Tel. +41 (0) 55 46 46 111
Fax: +46 (0) 42 38 88 -74 Fax +41 (0) 55 46 46 222
4-4 Service & Support NC Compiler
Czech Republic - Tschechien Czech Republic - Tschechien Hungary - Ungarn Poland Polen
Bosch -Rexroth, spol.s.r.o. DEL a.s. Bosch Rexroth Kft. Bosch Rexroth Sp.zo.o.
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627 00 Brno 591 01 Zdar nad Szavou 1149 Budapest 05-800 Pruszkw
Tel.: +420 (0)5 48 126 358 Tel.: +420 566 64 3144 Tel.: +36 (1) 422 3200 Tel.: +48 22 738 18 00
Fax: +420 (0)5 48 126 112 Fax: +420 566 62 1657 Fax: +36 (1) 422 3201 service: +48 22 738 18 46
Fax: +48 22 758 87 35
service: +48 22 738 18 42
NC Compiler Service & Support 4-5
Taiwan Thailand
Bosch Rexroth Co., Ltd. NC Advance Technology Co. Ltd.
Taichung Branch 59/76 Moo 9
1F., No. 29, Fu-Ann 5th Street, Ramintra road 34
Xi-Tun Area, Taichung City Tharang, Bangkhen,
Taiwan, R.O.C. Bangkok 10230
Tel : +886 - 4 -23580400 Tel.: +66 2 943 70 62
Fax: +886 - 4 -23580402 +66 2 943 71 21
[email protected] Fax: +66 2 509 23 62
[email protected] Hotline +66 1 984 61 52
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4-6 Service & Support NC Compiler
USA East Region Ost USA Northeast Region Nordost USA West Region West
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation Bosch Rexroth Corporation
Electric Drives & Controls Electric Drives & Controls 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 220
Charlotte Regional Sales Office Northeastern Technical Center Pleasant Hill, California 94588
14001 South Lakes Drive 99 Rainbow Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 East Granby, Connecticut 06026
Tel.: +1 704 5 83 97 62 Tel.: +1 860 8 44 83 77 Tel.: +1 925 227 10 84
+1 704 5 83 14 86 Fax: +1 860 8 44 85 95 Fax: +1 925 227 10 81
Canada East - Kanada Ost Canada West - Kanada West Mexico Mexico
Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation Bosch Rexroth Mexico S.A. de C.V. Bosch Rexroth S.A. de C.V.
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Burlington, Ontario Canada V7J 1R1 07700 Mexico, D.F. 64930 Monterrey, N.L.
Canada L7M 1A8
Tel.: +1 905 335 5511 Tel. +1 604 205 5777 Tel.: +52 55 57 54 17 11 Tel.: +52 81 83 65 22 53
Fax: +1 905 335 4184 Fax +1 604 205 6944 Fax: +52 55 57 54 50 73 +52 81 83 65 89 11
Hotline: +1 905 335 5511 Hotline: +1 604 205 5777 [email protected] +52 81 83 49 80 91
[email protected] [email protected] Fax: +52 81 83 65 52 80
[email protected]
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Reflutec de Colombia Ltda.
Calle 37 No. 22-31
Santaf de Bogot, D.C.
Tel.: +57 1 368 82 67
+57 1 368 02 59
Fax: +57 1 268 97 37
[email protected]
[email protected]
NC Compiler
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Phone +49 93 52-40-50 60
Fax +49 93 52-40-49 41
[email protected]
Printed in Germany
R911299608 DOK-MTC200-NC*COMP*V23-FK01-EN-P