New in CncKad V12

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New in cncKad Version 12

1 New Drafting Features................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Place DFT Text along Arcs/Lines ........................................................................................ 5
1.2 Delete Open Contours ......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Create Bridge for Font ......................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Scale Arcs and Circles Enhanced ........................................................................................ 9
1.5 Track File Modification ......................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Extra User Data ................................................................................................................. 11
2 New Import/Export Features ..................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Filter Files by Date Modified in Import File Dialog Box ....................................................... 13
2.2 Compare Parts before Import ............................................................................................ 14
2.3 Open Live Import Dialog Box when Dragging DXF/DWG Files .......................................... 18
2.4 Mirror Part Vertically during DXF/DWG Import ................................................................... 19
2.5 Keep Original Font Size for Text Converted During Import ................................................ 20
2.6 Detect Text Parameters from Imported DXF Files ............................................................. 21
2.7 Import GEO Files ............................................................................................................... 24
2.8 Import Geometry from DSTV files ...................................................................................... 24
3 New Punch Features ................................................................................................................ 26
3.1 Add Nibble Free Hand ....................................................................................................... 26
3.2 Add Single Punch on Punched Entity ................................................................................ 28
3.3 Control Pickup and Chute Hit............................................................................................. 29
3.4 Auto Index Tools Warning ................................................................................................. 29
3.5 Edit Nibble Offset by Dragging ........................................................................................... 29
3.6 Set Tool Sequence for Cut with Pre-Punch: Now Only for the Cut ..................................... 30
3.7 Split Deburr Tool Processing for MicroJoint ....................................................................... 30
3.8 Add MicroJoint for Cut Sheet ............................................................................................. 31
3.9 Set Perpendicular Offset for MJ Tools ............................................................................... 32
3.10 Define Station Size Letters from A to Z .............................................................................. 32
3.11 New in Auto Punch ............................................................................................................ 32
3.11.1 Prefer Tools That Do Not Give Entity Partially Processed Warning .......................... 32
3.11.2 Allow Crunch Only with Allowed Tool Ratio for Holes.................................................. 33
3.11.3 Use Square and Round Tools as MicroJoint Tool ....................................................... 35
4 New Laser Features ................................................................................................................. 36
4.1 More Control of MicroJoint in Laser Common Cuts ............................................................ 36
4.2 Part Auto Entry Point over the Whole Sheet in Optimization .............................................. 36
4.3 Hatch Contour ................................................................................................................... 40
4.4 Define Wire Joints for Cut Sheet ........................................................................................ 41
4.5 Fast Cut ............................................................................................................................. 42
4.6 Use Prepunch for Open or Colored Contour ...................................................................... 43
4.7 Define Cat-Eye for Processed Parts .................................................................................. 44


4.8 Keep Part Corner Processing ............................................................................................ 45

4.9 Import Machine Cutting Data ............................................................................................. 47
5 New Combination Machines Features ...................................................................................... 52
5.1 Define Dummy Tool for Laser ............................................................................................ 52
6 New in Nest .............................................................................................................................. 53
6.1 Update Geometry Changes Automatically ......................................................................... 53
6.2 Highlight Selected Tool on Graphic Screen ....................................................................... 55
6.3 Choose Instances for CAM Changes ................................................................................. 55
6.4 Optimize Tools with Part Handling ..................................................................................... 56
6.4.1 Automatic Optimization by Part ................................................................................... 56
6.4.2 Manual Optimization by Part ....................................................................................... 57
6.5 Punch Until Collision .......................................................................................................... 58
6.6 Check if Punch Destroys Neighboring Part ........................................................................ 58
7 New in AutoNest....................................................................................................................... 60
7.1 Show Forming and Tapping Tools ..................................................................................... 60
7.2 Display Actual Dead Zone for Active Tools ........................................................................ 61
7.3 Support CAM Layers ......................................................................................................... 62
7.4 Split Skeleton .................................................................................................................... 64
7.5 Allow Part Rotation at 0, 270 Angles.................................................................................. 64
7.6 Align Parts ......................................................................................................................... 64
7.7 Match Notches................................................................................................................... 66
7.8 Part Preview on Label Report ............................................................................................ 68
7.9 Parts Name Size/Position on SubNest Report Enhanced ................................................. 70
7.10 Apply Tool Order Rules in Open as NST ........................................................................... 71
7.11 Display Additional Part Info in Part Name/SubNest Number Table .................................... 71
7.12 Show Used Tools and Punch Data in AutoNest Reports.................................................... 73
7.13 Generate Bysoft Reports ................................................................................................... 75
7.14 Generate SubNest Reports for Busbar and Tube .............................................................. 75
7.15 Prefer Best Efficiency or Always Keep Direction ................................................................ 77
7.16 Support for Laser Common Cuts ....................................................................................... 78
7.17 Select SubNest Numbering Method ................................................................................... 79
7.18 Find a Part inside AutoNest ............................................................................................... 80
7.19 Recognize Last Part in Manual Processing Order.............................................................. 81
7.20 Move All Placements Up for Shear Machines .................................................................... 81
7.21 Check Safe Distance between Parts in AutoNest .............................................................. 82
7.22 Set Common Cuts Buffer for Multiple Materials ................................................................. 84
7.23 Set Min Usable Hole Size in Global Info ............................................................................ 85
7.24 Change Sheet Parameters from Sheets Database ............................................................ 85
7.25 Keep Offsets Defined in Set Sheet=Part Option ................................................................ 86
7.26 Run AutoNest for Selected Parts ....................................................................................... 86
7.27 Fill Holes for Selected Parts............................................................................................... 87

Whats New in Version 12

7.28 Collision Less Mode .......................................................................................................... 87

7.29 Show Used Tools Dialog Box in AutoNest ......................................................................... 89
7.30 List Used Dead Zones in Turret File .................................................................................. 89
8 New in ORD/CSV Processing................................................................................................... 90
8.1 ORD/CSV Mechanism and Related AutoNest Reports Enhancements .............................. 90
8.2 Automatic Search for Part Files Specified in CSV Order File ............................................. 90
8.3 New Daily Job Order ......................................................................................................... 91
8.3.1 Add Entire CSV/ORD to Daily Job .............................................................................. 93
8.3.2 Remove Parts from Daily Job ..................................................................................... 94
8.3.3 Enhanced Part Preview in the Daily Job ..................................................................... 95
8.4 Enhanced Quantity Order Dialog Box ................................................................................ 96
8.4.1 Delete Parts ................................................................................................................ 97
8.4.2 Add Parts .................................................................................................................... 98
8.5 Customize ORD Column Titles .......................................................................................... 98
8.6 New Quick Setup Popup Box........................................................................................... 100
8.7 Use Keyboard to Create Parts Order ............................................................................... 101
8.8 Replace DXF/DWG with Existing DFT Files ..................................................................... 103
8.9 Check for Duplicate Files When Creating AutoNest Order ............................................... 103
8.10 Select Entire Folder in Import Files dialog box ................................................................. 104
8.11 Copy Processes from Master Layer Using New MDL Key ............................................... 104
9 New in Busbar ........................................................................................................................ 105
9.1 Do Not Delete Holes Automatically .................................................................................. 105
9.2 Holes Recalculation When Changing Busbar Profile ....................................................... 105
9.3 Calculate Maximum Number of Parts on Busbar Nest ..................................................... 106
10 New in Post-Processing ......................................................................................................... 107
10.1 Post-Processing Performance Enhanced ........................................................................ 107
11 New in Simulation ................................................................................................................... 108
11.1 View Remaining Sheet after Shear Hits ........................................................................... 108
11.2 Fill Sheet ......................................................................................................................... 111
12 New General Features ........................................................................................................... 113
12.1 Send NC to Destination Command Supported Per Machine. ......................................... 113
12.2 Change the Split When Stacking ..................................................................................... 113
12.3 Tube Sizes Database ...................................................................................................... 114
12.4 Set Reposition for Sheet Unload by Mouse ..................................................................... 115
12.5 Clean Up Machines Folder .............................................................................................. 117
12.6 Support NC Generation by External Manufacturer's Module (Mitsubishi) ......................... 117
12.7 Create Reports in Excel Format ....................................................................................... 118
12.8 Generate Job Reports with DOCX Extension .................................................................. 118
12.9 Define Default Settings for Sheet Processing Technology ............................................... 119
12.10 Define Stripe Defaults ................................................................................................... 120
12.11 Show Machine upon Open DFT/NST ............................................................................ 121


12.12 Calculate Gas Price....................................................................................................... 121

12.13 Add AuxHdr files to MDL File ........................................................................................ 122

Whats New in Version 12

1 New Drafting Features

1.1 Place DFT Text along Arcs/Lines

When placing DFT text in cncKad, it is now possible to create the text snapped to any existing
entity: line or arc. This capability is supported both for Windows Fonts and DFT Fonts.
The arc/line should NOT be solid white to avoid getting open contour warnings. To change your
entitys color/line type, select it and choose the Change Attribute option from the Edit menu.

Now you are ready to snap your text to the desired entity.
You can manually control the font size choose the Auto Font Size option, in the Draw menu =>
DFT Text => Place Text:


cncKad determines the text direction depending on which end of the entity you click. The end
closest to the clicked position is the starting point for the text:

1.2 Delete Open Contours

While working on a DFT file, you can delete all the open contours on your draft with just one click.

Whats New in Version 12

The Delete Open Contours command is available directly from the Edit menu.

1.3 Create Bridge for Font

cncKad now supports a new featureCreate Bridge for Fontto use when cutting Windows
Fonts out of a part. This feature was created to ensure that Windows fonts, for example a or d
letters, are cut correctly and do not fall from the metal sheet.


After placing Windows fonts in your part go to the Edit menu and choose the Create Bridge for
Font option:

A dialog box opens, where you can define the desired width for the bridge, measured in working
units, according to the Windows fonts size:

Click the point where you wish the bridge to begin, and then click the second one. A red line
defines the bridges location:

Whats New in Version 12

Press the Enter key to confirm and the bridge is created, as follows:

1.4 Scale Arcs and Circles Enhanced

cncKad supports different scale values on X and Y for arcs and circles and performs a correct
scaling for arcs and circles, replacing them with the appropriate (full or partial) ellipse.
Select the Scale option from Transform menu, click the circle/arc to scale, and press the Enter
key. Define the X and Y factors of your choice in the Scale dialog box:

And see the results:

The same circle scaled
Original circle by different X and Y

Original arc The same arc scaled by different X and Y values

1.5 Track File Modification

In cncKad V12 there are improvements on tracking file last modification:
cncKad distinguishes between geometry modification and modifications of all kinds; for
example, processing changes with no geometry change.


Whenever there is a changesuch as to the geometrycncKad saves the file, the

timestamp, and the name of the programmer who have made the last change. The current
programmer, defined in Settings => Workspace Settings => User Data tab, is
automatically set as the last modifier.

Whats New in Version 12

The complete information is shown in the User Data dialog box and also in the Open Part dialog
box, in the preview section:

1.6 Extra User Data

In addition to the predefined user data information (such as customer name and project name),
cncKad allows you to insert general purpose parameters. It is possible to set up to 20 parameters,
saved in a DFT/NST file.
Like the existing user data titles, you can configure the extra data titles in Workspace Settings =>
Edit Titles tab.
See the parameters in the Set Sheet and Clamps dialog box => User Data tab.
You can also retrieve the extra data via a report token. For example, to get extra data number 4,
use @EXTRA_DATA'4'.
To enable the extra user data, in the model file (.MDL), under General Info, set the
EnableExtraData key to Yes.


Extra data titles configuration:

Extra data usage:

Whats New in Version 12

2 New Import/Export Features

2.1 Filter Files by Date Modified in Import File Dialog Box

This new feature is available both in cncKad and AutoNest.
In the Import File dialog box, you can filter the list of files you wish to import according to their last
modification date. This can be done either by specifying the maximum number of days since the
last modification or by setting a specific date, as the oldest modification date to be shown on the
The desired result is shown in the list in the Folder Files section:


2.2 Compare Parts before Import

In File menu => Import => Import File dialog box, when you import a DXF file, you can mark the
Compare with Active Part box to compare the file chosen for import with the DFT file currently
open in cncKad.

Whats New in Version 12

This feature is very useful when you have a DFT file, probably already processed, and you get a
new DXF for the same part and you wish to compare what has changed:

Mark the Compare with Active Part box and click OK in the Import dialog box.
Maybe nothing has changed, so the existing DFT can be used. If so, cncKad issues a message:

When there are changes, you can update your file with a click of the mouse.
The following message is issued:


Click the OK button and cncKad shows you the differences between the files; the deleted entities
are highlighted while the added ones are drawn in green:

Now press ENTER to apply all the changes made or to just press ESC to discard and keep the
original DFT.

Whats New in Version 12

This is the result:


2.3 Open Live Import Dialog Box when Dragging DXF/DWG Files
When dragging DXF/DWG files directly from Windows Explorer into the cncKad open window or
onto its icon, the Live Import dialog box opens.

Whats New in Version 12

2.4 Mirror Part Vertically during DXF/DWG Import

While importing DXF/DWG files it is now possible to vertically mirror the part geometry (flip it on the
vertical axis).
In the Live Import dialog box, see the preview of the part you are importing:

Click the Import Setup button and in the Geometry Conversion tab check the Mirror Part
Vertically option and confirm your selection with the OK button.


Your part is imported to cncKad and mirrored around the vertical axis:

2.5 Keep Original Font Size for Text Converted During Import
When importing text into AutoNest and cncKad you can keep the original font size.
This option should be used when the font is already punched, since, in this case, the font size
CANNOT be changed.
After choosing your part in the Import Files dialog box, go to Setup button => Parameters tab,
check the Convert All Texts to DFT Font section, and check the 1:1 box to maintain the original
font size:

Whats New in Version 12

2.6 Detect Text Parameters from Imported DXF Files

From now on, AutoNest supports automatic detection of text parameters, such as Material,
Thickness, Quantity, Drawing Number, Project/Customer, Part Name (they appear on the
original drawings as a string) specified within a text block of the imported DXF/DWG file.
This capability is available for all the existing import procedures in AutoNest (DSP, ORD, and
ORD validation).
This capability supports multiple contour DXF/DWG, i.e., each part generated by a contour may
have its own material, thickness, quantity, etc. You can also define a global default for each
parameter simply by locating the required text out of all contours.
To use this option, set the appropriate prefix for each parameter type, according to the prefix that
shall appear in the imported text.
To do so, go to Import Files dialog box => Import Setup button => Text Parameters tab:

Note: If the string includes blanks, one of the following conditions must be fulfilled:
No text follows the drawing number until the end of the containing text block.

The drawing number is enclosed by quotation marks (recommended).

After importing your part, see that the parts parameters were taken from the relevant text blocks
within the original part file.

Whats New in Version 12

After validating the parts, the detected parameters appear in the Create Order dialog box in


2.7 Import GEO Files

cncKad now supports the import of geometric files for Trumpf machines (GEO files). Just choose
this option from the File Extension list in the Import File dialog box:

2.8 Import Geometry from DSTV files

cncKad and AutoNest now support importing geometry from files in DSTV format ("Deutscher
Stahlbau-Verband"), just like DXF, DWG, IGES.

Whats New in Version 12

This format is commonly used for the NC code management ('Nc1' extension) in some
environments of the steel construction industry.


3 New Punch Features

3.1 Add Nibble Free Hand

In cncKad V12 there is a new option to graphically add a Free Hand Nibble on the entity.
This feature is especially useful when there is NO entity around; for example, when you wish to cut
from the end of a part to the edge of the sheet.
From CAM menu => Punch CAM => Add Punch dialog box select the Nibble Entity Punch Type
with Free Hand Tool Positioning option:

If you are working on a Nest file, choose MODE=SHEET from the State bar to
make the Nibble Free Hand available.
In your drawing, select the Entity Side of the desired entity where the nibble will be placed.
With the aid of snapping options, click the nibble start point:

Whats New in Version 12

Press the left mouse button and drag the nibble to the desired position:

You can also drag the nibble to different angles and directions:
TIP Entity Side RIGHT Entity Side


3.2 Add Single Punch on Punched Entity

From now on you can add a single punch on a punched entity also when you only have one hit
placed on the entity:

Go to the Add Punch dialog box and choose to add a Single punch On Punched Entity:

This is the result:

Whats New in Version 12

3.3 Control Pickup and Chute Hit

From V12 on, there is a new option to graphically move the chute and pickup last hit, by clicking
the C (chute) or U (unload) letters on the screen and dragging it (the chute/unload punch itself) to
where you wish the last hit to be positioned:

3.4 Auto Index Tools Warning

From now on, cncKad issues a warning if you try to set a non-auto-index station to an Auto-Index

3.5 Edit Nibble Offset by Dragging

cncKad supports editing the nibble offset graphically by dragging the nibble to a desired position,
with the aid of the snapping options.


Place your cursor near the nibble end/start, keep the left mouse button pressed, and drag the
nibble to the desired offset position, with the aid of the arrows:

When you are finished, release your mouse button and the Edit Offset dialog box opens.
Here you can define a New Offset Value or just confirm the value set by dragging:

Click the OK button to get your new nibble offset:

3.6 Set Tool Sequence for Cut with Pre-Punch: Now Only for the Cut
When setting tool sequence to a cut with pre-punch, the tool sequence applies only to the cut and
not to the pre-punch.

3.7 Split Deburr Tool Processing for MicroJoint

When you add a Deburr Tool (DB100) to a processed entity, the deburring automatically splits
where the MicroJoints were placed.

Whats New in Version 12

3.8 Add MicroJoint for Cut Sheet

If a MicroJoint is required for cut sheet operation, now it is possible to set both the MicroJoint
and the required Tool directly from the Cut Sheet dialog box (in the CAM menu).


3.9 Set Perpendicular Offset for MJ Tools

From now on, cncKad supports Perpendicular Offset, denoted as D3, also for MJ Tools.
You can use either positive or negative offsets.

3.10 Define Station Size Letters from A to Z

Define any letter from A to Z for the station sizes by editing the MDL file.

3.11 New in Auto Punch

3.11.1 Prefer Tools That Do Not Give Entity Partially Processed Warning
From now on, AutoPunch automatically chooses the tools that can process the entity in the most
complete manner.
For example, in Sharp Notches, AutoPunch prefers to use a Trapeze MJ Tool, if available.
Note: Triangle tool is not supported yet.

Whats New in Version 12

3.11.2 Allow Crunch Only with Allowed Tool Ratio for Holes
In CAM menu => Punch CAM =>AutoPunch => Punch and Cut Warnings tab, a new option of
Allow Crunch Only with Allowed Tool Ratio was added:


For crunching Holes and Notches, when you check this box, cncKad uses a tool that respects
the Maximum Crunch Tool Ratio defined in AutoPunch Parameters tab => Notch:

For example, with the Tool Ratio defined as 1, only square tools (SQ) can be used, if the tool ratio
is defined as 2, cncKad can use the RE 20 10 tool, but not RE 21 10.

Whats New in Version 12

With the above settings, you can run AutoPunch on the following part, and cncKad chooses the
SQ 10 tool to crunch a hole of 32 per 13.5 mm:

3.11.3 Use Square and Round Tools as MicroJoint Tool

Now you can use square or round tools as MicroJoint tools from the CAM menu => Punch CAM
=> AutoPunch => Slitting tab.

You can also decide to use only MicroJoint tools from your setup.
For example, if you use two MJ tools such as MJ 20 5 1.4 (horizontal) and MJ 20 5 1.4 90
(vertical), define them in Tools menu => Turret Setups and then check the Use from Setup box
shown above.

4 New Laser Features

4.1 More Control of MicroJoint in Laser Common Cuts

In cncKad V12, there are two new parameters for Wire Joints in the Common Cuts Parameters
dialog box:
cncKad does not add WJ when entity length is smaller than the specified value
cncKad adds only one WJ when entity length is smaller than the specified value
These parameters allow more control of the MicroJoints/Wire Joint, while using common cuts, by
defining if to apply a wire joint or not according to the entity length:

4.2 Part Auto Entry Point over the Whole Sheet in Optimization
When Auto Entry Point is selected Between Parts in the AutoCut dialog box => Cutting
Optimization tab, each part ends at a point that is closest to the next part's starting point,
optimizing the whole sheet processing.

Whats New in Version 12

For example, the Auto Entry Point was not defined for the part below:


When enabling the Auto Entry Point with Bottom Left and Snake Y options, for example:

Whats New in Version 12

You get a better result when the laser avoids passing through already cut areas:


4.3 Hatch Contour

This option is available from CAM menu => Cut CAM.

In the above dialog box you can select the hatch Angle and the Distance between the lines. The
hatch lines are engraved.
This is an example of DFT text with hatched lines applied to it:

Whats New in Version 12

4.4 Define Wire Joints for Cut Sheet

Wire Joints can now be defined for Cut Sheet directly from the CAM menu => Cut Sheet dialog


4.5 Fast Cut

A new Fast Cut option is now available from CAM menu => Cut CAM => AutoCut => AutoCut

When the Fast Cut (No Entry/Exit) checkbox is marked:

No cut entry/exit is performed
Auto Entry and Auto Path Finder is enabled
Holes are cut using the fastest path, regardless of their size

Whats New in Version 12

4.6 Use Prepunch for Open or Colored Contour

From now on, you can use the prepunch option for an open/colored contour, which starts outside
the part and ends inside it.
This can be done directly from CAM menu => Cut CAM => AutoCut => AutoCut tab for a specific


Or define it in the Cutting Table as a general default:

4.7 Define Cat-Eye for Processed Parts

From now on, you can define Cat-Eye also for already processed parts.
In CAM menu => Cut CAM => Cat-Eye option you can choose from various options for measuring
the sheet:

Click the OK button and select any entity, either in CAD or CAM Mode, to apply the Cat-Eye.

Whats New in Version 12

4.8 Keep Part Corner Processing

From now on, cncKad supports Part Corner Processing.
If you set corner processing for a part (DFT), in the CAM menu => Set Sheet and Clamps dialog
box => Global Cut tab, this part will have the defined corner processing in each nest, even if there
is no corner processing in the nest.
For example, when you define loops for the original part file:


This specific part will have loops on each nest where it is placed:

Whats New in Version 12

If there are NO loops defined in the specific part and you set loops in the nest, ALL the parts in the
nest will have loops:

4.9 Import Machine Cutting Data

For some laser models, cncKad supports importing cutting data from the machine environment
into the internal cutting tables for the machine model in cncKad.
Each manufacturer uses a different file format in its machine environment.
cncKad can read, interpret, and import the cutting data from various files formats: XML, Binary
files, and several private text formats.
This capability is available for a growing number of machine manufacturers and models.
The currently supported machine manufacturers are Mitsubishi, Boschert, Durma, Bystronic, and


In the Settings menu => Machine Settings dialog box => Cutting Parameters tab, click the
Import Cutting Tables button:

Whats New in Version 12

In the Import External Cutting Table dialog box, browse for the desired tables location, and click
the Validate button to validate the cutting data to import:

If there are any problems with the files import you will be warned:


Examine the log file by clicking the View Log File button:

If everything is all right you will get the following message:

Whats New in Version 12

Map your material names by choosing the proper names used in cncKad and click the Import

Define if you are importing all the cutting data on the machine or only a part of it:

Click the OK button:


5 New Combination Machines Features

5.1 Define Dummy Tool for Laser

In Settings menu => Machine Settings => Combined Machine Parameters a new tool was
addedthe Dummy Tool for Laser:

Before the laser starts to work there will be a tool change to the Dummy Tool selected here.

Whats New in Version 12

6 New in Nest

6.1 Update Geometry Changes Automatically

From now on, when loading/updating a NST file, if a parts geometry has changed in the original
DFT file, this part is automatically updated in the NST file.
If you have marked the Notify After Parts Update option in the Settings menu => Workspace
Settings dialog box => Working Defaults tab:


You will be notified of these part updates, as shown in the Update Parts dialog box:

But if a DFT part has been updated, and there is no change in the geometry, the Update Parts
dialog box lists all the parts that have been updated, giving you the possibility to choose whether to
update the NST file.
If you check the Remove NST changes checkbox, the parts are updated in the nest:

Whats New in Version 12

6.2 Highlight Selected Tool on Graphic Screen

From now on, when you select a tool from the Tools List in a NST file, the tools processing is
highlighted in red on the graphic screen:

6.3 Choose Instances for CAM Changes

From now on, after changing a part, when there are more instances of it in the nest file, cncKad
opens the Instances for CAM Change dialog box, allowing you to define the changes for more
than one instance at a time:

This dialog box appears when making changes to a part, including:

Laser MicroJoints
New punch offset
Delete CAM
Add punch


If a command is used while the CTRL Key is pressed, this command is performed automatically
only for the selected instance.

6.4 Optimize Tools with Part Handling

From now on, you can optimize your tools path to work by part, and keep the parts order in the

6.4.1 Automatic Optimization by Part

When a tool has Stop/Chute/Pickup command, the optimization is blocked.

However, optimizing the parts should still work.

In the Tools menu => Used Tools dialog box, click the Optimize Path column for your tool. The
Tool Data dialog box opens on the Optimization Strategy tab.
Setting a Non-Global optimization strategy for a tool runs the Automatic Optimization for Parts
for this tool.

Whats New in Version 12

6.4.2 Manual Optimization by Part

From now on, you can choose the optimization part by part for a nest, with no need to click every
hit inside the parts.
When using the Order/Travel by Mouse option from the Tools menu => Used Tools dialog box in
a nest, click on a part to add all the hits inside it to the order sequence. The tools order inside the
part defined in the original DFT is kept.
Clicking the mouse button with the Ctrl key pressed orders a specific hit within the part (like in
cncKad V11).


6.5 Punch Until Collision

cncKad supports detection of Punch Collision in NST.
When adding a punch to a part in a NST file, cncKad checks for collision with neighboring parts,
and gives the same dialog as in DFT, allowing you to punch until collision:

This is the result after you use this option:

6.6 Check if Punch Destroys Neighboring Part

From now on, while generating NC to a nest file, you can select the Check if Punch Destroys
Neighboring Part box in the Post Processor Options tab.

Whats New in Version 12

When this option is checked, cncKad tests each punch to see if it destroys any of its neighboring

If cncKad finds punches which destroy other parts, it does not generate the NC file and issues the
following message:

This option does NOT check if the punch destroys the part itself, but only the parts
around it, since cncKad assumes the original part is correct.


7 New in AutoNest

7.1 Show Forming and Tapping Tools

From now on, when you use forming and tapping tools on a cncKad part:

When you nest your part in AutoNest, these tools are shown, marked by stars:

Whats New in Version 12

7.2 Display Actual Dead Zone for Active Tools

Now AutoNest shows the actual dead zone calculated according to the tools stations defined in
the Used Tools dialog box.
When you choose the Avoid Clamps Area option from Settings menu => Workspace Settings
=> AutoNest tab, the automatic nesting process takes into account the actual dead zone and
does not place parts there:


7.3 Support CAM Layers

When you have a part with CAM Layers defined in cncKad, you can now use these CAM Layers
in AutoNest.

Whats New in Version 12

The buffer in AutoNest includes the appropriate processing used in the CAM Layer, according to
the CAM Layer specific angle (defined for the part instance on the Info bar):


7.4 Split Skeleton

Now you can split skeleton also in AutoNest.
In the Sheet menu => Set Sheet and Clamps dialog box is the new Split Skeleton tab:

See the results of splitting the skeleton:

In the NST file within cncKad, after you open your nested solution as a NST file in cncKad

In the Simulation screen, after you generate the NC code directly from AutoNest

7.5 Allow Part Rotation at 0, 270 Angles

AutoNest supports a new option for part rotation direction0, 270accessible from the Part
menu => Part Info:

7.6 Align Parts

A new Align Parts command was added to AutoNest.

Whats New in Version 12

Choose this command from the Modes toolbar, then select the entity on the part you want to align
with another part. A symbol appears next to the entity:

Choose the entity on the second part for aligning the first entity:

Now choose one of the three points (marked in red) to be the alignment point.
The first entity snaps to the defined point on the second entity:


7.7 Match Notches

Match Notches is a very useful feature when a part is notched on one side and straight on its
opposite side; then extruding punches are done into the matched notch and do NOT destroy the
neighboring part.
There are some conditions you should define to get a Matched Notches Pair:
1. Use Rectangular Nesting (or Rectangular Nesting + Fill Holes) with Generate Groups:

2. Define Rectangular Buffer for the part.

Whats New in Version 12

3. Allow rotation Direction by 180 (or Allow Mirror part, although AutoNest always prefers to
rotate the part by 180, if allowed):

If the part is notched on two orthogonal sides, AutoNest prefers to match the longer side.
If the part is notched on two parallel sides, AutoNest matches one of them.
After running AutoNest, this is the result:

Note: The distance between the pair of parts is the Common Cuts distance (if set)
or Buffer Distance.


7.8 Part Preview on Label Report

To display a picture of the nested part in your label, add a token for Part Preview (@P_PREV) to
AutoNest Label Report:
1. Open your Label Report in Microsoft Word from Settings menu => Report Settings =>
AutoNest Labels Settings tab => Edit button
2. In Microsoft Word, in the Insert menu => Text Box icon choose the Simple Text Box

3. Place the Simple Text Box in the desired position for your parts picture and add the
@P_PREV token inside it. By changing the text box size and position you actually define
the parts picture to suit your needs:


Whats New in Version 12

4. To generate your Label Report choose your report template from Settings menu =>
Report Settings => AutoNest Labels Settings tab. Go to File menu => Print Preview
and select the Order Labels Report option:

This is a sample result:


7.9 Parts Name Size/Position on SubNest Report Enhanced

AutoNest takes into account two new user defined parameters to calculate the part's name size,
which appears on the parts instances in the SubNest.
Define the minimum and maximum size of the font and AutoNest calculates the appropriate
names size according to the parts size:

In addition, you can choose to Avoid Holes while placing the part description on the part, so that
the description is not damaged by the sheets processing:

Whats New in Version 12

Avoid Holes option unselected Avoid Holes option selected

7.10 Apply Tool Order Rules in Open as NST

From V12 on, the tool order rules set in AutoNest Settings menu => Machine Settings dialog
box => NC Options tab => Tool Order Rules section are kept when you create a NST file from

your AutoNest solution by using the Open as NST option .

When defining Tool Order Rules, you set the tool processing orderFrom Start or From End
for the tools you want to apply a special treatment:

This processing order will also be used in the new NST.

7.11 Display Additional Part Info in Part Name/SubNest Number Table

You can now add any additional information to the Part Name/SubNest Number table, within any
AutoNest Order Reports, which contain this special table.


You can add any column you wish and insert the appropriate token to display the desired

Whats New in Version 12

7.12 Show Used Tools and Punch Data in AutoNest Reports

From now on, you can generate DOC Reports in AutoNest displaying the Used Tools List and
Punch Data Tables.
There are two new SubNest Report Templates using cncKad tokens:
Tools Report (RPT_AN_SN_ENG_PunchToolsV12.doc):


Squeeze Tools Report (RPT_AN_SN_ENG_PunchToolsV12_SQZ.doc):

Whats New in Version 12

7.13 Generate Bysoft Reports

cncKad now supports a new AutoNest report template for Bystronic machines, in which each
part has a wide row with many info fields:

7.14 Generate SubNest Reports for Busbar and Tube

Both Busbar and Tube are usually very long and very narrow, and you cannot see the part names
or even the part numbers on the picture in the report.


So, from now on AutoNest supports a new table in SubNest Report, listing all the parts in the
order of processing. The list of parts is shown as they are cut on the Busbar/Tube:
For tubes the list of parts starts opposite the footer:

Whats New in Version 12

For Busbar the list of parts starts from the clamps:

7.15 Prefer Best Efficiency or Always Keep Direction

AutoNest now offers two new possibilities for the nesting direction:
Taking the best efficiency into account, even if the nesting efficiency is not the best one
Always keep direction
These options are available from the Nesting menu => Start/Continue AutoNest dialog box =>
Advanced button => General tab:


7.16 Support for Laser Common Cuts

From V12 on, cncKad supports Laser Common Cuts usage directly in AutoNest.
When Laser Common Cuts are detected, while generating the NC code, AutoNest issues a new
message asking you to confirm the common cuts generation:

Confirm and the NC code creation steps will be initiated immediately, with no need to generate the
DFT file and process your parts in cncKad.

Whats New in Version 12

In the Cutting Optimization tab, within the NC generation steps, you will be warned that common
cuts were detected:

7.17 Select SubNest Numbering Method

From now on, you can define one of the two new SubNest Numbering methods of sorting the
SubNests on the Info bar.


In the Settings menu => Workspace Settings dialog box => AutoNest tab => SubNest
Numbering section, choose the Sequential or By Material option:

This is the result displayed in the Info bar:

Sequential option By Material option

7.18 Find a Part inside AutoNest

A new Find control box was added to the Info bar to support finding and highlighting the required
parts in the Parts Bar.
This feature is especially useful when you are working with a DSP file with a huge number of parts.
Finding the desired one in this manner will certainly ease your work.
In the Find field, type the parts name (of part of it) you wish to search for in the Parts bar:

Whats New in Version 12

A list of matching parts opens and you can choose the desired one.
The chosen part is highlighted on Parts bar

7.19 Recognize Last Part in Manual Processing Order

When setting the processing order by mouse in AutoNest, in Sheet menu => Processing Order,
the command closes when you click the part before the last one. It means AutoNest automatically
recognizes the last part remaining as the last one to be processed.

7.20 Move All Placements Up for Shear Machines

From now on, there is a new option for shear machines, which you can define to move up all the
parts already placed on the sheet.


To do so, check the Move All Placements Up box in the Machine Settings => AutoNest tab:

7.21 Check Safe Distance between Parts in AutoNest

In AutoNest, the buffer around the parts ensures the minimum distance between parts.
A special case is common cuts. In this case, the buffer is set to tool width, BUT if two parts
CANNOT be placed at this distance, then you need to set at least a Safe Distance between them.

For example, for punch machines using a cutting tool of 5 mm:

If you place the parts 5mm apart it is OK, and you will have common cuts, but it is not safe to
define a distance of 6mm, as the tool will break!
A distance of 11mm is also wrong since you will get a 1mm skeleton, which will break!
So, only at 14 or 15mm (and higher) you can get a stable skeleton of 4 or 5mm.

When working with Rectangular Nesting setting vertical or horizontal (or both) distances for all the
parts, a Safe Distance algorithm starts and treats the Buffer value as safe value.
This means that if Horizontal/Vertical Common Cuts can be set, the common cuts distance is
used. If common cuts CANNOT be set, the buffer is used.
In this case, horizontal/vertical distance can be set to 5mm, and buffer to 7mm; wherever you can
have common cuts the distance between the parts will be 5mm, and where you cannot set
common cuts the distance will be 7+7=14mm (leaving a skeleton of 4mm).
You can have common cuts when the length of the two parts is equal.
If you want common cuts between unequal length, in this case, you must set buffer=2.5mm (or
Top=0, Bottom=5)
This may give you parts at ANY distance from 5mm and up. Now there is a way to check if the
distance is safe:

Whats New in Version 12

In the View menu => Show Common Cuts dialog box, select the Check Safe Distance option
and define a value in the Safe Distance Between Parts field:

The process is similar for laser machines:

If you cannot get Common Cuts lets say using a laser beam of 0.2mm you need to get a
distance of at least 2 or 3 mm (maybe more) between the parts, in a way the skeleton will be stable
enough and will not break.

For punch and shear machines:

Working with Buffer=0, you want to make sure you either get 0 or at least 6 to 8mm, since the
shear cannot cut less, otherwise the metal sheet will bend.
Then, if a SubNest has an intersection between parts (collision) it will be colored red.
If no intersection but an Unsafe Distance (a smaller distance than defined as the Safe Distance)
it will be colored yellow.
If no intersection and no unsafe distance but Common Cuts, it will be colored magenta
And if none, then it will be green.


7.22 Set Common Cuts Buffer for Multiple Materials

From now on, the Set Common Cuts Buffer option from the Global Info dialog box (available
from the Part menu => Global Info) is enabled also for the multiple materials order.
In this case, the Common Cuts Distance value will always be taken from the Cutting
Technology Table:

Whats New in Version 12

7.23 Set Min Usable Hole Size in Global Info

From now on, the minimum usable hole size can be controlled from the Global Info dialog box,
avoiding the need to change this value in the import settings and re-import the part(s).

7.24 Change Sheet Parameters from Sheets Database

AutoNest now allows changing sheet size, material, and thickness for sheets selected from the
Sheets Database. This was normally done through the Set Sheets and Clamps dialog box.
In such a case, the sheet is disconnected from the Sheets Database.


7.25 Keep Offsets Defined in Set Sheet=Part Option

When you click the Set Sheet=Part button in Set Sheet and Clamps => Sheet tab, the offsets
you defined prior to your click are kept.

7.26 Run AutoNest for Selected Parts

When selecting a few parts in the Parts bar and clicking your right mouse button, the Run
AutoNest for Selected Parts option is available in the menu that appears:

Selecting this option means that the automatic nesting process is performed only for the selected

Whats New in Version 12

7.27 Fill Holes for Selected Parts

From now on, the Fill Holes option can be used just for a few selected parts.
From the Parts bar, select the part(s) to fill the holes with and click your right mouse button. Select
the Fill Holes for Selected Parts option from the menu:

7.28 Collision Less Mode

A new button was added to the bottom left corner of the AutoNest screen to help you avoid


When in this mode, AutoNest does not allow you to place a part upon another:

If you try to do so, the part stops in a non-colliding position (see green contour in the picture
above). If you release your mouse button when the part is positioned upon another, this part is
automatically placed at the closest non-colliding position available.

If the Collision Less mode is not selected,

Whats New in Version 12

AutoNest does not avoid collisions:

7.29 Show Used Tools Dialog Box in AutoNest

From now on, the Used Tools dialog box can be displayed directly in AutoNest. This dialog box
can be accessed from the CAM toolbar:

7.30 List Used Dead Zones in Turret File

A new key was added to the turret file (TRT) to define which dead zones are displayed in
[TurretInfo] section
ToolSizesToShowInAutoNest = 1 2 3 ...


8 New in ORD/CSV Processing

In V12, there are a few enhancements in ORD/CSV orders in AutoNest, as described in the
following topics.

8.1 ORD/CSV Mechanism and Related AutoNest Reports Enhancements

In V12, the following issues are improved and extended:
Tokens handling was fixed.
A new token for ORD/CSV was added: Part project is an optional parameter that relates a
group of files to the same mission; for example, project.
The Handling of Size ID is completed; for example, separate sheets with different Size ID,
when all the others have the same ID.
Support changing titles for the Part Project and Size ID.

8.2 Automatic Search for Part Files Specified in CSV Order File
This feature enables loading CSV files in which only the Part Name column is used.
In such cases AutoNest automatically searches for the specified part in the whole tree under the
default Parts Folder path currently defined.

Whats New in Version 12

The Import Base Folder path can be selected for imported parts and for DFT files directly from
Workspace Settings => ORD CSV Map. Browse for the desired folder or type it in the appropriate

AutoNest supports also a situation when multiple files with the same name reside
under Import Base Folder. In this case, the relative sub-folder is added to those
files, by attaching it as a prefix to the file name or by setting the sub-folder in the
Folder column.

8.3 New Daily Job Order

In V12, the whole process of creating and adding parts to an existing DSP was enhanced.
When creating a new AutoNest file, you must choose between two options:
Create a new order using the Create Order dialog box (Daily Job).
Import files with the aid of the Import dialog box.


When you choose to Start a New Daily Job Order, the Open dialog box appears.
After defining the name of your new daily job order the Create Order dialog box is shown:

Here you can add, delete, validate, and process parts as usual, with a lot of new facilities, as
described below.
If you choose to import DXF/DXG/DFT files, after saving your DSP file, the Import file dialog box
opens, allowing you to import parts just as in previous versions of AutoNest.

Whats New in Version 12

8.3.1 Add Entire CSV/ORD to Daily Job

In the new Create Order dialog box (Daily Job) you can add and entire CSV/ORD order of parts to
your new or existing DSP, just by clicking the Add CSV/ORD button:

Choose the CSV/ORD file from the Open dialog box which appears, and all the part files in the
selected CSV/ORD are added to your order.


8.3.2 Remove Parts from Daily Job

In the Create Order and Create/Edit Filler File dialog boxes, accessible from the File menu, you
can find a new button named Filter Out Parts. This button allows you to filter out all the part files
which do NOT have a required material and thickness combination, removing all of them from the
current order.

Upon clicking the Filter Out Parts button, the following dialog appears with all the Use checkboxes
marked. Unmark those Materials/Thicknesses combinations to remove from the order.

Whats New in Version 12

Note: Be aware that ALL the files with the unchecked materials will be deleted
from the current order.

8.3.3 Enhanced Part Preview in the Daily Job

In V12, the Part Preview window allows you to manipulate the preview: zoom and pan the part,
show/hide CAMs, and read file information:


Click inside the preview and with the aid of the mouse wheel, zoom in, zoom out, and move the
part to see different areas. Double click to return to the whole part preview:

8.4 Enhanced Quantity Order Dialog Box

From now on, when you click the Part menu => Qty Order option, AutoNest opens the
Edit/Extend Order dialog box.
This is the same dialog box used to start a New Daily Job and to add more parts to an existing
Daily Job (DSP):

It contains all the Daily Job dialog box features, including adding and removing parts from the

Whats New in Version 12

8.4.1 Delete Parts

From the Part menu => Qty Order option, open the Edit/Extend Order dialog box of an active
DSP file to select multiple files and delete them all together by pressing the Delete key.

You will be asked to confirm your choice:

Note: The rows are deleted only when you click OK in the Edit/Extend Order
dialog box.


8.4.2 Add Parts

In Part menu => Qty Order option the Add Parts button enables you to append any required DFT
files to the active DSP file:

From the dropdown list, you can choose the format of the file you wish to import or just click the
Add Parts button.
The Import dialog box opens. Choose the desired part and add it to your order:
Note: The file filter is automatically set to the file format chosen from the
dropdown list (in this case, DFT).

The files are added only when you click OK in the Edit/Extend Order dialog box.

8.5 Customize ORD Column Titles

In AutoNest, you can now customize some of the column titles in the Create Order dialog box.
In addition to the option of editing the column title, you can now hide or display specific column(s)
in the File menu => Load/Create Order by enabling or disabling the appropriate checkboxes.

Whats New in Version 12

See the Settings menu => Workspace Settings => Edit Titles tab:

Note: There is a new supported ORD column for Drawing Number, supported
also for CSV mapping.


Your definitions appear in the Create Order or Edit/Extend Order dialog boxes:

8.6 New Quick Setup Popup Box

This popup box is supported for all the add parts options within AutoNest in both
the Create/Load Order and Import dialog boxes.

Whats New in Version 12

When in the Import Files dialog box, after you select the part(s) to be imported and press the
Enter key, a new popup box appears allowing you to set the main parameters for this part:
Quantity, Material, Thickness, Customer, Project, etc.

The parameters defined in the Selected Part(s) Setup popup box appear in the parts order:

8.7 Use Keyboard to Create Parts Order

From now on, AutoNest offers you the capability to create a parts order without the need for your
mouse. You can do so just by using your keyboard, with the aid of the Arrows, Tab, and Enter

To add a new part to the order, click your cursor on a free cell in the Folder column and start
typing the name of the desired parts folder. A submenu opens, allowing you to select the folder to

After confirming the folder with the Enter key, go to the Part Name column by pressing the Tab
To open the parts submenu, press the down arrow:

To accept the part selected in the submenu, press the Enter key. The Selected Part(s) Setup
popup box, explained above, opens.

Whats New in Version 12

8.8 Replace DXF/DWG with Existing DFT Files

When creating new ORD or loading an order CSV file, it is now possible to replace DXF/DWG files
with existing DFTs from a user defined path. Mark the Use Existing DFTs checkbox, and browse
for the desired DFT Base Folder:

AutoNest searches the entire sub-tree inside the defined DFT Base Folder for an existing DFT file
with the same name as the DXF/DWG file you wish to import.

8.9 Check for Duplicate Files When Creating AutoNest Order

AutoNest now searches for duplicates when adding parts to an existing order.
If AutoNest finds that some of the files selected in the Import Files dialog box already exist in the
order, cncKad asks which action to take:


8.10 Select Entire Folder in Import Files dialog box

When you click the Add button in the Import Files dialog box, all the files in the folder
selected in the Folder Files section (including all sub-folder levels), with the required extension are
added to the Selected Files section:

All the selected files are inserted into the Create Order dialog box when you click the OK button.

8.11 Copy Processes from Master Layer Using New MDL Key
There is a new key in the model file (MDL) for CAM Layers in ORD Processing, in AutoNest.
When you create a new layer and set this key to Yes, AutoNest copies all the processes from the
Master Layer to the new one:
[AutoNestParams] section
CopyProcessFromMasterLayer = Yes (default = No)

Whats New in Version 12

9 New in Busbar

9.1 Do Not Delete Holes Automatically

When editing a Busbar in manual mode or part library mode, cncKad does not delete all holes and
notches anymore.
However, there is still an option to Delete all existing holes and notches by checking the
appropriate checkbox in the Edit Bends dialog box, which opens after creating a new Busbar part:

9.2 Holes Recalculation When Changing Busbar Profile

When changing the Busbar X size, instead of automatically deleting holes and notches, cncKad
performs an automatic location fixing process, so that every hole and notch (including punches)
remains in its original position relative to the beginning of its containing flange.


In the following example, you can see that when changing the Busbar X size the holes stay at the
same position relative to 0,0 of their flange:

9.3 Calculate Maximum Number of Parts on Busbar Nest

From now on, while adding a part to a Busbar Nest, a dialog box opens showing the maximum
number of the parts instances that can fit in the Busbar:

Next time you add a part to this same bar, cncKad automatically calculates how many parts
remain to be placed, according to the number of parts that are already placed in the Busbar and
the size of the part you wish to add:

Whats New in Version 12

10 New in Post-Processing

10.1 Post-Processing Performance Enhanced

Generating NC is now three to four times faster than in previous versions.


11 New in Simulation

11.1 View Remaining Sheet after Shear Hits

Now there is a new option on the View menu of the Simulation screen, called Remaining Sheet
After Shear Hits.

Whats New in Version 12

When this option is checked, only what is left of the sheet after each shear hit is displayed (marked
with Red Lines):

As the simulation moves forward, you will see a smaller sheet:

In addition, all the punch and shear hits on the already sheared parts are not displayed, as you can
see above.
When this option is not checked, the regular display shows all the shear hits, all the punch hits, and
the original rectangular sheet.


Here you can see how this feature looks when used in conjunction with the Fill Sheet option:

Whats New in Version 12

11.2 Fill Sheet

From V12, in the Simulation is a Fill Sheet option in the View menu.

When the Fill Sheet option is checked, the sheet is displayed in gray color as a real metal sheet.


The cuts and punches continue to be displayed in their current colors.

Whats New in Version 12

12 New General Features

12.1 Send NC to Destination Command Supported Per Machine.

Now the Send NC to Destination command is defined per machine.
The required parameter is set in the Machine Settings dialog box => Post Processor Options
tab => Send to Destination section.
There, just browse for the desired destination:

12.2 Change the Split When Stacking

In AutoNest, you can see how the parts for each SubNest will be stacked into piles, and change
them if required.
For example, you have a quantity of twenty identical instances distributed amongst several
When you click the first SubNest and click the Stacking (Deposit) icon you can see how the
first six instances are split and stacked into piles.
When you click the second SubNest:
You can change the split of the single part in the current SubNest.
You cannot change the split of the six instances already placed in stacks from the first
SubNest. They are grayed out.
You can only change the split:
When all instances are of the same part
For the current instance when the pile contains different parts


12.3 Tube Sizes Database

From V12 on, cncKad supports a new Tube Sizes Database, created to help you control and
easily organize your tubes stock. The tube size database can be accessed from the Settings
menu => Workspace Settings => Material tab => Sheet Database button:

Whats New in Version 12

12.4 Set Reposition for Sheet Unload by Mouse

From now on, cncKad supports Reposition for Sheet Unload Set by Mouse. This feature
requires machines that support unload and have the Set by Mouse option defined in the model.
Go to Set Sheet and Clamps dialog box => Load/Unload tab => Reposition for Unload section
and click the Set By mouse button:

When you click this button, you return to the graphic screen.


There you can move the work holders (pistons) and place them in the desired position with a click
of your mouse:

Whats New in Version 12

12.5 Clean Up Machines Folder

In cncKad V12, there is a new Clean Up Machines Folder button, available from Settings menu
=> Machine Settings => Machine Settings button => Backup Machines Folder section:

Clicking it produces the following message:

By confirming this action, only the files used for your machines are left in the machines folder, and
all the others are removed.
Note: The preserved files are the same files collected when the Master Machines
folder is created or updated.

12.6 Support NC Generation by External Manufacturer's Module

.cncKad now supports NC generation by external SW components provided by the manufacturer.


12.7 Create Reports in Excel Format

From now on, cncKad and AutoNest support Job Reports in Excel format.

12.8 Generate Job Reports with DOCX Extension

From now on, cncKad supports Job Reports in DOCX format.

Whats New in Version 12

12.9 Define Default Settings for Sheet Processing Technology

From now on, you can define defaults for sheet processing technology in Machine Settings =>
Sheet Processing Technology tab.
Here you can choose between All Sheet, per Part and per Stripe processing strategies, as the
processing default for your current machine:


12.10 Define Stripe Defaults

You are now able to set defaults for sheet processing per Stripe on the Sheet Processing
Technology tab of the Machine Settings dialog box, accessible from Settings menu. These
defaults are applied when you choose to use processing by stripes for a specific sheet.

Whats New in Version 12

12.11 Show Machine upon Open DFT/NST

From now on, when you open a new DFT part or nest, the open dialog shows for which machine
this part/nest was prepared:

12.12 Calculate Gas Price

From now on cncKad supports a separate gas price for each defined gas. You can set the gas
price as the price per cubic meter (default) OR as the price per ton.
To calculate the gas price, you need to define the list of gases in GasList and the
GasTonsPerCubeList in the manufacturer's titles.ini file.

// Gas names
0 = N2
1 = O2
2 = Air
3 = High-speed

// Tons per cubic meter for each of the above gases

0 = 0.001170
1 = 0.001337
2 = 0.001207
3 = 0.002

You can see the results of the calculations in the Estimation => Estimation Settings menu, Gas
Prices tab.

For example, N2 is gas type 0, whose gas tons per cubic meter is 0.001170. The price per ton is
1.02 0.001170, which is 871.79, as shown:

12.13 Add AuxHdr files to MDL File

Now you can add up to three AuxHdr files to the MDL file.
Normally, when you generate NC, you can create up to three files: NC, Report
(DOC/DOCX/RTF/TXT), and Aux:

* The name of Aux file template. The extension will be used to
add it to the NC file name.
* In this example, when generating NC for: PART123.DFT, a file
PART123.FMS will be generated.
* In the AuxHdr template, all @ can be used like in a normal HDR
* if name start with: FIXED_ then Aux file name is always the
* for example: FIXED_sukedule.sch you will always
get: sukedule.sch
AuxHdr = FinnHdr.FMS

In the same way, you can add two more files:

AuxHdr2 = FIXED_euromac.mtx
AuxHdr3 =


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